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Getting started

Jérémy VIGNELLES edited this page Aug 8, 2017 · 16 revisions


VLC is a popular, multiplatform, open-source media player that can read a wide range of media. It comes with a bunch of plugins that allows it to perform many tasks beyond just playing a video.

VLC is an executable file, but all its features are available to application developers thanks to libvlc, a C library.

The goal of this project is to provide a .Net abstraction over libvlc, allowing you to embed (lib)VLC features into your WinForms or WPF applications. In most cases, you want to embed a media player in your app, so that you can play your last summer holidays movie or play a RTSP stream from you network security camera.

Note: Now that you are familiar with those concepts, it is important to remember that when you have any issue when using this library, for example a decoding failure, it is probably not Vlc.DotNet's fault. Before posting any issue on this repository, please check with VLC before, and try upgrading the libvlc you are using.

OK, but how do I create my app?

You will need 2 things:

  • The libvlc library, that you will redistribute with your application
  • A Vlc.DotNet NuGet package and its dependencies :
    • Vlc.DotNet.Forms : Contains a control to display a media player in a WinForm application. See Vlc.DotNet.Forms.VlcControl
    • Vlc.DotNet.Wpf : Same, but for WPF. For now, the WPF control is using the WinForm control under the hood. See Vlc.DotNet.Wpf.VlcControl
    • Vlc.DotNet.Core : Base dependency, for lower level interactions, such as file conversions, streaming... that doesn't require any control.

Getting libvlc

You can find all the versions available on The official FTP. Pick a version, win32 or win64 depending on your target (or both!), and download the .zip file or the .7z .

At time of writing (2017-08-08), this library works with 2.1.x versions all the way through 3.0.0 nightly builds.

Tip : you should check your download with a tool like HashMyFile to be sure that your download has not been corrupted corrupted.

extract the archive and put these files into a folder (example: libvlc_x64) that will be accessible from your application:

  • libvlc.dll
  • libvlccore.dll
  • The plugins folder (you can remove the plugins that you are not using from that folder)

you will need to redistribute that libvlc_x64 folder with your application.

Be careful: You will also need to comply to VLC's licence. If I understand it correctly, it means that you must redistribute the source code with your application (only my own interpretation, please refer to someone with more legal knowledge here)

Installing Vlc.DotNet

Create a new project targetting the .net framework. Just install the NuGet package you picked above. The dependencies will automatically be pulled.

Coding with...


If you need to stream a video on the network, or anything more advanced than just displaying a media player in a WinForm or a WPF window, you should use this one.

Here is a console application that downloads a file using a media player (you could also transcode, but that's not the point here).

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string libDirectory;
            if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
                // Use 32 bits library
                libDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "libvlc_x86");
                // Use 64 bits library
                libDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "libvlc_x64");

            var options = new string[]
                // VLC options can be given here. Please refer to the VLC command line documentation.

            var mediaPlayer = new Vlc.DotNet.Core.VlcMediaPlayer(new DirectoryInfo(libDirectory));

            var mediaOptions = new string[]
                ":sout=#file{dst="+Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "")+"}",

            mediaPlayer.SetMedia(new Uri(""), mediaOptions);

            bool playFinished = false;
            mediaPlayer.PositionChanged += (sender, e) =>
                Console.Write("\r" + Math.Floor(e.NewPosition * 100) + "%");

            mediaPlayer.EncounteredError += (sender, e) =>
                Console.Error.Write("An error occurred");
                playFinished = true;

            mediaPlayer.EndReached += (sender, e) => {
                playFinished = true;


            // Ugly, sorry, that's just an example...


If you are creating a WinForms app that is displaying a video stream, you should use that.

To be honnest, I'm not familiar enough with WinForms so that I can't tell you how to add the Vlc control to you application. You will find an example at


If you are creating a Wpf app that is displaying a video stream, you should use that.

Add the VlcControl in your UserControl/View and give it a name:

<Vlc:VlcControl xmlns:Vlc="clr-namespace:Vlc.DotNet.Wpf;assembly=Vlc.DotNet.Wpf" x:Name="MyControl" />

In your view constructor, after the call to InitializeComponent() :

            if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
                // Use 32 bits library
                this.MyControl.MediaPlayer.VlcLibDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "libvlc_x86"));
                // Use 64 bits library
                this.MyControl.MediaPlayer.VlcLibDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "libvlc_x64"));
            var options = new string[]
                // VLC options can be given here. Please refer to the VLC command line documentation.

            this.MyControl.MediaPlayer.VlcMediaplayerOptions = options;

            // Load libvlc libraries and initializes stuff. It is important that the options (if you want to pass any) and lib directory are given before calling this method.