- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- Reviewed logs and potential for a longer retention period #203
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- flask bumped from 2.0.0 to 2.3.2
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- flake8-black package updated
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- Python base image bumped to version 3.10 deployment #172
- Code reformatted according to the defined style guide deployment #163
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- Tracking API access using Matomo deployment #151
- Blueprints introduced into yangre app #15
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- Yangre image build updated #13
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- Minor updates to the swagger.json file
- yangre/v1/ping API endpoint changed from POST to GET
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- Swagger API documentation restored #12
- Yangre app adjustments to the new YANG Catalog UI #10
- Updated libyang build requirements
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- Python base image bumped to version 3.9 deployment #66
- No changes - released with other deployment submodules
- rsyslog and systemd added to Docker image build deployment #48
- Moved to Gunicorn from Uwsgi deployment #39
- Update Dockerfile
- Various major/minor bug fixes and improvements
- Various major/minor bug fixes and improvements
- Various major/minor bug fixes and improvements
- Various major/minor bug fixes and improvements
- Initial submitted version