diff --git a/Manual/contents/GameMaker_Language/GML_Reference/Movement_And_Collisions/Collisions/Collisions.htm b/Manual/contents/GameMaker_Language/GML_Reference/Movement_And_Collisions/Collisions/Collisions.htm
index f1844550e..07d0d664f 100644
--- a/Manual/contents/GameMaker_Language/GML_Reference/Movement_And_Collisions/Collisions/Collisions.htm
+++ b/Manual/contents/GameMaker_Language/GML_Reference/Movement_And_Collisions/Collisions/Collisions.htm
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
Collisions With Tile Maps
You can combine objects and Tile Maps when passing an array to a collision function.
Keep in mind:
- - Collisions against Tile Maps are checked using the collision mask of the sprite used for the Tile Set, which can be modified in The Sprite Editor.
+ - Collisions against Tile Maps are checked using the collision mask of the sprite used for the Tile Set, which can be modified in The Sprite Editor. This means that Tile Maps that do not have a Tile Set asset attached (or the Tile Set does not have a sprite) will not work with collision functions (it will always return false).
+ - "Disable Source Sprite Export" needs to be unchecked in your Tile Set's editor for tile collisions to work, since the sprite is needed for collision checking.
- A function like instance_place or collision_circle (and other equivalents) may return 0 if a collision was found with a Tile Map having the ID 0. This means you should not use the return value as a boolean condition. Instead, check whether the return value is not noone, meaning a collision was found.
- - "Disable Source Sprite Export" needs to be unchecked in your Tile Set's editor for tile collisions to work.
Bounding Boxes
Some instances will use a rectangular bounding box for checking collisions (unless a different mask shape is selected).