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Elliott Krome edited this page Jun 21, 2018 · 8 revisions

A hydra for mu4e's mu4e-headers-mode.

Generally aims to stick to the built-in keybindings (this hydra is more about increasing discoverability than anything else).

The places where the hydra differs from the built-in bindings are noted via comments (mostly these are additions rather than rebindings).

An example org-capture function is included, as noted below.

(defhydra hydra-mu4e-headers (:color blue :hint nil)
 ^General^   | ^Search^           | _!_: read    | _#_: deferred  | ^Switches^
-^^----------+-^^-----------------| _?_: unread  | _%_: pattern   |-^^------------------
_n_: next    | _s_: search        | _r_: refile  | _&_: custom    | _O_: sorting
_p_: prev    | _S_: edit prev qry | _u_: unmk    | _+_: flag      | _P_: threading
_]_: n unred | _/_: narrow search | _U_: unmk *  | _-_: unflag    | _Q_: full-search
_[_: p unred | _b_: search bkmk   | _d_: trash   | _T_: thr       | _V_: skip dups 
_y_: sw view | _B_: edit bkmk     | _D_: delete  | _t_: subthr    | _W_: include-related
_R_: reply   | _{_: previous qry  | _m_: move    |-^^-------------+-^^------------------ 
_C_: compose | _}_: next query    | _a_: action  | _|_: thru shl  | _`_: update, reindex
_F_: forward | _C-+_: show more   | _A_: mk4actn | _H_: help      | _;_: context-switch
_o_: org-cap | _C--_: show less   | _*_: *thing  | _q_: quit hdrs | _j_: jump2maildir "

  ;; general
  ("n" mu4e-headers-next)
  ("p" mu4e-headers-previous)
  ("[" mu4e-select-next-unread)
  ("]" mu4e-select-previous-unread)
  ("y" mu4e-select-other-view)
  ("R" mu4e-compose-reply)
  ("C" mu4e-compose-new)
  ("F" mu4e-compose-forward)
  ("o" my/org-capture-mu4e)                  ; differs from built-in

  ;; search
  ("s" mu4e-headers-search)
  ("S" mu4e-headers-search-edit)
  ("/" mu4e-headers-search-narrow)
  ("b" mu4e-headers-search-bookmark)
  ("B" mu4e-headers-search-bookmark-edit)
  ("{" mu4e-headers-query-prev)              ; differs from built-in
  ("}" mu4e-headers-query-next)              ; differs from built-in
  ("C-+" mu4e-headers-split-view-grow)
  ("C--" mu4e-headers-split-view-shrink)

  ;; mark stuff 
  ("!" mu4e-headers-mark-for-read)
  ("?" mu4e-headers-mark-for-unread)
  ("r" mu4e-headers-mark-for-refile)
  ("u" mu4e-headers-mark-for-unmark)
  ("U" mu4e-mark-unmark-all)
  ("d" mu4e-headers-mark-for-trash)
  ("D" mu4e-headers-mark-for-delete)
  ("m" mu4e-headers-mark-for-move)
  ("a" mu4e-headers-action)                  ; not really a mark per-se
  ("A" mu4e-headers-mark-for-action)         ; differs from built-in
  ("*" mu4e-headers-mark-for-something)

  ("#" mu4e-mark-resolve-deferred-marks)
  ("%" mu4e-headers-mark-pattern)
  ("&" mu4e-headers-mark-custom)
  ("+" mu4e-headers-mark-for-flag)
  ("-" mu4e-headers-mark-for-unflag)
  ("t" mu4e-headers-mark-subthread)
  ("T" mu4e-headers-mark-thread)

  ;; miscellany
  ("q" mu4e~headers-quit-buffer)
  ("H" mu4e-display-manual)
  ("|" mu4e-view-pipe)                       ; does not seem built-in any longer

  ;; switches
  ("O" mu4e-headers-change-sorting)
  ("P" mu4e-headers-toggle-threading)
  ("Q" mu4e-headers-toggle-full-search)
  ("V" mu4e-headers-toggle-skip-duplicates)
  ("W" mu4e-headers-toggle-include-related)

  ;; more miscellany
  ("`" mu4e-update-mail-and-index)           ; differs from built-in
  (";" mu4e-context-switch)  
  ("j" mu4e~headers-jump-to-maildir)

  ("." nil))

The following accounts for all of the necessary bindings:

 :map mu4e-headers-mode-map

 ("{" . mu4e-headers-query-prev)             ; differs from built-in
 ("}" . mu4e-headers-query-next)             ; differs from built-in
 ("o" . ek/org-capture-mu4e)                 ; differs from built-in

 ("A" . mu4e-headers-mark-for-action)        ; differs from built-in

 ("`" . mu4e-update-mail-and-index)          ; differs from built-in
 ("|" . mu4e-view-pipe)               	     ; does not seem to be built in any longer
 ("." . hydra-mu4e-headers/body))

The my/org-capture-mu4e function is defined here:

(defun my/org-capture-mu4e ()
  "Capture a TODO item via email."
  (org-capture nil "o"))

and it needs a proper org-capture-template bound to o to work. Here is an example:

 '("o" "TODO respond to email"
   entry (file
   "* TODO %^{Description}\n%A\n%?\n"))
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