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SQL Server Action Agent



The SQL Server Writer Action Agent allows a specified database and table to be updated with stream data at any point in the flow. In other words, this agent receives data and writes it to a database table.

How the code works

All settings referred to in the code need to correspond with the settings defined in the template that has been created for the agent using the XMPro Package Manager. Refer to the XMPro Package Manager guide for instructions on how to define the settings in the template and package the agent after building the code.

After packaging the agent, you can upload it to the XMPro Data Stream Designer and start using it.


When a user needs to use the SQL Server Writer action agent, they need to provide the name of the SQL Server instance in which the database resides to which they want to write the incoming data to, along with a username and password that can be used. Retrieve these values from the configuration using the following code:

private string SQLServer => this.config["SQLServer"];
private string SQLUser => this.config["SQLUser"];
private string SQLPassword => this.decrypt(this.config["SQLPassword"]);

When configuring the agent, the user has the option of choosing to fire database triggers when a record is inserted. This setting need to be defined as follows:

private bool AllowTriggers
        bool allowTriggers = false;
        Boolean.TryParse(this.config["AllowTriggers"], out allowTriggers);
        return allowTriggers;

To get the value of the check box that indicates if SQL Server Authentication should be used when connecting to the database or not, use the following code:

private bool SQLUseSQLAuth
        var temp = false;
        bool.TryParse(this.config["SQLUseSQLAuth"], out temp);
        return temp;

Get the database name:

private string SQLDatabase => this.config["SQLDatabase"];

The user can either create a new table or connect to an existing one. You need to retrieve the name of either the new table or an existing table. If a user checks the Create New Table check box, he/ she will be prompted to provide the name of the new table.

private string SQLTable
        if (CreateTable == true)
            return this.config["SQLTableNew"];
            return this.config["SQLTable"];

private bool CreateTable
        var createTable = false;
        bool.TryParse(this.config["CreateTable"], out createTable);
        return createTable;


In the GetConfigurationTemplate method, parse the JSON representation of the settings into the Settings object.

var settings = Settings.Parse(template);
new Populator(parameters).Populate(settings);

Create controls for the SQL Server instance name, username and password, and the SQL Server Authentication checkbox and set their values.

TextBox SQLServer = settings.Find("SQLServer") as TextBox;
SQLServer.HelpText = string.Empty;
TextBox SQLUser = settings.Find("SQLUser") as TextBox;
CheckBox SQLUseSQLAuth = settings.Find("SQLUseSQLAuth") as CheckBox;
TextBox SQLPassword = settings.Find("SQLPassword") as TextBox;
SQLPassword.Visible = SQLUseSQLAuth.Value;

Get all the databases available on the specified server instance. Populate the Database drop down with the values.

string errorMessage = "";
IList<string> databases = SQLHelpers.GetDatabases(SQLServer, SQLUser, SQLUseSQLAuth, this.decrypt(SQLPassword.Value), out errorMessage);
DropDown SQLDatabase = settings.Find("SQLDatabase") as DropDown;
SQLDatabase.Options = databases.Select(i => new Option() { DisplayMemeber = i, ValueMemeber = i }).ToList();

Create controls for the remaining settings and set their values.

CheckBox CreateTable = settings.Find("CreateTable") as CheckBox;
TextBox SQLTableNew = settings.Find("SQLTableNew") as TextBox;
SQLTableNew.Visible = (CreateTable.Value == true);

DropDown SQLTable = settings.Find("SQLTable") as DropDown;
SQLTable.Visible = (CreateTable.Value == false);

if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SQLDatabase.Value))
    IList<string> tables = SQLHelpers.GetTables(SQLServer, SQLUser, SQLUseSQLAuth, this.decrypt(SQLPassword.Value), SQLDatabase, out              errorMessage);                
    SQLTable.Options = tables.Select(i => new Option() { DisplayMemeber = i, ValueMemeber = i }).ToList();
    if (tables.Contains(SQLTable.Value) == false)
        SQLTable.Value = "";

if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorMessage))
  SQLServer.HelpText = errorMessage;


The settings listed below should not be left empty. If they're left empty, an error needs to be added when the stream is validated.

  • SQL Server instance name
  • SQL username
  • SQL password
  • Database name
  • Table name
int i = 1;
var errors = new List<string>();
this.config = new Configuration() { Parameters = parameters };

if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.SQLServer))
    errors.Add($"Error {i++}: SQL Server is not specified.");

if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.SQLUser))
    errors.Add($"Error {i++}: Username is not specified.");

if (this.SQLUseSQLAuth && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.SQLPassword))
    errors.Add($"Error {i++}: Password is not specified.");

if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.SQLDatabase))
    errors.Add($"Error {i++}: Database is not specified.");

if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.SQLTable))
    errors.Add($"Error {i++}: Table is not specified.");

If all of the above values have been specified, verify that the table exists.

if (errors.Any() == false)
    var errorMessage = "";
    var server = new TextBox() { Value = this.SQLServer };
    if (this.CreateTable == false)
        IList<string> tables = SQLHelpers.GetTables(server, new TextBox() { Value = this.SQLUser }, new CheckBox() { Value = this.SQLUseSQLAuth }, this.SQLPassword, new DropDown() { Value = this.SQLDatabase }, out errorMessage);

        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorMessage) == false)
            errors.Add($"Error {i++}: {errorMessage}");
            return errors.ToArray();

        if (tables.Any(d => d == this.SQLTable) == false)
            errors.Add($"Error {i++}: Table '{this.SQLTable}' cannot be found in {this.SQLDatabase}.");


Set the config variable to the configuration received in the Create method.

this.config = configuration;

If the user chooses to create a new table, the agent needs to get the column structure from its parent agent. Use the CreateTableSQL script to create the new table.

if (CreateTable == true)
    var newColumns = GetColumns(ParentOutputs);
    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(SQLHelpers.GetConnectionString(SQLServer, SQLUser, SQLPassword, SQLUseSQLAuth, SQLDatabase)))
        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(String.Format(CreateTableSQL, RemoveSchemaName(SQLTable), SQLTable, newColumns), connection);
        command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

var adp = new SqlDataAdapter(String.Format("Select Top 0 * FROM {0}", SQLHelpers.AddTableQuotes(SQLTable)), SQLHelpers.GetConnectionString(SQLServer, SQLUser, SQLPassword, SQLUseSQLAuth, SQLDatabase));
this.dt = new DataTable();

CreateTableSQL script:

private const string CreateTableSQL = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '{0}' AND xtype = 'U')
                                            CREATE TABLE {1}(
                                                [{0}_ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
                                                CONSTRAINT [PK_{0}] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([{0}_ID] ASC)


There is no need to do anything in the Start method.


There is no need to do anything in the Destroy method.

Publishing Events

This agent requires you to implement the IReceivingAgent interface; thus, the Receive method needs to be added to the code.

Each of the incoming items needs to be written to the database table the user specified in the settings. Create a data table, and copy the incoming data to the SQL Server table by using the following code:

if (dt != null)
    foreach (JObject _event in events)
        var newRow = this.dt.NewRow();
        foreach (var attribute in _event.Properties())
            if (newRow.Table.Columns.Contains(attribute.Name))
                if (attribute.Value != null)
                    newRow[attribute.Name] = ((JValue)attribute.Value).Value;

    using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(SQLHelpers.GetConnectionString(SQLServer, SQLUser, SQLPassword, SQLUseSQLAuth, SQLDatabase), 
        AllowTriggers ? SqlBulkCopyOptions.FireTriggers : SqlBulkCopyOptions.Default))
        bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = this.SQLTable;

To publish events, invoke the OnPublish event.

this.OnPublish?.Invoke(this, new OnPublishArgs(events));

Decrypting Values

Since this agent needs secure settings (SQL Password), the values will automatically be encrypted. Use the following code to decrypt the values.

private string decrypt(string value)
    var request = new OnDecryptRequestArgs(value);
    this.OnDecryptRequest?.Invoke(this, request);
    return request.DecryptedValue;