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base repository: YoeDistro/meta-raspberrypi
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base: 3a0f6678e08e2b408a4634aa060753ffd89f63c7
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head repository: YoeDistro/meta-raspberrypi
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compare: 0a4a68dba67442fbe3832a9d0764fa4ba7d08fba
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  • 1 commit
  • 2 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Oct 25, 2023

  1. linux-raspberrypi: stop setting powersave as the default CPU governor

    * The defconfigs from the RPi Kernel set `powersave` as the default
      CPU governor, which is a bad idea as that reduces performance by
      setting the CPU frequency to the minimum one.
    * In case of a Yocto build user-space is not configured by default
      to change the CPU governor, so `powersave` will remain the CPU
      governor and it will slow down everything.
    * I submitted a fix for those defconfigs to upstream here:
      However, we shouldn't wait until that is accepted and backported
      to all the stable branches (if ever is).
    * This patch unsets the selection of `powersave` as the default CPU
    * Then the CPU governor that will be selected as default after this
      patch will be the Linux's default one that is either `ondemand` or
      `schedutil` depending on the Kernel version.
    Signed-off-by: Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez <[email protected]>
    clopez authored and agherzan committed Oct 25, 2023
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    0a4a68d View commit details