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Upgrading Ruby

How to upgrade the Ruby interpreter used by Scheduler.


All the usual caveats about having a good backup of your system and database apply. Just do it.

Sometimes a new version of Scheduler will require a new version of Ruby as well. Ruby is an evolving language, and much work goes in to adding new features, improving the speed and fixing security issues.

The Scheduler software aims to make use of a reasonably up-to-date version of Ruby, whilst avoiding the bleeding edge.

When a new version of Scheduler becomes available, the release notes will indicate whether it also requires a new version of Ruby. This is an unusual occurence, so the steps described here are not generally needed.


Stick to the version of Ruby recommended by Scheduler. Much testing is done to ensure compatibility, and whilst Scheduler itself is not terribly version sensitive, some of the supporting packages can be.

The current recommended version of Ruby is 2.5.5, and the previous recommended one was 2.3.6.

These instructions are written on the assumption that you're upgrading Ruby from version 2.3.6 to version 2.5.5, but you should adjust them appropriately if you're installing a later version of Scheduler which wants a later version of Ruby.

Preparatory steps

One convenience of the upgrade process is that you can do some of it in advance, without disturbing your running Scheduler system.

We will assume here that you're about to install Scheduler version 1.18.0, which is the first version which requires Ruby 2.5.5. Again, adjust for later versions.

The Ruby versions used by Scheduler are managed by the Ruby Version Manager (RVM) which allows you to have several versions installed at the same time.

As a first step, it's a good idea to make sure you have the latest stable version of RVM.

$ rvm get stable

Note that this is done as your Scheduler user, not as root. All the Ruby stuff is kept in the user's area.


If you have currently a very old version of RVM, it's possible that the above command will fail with a message saying that it is not possible to verify the signature on the new package.

If that happens, you need to get the latest signing keys for RVM, using the following command.

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB

Once that has completed, repeat the rvm get stable command.

With the latest version of RVM installed, installing Ruby is just a question of typing:

$ rvm install 2.5.5

This will take between 2 and 10 minutes to run, depending on the speed of your system. It downloads the relevant Ruby source, compiles it and then installs it under ~/.rvm. It will not affect the current version of Ruby which you have installed.

The upgrade

You will switch to using this new version of Ruby as part of the process of upgrading the Scheduler software.

As a first step, shut down Nginx. This will prevent access to your system for the duration of the upgrade.

$ sudo service nginx stop

We can then upgrade the Scheduler software in the usual way.

$ cd
$ . etc/whichsystem
$ git pull
$ cd ..
$ cd scheduler

Note those last two steps which are unusual and quite important. In getting the new version of software the file .ruby-version in the Scheduler directory will have been changed. By moving out of that directory and then back into it we get RVM to notice the change. You will see a message from RVM saying it is switching to the new version of Ruby.

Next we need to install all the ancillary packages used by Scheduler. This is done using a utility called Bundler, which needs to be installed first.

$ gem install bundler --version 1.16.6
$ bundle install

The latter command will take a couple of minutes to run, as it also does a bit of compilation.

Then do the usual steps for an application software upgrade:

$ rake db:migrate
$ rake assets:precompile

and one extra one to set up our new version of Ruby to be used by background jobs:

$ rvm alias create scheduler ruby-2.5.5@scheduler

Finally you need to edit the file /etc/nginx/sites-available/scheduler and change the line:

passenger_ruby /home/scheduler/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.6@scheduler/wrappers/ruby;

to read instead:

passenger_ruby /home/scheduler/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.5@scheduler/wrappers/ruby;

It's just the version number which you're changing there - don't change the path if you happen to be using a user called something other than "scheduler".

This tells Passenger where to find the right Ruby for your instance of Scheduler.

Finally, you can re-start Scheduler with:

$ sudo service nginx start