//************************************************************************** //** //** pcode.c //** //************************************************************************** // HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------ #include <string.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <limits.h> #include "pcode.h" #include "common.h" #include "error.h" #include "misc.h" #include "strlist.h" #include "token.h" #include "symbol.h" #include "parse.h" // MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------ // TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct scriptInfo_s { S_WORD number; U_BYTE type; U_BYTE argCount; U_BYTE arrayCount; U_WORD varCount; U_WORD flags; int address; int srcLine; boolean imported; int arraySizes[MAX_SCRIPT_ARRAYS]; } scriptInfo_t; typedef struct functionInfo_s { U_BYTE hasReturnValue; U_BYTE argCount; U_BYTE localCount; U_BYTE arrayCount; int address; int name; int arraySizes[MAX_SCRIPT_ARRAYS]; } functionInfo_t; typedef struct mapVarInfo_s { int initializer; boolean isString; char *name; boolean imported; } mapVarInfo_t; // EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------- // PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------- static void GrowBuffer(void); static void Append(void *buffer, size_t size); static void Write(void *buffer, size_t size, int address); static void Skip(size_t size); static void CloseOld(void); static void CloseNew(void); static void CreateDummyScripts(void); static void RecordDummyScripts(void); // EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ---------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------- int pc_Address; byte *pc_Buffer; byte *pc_BufferPtr; int pc_ScriptCount; int pc_FunctionCount; boolean pc_NoShrink; boolean pc_HexenCase; boolean pc_EnforceHexen; boolean pc_WarnNotHexen; boolean pc_WadAuthor = TRUE; boolean pc_EncryptStrings; int pc_LastAppendedCommand; int pc_DummyAddress; // PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ static size_t BufferSize; static boolean ObjectOpened = NO; static scriptInfo_t ScriptInfo[MAX_SCRIPT_COUNT]; static functionInfo_t FunctionInfo[MAX_FUNCTION_COUNT]; static int ArraySizes[MAX_MAP_VARIABLES]; static int *ArrayInits[MAX_MAP_VARIABLES]; static boolean ArrayOfStrings[MAX_MAP_VARIABLES]; static int NumArrays; static mapVarInfo_t MapVariables[MAX_MAP_VARIABLES]; static boolean MapVariablesInit = NO; static char ObjectName[MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; static int ObjectFlags; static int PushByteAddr; static char Imports[MAX_IMPORTS][9]; static int NumImports; static boolean HaveExtendedScripts; static boolean HaveScriptArrays; static char *PCDNames[PCODE_COMMAND_COUNT] = { "PCD_NOP", "PCD_TERMINATE", "PCD_SUSPEND", "PCD_PUSHNUMBER", "PCD_LSPEC1", "PCD_LSPEC2", "PCD_LSPEC3", "PCD_LSPEC4", "PCD_LSPEC5", "PCD_LSPEC1DIRECT", "PCD_LSPEC2DIRECT", "PCD_LSPEC3DIRECT", "PCD_LSPEC4DIRECT", "PCD_LSPEC5DIRECT", "PCD_ADD", "PCD_SUBTRACT", "PCD_MULTIPLY", "PCD_DIVIDE", "PCD_MODULUS", "PCD_EQ", "PCD_NE", "PCD_LT", "PCD_GT", "PCD_LE", "PCD_GE", "PCD_ASSIGNSCRIPTVAR", "PCD_ASSIGNMAPVAR", "PCD_ASSIGNWORLDVAR", "PCD_PUSHSCRIPTVAR", "PCD_PUSHMAPVAR", "PCD_PUSHWORLDVAR", "PCD_ADDSCRIPTVAR", "PCD_ADDMAPVAR", "PCD_ADDWORLDVAR", "PCD_SUBSCRIPTVAR", "PCD_SUBMAPVAR", "PCD_SUBWORLDVAR", "PCD_MULSCRIPTVAR", "PCD_MULMAPVAR", "PCD_MULWORLDVAR", "PCD_DIVSCRIPTVAR", "PCD_DIVMAPVAR", "PCD_DIVWORLDVAR", "PCD_MODSCRIPTVAR", "PCD_MODMAPVAR", "PCD_MODWORLDVAR", "PCD_INCSCRIPTVAR", "PCD_INCMAPVAR", "PCD_INCWORLDVAR", "PCD_DECSCRIPTVAR", "PCD_DECMAPVAR", "PCD_DECWORLDVAR", "PCD_GOTO", "PCD_IFGOTO", "PCD_DROP", "PCD_DELAY", "PCD_DELAYDIRECT", "PCD_RANDOM", "PCD_RANDOMDIRECT", "PCD_THINGCOUNT", "PCD_THINGCOUNTDIRECT", "PCD_TAGWAIT", "PCD_TAGWAITDIRECT", "PCD_POLYWAIT", "PCD_POLYWAITDIRECT", "PCD_CHANGEFLOOR", "PCD_CHANGEFLOORDIRECT", "PCD_CHANGECEILING", "PCD_CHANGECEILINGDIRECT", "PCD_RESTART", "PCD_ANDLOGICAL", "PCD_ORLOGICAL", "PCD_ANDBITWISE", "PCD_ORBITWISE", "PCD_EORBITWISE", "PCD_NEGATELOGICAL", "PCD_LSHIFT", "PCD_RSHIFT", "PCD_UNARYMINUS", "PCD_IFNOTGOTO", "PCD_LINESIDE", "PCD_SCRIPTWAIT", "PCD_SCRIPTWAITDIRECT", "PCD_CLEARLINESPECIAL", "PCD_CASEGOTO", "PCD_BEGINPRINT", "PCD_ENDPRINT", "PCD_PRINTSTRING", "PCD_PRINTNUMBER", "PCD_PRINTCHARACTER", "PCD_PLAYERCOUNT", "PCD_GAMETYPE", "PCD_GAMESKILL", "PCD_TIMER", "PCD_SECTORSOUND", "PCD_AMBIENTSOUND", "PCD_SOUNDSEQUENCE", "PCD_SETLINETEXTURE", "PCD_SETLINEBLOCKING", "PCD_SETLINESPECIAL", "PCD_THINGSOUND", "PCD_ENDPRINTBOLD", // [RH] End of Hexen p-codes "PCD_ACTIVATORSOUND", "PCD_LOCALAMBIENTSOUND", "PCD_SETLINEMONSTERBLOCKING", // [BC] Start of new pcodes "PCD_PLAYERBLUESKULL", "PCD_PLAYERREDSKULL", "PCD_PLAYERYELLOWSKULL", "PCD_PLAYERMASTERSKULL", "PCD_PLAYERBLUECARD", "PCD_PLAYERREDCARD", "PCD_PLAYERYELLOWCARD", "PCD_PLAYERMASTERCARD", "PCD_PLAYERBLACKSKULL", "PCD_PLAYERSILVERSKULL", "PCD_PLAYERGOLDSKULL", "PCD_PLAYERBLACKCARD", "PCD_PLAYERSILVERCARD", "PCD_ISNETWORKGAME", "PCD_PLAYERTEAM", "PCD_PLAYERHEALTH", "PCD_PLAYERARMORPOINTS", "PCD_PLAYERFRAGS", "PCD_PLAYEREXPERT", "PCD_BLUETEAMCOUNT", "PCD_REDTEAMCOUNT", "PCD_BLUETEAMSCORE", "PCD_REDTEAMSCORE", "PCD_ISONEFLAGCTF", "PCD_LSPEC6", "PCD_LSPEC6DIRECT", "PCD_PRINTNAME", "PCD_MUSICCHANGE", "PCD_CONSOLECOMMANDDIRECT", "PCD_CONSOLECOMMAND", "PCD_SINGLEPLAYER", // [RH] End of Skull Tag p-codes "PCD_FIXEDMUL", "PCD_FIXEDDIV", "PCD_SETGRAVITY", "PCD_SETGRAVITYDIRECT", "PCD_SETAIRCONTROL", "PCD_SETAIRCONTROLDIRECT", "PCD_CLEARINVENTORY", "PCD_GIVEINVENTORY", "PCD_GIVEINVENTORYDIRECT", "PCD_TAKEINVENTORY", "PCD_TAKEINVENTORYDIRECT", "PCD_CHECKINVENTORY", "PCD_CHECKINVENTORYDIRECT", "PCD_SPAWN", "PCD_SPAWNDIRECT", "PCD_SPAWNSPOT", "PCD_SPAWNSPOTDIRECT", "PCD_SETMUSIC", "PCD_SETMUSICDIRECT", "PCD_LOCALSETMUSIC", "PCD_LOCALSETMUSICDIRECT", "PCD_PRINTFIXED", "PCD_PRINTLOCALIZED", "PCD_MOREHUDMESSAGE", "PCD_OPTHUDMESSAGE", "PCD_ENDHUDMESSAGE", "PCD_ENDHUDMESSAGEBOLD", "PCD_SETSTYLE", "PCD_SETSTYLEDIRECT", "PCD_SETFONT", "PCD_SETFONTDIRECT", "PCD_PUSHBYTE", "PCD_LSPEC1DIRECTB", "PCD_LSPEC2DIRECTB", "PCD_LSPEC3DIRECTB", "PCD_LSPEC4DIRECTB", "PCD_LSPEC5DIRECTB", "PCD_DELAYDIRECTB", "PCD_RANDOMDIRECTB", "PCD_PUSHBYTES", "PCD_PUSH2BYTES", "PCD_PUSH3BYTES", "PCD_PUSH4BYTES", "PCD_PUSH5BYTES", "PCD_SETTHINGSPECIAL", "PCD_ASSIGNGLOBALVAR", "PCD_PUSHGLOBALVAR", "PCD_ADDGLOBALVAR", "PCD_SUBGLOBALVAR", "PCD_MULGLOBALVAR", "PCD_DIVGLOBALVAR", "PCD_MODGLOBALVAR", "PCD_INCGLOBALVAR", "PCD_DECGLOBALVAR", "PCD_FADETO", "PCD_FADERANGE", "PCD_CANCELFADE", "PCD_PLAYMOVIE", "PCD_SETFLOORTRIGGER", "PCD_SETCEILINGTRIGGER", "PCD_GETACTORX", "PCD_GETACTORY", "PCD_GETACTORZ", "PCD_STARTTRANSLATION", "PCD_TRANSLATIONRANGE1", "PCD_TRANSLATIONRANGE2", "PCD_ENDTRANSLATION", "PCD_CALL", "PCD_CALLDISCARD", "PCD_RETURNVOID", "PCD_RETURNVAL", "PCD_PUSHMAPARRAY", "PCD_ASSIGNMAPARRAY", "PCD_ADDMAPARRAY", "PCD_SUBMAPARRAY", "PCD_MULMAPARRAY", "PCD_DIVMAPARRAY", "PCD_MODMAPARRAY", "PCD_INCMAPARRAY", "PCD_DECMAPARRAY", "PCD_DUP", "PCD_SWAP", "PCD_WRITETOINI", "PCD_GETFROMINI", "PCD_SIN", "PCD_COS", "PCD_VECTORANGLE", "PCD_CHECKWEAPON", "PCD_SETWEAPON", "PCD_TAGSTRING", "PCD_PUSHWORLDARRAY", "PCD_ASSIGNWORLDARRAY", "PCD_ADDWORLDARRAY", "PCD_SUBWORLDARRAY", "PCD_MULWORLDARRAY", "PCD_DIVWORLDARRAY", "PCD_MODWORLDARRAY", "PCD_INCWORLDARRAY", "PCD_DECWORLDARRAY", "PCD_PUSHGLOBALARRAY", "PCD_ASSIGNGLOBALARRAY", "PCD_ADDGLOBALARRAY", "PCD_SUBGLOBALARRAY", "PCD_MULGLOBALARRAY", "PCD_DIVGLOBALARRAY", "PCD_MODGLOBALARRAY", "PCD_INCGLOBALARRAY", "PCD_DECGLOBALARRAY", "PCD_SETMARINEWEAPON", "PCD_SETACTORPROPERTY", "PCD_GETACTORPROPERTY", "PCD_PLAYERNUMBER", "PCD_ACTIVATORTID", "PCD_SETMARINESPRITE", "PCD_GETSCREENWIDTH", "PCD_GETSCREENHEIGHT", "PCD_THING_PROJECTILE2", "PCD_STRLEN", "PCD_SETHUDSIZE", "PCD_GETCVAR", "PCD_CASEGOTOSORTED", "PCD_SETRESULTVALUE", "PCD_GETLINEROWOFFSET", "PCD_GETACTORFLOORZ", "PCD_GETACTORANGLE", "PCD_GETSECTORFLOORZ", "PCD_GETSECTORCEILINGZ", "PCD_LSPEC5RESULT", "PCD_GETSIGILPIECES", "PCD_GELEVELINFO", "PCD_CHANGESKY", "PCD_PLAYERINGAME", "PCD_PLAYERISBOT", "PCD_SETCAMERATOTEXTURE", "PCD_ENDLOG", "PCD_GETAMMOCAPACITY", "PCD_SETAMMOCAPACITY", // [JB] start of new pcodes "PCD_PRINTMAPCHARARRAY", "PCD_PRINTWORLDCHARARRAY", "PCD_PRINTGLOBALCHARARRAY", // [JB] end of new pcodes "PCD_SETACTORANGLE", "PCD_GRABINPUT", "PCD_SETMOUSEPOINTER", "PCD_MOVEMOUSEPOINTER", "PCD_SPAWNPROJECTILE", "PCD_GETSECTORLIGHTLEVEL", "PCD_GETACTORCEILINGZ", "PCD_SETACTORPOSITION", "PCD_CLEARACTORINVENTORY", "PCD_GIVEACTORINVENTORY", "PCD_TAKEACTORINVENTORY", "PCD_CHECKACTORINVENTORY", "PCD_THINGCOUNTNAME", "PCD_SPAWNSPOTFACING", "PCD_PLAYERCLASS", //[MW] start my p-codes "PCD_ANDSCRIPTVAR", "PCD_ANDMAPVAR", "PCD_ANDWORLDVAR", "PCD_ANDGLOBALVAR", "PCD_ANDMAPARRAY", "PCD_ANDWORLDARRAY", "PCD_ANDGLOBALARRAY", "PCD_EORSCRIPTVAR", "PCD_EORMAPVAR", "PCD_EORWORLDVAR", "PCD_EORGLOBALVAR", "PCD_EORMAPARRAY", "PCD_EORWORLDARRAY", "PCD_EORGLOBALARRAY", "PCD_ORSCRIPTVAR", "PCD_ORMAPVAR", "PCD_ORWORLDVAR", "PCD_ORGLOBALVAR", "PCD_ORMAPARRAY", "PCD_ORWORLDARRAY", "PCD_ORGLOBALARRAY", "PCD_LSSCRIPTVAR", "PCD_LSMAPVAR", "PCD_LSWORLDVAR", "PCD_LSGLOBALVAR", "PCD_LSMAPARRAY", "PCD_LSWORLDARRAY", "PCD_LSGLOBALARRAY", "PCD_RSSCRIPTVAR", "PCD_RSMAPVAR", "PCD_RSWORLDVAR", "PCD_RSGLOBALVAR", "PCD_RSMAPARRAY", "PCD_RSWORLDARRAY", "PCD_RSGLOBALARRAY", //[MW] end my p-codes "PCD_GETPLAYERINFO", "PCD_CHANGELEVEL", "PCD_SECTORDAMAGE", "PCD_REPLACETEXTURES", "PCD_NEGATEBINARY", "PCD_GETACTORPITCH", "PCD_SETACTORPITCH", "PCD_PRINTBIND", "PCD_SETACTORSTATE", "PCD_THINGDAMAGE2", "PCD_USEINVENTORY", "PCD_USEACTORINVENTORY", "PCD_CHECKACTORCEILINGTEXTURE", "PCD_CHECKACTORFLOORTEXTURE", "PCD_GETACTORLIGHTLEVEL", "PCD_SETMUGSHOTSTATE", "PCD_THINGCOUNTSECTOR", "PCD_THINGCOUNTNAMESECTOR", "PCD_CHECKPLAYERCAMERA", "PCD_MORPHACTOR", "PCD_UNMORPHACTOR", "PCD_GETPLAYERINPUT", "PCD_CLASSIFYACTOR", "PCD_PRINTBINARY", "PCD_PRINTHEX", "PCD_CALLFUNC", "PCD_SAVESTRING", // [FDARI] "PCD_PRINTMAPCHRANGE", // [FDARI] output range "PCD_PRINTWORLDCHRANGE", "PCD_PRINTGLOBALCHRANGE", "PCD_STRCPYTOMAPCHRANGE", // [FDARI] input range "PCD_STRCPYTOWORLDCHRANGE", "PCD_STRCPYTOGLOBALCHRANGE", "PCD_PUSHFUNCTION", // from Eternity "PCD_CALLSTACK", // from Eternity "PCD_SCRIPTWAITNAMED", "PCD_TRANSLATIONRANGE3", "PCD_GOTOSTACK", "PCD_ASSIGNSCRIPTARRAY", "PCD_PUSHSCRIPTARRAY", "PCD_ADDSCRIPTARRAY", "PCD_SUBSCRIPTARRAY", "PCD_MULSCRIPTARRAY", "PCD_DIVSCRIPTARRAY", "PCD_MODSCRIPTARRAY", "PCD_INCSCRIPTARRAY", "PCD_DECSCRIPTARRAY", "PCD_ANDSCRIPTARRAY", "PCD_EORSCRIPTARRAY", "PCD_ORSCRIPTARRAY", "PCD_LSSCRIPTARRAY", "PCD_RSSCRIPTARRAY", "PCD_PRINTSCRIPTCHARARRAY", "PCD_PRINTSCRIPTCHRANGE", "PCD_STRCPYTOSCRIPTCHRANGE", "PCD_LSPEC5EX", "PCD_LSPEC5EXRESULT", }; // CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------- //========================================================================== // // PC_OpenObject // //========================================================================== void PC_OpenObject(char *name, size_t size, int flags) { if(ObjectOpened == YES) { PC_CloseObject(); } if(strlen(name) >= MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH) { ERR_Exit(ERR_FILE_NAME_TOO_LONG, NO, name); } strcpy(ObjectName, name); pc_Buffer = MS_Alloc(size, ERR_ALLOC_PCODE_BUFFER); pc_BufferPtr = pc_Buffer; pc_Address = 0; ObjectFlags = flags; BufferSize = size; pc_ScriptCount = 0; ObjectOpened = YES; PC_AppendString("ACS"); PC_SkipInt(); // Script table offset } //========================================================================== // // PC_CloseObject // //========================================================================== void PC_CloseObject(void) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "---- PC_CloseObject ----\n"); while (pc_Address & 3) { PC_AppendByte (0); } if(!pc_NoShrink || (NumStringLists > 0) || (pc_FunctionCount > 0) || MapVariablesInit || NumArrays != 0 || pc_EncryptStrings || NumImports != 0 || HaveExtendedScripts || HaveScriptArrays) { if(pc_EnforceHexen) { ERR_Exit(ERR_NOT_HEXEN, NO); } if(pc_WarnNotHexen) { fprintf(stderr, "\nThese scripts have been upgraded because they use new features.\n" "They will not be compatible with Hexen.\n"); } CloseNew(); } else { CloseOld(); } if(MS_SaveFile(ObjectName, pc_Buffer, pc_Address) == FALSE) { ERR_Exit(ERR_SAVE_OBJECT_FAILED, NO); } } //========================================================================== // // CloseOld // //========================================================================== static void CloseOld(void) { int i; STR_WriteStrings(); PC_WriteInt((U_INT)pc_Address, 4); PC_AppendInt((U_INT)pc_ScriptCount); for(i = 0; i < pc_ScriptCount; ++i) { scriptInfo_t *info = &ScriptInfo[i]; MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "Script %d, address = %d, arg count = %d\n", info->number, info->address, info->argCount); PC_AppendInt((U_INT)(info->number + info->type * 1000)); PC_AppendInt((U_INT)info->address); PC_AppendInt((U_INT)info->argCount); } STR_WriteList(); } //========================================================================== // // CloseNew // // Creates a new-format ACS file. For programs that don't know any better, // this will look just like an old ACS file with no scripts or strings but // with some extra junk in the middle. Both WadAuthor and DeePsea will not // accept ACS files that do not have the ACS\0 header. Worse, WadAuthor // will hang if the file begins with ACS\0 but does not look like something // that might have been created with Raven's ACC. Thus, the chunks live in // the string block, and there are two 0 dwords at the end of the file. // //========================================================================== static void CloseNew(void) { int i, j, count; int chunkStart; if(pc_WadAuthor) { CreateDummyScripts(); } chunkStart = pc_Address; // Only write out those scripts that this acs file actually provides. for(i = j = 0; i < pc_ScriptCount; ++i) { if(!ScriptInfo[i].imported) { ++j; } } if(j > 0) { PC_Append("SPTR", 4); PC_AppendInt(j * 8); for(i = 0; i < pc_ScriptCount; i++) { scriptInfo_t *info = &ScriptInfo[i]; if(!info->imported) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "Script %d, address = %d, arg count = %d\n", info->number, info->address, info->argCount); PC_AppendWord(info->number); PC_AppendByte(info->type); PC_AppendByte(info->argCount); PC_AppendInt((U_INT)info->address); } } } // If any scripts have more than the maximum number of arguments, output them. for(i = j = 0; i < pc_ScriptCount; ++i) { if(!ScriptInfo[i].imported && ScriptInfo[i].varCount > MAX_SCRIPT_VARIABLES) { ++j; } } if(j > 0) { PC_Append("SVCT", 4); PC_AppendInt(j * 4); for(i = 0; i < pc_ScriptCount; ++i) { scriptInfo_t *info = &ScriptInfo[i]; if(!info->imported && info->varCount > MAX_SCRIPT_VARIABLES) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "Script %d, var count = %d\n", info->number, info->varCount); PC_AppendWord(info->number); PC_AppendWord(info->varCount); } } } // Write script flags in a separate chunk, so older ZDooms don't get confused for(i = j = 0; i < pc_ScriptCount; ++i) { if(!ScriptInfo[i].imported && ScriptInfo[i].flags != 0) { ++j; } } if (j > 0) { PC_Append("SFLG", 4); PC_AppendInt(j * 4); for(i = 0; i < pc_ScriptCount; ++i) { scriptInfo_t *info = &ScriptInfo[i]; if(!info->imported && info->flags != 0) { PC_AppendWord(info->number); PC_AppendWord(info->flags); } } } // Add chunks for scripts with arrays for(i = 0; i < pc_ScriptCount; ++i) { if(ScriptInfo[i].arrayCount) { PC_Append("SARY", 4); PC_AppendInt(2 + ScriptInfo[i].arrayCount * 4); PC_AppendWord(ScriptInfo[i].number); for(j = 0; j < ScriptInfo[i].arrayCount; ++j) { PC_AppendInt(ScriptInfo[i].arraySizes[j]); } } } // Write the string table for named scripts. STR_WriteListChunk(STRLIST_NAMEDSCRIPTS, MAKE4CC('S','N','A','M'), NO); // Write the functions provided by this file. if(pc_FunctionCount > 0) { PC_Append("FUNC", 4); PC_AppendInt(pc_FunctionCount * 8); for(i = 0; i < pc_FunctionCount; ++i) { functionInfo_t *info = &FunctionInfo[i]; MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "Function %d:%s, address = %d, arg count = %d, var count = %d\n", i, STR_GetString(STRLIST_FUNCTIONS, info->name), info->address, info->argCount, info->localCount); PC_AppendByte(info->argCount); PC_AppendByte(info->localCount); PC_AppendByte((U_BYTE)(info->hasReturnValue?1:0)); PC_AppendByte(0); PC_AppendInt((U_INT)info->address); } STR_WriteListChunk(STRLIST_FUNCTIONS, MAKE4CC('F','N','A','M'), NO); } // Add chunks for functions with arrays for(i = 0; i < pc_FunctionCount; ++i) { if(FunctionInfo[i].arrayCount) { PC_Append("FARY", 4); PC_AppendInt(2 + FunctionInfo[i].arrayCount * 4); PC_AppendWord((U_WORD)i); for(j = 0; j < FunctionInfo[i].arrayCount; ++j) { PC_AppendInt(FunctionInfo[i].arraySizes[j]); } } } if(STR_ListSize() > 0) { STR_WriteChunk(pc_EncryptStrings); } STR_WriteListChunk(STRLIST_PICS, MAKE4CC('P','I','C','S'), NO); if(MapVariablesInit) { int j; for(i = 0; i < pa_MapVarCount; ++i) { if(MapVariables[i].initializer != 0) break; } for(j = pa_MapVarCount-1; j > i; --j) { if(MapVariables[j].initializer != 0) break; } ++j; if (i < j) { PC_Append("MINI", 4); PC_AppendInt((j-i)*4+4); PC_AppendInt(i); // First map var defined for(; i < j; ++i) { PC_AppendInt(MapVariables[i].initializer); } } } // If this is a library, record which map variables are // initialized with strings. if(ImportMode == IMPORT_Exporting) { count = 0; for(i = 0; i < pa_MapVarCount; ++i) { if(MapVariables[i].isString) { ++count; } } if(count > 0) { PC_Append("MSTR", 4); PC_AppendInt(count*4); for(i = 0; i < pa_MapVarCount; ++i) { if(MapVariables[i].isString) { PC_AppendInt(i); } } } // Now do the same thing for arrays. for(count = 0, i = 0; i < pa_MapVarCount; ++i) { if(ArrayOfStrings[i]) { ++count; } } if(count > 0) { PC_Append("ASTR", 4); PC_AppendInt(count*4); for(i = 0; i < pa_MapVarCount; ++i) { if(ArrayOfStrings[i]) { PC_AppendInt(i); } } } } // Publicize the names of map variables in a library. if(ImportMode == IMPORT_Exporting) { for(i = 0; i < pa_MapVarCount; ++i) { if(!MapVariables[i].imported) { STR_AppendToList(STRLIST_MAPVARS, MapVariables[i].name); } else { STR_AppendToList(STRLIST_MAPVARS, NULL); } } STR_WriteListChunk(STRLIST_MAPVARS, MAKE4CC('M','E','X','P'), NO); } // Record the names of imported map variables count = 0; for(i = 0; i < pa_MapVarCount; ++i) { if(MapVariables[i].imported && !ArraySizes[i]) { count += 5 + strlen(MapVariables[i].name); } } if(count > 0) { PC_Append("MIMP", 4); PC_AppendInt(count); for(i = 0; i < pa_MapVarCount; ++i) { if(MapVariables[i].imported && !ArraySizes[i]) { PC_AppendInt(i); PC_AppendString(MapVariables[i].name); } } } if(NumArrays) { int count; // Arrays defined here for(count = 0, i = 0; i < pa_MapVarCount; ++i) { if(ArraySizes[i] && !MapVariables[i].imported) { ++count; } } if(count) { PC_Append("ARAY", 4); PC_AppendInt(count*8); for(i = 0; i < pa_MapVarCount; ++i) { if(ArraySizes[i] && !MapVariables[i].imported) { PC_AppendInt(i); PC_AppendInt(ArraySizes[i]); } } for(i = 0; i < pa_MapVarCount; ++i) { if(ArrayInits[i]) { int j; PC_Append("AINI", 4); PC_AppendInt(ArraySizes[i]*4+4); PC_AppendInt((U_INT)i); MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "Writing array initializers for array %d (size %d)\n", i, ArraySizes[i]); for(j = 0; j < ArraySizes[i]; ++j) { PC_AppendInt((U_INT)ArrayInits[i][j]); } } } } // Arrays imported from elsewhere for(count = 0, j = i = 0; i < pa_MapVarCount; ++i) { if(ArraySizes[i] && MapVariables[i].imported) { count += 9 + strlen(MapVariables[i].name); ++j; } } if(count) { PC_Append("AIMP", 4); PC_AppendInt(count+4); PC_AppendInt(j); for(i = 0; i < pa_MapVarCount; ++i) { if(ArraySizes[i] && MapVariables[i].imported) { PC_AppendInt(i); PC_AppendInt(ArraySizes[i]); PC_AppendString(MapVariables[i].name); } } } } // Add a dummy chunk to indicate if this object is a library. if(ImportMode == IMPORT_Exporting) { PC_Append("ALIB", 4); PC_AppendInt(0); } // Record libraries imported by this object. if(NumImports > 0) { count = 0; for(i = 0; i < NumImports; ++i) { count += strlen(Imports[i]) + 1; } if(count > 0) { PC_Append("LOAD", 4); PC_AppendInt(count); for(i = 0; i < NumImports; ++i) { PC_AppendString(Imports[i]); } } } PC_AppendInt((U_INT)chunkStart); if(pc_NoShrink) { PC_Append("ACSE", 4); } else { PC_Append("ACSe", 4); } PC_WriteInt((U_INT)pc_Address, 4); // WadAuthor compatibility when creating a library is pointless, because // that editor does not know anything about libraries and will never // find their scripts ever. if(pc_WadAuthor && ImportMode != IMPORT_Exporting) { RecordDummyScripts(); } else { PC_AppendInt(0); } PC_AppendInt(0); } //========================================================================== // // CreateDummyScripts // //========================================================================== static void CreateDummyScripts(void) { int i; MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "Creating dummy scripts to make WadAuthor happy.\n"); if(pc_Address%4 != 0) { // Need to align U_INT pad = 0; PC_Append((void *)&pad, 4-(pc_Address%4)); } pc_DummyAddress = pc_Address; for(i = 0; i < pc_ScriptCount; ++i) { // Only create dummies for scripts WadAuthor could care about. if(!ScriptInfo[i].imported && ScriptInfo[i].number >= 0 && ScriptInfo[i].number <= 255) { PC_AppendCmd(PCD_TERMINATE); if(!pc_NoShrink) { PC_AppendCmd(PCD_NOP); PC_AppendCmd(PCD_NOP); PC_AppendCmd(PCD_NOP); } } } } //========================================================================== // // RecordDummyScripts // //========================================================================== static void RecordDummyScripts(void) { int i, j, count; for(i = count = 0; i < pc_ScriptCount; ++i) { if(!ScriptInfo[i].imported && ScriptInfo[i].number >= 0 && ScriptInfo[i].number <= 255) { ++count; } } PC_AppendInt((U_INT)count); for(i = j = 0; i < pc_ScriptCount; ++i) { scriptInfo_t *info = &ScriptInfo[i]; if(!info->imported && info->number >= 0 && ScriptInfo[i].number <= 255) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "Dummy script %d, address = %d, arg count = %d\n", info->number, info->address, info->argCount); PC_AppendInt((U_INT)info->number); PC_AppendInt((U_INT)pc_DummyAddress + j*4); PC_AppendInt((U_INT)info->argCount); j++; } } } //========================================================================== // // GrowBuffer // //========================================================================== void GrowBuffer(void) { ptrdiff_t buffpos = pc_BufferPtr - pc_Buffer; BufferSize *= 2; pc_Buffer = MS_Realloc(pc_Buffer, BufferSize, ERR_PCODE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); pc_BufferPtr = pc_Buffer + buffpos; } //========================================================================== // // PC_Append functions // //========================================================================== static void Append(void *buffer, size_t size) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { if(pc_Address+size > BufferSize) { GrowBuffer (); } memcpy(pc_BufferPtr, buffer, size); pc_BufferPtr += size; pc_Address += size; } } void PC_Append(void *buffer, size_t size) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "AD> %06d = (%d bytes)\n", pc_Address, size); Append(buffer, size); } } void PC_AppendByte(U_BYTE val) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "AB> %06d = %d\n", pc_Address, val); Append(&val, sizeof(U_BYTE)); } } void PC_AppendWord(U_WORD val) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "AW> %06d = %d\n", pc_Address, val); val = MS_LittleUWORD(val); Append(&val, sizeof(U_WORD)); } } void PC_AppendInt(U_INT val) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "AL> %06d = %d\n", pc_Address, val); val = MS_LittleUINT(val); Append(&val, sizeof(U_INT)); } } void PC_AppendString(char *string) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { int length; length = strlen(string)+1; MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "AS> %06d = \"%s\" (%d bytes)\n", pc_Address, string, length); Append(string, length); } } void PC_AppendCmd(pcd_t command) { boolean dupbyte = NO; if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { pc_LastAppendedCommand = command; if (pc_NoShrink) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "AC> %06d = #%d:%s\n", pc_Address, command, PCDNames[command]); command = MS_LittleUINT(command); Append(&command, sizeof(U_INT)); } else { U_BYTE cmd; if (command == PCD_DUP && PushByteAddr) { // If the last instruction was PCD_PUSHBYTE, convert this PCD_DUP to a // duplicate PCD_PUSHBYTE, so it can be merged into a single instruction below. command = PCD_PUSHBYTE; dupbyte = YES; MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "AC> PCD_DUP changed to PCD_PUSHBYTE\n"); } else if (command != PCD_PUSHBYTE && PushByteAddr) { // Maybe shrink a PCD_PUSHBYTE sequence into PCD_PUSHBYTES int runlen = (pc_Address - PushByteAddr) / 2; int i; if (runlen > 5) { pc_Buffer[PushByteAddr] = PCD_PUSHBYTES; for (i = 0; i < runlen; i++) { pc_Buffer[PushByteAddr+i+2] = pc_Buffer[PushByteAddr+i*2+1]; } pc_Buffer[PushByteAddr+1] = runlen; pc_Address = PushByteAddr + runlen + 2; pc_BufferPtr = pc_Buffer + pc_Address; MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "AC> Last %d PCD_PUSHBYTEs changed to #%d:PCD_PUSHBYTES\n", runlen, PCD_PUSHBYTES); } else if (runlen > 1) { pc_Buffer[PushByteAddr] = PCD_PUSH2BYTES + runlen - 2; for (i = 1; i < runlen; i++) { pc_Buffer[PushByteAddr+1+i] = pc_Buffer[PushByteAddr+1+i*2]; } pc_Address = PushByteAddr + runlen + 1; pc_BufferPtr = pc_Buffer + pc_Address; MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "AC> Last %d PCD_PUSHBYTEs changed to #%d:PCD_PUSH%dBYTES\n", runlen, PCD_PUSH2BYTES+runlen-2, runlen); } PushByteAddr = 0; } else if(command == PCD_PUSHBYTE && PushByteAddr == 0) { // Remember the first PCD_PUSHBYTE, in case there are more PushByteAddr = pc_Address; } MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "AC> %06d = #%d:%s\n", pc_Address, command, PCDNames[command]); if (command < 256-16) { cmd = command; Append(&cmd, sizeof(U_BYTE)); } else { // Room for expansion: The top 16 pcodes in the [0,255] // range select a set of pcodes, and the next byte is // the pcode in that set. cmd = ((command - (256-16)) >> 8) + (256-16); Append(&cmd, sizeof(U_BYTE)); cmd = (command - (256-16)) & 255; Append(&cmd, sizeof(U_BYTE)); } if (dupbyte) { PC_AppendByte(pc_Buffer[pc_Address-2]); } } } } //========================================================================== // // PC_AppendShrink // //========================================================================== void PC_AppendShrink(U_BYTE val) { if(pc_NoShrink) { PC_AppendInt(val); } else { PC_AppendByte(val); } } //========================================================================== // // PC_AppendPushVal // //========================================================================== void PC_AppendPushVal(U_INT val) { if(pc_NoShrink || val > 255) { PC_AppendCmd(PCD_PUSHNUMBER); PC_AppendInt(val); } else { PC_AppendCmd(PCD_PUSHBYTE); PC_AppendByte((U_BYTE)val); } } //========================================================================== // // PC_Write functions // //========================================================================== static void Write(void *buffer, size_t size, int address) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { if(address+size > BufferSize) { GrowBuffer(); } memcpy(pc_Buffer+address, buffer, size); } } void PC_Write(void *buffer, size_t size, int address) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "WD> %06d = (%d bytes)\n", address, size); Write(buffer, size, address); } } void PC_WriteByte(U_BYTE val, int address) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "WB> %06d = %d\n", address, val); Write(&val, sizeof(U_BYTE), address); } } /* void PC_WriteWord(U_WORD val, int address) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "WW> %06d = %d\n", address, val); val = MS_LittleUWORD(val); Write(&val, sizeof(U_WORD), address); } */ void PC_WriteInt(U_INT val, int address) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "WL> %06d = %d\n", address, val); val = MS_LittleUINT(val); Write(&val, sizeof(U_INT), address); } pc_LastAppendedCommand = PCD_NOP; } void PC_WriteString(char *string, int address) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { int length; length = strlen(string)+1; MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "WS> %06d = \"%s\" (%d bytes)\n", address, string, length); Write(string, length, address); } } void PC_WriteCmd(pcd_t command, int address) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "WC> %06d = #%d:%s\n", address, command, PCDNames[command]); command = MS_LittleUINT(command); Write(&command, sizeof(U_INT), address); } } //========================================================================== // // PC_Skip functions // //========================================================================== static void Skip(size_t size) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { if(pc_Address+size > BufferSize) { GrowBuffer(); } pc_BufferPtr += size; pc_Address += size; } } void PC_Skip(size_t size) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "SD> %06d (skip %d bytes)\n", pc_Address, size); Skip(size); } } /* void PC_SkipByte(void) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "SB> %06d (skip byte)\n", pc_Address); Skip(sizeof(U_BYTE)); } */ /* void PC_SkipWord(void) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "SW> %06d (skip word)\n", pc_Address); Skip(sizeof(U_WORD)); } */ void PC_SkipInt(void) { if (ImportMode != IMPORT_Importing) { MS_Message(MSG_DEBUG, "SL> %06d (skip int)\n", pc_Address); Skip(sizeof(U_INT)); } } //========================================================================== // // PC_PutMapVariable // //========================================================================== void PC_PutMapVariable(int index, int value) { if(index < MAX_MAP_VARIABLES) { MapVariables[index].isString = pa_ConstExprIsString; MapVariables[index].initializer = value; MapVariablesInit = YES; if(pc_EnforceHexen) { ERR_Error(ERR_HEXEN_COMPAT, YES); } } } //========================================================================== // // PC_NameMapVariable // //========================================================================== void PC_NameMapVariable(int index, symbolNode_t *sym) { if(index < MAX_MAP_VARIABLES) { MapVariables[index].name = sym->name; MapVariables[index].imported = sym->imported; } } //========================================================================== // // PC_AddScript // //========================================================================== void PC_AddScript(int number, int type, int flags, int argCount) { scriptInfo_t *script; int i; if (flags != 0 || number < 0 || number >= 1000) { HaveExtendedScripts = YES; if(pc_EnforceHexen) { ERR_Error(ERR_HEXEN_COMPAT, YES); } } for (i = 0; i < pc_ScriptCount; i++) { if (ScriptInfo[i].number == number) { ERR_Error(ERR_SCRIPT_ALREADY_DEFINED, YES); } } if(pc_ScriptCount == MAX_SCRIPT_COUNT) { ERR_Error(ERR_TOO_MANY_SCRIPTS, YES); } else { script = &ScriptInfo[pc_ScriptCount]; script->number = number; script->type = type; script->address = (ImportMode == IMPORT_Importing) ? 0 : pc_Address; script->argCount = argCount; script->flags = flags; script->srcLine = tk_Line; script->imported = (ImportMode == IMPORT_Importing) ? YES : NO; script->arrayCount = 0; pc_ScriptCount++; } } //========================================================================== // // PC_SetScriptVarCount // // Sets the number of local variables used by a script, including // arguments. // //========================================================================== void PC_SetScriptVarCount(int number, int type, int varCount, int arrayCount, int *arraySizes) { int i; for(i = 0; i < pc_ScriptCount; i++) { if(ScriptInfo[i].number == number && ScriptInfo[i].type == type) { ScriptInfo[i].varCount = varCount; if (arrayCount > 0 && arrayCount < MAX_SCRIPT_ARRAYS) { ScriptInfo[i].arrayCount = (U_BYTE)arrayCount; memcpy(ScriptInfo[i].arraySizes, arraySizes, arrayCount * sizeof(int)); HaveScriptArrays = YES; } break; } } } //========================================================================== // // PC_AddFunction // //========================================================================== void PC_AddFunction(symbolNode_t *sym, int arrayCount, int *arraySizes) { functionInfo_t *function; int maxFunctionCount = pc_NoShrink ? MAX_FUNCTION_COUNT : (1 << CHAR_BIT * sizeof(U_BYTE)); if(pc_FunctionCount == maxFunctionCount) { ERR_Error(ERR_TOO_MANY_FUNCTIONS, YES, NULL); } function = &FunctionInfo[pc_FunctionCount]; function->hasReturnValue = (U_BYTE)sym->info.scriptFunc.hasReturnValue; function->argCount = (U_BYTE)sym->info.scriptFunc.argCount; function->localCount = (U_BYTE)sym->info.scriptFunc.varCount; function->name = STR_AppendToList (STRLIST_FUNCTIONS, sym->name); function->address = sym->info.scriptFunc.address; sym->info.scriptFunc.funcNumber = pc_FunctionCount; if (arrayCount > 0 && arrayCount < MAX_SCRIPT_ARRAYS) { function->arrayCount = (U_BYTE)arrayCount; memcpy(function->arraySizes, arraySizes, arrayCount * sizeof(int)); HaveScriptArrays = YES; } else { function->arrayCount = 0; } pc_FunctionCount++; } //========================================================================== // // PC_AddArray // //========================================================================== void PC_AddArray(int index, int size) { NumArrays++; ArraySizes[index] = size; if(pc_EnforceHexen) { ERR_Error(ERR_HEXEN_COMPAT, YES); } } //========================================================================== // // PC_InitArray // //========================================================================== void PC_InitArray(int index, int *entries, boolean hasStrings) { int i; // If the array is just initialized to zeros, then we don't need to // remember the initializer. for(i = 0; i < ArraySizes[index]; ++i) { if(entries[i] != 0) { break; } } if(i < ArraySizes[index]) { ArrayInits[index] = MS_Alloc(ArraySizes[index]*sizeof(int), ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); memcpy(ArrayInits[index], entries, ArraySizes[index]*sizeof(int)); } ArrayOfStrings[index] = hasStrings; } //========================================================================== // // PC_AddImport // //========================================================================== int PC_AddImport(char *name) { if (NumImports >= MAX_IMPORTS) { ERR_Exit(ERR_TOO_MANY_IMPORTS, YES); } else if(pc_EnforceHexen) { ERR_Error(ERR_HEXEN_COMPAT, YES); } strncpy(Imports[NumImports], name, 8); return NumImports++; }