- First deploy state is now networked (and saved properly with engine saves)
- Projectile spread now function same as hitscan bullets
- Fixes for various reported errors
- Fixed error when both base weapon and it's descendant has an event table
- Fixed spread with forced bullet ballistics enabled
- Updated the localization files
- Fixed akimbo shoot animations order breaking (and HUD mismatch)
- Fixed melee attack direction selection not working
- Added stat name translator to development menu (along with a command)
- Stencil reticle types can now be combined
- Added a slight delay for subcategories population hook to make sure it runs after default weapons population
- Added spawnmenu subcategories support (SWEP.SubCategory)
- Added simple fallback HUD that displays when main 3D2D HUD is disabled (for stuff like firemode)
- Changed default font used across the base
- Added a hook that runs after base (re)registers all its fonts
- Added missing viewmodel checks
- Added toggle for TTT weapons list auto-population
- Added better checks for fire loop animation and sound
- Fixed sprinting animation not playing after exiting fire loop
- Fixed flat stat bars options breaking text display
- Split up interface settings into groups
- Fixed unsight on bolt/pump after shooting not working properly
- Fixed hard error when attachment depends on another attachment which is unavailable/not registered
- Added console warning for the case above
- Fixed doors not respawning after getting broken off hinges with melee weapons
- Fixed attachments reload command not working from server console
- Fixed attachments ID resolving for related hooks
- Fixed sprint offset being applied with melee bashing
- Procedural camera bobbing is now inverted for inspect animations
- Empty RTCode function (very old template weapons) is now patched out, removing unnecessary screen blur
- Fixed procedural blowback spamming errors on client
- Restored old secondary melee fallback behavior (only fallback to primary if there are no secondary attacks available)
- Melee weapons can now use SWEP.Primary/Secondary.Damage instead of split per-attack value
- Added random damage multiplier controls to server settings menu
- Keybind tooltips are now less annoying (do not force display when picking up props)
- Fixed safety holster not working for bow-based weapons
- Added ability to change amount of rounds appended for shotgun/round-insert reload type
- Added override for melee weapon attack selection (old behavior/random attack is default)
- Redone stats display: slight optimization and ability to add custom stats
- Fixed tooltip panels not getting removed with inspection screen (slight memory leak)
- Stencil sight reticle fixes (viewmodel redraw now skips the sight model, flat reticle now draws properly over everything)
- Fixed some animations cutting off early (mostly noticeable with foregrip-like attachments which change animations)
- Expanded stencil sights with pre and post draw functions (with attachments support and hook to stop reticles from drawing)
- Fixed missing thirdperson animations/sounds in singleplayer
- Fixed unscoping on rechamber when weapon doesn't require it
- Fixed keys from keybinds tab not being capitalized properly in the hint
- Melee damage now follows the global damage multiplier and randomization rules
- Fixed damage randomization not being synced with client
- Player melee damage modifier is now applied correctly
- Added keybind hints - shown on weapon draw, after changing attachments and with scoreboard (with hooks for mods to add custom hints)
- Fixed NPCs and players flying away on headshots with bullet penetration enabled
- Сamera bobbing fixes (framerate consistency, broken fade in/out, not working on inspect)
- Added melee damage blocking hook
- Looped fire sound now gets paused with the game
- 3D scopes zoom and sensitivity are now calculated properly for weapons relied on removed autodetection system
- Fixed console spam with custom shell casing models without correct setup
- Debug crosshair is now corrected for the camera movement
- Addressed even more 3D scopes issues
- Fixed 3D scope failing to work in certain cases
- Ironsights DoF focus attachment can be changed properly now
- Various improvements to tfa_3dscoped_base (fixed mouse sensitivity compensation, angle transforms no longer require QC attachment)
- Removed option to disable 3D scopes
- Updated contributor credits
- New default melee bash sounds
- Fix for bone modifying addons not working with weapons that don't have viewmodel elements (mostly affecting melee weapons)
- Keybind for silencer toggle
- Attachments selection now persists across sessions (save/restore)
- Gun sway direction can now be inverted (instead of using inverted gun bob value)
- Added menu options for disabling attachments and randomized attachments selection for NPCs
- Crosshair team highlight colors can now be customized
- Base settings will use improved color selector when DLib is installed
- Slight adjustments to About tab (removed broken links, added latest changes display, names of all contributors and support Discord server link)
- Hotfix for broken 3D scopes and non-enforced VM options
- Fixed friendly NPCs not highlighted by crosshair color
- Added min/max values to many console variables. Yes, this is probably why your weapon was "invisible" (it's a good idea to check the FOV multiplier in viewmodel settings and make sure it's set at 1)
- Knife-based weapons are now properly lag-compensated
- Crosshair team color rework: now shows proper team for NPCs and can be turned off for players (default for TTT)
- Fixed weapon carry slowdown not being able to be disabled properly
- Added hook for attachment detaching
- Fixed bullet force value being completely ignored in favor of autocalculated one
- Various inspection menu improvements (localized weapon type, multiline description with word wrap)
- Fixed attachments not syncing properly from NPCs and other players
- Fixed skins not updating on worldmodels
- Fixed attachments not being synchronized properly from server in multiplayer
- Updated low and last ammo sounds, added more types (including unused ones, examples are in the weapon template) and improved autodection.
- Fixed legacy weapons patcher giving an error when weapon's code couldn't be read
- Fixed ironsights position evaluator generating errors in some cases
- Fixed flat reticle not being scaled by screen height when it's not scaled by aim progress
- Added chat reminder to clueless users who only installed the base without any weapons
- Added TFA_Bullet_Penetrate hook
- Fixed 3D scoped weapons being zoomed in too much
- Fixed ironsights toggle convar not working properly
- Semi-Breaking change: Implemented gun revision tracking (but should be backward compatible)
- Tickrate independent RPM (for all your roleplaying at 10 ticks needs)
- Stencil sights native support (with 2D, model and quad reticles)
- Ironsights position resolver (WIP)
- Additional SCK features (translucency workaround toggle and attachment parent point)
- Weapons now emit sound hints (for engine NPCs)
- Primary.DisplaySpread / Primary.DisplayIronSpread toggle
- Spread recovery delay (per weapon, not present by default)
- Default attachments option (equipped on deselect)
- Various fixes, QoL changes and improvements (check commit history on GitLab)
- Expanded documentation (lua/tfa/documentation and template)
- Fixed idle animation not updating correctly for ironsights
- Fixed inspection screen not appearing in some circumstances
- Improved flashlight toggle prediction
- Fixed some grenades throwing an error if "ready" animation is missing
- BaseClass tables are now unpacked to current weapon class (fixes TFA NMRIH Chainsaw)
- Reorganized weapon base files
- Added responsive ironsights mode (click to toggle, hold to hold)
- Fixed being unable to reload if timescale value is too high
- Fixed centering of triangular crosshair
- Range is now converted to LUT automatically, removed legacy range option
- Fixed damage falloff range display
- Fixed crouching state not being recognized without holding a key
- Fixed bullet ballistics. Again.
- Added viewmodel viewpunch toggle settings
- Fixed crashing when addons call SWEP:Initialize out of order
- Fixed bullet ballistics for NPCs not working
- Fixed procedural reloads
- Sped up ironsights/scope FOV change
- Added a workaround for old weapons that override SWEP:Think function without baseclass call
- Fixed nZombies weapons sharing ammo types
- Fixed viewmodel snapping to idle position on procedural holster end
- Fixed nZombies compatibility (only original nZ version was tested)
- Fixed shotgun spread not working properly with ballistics enabled
- Fixed some weapons failing to initialize missing attachments table
- Fixed DoAmmoCheck error when weapon stripping is enabled
- HUGE optimization and prediction improvements
- Better recoil and viewpunch, all configurable
- New nearly-empty (and empty) magazine click sounds
- Proper NPC support (custom tracers/projectiles, random attachments)
- Redone Inspection GUI (scaled fonts and elements, hooks, overrides)
- Improved damage falloff (LUT falloff with variable calculation methods)
- ADS reload animation support (like in CAWODOOTY! favorite gaem!!!)
- Hybrid blowback animation (allowing model animation to play)
- Crouched viewmodel offset position
- Full sequence-based weapons support
- Silenced empty/last fire animation support
- Each animation can contain values for each case (like in SWEP.PumpAction, etc)
- New viewmodel position/angles interpolation techniques
- Added material proxy for tinting envmaps with ambient lighting (TFA_CubemapTint)
- Added option to debug currently playing anination (Admin-only)
- Fixed networked menu not working in Local/P2P servers
- Added localization support. English and Russian locales are bundled by default.
- Fixed weapons not spawning in TTT (by Anairkoen Schno)
- Blocked new ammo pickups (SMG grenades) from being pocketed in DarkRP
- Added ammo entities for SMG grenades (1 and 5 grenades for small and large pickups)
- Server settings menu now work in multiplayer (rewritten to use networked controls)
- Fixed non-ballistics bullet tracers for akimbo weapons
- Added bash damage display to inspection screen (when available)
- Added TFA_BulletPenetration hook, called when bullet hits/penetrates a surface
- Reverted ironsights FOV compensation changes - new compensation only applies to viewmodels now
- Exposed more variables to stat cache (various sounds, sck elements bodygroups)
- Fixed performance degradation when player holds a non-TFA weapon in singleplayer
- Added muzzleflash smoke toggle convar (Q -> Options -> Performance -> Use Muzzle Flash Smoke)
- Started work on new RT scope attachment base
- Fixed silenced weapon shaking when Siminov's SWEP packs are installed
- Added toggle for melee door destruction
- Fixed customization keybind not opening the menu
- Fixed viewmodel floating away with low MoveSpeed values
- Fixed ironsights FOV compensation to be more consistent on all FOV values
- Added SWEP.IronViewModelFOV parameter - SWEP.ViewModelFOV will be set to this when aiming down the sights
- Added icons for ammo entities
- Fixed presets in settings menu not working
- Various Lua animation fixes
- Added customization menu idle animation (and transitions) support
- Added keybinds! (Menu can be found at Q -> Options -> Keybinds)
- Added looping fire support
- Fixed shell casings scrape sounds (huge thanks to gmod_silent material for not working properly!)
- Fixed bugs with level transition and for bullets fired after player's death
- Fixed looped fire sounds not working properly in P2P/listen servers
- Flashlights rework: added support for QC attachments of SCK elements and custom on/off sounds
- Added TFA.AddSound function (simple wrapper for sound.Add)
- Looping fire sound now updates correctly if changed while playing
- Fixed resetting viewmodel skin after switching weapon
- Fixed Ironsights DoF blurring whole screen for 2D-scoped weapons
- Fixed ballistics ConVars (dev branch is now safe to use again)
- Fixed the bug with first spawned weapon after map load not working
- Inspection VGUI now doesn't block the screen with mat_dxlevel < 90
- Ironsights convar now works properly again
- Base explosives now can have custom bounce sound (ENT.BounceSound)
- Crysis-like triangular crosshair, can be enabled in the "HUD / Crosshair" section
- Weapons can now have a working flashlight
- Changed laser dot to appear as projected texture
- Added attachment callbacks
- Safety position is now separated from sprint one
- Melee blocking works again
- Base explosives now properly damage helicopters and gunships
- Added jamming mechanics
- Added CS:GO-like low ammo sound effect
- Added bodygroup names support
- Attachments can now have their own attach/detach sound
- Added walk animations support (similar to sprint animations)
- Bonemods are now working properly with blowback enabled
- Fixed laser drawing behing worldmodel
- Looped gunfire sound support added (Experimental)
- Changelog can be toggled off with sv_tfa_changelog
- New laser dots
- Better ejection effects
- AI melee support
- Patch: New smoke effects on muzzles and shells, which should hopefully eat less fps and look better
- Entire base linted
- Fewer global variables
- TFA attachment table moved to TFA.Attachments.Atts -- this will need an update to autopatching mods
- PATCH - Exploit regarding new C-Menu fix, viewmodel viewpunch made into a cvar ( it'll go down with recoil if disabled )
- Reticules/lasers now colorable in context menu
- Hold E as you hit your inspection key to access the context menu as normal
- Attachment UI now allows rows to affect the same category, and will break apart exceedingly large rows
- Legacy attachment UI removed
- Muzzles + smoke updated, the latter taken from CS:GO
- Fixed shells networking
- Fixed RT scope resolution autodetect
- Added RT scope material proxy
- Fixed weapon bounce in new viewbob, increased intensity, smooth eye focus
- Cancelling an empty reload on a closed bolt weapon will play the first deploy and cock the gun upon next draw
- Fixed console spam with dropped weapons
- Added ability to disable door destruction (thanks to Ralph)
- Viewbob tweaks
- More violent shell ejection; shell angle determined by eye angles
- Shells resized AGAIN and double-checked for accuracy this time using OBBMaxs()-OBBMins()
- SWEP.LuaShellEffect = "" disables the new tfa_shell stuff
- Shells resized using actual math
- Added ability to override new shell effects
- Fixed serverside modules/external files loader
- Fixed LookupAttachment error for externally registered weapons
- Fixed scope background blur working in thirdperson
- Shell hotfixes
- Weapons no longer have airboat damage type, finally fixing ragdolls
- New shell ejection effects
- New shell models (Soldier11's)
- RT Scope Blur
- New clientside options on the performance and scope panels
- Numerous bugfixes
- Notably: FOV fixed in overlay-style scopes + shotgun timing fixes
- Inspection panel tweaks and performance fixes
- New font for ammo hud and inspection panel
- Fixed ironsight sway direction for flipped viewmodels
- Unload functions added
- Have a one-time invitation to my Discord: https://discord.gg/Gxqx67n
- Added laser-dot trail convar ( thanks Yura )
- Fixed Yura's crosshair nitpick
- Melee base prediction fixes
- Knife prediction improvements ( general melee to follow )
- Bind detection system added
- TFA Base Rewrite
- Numerous hotfixes, including ADS, sprint anims, etc.
- DarkRP "fp" table no longer overwritten
- External status support added
- Reload sounds added
- Doors fixed for DarkRP ( probably )
- Silenced weapon inspection fixed
- Idle animation timing improved
- C-Key inspection fixed
- Weapon stripping fixed
- CVAR sv_tfa_door_respawn added
- Basic GMDUSK integration
- Shotgun door-bust tweaked, improved, and fixed for DarkRP (hopefully)
- Scopes fixed for DarkRP ( hopefully )
- New group prompt added
- Introduced bare-basics multilanguage support
- Migrated global functions to a table
- Miscelaneous quality of life improvements
- Added new cvars of mp_tfa_precach. Enable these to increase loading times but reduce lag and weapon spawn time.
- Use console autocomplete instead of bothering me for the exact names!
- Bugfix in setupmove fixed
- Conflict message improved, displaying exact filepath for a conflicting tfa_loader
- Lua particle handling fixed on invalid viewmodels
- Other misc. bugfixes
- Shock damage no longer removes props
- Fixed rendertargets
- Further improved performance
- Entire TFA Base linted and micro-optimized
- Performance holding a TFA Base gun is better compared to a HL2 gun
- Added SWEP.Primary.AmmoConsumption
- Added extra revolver ejecteffect
- Misc. bugfixes