- build
To check if the necessary tools are there, the build is in a stable state and works on your platform, e.g. download and extract https://github.com/ZUGFeRD/mustangproject/archive/master.zip and run ./mvnw clean package
Mvnw is a maven wrapper which will download maven.Maven is the dependency management tool which will download all libraries, their dependencies, and build the whole thing.
You will need a Java JDK, e.g. https://www.azul.com/downloads/zulu-community/?architecture=x86-64-bit&package=jdk
If that does not work feel free to address the community support mailing list with error messages/steps to reproduce.
You may already start developing what you wanted. Of course you can use any editor or IDE you like, I suggest Intellij Community Edition https://www.jetbrains.com/de-de/idea/download/
- fork
Once you can build, the idea is that you contribute patches via pull requests. For this you need a GitHub account and a personal copy of the repository to store your changes in. Just click fork on the mustangproject. On your copy you will have git write access. My suggestion as git client is sourcetree. There is a documentation how to create pull requests from forks to the original repo.
- branch
If you do a pull request, please do a feature branch, e.g. if you are working on a feature abc you could call your branch feature_abc. Merge requests unfortunately don't work if you don't have a branch you request merge of. Technically we follow the "GitHub flow" strategy (not to be exchanged with the more sophisticated "git flow" strategy)
- test
Most of mustang is a library, adding (autmated junit) test cases is often not only the most sustainable but also the fastest way to see if new/changed functionality works. If something is changed so that old test cases break on purpose please do not just remove them but take the time to fix the test cases
If e.g. new elements or attributes are added, they are often added
- in the object so that a developer can use them
- in the interface so that a old fashioned developer could use them as well
- in the pullprovider so that it actually finds it's way into the XML
- in at least one test (the ...edgeTest are supposed to handle edge cases, ~all bells and whistles, maybe it fits there), after the test has been run this should at least once be
- validated. If that works one can start implementing the
- reading part (along with tests), then it needs to be
- documented e.g. on the homepage and
- communicated, at the very least by mentioning it in the history.md
Mustang contains a library to read/write e-invoices,
a validator library
(and can also read/write e-invoices, but is substantially
larger) and a commandline application using the latter
The validator component embeds VeraPDF, an open-source PDF/A-validator, via maven dependency and uses standard java checks against schema and ph-schematron for checks against the schematron to validate the XML part of the invoices.
Target platform is java 1.17
The package can be build with
mvnw clean package
In case you also want to generate XSLT files from new schematron files for the validator please run the profile "generateXSLTFromSchematron" (which takes around 20min on my machine)
mvnw clean package -P generateXSLTFromSchematron
package -Dmaven.surefire.debug="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8001 -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE"
can be used as debug configuration goal in Eclipse. In that case you can set breakpoints in tests.
A section in Maven's settings.xml is needed, in Linux (and MacOS) that's at ~/.m2/settings.xml
As „servers“, enter the following
Add a profiles section to settings.xml
The whole settings.xml then looks e.g. like this
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
<username>SONATYPE TOKEN USER</username>
<password>SONATYPE TOKEN PASSWORD</password>
The TOKEN is generated on GitHub.
Deployment to maven central is described e.g. on dzone.
See the following screenshot:
Sign in in GitHub and click on the profile picture -> Settings. Now just generate a new token and set the checkboxes from the screenshot.
The Token-ID is the password.
In .m2 also need a toolchains.xml which defines a JDK 1.11 target like the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- JDK toolchains -->
<jdkHome>C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-</jdkHome>
If you added functionality which you need to test in another project before a new version of Mustang is released you can install the jar you just generated in your target branch in your local maven cache so it gets picked instead of the maybe not yet even existing new release version:
cd validator/target
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=validator-2.12.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar -Dclassifier=shaded -DgroupId=org.mustangproject -DartifactId=validator -Dversion=2.12.0 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
In gradle you can use something like
implementation files('libs/validator-2.12.0-shaded.jar')
You will need a git client on the console, if that's available can e.g. be checked with "git --version" . Change to the root of the repo.
Change to the project directory and run
mvn clean install
confirm javadoc is OK withmvn javadoc:javadoc
. If that works you can- clean the release with
mvn release:clean
and prepare the release with mvn release:prepare
and enter the version numbers.- After that is through you can create a new release via
mvn release:perform
.This will also update the maven repo.
Afterwards you can access the release page and update the documentation, e.g. upload the jar, the jar javadoc and ZugferdDev. You can also enter a changelog and a better title.
Take the most recent XRechnung release from https://github.com/itplr-kosit/xrechnung-schematron, extract, rename xsl file to xslt, move to new version dir and add a if where the version is determined :-)
- Update documentation
- write/translate announcement
- release via/for mvn
- Publish a GitHub release
- update mustangproject.org RE
- version number and release date
- sample file?
- Deployment jar
- put announcement on usegroup
- email the mailing list
- freshcode.club
- Submit on openpr.de/.com, https://www.einpresswire.com/
NodeList from a XPath https://github.com/ZUGFeRD/mustangproject/pull/476/files
xpr = xpath.compile("//*[local-name()=\"PrepaidAmount\"]");
NodeList prepaidNodes = (NodeList) xpr.evaluate(getDocument(), XPathConstants.NODESET);
nodeMap.getNode("GlobalID").ifPresent(idNode -> {
if (idNode.hasAttributes()
&& idNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("schemeID") != null) {
globalId = new SchemedID()
nodeMap.getAsNodeMap and nodeMap.getAsString
nodeMap.getAsNodeMap("ApplicableProductCharacteristic").ifPresent(apcNodes -> {
String key = apcNodes.getAsStringOrNull("Description");
String value = apcNodes.getAsStringOrNull("Value");
if (key != null && value != null) {
if (attributes == null) {
attributes = new HashMap<>();
attributes.put(key, value);
nodeMap.getAsNodeMap("DesignatedProductClassification").ifPresent(dpcNodes -> {
String className = dpcNodes.getAsStringOrNull("ClassName");
dpcNodes.getNode("ClassCode").map(ClassCode::fromNode).ifPresent(classCode ->
classifications.add(new DesignatedProductClassification(classCode, className)));