From a0dbbb2d84f49062ab3956ba90a2fb984ecbe7d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tom Ritchford Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 11:38:00 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Update and sort ErrorCode descriptions --- src/ripple/rpc/impl/ErrorCodes.cpp | 12 +++++++----- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/ripple/rpc/impl/ErrorCodes.cpp b/src/ripple/rpc/impl/ErrorCodes.cpp index a2a62be3dd1..dbffd49ea59 100644 --- a/src/ripple/rpc/impl/ErrorCodes.cpp +++ b/src/ripple/rpc/impl/ErrorCodes.cpp @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ class ErrorCategory add (rpcACT_EXISTS, "actExists", "Account already exists."); add (rpcACT_MALFORMED, "actMalformed", "Account malformed."); add (rpcACT_NOT_FOUND, "actNotFound", "Account not found."); + add (rpcATX_DEPRECATED, "deprecated", "Use the new API or specify a ledger range."); add (rpcBAD_BLOB, "badBlob", "Blob must be a non-empty hex string."); add (rpcBAD_FEATURE, "badFeature", "Feature unknown or invalid."); add (rpcBAD_ISSUER, "badIssuer", "Issuer account malformed."); @@ -75,8 +76,11 @@ class ErrorCategory add (rpcLGR_IDXS_INVALID, "lgrIdxsInvalid", "Ledger indexes invalid."); add (rpcLGR_IDX_MALFORMED, "lgrIdxMalformed", "Ledger index malformed."); add (rpcLGR_NOT_FOUND, "lgrNotFound", "Ledger not found."); + add (rpcLOAD_FAILED, "loadFailed", "Load failed"); add (rpcMASTER_DISABLED, "masterDisabled", "Master key is disabled."); add (rpcNOT_IMPL, "notImpl", "Not implemented."); + add (rpcNOT_STANDALONE, "notStandAlone", "Operation valid in debug mode only."); + add (rpcNOT_SUPPORTED, "notSupported", "Operation not supported."); add (rpcNO_ACCOUNT, "noAccount", "No such account."); add (rpcNO_CLOSED, "noClosed", "Closed ledger is unavailable."); add (rpcNO_CURRENT, "noCurrent", "Current ledger is unavailable."); @@ -86,27 +90,25 @@ class ErrorCategory add (rpcNO_PATH, "noPath", "Unable to find a ripple path."); add (rpcNO_PERMISSION, "noPermission", "You don't have permission for this command."); add (rpcNO_PF_REQUEST, "noPathRequest", "No pathfinding request in progress."); - add (rpcNOT_STANDALONE, "notStandAlone", "Operation valid in debug mode only."); - add (rpcNOT_SUPPORTED, "notSupported", "Operation not supported."); add (rpcPASSWD_CHANGED, "passwdChanged", "Wrong key, password changed."); add (rpcPAYS_ACT_MALFORMED, "paysActMalformed", "Pays account malformed."); add (rpcPAYS_AMT_MALFORMED, "paysAmtMalformed", "Pays amount malformed."); add (rpcPORT_MALFORMED, "portMalformed", "Port is malformed."); add (rpcPUBLIC_MALFORMED, "publicMalformed", "Public key is malformed."); add (rpcQUALITY_MALFORMED, "qualityMalformed", "Quality malformed."); + add (rpcSLOW_DOWN, "slowDown", "You are placing too much load on the server."); add (rpcSRC_ACT_MALFORMED, "srcActMalformed", "Source account is malformed."); add (rpcSRC_ACT_MISSING, "srcActMissing", "Source account not provided."); add (rpcSRC_ACT_NOT_FOUND, "srcActNotFound", "Source account not found."); add (rpcSRC_AMT_MALFORMED, "srcAmtMalformed", "Source amount/currency/issuer is malformed."); add (rpcSRC_CUR_MALFORMED, "srcCurMalformed", "Source currency is malformed."); add (rpcSRC_ISR_MALFORMED, "srcIsrMalformed", "Source issuer is malformed."); + add (rpcSRC_MISSING, "srcMissing", "Source is missing."); add (rpcSRC_UNCLAIMED, "srcUnclaimed", "Source account is not claimed."); + add (rpcTOO_BUSY, "tooBusy", "The server is too busy to help you now."); add (rpcTXN_NOT_FOUND, "txnNotFound", "Transaction not found."); add (rpcUNKNOWN_COMMAND, "unknownCmd", "Unknown method."); add (rpcWRONG_SEED, "wrongSeed", "The regular key does not point as the master key."); - add (rpcTOO_BUSY, "tooBusy", "The server is too busy to help you now."); - add (rpcSLOW_DOWN, "slowDown", "You are placing too much load on the server."); - add (rpcATX_DEPRECATED, "deprecated", "Use the new API or specify a ledger range."); } ErrorInfo const& get (error_code_i code) const