- Fix and unskip tests in
- Make it work under Python 3.12 (for this, we need to upgrade Celery or get rid of it).
- Make a default app
- Make it work on Hop3 and Nua
- Migrate Flask-Tailwind to Flask-Vite
- Remove Celery -> Dramatiq
- Replace "get_service" (and the service framework) with svcs
- Tailwind design
- Upgrade to SQLAlchemy 2
- Use SQLA 2 API
- Simplify design: 1 group <-> 1 community (?)
- Simplify permission system (use OSO or similar)
- Replace Flask (?)
mypy: Found 443 errors in 122 files (checked 335 source files) pyright: 1073 errors, 1 warning, 0 informations