The module follows a simple structure to simulate a marketplace. The '' shows how to the simulation is structured. Data is gathered by simulating a marketplace-object, which consists of two actors: Buyers and Seller. Those are connected to each other by the market place in a loop. The marketplace-objekt determines how and when buyers and sellers interact with each other.
First the market is initiated and actors are introduced:
from market import Marketactor, Marketplace as Market, visualization as mv
#Creation of the market
market =,ListofSeller)
#Adding randome buyers and Sellers
RandomSeller = 10
RandomBuyer = 10
for count in range(0,RandomSeller):
market.AddRandomSeller('RandomSeller_' + str(count),50,10,30)
for count in range(0,RandomBuyer):
market.AddRandomBuyer('RandomBuyer_' + str(count),50,10,300)
The marketplace-class mainly consists of two functions:
- buy()
- SimulateIdealMarket()
The buy() function is build to manage the transaction of an item between
buyer and seller. In the same time, it updates a record (Buyer.UpdateMetaData()) of each actor within
the market, to track the progress of an actor. SimulateIdealMarket() is the mainloop of the programm,
which is described in The Marketplace. After initiation the simulation is
started by using SimulateIdealMarket(), in which you also determine the amount of rounds or steps
the simulation will take (LengthofSimulation
), the amount of items, which are traded in one buy(wanteditems
and if a buyer can executed multiple buy()'s with multiple sellers in one round/step.
#Run the Simulation
market.SimulateIdealMarket(LengthofSimulation = 40, # How many Rounds to Simulate
wanteditems = 1, # How many items are transfered with one buy
MultipleSells = True) # How can an actor buy multiple items in one round
script provides functions to plot the results from the simulation.
If you want to use one of the functions you can decomment those as you see fit.
In the doc
folder examples of plot are stored.
For example you can display the overall accounts of all actors in the market and the progress of all prices by the sellers:
Or you can see the progress of every actor within the market by looking at their respective bids/prices and account/itemstorage: