and const
declarations are not hoisted.- If there's a
in anif
block, it will be declared outside the block to the nearest function scope.let
limits its scope to inside the block (which, if you like brackets, makes some sense) let
s cannot be declared in the same scope twice. So, you cannot uselet
s in multipleswitch
statements.- You can use
for(let i = 0;...)
to limiti
to thefor
block, and jshint won't complain like it does forvar
. - You can also use
to directly make a block:let(foo='bar', baz='buz') { /* use foo inside */}
- You can use
does NOT mean immutable. If youconst
an object, it is still mutable; the const itself just cannot be reassigned.
[for (x of ANY_ARRAY) for (y of ANY_ARRAY) for (z of ANY_ARRAY) (x + y + z)]; // unlimited number of `for`s
// these two are the same in what they do:
[console.log(t, a) for ({title: t, author: a} of books)];
[for (book of books) console.log(book.title, book.author)];
- The equivalent to
:let bar: boolean = array.every(x => isTrue(x))
- The equivalent to
:let bar: boolean = array.some(x => isTrue(x))
- Destructuring assignment:
var [m, d, y] = [3, 14, 1977]; // need to wrap both in array notation
var [,,y] = [3, 14, 1977]; // can ignore variables you don't need
let luke = { occupation: 'jedi', father: 'anakin' }
let {occupation, father} = luke;
console.log(occupation); // 'jedi'
console.log(father); // 'anakin'
Such a destructure can be nested:
let {a: {b: c}} = {a: {b: 5}}; // c is now 5
It can also be done with brackets (let (a, b, c) = {'a': ..., ...}
Do note that this can have a special case with just one unpack:
const { foo } = {foo: 'bar'}; // foo is bar because you unpacked foo from the object
AND the special case where you unpack to nothing:
const {} = 'abc'; // "OK, strings are coercible to objects"
const {} = undefined; // Error
Function signatures are no special case. They also automatically destructure an object:
function getFullName({ firstName, lastName }) // Extracts firstName and lastName from the first argument object
- Spread (packing) and Rest (unpacking):
function foo(a, b, ...rest) { /* rest is an array */ }
- Arrow notation: only
, no->
, and no context binding.
array.map((p) => p * 2);
array.reduce((p, q) => (p + q)); // example with two arguments
cannot be used inside arrow functions, much like this
cannot be.
- Arrow functions can be multiline, but they also make the
statement compulsary.
var a = (foo) => {
return foo;
a(3) // 3
function foo(bar=5) {
- Keyword unpacking: given an object as the argument, using a "set notation" from CoffeeScript unpacks them into the scope:
function foo({x, y=5}) { // note: object notation (y:5) is not valid syntax at this particular location
console.log(x); // 4
foo({x: 4, y: 5})
- Function in object shorthands:
hello() {
// ...
'hello world'() {
// ...
is equivalent to
hello: function () {
// ...
'hello world': function () {
// ...
and a clutch to adding dynamic names is, for some reason, done with square brackets:
let foo = 'foo'
const obj = {
[foo + 'bar']: true
- Classes are not hoisted, even if they down-transpile to a function.
- Classes can be anonymous.
- Class definitions are block-scoped, and cannot be redeclared in the same scope.
- If you have the balls to have a class extends
, be prepared to see unexpected behaviours ("function is not a function").
Proxies: a virtual wrapper that can handle property reads and changes on the original object.
var engineer = { name: 'Joe Sixpack', salary: 50 };
var interceptor = {
set: function (receiver, property, value) {
console.log(property, 'is changed to', value);
receiver[property] = value;
engineer = Proxy(engineer, interceptor);
- Getter and setters in object shorthands:
get hello() { ... }
set hello() { ... }
was previously available with an awkward syntax in ES5.
- Generators require that ugly asterisk after
// The asterisk after `function` means that
// `objectEntries` is a generator
function* objectEntries(obj) {
let propKeys = Reflect.ownKeys(obj);
for (let propKey of propKeys) {
// `yield` returns a value and then pauses
// the generator. Later, execution continues
// where it was previously paused.
yield [propKey, obj[propKey]];
for (let [key,value] of objectEntries(jane)) {
console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
Imports and default imports are similar, the only difference being whether the import is wrapped in braces.
export default function () { return 4 }
export function foo() { return 5 }
// ---
import CallItAnything, {foo} from 'that_file';
CallItAnything(); // 4
foo(); // 5
Default imports can be mixed with named imports on a single line.
export default function () { .. this is React }
export function Component () { ... }
export function PropTypes () { ... }
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import React from 'react';
import { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
Importing the default export under the name "React"
Importing the two named exports under the same names
- You can also
import * from 'a library'
. - You cannot import dynamic paths. (In python, you
.) require('a library')
is slower than imports, as the latter can be optimised statically.import
is not available in node 6.
async function
s always return a promise. Areturn 5
in an async function returns a promise that resolves with 5.async function
s always reject with the error if an error is thrown in it.await asyncFunction()
always returns the value that the function resolves.
Only in an async
-marked function can you use await
. An await
in a non-async function
throws a SyntaxError.
If a promise is resolved, then the lines after await
run. Otherwise, it throws an error and any catch
blocks run.
If an async function has multiple return points: since a promise can only resolve once, it will always resolve with the first value.
- RegExp will now support negative lookahead, which uses
to ensure a pattern is not preceded by another pattern.(?<!foo)bar
will never matchfoobar