Version: v1.2, Last updated: 19/Mar/2013
jslog is a JavaScript Logging utility. The intension is provide an abstraction for the logging capabilities in the a source code. It helps especially when the browsers console utility is not available (e.g. IE6/7) or when there is too many inline scripts getting executed to track in the browser.
jQuery core 1.6.2+ jQuery UI Draggable Plugin 1.8 + (optional) Tested with jQuery 1.9.1
Opera 10+, Firefox 3+, IE 6+, Safari 5+, Chrome 6+
Put closure compiler.jar in the root folder of the project and run this command java -jar compiler.jar --externs _externs.js --externs _jquery-extern.js --warning_level VERBOSE --js jslog_jq.js --js_output_file jslog_jq.min.js
1.2 - (19/Mar/2013) Handling deprecations in jQuery 1.9, updating copyright year, and fixing a compiler warning 1.1 - (17/Nov/2012) Few encoding and IE fixes for exporting and copy to clipboard 1.0 - (2/Feb/2012) Initial release
Copyright (c) 2013 Abhishek Dev Licensed under the MIT license.