We recommend several screen reader applications for customers with vision disabilities: JAWS, VoiceOver and NVDA. On mobile devices, we recommend TalkBack for Android devices and VoiceOver for the iPhone and iPad.
If you use Internet Explorer, use JAWS as your screen reader; if you use Firefox, then use NVDA as your screen reader.
We update our recommendations when new versions of major software and browser are released. We can’t guarantee the best user experience if you decide to use software and browser versions that we don’t specifically recommend.
You can improve your online experience by exploring these features and settings available in various assistive technology applications:
Special characters–If it’s required by your screen reading application, enable settings to automatically read any of these special characters: @, #, $, &, ', ", /, |, _, { }, [ ] and words with tilde or grave accented characters.
Symbols–If it’s required by your screen reading application, enable settings to automatically read these symbols: +, -, =, *, , %, ^, ( ), < and >. Browsers
We recommend using the most current version (or the version released just prior to) of Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox or Chrome.
Use the browser controls to adjust the size and colors of content on a web page. We’ve designed our website content to work with these controls.
Not everyone navigates websites in the same way, so we’ve designed our sites to work with screen readers. We use text (in ALT tags) to describe images. We use descriptive links (e.g. More about mortgages instead of Click here) so you know where the link takes you, and we don’t use frames which are difficult for screen readers and special browsers to interpret.
Most browsers have built-in accessibility features that Schwab.com supports, from the ability to change colors, contrast, and text size to using screen readers and skip controls.
- To zoom in or out on a web page:
- Windows OS: To zoom in, press CTRL + PLUS SIGN (+). To zoom out, press CTRL + MINUS SIGN (–).
- Mac OS: To zoom in, press COMMAND + PLUS SIGN (+). To zoom out, press COMMAND + MINUS SIGN (–).
- To change foreground and background colors:
- Internet Explorer: Select Tools > Internet Options > General dialog page, and the Colors button. Check the dialog boxes to set individual preferences.
- Firefox: Select Tools > Options. In the dialog box, select General > Fonts & Colors.
- Opera: Select Tools > Preferences. In the dialog box, select Fonts and Page Style.
- Safari does not currently have options to change text and background colors.
If you have questions or concerns about the accessibility please call or email us.
We’re always working to enhance our site and increase accessibility and usability for all of our customers. Our accessibility efforts are based on the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).