BSN: Boundary Sensitive Network for Temporal Action Proposal Generation |
Tianwei Lin, Xu Zhao, Haisheng Su, Chongjing Wang, Ming Yang |
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Progressive Structure from Motion |
Alex Locher, Michal Havlena, Luc Van Gool |
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Monocular Depth Estimation Using Whole Strip Masking and Reliability-Based Refinement |
Minhyeok Heo, Jaehan Lee, KyungRae Kim, HanUl Kim, ChangSu Kim |
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Local Spectral Graph Convolution for Point Set Feature Learning |
Chu Wang, Babak Samari, Kaleem Siddiqi |
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Piggyback: Adapting a Single Network to Multiple Tasks by Learning to Mask Weights |
Arun Mallya, Dillon Davis, Svetlana Lazebnik |
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Real-Time MDNet |
Ilchae Jung, Jeany Son, Mooyeol Baek, Bohyung Han |
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Real-Time Hair Rendering Using Sequential Adversarial Networks |
Lingyu Wei, Liwen Hu, Vladimir G. Kim, Ersin Yumer, Hao Li |
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Model-free Consensus Maximization for Non-Rigid Shapes |
Thomas Probst, Ajad Chhatkuli, Danda Pani Paudel, Luc Van Gool |
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Relaxation-Free Deep Hashing via Policy Gradient |
Xin Yuan, Liangliang Ren, Jiwen Lu, Jie Zhou |
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Question Type Guided Attention in Visual Question Answering |
Yang Shi, Tommaso Furlanello, Sheng Zha, Animashree Anandkumar |
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Estimating Depth from RGB and Sparse Sensing |
Zhao Chen, Vijay Badrinarayanan, Gilad Drozdov, Andrew Rabinovich |
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Specular-to-Diffuse Translation for Multi-view Reconstruction |
Shihao Wu, Hui Huang, Tiziano Portenier, Matan Sela, Daniel CohenOr, Ron Kimmel, Matthias Zwicker |
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Stacked Cross Attention for Image-Text Matching |
KuangHuei Lee, Xi Chen, Gang Hua, Houdong Hu, Xiaodong He |
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Deep Texture and Structure Aware Filtering Network for Image Smoothing |
Kaiyue Lu, Shaodi You, Nick Barnes |
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VSO: Visual Semantic Odometry |
KonstantinosNektarios Lianos, Johannes L. Schönberger, Marc Pollefeys, Torsten Sattler |
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MPLP++: Fast, Parallel Dual Block-Coordinate Ascent for Dense Graphical Models |
Siddharth Tourani, Alexander Shekhovtsov, Carsten Rother, Bogdan Savchynskyy |
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Single Image Highlight Removal with a Sparse and Low-Rank Reflection Model |
Jie Guo, Zuojian Zhou, Limin Wang |
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Spatio-temporal Channel Correlation Networks for Action Classification |
Ali Diba, Mohsen Fayyaz, Vivek Sharma, Mohammad Mahdi Arzani, Rahman Yousefzadeh, Juergen Gall, Luc Van Gool |
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A Zero-Shot Framework for Sketch Based Image Retrieval |
Sasi Kiran Yelamarthi, M. Shiva Krishna Reddy, Ashish Mishra, Anurag Mittal |
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Lambda Twist: An Accurate Fast Robust Perspective Three Point (P3P) Solver |
Mikael Persson, Klas Nordberg |
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Linear RGB-D SLAM for Planar Environments |
Pyojin Kim, Brian Coltin, H. Jin Kim |
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Attentive Semantic Alignment with Offset-Aware Correlation Kernels |
Paul Hongsuck Seo, Jongmin Lee, Deunsol Jung, Bohyung Han, Minsu Cho |
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Mancs: A Multi-task Attentional Network with Curriculum Sampling for Person Re-Identification |
Cheng Wang, Qian Zhang, Chang Huang, Wenyu Liu, Xinggang Wang |
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Deep Discriminative Model for Video Classification |
Mohammad Tavakolian, Abdenour Hadid |
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Task-Aware Image Downscaling |
Heewon Kim, Myungsub Choi, Bee Lim, Kyoung Mu Lee |
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Self-calibration of Cameras with Euclidean Image Plane in Case of Two Views and Known Relative Rotation Angle |
Evgeniy V. Martyushev |
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Learning to Detect and Track Visible and Occluded Body Joints in a Virtual World |
Matteo Fabbri, Fabio Lanzi, Simone Calderara, Andrea Palazzi, Roberto Vezzani, Rita Cucchiara |
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DeepJDOT: Deep Joint Distribution Optimal Transport for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation |
Bharath Bhushan Damodaran, Benjamin Kellenberger, Rémi Flamary, Devis Tuia, Nicolas Courty |
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Two at Once: Enhancing Learning and Generalization Capacities via IBN-Net |
Xingang Pan, Ping Luo, Jianping Shi, Xiaoou Tang |
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Beyond Part Models: Person Retrieval with Refined Part Pooling (and A Strong Convolutional Baseline) |
Yifan Sun, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, Qi Tian, Shengjin Wang |
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RefocusGAN: Scene Refocusing Using a Single Image |
Parikshit Sakurikar, Ishit Mehta, Vineeth N. Balasubramanian, P. J. Narayanan |
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Zero-Shot Keyword Spotting for Visual Speech Recognition In-the-wild |
Themos Stafylakis, Georgios Tzimiropoulos |
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Real-to-Virtual Domain Unification for End-to-End Autonomous Driving |
Luona Yang, Xiaodan Liang, Tairui Wang, Eric P. Xing |
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The Mutex Watershed: Efficient, Parameter-Free Image Partitioning |
Steffen Wolf, Constantin Pape, Alberto Bailoni, Nasim Rahaman, Anna Kreshuk, Ullrich Köthe, Fred A. Hamprecht |
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W-TALC: Weakly-Supervised Temporal Activity Localization and Classification |
Sujoy Paul, Sourya Roy, Amit K. RoyChowdhury |
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Value-Aware Quantization for Training and Inference of Neural Networks |
Eunhyeok Park, Sungjoo Yoo, Peter Vajda |
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Fully-Convolutional Point Networks for Large-Scale Point Clouds |
Dario Rethage, Johanna Wald, Jürgen Sturm, Nassir Navab, Federico Tombari |
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Multiple-Gaze Geometry: Inferring Novel 3D Locations from Gazes Observed in Monocular Video |
Ernesto Brau, Jinyan Guan, Tanya Jeffries, Kobus Barnard |
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Learning-Based Video Motion Magnification |
TaeHyun Oh, Ronnachai Jaroensri, Changil Kim, Mohamed A. Elgharib, Frédo Durand, William T. Freeman, Wojciech Matusik |
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Massively Parallel Video Networks |
João Carreira, Viorica Patraucean, Laurent Mazaré, Andrew Zisserman, Simon Osindero |
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DeepWrinkles: Accurate and Realistic Clothing Modeling |
Zorah Lähner, Daniel Cremers, Tony Tung |
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Learning Discriminative Video Representations Using Adversarial Perturbations |
Jue Wang, Anoop Cherian |
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End-to-End Joint Semantic Segmentation of Actors and Actions in Video |
Jingwei Ji, Shyamal Buch, Alvaro Soto, Juan Carlos Niebles |
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Scaling Egocentric Vision: The Dataset |
Dima Damen, Hazel Doughty, Giovanni Maria Farinella, Sanja Fidler, Antonino Furnari, Evangelos Kazakos, Davide Moltisanti, Jonathan Munro, Toby Perrett, Will Price, Michael Wray |
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Unsupervised Person Re-identification by Deep Learning Tracklet Association |
Minxian Li, Xiatian Zhu, Shaogang Gong |
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Predicting Gaze in Egocentric Video by Learning Task-Dependent Attention Transition |
Yifei Huang, Minjie Cai, Zhenqiang Li, Yoichi Sato |
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Instance-Level Human Parsing via Part Grouping Network |
Ke Gong, Xiaodan Liang, Yicheng Li, Yimin Chen, Ming Yang, Liang Lin |
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Adversarial Geometry-Aware Human Motion Prediction |
LiangYan Gui, YuXiong Wang, Xiaodan Liang, José M. F. Moura |
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Light Structure from Pin Motion: Simple and Accurate Point Light Calibration for Physics-Based Modeling |
Hiroaki Santo, Michael Waechter, Masaki Samejima, Yusuke Sugano, Yasuyuki Matsushita |
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Programmable Triangulation Light Curtains |
Jian Wang, Joseph R. Bartels, William Whittaker, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan |
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Learning to Separate Object Sounds by Watching Unlabeled Video |
Ruohan Gao, Rogério Schmidt Feris, Kristen Grauman |
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Materials for Masses: SVBRDF Acquisition with a Single Mobile Phone Image |
Zhengqin Li, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Manmohan Chandraker |
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Video Object Segmentation with Joint Re-identification and Attention-Aware Mask Propagation |
Xiaoxiao Li, Chen Change Loy |
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Spatio-Temporal Transformer Network for Video Restoration |
Tae Hyun Kim, Mehdi S. M. Sajjadi, Michael Hirsch, Bernhard Schölkopf |
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Dense Pose Transfer |
Natalia Neverova, Riza Alp Güler, Iasonas Kokkinos |
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Memory Aware Synapses: Learning What (not) to Forget |
Rahaf Aljundi, Francesca Babiloni, Mohamed Elhoseiny, Marcus Rohrbach, Tinne Tuytelaars |
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Multi-view to Novel View: Synthesizing Novel Views With Self-learned Confidence |
ShaoHua Sun, Minyoung Huh, YuanHong Liao, Ning Zhang, Joseph J. Lim |
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Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation |
Xun Huang, MingYu Liu, Serge J. Belongie, Jan Kautz |
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Deeply Learned Compositional Models for Human Pose Estimation |
Wei Tang, Pei Yu, Ying Wu |
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Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Motion-Based Bilateral Networks |
Siyang Li, Bryan Seybold, Alexey Vorobyov, Xuejing Lei, C.C. Jay Kuo |
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Monocular Depth Estimation with Affinity, Vertical Pooling, and Label Enhancement |
Yukang Gan, Xiangyu Xu, Wenxiu Sun, Liang Lin |
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ML-LocNet: Improving Object Localization with Multi-view Learning Network |
Xiaopeng Zhang, Yang Yang, Jiashi Feng |
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Diagnosing Error in Temporal Action Detectors |
Humam Alwassel, Fabian Caba Heilbron, Victor Escorcia, Bernard Ghanem |
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Improved Structure from Motion Using Fiducial Marker Matching |
Joseph DeGol, Timothy Bretl, Derek Hoiem |
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Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation via Class-Balanced Self-training |
Yang Zou, Zhiding Yu, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar, Jinsong Wang |
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Towards Human-Level License Plate Recognition |
Jiafan Zhuang, Saihui Hou, Zilei Wang, ZhengJun Zha |
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Zoom-Net: Mining Deep Feature Interactions for Visual Relationship Recognition |
Guojun Yin, Lu Sheng, Bin Liu, Nenghai Yu, Xiaogang Wang, Jing Shao, Chen Change Loy |
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Quantized Densely Connected U-Nets for Efficient Landmark Localization |
Zhiqiang Tang, Xi Peng, Shijie Geng, Lingfei Wu, Shaoting Zhang, Dimitris N. Metaxas |
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Grassmann Pooling as Compact Homogeneous Bilinear Pooling for Fine-Grained Visual Classification |
Xing Wei, Yue Zhang, Yihong Gong, Jiawei Zhang, Nanning Zheng |
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CGIntrinsics: Better Intrinsic Image Decomposition Through Physically-Based Rendering |
Zhengqi Li, Noah Snavely |
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Simultaneous Edge Alignment and Learning |
Zhiding Yu, Weiyang Liu, Yang Zou, Chen Feng, Srikumar Ramalingam, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar, Jan Kautz |
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ICNet for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation on High-Resolution Images |
Hengshuang Zhao, Xiaojuan Qi, Xiaoyong Shen, Jianping Shi, Jiaya Jia |
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Part-Activated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Action Prediction |
Lei Chen, Jiwen Lu, Zhanjie Song, Jie Zhou |
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Lifelong Learning via Progressive Distillation and Retrospection |
Saihui Hou, Xinyu Pan, Chen Change Loy, Zilei Wang, Dahua Lin |
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A Closed-Form Solution to Photorealistic Image Stylization |
Yijun Li, MingYu Liu, Xueting Li, MingHsuan Yang, Jan Kautz |
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Visual Tracking via Spatially Aligned Correlation Filters Network |
Mengdan Zhang, Qiang Wang, Junliang Xing, Jin Gao, Peixi Peng, Weiming Hu, Stephen J. Maybank |
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Online Dictionary Learning for Approximate Archetypal Analysis |
Jieru Mei, Chunyu Wang, Wenjun Zeng |
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Compositing-Aware Image Search |
Hengshuang Zhao, Xiaohui Shen, Zhe L. Lin, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Brian L. Price, Jiaya Jia |
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Improving Sequential Determinantal Point Processes for Supervised Video Summarization |
Aidean Sharghi, Ali Borji, Chengtao Li, Tianbao Yang, Boqing Gong |
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Online Detection of Action Start in Untrimmed, Streaming Videos |
Zheng Shou, Junting Pan, Jonathan Chan, Kazuyuki Miyazawa, Hassan Mansour, Anthony Vetro, Xavier GiróiNieto, ShihFu Chang |
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Temporal Modular Networks for Retrieving Complex Compositional Activities in Videos |
Bingbin Liu, Serena Yeung, Edward Chou, DeAn Huang, Li FeiFei, Juan Carlos Niebles |
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Meta-tracker: Fast and Robust Online Adaptation for Visual Object Trackers |
Eunbyung Park, Alexander C. Berg |
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Collaborative Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-object Tracking |
Liangliang Ren, Jiwen Lu, Zifeng Wang, Qi Tian, Jie Zhou |
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Multi-scale Context Intertwining for Semantic Segmentation |
Di Lin, Yuanfeng Ji, Dani Lischinski, Daniel CohenOr, Hui Huang |
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Second-Order Democratic Aggregation |
TsungYu Lin, Subhransu Maji, Piotr Koniusz |
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Occlusion-Aware R-CNN: Detecting Pedestrians in a Crowd |
Shifeng Zhang, Longyin Wen, Xiao Bian, Zhen Lei, Stan Z. Li |
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Seeing Deeply and Bidirectionally: A Deep Learning Approach for Single Image Reflection Removal |
Jie Yang, Dong Gong, Lingqiao Liu, Qinfeng Shi |
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Long-Term Tracking in the Wild: A Benchmark |
Jack Valmadre, Luca Bertinetto, João F. Henriques, Ran Tao, Andrea Vedaldi, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Philip H. S. Torr, Efstratios Gavves |
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Affinity Derivation and Graph Merge for Instance Segmentation |
Yiding Liu, Siyu Yang, Bin Li, Wengang Zhou, Jizheng Xu, Houqiang Li, Yan Lu |
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Generating 3D Faces Using Convolutional Mesh Autoencoders |
Anurag Ranjan, Timo Bolkart, Soubhik Sanyal, Michael J. Black |
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Hierarchical Relational Networks for Group Activity Recognition and Retrieval |
Mostafa S. Ibrahim, Greg Mori |
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Neural Procedural Reconstruction for Residential Buildings |
Huayi Zeng, Jiaye Wu, Yasutaka Furukawa |
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Simultaneous 3D Reconstruction for Water Surface and Underwater Scene |
Yiming Qian, Yinqiang Zheng, Minglun Gong, YeeHong Yang |
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Women Also Snowboard: Overcoming Bias in Captioning Models |
Lisa Anne Hendricks, Kaylee Burns, Kate Saenko, Trevor Darrell, Anna Rohrbach |
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Joint Camera Spectral Sensitivity Selection and Hyperspectral Image Recovery |
Ying Fu, Tao Zhang, Yinqiang Zheng, Debing Zhang, Hua Huang |
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Disentangling Factors of Variation with Cycle-Consistent Variational Auto-encoders |
Ananya Harsh Jha, Saket Anand, Maneesh Singh, V. S. R. Veeravasarapu |
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Object-Centered Image Stitching |
Charles Herrmann, Chen Wang, Richard Strong Bowen, Emil Keyder, Ramin Zabih |
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Learning Visual Question Answering by Bootstrapping Hard Attention |
Mateusz Malinowski, Carl Doersch, Adam Santoro, Peter W. Battaglia |
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Multi-modal Cycle-Consistent Generalized Zero-Shot Learning |
Rafael Felix, B. G. Vijay Kumar, Ian D. Reid, Gustavo Carneiro |
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Key-Word-Aware Network for Referring Expression Image Segmentation |
Hengcan Shi, Hongliang Li, Fanman Meng, Qingbo Wu |
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A Segmentation-Aware Deep Fusion Network for Compressed Sensing MRI |
Zhiwen Fan, Liyan Sun, Xinghao Ding, Yue Huang, Congbo Cai, John W. Paisley |
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Correcting the Triplet Selection Bias for Triplet Loss |
Baosheng Yu, Tongliang Liu, Mingming Gong, Changxing Ding, Dacheng Tao |
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CrossNet: An End-to-End Reference-Based Super Resolution Network Using Cross-Scale Warping |
Haitian Zheng, Mengqi Ji, Haoqian Wang, Yebin Liu, Lu Fang |
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Single Image Water Hazard Detection Using FCN with Reflection Attention Units |
Xiaofeng Han, Chuong V. Nguyen, Shaodi You, Jianfeng Lu |
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Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network with Recurrent Attention Residual Modules for Shadow Detection |
Lei Zhu, Zijun Deng, Xiaowei Hu, ChiWing Fu, Xuemiao Xu, Jing Qin, PhengAnn Heng |
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Fast Light Field Reconstruction with Deep Coarse-to-Fine Modeling of Spatial-Angular Clues |
Henry Wing Fung Yeung, Junhui Hou, Jie Chen, Yuk Ying Chung, Xiaoming Chen |
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Image Reassembly Combining Deep Learning and Shortest Path Problem |
MarieMorgane Paumard, David Picard, Hedi Tabia |
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BusterNet: Detecting Copy-Move Image Forgery with Source/Target Localization |
Yue Wu, Wael AbdAlmageed, Prem Natarajan |
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To Learn Image Super-Resolution, Use a GAN to Learn How to Do Image Degradation First |
Adrian Bulat, Jing Yang, Georgios Tzimiropoulos |
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FloorNet: A Unified Framework for Floorplan Reconstruction from 3D Scans |
Chen Liu, Jiaye Wu, Yasutaka Furukawa |
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Transferring GANs: Generating Images from Limited Data |
Yaxing Wang, Chenshen Wu, Luis Herranz, Joost van de Weijer, Abel GonzalezGarcia, Bogdan Raducanu |
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Saliency Preservation in Low-Resolution Grayscale Images |
Shivanthan A. C. Yohanandan, Andy Song, Adrian G. Dyer, Dacheng Tao |
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Proxy Clouds for Live RGB-D Stream Processing and Consolidation |
Adrien Kaiser, José Alonso Ybáñez Zepeda, Tamy Boubekeur |
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Deep Metric Learning with Hierarchical Triplet Loss |
Weifeng Ge, Weilin Huang, Dengke Dong, Matthew R. Scott |
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Joint Learning of Intrinsic Images and Semantic Segmentation |
Anil S. Baslamisli, Thomas T. Groenestege, Partha Das, HoangAn Le, Sezer Karaoglu, Theo Gevers |
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Recurrent Tubelet Proposal and Recognition Networks for Action Detection |
Dong Li, Zhaofan Qiu, Qi Dai, Ting Yao, Tao Mei |
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Beyond Local Reasoning for Stereo Confidence Estimation with Deep Learning |
Fabio Tosi, Matteo Poggi, Antonio Benincasa, Stefano Mattoccia |
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Self-supervised Knowledge Distillation Using Singular Value Decomposition |
Seung Hyun Lee, Dae Ha Kim, Byung Cheol Song |
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PARN: Pyramidal Affine Regression Networks for Dense Semantic Correspondence |
Sangryul Jeon, Seungryong Kim, Dongbo Min, Kwanghoon Sohn |
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Start, Follow, Read: End-to-End Full-Page Handwriting Recognition |
Curtis Wigington, Chris Tensmeyer, Brian L. Davis, William A. Barrett, Brian L. Price, Scott Cohen |
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PM-GANs: Discriminative Representation Learning for Action Recognition Using Partial-Modalities |
Lan Wang, Chenqiang Gao, Luyu Yang, Yue Zhao, Wangmeng Zuo, Deyu Meng |
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WildDash - Creating Hazard-Aware Benchmarks |
Oliver Zendel, Katrin Honauer, Markus Murschitz, Daniel Steininger, Gustavo Fernández Domínguez |
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Generative Adversarial Network with Spatial Attention for Face Attribute Editing |
Gang Zhang, Meina Kan, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen |
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Realtime Time Synchronized Event-Based Stereo |
Alex Zihao Zhu, Yibo Chen, Kostas Daniilidis |
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OmniDepth: Dense Depth Estimation for Indoors Spherical Panoramas |
Nikolaos Zioulis, Antonis Karakottas, Dimitrios Zarpalas, Petros Daras |
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Simple Baselines for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking |
Bin Xiao, Haiping Wu, Yichen Wei |
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Affine Correspondences Between Central Cameras for Rapid Relative Pose Estimation |
Ivan Eichhardt, Dmitry Chetverikov |
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ConvNets and ImageNet Beyond Accuracy: Understanding Mistakes and Uncovering Biases |
Pierre Stock, Moustapha Cissé |
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RESOUND: Towards Action Recognition Without Representation Bias |
Yingwei Li, Yi Li, Nuno Vasconcelos |
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Integral Human Pose Regression |
Xiao Sun, Bin Xiao, Fangyin Wei, Shuang Liang, Yichen Wei |
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Quadtree Convolutional Neural Networks |
Pradeep Kumar Jayaraman, Jianhan Mei, Jianfei Cai, Jianmin Zheng |
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Learning to Predict Crisp Boundaries |
Ruoxi Deng, Chunhua Shen, Shengjun Liu, Huibing Wang, Xinru Liu |
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Image Manipulation with Perceptual Discriminators |
Diana Sungatullina, Egor Zakharov, Dmitry Ulyanov, Victor S. Lempitsky |
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Structural Consistency and Controllability for Diverse Colorization |
Safa Messaoud, David A. Forsyth, Alexander G. Schwing |
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Open Set Learning with Counterfactual Images |
Lawrence Neal, Matthew L. Olson, Xiaoli Z. Fern, WengKeen Wong, Fuxin Li |
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Audio-Visual Scene Analysis with Self-Supervised Multisensory Features |
Andrew Owens, Alexei A. Efros |
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Jointly Discovering Visual Objects and Spoken Words from Raw Sensory Input |
David Harwath, Adrià Recasens, Dídac Surís, Galen Chuang, Antonio Torralba, James R. Glass |
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Weakly-Supervised 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Monocular RGB Images |
Yujun Cai, Liuhao Ge, Jianfei Cai, Junsong Yuan |
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DeepIM: Deep Iterative Matching for 6D Pose Estimation |
Yi Li, Gu Wang, Xiangyang Ji, Yu Xiang, Dieter Fox |
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Implicit 3D Orientation Learning for 6D Object Detection from RGB Images |
Martin Sundermeyer, ZoltanCsaba Marton, Maximilian Durner, Manuel Brucker, Rudolph Triebel |
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Shift-Net: Image Inpainting via Deep Feature Rearrangement |
Zhaoyi Yan, Xiaoming Li, Mu Li, Wangmeng Zuo, Shiguang Shan |
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Interactive Boundary Prediction for Object Selection |
Hoang Le, Long Mai, Brian L. Price, Scott Cohen, Hailin Jin, Feng Liu |
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X-Ray Computed Tomography Through Scatter |
Adam Geva, Yoav Y. Schechner, Yonatan Chernyak, Rajiv Gupta |
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Video Re-localization |
Yang Feng, Lin Ma, Wei Liu, Tong Zhang, Jiebo Luo |
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Mask TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Spotting Text with Arbitrary Shapes |
Pengyuan Lyu, Minghui Liao, Cong Yao, Wenhao Wu, Xiang Bai |
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DFT-based Transformation Invariant Pooling Layer for Visual Classification |
Jongbin Ryu, MingHsuan Yang, Jongwoo Lim |
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Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation via Evaluation-Guided Asymmetric Regression |
Yihua Cheng, Feng Lu, Xucong Zhang |
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ShuffleNet V2: Practical Guidelines for Efficient CNN Architecture Design |
Ningning Ma, Xiangyu Zhang, HaiTao Zheng, Jian Sun |
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Deep Clustering for Unsupervised Learning of Visual Features |
Mathilde Caron, Piotr Bojanowski, Armand Joulin, Matthijs Douze |
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Modular Generative Adversarial Networks |
Bo Zhao, Bo Chang, Zequn Jie, Leonid Sigal |
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Graph Distillation for Action Detection with Privileged Modalities |
Zelun Luo, JunTing Hsieh, Lu Jiang, Juan Carlos Niebles, Li FeiFei |
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Weakly-Supervised Video Summarization Using Variational Encoder-Decoder and Web Prior |
Sijia Cai, Wangmeng Zuo, Larry S. Davis, Lei Zhang |
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Single Image Intrinsic Decomposition Without a Single Intrinsic Image |
WeiChiu Ma, Hang Chu, Bolei Zhou, Raquel Urtasun, Antonio Torralba |
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Learning to Dodge A Bullet: Concyclic View Morphing via Deep Learning |
Shi Jin, Ruiyang Liu, Yu Ji, Jinwei Ye, Jingyi Yu |
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Compositional Learning for Human Object Interaction |
Keizo Kato, Yin Li, Abhinav Gupta |
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Viewpoint Estimation - Insights and Model |
Gilad Divon, Ayellet Tal |
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PersonLab: Person Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation with a Bottom-Up, Part-Based, Geometric Embedding Model |
George Papandreou, Tyler Zhu, LiangChieh Chen, Spyros Gidaris, Jonathan Tompson, Kevin Murphy |
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Task-Driven Webpage Saliency |
Quanlong Zheng, Jianbo Jiao, Ying Cao, Rynson W. H. Lau |
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Deep Image Demosaicking Using a Cascade of Convolutional Residual Denoising Networks |
Filippos Kokkinos, Stamatios Lefkimmiatis |
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A New Large Scale Dynamic Texture Dataset with Application to ConvNet Understanding |
Isma Hadji, Richard P. Wildes |
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Deep Feature Factorization for Concept Discovery |
Edo Collins, Radhakrishna Achanta, Sabine Süsstrunk |
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Deep Regression Tracking with Shrinkage Loss |
Xiankai Lu, Chao Ma, Bingbing Ni, Xiaokang Yang, Ian D. Reid, MingHsuan Yang |
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Dist-GAN: An Improved GAN Using Distance Constraints |
NgocTrung Tran, TuanAnh Bui, NgaiMan Cheung |
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Pivot Correlational Neural Network for Multimodal Video Categorization |
Sunghun Kang, Junyeong Kim, Hyunsoo Choi, Sungjin Kim, Chang D. Yoo |
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Part-Aligned Bilinear Representations for Person Re-identification |
Yumin Suh, Jingdong Wang, Siyu Tang, Tao Mei, Kyoung Mu Lee |
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Learning to Navigate for Fine-Grained Classification |
Ze Yang, Tiange Luo, Dong Wang, Zhiqiang Hu, Jun Gao, Liwei Wang |
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NAM: Non-Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Mapping |
Yedid Hoshen, Lior Wolf |
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Transferable Adversarial Perturbations |
Wen Zhou, Xin Hou, Yongjun Chen, Mengyun Tang, Xiangqi Huang, Xiang Gan, Yong Yang |
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Semantically Aware Urban 3D Reconstruction with Plane-Based Regularization |
Thomas Holzmann, Michael Maurer, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Horst Bischof |
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Joint 3D Tracking of a Deformable Object in Interaction with a Hand |
Aggeliki Tsoli, Antonis A. Argyros |
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HBE: Hand Branch Ensemble Network for Real-Time 3D Hand Pose Estimation |
Yidan Zhou, Jian Lu, Kuo Du, Xiangbo Lin, Yi Sun, Xiaohong Ma |
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Sequential Clique Optimization for Video Object Segmentation |
Yeong Jun Koh, YoungYoon Lee, ChangSu Kim |
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Joint 3D Face Reconstruction and Dense Alignment with Position Map Regression Network |
Yao Feng, Fan Wu, Xiaohu Shao, Yanfeng Wang, Xi Zhou |
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Efficient Relative Attribute Learning Using Graph Neural Networks |
Zihang Meng, Nagesh Adluru, Hyunwoo J. Kim, Glenn Fung, Vikas Singh |
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Deep Kalman Filtering Network for Video Compression Artifact Reduction |
Guo Lu, Wanli Ouyang, Dong Xu, Xiaoyun Zhang, Zhiyong Gao, MingTing Sun |
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A Deeply-Initialized Coarse-to-fine Ensemble of Regression Trees for Face Alignment |
Roberto Valle, José Miguel Buenaposada, Antonio Valdés, Luis Baumela |
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DeepVS: A Deep Learning Based Video Saliency Prediction Approach |
Lai Jiang, Mai Xu, Tie Liu, Minglang Qiao, Zulin Wang |
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Learning Efficient Single-Stage Pedestrian Detectors by Asymptotic Localization Fitting |
Wei Liu, Shengcai Liao, Weidong Hu, Xuezhi Liang, Xiao Chen |
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Scenes-Objects-Actions: A Multi-task, Multi-label Video Dataset |
Jamie Ray, Heng Wang, Du Tran, Yufei Wang, Matt Feiszli, Lorenzo Torresani, Manohar Paluri |
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Accelerating Dynamic Programs via Nested Benders Decomposition with Application to Multi-Person Pose Estimation |
Shaofei Wang, Alexander Ihler, Konrad P. Körding, Julian Yarkony |
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Human Motion Analysis with Deep Metric Learning |
Huseyin Coskun, David Joseph Tan, Sailesh Conjeti, Nassir Navab, Federico Tombari |
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Exploring Visual Relationship for Image Captioning |
Ting Yao, Yingwei Pan, Yehao Li, Tao Mei |
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Single Shot Scene Text Retrieval |
Lluís Gómez, Andrés Mafla, Marçal Rusiñol, Dimosthenis Karatzas |
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Folded Recurrent Neural Networks for Future Video Prediction |
Marc Oliu, Javier Selva, Sergio Escalera |
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CornerNet: Detecting Objects as Paired Keypoints |
Hei Law, Jia Deng |
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RelocNet: Continuous Metric Learning Relocalisation Using Neural Nets |
Vassileios Balntas, Shuda Li, Victor Prisacariu |
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The Contextual Loss for Image Transformation with Non-aligned Data |
Roey Mechrez, Itamar Talmi, Lihi ZelnikManor |
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Acquisition of Localization Confidence for Accurate Object Detection |
Borui Jiang, Ruixuan Luo, Jiayuan Mao, Tete Xiao, Yuning Jiang |
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Deep Model-Based 6D Pose Refinement in RGB |
Fabian Manhardt, Wadim Kehl, Nassir Navab, Federico Tombari |
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Group Normalization |
Yuxin Wu, Kaiming He |
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Deep Expander Networks: Efficient Deep Networks from Graph Theory |
Ameya Prabhu, Girish Varma, Anoop M. Namboodiri |
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Towards Realistic Predictors |
Pei Wang, Nuno Vasconcelos |
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Learning SO(3) Equivariant Representations with Spherical CNNs |
Carlos Esteves, Christine AllenBlanchette, Ameesh Makadia, Kostas Daniilidis |
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Learnable PINs: Cross-modal Embeddings for Person Identity |
Arsha Nagrani, Samuel Albanie, Andrew Zisserman |
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Separating Reflection and Transmission Images in the Wild |
Patrick Wieschollek, Orazio Gallo, Jinwei Gu, Jan Kautz |
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Object Level Visual Reasoning in Videos |
Fabien Baradel, Natalia Neverova, Christian Wolf, Julien Mille, Greg Mori |
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Maximum Margin Metric Learning over Discriminative Nullspace for Person Re-identification |
T. M. Feroz Ali, Subhasis Chaudhuri |
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Incremental Multi-graph Matching via Diversity and Randomness Based Graph Clustering |
Tianshu Yu, Junchi Yan, Wei Liu, Baoxin Li |
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Visual Text Correction |
Amir Mazaheri, Mubarak Shah |
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Generalizing a Person Retrieval Model Hetero- and Homogeneously |
Zhun Zhong, Liang Zheng, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang |
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Domain Adaptation Through Synthesis for Unsupervised Person Re-identification |
Slawomir Bak, Peter Carr, JeanFrançois Lalonde |
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SOD-MTGAN: Small Object Detection via Multi-Task Generative Adversarial Network |
Yancheng Bai, Yongqiang Zhang, Mingli Ding, Bernard Ghanem |
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Facial Expression Recognition with Inconsistently Annotated Datasets |
Jiabei Zeng, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen |
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Stroke Controllable Fast Style Transfer with Adaptive Receptive Fields |
Yongcheng Jing, Yang Liu, Yezhou Yang, Zunlei Feng, Yizhou Yu, Dacheng Tao, Mingli Song |
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Towards End-to-End License Plate Detection and Recognition: A Large Dataset and Baseline |
Zhenbo Xu, Wei Yang, Ajin Meng, Nanxue Lu, Huan Huang, Changchun Ying, Liusheng Huang |
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Learning Warped Guidance for Blind Face Restoration |
Xiaoming Li, Ming Liu, Yuting Ye, Wangmeng Zuo, Liang Lin, Ruigang Yang |
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Face De-spoofing: Anti-spoofing via Noise Modeling |
Amin Jourabloo, Yaojie Liu, Xiaoming Liu |
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Unsupervised Hard Example Mining from Videos for Improved Object Detection |
SouYoung Jin, Aruni RoyChowdhury, Huaizu Jiang, Ashish Singh, Aditya Prasad, Deep Chakraborty, Erik G. LearnedMiller |
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BiSeNet: Bilateral Segmentation Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation |
Changqian Yu, Jingbo Wang, Chao Peng, Changxin Gao, Gang Yu, Nong Sang |
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Pose Proposal Networks |
Taiki Sekii |
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Less Is More: Picking Informative Frames for Video Captioning |
Yangyu Chen, Shuhui Wang, Weigang Zhang, Qingming Huang |
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Cross-Modal and Hierarchical Modeling of Video and Text |
Bowen Zhang, Hexiang Hu, Fei Sha |
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Tracking Emerges by Colorizing Videos |
Carl Vondrick, Abhinav Shrivastava, Alireza Fathi, Sergio Guadarrama, Kevin Murphy |
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SkipNet: Learning Dynamic Routing in Convolutional Networks |
Xin Wang, Fisher Yu, ZiYi Dou, Trevor Darrell, Joseph E. Gonzalez |
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Person Search in Videos with One Portrait Through Visual and Temporal Links |
Qingqiu Huang, Wentao Liu, Dahua Lin |
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Decouple Learning for Parameterized Image Operators |
Qingnan Fan, Dongdong Chen, Lu Yuan, Gang Hua, Nenghai Yu, Baoquan Chen |
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Triplet Loss in Siamese Network for Object Tracking |
Xingping Dong, Jianbing Shen |
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Point-to-Point Regression PointNet for 3D Hand Pose Estimation |
Liuhao Ge, Zhou Ren, Junsong Yuan |
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DOCK: Detecting Objects by Transferring Common-Sense Knowledge |
Krishna Kumar Singh, Santosh Kumar Divvala, Ali Farhadi, Yong Jae Lee |
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Multi-scale Spatially-Asymmetric Recalibration for Image Classification |
Yan Wang, Lingxi Xie, Siyuan Qiao, Ya Zhang, Wenjun Zhang, Alan L. Yuille |
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Choose Your Neuron: Incorporating Domain Knowledge Through Neuron-Importance |
Ramprasaath R. Selvaraju, Prithvijit Chattopadhyay, Mohamed Elhoseiny, Tilak Sharma, Dhruv Batra, Devi Parikh, Stefan Lee |
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Fully Motion-Aware Network for Video Object Detection |
Shiyao Wang, Yucong Zhou, Junjie Yan, Zhidong Deng |
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Generative Semantic Manipulation with Mask-Contrasting GAN |
Xiaodan Liang, Hao Zhang, Liang Lin, Eric P. Xing |
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Interpolating Convolutional Neural Networks Using Batch Normalization |
Gratianus Wesley Putra Data, Kirjon Ngu, David William Murray, Victor Adrian Prisacariu |
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Toward Characteristic-Preserving Image-Based Virtual Try-On Network |
Bochao Wang, Huabin Zheng, Xiaodan Liang, Yimin Chen, Liang Lin, Meng Yang |
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Deep Cross-Modality Adaptation via Semantics Preserving Adversarial Learning for Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval |
Jiaxin Chen, Yi Fang |
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RIDI: Robust IMU Double Integration |
Hang Yan, Qi Shan, Yasutaka Furukawa |
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Training Binary Weight Networks via Semi-Binary Decomposition |
Qinghao Hu, Gang Li, Peisong Wang, Yifan Zhang, Jian Cheng |
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Focus, Segment and Erase: An Efficient Network for Multi-label Brain Tumor Segmentation |
Xuan Chen, Jun Hao Liew, Wei Xiong, CheeKong Chui, Sim Heng Ong |
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X2Face: A Network for Controlling Face Generation Using Images, Audio, and Pose Codes |
Olivia Wiles, A. Sophia Koepke, Andrew Zisserman |
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Model Adaptation with Synthetic and Real Data for Semantic Dense Foggy Scene Understanding |
Christos Sakaridis, Dengxin Dai, Simon Hecker, Luc Van Gool |
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Deep Adaptive Attention for Joint Facial Action Unit Detection and Face Alignment |
Zhiwen Shao, Zhilei Liu, Jianfei Cai, Lizhuang Ma |
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Deep Pictorial Gaze Estimation |
Seonwook Park, Adrian Spurr, Otmar Hilliges |
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Learning to Fuse Proposals from Multiple Scanline Optimizations in Semi-Global Matching |
Johannes L. Schönberger, Sudipta N. Sinha, Marc Pollefeys |
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Incremental Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion with Unknown Focal Length |
Thomas Probst, Danda Pani Paudel, Ajad Chhatkuli, Luc Van Gool |
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r2p2: A ReparameteRized Pushforward Policy for Diverse, Precise Generative Path Forecasting |
Nicholas Rhinehart, Kris M. Kitani, Paul Vernaza |
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Eliminating the Blind Spot: Adapting 3D Object Detection and Monocular Depth Estimation to 360 ^\circ ∘ Panoramic Imagery |
Grégoire Payen de La Garanderie, Amir Atapour Abarghouei, Toby P. Breckon |
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Cross-Modal Ranking with Soft Consistency and Noisy Labels for Robust RGB-T Tracking |
Chenglong Li, Chengli Zhu, Yan Huang, Jin Tang, Liang Wang |
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Bayesian Semantic Instance Segmentation in Open Set World |
Trung Pham, B. G. Vijay Kumar, ThanhToan Do, Gustavo Carneiro, Ian D. Reid |
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BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation |
Tomas Hodan, Frank Michel, Eric Brachmann, Wadim Kehl, Anders Glent Buch, Dirk Kraft, Bertram Drost, Joel Vidal, Stephan Ihrke, Xenophon Zabulis, Caner Sahin, Fabian Manhardt, Federico Tombari, TaeKyun Kim, Jiri Matas, Carsten Rother |
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3D Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction in Monocular Video Data Using Environment Structure Constraints |
Sebastian Bullinger, Christoph Bodensteiner, Michael Arens, Rainer Stiefelhagen |
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Pairwise Body-Part Attention for Recognizing Human-Object Interactions |
Haoshu Fang, Jinkun Cao, YuWing Tai, Cewu Lu |
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Exploiting Temporal Information for 3D Human Pose Estimation |
Mir Rayat Imtiaz Hossain, James J. Little |
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Recovering 3D Planes from a Single Image via Convolutional Neural Networks |
Fengting Yang, Zihan Zhou |
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stagNet: An Attentive Semantic RNN for Group Activity Recognition |
Mengshi Qi, Jie Qin, Annan Li, Yunhong Wang, Jiebo Luo, Luc Van Gool |
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Learning Class Prototypes via Structure Alignment for Zero-Shot Recognition |
Huajie Jiang, Ruiping Wang, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen |
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CurriculumNet: Weakly Supervised Learning from Large-Scale Web Images |
Sheng Guo, Weilin Huang, Haozhi Zhang, Chenfan Zhuang, Dengke Dong, Matthew R. Scott, Dinglong Huang |
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DDRNet: Depth Map Denoising and Refinement for Consumer Depth Cameras Using Cascaded CNNs |
Shi Yan, Chenglei Wu, Lizhen Wang, Feng Xu, Liang An, Kaiwen Guo, Yebin Liu |
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ELEGANT: Exchanging Latent Encodings with GAN for Transferring Multiple Face Attributes |
Taihong Xiao, Jiapeng Hong, Jinwen Ma |
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Dynamic Filtering with Large Sampling Field for ConvNets |
Jialin Wu, Dai Li, Yu Yang, Chandrajit Bajaj, Xiangyang Ji |
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Pose Guided Human Video Generation |
Ceyuan Yang, Zhe Wang, Xinge Zhu, Chen Huang, Jianping Shi, Dahua Lin |
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Characterizing Adversarial Examples Based on Spatial Consistency Information for Semantic Segmentation |
Chaowei Xiao, Ruizhi Deng, Bo Li, Fisher Yu, Mingyan Liu, Dawn Song |
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Joint Task-Recursive Learning for Semantic Segmentation and Depth Estimation |
Zhenyu Zhang, Zhen Cui, Chunyan Xu, Zequn Jie, Xiang Li, Jian Yang |
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Fast, Accurate, and Lightweight Super-Resolution with Cascading Residual Network |
Namhyuk Ahn, Byungkon Kang, KyungAh Sohn |
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ExFuse: Enhancing Feature Fusion for Semantic Segmentation |
Zhenli Zhang, Xiangyu Zhang, Chao Peng, Xiangyang Xue, Jian Sun |
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NetAdapt: Platform-Aware Neural Network Adaptation for Mobile Applications |
TienJu Yang, Andrew G. Howard, Bo Chen, Xiao Zhang, Alec Go, Mark Sandler, Vivienne Sze, Hartwig Adam |
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Action Anticipation with RBF Kernelized Feature Mapping RNN |
Yuge Shi, Basura Fernando, Richard Hartley |
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A-Contrario Horizon-First Vanishing Point Detection Using Second-Order Grouping Laws |
Gilles Simon, Antoine Fond, MarieOdile Berger |
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RT-GENE: Real-Time Eye Gaze Estimation in Natural Environments |
Tobias Fischer, Hyung Jin Chang, Yiannis Demiris |
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Unsupervised Class-Specific Deblurring |
Thekke Madam Nimisha, Sunil Kumar, A. N. Rajagopalan |
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The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Benchmark: Object Detection and Tracking |
Dawei Du, Yuankai Qi, Hongyang Yu, YiFan Yang, Kaiwen Duan, Guorong Li, Weigang Zhang, Qingming Huang, Qi Tian |
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Motion Feature Network: Fixed Motion Filter for Action Recognition |
Myunggi Lee, Seungeui Lee, Sung Joon Son, Gyutae Park, Nojun Kwak |
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Efficient Sliding Window Computation for NN-Based Template Matching |
Lior Talker, Yael Moses, Ilan Shimshoni |
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ADVIO: An Authentic Dataset for Visual-Inertial Odometry |
Santiago Cortés Reina, Arno Solin, Esa Rahtu, Juho Kannala |
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Extending Layered Models to 3D Motion |
Dong Lao, Ganesh Sundaramoorthi |
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3DMV: Joint 3D-Multi-view Prediction for 3D Semantic Scene Segmentation |
Angela Dai, Matthias Nießner |
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FishEyeRecNet: A Multi-context Collaborative Deep Network for Fisheye Image Rectification |
Xiaoqing Yin, Xinchao Wang, Jun Yu, Maojun Zhang, Pascal Fua, Dacheng Tao |
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LAPRAN: A Scalable Laplacian Pyramid Reconstructive Adversarial Network for Flexible Compressive Sensing Reconstruction |
Kai Xu, Zhikang Zhang, Fengbo Ren |
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3D Face Reconstruction from Light Field Images: A Model-Free Approach |
Mingtao Feng, Syed Zulqarnain Gilani, Yaonan Wang, Ajmal S. Mian |
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"Factual" or "Emotional": Stylized Image Captioning with Adaptive Learning and Attention |
Tianlang Chen, Zhongping Zhang, Quanzeng You, Chen Fang, Zhaowen Wang, Hailin Jin, Jiebo Luo |
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CPlaNet: Enhancing Image Geolocalization by Combinatorial Partitioning of Maps |
Paul Hongsuck Seo, Tobias Weyand, Jack Sim, Bohyung Han |
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ESPNet: Efficient Spatial Pyramid of Dilated Convolutions for Semantic Segmentation |
Sachin Mehta, Mohammad Rastegari, Anat Caspi, Linda G. Shapiro, Hannaneh Hajishirzi |
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MVTec D2S: Densely Segmented Supermarket Dataset |
Patrick Follmann, Tobias Böttger, Philipp Härtinger, Rebecca König, Markus Ulrich |
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U-PC: Unsupervised Planogram Compliance |
Archan Ray, Nishant Kumar, Avishek Shaw, Dipti Prasad Mukherjee |
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Recovering Accurate 3D Human Pose in the Wild Using IMUs and a Moving Camera |
Timo von Marcard, Roberto Henschel, Michael J. Black, Bodo Rosenhahn, Gerard PonsMoll |
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Deep Bilevel Learning |
Simon Jenni, Paolo Favaro |
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Joint Optimization for Compressive Video Sensing and Reconstruction Under Hardware Constraints |
Michitaka Yoshida, Akihiko Torii, Masatoshi Okutomi, Kenta Endo, Yukinobu Sugiyama, RinIchiro Taniguchi, Hajime Nagahara |
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Deforming Autoencoders: Unsupervised Disentangling of Shape and Appearance |
Zhixin Shu, Mihir Sahasrabudhe, Riza Alp Güler, Dimitris Samaras, Nikos Paragios, Iasonas Kokkinos |
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ExplainGAN: Model Explanation via Decision Boundary Crossing Transformations |
Pouya Samangouei, Ardavan Saeedi, Liam Nakagawa, Nathan Silberman |
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Does Haze Removal Help CNN-Based Image Classification? |
Yanting Pei, Yaping Huang, Qi Zou, Yuhang Lu, Song Wang |
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Supervising the New with the Old: Learning SFM from SFM |
Maria Klodt, Andrea Vedaldi |
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A Dataset and Architecture for Visual Reasoning with a Working Memory |
Guangyu Robert Yang, Igor Ganichev, XiaoJing Wang, David Sussillo |
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Constrained Optimization Based Low-Rank Approximation of Deep Neural Networks |
Chong Li, C.J. Richard Shi |
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Unsupervised Geometry-Aware Representation for 3D Human Pose Estimation |
Helge Rhodin, Mathieu Salzmann, Pascal Fua |
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Dual-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Deformable Face Tracking |
Minghao Guo, Jiwen Lu, Jie Zhou |
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Deep Autoencoder for Combined Human Pose Estimation and Body Model Upscaling |
Matthew Trumble, Andrew Gilbert, Adrian Hilton, John P. Collomosse |
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Occlusion-Aware Hand Pose Estimation Using Hierarchical Mixture Density Network |
Qi Ye, TaeKyun Kim |
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GANimation: Anatomically-Aware Facial Animation from a Single Image |
Albert Pumarola, Antonio Agudo, Aleix M. Martínez, Alberto Sanfeliu, Francesc MorenoNoguer |
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Snap Angle Prediction for 360 ∘ Panoramas |
Bo Xiong, Kristen Grauman |
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Unsupervised Holistic Image Generation from Key Local Patches |
Donghoon Lee, Sangdoo Yun, Sungjoon Choi, Hwiyeon Yoo, MingHsuan Yang, Songhwai Oh |
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DF-Net: Unsupervised Joint Learning of Depth and Flow Using Cross-Task Consistency |
Yuliang Zou, Zelun Luo, JiaBin Huang |
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Neural Stereoscopic Image Style Transfer |
Xinyu Gong, Haozhi Huang, Lin Ma, Fumin Shen, Wei Liu, Tong Zhang |
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Transductive Centroid Projection for Semi-supervised Large-Scale Recognition |
Yu Liu, Guanglu Song, Jing Shao, Xiao Jin, Xiaogang Wang |
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Generalized Loss-Sensitive Adversarial Learning with Manifold Margins |
Marzieh Edraki, GuoJun Qi |
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Into the Twilight Zone: Depth Estimation Using Joint Structure-Stereo Optimization |
Aashish Sharma, LoongFah Cheong |
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Recycle-GAN: Unsupervised Video Retargeting |
Aayush Bansal, Shugao Ma, Deva Ramanan, Yaser Sheikh |
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Fine-Grained Video Categorization with Redundancy Reduction Attention |
Chen Zhu, Xiao Tan, Feng Zhou, Xiao Liu, Kaiyu Yue, Errui Ding, Yi Ma |
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Open Set Domain Adaptation by Backpropagation |
Kuniaki Saito, Shohei Yamamoto, Yoshitaka Ushiku, Tatsuya Harada |
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Deep Feature Pyramid Reconfiguration for Object Detection |
Tao Kong, Fuchun Sun, Wenbing Huang, Huaping Liu |
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Goal-Oriented Visual Question Generation via Intermediate Rewards |
Junjie Zhang, Qi Wu, Chunhua Shen, Jian Zhang, Jianfeng Lu, Anton van den Hengel |
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DeepGUM: Learning Deep Robust Regression with a Gaussian-Uniform Mixture Model |
Stéphane Lathuilière, Pablo Mesejo, Xavier AlamedaPineda, Radu Horaud |
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Estimating the Success of Unsupervised Image to Image Translation |
Sagie Benaim, Tomer Galanti, Lior Wolf |
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Parallel Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection |
SeungWook Kim, HyongKeun Kook, JeeYoung Sun, MunCheon Kang, SungJea Ko |
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Joint Map and Symmetry Synchronization |
Yifan Sun, Zhenxiao Liang, Xiangru Huang, Qixing Huang |
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MT-VAE: Learning Motion Transformations to Generate Multimodal Human Dynamics |
Xinchen Yan, Akash Rastogi, Ruben Villegas, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Eli Shechtman, Sunil Hadap, Ersin Yumer, Honglak Lee |
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Rethinking the Form of Latent States in Image Captioning |
Bo Dai, Deming Ye, Dahua Lin |
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Transductive Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Using Min-Max Features |
Weiwei Shi, Yihong Gong, Chris Ding, Zhiheng Ma, Xiaoyu Tao, Nanning Zheng |
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SAN: Learning Relationship Between Convolutional Features for Multi-scale Object Detection |
Yonghyun Kim, BongNam Kang, Daijin Kim |
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Hashing with Binary Matrix Pursuit |
Fatih Çakir, Kun He, Stan Sclaroff |
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MaskConnect: Connectivity Learning by Gradient Descent |
Karim Ahmed, Lorenzo Torresani |
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Online Multi-Object Tracking with Dual Matching Attention Networks |
Ji Zhu, Hua Yang, Nian Liu, Minyoung Kim, Wenjun Zhang, MingHsuan Yang |
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Connecting Gaze, Scene, and Attention: Generalized Attention Estimation via Joint Modeling of Gaze and Scene Saliency |
Eunji Chong, Nataniel Ruiz, Yongxin Wang, Yun Zhang, Agata Rozga, James M. Rehg |
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Videos as Space-Time Region Graphs |
Xiaolong Wang, Abhinav Gupta |
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Unified Perceptual Parsing for Scene Understanding |
Tete Xiao, Yingcheng Liu, Bolei Zhou, Yuning Jiang, Jian Sun |
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Synthetically Supervised Feature Learning for Scene Text Recognition |
Yang Liu, Zhaowen Wang, Hailin Jin, Ian J. Wassell |
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Probabilistic Video Generation Using Holistic Attribute Control |
Jiawei He, Andreas M. Lehrmann, Joseph Marino, Greg Mori, Leonid Sigal |
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Learning Rigidity in Dynamic Scenes with a Moving Camera for 3D Motion Field Estimation |
Zhaoyang Lv, Kihwan Kim, Alejandro J. Troccoli, Deqing Sun, James M. Rehg, Jan Kautz |
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Unsupervised CNN-Based Co-saliency Detection with Graphical Optimization |
KuangJui Hsu, ChungChi Tsai, YenYu Lin, Xiaoning Qian, YungYu Chuang |
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Mutual Learning to Adapt for Joint Human Parsing and Pose Estimation |
Xuecheng Nie, Jiashi Feng, Shuicheng Yan |
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DCAN: Dual Channel-Wise Alignment Networks for Unsupervised Scene Adaptation |
Zuxuan Wu, Xintong Han, YenLiang Lin, Mustafa Gökhan Uzunbas, Tom Goldstein, SerNam Lim, Larry S. Davis |
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View-Graph Selection Framework for SfM |
Rajvi Shah, Visesh Chari, P. J. Narayanan |
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Selfie Video Stabilization |
Jiyang Yu, Ravi Ramamoorthi |
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CubeNet: Equivariance to 3D Rotation and Translation |
Daniel E. Worrall, Gabriel J. Brostow |
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YouTube-VOS: Sequence-to-Sequence Video Object Segmentation |
Ning Xu, Linjie Yang, Yuchen Fan, Jianchao Yang, Dingcheng Yue, Yuchen Liang, Brian L. Price, Scott Cohen, Thomas S. Huang |
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PPF-FoldNet: Unsupervised Learning of Rotation Invariant 3D Local Descriptors |
Haowen Deng, Tolga Birdal, Slobodan Ilic |
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In the Eye of Beholder: Joint Learning of Gaze and Actions in First Person Video |
Yin Li, Miao Liu, James M. Rehg |
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Double JPEG Detection in Mixed JPEG Quality Factors Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network |
JinSeok Park, Donghyeon Cho, Wonhyuk Ahn, HeungKyu Lee |
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Wasserstein Divergence for GANs |
Jiqing Wu, Zhiwu Huang, Janine Thoma, Dinesh Acharya, Luc Van Gool |
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Semi-supervised FusedGAN for Conditional Image Generation |
Navaneeth Bodla, Gang Hua, Rama Chellappa |
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Pose Partition Networks for Multi-person Pose Estimation |
Xuecheng Nie, Jiashi Feng, Junliang Xing, Shuicheng Yan |
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Understanding Degeneracies and Ambiguities in Attribute Transfer |
Attila Szabó, Qiyang Hu, Tiziano Portenier, Matthias Zwicker, Paolo Favaro |
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Reinforced Temporal Attention and Split-Rate Transfer for Depth-Based Person Re-identification |
Nikolaos Karianakis, Zicheng Liu, Yinpeng Chen, Stefano Soatto |
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Scale Aggregation Network for Accurate and Efficient Crowd Counting |
Xinkun Cao, Zhipeng Wang, Yanyun Zhao, Fei Su |
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Deep Shape Matching |
Filip Radenovic, Giorgos Tolias, Ondrej Chum |
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Eigendecomposition-Free Training of Deep Networks with Zero Eigenvalue-Based Losses |
Zheng Dang, Kwang Moo Yi, Yinlin Hu, Fei Wang, Pascal Fua, Mathieu Salzmann |
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Visual Reasoning with Multi-hop Feature Modulation |
Florian Strub, Mathieu Seurin, Ethan Perez, Harm de Vries, Jérémie Mary, Philippe Preux, Aaron C. Courville, Olivier Pietquin |
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Contextual-Based Image Inpainting: Infer, Match, and Translate |
Yuhang Song, Chao Yang, Zhe L. Lin, Xiaofeng Liu, Qin Huang, Hao Li, C.C. Jay Kuo |
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TextSnake: A Flexible Representation for Detecting Text of Arbitrary Shapes |
Shangbang Long, Jiaqiang Ruan, Wenjie Zhang, Xin He, Wenhao Wu, Cong Yao |
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Graph Adaptive Knowledge Transfer for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation |
Zhengming Ding, Sheng Li, Ming Shao, Yun Fu |
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Robust Image Stitching with Multiple Registrations |
Charles Herrmann, Chen Wang, Richard Strong Bowen, Emil Keyder, Michael Krainin, Ce Liu, Ramin Zabih |
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CTAP: Complementary Temporal Action Proposal Generation |
Jiyang Gao, Kan Chen, Ram Nevatia |
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Effective Use of Synthetic Data for Urban Scene Semantic Segmentation |
Fatemeh Sadat Saleh, Mohammad Sadegh Aliakbarian, Mathieu Salzmann, Lars Petersson, Jose M. Alvarez |
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Open-World Stereo Video Matching with Deep RNN |
Yiran Zhong, Hongdong Li, Yuchao Dai |
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Deep High Dynamic Range Imaging with Large Foreground Motions |
Shangzhe Wu, Jiarui Xu, YuWing Tai, ChiKeung Tang |
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Linear Span Network for Object Skeleton Detection |
Chang Liu, Wei Ke, Fei Qin, Qixiang Ye |
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SaaS: Speed as a Supervisor for Semi-supervised Learning |
Safa Cicek, Alhussein Fawzi, Stefano Soatto |
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Attention-GAN for Object Transfiguration in Wild Images |
Xinyuan Chen, Chang Xu, Xiaokang Yang, Dacheng Tao |
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Exploring the Limits of Weakly Supervised Pretraining |
Dhruv Mahajan, Ross B. Girshick, Vignesh Ramanathan, Kaiming He, Manohar Paluri, Yixuan Li, Ashwin Bharambe, Laurens van der Maaten |
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Egocentric Activity Prediction via Event Modulated Attention |
Yang Shen, Bingbing Ni, Zefan Li, Ning Zhuang |
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How Good Is My GAN? |
Konstantin Shmelkov, Cordelia Schmid, Karteek Alahari |
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3D-CODED: 3D Correspondences by Deep Deformation |
Thibault Groueix, Matthew Fisher, Vladimir G. Kim, Bryan C. Russell, Mathieu Aubry |
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Audio-Visual Event Localization in Unconstrained Videos |
Yapeng Tian, Jing Shi, Bochen Li, Zhiyao Duan, Chenliang Xu |
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Grounding Visual Explanations |
Lisa Anne Hendricks, Ronghang Hu, Trevor Darrell, Zeynep Akata |
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Adversarial Open-World Person Re-Identification |
Xiang Li, Ancong Wu, WeiShi Zheng |
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Generative Domain-Migration Hashing for Sketch-to-Image Retrieval |
Jingyi Zhang, Fumin Shen, Li Liu, Fan Zhu, Mengyang Yu, Ling Shao, Heng Tao Shen, Luc Van Gool |
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TBN: Convolutional Neural Network with Ternary Inputs and Binary Weights |
Diwen Wan, Fumin Shen, Li Liu, Fan Zhu, Jie Qin, Ling Shao, Heng Tao Shen |
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End-to-End View Synthesis for Light Field Imaging with Pseudo 4DCNN |
Yunlong Wang, Fei Liu, Zilei Wang, Guangqi Hou, Zhenan Sun, Tieniu Tan |
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DeepPhys: Video-Based Physiological Measurement Using Convolutional Attention Networks |
Weixuan Chen, Daniel McDuff |
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Deep Video Generation, Prediction and Completion of Human Action Sequences |
Haoye Cai, Chunyan Bai, YuWing Tai, ChiKeung Tang |
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Semantic Match Consistency for Long-Term Visual Localization |
Carl Toft, Erik Stenborg, Lars Hammarstrand, Lucas Brynte, Marc Pollefeys, Torsten Sattler, Fredrik Kahl |
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Deep Generative Models for Weakly-Supervised Multi-Label Classification |
HongMin Chu, ChihKuan Yeh, YuChiang Frank Wang |
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Efficient 6-DoF Tracking of Handheld Objects from an Egocentric Viewpoint |
Rohit Pandey, Pavel Pidlypenskyi, Shuoran Yang, Christine KaeserChen |
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ForestHash: Semantic Hashing with Shallow Random Forests and Tiny Convolutional Networks |
Qiang Qiu, José Lezama, Alexander M. Bronstein, Guillermo Sapiro |
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Local Orthogonal-Group Testing |
Ahmet Iscen, Ondrej Chum |
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Rolling Shutter Pose and Ego-Motion Estimation Using Shape-from-Template |
Yizhen Lao, Omar AitAider, Adrien Bartoli |
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Unveiling the Power of Deep Tracking |
Goutam Bhat, Joakim Johnander, Martin Danelljan, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Michael Felsberg |
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Recurrent Fusion Network for Image Captioning |
Wenhao Jiang, Lin Ma, YuGang Jiang, Wei Liu, Tong Zhang |
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Good Line Cutting: Towards Accurate Pose Tracking of Line-Assisted VO/VSLAM |
Yipu Zhao, Patricio A. Vela |
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Composition Loss for Counting, Density Map Estimation and Localization in Dense Crowds |
Haroon Idrees, Muhmmad Tayyab, Kishan Athrey, Dong Zhang, Somaya AlMáadeed, Nasir M. Rajpoot, Mubarak Shah |
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Where Are the Blobs: Counting by Localization with Point Supervision |
Issam H. Laradji, Negar Rostamzadeh, Pedro O. Pinheiro, David Vázquez, Mark Schmidt |
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Textual Explanations for Self-Driving Vehicles |
Jinkyu Kim, Anna Rohrbach, Trevor Darrell, John F. Canny, Zeynep Akata |
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Contemplating Visual Emotions: Understanding and Overcoming Dataset Bias |
Rameswar Panda, Jianming Zhang, Haoxiang Li, JoonYoung Lee, Xin Lu, Amit K. RoyChowdhury |
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Deep Recursive HDRI: Inverse Tone Mapping Using Generative Adversarial Networks |
Siyeong Lee, Gwon Hwan An, SukJu Kang |
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DeepKSPD: Learning Kernel-Matrix-Based SPD Representation For Fine-Grained Image Recognition |
Melih Engin, Lei Wang, Luping Zhou, Xinwang Liu |
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Pairwise Relational Networks for Face Recognition |
BongNam Kang, Yonghyun Kim, Daijin Kim |
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Stereo Vision-Based Semantic 3D Object and Ego-Motion Tracking for Autonomous Driving |
Peiliang Li, Tong Qin, Shaojie Shen |
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A+D Net: Training a Shadow Detector with Adversarial Shadow Attenuation |
Hieu M. Le, Tomas F. Yago Vicente, Vu Nguyen, Minh Hoai, Dimitris Samaras |
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Fast and Accurate Camera Covariance Computation for Large 3D Reconstruction |
Michal Polic, Wolfgang Förstner, Tomás Pajdla |
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ECO: Efficient Convolutional Network for Online Video Understanding |
Mohammadreza Zolfaghari, Kamaljeet Singh, Thomas Brox |
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Multi-Scale Structure-Aware Network for Human Pose Estimation |
Lipeng Ke, MingChing Chang, Honggang Qi, Siwei Lyu |
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Diverse and Coherent Paragraph Generation from Images |
Moitreya Chatterjee, Alexander G. Schwing |
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From Face Recognition to Models of Identity: A Bayesian Approach to Learning About Unknown Identities from Unsupervised Data |
Daniel Coelho de Castro, Sebastian Nowozin |
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Learning 3D Keypoint Descriptors for Non-rigid Shape Matching |
Hanyu Wang, Jianwei Guo, DongMing Yan, Weize Quan, Xiaopeng Zhang |
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A Trilateral Weighted Sparse Coding Scheme for Real-World Image Denoising |
Jun Xu, Lei Zhang, David Zhang |
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NNEval: Neural Network Based Evaluation Metric for Image Captioning |
Naeha Sharif, Lyndon White, Mohammed Bennamoun, Syed Afaq Ali Shah |
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VideoMatch: Matching Based Video Object Segmentation |
YuanTing Hu, JiaBin Huang, Alexander G. Schwing |
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Context Refinement for Object Detection |
Zhe Chen, Shaoli Huang, Dacheng Tao |
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SpiderCNN: Deep Learning on Point Sets with Parameterized Convolutional Filters |
Yifan Xu, Tianqi Fan, Mingye Xu, Long Zeng, Yu Qiao |
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Modality Distillation with Multiple Stream Networks for Action Recognition |
Nuno C. Garcia, Pietro Morerio, Vittorio Murino |
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Interpretable Basis Decomposition for Visual Explanation |
Bolei Zhou, Yiyou Sun, David Bau, Antonio Torralba |
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Partial Adversarial Domain Adaptation |
Zhangjie Cao, Lijia Ma, Mingsheng Long, Jianmin Wang |
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How Local Is the Local Diversity? Reinforcing Sequential Determinantal Point Processes with Dynamic Ground Sets for Supervised Video Summarization |
Yandong Li, Liqiang Wang, Tianbao Yang, Boqing Gong |
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Toward Scale-Invariance and Position-Sensitive Region Proposal Networks |
HsuehFu Lu, Xiaofei Du, PingLin Chang |
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A Systematic DNN Weight Pruning Framework Using Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers |
Tianyun Zhang, Shaokai Ye, Kaiqi Zhang, Jian Tang, Wujie Wen, Makan Fardad, Yanzhi Wang |
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Multi-object Tracking with Neural Gating Using Bilinear LSTM |
Chanho Kim, Fuxin Li, James M. Rehg |
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Clustering Convolutional Kernels to Compress Deep Neural Networks |
Sanghyun Son, Seungjun Nah, Kyoung Mu Lee |
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Fine-Grained Visual Categorization Using Meta-learning Optimization with Sample Selection of Auxiliary Data |
Yabin Zhang, Hui Tang, Kui Jia |
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Verisimilar Image Synthesis for Accurate Detection and Recognition of Texts in Scenes |
Fangneng Zhan, Shijian Lu, Chuhui Xue |
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Quantization Mimic: Towards Very Tiny CNN for Object Detection |
Yi Wei, Xinyu Pan, Hongwei Qin, Wanli Ouyang, Junjie Yan |
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Learning to Solve Nonlinear Least Squares for Monocular Stereo |
Ronald Clark, Michael Bloesch, Jan Czarnowski, Stefan Leutenegger, Andrew J. Davison |
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Extreme Network Compression via Filter Group Approximation |
Bo Peng, Wenming Tan, Zheyang Li, Shun Zhang, Di Xie, Shiliang Pu |
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ArticulatedFusion: Real-Time Reconstruction of Motion, Geometry and Segmentation Using a Single Depth Camera |
Chao Li, Zheheng Zhao, Xiaohu Guo |
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MRF Optimization with Separable Convex Prior on Partially Ordered Labels |
Csaba Domokos, Frank R. Schmidt, Daniel Cremers |
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Attend and Rectify: A Gated Attention Mechanism for Fine-Grained Recovery |
Pau Rodríguez, Josep M. Gonfaus, Guillem Cucurull, F. Xavier Roca, Jordi Gonzàlez |
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LQ-Nets: Learned Quantization for Highly Accurate and Compact Deep Neural Networks |
Dongqing Zhang, Jiaolong Yang, Dongqiangzi Ye, Gang Hua |
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Retrospective Encoders for Video Summarization |
Ke Zhang, Kristen Grauman, Fei Sha |
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Constraint-Aware Deep Neural Network Compression |
Changan Chen, Frederick Tung, Naveen Vedula, Greg Mori |
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Video Compression Through Image Interpolation |
ChaoYuan Wu, Nayan Singhal, Philipp Krähenbühl |
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Few-Shot Human Motion Prediction via Meta-learning |
LiangYan Gui, YuXiong Wang, Deva Ramanan, José M. F. Moura |
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Straight to the Facts: Learning Knowledge Base Retrieval for Factual Visual Question Answering |
Medhini Narasimhan, Alexander G. Schwing |
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Joint and Progressive Learning from High-Dimensional Data for Multi-label Classification |
Danfeng Hong, Naoto Yokoya, Jian Xu, Xiaoxiang Zhu |
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Video Object Detection with an Aligned Spatial-Temporal Memory |
Fanyi Xiao, Yong Jae Lee |
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Coded Illumination and Imaging for Fluorescence Based Classification |
Yuta Asano, Misaki Meguro, Chao Wang, Antony Lam, Yinqiang Zheng, Takahiro Okabe, Imari Sato |
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Multi-scale Residual Network for Image Super-Resolution |
Juncheng Li, Faming Fang, Kangfu Mei, Guixu Zhang |
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A Dataset for Lane Instance Segmentation in Urban Environments |
Brook Roberts, Sebastian Kaltwang, Sina Samangooei, Mark PenderBare, Konstantinos Tertikas, John Redford |
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Out-of-Distribution Detection Using an Ensemble of Self Supervised Leave-Out Classifiers |
Apoorv Vyas, Nataraj Jammalamadaka, Xia Zhu, Dipankar Das, Bharat Kaul, Theodore L. Willke |
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Structure-from-Motion-Aware PatchMatch for Adaptive Optical Flow Estimation |
Daniel Maurer, Nico Marniok, Bastian Goldluecke, Andrés Bruhn |
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Universal Sketch Perceptual Grouping |
Ke Li, Kaiyue Pang, Jifei Song, YiZhe Song, Tao Xiang, Timothy M. Hospedales, Honggang Zhang |
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Imagine This! Scripts to Compositions to Videos |
Tanmay Gupta, Dustin Schwenk, Ali Farhadi, Derek Hoiem, Aniruddha Kembhavi |
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Urban Zoning Using Higher-Order Markov Random Fields on Multi-View Imagery Data |
Tian Feng, QuangTrung Truong, Duc Thanh Nguyen, Jing Yu Koh, LapFai Yu, Alexander Binder, SaiKit Yeung |
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Quaternion Convolutional Neural Networks |
Xuanyu Zhu, Yi Xu, Hongteng Xu, Changjian Chen |
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Stereo Relative Pose from Line and Point Feature Triplets |
Alexander Vakhitov, Victor S. Lempitsky, Yinqiang Zheng |
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3D Scene Flow from 4D Light Field Gradients |
Sizhuo Ma, Brandon M. Smith, Mohit Gupta |
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Direct Sparse Odometry with Rolling Shutter |
David Schubert, Nikolaus Demmel, Vladyslav Usenko, Jörg Stückler, Daniel Cremers |
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A Style-Aware Content Loss for Real-Time HD Style Transfer |
Artsiom Sanakoyeu, Dmytro Kotovenko, Sabine Lang, Björn Ommer |
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Scale-Awareness of Light Field Camera Based Visual Odometry |
Niclas Zeller, Franz Quint, Uwe Stilla |
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Burst Image Deblurring Using Permutation Invariant Convolutional Neural Networks |
Miika Aittala, Frédo Durand |
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PlaneMatch: Patch Coplanarity Prediction for Robust RGB-D Reconstruction |
Yifei Shi, Kai Xu, Matthias Nießner, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Thomas A. Funkhouser |
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MVSNet: Depth Inference for Unstructured Multi-view Stereo |
Yao Yao, Zixin Luo, Shiwei Li, Tian Fang, Long Quan |
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ActiveStereoNet: End-to-End Self-supervised Learning for Active Stereo Systems |
Yinda Zhang, Sameh Khamis, Christoph Rhemann, Julien P. C. Valentin, Adarsh Kowdle, Vladimir Tankovich, Michael Schoenberg, Shahram Izadi, Thomas A. Funkhouser, Sean Ryan Fanello |
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GAL: Geometric Adversarial Loss for Single-View 3D-Object Reconstruction |
Li Jiang, Shaoshuai Shi, Xiaojuan Qi, Jiaya Jia |
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Deep Virtual Stereo Odometry: Leveraging Deep Depth Prediction for Monocular Direct Sparse Odometry |
Nan Yang, Rui Wang, Jörg Stückler, Daniel Cremers |
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Physical Primitive Decomposition |
Zhijian Liu, William T. Freeman, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Jiajun Wu |
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Deep Attention Neural Tensor Network for Visual Question Answering |
Yalong Bai, Jianlong Fu, Tiejun Zhao, Tao Mei |
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Shuffle-Then-Assemble: Learning Object-Agnostic Visual Relationship Features |
Xu Yang, Hanwang Zhang, Jianfei Cai |
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Combining 3D Model Contour Energy and Keypoints for Object Tracking |
Bogdan Bugaev, Anton Kryshchenko, Roman Belov |
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Pairwise Confusion for Fine-Grained Visual Classification |
Abhimanyu Dubey, Otkrist Gupta, Pei Guo, Ramesh Raskar, Ryan Farrell, Nikhil Naik |
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Interpretable Intuitive Physics Model |
Tian Ye, Xiaolong Wang, James Davidson, Abhinav Gupta |
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Deep Multi-task Learning to Recognise Subtle Facial Expressions of Mental States |
Guosheng Hu, Li Liu, Yang Yuan, Zehao Yu, Yang Hua, Zhihong Zhang, Fumin Shen, Ling Shao, Timothy M. Hospedales, Neil Martin Robertson, Yongxin Yang |
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SRDA: Generating Instance Segmentation Annotation via Scanning, Reasoning and Domain Adaptation |
Wenqiang Xu, Yonglu Li, Cewu Lu |
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Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Keypoint Estimation via View Consistency |
Xingyi Zhou, Arjun Karpur, Chuang Gan, Linjie Luo, Qixing Huang |
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Practical Black-Box Attacks on Deep Neural Networks Using Efficient Query Mechanisms |
Arjun Nitin Bhagoji, Warren He, Bo Li, Dawn Song |
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DYAN: A Dynamical Atoms-Based Network for Video Prediction |
WenQian Liu, Abhishek Sharma, Octavia I. Camps, Mario Sznaier |
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Sparsely Aggregated Convolutional Networks |
Ligeng Zhu, Ruizhi Deng, Michael Maire, Zhiwei Deng, Greg Mori, Ping Tan |
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Revisiting the Inverted Indices for Billion-Scale Approximate Nearest Neighbors |
Dmitry Baranchuk, Artem Babenko, Yury Malkov |
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Diverse Feature Visualizations Reveal Invariances in Early Layers of Deep Neural Networks |
Santiago A. Cadena, Marissa A. Weis, Leon A. Gatys, Matthias Bethge, Alexander S. Ecker |
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End-to-End Incremental Learning |
Francisco M. Castro, Manuel J. MarínJiménez, Nicolás Guil, Cordelia Schmid, Karteek Alahari |
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Conditional Image-Text Embedding Networks |
Bryan A. Plummer, Paige Kordas, M. Hadi Kiapour, Shuai Zheng, Robinson Piramuthu, Svetlana Lazebnik |
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Sampling Algebraic Varieties for Robust Camera Autocalibration |
Danda Pani Paudel, Luc Van Gool |
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Attribute-Guided Face Generation Using Conditional CycleGAN |
Yongyi Lu, YuWing Tai, ChiKeung Tang |
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Deep Structure Inference Network for Facial Action Unit Recognition |
Ciprian A. Corneanu, Meysam Madadi, Sergio Escalera |
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Learning Priors for Semantic 3D Reconstruction |
Ian Cherabier, Johannes L. Schönberger, Martin R. Oswald, Marc Pollefeys, Andreas Geiger |
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Object Detection in Video with Spatiotemporal Sampling Networks |
Gedas Bertasius, Lorenzo Torresani, Jianbo Shi |
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Video Summarization Using Fully Convolutional Sequence Networks |
Mrigank Rochan, Linwei Ye, Yang Wang |
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Modeling Visual Context Is Key to Augmenting Object Detection Datasets |
Nikita Dvornik, Julien Mairal, Cordelia Schmid |
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Learning Region Features for Object Detection |
Jiayuan Gu, Han Hu, Liwei Wang, Yichen Wei, Jifeng Dai |
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End-to-End Deep Structured Models for Drawing Crosswalks |
Justin Liang, Raquel Urtasun |
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Sidekick Policy Learning for Active Visual Exploration |
Santhosh K. Ramakrishnan, Kristen Grauman |
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Coloring with Words: Guiding Image Colorization Through Text-Based Palette Generation |
Hyojin Bahng, Seungjoo Yoo, Wonwoong Cho, David Keetae Park, Ziming Wu, Xiaojuan Ma, Jaegul Choo |
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Efficient Global Point Cloud Registration by Matching Rotation Invariant Features Through Translation Search |
Yinlong Liu, Chen Wang, Zhijian Song, Manning Wang |
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Facial Dynamics Interpreter Network: What Are the Important Relations Between Local Dynamics for Facial Trait Estimation? |
Seong Tae Kim, Yong Man Ro |
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Visual Question Generation for Class Acquisition of Unknown Objects |
Kohei Uehara, Antonio TejerodePablos, Yoshitaka Ushiku, Tatsuya Harada |
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Efficient Dense Point Cloud Object Reconstruction Using Deformation Vector Fields |
Kejie Li, Trung Pham, Huangying Zhan, Ian D. Reid |
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Improving DNN Robustness to Adversarial Attacks Using Jacobian Regularization |
Daniel Jakubovitz, Raja Giryes |
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Concept Mask: Large-Scale Segmentation from Semantic Concepts |
Yufei Wang, Zhe L. Lin, Xiaohui Shen, Jianming Zhang, Scott Cohen |
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Descending, Lifting or Smoothing: Secrets of Robust Cost Optimization |
Christopher Zach, Guillaume Bourmaud |
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Geolocation Estimation of Photos Using a Hierarchical Model and Scene Classification |
Eric MüllerBudack, Kader PustuIren, Ralph Ewerth |
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License Plate Detection and Recognition in Unconstrained Scenarios |
Sergio Montazzolli Silva, Cláudio Rosito Jung |
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Self-produced Guidance for Weakly-Supervised Object Localization |
Xiaolin Zhang, Yunchao Wei, Guoliang Kang, Yi Yang, Thomas S. Huang |
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Occlusions, Motion and Depth Boundaries with a Generic Network for Disparity, Optical Flow or Scene Flow Estimation |
Eddy Ilg, Tonmoy Saikia, Margret Keuper, Thomas Brox |
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Is Robustness the Cost of Accuracy? - A Comprehensive Study on the Robustness of 18 Deep Image Classification Models |
Dong Su, Huan Zhang, Hongge Chen, Jinfeng Yi, PinYu Chen, Yupeng Gao |
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Improving Shape Deformation in Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation |
Aaron Gokaslan, Vivek Ramanujan, Daniel Ritchie, Kwang In Kim, James Tompkin |
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SwapNet: Image Based Garment Transfer |
Amit Raj, Patsorn Sangkloy, Huiwen Chang, James Hays, Duygu Ceylan, Jingwan Lu |
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Deterministic Consensus Maximization with Biconvex Programming |
Zhipeng Cai, TatJun Chin, Huu Le, David Suter |
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Highly-Economized Multi-view Binary Compression for Scalable Image Clustering |
Zheng Zhang, Li Liu, Jie Qin, Fan Zhu, Fumin Shen, Yong Xu, Ling Shao, Heng Tao Shen |
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Efficient Semantic Scene Completion Network with Spatial Group Convolution |
Jiahui Zhang, Hao Zhao, Anbang Yao, Yurong Chen, Li Zhang, Hongen Liao |
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Asynchronous, Photometric Feature Tracking Using Events and Frames |
Daniel Gehrig, Henri Rebecq, Guillermo Gallego, Davide Scaramuzza |
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CNN-PS: CNN-Based Photometric Stereo for General Non-convex Surfaces |
Satoshi Ikehata |
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Dynamic Conditional Networks for Few-Shot Learning |
Fang Zhao, Jian Zhao, Shuicheng Yan, Jiashi Feng |
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Deep Factorised Inverse-Sketching |
Kaiyue Pang, Da Li, Jifei Song, YiZhe Song, Tao Xiang, Timothy M. Hospedales |
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Look Deeper into Depth: Monocular Depth Estimation with Semantic Booster and Attention-Driven Loss |
Jianbo Jiao, Ying Cao, Yibing Song, Rynson W. H. Lau |
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Summarizing First-Person Videos from Third Persons' Points of Views |
HsuanI Ho, WeiChen Chiu, YuChiang Frank Wang |
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Learning Single-View 3D Reconstruction with Limited Pose Supervision |
Guandao Yang, Yin Cui, Serge J. Belongie, Bharath Hariharan |
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Weakly- and Semi-supervised Panoptic Segmentation |
Qizhu Li, Anurag Arnab, Philip H. S. Torr |
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Making Deep Heatmaps Robust to Partial Occlusions for 3D Object Pose Estimation |
Markus Oberweger, Mahdi Rad, Vincent Lepetit |
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Deep Co-Training for Semi-Supervised Image Recognition |
Siyuan Qiao, Wei Shen, Zhishuai Zhang, Bo Wang, Alan L. Yuille |
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Visual Coreference Resolution in Visual Dialog Using Neural Module Networks |
Satwik Kottur, José M. F. Moura, Devi Parikh, Dhruv Batra, Marcus Rohrbach |
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Learning Blind Video Temporal Consistency |
WeiSheng Lai, JiaBin Huang, Oliver Wang, Eli Shechtman, Ersin Yumer, MingHsuan Yang |
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Salient Objects in Clutter: Bringing Salient Object Detection to the Foreground |
DengPing Fan, MingMing Cheng, JiangJiang Liu, Shanghua Gao, Qibin Hou, Ali Borji |
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Gray-Box Adversarial Training |
Vivek B. S., Konda Reddy Mopuri, R. Venkatesh Babu |
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Visual Question Answering as a Meta Learning Task |
Damien Teney, Anton van den Hengel |
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On Offline Evaluation of Vision-Based Driving Models |
Felipe Codevilla, Antonio M. López, Vladlen Koltun, Alexey Dosovitskiy |
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Visual Psychophysics for Making Face Recognition Algorithms More Explainable |
Brandon RichardWebster, So Yon Kwon, Christopher Clarizio, Samuel E. Anthony, Walter J. Scheirer |
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Conditional Prior Networks for Optical Flow |
Yanchao Yang, Stefano Soatto |
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Robust Optical Flow in Rainy Scenes |
Ruoteng Li, Robby T. Tan, LoongFah Cheong |
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Rethinking Spatiotemporal Feature Learning: Speed-Accuracy Trade-offs in Video Classification |
Saining Xie, Chen Sun, Jonathan Huang, Zhuowen Tu, Kevin Murphy |
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Variational Wasserstein Clustering |
Liang Mi, Wen Zhang, Xianfeng Gu, Yalin Wang |
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Show, Tell and Discriminate: Image Captioning by Self-retrieval with Partially Labeled Data |
Xihui Liu, Hongsheng Li, Jing Shao, Dapeng Chen, Xiaogang Wang |
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Contour Knowledge Transfer for Salient Object Detection |
Xin Li, Fan Yang, Hong Cheng, Wei Liu, Dinggang Shen |
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Learning Category-Specific Mesh Reconstruction from Image Collections |
Angjoo Kanazawa, Shubham Tulsiani, Alexei A. Efros, Jitendra Malik |
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Learning to Forecast and Refine Residual Motion for Image-to-Video Generation |
Long Zhao, Xi Peng, Yu Tian, Mubbasir Kapadia, Dimitris N. Metaxas |
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Teaching Machines to Understand Baseball Games: Large-Scale Baseball Video Database for Multiple Video Understanding Tasks |
Minho Shim, Young Hwi Kim, Kyungmin Kim, Seon Joo Kim |
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SketchyScene: Richly-Annotated Scene Sketches |
Changqing Zou, Qian Yu, Ruofei Du, Haoran Mo, YiZhe Song, Tao Xiang, Chengying Gao, Baoquan Chen, Hao Zhang |
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Learn-to-Score: Efficient 3D Scene Exploration by Predicting View Utility |
Benjamin Hepp, Debadeepta Dey, Sudipta N. Sinha, Ashish Kapoor, Neel Joshi, Otmar Hilliges |
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Revisiting RCNN: On Awakening the Classification Power of Faster RCNN |
Bowen Cheng, Yunchao Wei, Honghui Shi, Rogério Schmidt Feris, Jinjun Xiong, Thomas S. Huang |
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Semi-supervised Generative Adversarial Hashing for Image Retrieval |
Guan'an Wang, Qinghao Hu, Jian Cheng, ZengGuang Hou |
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Person Re-identification with Deep Similarity-Guided Graph Neural Network |
Yantao Shen, Hongsheng Li, Shuai Yi, Dapeng Chen, Xiaogang Wang |
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Learning and Matching Multi-View Descriptors for Registration of Point Clouds |
Lei Zhou, Siyu Zhu, Zixin Luo, Tianwei Shen, Runze Zhang, Mingmin Zhen, Tian Fang, Long Quan |
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Revisiting Autofocus for Smartphone Cameras |
Abdullah Abuolaim, Abhijith Punnappurath, Michael S. Brown |
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Deep Burst Denoising |
Clément Godard, Kevin Matzen, Matt Uyttendaele |
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ISNN: Impact Sound Neural Network for Audio-Visual Object Classification |
Auston Sterling, Justin Wilson, Sam Lowe, Ming C. Lin |
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StereoNet: Guided Hierarchical Refinement for Real-Time Edge-Aware Depth Prediction |
Sameh Khamis, Sean Ryan Fanello, Christoph Rhemann, Adarsh Kowdle, Julien P. C. Valentin, Shahram Izadi |
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Attention-Aware Deep Adversarial Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval |
Xi Zhang, Hanjiang Lai, Jiashi Feng |
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3DFeat-Net: Weakly Supervised Local 3D Features for Point Cloud Registration |
Zi Jian Yew, Gim Hee Lee |
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Deep Domain Generalization via Conditional Invariant Adversarial Networks |
Ya Li, Xinmei Tian, Mingming Gong, Yajing Liu, Tongliang Liu, Kun Zhang, Dacheng Tao |
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Using LIP to Gloss Over Faces in Single-Stage Face Detection Networks |
Siqi Yang, Arnold Wiliem, Shaokang Chen, Brian C. Lovell |
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HiDDeN: Hiding Data With Deep Networks |
Jiren Zhu, Russell Kaplan, Justin Johnson, Li FeiFei |
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Multimodal Dual Attention Memory for Video Story Question Answering |
KyungMin Kim, SeongHo Choi, JinHwa Kim, ByoungTak Zhang |
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Deep Variational Metric Learning |
Xudong Lin, Yueqi Duan, Qiyuan Dong, Jiwen Lu, Jie Zhou |
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HGMR: Hierarchical Gaussian Mixtures for Adaptive 3D Registration |
Benjamin Eckart, Kihwan Kim, Jan Kautz |
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Bi-Real Net: Enhancing the Performance of 1-Bit CNNs with Improved Representational Capability and Advanced Training Algorithm |
Zechun Liu, Baoyuan Wu, Wenhan Luo, Xin Yang, Wei Liu, KwangTing Cheng |
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Orthogonal Deep Features Decomposition for Age-Invariant Face Recognition |
Yitong Wang, Dihong Gong, Zheng Zhou, Xing Ji, Hao Wang, Zhifeng Li, Wei Liu, Tong Zhang |
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Broadcasting Convolutional Network for Visual Relational Reasoning |
Simyung Chang, John Yang, Seonguk Park, Nojun Kwak |
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Improving Spatiotemporal Self-supervision by Deep Reinforcement Learning |
Uta Büchler, Biagio Brattoli, Björn Ommer |
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Learning to Look around Objects for Top-View Representations of Outdoor Scenes |
Samuel Schulter, Menghua Zhai, Nathan Jacobs, Manmohan Chandraker |
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Hierarchical Metric Learning and Matching for 2D and 3D Geometric Correspondences |
Mohammed E. Fathy, QuocHuy Tran, M. Zeeshan Zia, Paul Vernaza, Manmohan Chandraker |
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Deep Component Analysis via Alternating Direction Neural Networks |
Calvin Murdock, MingFang Chang, Simon Lucey |
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ADVISE: Symbolism and External Knowledge for Decoding Advertisements |
Keren Ye, Adriana Kovashka |
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PS-FCN: A Flexible Learning Framework for Photometric Stereo |
Guanying Chen, Kai Han, KwanYee K. Wong |
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Ask, Acquire, and Attack: Data-Free UAP Generation Using Class Impressions |
Konda Reddy Mopuri, Phani Krishna Uppala, R. Venkatesh Babu |
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Rendering Portraitures from Monocular Camera and Beyond |
Xiangyu Xu, Deqing Sun, Sifei Liu, Wenqi Ren, YuJin Zhang, MingHsuan Yang, Jian Sun |
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Learning to Zoom: A Saliency-Based Sampling Layer for Neural Networks |
Adrià Recasens, Petr Kellnhofer, Simon Stent, Wojciech Matusik, Antonio Torralba |
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A Scalable Exemplar-Based Subspace Clustering Algorithm for Class-Imbalanced Data |
Chong You, Chi Li, Daniel P. Robinson, René Vidal |
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RCAA: Relational Context-Aware Agents for Person Search |
Xiaojun Chang, PoYao Huang, YiDong Shen, Xiaodan Liang, Yi Yang, Alexander G. Hauptmann |
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Distractor-Aware Siamese Networks for Visual Object Tracking |
Zheng Zhu, Qiang Wang, Bo Li, Wei Wu, Junjie Yan, Weiming Hu |
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Face Recognition with Contrastive Convolution |
Chunrui Han, Shiguang Shan, Meina Kan, Shuzhe Wu, Xilin Chen |
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Adding Attentiveness to the Neurons in Recurrent Neural Networks |
Pengfei Zhang, Jianru Xue, Cuiling Lan, Wenjun Zeng, Zhanning Gao, Nanning Zheng |
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Learning Dynamic Memory Networks for Object Tracking |
Tianyu Yang, Antoni B. Chan |
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GeoDesc: Learning Local Descriptors by Integrating Geometry Constraints |
Zixin Luo, Tianwei Shen, Lei Zhou, Siyu Zhu, Runze Zhang, Yao Yao, Tian Fang, Long Quan |
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Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Stacked Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks |
Minjun Li, Haozhi Huang, Lin Ma, Wei Liu, Tong Zhang, YuGang Jiang |
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Find and Focus: Retrieve and Localize Video Events with Natural Language Queries |
Dian Shao, Yu Xiong, Yue Zhao, Qingqiu Huang, Yu Qiao, Dahua Lin |
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Face Super-Resolution Guided by Facial Component Heatmaps |
Xin Yu, Basura Fernando, Bernard Ghanem, Fatih Porikli, Richard Hartley |
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Reverse Attention for Salient Object Detection |
Shuhan Chen, Xiuli Tan, Ben Wang, Xuelong Hu |
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Action Search: Spotting Actions in Videos and Its Application to Temporal Action Localization |
Humam Alwassel, Fabian Caba Heilbron, Bernard Ghanem |
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PSANet: Point-wise Spatial Attention Network for Scene Parsing |
Hengshuang Zhao, Yi Zhang, Shu Liu, Jianping Shi, Chen Change Loy, Dahua Lin, Jiaya Jia |
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Repeatability Is Not Enough: Learning Affine Regions via Discriminability |
Dmytro Mishkin, Filip Radenovic, Jiri Matas |
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Compressing the Input for CNNs with the First-Order Scattering Transform |
Edouard Oyallon, Eugene Belilovsky, Sergey Zagoruyko, Michal Valko |
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Faces as Lighting Probes via Unsupervised Deep Highlight Extraction |
Renjiao Yi, Chenyang Zhu, Ping Tan, Stephen Lin |
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DetNet: Design Backbone for Object Detection |
Zeming Li, Chao Peng, Gang Yu, Xiangyu Zhang, Yangdong Deng, Jian Sun |
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Structured Siamese Network for Real-Time Visual Tracking |
Yunhua Zhang, Lijun Wang, Jinqing Qi, Dong Wang, Mengyang Feng, Huchuan Lu |
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Associating Inter-image Salient Instances for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation |
Ruochen Fan, Qibin Hou, MingMing Cheng, Gang Yu, Ralph R. Martin, ShiMin Hu |
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HybridFusion: Real-Time Performance Capture Using a Single Depth Sensor and Sparse IMUs |
Zerong Zheng, Tao Yu, Hao Li, Kaiwen Guo, Qionghai Dai, Lu Fang, Yebin Liu |
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Learning Human-Object Interactions by Graph Parsing Neural Networks |
Siyuan Qi, Wenguan Wang, Baoxiong Jia, Jianbing Shen, SongChun Zhu |
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Macro-Micro Adversarial Network for Human Parsing |
Yawei Luo, Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Tao Guan, Junqing Yu, Yi Yang |
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Stereo Computation for a Single Mixture Image |
Yiran Zhong, Yuchao Dai, Hongdong Li |
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Dividing and Aggregating Network for Multi-view Action Recognition |
Dongang Wang, Wanli Ouyang, Wen Li, Dong Xu |
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Selective Zero-Shot Classification with Augmented Attributes |
Jie Song, Chengchao Shen, Jie Lei, Anxiang Zeng, Kairi Ou, Dacheng Tao, Mingli Song |
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Modeling Varying Camera-IMU Time Offset in Optimization-Based Visual-Inertial Odometry |
Yonggen Ling, Linchao Bao, Zequn Jie, Fengming Zhu, Ziyang Li, Shanmin Tang, Yongsheng Liu, Wei Liu, Tong Zhang |
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An Adversarial Approach to Hard Triplet Generation |
Yiru Zhao, Zhongming Jin, GuoJun Qi, Hongtao Lu, XianSheng Hua |
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SphereNet: Learning Spherical Representations for Detection and Classification in Omnidirectional Images |
Benjamin Coors, Alexandru Paul Condurache, Andreas Geiger |
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Deep Directional Statistics: Pose Estimation with Uncertainty Quantification |
Sergey Prokudin, Peter V. Gehler, Sebastian Nowozin |
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Joint Representation and Truncated Inference Learning for Correlation Filter Based Tracking |
Yingjie Yao, Xiaohe Wu, Lei Zhang, Shiguang Shan, Wangmeng Zuo |
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Consensus-Driven Propagation in Massive Unlabeled Data for Face Recognition |
Xiaohang Zhan, Ziwei Liu, Junjie Yan, Dahua Lin, Chen Change Loy |
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Predicting Future Instance Segmentation by Forecasting Convolutional Features |
Pauline Luc, Camille Couprie, Yann LeCun, Jakob Verbeek |
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Flow-Grounded Spatial-Temporal Video Prediction from Still Images |
Yijun Li, Chen Fang, Jimei Yang, Zhaowen Wang, Xin Lu, MingHsuan Yang |
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Learning to Reconstruct High-Quality 3D Shapes with Cascaded Fully Convolutional Networks |
YanPei Cao, ZhengNing Liu, ZhengFei Kuang, Leif Kobbelt, ShiMin Hu |
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A Dataset of Flash and Ambient Illumination Pairs from the Crowd |
Yagiz Aksoy, Changil Kim, Petr Kellnhofer, Sylvain Paris, Mohamed A. Elgharib, Marc Pollefeys, Wojciech Matusik |
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Pose-Normalized Image Generation for Person Re-identification |
Xuelin Qian, Yanwei Fu, Tao Xiang, Wenxuan Wang, Jie Qiu, Yang Wu, YuGang Jiang, Xiangyang Xue |
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Learning 3D Human Pose from Structure and Motion |
Rishabh Dabral, Anurag Mundhada, Uday Kusupati, Safeer Afaque, Abhishek Sharma, Arjun Jain |
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Deep Reinforcement Learning with Iterative Shift for Visual Tracking |
Liangliang Ren, Xin Yuan, Jiwen Lu, Ming Yang, Jie Zhou |
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PSDF Fusion: Probabilistic Signed Distance Function for On-the-fly 3D Data Fusion and Scene Reconstruction |
Wei Dong, Qiuyuan Wang, Xin Wang, Hongbin Zha |
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AugGAN: Cross Domain Adaptation with GAN-Based Data Augmentation |
ShengWei Huang, CheTsung Lin, ShuPing Chen, YenYi Wu, PoHao Hsu, ShangHong Lai |
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Graininess-Aware Deep Feature Learning for Pedestrian Detection |
Chunze Lin, Jiwen Lu, Gang Wang, Jie Zhou |
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Seeing Tree Structure from Vibration |
Tianfan Xue, Jiajun Wu, Zhoutong Zhang, Chengkai Zhang, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, William T. Freeman |
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The Devil of Face Recognition Is in the Noise |
Fei Wang, Liren Chen, Cheng Li, Shiyao Huang, Yanjie Chen, Chen Qian, Chen Change Loy |
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Shape Reconstruction Using Volume Sweeping and Learned Photoconsistency |
Vincent Leroy, JeanSébastien Franco, Edmond Boyer |
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PyramidBox: A Context-Assisted Single Shot Face Detector |
Xu Tang, Daniel K. Du, Zeqiang He, Jingtuo Liu |
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CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module |
Sanghyun Woo, Jongchan Park, JoonYoung Lee, In So Kweon |
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BodyNet: Volumetric Inference of 3D Human Body Shapes |
Gül Varol, Duygu Ceylan, Bryan C. Russell, Jimei Yang, Ersin Yumer, Ivan Laptev, Cordelia Schmid |
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Learning to Segment via Cut-and-Paste |
Tal Remez, Jonathan Huang, Matthew Brown |
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Explainable Neural Computation via Stack Neural Module Networks |
Ronghang Hu, Jacob Andreas, Trevor Darrell, Kate Saenko |
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Learning to Blend Photos |
WeiChih Hung, Jianming Zhang, Xiaohui Shen, Zhe Lin, JoonYoung Lee, MingHsuan Yang |
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Switchable Temporal Propagation Network |
Sifei Liu, Guangyu Zhong, Shalini De Mello, Jinwei Gu, Varun Jampani, MingHsuan Yang, Jan Kautz |
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Multiresolution Tree Networks for 3D Point Cloud Processing |
Matheus Gadelha, Rui Wang, Subhransu Maji |
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Propagating LSTM: 3D Pose Estimation Based on Joint Interdependency |
Kyoungoh Lee, Inwoong Lee, Sanghoon Lee |
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Deformable Pose Traversal Convolution for 3D Action and Gesture Recognition |
Junwu Weng, Mengyuan Liu, Xudong Jiang, Junsong Yuan |
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HybridNet: Classification and Reconstruction Cooperation for Semi-supervised Learning |
Thomas Robert, Nicolas Thome, Matthieu Cord |
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Robust Anchor Embedding for Unsupervised Video Person re-IDentification in the Wild |
Mang Ye, Xiangyuan Lan, Pong C. Yuen |
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Holistic 3D Scene Parsing and Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image |
Siyuan Huang, Siyuan Qi, Yixin Zhu, Yinxue Xiao, Yuanlu Xu, SongChun Zhu |
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Escaping from Collapsing Modes in a Constrained Space |
ChiaChe Chang, Chieh Hubert Lin, CheRung Lee, DaCheng Juan, Wei Wei, HwannTzong Chen |
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Leveraging Motion Priors in Videos for Improving Human Segmentation |
YuTing Chen, WenYen Chang, HaiLun Lu, Tingfan Wu, Min Sun |
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Analyzing Clothing Layer Deformation Statistics of 3D Human Motions |
Jinlong Yang, JeanSébastien Franco, Franck HétroyWheeler, Stefanie Wuhrer |
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Recurrent Squeeze-and-Excitation Context Aggregation Net for Single Image Deraining |
Xia Li, Jianlong Wu, Zhouchen Lin, Hong Liu, Hongbin Zha |
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Iterative Crowd Counting |
Viresh Ranjan, Hieu M. Le, Minh Hoai |
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Image Super-Resolution Using Very Deep Residual Channel Attention Networks |
Yulun Zhang, Kunpeng Li, Kai Li, Lichen Wang, Bineng Zhong, Yun Fu |
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Layer-Structured 3D Scene Inference via View Synthesis |
Shubham Tulsiani, Richard Tucker, Noah Snavely |
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Real-Time 'Actor-Critic' Tracking |
Boyu Chen, Dong Wang, Peixia Li, Shuang Wang, Huchuan Lu |
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Deep Bilinear Learning for RGB-D Action Recognition |
Jianfang Hu, WeiShi Zheng, Jiahui Pan, Jianhuang Lai, Jianguo Zhang |
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Superpixel Sampling Networks |
Varun Jampani, Deqing Sun, MingYu Liu, MingHsuan Yang, Jan Kautz |
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Towards Robust Neural Networks via Random Self-ensemble |
Xuanqing Liu, Minhao Cheng, Huan Zhang, ChoJui Hsieh |
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EC-Net: An Edge-Aware Point Set Consolidation Network |
Lequan Yu, Xianzhi Li, ChiWing Fu, Daniel CohenOr, PhengAnn Heng |
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3D Recurrent Neural Networks with Context Fusion for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation |
Xiaoqing Ye, Jiamao Li, Hexiao Huang, Liang Du, Xiaolin Zhang |
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Learning to Capture Light Fields Through a Coded Aperture Camera |
Yasutaka Inagaki, Yuto Kobayashi, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii, Hajime Nagahara |
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End-to-End Learning of Driving Models with Surround-View Cameras and Route Planners |
Simon Hecker, Dengxin Dai, Luc Van Gool |
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Coreset-Based Neural Network Compression |
Abhimanyu Dubey, Moitreya Chatterjee, Narendra Ahuja |
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A Joint Sequence Fusion Model for Video Question Answering and Retrieval |
Youngjae Yu, Jongseok Kim, Gunhee Kim |
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Saliency Detection in 360 ^\circ ∘ Videos |
Ziheng Zhang, Yanyu Xu, Jingyi Yu, Shenghua Gao |
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Localization Recall Precision (LRP): A New Performance Metric for Object Detection |
Kemal Oksuz, Baris Can Cam, Emre Akbas, Sinan Kalkan |
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Lip Movements Generation at a Glance |
Lele Chen, Zhiheng Li, Ross K. Maddox, Zhiyao Duan, Chenliang Xu |
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Small-Scale Pedestrian Detection Based on Topological Line Localization and Temporal Feature Aggregation |
Tao Song, Leiyu Sun, Di Xie, Haiming Sun, Shiliang Pu |
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VQA-E: Explaining, Elaborating, and Enhancing Your Answers for Visual Questions |
Qing Li, Qingyi Tao, Shafiq R. Joty, Jianfei Cai, Jiebo Luo |
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Penalizing Top Performers: Conservative Loss for Semantic Segmentation Adaptation |
Xinge Zhu, Hui Zhou, Ceyuan Yang, Jianping Shi, Dahua Lin |
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CIRL: Controllable Imitative Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Self-driving |
Xiaodan Liang, Tairui Wang, Luona Yang, Eric P. Xing |
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Statistically-Motivated Second-Order Pooling |
Kaicheng Yu, Mathieu Salzmann |
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Perturbation Robust Representations of Topological Persistence Diagrams |
Anirudh Som, Kowshik Thopalli, Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy, Vinay Venkataraman, Ankita Shukla, Pavan K. Turaga |
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SegStereo: Exploiting Semantic Information for Disparity Estimation |
Guorun Yang, Hengshuang Zhao, Jianping Shi, Zhidong Deng, Jiaya Jia |
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Uncertainty Estimates and Multi-hypotheses Networks for Optical Flow |
Eddy Ilg, Özgün Çiçek, Silvio Galesso, Aaron Klein, Osama Makansi, Frank Hutter, Thomas Brox |
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Normalized Blind Deconvolution |
Meiguang Jin, Stefan Roth, Paolo Favaro |
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Improving Generalization via Scalable Neighborhood Component Analysis |
Zhirong Wu, Alexei A. Efros, Stella X. Yu |
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Proximal Dehaze-Net: A Prior Learning-Based Deep Network for Single Image Dehazing |
Dong Yang, Jian Sun |
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SDC-Net: Video Prediction Using Spatially-Displaced Convolution |
Fitsum A. Reda, Guilin Liu, Kevin J. Shih, Robert Kirby, Jon Barker, David Tarjan, Andrew Tao, Bryan Catanzaro |
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Person Search via a Mask-Guided Two-Stream CNN Model |
Di Chen, Shanshan Zhang, Wanli Ouyang, Jian Yang, Ying Tai |
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Compound Memory Networks for Few-Shot Video Classification |
Linchao Zhu, Yi Yang |
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T ^2 2 Net: Synthetic-to-Realistic Translation for Solving Single-Image Depth Estimation Tasks |
Chuanxia Zheng, TatJen Cham, Jianfei Cai |
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AMC: AutoML for Model Compression and Acceleration on Mobile Devices |
Yihui He, Ji Lin, Zhijian Liu, Hanrui Wang, LiJia Li, Song Han |
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Encoder-Decoder with Atrous Separable Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation |
LiangChieh Chen, Yukun Zhu, George Papandreou, Florian Schroff, Hartwig Adam |
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Convolutional Networks with Adaptive Inference Graphs |
Andreas Veit, Serge J. Belongie |
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Progressive Neural Architecture Search |
Chenxi Liu, Barret Zoph, Maxim Neumann, Wei Hua, LiJia Li, Li FeiFei, Alan L. Yuille, Jonathan Huang, Kevin Murphy |
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Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Disentangled Representations |
HsinYing Lee, HungYu Tseng, JiaBin Huang, Maneesh Singh, MingHsuan Yang |
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Lifting Layers: Analysis and Applications |
Peter Ochs, Tim Meinhardt, Laura LealTaixé, Michael Möller |
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Learning with Biased Complementary Labels |
Xiyu Yu, Tongliang Liu, Mingming Gong, Dacheng Tao |
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Semi-convolutional Operators for Instance Segmentation |
David Novotný, Samuel Albanie, Diane Larlus, Andrea Vedaldi |
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Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Spatial Reasoning and Temporal Stack Learning |
Chenyang Si, Ya Jing, Wei Wang, Liang Wang, Tieniu Tan |
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Fictitious GAN: Training GANs with Historical Models |
Hao Ge, Yin Xia, Xu Chen, Randall Berry, Ying Wu |
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Bi-box Regression for Pedestrian Detection and Occlusion Estimation |
Chunluan Zhou, Junsong Yuan |
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C-WSL: Count-Guided Weakly Supervised Localization |
Mingfei Gao, Ang Li, Ruichi Yu, Vlad I. Morariu, Larry S. Davis |
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Attributes as Operators: Factorizing Unseen Attribute-Object Compositions |
Tushar Nagarajan, Kristen Grauman |
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Product Quantization Network for Fast Image Retrieval |
Tan Yu, Junsong Yuan, Chen Fang, Hailin Jin |
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Cross-Modal Hamming Hashing |
Yue Cao, Bin Liu, Mingsheng Long, Jianmin Wang |
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Deep Video Quality Assessor: From Spatio-Temporal Visual Sensitivity to a Convolutional Neural Aggregation Network |
Woojae Kim, Jongyoo Kim, Sewoong Ahn, Jinwoo Kim, Sanghoon Lee |
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Semi-dense 3D Reconstruction with a Stereo Event Camera |
Yi Zhou, Guillermo Gallego, Henri Rebecq, Laurent Kneip, Hongdong Li, Davide Scaramuzza |
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Self-Calibrating Isometric Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion |
Shaifali Parashar, Adrien Bartoli, Daniel Pizarro |
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Semi-supervised Deep Learning with Memory |
Yanbei Chen, Xiatian Zhu, Shaogang Gong |
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Deep Fundamental Matrix Estimation |
René Ranftl, Vladlen Koltun |
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TrackingNet: A Large-Scale Dataset and Benchmark for Object Tracking in the Wild |
Matthias Müller, Adel Bibi, Silvio Giancola, Salman AlSubaihi, Bernard Ghanem |
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StarMap for Category-Agnostic Keypoint and Viewpoint Estimation |
Xingyi Zhou, Arjun Karpur, Linjie Luo, Qixing Huang |
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Factorizable Net: An Efficient Subgraph-Based Framework for Scene Graph Generation |
Yikang Li, Wanli Ouyang, Bolei Zhou, Jianping Shi, Chao Zhang, Xiaogang Wang |
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Multi-fiber Networks for Video Recognition |
Yunpeng Chen, Yannis Kalantidis, Jianshu Li, Shuicheng Yan, Jiashi Feng |
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Tackling 3D ToF Artifacts Through Learning and the FLAT Dataset |
Qi Guo, Iuri Frosio, Orazio Gallo, Todd E. Zickler, Jan Kautz |
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Zero-Shot Object Detection |
Ankan Bansal, Karan Sikka, Gaurav Sharma, Rama Chellappa, Ajay Divakaran |
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A Modulation Module for Multi-task Learning with Applications in Image Retrieval |
Xiangyun Zhao, Haoxiang Li, Xiaohui Shen, Xiaodan Liang, Ying Wu |
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Fast and Accurate Intrinsic Symmetry Detection |
Rajendra Nagar, Shanmuganathan Raman |
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Objects that Sound |
Relja Arandjelovic, Andrew Zisserman |
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Deblurring Natural Image Using Super-Gaussian Fields |
Yuhang Liu, Wenyong Dong, Dong Gong, Lei Zhang, Qinfeng Shi |
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Question-Guided Hybrid Convolution for Visual Question Answering |
Peng Gao, Hongsheng Li, Shuang Li, Pan Lu, Yikang Li, Steven C. H. Hoi, Xiaogang Wang |
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Geometric Constrained Joint Lane Segmentation and Lane Boundary Detection |
Jie Zhang, Yi Xu, Bingbing Ni, Zhenyu Duan |
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Unpaired Image Captioning by Language Pivoting |
Jiuxiang Gu, Shafiq R. Joty, Jianfei Cai, Gang Wang |
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Efficient Uncertainty Estimation for Semantic Segmentation in Videos |
PoYu Huang, Wan Ting Hsu, ChunYueh Chiu, TingFan Wu, Min Sun |
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Person Search by Multi-Scale Matching |
Xu Lan, Xiatian Zhu, Shaogang Gong |
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A Hybrid Model for Identity Obfuscation by Face Replacement |
Qianru Sun, Ayush Tewari, Weipeng Xu, Mario Fritz, Christian Theobalt, Bernt Schiele |
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The Sound of Pixels |
Hang Zhao, Chuang Gan, Andrew Rouditchenko, Carl Vondrick, Josh H. McDermott, Antonio Torralba |
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Adaptive Affinity Fields for Semantic Segmentation |
TsungWei Ke, JyhJing Hwang, Ziwei Liu, Stella X. Yu |
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ReenactGAN: Learning to Reenact Faces via Boundary Transfer |
Wayne Wu, Yunxuan Zhang, Cheng Li, Chen Qian, Chen Change Loy |
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Learning to Anonymize Faces for Privacy Preserving Action Detection |
Zhongzheng Ren, Yong Jae Lee, Michael S. Ryoo |
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Joint Person Segmentation and Identification in Synchronized First- and Third-Person Videos |
Mingze Xu, Chenyou Fan, Yuchen Wang, Michael S. Ryoo, David J. Crandall |
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Neural Graph Matching Networks for Fewshot 3D Action Recognition |
Michelle Guo, Edward Chou, DeAn Huang, Shuran Song, Serena Yeung, Li FeiFei |
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Graph R-CNN for Scene Graph Generation |
Jianwei Yang, Jiasen Lu, Stefan Lee, Dhruv Batra, Devi Parikh |
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Deep Cross-Modal Projection Learning for Image-Text Matching |
Ying Zhang, Huchuan Lu |
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ShapeStacks: Learning Vision-Based Physical Intuition for Generalised Object Stacking |
Oliver Groth, Fabian B. Fuchs, Ingmar Posner, Andrea Vedaldi |
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Inner Space Preserving Generative Pose Machine |
Shuangjun Liu, Sarah Ostadabbas |
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Attention-Based Ensemble for Deep Metric Learning |
Wonsik Kim, Bhavya Goyal, Kunal Chawla, Jungmin Lee, Keunjoo Kwon |
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Learning Compression from Limited Unlabeled Data |
Xiangyu He, Jian Cheng |
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Discriminative Region Proposal Adversarial Networks for High-Quality Image-to-Image Translation |
Chao Wang, Haiyong Zheng, Zhibin Yu, Ziqiang Zheng, Zhaorui Gu, Bing Zheng |
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Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation Using Motion Saliency-Guided Spatio-Temporal Propagation |
YuanTing Hu, JiaBin Huang, Alexander G. Schwing |
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Temporal Relational Reasoning in Videos |
Bolei Zhou, Alex Andonian, Aude Oliva, Antonio Torralba |
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Deep Boosting for Image Denoising |
Chang Chen, Zhiwei Xiong, Xinmei Tian, Feng Wu |
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Self-Supervised Relative Depth Learning for Urban Scene Understanding |
Huaizu Jiang, Gustav Larsson, Michael Maire, Greg Shakhnarovich, Erik G. LearnedMiller |
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K-convexity Shape Priors for Segmentation |
Hossam N. Isack, Lena Gorelick, Karin Ng, Olga Veksler, Yuri Boykov |
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Pixel2Mesh: Generating 3D Mesh Models from Single RGB Images |
Nanyang Wang, Yinda Zhang, Zhuwen Li, Yanwei Fu, Wei Liu, YuGang Jiang |
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Boosted Attention: Leveraging Human Attention for Image Captioning |
Shi Chen, Qi Zhao |
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Image Inpainting for Irregular Holes Using Partial Convolutions |
Guilin Liu, Fitsum A. Reda, Kevin J. Shih, TingChun Wang, Andrew Tao, Bryan Catanzaro |
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Fighting Fake News: Image Splice Detection via Learned Self-Consistency |
Minyoung Huh, Andrew Liu, Andrew Owens, Alexei A. Efros |
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Hand Pose Estimation via Latent 2.5D Heatmap Regression |
Umar Iqbal, Pavlo Molchanov, Thomas M. Breuel, Juergen Gall, Jan Kautz |
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Depth-Aware CNN for RGB-D Segmentation |
Weiyue Wang, Ulrich Neumann |
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CAR-Net: Clairvoyant Attentive Recurrent Network |
Amir Sadeghian, Ferdinand Legros, Maxime Voisin, Ricky Vesel, Alexandre Alahi, Silvio Savarese |
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Evaluating Capability of Deep Neural Networks for Image Classification via Information Plane |
Hao Cheng, Dongze Lian, Shenghua Gao, Yanlin Geng |
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Super-Identity Convolutional Neural Network for Face Hallucination |
Kaipeng Zhang, Zhanpeng Zhang, ChiaWen Cheng, Winston H. Hsu, Yu Qiao, Wei Liu, Tong Zhang |
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What Do I Annotate Next? An Empirical Study of Active Learning for Action Localization |
Fabian Caba Heilbron, JoonYoung Lee, Hailin Jin, Bernard Ghanem |
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Semi-supervised Adversarial Learning to Generate Photorealistic Face Images of New Identities from 3D Morphable Model |
Baris Gecer, Binod Bhattarai, Josef Kittler, TaeKyun Kim |
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HairNet: Single-View Hair Reconstruction Using Convolutional Neural Networks |
Yi Zhou, Liwen Hu, Jun Xing, Weikai Chen, HanWei Kung, Xin Tong, Hao Li |
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Neural Network Encapsulation |
Hongyang Li, Xiaoyang Guo, Bo Dai, Wanli Ouyang, Xiaogang Wang |
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Learning Deep Representations with Probabilistic Knowledge Transfer |
Nikolaos Passalis, Anastasios Tefas |
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Integrating Egocentric Videos in Top-View Surveillance Videos: Joint Identification and Temporal Alignment |
Shervin Ardeshir, Ali Borji |
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Visual-Inertial Object Detection and Mapping |
Xiaohan Fei, Stefano Soatto |
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Actor-Centric Relation Network |
Chen Sun, Abhinav Shrivastava, Carl Vondrick, Kevin Murphy, Rahul Sukthankar, Cordelia Schmid |
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Liquid Pouring Monitoring via Rich Sensory Inputs |
TzYing Wu, JuanTing Lin, TsunHsuan Wang, ChanWei Hu, Juan Carlos Niebles, Min Sun |
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Weakly Supervised Region Proposal Network and Object Detection |
Peng Tang, Xinggang Wang, Angtian Wang, Yongluan Yan, Wenyu Liu, Junzhou Huang, Alan L. Yuille |
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Zero-Annotation Object Detection with Web Knowledge Transfer |
Qingyi Tao, Hao Yang, Jianfei Cai |
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Receptive Field Block Net for Accurate and Fast Object Detection |
Songtao Liu, Di Huang, Yunhong Wang |
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Deep Adversarial Attention Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: The Benefit of Target Expectation Maximization |
Guoliang Kang, Liang Zheng, Yan Yan, Yi Yang |
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MultiPoseNet: Fast Multi-Person Pose Estimation Using Pose Residual Network |
Muhammed Kocabas, Salih Karagoz, Emre Akbas |
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TS ^2 2 C: Tight Box Mining with Surrounding Segmentation Context for Weakly Supervised Object Detection |
Yunchao Wei, Zhiqiang Shen, Bowen Cheng, Honghui Shi, Jinjun Xiong, Jiashi Feng, Thomas S. Huang |
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Hierarchy of Alternating Specialists for Scene Recognition |
Hyo Jin Kim, JanMichael Frahm |
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Move Forward and Tell: A Progressive Generator of Video Descriptions |
Yilei Xiong, Bo Dai, Dahua Lin |
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Learning Monocular Depth by Distilling Cross-Domain Stereo Networks |
Xiaoyang Guo, Hongsheng Li, Shuai Yi, Jimmy S. J. Ren, Xiaogang Wang |
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Video Object Segmentation by Learning Location-Sensitive Embeddings |
Hai Ci, Chunyu Wang, Yizhou Wang |
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DPP-Net: Device-Aware Progressive Search for Pareto-Optimal Neural Architectures |
JinDong Dong, AnChieh Cheng, DaCheng Juan, Wei Wei, Min Sun |
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Riemannian Walk for Incremental Learning: Understanding Forgetting and Intransigence |
Arslan Chaudhry, Puneet Kumar Dokania, Thalaiyasingam Ajanthan, Philip H. S. Torr |
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Dependency-Aware Attention Control for Unconstrained Face Recognition with Image Sets |
Xiaofeng Liu, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar, Chao Yang, Qingming Tang, Jane You |
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Volumetric Performance Capture from Minimal Camera Viewpoints |
Andrew Gilbert, Marco Volino, John P. Collomosse, Adrian Hilton |
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A Framework for Evaluating 6-DOF Object Trackers |
Mathieu Garon, Denis Laurendeau, JeanFrançois Lalonde |
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Variable Ring Light Imaging: Capturing Transient Subsurface Scattering with an Ordinary Camera |
Ko Nishino, Art SubpaAsa, Yuta Asano, Mihoko Shimano, Imari Sato |
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Large Scale Urban Scene Modeling from MVS Meshes |
Lingjie Zhu, Shuhan Shen, Xiang Gao, Zhanyi Hu |
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Dynamic Multimodal Instance Segmentation Guided by Natural Language Queries |
Edgar MargffoyTuay, Juan C. Pérez, Emilio Botero, Pablo Arbeláez |
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Learning Shape Priors for Single-View 3D Completion And Reconstruction |
Jiajun Wu, Chengkai Zhang, Xiuming Zhang, Zhoutong Zhang, William T. Freeman, Joshua B. Tenenbaum |
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AGIL: Learning Attention from Human for Visuomotor Tasks |
Ruohan Zhang, Zhuode Liu, Luxin Zhang, Jake Alden Whritner, Karl S. Muller, Mary M. Hayhoe, Dana H. Ballard |
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Deep Imbalanced Attribute Classification Using Visual Attention Aggregation |
Nikolaos Sarafianos, Xiang Xu, Ioannis A. Kakadiaris |
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Sub-GAN: An Unsupervised Generative Model via Subspaces |
Jie Liang, Jufeng Yang, HsinYing Lee, Kai Wang, MingHsuan Yang |
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Pyramid Dilated Deeper ConvLSTM for Video Salient Object Detection |
Hongmei Song, Wenguan Wang, Sanyuan Zhao, Jianbing Shen, KinMan Lam |
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Where Will They Go? Predicting Fine-Grained Adversarial Multi-agent Motion Using Conditional Variational Autoencoders |
Panna Felsen, Patrick Lucey, Sujoy Ganguly |
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Learning Data Terms for Non-blind Deblurring |
Jiangxin Dong, Jinshan Pan, Deqing Sun, Zhixun Su, MingHsuan Yang |
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Zero-Shot Deep Domain Adaptation |
KuanChuan Peng, Ziyan Wu, Jan Ernst |
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Comparator Networks |
Weidi Xie, Li Shen, Andrew Zisserman |
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Deep Regionlets for Object Detection |
Hongyu Xu, Xutao Lv, Xiaoyu Wang, Zhou Ren, Navaneeth Bodla, Rama Chellappa |
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Fast Semantic Segmentation on Video Using Block Motion-Based Feature Interpolation |
Samvit Jain, Joseph E. Gonzalez |
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Video Object Segmentation with Referring Expressions |
Anna Khoreva, Anna Rohrbach, Bernt Schiele |
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MobileFace: 3D Face Reconstruction with Efficient CNN Regression |
Nikolai Chinaev, Alexander Chigorin, Ivan Laptev |
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A Kinematic Chain Space for Monocular Motion Capture |
Bastian Wandt, Hanno Ackermann, Bodo Rosenhahn |
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Non-rigid 3D Shape Registration Using an Adaptive Template |
Hang Dai, Nick E. Pears, William A. P. Smith |
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3D Human Body Reconstruction from a Single Image via Volumetric Regression |
Aaron S. Jackson, Chris Manafas, Georgios Tzimiropoulos |
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Can 3D Pose Be Learned from 2D Projections Alone? |
Dylan Drover, M. V. Rohith, ChingHang Chen, Amit Agrawal, Ambrish Tyagi, Cong Phuoc Huynh |
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Towards a Fair Evaluation of Zero-Shot Action Recognition Using External Data |
Alina Roitberg, Manuel Martínez, Monica Haurilet, Rainer Stiefelhagen |
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MoQA - A Multi-modal Question Answering Architecture |
Monica Haurilet, Ziad AlHalah, Rainer Stiefelhagen |
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Pre-gen Metrics: Predicting Caption Quality Metrics Without Generating Captions |
Marc Tanti, Albert Gatt, Adrian Muscat |
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Quantifying the Amount of Visual Information Used by Neural Caption Generators |
Marc Tanti, Albert Gatt, Kenneth P. Camilleri |
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Distinctive-Attribute Extraction for Image Captioning |
Boeun Kim, Young Han Lee, Hyedong Jung, Choong Sang Cho |
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Knowing Where to Look? Analysis on Attention of Visual Question Answering System |
Wei Li, Zehuan Yuan, Xiangzhong Fang, Changhu Wang |
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Knowing When to Look for What and Where: Evaluating Generation of Spatial Descriptions with Adaptive Attention |
Mehdi Ghanimifard, Simon Dobnik |
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How Clever Is the FiLM Model, and How Clever Can it Be? |
Alexander Kuhnle, Huiyuan Xie, Ann A. Copestake |
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Image-Sensitive Language Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition |
Kata Naszádi, Youssef Oualil, Dietrich Klakow |
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Adding Object Detection Skills to Visual Dialogue Agents |
Gabriele Bani, Davide Belli, Gautier Dagan, Alexander Geenen, Andrii Skliar, Aashish Venkatesh, Tim Baumgärtner, Elia Bruni, Raquel Fernández |
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The 2nd YouTube-8M Large-Scale Video Understanding Challenge |
Joonseok Lee, Apostol Natsev, Walter Reade, Rahul Sukthankar, George Toderici |
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NeXtVLAD: An Efficient Neural Network to Aggregate Frame-Level Features for Large-Scale Video Classification |
Rongcheng Lin, Jing Xiao, Jianping Fan |
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Non-local NetVLAD Encoding for Video Classification |
Yongyi Tang, Xing Zhang, Jingwen Wang, Shaoxiang Chen, Lin Ma, YuGang Jiang |
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Learnable Pooling Methods for Video Classification |
Sebastian Kmiec, Juhan Bae, Ruijian An |
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Constrained-Size Tensorflow Models for YouTube-8M Video Understanding Challenge |
Tianqi Liu, Bo Liu |
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Label Denoising with Large Ensembles of Heterogeneous Neural Networks |
Pavel Ostyakov, Elizaveta Logacheva, Roman Suvorov, Vladimir Aliev, Gleb Sterkin, Oleg Khomenko, Sergey I. Nikolenko |
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Hierarchical Video Frame Sequence Representation with Deep Convolutional Graph Network |
Feng Mao, Xiang Wu, Hui Xue, Rong Zhang |
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Training Compact Deep Learning Models for Video Classification Using Circulant Matrices |
Alexandre Araujo, Benjamin Négrevergne, Yann Chevaleyre, Jamal Atif |
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Towards Good Practices for Multi-modal Fusion in Large-Scale Video Classification |
Jinlai Liu, Zehuan Yuan, Changhu Wang |
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Building A Size Constrained Predictive Models for Video Classification |
Miha Skalic, David Austin |
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Temporal Attention Mechanism with Conditional Inference for Large-Scale Multi-label Video Classification |
EunSol Kim, KyoungWoon On, Jongseok Kim, YuJung Heo, SeongHo Choi, HyunDong Lee, ByoungTak Zhang |
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Approach for Video Classification with Multi-label on YouTube-8M Dataset |
Kwangsoo Shin, Junhyeong Jeon, Seungbin Lee, Boyoung Lim, Minsoo Jeong, Jongho Nang |
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Learning Video Features for Multi-label Classification |
Shivam Garg |
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Large-Scale Video Classification with Feature Space Augmentation Coupled with Learned Label Relations and Ensembling |
Choongyeun Cho, Benjamin Antin, Sanchit Arora, Shwan Ashrafi, Peilin Duan, Dang The Huynh, Lee James, Hang Tuan Nguyen, Mojtaba Solgi, Cuong Van Than |
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Multi-style Generative Network for Real-Time Transfer |
Hang Zhang, Kristin J. Dana |
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Frustratingly Easy Trade-off Optimization Between Single-Stage and Two-Stage Deep Object Detectors |
Petru Soviany, Radu Tudor Ionescu |
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Targeted Kernel Networks: Faster Convolutions with Attentive Regularization |
Kashyap Chitta |
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Small Defect Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network Features and Random Forests |
Xinghui Dong, Chris J. Taylor, Tim F. Cootes |
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Compact Deep Aggregation for Set Retrieval |
Yujie Zhong, Relja Arandjelovic, Andrew Zisserman |
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Adversarial Network Compression |
Vasileios Belagiannis, Azade Farshad, Fabio Galasso |
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Target Aware Network Adaptation for Efficient Representation Learning |
Yang Zhong, Vladimir Li, Ryuzo Okada, Atsuto Maki |
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Learning CCA Representations for Misaligned Data |
Hichem Sahbi |
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Learning Relationship-Aware Visual Features |
Nicola Messina, Giuseppe Amato, Fabio Carrara, Fabrizio Falchi, Claudio Gennaro |
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DNN Feature Map Compression Using Learned Representation over GF(2) |
Denis A. Gudovskiy, Alec Hodgkinson, Luca Rigazio |
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LBP-Motivated Colour Texture Classification |
Raquel BelloCerezo, Paul W. Fieguth, Francesco Bianconi |
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Discriminative Feature Selection by Optimal Manifold Search for Neoplastic Image Recognition |
Hayato Itoh, Yuichi Mori, Masashi Misawa, Masahiro Oda, Shinei Kudo, Kensaku Mori |
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Fast, Visual and Interactive Semi-supervised Dimensionality Reduction |
Dimitris Spathis, Nikolaos Passalis, Anastasios Tefas |
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Efficient Texture Retrieval Using Multiscale Local Extrema Descriptors and Covariance Embedding |
MinhTan Pham |
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Extended Non-local Feature for Visual Saliency Detection in Low Contrast Images |
Xin Xu, Jie Wang |
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Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Graph Regularized Matrix Factorization |
Jie Wen, Zheng Zhang, Yong Xu, Zuofeng Zhong |
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GA-Based Filter Selection for Representation in Convolutional Neural Networks |
Junbong Kim, Minki Lee, Jongeun Choi, Kisung Seo |
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Active Descriptor Learning for Feature Matching |
Aziz Koçanaogullari, Esra Ataer Cansizoglu |
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A Joint Generative Model for Zero-Shot Learning |
Rui Gao, Xingsong Hou, Jie Qin, Li Liu, Fan Zhu, Zhao Zhang |
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Gait Energy Image Reconstruction from Degraded Gait Cycle Using Deep Learning |
Maryam Babaee, Linwei Li, Gerhard Rigoll |
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Hierarchical Video Understanding |
Farzaneh Mahdisoltani, Roland Memisevic, David J. Fleet |
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Fine-Grained Vehicle Classification with Unsupervised Parts Co-occurrence Learning |
Sara Elkerdawy, Nilanjan Ray, Hong Zhang |
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Multiple Wavelet Pooling for CNNs |
Aina Ferrà, Eduardo Aguilar, Petia Radeva |
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Automated Facial Wrinkles Annotator |
Moi Hoon Yap, Jhan S. Alarifi, ChoonChing Ng, Nazre Batool, Kevin Walker |
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Deep Learning of Appearance Models for Online Object Tracking |
Mengyao Zhai, Lei Chen, Greg Mori, Mehrsan Javan Roshtkhari |
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Towards Cycle-Consistent Models for Text and Image Retrieval |
Marcella Cornia, Lorenzo Baraldi, Hamed R. Tavakoli, Rita Cucchiara |
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From Attribute-Labels to Faces: Face Generation Using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network |
Yaohui Wang, Antitza Dantcheva, François Brémond |
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Optimizing Body Region Classification with Deep Convolutional Activation Features |
Obioma Pelka, Felix Nensa, Christoph M. Friedrich |
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Efficient Interactive Multi-object Segmentation in Medical Images |
Leissi Margarita Castañeda Leon, Paulo André Vechiatto de Miranda |
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Cross-modal Embeddings for Video and Audio Retrieval |
Dídac Surís, Amanda Cardoso Duarte, Amaia Salvador, Jordi Torres, Xavier GiróiNieto |
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Understanding Center Loss Based Network for Image Retrieval with Few Training Data |
Pallabi Ghosh, Larry S. Davis |
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End-to-End Trained CNN Encoder-Decoder Networks for Image Steganography |
Atique ur Rehman, Rafia Rahim, Muhammad Shahroz Nadeem, Sibt ul Hussain |
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Cancelable Knuckle Template Generation Based on LBP-CNN |
Avantika Singh, Shreya Hasmukh Patel, Aditya Nigam |
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A 2.5D Deep Learning-Based Approach for Prostate Cancer Detection on T2-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
Ruba Alkadi, Ayman ElBaz, Fatma Taher, Naoufel Werghi |
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GreenWarps: A Two-Stage Warping Model for Stitching Images Using Diffeomorphic Meshes and Green Coordinates |
Geethu Miriam Jacob, Sukhendu Das |
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Recovering 6D Object Pose: A Review and Multi-modal Analysis |
Caner Sahin, TaeKyun Kim |
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Vision Augmented Robot Feeding |
Alexandre Candeias, Travers Rhodes, Manuel Marques, João Paulo Costeira, Manuela Veloso |
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Human-Computer Interaction Approaches for the Assessment and the Practice of the Cognitive Capabilities of Elderly People |
Manuela Chessa, Chiara Bassano, Elisa Gusai, Alice E. Martis, Fabio Solari |
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Analysis of the Effect of Sensors for End-to-End Machine Learning Odometry |
Carlos Marquez RodriguezPeral, Dexmont Peña |
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RAMCIP Robot: A Personal Robotic Assistant; Demonstration of a Complete Framework |
Ioannis Kostavelis, Dimitrios Giakoumis, Georgia Peleka, Andreas Kargakos, Evangelos Skartados, Manolis Vasileiadis, Dimitrios Tzovaras |
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An Empirical Study Towards Understanding How Deep Convolutional Nets Recognize Falls |
Yan Zhang, Heiko Neumann |
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ASSIST: Personalized Indoor Navigation via Multimodal Sensors and High-Level Semantic Information |
Vishnu Nair, Manjekar Budhai, Greg Olmschenk, William H. Seiple, Zhigang Zhu |
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Comparing Methods for Assessment of Facial Dynamics in Patients with Major Neurocognitive Disorders |
Yaohui Wang, Antitza Dantcheva, JeanClaude Broutart, Philippe Robert, François Brémond, Piotr Tadeusz Bilinski |
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Deep Execution Monitor for Robot Assistive Tasks |
Lorenzo Mauro, Edoardo Alati, Marta Sanzari, Valsamis Ntouskos, Gianluca Massimiani, Fiora Pirri |
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Chasing Feet in the Wild: A Proposed Egocentric Motion-Aware Gait Assessment Tool |
Mina Nouredanesh, Aaron W. Li, Alan Godfrey, Jesse Hoey, James Tung |
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Inferring Human Knowledgeability from Eye Gaze in Mobile Learning Environments |
Oya Çeliktutan, Yiannis Demiris |
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Hand-Tremor Frequency Estimation in Videos |
Silvia L. Pintea, Jian Zheng, Xilin Li, Paulina J. M. Bank, Jacobus J. van Hilten, Jan C. van Gemert |
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DrawInAir: A Lightweight Gestural Interface Based on Fingertip Regression |
Gaurav Garg, Srinidhi Hegde, Ramakrishna Perla, Varun Jain, Lovekesh Vig, Ramya Hebbalaguppe |
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Adapting Egocentric Visual Hand Pose Estimation Towards a Robot-Controlled Exoskeleton |
Gerald Baulig, Thomas Gulde, Cristóbal Curio |
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Estimating 2D Multi-hand Poses from Single Depth Images |
Le Duan, Minmin Shen, Song Cui, Zhexiao Guo, Oliver Deussen |
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Spatial-Temporal Attention Res-TCN for Skeleton-Based Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition |
Jingxuan Hou, Guijin Wang, Xinghao Chen, JingHao Xue, Rui Zhu, Huazhong Yang |
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Task-Oriented Hand Motion Retargeting for Dexterous Manipulation Imitation |
Dafni Antotsiou, Guillermo GarciaHernando, TaeKyun Kim |
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HANDS18: Methods, Techniques and Applications for Hand Observation |
Iason Oikonomidis, Guillermo GarciaHernando, Angela Yao, Antonis A. Argyros, Vincent Lepetit, TaeKyun Kim |
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Automatic Classification of Low-Resolution Chromosomal Images |
Swati, Monika Sharma, Lovekesh Vig |
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Feature2Mass: Visual Feature Processing in Latent Space for Realistic Labeled Mass Generation |
JaeHyeok Lee, Seong Tae Kim, Hakmin Lee, Yong Man Ro |
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Ordinal Regression with Neuron Stick-Breaking for Medical Diagnosis |
Xiaofeng Liu, Yang Zou, Yuhang Song, Chao Yang, Jane You, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar |
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Multi-level Activation for Segmentation of Hierarchically-Nested Classes |
Marie Piraud, Anjany Sekuboyina, Björn H. Menze |
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Detecting Synapse Location and Connectivity by Signed Proximity Estimation and Pruning with Deep Nets |
Toufiq Parag, Daniel R. Berger, Lee Kamentsky, Benedikt Staffler, Donglai Wei, Moritz Helmstaedter, Jeff W. Lichtman, Hanspeter Pfister |
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2D and 3D Vascular Structures Enhancement via Multiscale Fractional Anisotropy Tensor |
Haifa F. Alhasson, Shuaa S. Alharbi, Boguslaw Obara |
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Improved Dictionary Learning with Enriched Information for Biomedical Images |
Shengda Luo, Alex Po Leung |
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Visual and Quantitative Comparison of Real and Simulated Biomedical Image Data |
Tereza Necasová, David Svoboda |
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Instance Segmentation of Neural Cells |
Jingru Yi, Pengxiang Wu, Menglin Jiang, Daniel J. Hoeppner, Dimitris N. Metaxas |
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Densely Connected Stacked U-network for Filament Segmentation in Microscopy Images |
Yi Liu, Wayne Treible, Abhishek Kolagunda, Alex Nedo, Philip Saponaro, Jeffrey Caplan, Chandra Kambhamettu |
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Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Based Framework for Estimation of Stomata Density and Structure from Microscopic Images |
Swati Bhugra, Deepak Mishra, Anupama Anupama, Santanu Chaudhury, Brejesh Lall, Archana Chugh, Viswanathan Chinnusamy |
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A Fast and Scalable Pipeline for Stain Normalization of Whole-Slide Images in Histopathology |
Milos Stanisavljevic, Andreea Anghel, Nikolaos Papandreou, Sonali Andani, Pushpak Pati, Jan Hendrik Rüschoff, Peter Wild, Maria Gabrani, Haralampos Pozidis |
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A Benchmark for Epithelial Cell Tracking |
Jan Funke, Lisa Mais, Andrew Champion, Natalie Dye, Dagmar Kainmueller |
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Automatic Fusion of Segmentation and Tracking Labels |
Cem Emre Akbas, Vladimír Ulman, Martin Maska, Florian Jug, Michal Kozubek |
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Identification of C. elegans Strains Using a Fully Convolutional Neural Network on Behavioural Dynamics |
Avelino Javer, André E. X. Brown, Iasonas Kokkinos, Jens Rittscher |
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Towards Automated Multiscale Imaging and Analysis in TEM: Glomerulus Detection by Fusion of CNN and LBP Maps |
Elisabeth Wetzer, Joakim Lindblad, IdaMaria Sintorn, Kjell Hultenby, Natasa Sladoje |
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Pre-training on Grayscale ImageNet Improves Medical Image Classification |
Yiting Xie, David Richmond |
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Boosting LiDAR-Based Semantic Labeling by Cross-modal Training Data Generation |
Florian Piewak, Peter Pinggera, Manuel Schäfer, David Peter, Beate Schwarz, Nick Schneider, Markus Enzweiler, David Pfeiffer, J. Marius Zöllner |
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Learning to Learn from Web Data Through Deep Semantic Embeddings |
Raul Gomez, Lluís Gómez, Jaume Gibert, Dimosthenis Karatzas |
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Learning from #Barcelona Instagram Data What Locals and Tourists Post About Its Neighbourhoods |
Raul Gomez, Lluís Gómez, Jaume Gibert, Dimosthenis Karatzas |
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A Structured Listwise Approach to Learning to Rank for Image Tagging |
Jorge Sánchez, Franco Luque, Leandro Lichtensztein |
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Visually Indicated Sound Generation by Perceptually Optimized Classification |
Kan Chen, Chuanxi Zhang, Chen Fang, Zhaowen Wang, Trung Bui, Ram Nevatia |
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CentralNet: A Multilayer Approach for Multimodal Fusion |
Valentin Vielzeuf, Alexis Lechervy, Stéphane Pateux, Frédéric Jurie |
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Where and What Am I Eating? Image-Based Food Menu Recognition |
Marc Bolaños, Marc Valdivia, Petia Radeva |
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ThermalGAN: Multimodal Color-to-Thermal Image Translation for Person Re-identification in Multispectral Dataset |
Vladimir V. Kniaz, Vladimir A. Knyaz, Jirí Hladuvka, Walter G. Kropatsch, Vladimir Mizginov |
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Visual-Semantic Alignment Across Domains Using a Semi-Supervised Approach |
Angelo Carraggi, Marcella Cornia, Lorenzo Baraldi, Rita Cucchiara |
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Generalized Bayesian Canonical Correlation Analysis with Missing Modalities |
Toshihiko Matsuura, Kuniaki Saito, Yoshitaka Ushiku, Tatsuya Harada |
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Unpaired Thermal to Visible Spectrum Transfer Using Adversarial Training |
Adam Nyberg, Abdelrahman Eldesokey, David Bergström, David Gustafsson |
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Devon: Deformable Volume Network for Learning Optical Flow |
Yao Lu, Jack Valmadre, Heng Wang, Juho Kannala, Mehrtash Harandi, Philip H. S. Torr |
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Using Phase Instead of Optical Flow for Action Recognition |
Omar Hommos, Silvia L. Pintea, Pascal S. M. Mettes, Jan C. van Gemert |
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Event Extraction Using Transportation of Temporal Optical Flow Fields |
Itaru Gotoh, Hiroki Hiraoka, Atsushi Imiya |
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A Simple and Effective Fusion Approach for Multi-frame Optical Flow Estimation |
Zhile Ren, Orazio Gallo, Deqing Sun, MingHsuan Yang, Erik B. Sudderth, Jan Kautz |
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Unsupervised Event-Based Optical Flow Using Motion Compensation |
Alex Zihao Zhu, Liangzhe Yuan, Kenneth Chaney, Kostas Daniilidis |
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MoA-Net: Self-supervised Motion Segmentation |
Pia Bideau, Rakesh R. Menon, Erik G. LearnedMiller |
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Teaching UAVs to Race: End-to-End Regression of Agile Controls in Simulation |
Matthias Müller, Vincent Casser, Neil Smith, Dominik L. Michels, Bernard Ghanem |
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Onboard Hyperspectral Image Compression Using Compressed Sensing and Deep Learning |
Saurabh Kumar, Subhasis Chaudhuri, Biplab Banerjee, T. M. Feroz Ali |
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SafeUAV: Learning to Estimate Depth and Safe Landing Areas for UAVs from Synthetic Data |
Alina Marcu, Dragos Costea, Vlad Licaret, Mihai Cristian Pîrvu, Emil Slusanschi, Marius Leordeanu |
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Aerial GANeration: Towards Realistic Data Augmentation Using Conditional GANs |
Stefan Milz, Tobias Rüdiger, Sebastian Süss |
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Metrics for Real-Time Mono-VSLAM Evaluation Including IMU Induced Drift with Application to UAV Flight |
Alexander HardtStremayr, Matthias Schörghuber, Stephan Weiss, Martin Humenberger |
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ShuffleDet: Real-Time Vehicle Detection Network in On-Board Embedded UAV Imagery |
Seyed Majid Azimi |
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Joint Exploitation of Features and Optical Flow for Real-Time Moving Object Detection on Drones |
Hazal Lezki, Ahu Ozturk, M. Akif Akpinar, M. Kerim Yucel, K. Berker Logoglu, Aykut Erdem, Erkut Erdem |
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UAV-GESTURE: A Dataset for UAV Control and Gesture Recognition |
Asanka G. Perera, Yee Wei Law, Javaan Singh Chahl |
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ChangeNet: A Deep Learning Architecture for Visual Change Detection |
Ashley Varghese, Jayavardhana Gubbi, Akshaya Ramaswamy, P. Balamuralidhar |
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DeeSIL: Deep-Shallow Incremental Learning |
Eden Belouadah, Adrian Popescu |
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Dynamic Adaptation on Non-stationary Visual Domains |
Sindi Shkodrani, Michael Hofmann, Efstratios Gavves |
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Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation Through Structure Enhancement |
Fengmao Lv, Qing Lian, Guowu Yang, Guosheng Lin, Sinno Jialin Pan, Lixin Duan |
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Adding New Tasks to a Single Network with Weight Transformations Using Binary Masks |
Massimiliano Mancini, Elisa Ricci, Barbara Caputo, Samuel Rota Bulò |
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Generating Shared Latent Variables for Robots to Imitate Human Movements and Understand Their Physical Limitations |
Maxime Devanne, Sao Mai Nguyen |
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Model Selection for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning |
Hongguang Zhang, Piotr Koniusz |
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Multi-Domain Pose Network for Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Tracking |
Hengkai Guo, Tang Tang, Guozhong Luo, Riwei Chen, Yongchen Lu, Linfu Wen |
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Enhanced Two-Stage Multi-person Pose Estimation |
Hiroto Honda, Tomohiro Kato, Yusuke Uchida |
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Multi-person Pose Estimation for Pose Tracking with Enhanced Cascaded Pyramid Network |
Dongdong Yu, Kai Su, Jia Sun, Changhu Wang |
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A Top-Down Approach to Articulated Human Pose Estimation and Tracking |
Guanghan Ning, Ping Liu, Xiaochuan Fan, Chi Zhang |
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Deep Fusion Network for Splicing Forgery Localization |
Bo Liu, ChiMan Pun |
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Image Splicing Localization via Semi-global Network and Fully Connected Conditional Random Fields |
Xiaodong Cun, ChiMan Pun |
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Bridging Machine Learning and Cryptography in Defence Against Adversarial Attacks |
Olga Taran, Shideh Rezaeifar, Slava Voloshynovskiy |
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Bidirectional Convolutional LSTM for the Detection of Violence in Videos |
Alex Hanson, Koutilya PNVR, Sanjukta Krishnagopal, Larry Davis |
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Are You Tampering with My Data? |
Michele Alberti, Vinaychandran Pondenkandath, Marcel Würsch, Manuel Bouillon, Mathias Seuret, Rolf Ingold, Marcus Liwicki |
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Adversarial Examples Detection in Features Distance Spaces |
Fabio Carrara, Rudy Becarelli, Roberto Caldelli, Fabrizio Falchi, Giuseppe Amato |
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Give Ear to My Face: Modelling Multimodal Attention to Social Interactions |
Giuseppe Boccignone, Vittorio Cuculo, Alessandro D'Amelio, Giuliano Grossi, Raffaella Lanzarotti |
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Investigating Depth Domain Adaptation for Efficient Human Pose Estimation |
Ángel MartínezGonzález, Michael Villamizar, Olivier Canévet, JeanMarc Odobez |
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Filling the Gaps: Predicting Missing Joints of Human Poses Using Denoising Autoencoders |
Nicolò Carissimi, Paolo Rota, Cigdem Beyan, Vittorio Murino |
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Pose Guided Human Image Synthesis by View Disentanglement and Enhanced Weighting Loss |
Mohamed Ilyes Lakhal, Oswald Lanz, Andrea Cavallaro |
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A Semi-supervised Data Augmentation Approach Using 3D Graphical Engines |
Shuangjun Liu, Sarah Ostadabbas |
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Towards Learning a Realistic Rendering of Human Behavior |
Patrick Esser, Johannes Haux, Timo Milbich, Björn Ommer |
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Human Action Recognition Based on Temporal Pose CNN and Multi-dimensional Fusion |
Yi Huang, ShangHong Lai, ShaoHeng Tai |
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Rendering Realistic Subject-Dependent Expression Images by Learning 3DMM Deformation Coefficients |
Claudio Ferrari, Stefano Berretti, Pietro Pala, Alberto Del Bimbo |
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Deep Multitask Gaze Estimation with a Constrained Landmark-Gaze Model |
Yu Yu, Gang Liu, JeanMarc Odobez |
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Photorealistic Facial Synthesis in the Dimensional Affect Space |
Dimitrios Kollias, Shiyang Cheng, Maja Pantic, Stefanos Zafeiriou |
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Generating Synthetic Video Sequences by Explicitly Modeling Object Motion |
Simone Palazzo, Concetto Spampinato, P. D'Oro, Daniela Giordano, Mubarak Shah |
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A Semi-supervised Deep Generative Model for Human Body Analysis |
Rodrigo Andrade de Bem, Arnab Ghosh, Thalaiyasingam Ajanthan, Ondrej Miksik, N. Siddharth, Philip H. S. Torr |
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Role of Group Level Affect to Find the Most Influential Person in Images |
Shreya Ghosh, Abhinav Dhall |
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Residual Stacked RNNs for Action Recognition |
Mohamed Ilyes Lakhal, Albert Clapés, Sergio Escalera, Oswald Lanz, Andrea Cavallaro |
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Semantically Selective Augmentation for Deep Compact Person Re-Identification |
Víctor PonceLópez, Tilo Burghardt, Sion L. Hannuna, Dima Damen, Alessandro Masullo, Majid Mirmehdi |
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Recognizing People in Blind Spots Based on Surrounding Behavior |
Kensho Hara, Hirokatsu Kataoka, Masaki Inaba, Kenichi Narioka, Yutaka Satoh |
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Visual Relationship Prediction via Label Clustering and Incorporation of Depth Information |
HsuanKung Yang, AnChieh Cheng, KuanWei Ho, TsuJui Fu, ChunYi Lee |
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Human-Centric Visual Relation Segmentation Using Mask R-CNN and VTransE |
Fan Yu, Xin Tan, Tongwei Ren, Gangshan Wu |
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Learning Spatiotemporal 3D Convolution with Video Order Self-supervision |
Tomoyuki Suzuki, Takahiro Itazuri, Kensho Hara, Hirokatsu Kataoka |
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What Was Monet Seeing While Painting? Translating Artworks to Photo-Realistic Images |
Matteo Tomei, Lorenzo Baraldi, Marcella Cornia, Rita Cucchiara |
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Saliency-Driven Variational Retargeting for Historical Maps |
Filippo Bergamasco, Arianna Traviglia, Andrea Torsello |
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Deep Transfer Learning for Art Classification Problems |
Matthia Sabatelli, Mike Kestemont, Walter Daelemans, Pierre Geurts |
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A Digital Tool to Understand the Pictorial Procedures of 17th Century Realism |
Francesca Di Cicco, Lisa Wiersma, Maarten W. A. Wijntjes, Joris Dik, Jeroen Stumpel, Sylvia C. Pont |
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How to Read Paintings: Semantic Art Understanding with Multi-modal Retrieval |
Noa Garcia, George Vogiatzis |
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Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Artworks |
Nicolas Gonthier, Yann Gousseau, Saïd Ladjal, Olivier Bonfait |
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Multi-scale Recursive and Perception-Distortion Controllable Image Super-Resolution |
Pablo Navarrete Michelini, Dan Zhu, Hanwen Liu |
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Bi-GANs-ST for Perceptual Image Super-Resolution |
Xiaotong Luo, Rong Chen, Yuan Xie, Yanyun Qu, Cuihua Li |
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Multi-modal Spectral Image Super-Resolution |
Fayez Lahoud, Ruofan Zhou, Sabine Süsstrunk |
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Generative Adversarial Network-Based Image Super-Resolution Using Perceptual Content Losses |
Manri Cheon, JunHyuk Kim, JunHo Choi, JongSeok Lee |
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ESRGAN: Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks |
Xintao Wang, Ke Yu, Shixiang Wu, Jinjin Gu, Yihao Liu, Chao Dong, Yu Qiao, Chen Change Loy |
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The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Texture Transfer for Single Image Super-Resolution |
Muhammad Waleed Gondal, Bernhard Schölkopf, Michael Hirsch |
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Perception-Enhanced Image Super-Resolution via Relativistic Generative Adversarial Networks |
Thang Vu, Tung Minh Luu, Chang D. Yoo |
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Analyzing Perception-Distortion Tradeoff Using Enhanced Perceptual Super-Resolution Network |
Subeesh Vasu, Thekke Madam Nimisha, A. N. Rajagopalan |
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Scale-Recurrent Multi-residual Dense Network for Image Super-Resolution |
Kuldeep Purohit, Srimanta Mandal, A. N. Rajagopalan |
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Deep Networks for Image-to-Image Translation with Mux and Demux Layers |
Hanwen Liu, Pablo Navarrete Michelini, Dan Zhu |
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CARN: Convolutional Anchored Regression Network for Fast and Accurate Single Image Super-Resolution |
Yawei Li, Eirikur Agustsson, Shuhang Gu, Radu Timofte, Luc Van Gool |
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Multiple Connected Residual Network for Image Enhancement on Smartphones |
Jie Liu, Cheolkon Jung |
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Perception-Preserving Convolutional Networks for Image Enhancement on Smartphones |
Zheng Hui, Xiumei Wang, Lirui Deng, Xinbo Gao |
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Deep Residual Attention Network for Spectral Image Super-Resolution |
Zhan Shi, Chang Chen, Zhiwei Xiong, Dong Liu, ZhengJun Zha, Feng Wu |
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Range Scaling Global U-Net for Perceptual Image Enhancement on Mobile Devices |
Jie Huang, Pengfei Zhu, Mingrui Geng, Jiewen Ran, Xingguang Zhou, Chen Xing, Pengfei Wan, Xiangyang Ji |
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Fast and Efficient Image Quality Enhancement via Desubpixel Convolutional Neural Networks |
Thang Vu, Cao Van Nguyen, Trung X. Pham, Tung Minh Luu, Chang D. Yoo |
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Fast Perceptual Image Enhancement |
Etienne de Stoutz, Andrey Ignatov, Nikolay Kobyshev, Radu Timofte, Luc Van Gool |
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PIRM2018 Challenge on Spectral Image Super-Resolution: Dataset and Study |
Mehrdad Shoeiby, Antonio RoblesKelly, Ran Wei, Radu Timofte |
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AI Benchmark: Running Deep Neural Networks on Android Smartphones |
Andrey Ignatov, Radu Timofte, William Chou, Ke Wang, Max Wu, Tim Hartley, Luc Van Gool |
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PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones: Report |
Andrey Ignatov, Radu Timofte, Thang Van Vu, Tung Minh Luu, Trung X. Pham, Cao Van Nguyen, Yongwoo Kim, JaeSeok Choi, Munchurl Kim, Jie Huang, Jiewen Ran, Chen Xing, Xingguang Zhou, Pengfei Zhu, Mingrui Geng, Yawei Li, Eirikur Agustsson, Shuhang Gu, Luc Van Gool, Etienne de Stoutz, Nikolay Kobyshev, Kehui Nie, Yan Zhao, Gen Li, Tong Tong, Qinquan Gao, Hanwen Liu, Pablo Navarrete Michelini, Dan Zhu, Hu Fengshuo, Zheng Hui, Xiumei Wang, Lirui Deng, Rang Meng, Jinghui Qin, Yukai Shi, Wushao Wen, Liang Lin, Ruicheng Feng, Shixiang Wu, Chao Dong, Yu Qiao, Subeesh Vasu, Thekke Madam Nimisha, Praveen Kandula, A. N. Rajagopalan, Jie Liu, Cheolkon Jung |
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The 2018 PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Super-Resolution |
Yochai Blau, Roey Mechrez, Radu Timofte, Tomer Michaeli, Lihi ZelnikManor |
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PIRM2018 Challenge on Spectral Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results |
Mehrdad Shoeiby, Antonio RoblesKelly, Radu Timofte, Ruofan Zhou, Fayez Lahoud, Sabine Süsstrunk, Zhiwei Xiong, Zhan Shi, Chang Chen, Dong Liu, ZhengJun Zha, Feng Wu, Kaixuan Wei, Tao Zhang, Lizhi Wang, Ying Fu, Koushik Nagasubramanian, Asheesh K. Singh, Arti Singh, Soumik Sarkar, Baskar Ganapathysubramanian |
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MAM: Transfer Learning for Fully Automatic Video Annotation and Specialized Detector Creation |
Wolfgang Fuhl, Nora Castner, Lin Zhuang, Markus Holzer, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Enkelejda Kasneci |
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Leveraging Uncertainty to Rethink Loss Functions and Evaluation Measures for Egocentric Action Anticipation |
Antonino Furnari, Sebastiano Battiato, Giovanni Maria Farinella |
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PathGAN: Visual Scanpath Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks |
Marc Assens, Xavier GiróiNieto, Kevin McGuinness, Noel E. O'Connor |
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MACNet: Multi-scale Atrous Convolution Networks for Food Places Classification in Egocentric Photo-Streams |
Md. Mostafa Kamal Sarker, Hatem A. Rashwan, Estefanía Talavera, Syeda Furruka Banu, Petia Radeva, Domenec Puig |
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VisDrone-DET2018: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results |
Pengfei Zhu, Longyin Wen, Dawei Du, Xiao Bian, Haibin Ling, Qinghua Hu, Qinqin Nie, Hao Cheng, Chenfeng Liu, Xiaoyu Liu, Wenya Ma, Haotian Wu, Lianjie Wang, Arne Schumann, Chase Brown, Qian Chen, Chengzheng Li, Dongdong Li, Emmanouil Michail, Fan Zhang, Feng Ni, Feng Zhu, Guanghui Wang, Haipeng Zhang, Han Deng, Hao Liu, Haoran Wang, Heqian Qiu, Honggang Qi, Honghui Shi, Hongliang Li, Hongyu Xu, Hu Lin, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Jian Cheng, Jianqiang Wang, Jianxiu Yang, Jingkai Zhou, Juanping Zhao, K. J. Joseph, Kaiwen Duan, Karthik Suresh, Bo Ke, Ke Wang, Konstantinos Avgerinakis, Lars Wilko Sommer, Lei Zhang, Li Yang, Lin Cheng, Lin Ma, Liyu Lu, Lu Ding, Minyu Huang, Naveen Kumar Vedurupaka, Nehal Mamgain, Nitin Bansal, Oliver Acatay, Panagiotis Giannakeris, Qian Wang, Qijie Zhao, Qingming Huang, Qiong Liu, Qishang Cheng, Qiuchen Sun, Robert Laganière, Sheng Jiang, Shengjin Wang, Shubo Wei, Siwei Wang, Stefanos Vrochidis, Sujuan Wang, Tiaojio Lee, Usman Sajid, Vineeth N. Balasubramanian, Wei Li, Wei Zhang, Weikun Wu, Wenchi Ma, Wenrui He, Wenzhe Yang, Xiaoyu Chen, Xin Sun, Xinbin Luo, Xintao Lian, Xiufang Li, Yangliu Kuai, Yali Li, Yi Luo, Yifan Zhang, Yiling Liu, Ying Li, Yong Wang, Yongtao Wang, Yuanwei Wu, Yue Fan, Yunchao Wei, Yuqin Zhang, Zexin Wang, Zhangyang Wang, Zhaoyue Xia, Zhen Cui, Zhenwei He, Zhipeng Deng, Zhiyao Guo, Zichen Song |
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VisDrone-SOT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Single-Object Tracking Challenge Results |
Longyin Wen, Pengfei Zhu, Dawei Du, Xiao Bian, Haibin Ling, Qinghua Hu, Chenfeng Liu, Hao Cheng, Xiaoyu Liu, Wenya Ma, Qinqin Nie, Haotian Wu, Lianjie Wang, Asanka G. Perera, Baochang Zhang, Byeongho Heo, Chunlei Liu, Dongdong Li, Emmanouil Michail, Hanlin Chen, Hao Liu, Haojie Li, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Jian Cheng, Jiaqing Fan, Jie Zhang, Jin Young Choi, Jing Li, Jinyu Yang, Jongwon Choi, Juanping Zhao, Jungong Han, Kaihua Zhang, Kaiwen Duan, Ke Song, Konstantinos Avgerinakis, Kyuewang Lee, Lu Ding, Martin Lauer, Panagiotis Giannakeris, Peizhen Zhang, Qiang Wang, Qianqian Xu, Qingming Huang, Qingshan Liu, Robert Laganière, Ruixin Zhang, Sangdoo Yun, Shengyin Zhu, Sihang Wu, Stefanos Vrochidis, Wei Tian, Wei Zhang, Weidong Chen, Weiming Hu, Wenhao Wang, Wenhua Zhang, Wenrui Ding, Xiaohao He, Xiaotong Li, Xin Zhang, Xinbin Luo, Xixi Hu, Yang Meng, Yangliu Kuai, Yanyun Zhao, Yaxuan Li, Yifan Yang, Yifan Zhang, Yong Wang, Yuankai Qi, Zhipeng Deng, Zhiqun He |
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VisDrone-VDT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Video Detection and Tracking Challenge Results |
Pengfei Zhu, Longyin Wen, Dawei Du, Xiao Bian, Haibin Ling, Qinghua Hu, Haotian Wu, Qinqin Nie, Hao Cheng, Chenfeng Liu, Xiaoyu Liu, Wenya Ma, Lianjie Wang, Arne Schumann, Dan Wang, Diego Ortego, Elena Luna, Emmanouil Michail, Erik Bochinski, Feng Ni, Filiz Bunyak, Gege Zhang, Guna Seetharaman, Guorong Li, Hongyang Yu, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Jianfei Zhao, Jie Gao, José M. Martínez, Juan C. SanMiguel, Kannappan Palaniappan, Konstantinos Avgerinakis, Lars Wilko Sommer, Martin Lauer, Mengkun Liu, Noor M. AlShakarji, Oliver Acatay, Panagiotis Giannakeris, Qijie Zhao, Qinghua Ma, Qingming Huang, Stefanos Vrochidis, Thomas Sikora, Tobias Senst, Wei Song, Wei Tian, Wenhua Zhang, Yanyun Zhao, Yidong Bai, Yinan Wu, Yongtao Wang, Yuxuan Li, Zhaoliang Pi, Zhiming Ma |
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An End-to-End Tree Based Approach for Instance Segmentation |
K. V. Manohar, Yusuke Niitani |
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Self-supervised Segmentation by Grouping Optical-Flow |
Aravindh Mahendran, James Thewlis, Andrea Vedaldi |
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Motion Selectivity of Neurons in Self-driving Networks |
Baladitya Yellapragada, Alexander Anderson, Stella X. Yu, Karl Zipser |
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Imitation Learning of Path-Planned Driving Using Disparity-Depth Images |
Sascha Hornauer, Karl Zipser, Stella X. Yu |
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Removal of Visual Disruption Caused by Rain Using Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks |
Lai Meng Tang, Li Hong Lim, Paul Siebert |
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Real-Time Dynamic Object Detection for Autonomous Driving Using Prior 3D-Maps |
B. Ravi Kiran, Luis Roldão, Beñat Irastorza, Renzo Verastegui, Sebastian Süss, Senthil Kumar Yogamani, Victor Talpaert, Alexandre Lepoutre, Guillaume Trehard |
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Learning Driving Behaviors for Automated Cars in Unstructured Environments |
Meha Kaushik, K. Madhava Krishna |
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Multichannel Semantic Segmentation with Unsupervised Domain Adaptation |
Kohei Watanabe, Kuniaki Saito, Yoshitaka Ushiku, Tatsuya Harada |
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Driving Data Collection Framework Using Low Cost Hardware |
Johnny Jacob, Pankaj Rabha |
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3D Bounding Boxes for Road Vehicles: A One-Stage, Localization Prioritized Approach Using Single Monocular Images |
Ishan Gupta, Akshay Rangesh, Mohan M. Trivedi |
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MASON: A Model AgnoStic ObjectNess Framework |
K. J. Joseph, Rajiv Chunilal Patel, Amit Srivastava, Uma Gupta, Vineeth N. Balasubramanian |
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Object Detection at 200 Frames per Second |
Rakesh Mehta, Cemalettin Öztürk |
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Motion Segmentation Using Spectral Clustering on Indian Road Scenes |
Mahtab Sandhu, Sarthak Upadhyay, K. Madhava Krishna, Shanti Medasani |
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Every Pixel Counts: Unsupervised Geometry Learning with Holistic 3D Motion Understanding |
Zhenheng Yang, Peng Wang, Yang Wang, Wei Xu, Ram Nevatia |
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Localisation via Deep Imagination: Learn the Features Not the Map |
Jaime Spencer, Oscar Mendez Maldonado, Richard Bowden, Simon Hadfield |
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Interest Point Detectors Stability Evaluation on ApolloScape Dataset |
Jacek Komorowski, Konrad Czarnota, Tomasz Trzcinski, Lukasz Dabala, Simon Lynen |
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Reliable Multilane Detection and Classification by Utilizing CNN as a Regression Network |
Shriyash Chougule, Nora Kozonek, Asad Ismail, Ganesh Adam, Vikram Narayan, Matthias Schulze |
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Deep Learning for Automated Tagging of Fashion Images |
Patricia Gutierrez, PierreAntoine Sondag, Petar Butkovic, Mauro Lacy, Jordi Berges, Felipe Bertrand, Arne Knudson |
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Brand > Logo: Visual Analysis of Fashion Brands |
M. Hadi Kiapour, Robinson Piramuthu |
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Tiered Deep Similarity Search for Fashion |
Dipu Manandhar, Muhammet Bastan, KimHui Yap |
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Deep Fashion Analysis with Feature Map Upsampling and Landmark-Driven Attention |
Jingyuan Liu, Hong Lu |
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DesIGN: Design Inspiration from Generative Networks |
Othman Sbai, Mohamed Elhoseiny, Antoine Bordes, Yann LeCun, Camille Couprie |
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FashionSearchNet: Fashion Search with Attribute Manipulation |
Kenan E. Ak, Ashraf A. Kassim, JooHwee Lim, Jo Yew Tham |
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CRAFT: Complementary Recommendation by Adversarial Feature Transform |
Cong Phuoc Huynh, Arridhana Ciptadi, Ambrish Tyagi, Amit Agrawal |
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Full-Body High-Resolution Anime Generation with Progressive Structure-Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks |
Koichi Hamada, Kentaro Tachibana, Tianqi Li, Hiroto Honda, Yusuke Uchida |
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Convolutional Photomosaic Generation via Multi-scale Perceptual Losses |
Matthew Tesfaldet, Nariman Saftarli, Marcus A. Brubaker, Konstantinos G. Derpanis |
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Action Anticipation by Predicting Future Dynamic Images |
Cristian Rodriguez Opazo, Basura Fernando, Hongdong Li |
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Predicting Action Tubes |
Gurkirt Singh, Suman Saha, Fabio Cuzzolin |
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Forecasting Hands and Objects in Future Frames |
Chenyou Fan, Jangwon Lee, Michael S. Ryoo |
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RED: A Simple but Effective Baseline Predictor for the TrajNet Benchmark |
Stefan Becker, Ronny Hug, Wolfgang Hübner, Michael Arens |
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Joint Future Semantic and Instance Segmentation Prediction |
Camille Couprie, Pauline Luc, Jakob Verbeek |
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Context Graph Based Video Frame Prediction Using Locally Guided Objective |
Prateep Bhattacharjee, Sukhendu Das |
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Convolutional Neural Network for Trajectory Prediction |
Nishant Nikhil, Brendan Tran Morris |
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Action Alignment from Gaze Cues in Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction |
Nuno Ferreira Duarte, Mirko Rakovic, Jorge S. Marques, José SantosVictor |
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Group LSTM: Group Trajectory Prediction in Crowded Scenarios |
Niccoló Bisagno, Bo Zhang, Nicola Conci |
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Scene Coordinate Regression with Angle-Based Reprojection Loss for Camera Relocalization |
Xiaotian Li, Juha Ylioinas, Jakob Verbeek, Juho Kannala |
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Deep Normal Estimation for Automatic Shading of Hand-Drawn Characters |
Matis Hudon, Mairéad Grogan, Rafael Pagés, Aljosa Smolic |
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3D Surface Reconstruction by Pointillism |
Olivia Wiles, Andrew Zisserman |
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Detecting Parallel-Moving Objects in the Monocular Case Employing CNN Depth Maps |
Nolang Fanani, Matthias Ochs, Rudolf Mester |
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Object Pose Estimation from Monocular Image Using Multi-view Keypoint Correspondence |
Jogendra Nath Kundu, M. V. Rahul, Aditya Ganeshan, R. Venkatesh Babu |
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3DContextNet: K-d Tree Guided Hierarchical Learning of Point Clouds Using Local and Global Contextual Cues |
Wei Zeng, Theo Gevers |
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Evaluation of CNN-Based Single-Image Depth Estimation Methods |
Tobias Koch, Lukas Liebel, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Marco Körner |
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A Simple Approach to Intrinsic Correspondence Learning on Unstructured 3D Meshes |
Isaak Lim, Alexander Dielen, Marcel Campen, Leif Kobbelt |
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Learning Structure-from-Motion from Motion |
Clément Pinard, Laure Chevalley, Antoine Manzanera, David Filliat |
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Learning Spectral Transform Network on 3D Surface for Non-rigid Shape Analysis |
Ruixuan Yu, Jian Sun, Huibin Li |
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Know What Your Neighbors Do: 3D Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds |
Francis Engelmann, Theodora Kontogianni, Jonas Schult, Bastian Leibe |
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Deep Learning for Multi-path Error Removal in ToF Sensors |
Gianluca Agresti, Pietro Zanuttigh |
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PosIX-GAN: Generating Multiple Poses Using GAN for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition |
Avishek Bhattacharjee, Samik Banerjee, Sukhendu Das |
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Semi-supervised Semantic Matching |
Zakaria Laskar, Juho Kannala |
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Multi-kernel Diffusion CNNs for Graph-Based Learning on Point Clouds |
Lasse Hansen, Jasper Diesel, Mattias P. Heinrich |
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Attaining Human-Level Performance with Atlas Location Autocontext for Anatomical Landmark Detection in 3D CT Data |
Alison Q. O'Neil, Antanas Kascenas, Joseph Henry, Daniel Wyeth, Matthew Shepherd, Erin Beveridge, Lauren Clunie, Carrie Sansom, Evelina Seduikyte, Keith Muir, Ian Poole |
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Deep Fundamental Matrix Estimation Without Correspondences |
Omid Poursaeed, Guandao Yang, Aditya Prakash, Qiuren Fang, Hanqing Jiang, Bharath Hariharan, Serge J. Belongie |
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High Quality Facial Surface and Texture Synthesis via Generative Adversarial Networks |
Ron Slossberg, Gil Shamai, Ron Kimmel |
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CapsuleGAN: Generative Adversarial Capsule Network |
Ayush Jaiswal, Wael AbdAlmageed, Yue Wu, Premkumar Natarajan |
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Navigational Affordance Cortical Responses Explained by Scene-Parsing Model |
Kshitij Dwivedi, Gemma Roig |
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A Context-Aware Capsule Network for Multi-label Classification |
Sameera Ramasinghe, C. D. Athuraliya, Salman H. Khan |
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Brain-Inspired Robust Delineation Operator |
Nicola Strisciuglio, George Azzopardi, Nicolai Petkov |
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Understanding Fake Faces |
Ryota Natsume, Kazuki Inoue, Yoshihiro Fukuhara, Shintaro Yamamoto, Shigeo Morishima, Hirokatsu Kataoka |
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Characterization of Visual Object Representations in Rat Primary Visual Cortex |
Sebastiano Vascon, Ylenia Parin, Eis Annavini, Mattia D'Andola, Davide Zoccolan, Marcello Pelillo |
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Learning Event Representations by Encoding the Temporal Context |
Catarina Dias, Mariella Dimiccoli |
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Decoding Generic Visual Representations from Human Brain Activity Using Machine Learning |
Angeliki Papadimitriou, Nikolaos Passalis, Anastasios Tefas |
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EmoP3D: A Brain Like Pyramidal Deep Neural Network for Emotion Recognition |
Emanuel Di Nardo, Alfredo Petrosino, Ihsan Ullah |
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Subitizing with Variational Autoencoders |
Rijnder Wever, Tom F. H. Runia |
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A Deeper Look at 3D Shape Classifiers |
JongChyi Su, Matheus Gadelha, Rui Wang, Subhransu Maji |
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3D-PSRNet: Part Segmented 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction from a Single Image |
Priyanka Mandikal, Navaneet K. L., R. Venkatesh Babu |
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Exploiting Multi-layer Features Using a CNN-RNN Approach for RGB-D Object Recognition |
Ali Caglayan, Ahmet Burak Can |
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Temporally Consistent Depth Estimation in Videos with Recurrent Architectures |
Denis Tananaev, Huizhong Zhou, Benjamin Ummenhofer, Thomas Brox |
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End-to-End 6-DoF Object Pose Estimation Through Differentiable Rasterization |
Andrea Palazzi, Luca Bergamini, Simone Calderara, Rita Cucchiara |
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YOLO3D: End-to-End Real-Time 3D Oriented Object Bounding Box Detection from LiDAR Point Cloud |
Waleed Ali, Sherif Abdelkarim, Mahmoud Zidan, Mohamed Zahran, Ahmad El Sallab |
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Increasing the Robustness of CNN-Based Human Body Segmentation in Range Images by Modeling Sensor-Specific Artifacts |
Lama Seoud, Jonathan Boisvert, MarcAntoine Drouin, Michel Picard, Guy Godin |
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The Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results |
Matej Kristan, Ales Leonardis, Jiri Matas, Michael Felsberg, Roman P. Pflugfelder, Luka Cehovin Zajc, Tomás Vojír, Goutam Bhat, Alan Lukezic, Abdelrahman Eldesokey, Gustavo Fernández, Álvaro GarcíaMartín, Álvaro IglesiasArias, A. Aydin Alatan, Abel GonzálezGarcía, Alfredo Petrosino, Alireza Memarmoghadam, Andrea Vedaldi, Andrej Muhic, Anfeng He, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Asanka G. Perera, Bo Li, Boyu Chen, Changick Kim, Changsheng Xu, Changzhen Xiong, Cheng Tian, Chong Luo, Chong Sun, Cong Hao, Daijin Kim, Deepak Mishra, Deming Chen, Dong Wang, Dongyoon Wee, Efstratios Gavves, Erhan Gundogdu, Erik VelascoSalido, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Fan Yang, Fei Zhao, Feng Li, Francesco Battistone, George De Ath, Gorthi R. K. Sai Subrahmanyam, Guilherme Sousa Bastos, Haibin Ling, Hamed Kiani Galoogahi, Hankyeol Lee, Haojie Li, Haojie Zhao, Heng Fan, Honggang Zhang, Horst Possegger, Houqiang Li, Huchuan Lu, Hui Zhi, Huiyun Li, Hyemin Lee, Hyung Jin Chang, Isabela Drummond, Jack Valmadre, Jaime Spencer Martin, Javaan Singh Chahl, Jin Young Choi, Jing Li, Jinqiao Wang, Jinqing Qi, Jinyoung Sung, Joakim Johnander, João F. Henriques, Jongwon Choi, Joost van de Weijer, Jorge Rodríguez Herranz, José M. Martínez, Josef Kittler, Junfei Zhuang, Junyu Gao, Klemen Grm, Lichao Zhang, Lijun Wang, Lingxiao Yang, Litu Rout, Liu Si, Luca Bertinetto, Lutao Chu, Manqiang Che, Mario Edoardo Maresca, Martin Danelljan, MingHsuan Yang, Mohamed H. Abdelpakey, Mohamed S. Shehata, Myunggu Kang, Namhoon Lee, Ning Wang, Ondrej Miksik, Payman Moallem, Pablo VicenteMoñivar, Pedro Senna, Peixia Li, Philip H. S. Torr, Priya Mariam Raju, Ruihe Qian, Qiang Wang, Qin Zhou, Qing Guo, Rafael Martin Nieto, Rama Krishna Sai Subrahmanyam Gorthi, Ran Tao, Richard Bowden, Richard M. Everson, Runling Wang, Sangdoo Yun, Seokeon Choi, Sergio Vivas, Shuai Bai, Shuangping Huang, Sihang Wu, Simon Hadfield, Siwen Wang, Stuart Golodetz, Ming Tang, Tianyang Xu, Tianzhu Zhang, Tobias Fischer, Vincenzo Santopietro, Vitomir Struc, Wei Wang, Wangmeng Zuo, Wei Feng, Wei Wu, Wei Zou, Weiming Hu, Wengang Zhou, Wenjun Zeng, Xiaofan Zhang, Xiaohe Wu, XiaoJun Wu, Xinmei Tian, Yan Li, Yan Lu, Yee Wei Law, Yi Wu, Yiannis Demiris, Yicai Yang, Yifan Jiao, Yuhong Li, Yunhua Zhang, Yuxuan Sun, Zheng Zhang, Zheng Zhu, ZhenHua Feng, Zhihui Wang, Zhiqun He |
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On the Optimization of Advanced DCF-Trackers |
Joakim Johnander, Goutam Bhat, Martin Danelljan, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Michael Felsberg |
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Channel Pruning for Visual Tracking |
Manqiang Che, Runling Wang, Yan Lu, Yan Li, Hui Zhi, Changzhen Xiong |
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WAEF: Weighted Aggregation with Enhancement Filter for Visual Object Tracking |
Litu Rout, Deepak Mishra, Rama Krishna Sai Subrahmanyam Gorthi |
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A Memory Model Based on the Siamese Network for Long-Term Tracking |
Hankyeol Lee, Seokeon Choi, Changick Kim |
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Multiple Context Features in Siamese Networks for Visual Object Tracking |
Henrique Morimitsu |
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Towards a Better Match in Siamese Network Based Visual Object Tracker |
Anfeng He, Chong Luo, Xinmei Tian, Wenjun Zeng |
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How to Make an RGBD Tracker? |
Ugur Kart, JoniKristian Kämäräinen, Jiri Matas |
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Learning a Robust Society of Tracking Parts Using Co-occurrence Constraints |
Elena Burceanu, Marius Leordeanu |
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Semantic Segmentation of Fisheye Images |
Gregor Blott, Masato Takami, Christian Heipke |
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Complex-YOLO: An Euler-Region-Proposal for Real-Time 3D Object Detection on Point Clouds |
Martin Simon, Stefan Milz, Karl Amende, HorstMichael Gross |
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It's Not All About Size: On the Role of Data Properties in Pedestrian Detection |
Amir Rasouli, Iuliia Kotseruba, John K. Tsotsos |
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Real-Time Point Cloud Alignment for Vehicle Localization in a High Resolution 3D Map |
Balázs Nagy, Csaba Benedek |
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Exploiting Single Image Depth Prediction for Mono-stixel Estimation |
Fabian Brickwedde, Steffen Abraham, Rudolf Mester |
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EL-GAN: Embedding Loss Driven Generative Adversarial Networks for Lane Detection |
Mohsen Ghafoorian, Cedric Nugteren, Nóra Baka, Olaf Booij, Michael Hofmann |
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Scale Drift Correction of Camera Geo-Localization Using Geo-Tagged Images |
Kazuya Iwami, Satoshi Ikehata, Kiyoharu Aizawa |
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Distant Vehicle Detection: How Well Can Region Proposal Networks Cope with Tiny Objects at Low Resolution? |
AnnKatrin Fattal, Michelle Karg, Christian Scharfenberger, Jürgen Adamy |
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Deep Depth from Defocus: How Can Defocus Blur Improve 3D Estimation Using Dense Neural Networks? |
Marcela Carvalho, Bertrand Le Saux, Pauline TrouvéPeloux, Andrés Almansa, Frédéric Champagnat |
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Deep Modular Network Architecture for Depth Estimation from Single Indoor Images |
Seiya Ito, Naoshi Kaneko, Yuma Shinohara, Kazuhiko Sumi |
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Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Prediction |
Filippo Aleotti, Fabio Tosi, Matteo Poggi, Stefano Mattoccia |
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Combination of Spatially-Modulated ToF and Structured Light for MPI-Free Depth Estimation |
Gianluca Agresti, Pietro Zanuttigh |
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Robust Structured Light System Against Subsurface Scattering Effects Achieved by CNN-Based Pattern Detection and Decoding Algorithm |
Ryo Furukawa, Daisuke Miyazaki, Masashi Baba, Shinsaku Hiura, Hiroshi Kawasaki |
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Robust 3D Pig Measurement in Pig Farm |
Kumiko Yoshida, Kikuhito Kawasue |
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SConE: Siamese Constellation Embedding Descriptor for Image Matching |
Tomasz Trzcinski, Jacek Komorowski, Lukasz Dabala, Konrad Czarnota, Grzegorz Kurzejamski, Simon Lynen |
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RGB-D SLAM Based Incremental Cuboid Modeling |
Masashi Mishima, Hideaki Uchiyama, Diego Thomas, RinIchiro Taniguchi, Rafael Alves Roberto, João Paulo Lima, Veronica Teichrieb |
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Semi-independent Stereo Visual Odometry for Different Field of View Cameras |
Trong Phuc Truong, Vincent Nozick, Hideo Saito |
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Improving Thin Structures in Surface Reconstruction from Sparse Point Cloud |
Maxime Lhuillier |
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Polygonal Reconstruction of Building Interiors from Cluttered Pointclouds |
Inge Coudron, Steven Puttemans, Toon Goedemé |
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Paired 3D Model Generation with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks |
Cihan Öngün, Alptekin Temizel |
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Predicting Muscle Activity and Joint Angle from Skin Shape |
Ryusuke Sagawa, Ko Ayusawa, Yusuke Yoshiyasu, Akihiko Murai |
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Modeling Camera Effects to Improve Visual Learning from Synthetic Data |
Alexandra Carlson, Katherine A. Skinner, Ram Vasudevan, Matthew JohnsonRoberson |
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Answering Visual What-If Questions: From Actions to Predicted Scene Descriptions |
Misha Wagner, Hector Basevi, Rakshith Shetty, Wenbin Li, Mateusz Malinowski, Mario Fritz, Ales Leonardis |
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Exploring Bias in Primate Face Detection and Recognition |
Sanchit Sinha, Mohit Agarwal, Mayank Vatsa, Richa Singh, Saket Anand |
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Turning a Blind Eye: Explicit Removal of Biases and Variation from Deep Neural Network Embeddings |
Mohsan S. Alvi, Andrew Zisserman, Christoffer Nellåker |
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Mitigating Bias in Gender, Age and Ethnicity Classification: A Multi-task Convolution Neural Network Approach |
Abhijit Das, Antitza Dantcheva, François Brémond |
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Image-to-Voxel Model Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks |
Vladimir A. Knyaz, Vladimir V. Kniaz, Fabio Remondino |
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3D Pose Estimation for Fine-Grained Object Categories |
Yaming Wang, Xiao Tan, Yi Yang, Xiao Liu, Errui Ding, Feng Zhou, Larry S. Davis |
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Seamless Color Mapping for 3D Reconstruction with Consumer-Grade Scanning Devices |
Bin Wang, Pan Pan, Qinjie Xiao, Likang Luo, Xiaofeng Ren, Rong Jin, Xiaogang Jin |
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Plane-Based Humanoid Robot Navigation and Object Model Construction for Grasping |
Pavel Gritsenko, Igor Gritsenko, Askar Seidakhmet, Bogdan Kwolek |
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Category-Level 6D Object Pose Recovery in Depth Images |
Caner Sahin, TaeKyun Kim |
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On Pre-trained Image Features and Synthetic Images for Deep Learning |
Stefan Hinterstoisser, Vincent Lepetit, Paul Wohlhart, Kurt Konolige |
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Convolutional Networks for Object Category and 3D Pose Estimation from 2D Images |
Siddharth Mahendran, Haider Ali, René Vidal |
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Occlusion Resistant Object Rotation Regression from Point Cloud Segments |
Ge Gao, Mikko Lauri, Jianwei Zhang, Simone Frintrop |
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Camera Tracking for SLAM in Deformable Maps |
Jose Lamarca, J. M. M. Montiel |
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RPNet: An End-to-End Network for Relative Camera Pose Estimation |
Sovann En, Alexis Lechervy, Frédéric Jurie |
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