- Pending changelog
New features:
- st-form: Allow to show and hide entire sections clicking a link button and using the ui attribute 'component'
- st-form: Add the possibility of enabling and disabling sections using the ui attribute 'component' as 'switch'
- st-form: Add the possibility of displaying sections as accordion
- st-form: Allow to force the validation of fields without any user interaction
Fixed bugs:
- st-tooltip: It is not displayed when compiling to AOT
Breaking changes:
- st-form: Placeholder now is in 'examples' attribute of json schema
New features:
- st-form: Allow to render read only fields
- st-form: Allow to add dependant fields
Fixed bugs:
- st-sidebar: Fix bug when there are an active item and another with an added class
- st-form: Remove dependant fields when parent field does not have any value
- st-tooltip: Apply new style
- st-pagination: Apply new style
Fixed bugs:
- st-sidebar: Fix bug when there are an active item and another with an added class
Fixed bugs:
- st-form-list: Fixed the formArray refresh
New features:
- st-form: Add functionality to hide and display optional fields
- st-form: Add functionality to render nested properties
- st-sidebar: Allow to add classes to items
New features:
- st-form: Adapt it to display checkboxes, integer and number inputs
- st-checkbox: Allow to display a tooltip in its label
- st-form: Add select fields
Fixed bugs:
- st-pop: Floating element is relocated when user scrolls page
- st-form: Fixed the form validations
Breaking changes:
- st-form-list: Now, it emits the events: add, remove, valueChange and blur
Fixed bugs:
- st-form-list: Add a provisional solution to make it stateless
Fixed bugs:
- st-form-list: Fixed model loading when it is initialized
New features:
- st-draggable-card: Create component
- st-form-list: Emit an event when value is changed
Fixed bugs:
- Add missing class to 'icon-move-to-folder' icon
- st-form-list: Remove duplicated ids
New features:
- st-form-list: Allow to generate list of items dynamically
Fixed bugs:
- st-header: Fix z-index
- st-tag-input: Fix tag input bug when user types more than one line of values
- st-input: Fix error when forceValidations is true and form control is not defined yet
- Update version of the Stratio Icon Font
Fixed bugs:
- st-pagination: Fix error when a change is listened from outside because. This causes that some inputs are changed after checked
New features:
- st-tag-input: Add functionality to not allow user to type values with invalid format
Fixed bugs:
- st-input: Add a gray color to text when it is disabled and it has value
Fixed bugs:
- st-pagination: Do not perform any action when changes are listened when pagination is being created
Fixed bugs:
- st-pagination: Fix error when a change is listened from outside because. This causes that some inputs are changed after checked
Fixed bugs:
- st-pagination: Update per page value when it is updated from outside
- st-alert: Fix alerts displayed behind the page title
New features:
- st-search: Add filter to search
- st-widget: Add settings button and draggable action as optional
- st-tag-input: Add functionality to not allow user to type forbidden values
Breaking changes:
- st-search: The output 'search' now emits and object with properties text and filter
Fixed bugs:
- st-select: Fix duplicate event "select" when user selected text inside input
- st-fullscreen-layout: Fix scroll
New features:
- st-tag-input: Add autocomplete and disable features
- st-pop-over: Add optional settings button
Breaking changes:
- st-pagination: Remove "showPerPage", "hidePerPage" and "theme" inputs. Remove "qaTag" to use "attr.id". Change "perPageOptions" type from number[] to PaginateOptions[]
- st-pagination: Apply new style and behaviour according to UX specifications
Fixed bugs:
- st-modal: Removed space when modal does not have buttons
- st-modal: Reorder buttons in delete confirmation modal
- st-breadcrumbs: Remove left padding from the first item and right padding to the last one
- st-pop: In some cases pop menu is hidden under other elements
- st-select: When the selected option is changed from outside via the input 'selected' but there are not any option marked as selected in model, selected is set to undefined
- general: Preserve z-index value when build
New features:
- st-modal: Added new function showBasicModal to show Info, Confirmation and Delete Modals
- st-header: New input "navigateByDefault" for prevent navigation when click
- st-header: Add new parameter "external" to model to define external links
- st-header: Add new parameter "openInNewPage" to model to define if open new tab when navigate to link
- st-progress-bar: create component
- st-widget: Implement loading state
- st-foreground-notifications: create component
- st-fullscreen-layout: Create new component
- st-tag-input: create component
- st-modal: New empty option to declare a modal without content
Breaking changes:
- st-modal: Removed function showDeleteConfirmation
- icons: Update icons
New features:
- st-file-button: Create component to upload files
- st-modal: New parameter fullscreen for fullscreen modals
- st-modal: New parameter messageTitle to add a title before messages
- st-modal: New parameter maxWidth to define modal max width
- st-modal: New parameter closeOnClick in StModalButton, for close modal when click this button
- st-modal: New parameter leftIcon and rightIcon in StModalButton to add icons to buttons
- st-modal: New parameter response in StModalButton to pass a callback function to one button
- st-sidebar: Create component to navigate through different sections
- st-launcher: Create component to display and launch different instances
- st-pop: Add offset input to move floating component
- st-pop: Change placement type to define with enum
- st-dropdown-menu: Add offset and change placement type input for adapt to st-pop
- st-dropdown-menu: Add input to select item with input
- st-dropdown-menu: Add input to move selected on top when show
- st-dropdown-menu: Add input to apply selected style
- st-select: Add output for emit when expand menu named expand
- st-select: Add output for emit when select an item named select
- st-pop-over: Create component to pop over a content with a title
Fixed bugs:
- st-tooltip: Fix empty title bug
- st-header: Fix user menu width
Breaking changes:
- icons: Update new version of icon library
- st-header: Change submenu behaviour, now act as arrow no navigate to first option
- st-dropdown: Removed component
- st-dropdown-menu: Remove qaTag now read from id if exists
- st-dropdown-menu: Refactor styles
- st-select: Refactor component and add new styles
- st-select: Remove input qaTag now read from id if exists
- st-select: Rename input errorRequiredMessage to errorMessage
- st-select: Rename input selectedValue to selected
- st-select: Remove input forceValidations
- st-modal: Refactor styles
- st-modal: Remove main text
- st-modal: Remove modal type
- st-modal: Remove modal width
- st-modal: Remove qaTag
- st-modal: Remove closeOnAccept
- st-modal: In StModalButton change response by responseValue
- st-modal: In StModalButton remove icon
- st-modal: In StModalButton remove iconLeft
- st-modal: In StModalButton remove primary
- st-modal: In StModalButton remove closeOnAccept
- st-modal: Modified params to showDeleteConfirmation
Fixed bugs:
- grid: fix container and row flexbox behaviors
- st-breadcrumbs: Fix qaTags
- st-dropdown: Fix qaTags
- st-page-title: Fix bug when page is refreshed, the editable page title is displayed wrong
- st-search: Send an empty search when the user presses the cross button
- st-checkbox: Fix disabled style
New features:
- st-label: New component based on label native tag
- st-header: Menu notifies navigation
- st-table: Add functionality to select rows optionally
- st-breadcrumb: Add input for define max elements to show
Breaking changes:
- st-header: Remove stHeaderBehavior directive because now it's unnecessary
- st-header: Change contentChangeOffset parameter by changeHeight
- st-header: Removed app name, now use a ng-content to define
- st-header: Removed user menu, now use a ng-content to define
- st-header: Removed company name input
- st-header: Remove disable parameter of menu and submenu model
- st-header: Models change of name
- st-header: Change general behaviour and design
- st-input-adjustable: Rename directive 'StInputAdjustable' to st-input-adjustable
- st-switch: Remove labelPosition input, label always are dispayed at the left
- st-horizontal-tabs: Event emitted when active tabs changes, now sends the option of type StHorizontalTab
- st-horizontal-tabs: Removed functionality to display disabled tabs
- st-button: Removed component now use native tag and classes
- st-select: Output emitted when select is changed is now the value of the option instead of the entire option
- st-form-label: Deleted, replaced by st-label
- st-tooltip: New behaviour based on native tag
- st-radio: Apply new style according to UX specifications
- st-table: Apply new style according to UX specifications
- st-switch: Apply new style according to UX specifications
- st-breadcrumb: Apply new style according to UX specifications
- st-horizontal-tabs: Apply new style according to UX specifications
- st-select: Apply new style according to UX specifications
- st-textarea: Apply new style according to UX specifications
- st-input: Apply new style according to UX specifications
- st-input: Refactor styles to can be applied to a native input
- All: Removed all references old fonts in all components
- st-table: Remove unneeded cell when there is not a hover menu
- Update license
- st-checkbox: Added demo
- st-radio: Added demo
- st-table: Added demo
- st-horizontal-tabs: Added demo
- st-select: Added demo
- st-textarea: Added demo
- st-footer: Added demo
- st-info-card: Added demo
- st-toggle-buttons: Added demo
- st-vertical-tabs: Added demo
- egeo-theme is now part of this repository and old repo it's deprecated
- egeo-ui-base is integrated now on theme and old repo it's deprecated
Fixed bugs:
- st-button: Update internal text value when change input
Fixed bugs:
- st-tree: Fix Failed to insert St-Tree Module provider missing
- st-tree: Fix selected from elements
- st-tree: Fix dbblick to elements for expand
Fixed bugs:
- st-two-list-selection: Fix when list is empty, height not showing correctly
- st-item-list: Add item list to egeo module
- st-dropdown: Fix inputs immutable
- st-switch: Change input id to -input
Breaking changes:
- st-combobox: Renamed to st-select
- st-search: Remove searchOnlyOnClick and hasClearButton parameters
- st-breadcrumbs: Rename output event changeOption to select
- st-pop: Remove option to position in left or right
- st-pop: Remove input gpuAcceleration
- st-dropdown-menu: Remove option to position in left or right
New features:
- st-toggle-buttons: Add an optional id to the interface
- st-breadcrumbs: Add component st-breadcrumbs item, add Ng-Content option
- st-input: Add input value and output change
- st-form: Create a dynamic form with inputs
- st-form: Add switches to dynamic form
- update stratio-theme to 0.14.0
- st-pop: Remove popperjs library and implement our solution
Fixed bugs:
- Fix styles on st-input
- Fix styles on st-vertical-tabs
- Fix styles on st-horizontal-tabs
New features:
- New component st-items-list
- New component st-tree
- New component st-alerts
- Add number inputs and min/max validations
Fixed bugs:
- Add missing tslib dependency
Fixed bugs:
- Fix when resolve not found any translateable element and pass empty array to translate
Fixed bugs:
- Fix Search with autocomplete emit twice
Fixed bugs:
- Fix popper imports
Fixed bugs:
- Fix of left button position in page title
- Fix a wrong overflow of dropdown-menu items in firefox
New features:
- Create st-object-to-array pipe to iterate over an object in a template
- Add to dropdown-menu option to be always floating
- Add to dropdown-menu to resize update when resize the main window.
- New component st-tip
- New component st-help
- Add option to autocomplete in search
- st-search: hasClearButton, that will be removed in a future release
- st-search: searchOnlyOnClick, that will be removed in a future release
- Fix st-comobobox validations
- Fix st-two-list styles
- Fix AoT compilation
- Bugfix st-switch component emits event twice
- New component st-combobox
- Add new feature in st-page-title: Editable Title
- Bugfix st-two-list remove min height
- Bugfix st-two-list no wrap long lines
- Bugfix st-switch add name as input
- Bugfix st-two-list dropdown
- Add style to st-two-list when select row
- Refactor decorators now all start by St
- Improvement in st-switch template
- Add st-pop component
- Allow Able or disable for columns singly
- Bugfix #148 and #248
- Add St-pop Component
- Add st-checkbox component
- Add st-two-list
- fix st-textarea borders
- fix st-textarea styles
- Update angular version to angular 4.1.0
- Refactor of build method
- Create textarea component
- Create form label component
- Create switch component
- Bugfix #212 (St-table): Allow to introduce a model with id and label as header item
- Extract theme of info-card
- Extract theme of input
- Extract theme of tab-box
- Extract theme of toggle-buttons
- Extract theme of tooltip
- Extract theme of vertical-tabs
- Extract theme of search
- Reduce bundle size
- Add Breadcrumbs component
- Create table component
- fix AOT bug with StRadio Component
- Add st-radio and st-radio-group components
- Add test to EgeoResolve
- Bugfix #144 and #77
- Update spinner styles to remove margins
- Increase test coverage in all components
- EgDeprecated decorator
- export all elements of stModalInterface
- fix infinite loop in modal close
- export stModalResponse
- st-modal and StModalService
- Add max-lenght validation on inputs
- Force to install some dependencies
- st-tab-box as stateless component
- Bugfix pagination
- Remove st-table from website
- Add test coverage 67% to st-input
- Add new search options (Live search and only emit on click)
- Separate library and website
- Add test to st-spinner
- Add test to st-tooltip
- Prepare for publish release
- Adapt to Nexus3
- Add max-width to header component
- Add isFocused parameter on input component to set the focus on the input
- Add distribution as AoT
- Add Required and CheckRequired decorators.
- Add search filter pipe
- Add EgeoUtils with some static common functions
- Modularize all components
- Add Button Clear in Search Component
- Add Value Input in Search Component
- Add optional Pre-title to Page Title Component
- Update color definitions
- Add util service for manage translations of complex objects
- Update fonts in sass for use body istead open-sans and heading instead brandon-grotesque
- Fix some problems with fonts
- Info Box now have a variable height and with that adapt to content and container
- Info Box now have two new inputs, height and with to fix height and with in pixels
- Added Pagination component
- Remove external padding in vertical tab component
- BREAKING CHANGE: Remove ng2-translate dependency
- BREAKING CHANGE: Now egeo is imported like this
import { EgeoModule } from 'egeo';
- BREAKING CHANGE: Output Search Component change of (onSearch) to (search)
- BREAKING CHANGE: Vertical menu now is called Vertical Tabs
- BREAKING CHANGE: Vertical menu now not emit active when active is set from outside
- BREAKING CHANGE: Vertical menu output change from changedOption to changeOption
- Prevent horizontal-tab wrong shown when zoom the browser
- Add qaTag in info-cards
- Fix broken spinner component
- Update colors with new values, possibility of getting in RGB format and documentation with RGB info.
- Add alpha channel to the egeo-get-color API.
- Apply complete design of sidebar in the documentation website.
- Review and update libraries.
- Fix Button event is launched when disabled.
- Remove PostCSS
- New dropdown menu component
- New dropdown component
- Rename old horizontal tabs to toggle buttons
- New horizontal tab component
- New Input component
- Generic class for manage events
- Solve minor bugs
- Add coverage reports
- Refactor Footer component for support internal url, logos and now with tests
- New Header component
- Add button to page title
- Change repository name for Egeo
- Fix bad URL imports in the new UI-Base Sass files.
- Separate font faces and fonts in a separate CSS and process
- Remove old implementations of egeo.ui.base and rewrite imports to the new /ui-base
- Fix linting errors
- Add PostCSS support
- Update to Angular 2.1.0 and Typescript 2.0.3 with types in npm
- Add radio menu component
- New component Title Page
- Total refactor of repository
- New search component
- New button component
- New horizontal tab component
- New tab box component
- Spinner in modificable list while input is undefined
- Spinner component
- Modificable List component
- Footer component
- Input component bugs and improvements
- Info card component
- Update to Angular2 final release
- Regular expression utils
- Vertical menu component
- Close tooltip with click, keydown or mouse wheel
- Several components
- Update to Angular2-rc.6
- First iteration of egeo angular 2 components using Angular2-rc.5