diff --git a/GLiMMPS_pipeline/data_download_process/plot.sQTL.R b/GLiMMPS_pipeline/data_download_process/plot.sQTL.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac82fb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/GLiMMPS_pipeline/data_download_process/plot.sQTL.R @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +################################################## +## +## Used to plot the box plot and sashimi plot for a specific AS-sQTL pair +## +## This R script is supposed to run in a working dir in "Exon_Inc_Simple/", which is the output foder of all GLIMMPs results. +## Parameters: +## the population ID: CEU,GBR, FIN, YRI,TSI...or the parent folder where to find the subfolder "Exon_Inc_Simple/", which has the GLiMMPS results. +## the chromosome ID: chr1:chr22 +## the event ID: SE_1 +## the SNP ID: rs1000000 +## +## USAGE: Rscript plotsQTL.R CEU chr1 SE_96902 rs4649563 +################################################### +args = commandArgs(TRUE) +pop = args[1]#"CEU +chr = args[2]#"chr1"; chr2 +as = args[3] #"SE_96902";SE_43499 +snp = args[4] #"rs4649563";rs28445040 +outdir = args[5] + +if(is.na(outdir)){ + outdir = paste(pop,".sQTL_plots", sep = "") + if(!dir.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir, showWarnings = F) +} + + +#if(!require("staplr",character.only = TRUE)) install.packages("staplr", repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") +#library("staplr",character.only = TRUE) + +tmpasso = paste(pop,"/Exon_Inc_Simple/parallel.tmpasso", sep = "") ## the outputs folder for GLIMMPs sQTL associations (pvalues) +tmpgeno = paste(pop,"/Exon_Inc_Simple/parallel.tmpgeno", sep = "") +#as = "SE_96902" +#pop = "CEU" +etype = strsplit(as,"_")[[1]][1] + +eventfile = paste(pop,"/Exon_Inc_Simple/AScounts/",pop,".", etype,".exoninfor.txt", sep = "") + +############################################################################################################################################### +######################## +# plot functions for GLiMMPS +# +# plot the psi ~ SNP with dot size proportional to total read counts for each individual +psi.geno.plot <- function(y,n,snpID,genesymbol, exonname,exon.coordinate,outputdir ) { + + pvals <- pvals.sig[pvals.sig$SNPID==snpID,] + + xlabel <- snpID #paste( , "\tMAF=", pvals$MAF,sep="") + maintitle <- paste(genesymbol,"\n", exon.coordinate,"\np-value=", pvals$pvals.glmm,sep="") + subtitle <- paste( "(MAF=", pvals$MAF,")",sep="") #exon.chr,":",exon.start,"-",exon.end,sep="") + title2 <- paste(exonname,genesymbol,snpID,sep="_") + + #print(SNP) + sNum <- table(SNP) + aaNum <- 0 + abNum <- 0 + bbNum <- 0 + aaNum <- as.numeric(sNum[names(sNum)==0]) + abNum <- as.numeric(sNum[names(sNum)==1]) + bbNum <- as.numeric(sNum[names(sNum)==2]) + aaNum <- max(aaNum, 0) + abNum <- max(abNum, 0) + bbNum <- max(bbNum, 0) + Alleles <- c(paste(geno.0,"(",aaNum,")",sep="") ,paste(geno.1,"(",abNum,")",sep=""), paste(geno.2,"(",bbNum,")",sep="")) # AA/Aa/aa + + N <- length(n) + + + ###################### + # use the plot function for reach exonpsi-SNP pair + ####### y, n, SNP, xlabel, title, Alleles (allele information) + cat ( paste("Generating Figure: ",outputdir,"/psiplot_",title2,".pdf\n",sep="")) + plot.pdf <- paste(outputdir,"/Boxplot_",title2,".pdf",sep="") + pdf( plot.pdf, width=4,height=8) + + # par(oma=c(0,0,0,0),mar=c(2.8,4.5,2.8,0.25), cex.lab=1.5,las=1,cex.axis=1.5) #,bty="l") + par(oma=c(0.5,0.5,0.5,0),mar=c(6,4.5,4,0.5), cex.lab=1.5,las=1,cex.axis=1.5) #,bty="l"), mfrow=c(1,2) + + ############## + ylim.range <- c(0,1) #range(psi,na.rm=T) + plot(jitter(SNP,factor=0.5), psi,ylab=expression(paste(psi," (RNA-Seq)")), xlab= xlabel,main= maintitle, sub = subtitle, cex.sub=1, xlim=c(-0.25,2.75), xaxt="n",type="n" ,ylim=ylim.range) #ylim= c(0,1)) + points(jitter(SNP,factor=0.5) ,psi , pch= 19, cex= log10(n+1)/1 ,col=1) + mtext(text=Alleles, side=1, at= c(0,1,2),cex=1.5,line= 1) + # mtext(text = xlabel, side=1,at=1,cex=1.5,line=1.6) + + + ## legend of dot size + points( rep(2.3,6) , seq(1,6)*0.05+0.5 , pch= 19, cex= log10( c(1,5,10,20,50,100)+1)/1 ) + text(rep(2.55,7) , seq(1,7)*0.05+0.5, c(1,5,10,20,50,100,"# reads")) + + par("new"=T) # add boxplot on top + boxplot(psi~SNP, ylab="", xlab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n",boxwex=0.35, xlim=c(-0.25,2.75), ylim=ylim.range,at=sort(unique(SNP[!is.na(SNP)])) ,border=gray(0.45),col=rgb(1,1,1,alpha=0.6) ,outline=FALSE) + + + dev.off() + return(plot.pdf) +} + +exoninforfile = paste(pop,"/Exon_Inc_Simple/alltype/bychrs/exonsinfor.plink.5reads.",chr,".txt", sep = "") +phenofile.IJ = paste(pop,"/Exon_Inc_Simple/alltype/bychrs/plink.5reads.IJ.",chr,".txt", sep = "") +phenofile = paste(pop,"/Exon_Inc_Simple/alltype/bychrs/plink.5reads.allreads.",chr,".txt", sep = "") +#genofile = ../SNPs_plink/CEU.plink.1 +SNPinforfile <- paste(tmpgeno,"/", chr,"/", as,".hwe2",sep="") +tmpmapfile <- paste(tmpgeno,"/",chr,"/",as,".map",sep="") +tmpgenofile <- paste(tmpgeno,"/",chr,"/",as,".raw",sep="") + +# read in phenotype expression levels in plink format +allreads.data <- read.csv( phenofile ,header=T,sep="\t") +nsample <- dim(allreads.data)[1] +nexons <-dim(allreads.data)[2] -2 +allreads.matrix <- allreads.data[,seq(1,nexons)+2 ] +IDs.pheno <- as.character(allreads.data[,2]) + + +genoplink <- read.csv(tmpgenofile, header=T,sep=" ", na.strings=c("NA")) +rownames(genoplink) <- genoplink[,2] +nsnps <- dim(genoplink)[2] -6 +IDs.geno <- as.character(genoplink[,2]) +IDs.common <- IDs.geno[is.element(IDs.geno, IDs.pheno)] +nsnps <- dim(genoplink)[2] -6 +sub.geno <- match(IDs.common , IDs.geno) +geno <- as.matrix(genoplink[sub.geno,seq(1, nsnps)+6]) + + +map <- as.matrix(read.csv(tmpmapfile, header=F,sep="\t")) +SNP.infor <- read.csv(SNPinforfile,header=T,sep=" ") +exon.infor <- read.csv(exoninforfile,header=T,sep="\t") +ABs <- as.matrix(SNP.infor)[match(snp, SNP.infor$SNP),c(5,4)] # A/a (Major/minor) +#snpID = "rs4649563" +gi <- seq(1,length(map[,2]))[as.character(map[,2])==snp ]# the index of the target SNP +SNP <- geno[,gi] ## the list of genotypes across the smaples, {0,1,2} + +IJ.data <- read.csv( phenofile.IJ ,header=T,sep="\t") +IJ.matrix <- IJ.data[,seq(1,nexons)+2 ] + +n = allreads.matrix[,colnames(allreads.matrix)==as] +y = IJ.matrix[, colnames(IJ.matrix)==as] + +exon.coordinate <- as.character(exon.infor[exon.infor$ExonID==as,17]) +genesymbol <- as.character(exon.infor[exon.infor$ExonID==as,3]) + +## thre real genotypes, represened by ref. or alt. allele +geno.0 = paste(ABs[1],ABs[1], sep = "") +geno.1 = paste(ABs[1],ABs[2], sep = "") +geno.2 = paste(ABs[2],ABs[2], sep = "") + + +psi <- y/n +psi[n==0] <- 1e-5 + +# read in the pvalue file +pvalfile <- paste(tmpasso,"/",chr,"/",as,".1exon.parallel.asso",sep="") +pvals.sig <- read.table(pvalfile,header=T,sep="\t",as.is=T) # colClasses=list("'integer","character", "integer", "double","double","double","double","double","double") ) +## plot the boxplot +boxplot.file <- psi.geno.plot (y,n,snp,genesymbol, as,exon.coordinate, outdir) +## generate the code to plot the sashimi plot +## grouped by the genotypes + +####------------------------------------------------------------------ +## +## Generate code for sashimi plots, using rmats2sashimi (modified) +## +## +## + +event.all <- read.table(eventfile, header = T, sep = "\t") +na.fill <- rep("NA", 7) # used to fill the empty cells to make a rMAT output-formated event file + +event.tar <- event.all[event.all[,1]==as,] +colnames(event.tar)[1] <- "ID" +event.tar[,3] <- genesymbol +samples <- names(SNP) +bams <- paste(pop,"/bam_unique/", samples,".unique.bam", sep = "") + +half.sample <- length(bams)%/%2 + +bamlist1 <- paste(bams[1:half.sample] , collapse=",") +psilist1 <- paste(psi[1:half.sample], collapse=",") +half.sample <- half.sample+1 +bamlist2 <- paste(bams[half.sample:length(bams)] , collapse=",") +psilist2 <- paste(psi[half.sample:length(bams)], collapse=",") + +event.tar <- cbind(event.tar, t(as.matrix(na.fill)), psilist1, psilist2) +event.tmp <- paste(outdir, "/", pop, ".", as, ".event.txt", sep = "") +write.table(event.tar, event.tmp, quote = F, row.names = F,sep = "\t") + +groupAA <- paste(which(SNP==0) , collapse=",") +groupAB <- paste(which(SNP==1) , collapse=",") +groupBB <- paste(which(SNP==2) , collapse=",") +group.info <- paste(outdir, "/", pop, ".", as, ".grouping.gf", sep = "") + +file.create(group.info, overwrite = T) +if(nchar(groupAA)>0) write.table(paste(geno.0,":",groupAA, sep = ""), group.info, quote = F, row.names = F, col.names = F, append = T) +if(nchar(groupAB)>0) write.table(paste(geno.1,":",groupAB, sep = ""), group.info, quote = F, row.names = F, col.names = F, append = T) +if(nchar(groupBB)>0) write.table(paste(geno.2,":",groupBB, sep = ""), group.info, quote = F, row.names = F, col.names = F, append = T) + + +plot.cmd <- paste("rmats2sashimiplot --b1",bamlist1,"--b2", bamlist2, "--l1 S1 --l2 S2 -o", outdir, "--exon_s 1 --intron_s 5 -t", etype, "-e", event.tmp, "--group-info", group.info, sep=" ") +system(plot.cmd) +system(paste("rm -r ",outdir,"/Sashimi_index* ", outdir, "/Sashimi_plot", sep = "") ) +system(paste("mv ",outdir,"/Sashimiplot_", genesymbol,".pdf ", outdir,"/Sashimiplot_",as,"_", genesymbol,"_",snp, ".pdf ", sep="")) +cat( paste("Plot files are in ", outdir, "/\n", sep = "")) +#print(event.tar) +#print(psilist2) +#staple_pdf(NULL, c( boxplot.file, paste(outdir,"/Sashimiplot_", genesymbol,".pdf", sep="")), paste(outdir,"/",pop,'.plots.',boxplot.file, sep=""), T) +#system(paste("rm -r ",outdir,"/Sashimiplot_* ", boxplot.file, sep = "") ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +