Students: Liyuan Zhu, Jingyan Li, Han Sun
Supervisors: Iro Armeni, Daniel Barath
In SeqLoc, we propose localization with a short image sequence to leverage the redundant information in the sequence. Instead of establishing 2D-3D correspondences, we solve the pose estimation problem by point cloud registration. The proposed method also provides a simple and efficient 3D-3D correspondence generation algorithm to solve the transformation between two SfM-based point clouds. On top of the point cloud registration based localization, we add a global bundle adjustment module to refine the pose estimate with additional constraints from the sequence.
Proposed pipeline(adapted from hloc)
Localization by Point Cloud Registration(TEASER++)
SeqLoc requires Python >=3.7, PyTorch >=1.1 and open3D==
git clone --recursive
cd SeqLoc/
python -m pip install -e .
Then we install TEASER++ with pybind
cd third_party/TEASER-plusplus
sudo apt install cmake libeigen3-dev libboost-all-dev
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DTEASERPP_PYTHON_VERSION=3.6 .. && make teaserpp_python
cd python && pip install .
Then build colmap and modified pycolmap from source
cd ../../third_party/pycolmap
pip install .
You can run the seqloc pipeline step by step by using the following commands:
- SFM to reconstruct local point cloud for image sequences:
python -m pcr.sfm_pipeline --proj_dir="PATH_TO_QUERY_FOLDER"
- Extract 2d-to-3d correspondence:
python -m pcr.pairs_3d_from_2d --db_model="PATH_TO_DATABASE_FOLDER" --query_model="PATH_TO_QUERY_FOLDER"
- Register local point cloud to the global model:
python -m pcr.poses_from_pcr --db_model="PATH_TO_DATABASE_FOLDER" --query_model="PATH_TO_QUERY_FOLDER"
Or you can run the seqloc pipeline as a whole by calling:
python -m pcr.seqloc_pipeline --config="pcr/config/seqloc.yaml"
Don't forget to change the Path in seqloc.yaml !!!
├── data
├── Outputs
├── database.db
├── point_feat_*.h5(point features)
├── matches_*.h5(feature matches)
├── flobal_feats_*.h5
├── pairs_netlad.txt
├── point_cloud.ply
├── sfm
├── points3D.bin
├── cameras.bin
├── images.bin
├── database.bin
├── models
├── images
├── Image1.JPG
├── Image2.JPG
├── ImageX.JPG
Some useful python scripts to manipulate colmap database and project files - To manipulate colmap database. - Contains visualization function and defines a class for colmap data(points3D,cameras,images) - Parses (points3D,cameras,images) into numpy data structures.
More info about the data structure of colmap can be found at
Feel free to contact us if you are interested in our project or have any questions.
Liyuan Zhu [email protected]
Jingyan Li [email protected]
Han Sun [email protected]