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dependent field issue #15035

2 tasks
Akaki-1991 opened this issue Aug 4, 2021 · 1 comment
2 tasks

dependent field issue #15035

Akaki-1991 opened this issue Aug 4, 2021 · 1 comment
bug This is a bug report. 👮‍♂️ VerificationRequired We have to verify if this issue exists in the developer version of YetiForce.


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Akaki-1991 commented Aug 4, 2021

🐞 bug report

⁉️ Describe the bug

🔥 How to trigger the error

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'settings'
  2. Click on 'standat modules'
  3. Scroll down to 'dependent fileds'
  4. See error

👎 Actual Behavior

👍 Expected Behavior

👷 Testing

📷 Screenshot of configuration

📝 PHP/Apache/Nginx/Browser/CRM Logs

🌍 Your Environment

Environment Version / Name
YetiForce 6.1.0
Web server (name and version) ngnix
PHP 7.3.5
Browser (name and version) chrome
Operating System (name and version) CentOS
Database (name and version) mariaDB
Service Pack version

❓ Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

❗️ Inform the community if you solve the problem

No Error!!!Call to a member function getFullLabelTranslation() on booleanGo backDashboard#0 [info][yii\db\Connection::open] Opening DB connection: mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yetiforcecrm;port=3306 #1 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM vtiger_users WHERE (id=1) AND ((status='Active') AND (deleted=0))) #2 [info][yii\db\Connection::open] Opening DB connection: mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yetiforcecrm;port=3306 #3 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM l_yf_settings_tracker_basic #4 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT kcu.CONSTRAINT_NAME AS constraint_name, kcu.COLUMN_NAME AS column_name, kcu.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME AS referenced_table_name, kcu.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME AS referenced_column_name FROM information_schema.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS AS rc JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS kcu ON ( kcu.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = rc.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG OR (kcu.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG IS NULL AND rc.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG IS NULL) ) AND kcu.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = rc.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA AND kcu.CONSTRAINT_NAME = rc.CONSTRAINT_NAME WHERE rc.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = database() AND kcu.TABLE_SCHEMA = database() AND rc.TABLE_NAME = 'l_yf_settings_tracker_basic' AND kcu.TABLE_NAME = 'l_yf_settings_tracker_basic' #5 [info][yii\db\Command::execute] INSERT INTO l_yf_settings_tracker_basic (user_id, type, module_name, record_id, date, action) VALUES (1, 1, 'FieldsDependency', 0, '2021-08-04 16:11:20', 'View:List') #6 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT name FROM a_yf_settings_modules WHERE status=1 #7 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_tab #8 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_entityname #9 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_currency_info WHERE deleted=0 #10 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_links #11 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM u_yf_browsinghistory #12 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT kcu.CONSTRAINT_NAME AS constraint_name, kcu.COLUMN_NAME AS column_name, kcu.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME AS referenced_table_name, kcu.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME AS referenced_column_name FROM information_schema.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS AS rc JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS kcu ON ( kcu.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = rc.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG OR (kcu.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG IS NULL AND rc.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG IS NULL) ) AND kcu.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = rc.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA AND kcu.CONSTRAINT_NAME = rc.CONSTRAINT_NAME WHERE rc.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = database() AND kcu.TABLE_SCHEMA = database() AND rc.TABLE_NAME = 'u_yf_browsinghistory' AND kcu.TABLE_NAME = 'u_yf_browsinghistory' #13 [info][yii\db\Command::execute] INSERT INTO u_yf_browsinghistory (userid, date, title, url) VALUES (1, '2021-08-04 16:11:20', 'Dependent Fields System settings', 'index.php?parent=Settings&module=FieldsDependency&view=List') #14 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM u_yf_browsinghistory WHERE userid=1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 20 #15 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM s_yf_meeting_services ORDER BY status DESC #16 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_actionmapping #17 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_settings_blocks ORDER BY sequence #18 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_settings_field WHERE active=0 ORDER BY sequence #19 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_field WHERE tabid=83 #20 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT vtiger_field.* FROM vtiger_field LEFT JOIN vtiger_blocks ON vtiger_field.block = vtiger_blocks.blockid WHERE vtiger_field.tabid=83 ORDER BY vtiger_blocks.sequence, vtiger_field.sequence #21 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_blocks WHERE blockid=258 LIMIT 1 #22 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_blocks WHERE blockid=259 LIMIT 1 #23 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_blocks WHERE blockid=260 LIMIT 1 #24 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_ws_fieldtype #25 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT u_yf_announcement.announcementid AS id, u_yf_announcement.subject AS subject, vtiger_crmentity.description AS description, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid AS assigned_user_id, vtiger_crmentity.createdtime AS createdtime, u_yf_announcement.is_mandatory AS is_mandatory, u_yf_announcement.interval AS interval FROM u_yf_announcement INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON u_yf_announcement.announcementid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid WHERE (vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0) AND (announcementstatus='PLL_PUBLISHED') #26 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_role WHERE roleid='H2' LIMIT 1 #27 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT name, value FROM yetiforce_mail_config WHERE type='mailIcon' #28 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT rcuser_id, crmuser_id, username, password FROM roundcube_users_autologin INNER JOIN roundcube_users ON roundcube_users_autologin.rcuser_id = roundcube_users.user_id WHERE roundcube_users_autologin.crmuser_id=1 ORDER BY active DESC #29 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT vtiger_tab.* FROM vtiger_field INNER JOIN vtiger_tab ON vtiger_tab.tabid = vtiger_field.tabid WHERE (vtiger_tab.presence <> 1) AND ( <> 'Users') AND ( NOT IN ('ModComments', 'PriceBooks', 'CallHistory', 'OSSMailView', 'SMSNotifier')) #30 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM s_yf_companies WHERE (NOT (email IS NULL)) AND (email <> '')) #31 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM s_yf_fields_dependency LIMIT 100 #32 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM s_yf_fields_dependency #33 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_field WHERE tabid=6 #34 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_blocks WHERE blockid=194 LIMIT 1 #35 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_field WHERE tabid=136 #36 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_blocks WHERE blockid=478 LIMIT 1 #37 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_field WHERE tabid=149 #38 [info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT * FROM vtiger_blocks WHERE blockid=544 LIMIT 1 #39 [error] Call to a member function getFullLabelTranslation() on boolean Error: Call to a member function getFullLabelTranslation() on boolean in modules/Settings/FieldsDependency/models/Record.php:172 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: Settings_FieldsDependency_Record_Model->{closure}('cf_1422') #1 modules/Settings/FieldsDependency/models/Record.php(173): array_map(Object(Closure), Array) #2 cache/templates_c/basic/e60f1334464d3891948c3905b250827835af7128_0.file.ListViewContents.tpl.php(62): Settings_FieldsDependency_Record_Model->getDisplayValue('fields') #3 vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_resource_base.php(123): content_60cb2d5d869a03_85744463(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) #4 vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_compiled.php(114): Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) #5 vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php(216): Smarty_Template_Compiled->render(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) #6 vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(232): Smarty_Internal_Template->render(false, 1) #7 vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(134): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template), NULL, NULL, NULL, 1) #8 include/runtime/Viewer.php(207): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->display('modules/Setting...') #9 modules/Settings/Vtiger/views/List.php(46): Vtiger_Viewer->view('ListViewContent...', 'Settings:Fields...') #10 include/main/WebUI.php(189): Settings_Vtiger_List_View->process(Object(App\Request)) #11 index.php(28): Vtiger_WebUI->process(Object(App\Request)) #12 {main}
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cannot delete record

@mariuszkrzaczkowski mariuszkrzaczkowski added bug This is a bug report. 👮‍♂️ VerificationRequired We have to verify if this issue exists in the developer version of YetiForce. labels Aug 4, 2021
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bug This is a bug report. 👮‍♂️ VerificationRequired We have to verify if this issue exists in the developer version of YetiForce.
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2 participants