diff --git a/Manual/contents/GameMaker_Language/GML_Reference/Drawing/Drawing.htm b/Manual/contents/GameMaker_Language/GML_Reference/Drawing/Drawing.htm index 64dbb5525..a66bd6d04 100644 --- a/Manual/contents/GameMaker_Language/GML_Reference/Drawing/Drawing.htm +++ b/Manual/contents/GameMaker_Language/GML_Reference/Drawing/Drawing.htm @@ -15,7 +15,33 @@
This section contains all the functions related to drawing within the game room, as well as for controlling how things will be drawn (blending, alpha, culling, etc.). There are a great number of different functions for drawing, and they are split over the following categories to make it easier to find what you need:
+This section contains all functions related to drawing within your game as well as for controlling how things will be drawn (blending, alpha, culling, etc.).
+Drawing in GameMaker happens at the end of the frame, after all other events (see Event Order). In this draw cycle GameMaker performs a series of events in a specific order.
+Everything that you draw eventually needs to be drawn to the display buffer in order to be visible on screen. By default, GameMaker does not directly draw to the display buffer, however, but rather to a surface: the Application Surface. This is the default drawing target when drawing in the regular Draw events (Draw, Draw Begin and Draw End).
+See the Draw Events page for detailed information on how GameMaker draws everything during a frame.
+GameMaker always draws to a drawing target and changes it automatically at certain points in the draw cycle, resetting it afterwards. The drawing target can be one of the following:
+GameMaker sets the drawing target to the application surface automatically after all instances have executed their Pre-Draw event and resets it to the display buffer before all instances execute their Post-Draw event.
+At any point in a Draw event you can create your own custom surface with surface_create, set it as the drawing target with surface_set_target, draw to it and reset the target afterwards with surface_reset_target. See Surfaces for more information.
+This is the default drawing target that GameMaker draws to in the regular Draw events. You can choose to not draw it automatically with application_surface_draw_enable or disable it entirely with application_surface_enable. When the application surface is disabled, everything is drawn directly to the display buffer.
+GameMaker comes with a great number of different functions for drawing. To make it easier to find what you need the functions are split over the following categories: