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The Symbol Object in JavaScript

ES6 introduces a new primitive data type Symbol, which represents a unique value. Its main purpose is to define the unique property name for objects. The Symbol() function returns a value of type symbol, which has static properties and methods. Its static properties expose several built-in member objects, while its static methods expose global symbol registration, and are similar to built-in object classes. However, as a constructor, it is not complete, since it does not support syntax like new Symbol(). Each symbol value returned from Symbol() is unique, and a symbol value can be used as an object property identifier.


Every Symbol value is unequal, thus using Symbol as an object property name ensures that properties are not duplicated. This data type is typically used as a key value for an object property, such as when wanting to make an object property key a private value. symbol keys exist in various built-in JavaScript objects, and custom classes can also be created in this way to have private members. The symbol data type serves a very clear purpose, and its single functional advantage stands out. An instance of symbol can be assigned to a left-hand variable and its type can be checked through identifiers, representing its entirety of features. A value with the data type symbol can be referred to as a symbol type value. In the JavaScript runtime environment, a symbol type value is created by invoking the Symbol() function, which dynamically generates an anonymous, unique value. The only reasonable use of the Symbol type is to store the value of symbol in a variable, which can then be used to create object properties.

let s = Symbol();
let s1 = Symbol("s");
let s2 = Symbol("s");
console.log(s === s1); // false
console.log(s1 === s2); // false

let obj = {};
let prop = Symbol();
obj[prop] = 1;
console.log(obj[prop]); // 1
console.log(Object.keys(obj)); // []
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj)); // [Symbol()]
console.log(Reflect.ownKeys(obj)); // [Symbol()]


  • Symbol.length: The length property, with a value of 0.
  • Symbol.prototype: The prototype of the symbol constructor.
  • Symbol.iterator: Returns a method for the default iterator of an object, used by for...of.
  • Symbol.match: Method used for matching strings, and determining if an object can be used as a regular expression, used by String.prototype.match().
  • Symbol.replace: Method for replacing substrings in matching strings, used by String.prototype.replace().
  • Method for returning the index in a string that matches a regular expression, used by
  • Symbol.split: Method for splitting a string at the index of a matching regular expression, used by String.prototype.split().
  • Symbol.hasInstance: Method to determine if an object recognized by a constructor object is an instance of it, used by instanceof.
  • Symbol.isConcatSpreadable: Boolean value indicating whether an object should be flattened into its array elements, used by Array.prototype.concat().
  • Symbol.unscopables: The value of an object with owned and inherited property names being excluded from objects associated with the environment binding.
  • Symbol.species: A constructor function used to create derived objects.
  • Symbol.toPrimitive: A method to convert an object to a primitive data type.
  • Symbol.toStringTag: The default descriptive string value for an object, used by Object.prototype.toString().



The Symbol.for(key) method will find the corresponding symbol in the runtime symbol registry based on the given key, and return it if found. Otherwise, it will create a new symbol associated with the key and place it in the global symbol registry. Unlike Symbol(), the symbol created using Symbol.for() is placed in the global symbol registry. However, Symbol.for() does not always create a new symbol. It first checks if the given key is already in the registry. If it is, it returns the previously stored one, otherwise it creates a new one.

  • key: A string serving as the key associated with a symbol in the symbol registry, also serving as the description of the symbol.
var s1 = Symbol.for();
var s2 = Symbol.for("s");
var s3 = Symbol.for();
var s4 = Symbol.for("s");
console.log(s1 === s3); // true
console.log(s2 === s4); // true


The Symbol.keyFor(sym) method is used to retrieve the key associated with a certain symbol in the global symbol registry. If the symbol is found in the global registry, its key value is returned as a string, otherwise it returns undefined.

  • sym: The required parameter, representing the Symbol for which to find the key value.
var s1 = Symbol();
var s2 = Symbol.for("s");
var key1 = Symbol.keyFor(s1);
var key2 = Symbol.keyFor(s2);
console.log(key1); // undefined
console.log(key2); // s


The toString() method returns the string representation of the current symbol object. The Symbol object has its own toString method, thus overriding Object.prototype.toString() on the prototype chain. The original value of symbol cannot be converted to a string. To do so, it must first be converted to its wrapper object, and then the toString() method can be called.

var s = Symbol.for("s");
console.log(s.toString()); // Symbol(s)
console.log(Object(Symbol("s")).toString()); // Symbol(s)


The valueOf() method returns the primitive value of the current symbol object. In JavaScript, although most types of objects will automatically and implicitly call their valueOf() method or toString() method to convert themselves into a primitive value under some operations, symbol objects won't do so. symbol objects cannot be implicitly converted into corresponding primitive values.

var s = Symbol.for("s");
console.log(s.valueOf()); // Symbol(s)


The [@@toPrimitive]() method converts the Symbol object into a primitive value, and the hint parameter is not used.

var s = Symbol.for("s");
console.log(s[Symbol.toPrimitive]()); // Symbol(s)

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