This repository contains the runit init scripts for the Void Linux distribution.
This is loosely based on but with the difference that I'm trying to avoid the bash dependency.
- A POSIX shell
- A POSIX awk
- procps-ng (needs pkill -s0,1)
- runit
runit is used by default in the Void distribution.
To see enabled services for "current" runlevel:
$ ls -l /var/service/
To see available runlevels (default and single, which just runs sulogin):
$ ls -l /etc/runit/runsvdir
To enable and start a service into the "current" runlevel:
# ln -s /etc/sv/<service> /var/service
To disable and remove a service:
# rm -f /var/service/<service>
To view status of all services for "current" runlevel:
# sv status /var/service/*
Feel free to send patches and contribute with improvements!
void-runit is in the public domain.
To the extent possible under law, the creator of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.