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File metadata and controls

75 lines (58 loc) · 2.86 KB


This repo/branch is a fork of the official MyGovBC-MSP-Service. The goal is to merge this upstream once changes are complete and stable.

  • Need to address MSP hardcoded "nouns" in url string validation
  • Merge back into MyGovBC-MSP-Service
  • Revert OpenShift FPC Dev to load from MyGovBC-MSP-Service (currently it loads from MyGovBC-FPC-Service#fpc, i.e. this branch/repo)


A NodeJS based static proxy for MyGovBC-MSP user interface.


  1. Proxy to target base URL
  2. Replays body and query parameters
  3. Adds HTTP Basic and Client Certificate Authentication
  4. Logs to console
  5. Utility to convert file like a PEM to base64 string base64encode.js for use in configuration

Developer Prerequisites


All configuration is done via a user's shell environment variable and read in NodeJS via process.env

Name Description
TARGET_URL Base URL to send HTTP request
TARGET_HEADER_HOST Host header to send
TARGET_USERNAME_PASSWORD For HTTP Basic the username:password
CORS_ORIGIN Optional, if using CORS supply use domain name of the allowed origin
MUTUAL_TLS_PEM_KEY_BASE64 A base64 encoded PEM key string
MUTUAL_TLS_PEM_KEY_PASSPHRASE The passphrase for the above PEM key
MUTUAL_TLS_PEM_CERT The client certificate for the above KEY in a base64 encoded PEM format
SECURE_MODE Insecure mode allows untrusted targets. Always true unless you are debugging
USE_MUTUAL_TLS Turns on and off Mutual TLS to target. Always true unless you are debugging
AUTH_TOKEN_KEY Authentication Key used in all SSL
USE_AUTH_TOKEN Use Auth Token in all SSL
LOGGER_HOST Host name for the Splunk Forwarder
LOGGER_PORT Port for the Splunk Forwarder
SPLUNK_AUTH_TOKEN Authorization token required to use the splunk server
BYPASS_CAPTCHA_URLS A comma-separated list of relative urls that bypass the captcha (e.g. "service/rest/getCalendar"). Has no effect if USE_AUTH_TOKEN is false.

Crypto Tips

Requires OpenSSL CLI installed on workstation

If you want to extract private key from a pfx file and write it to PEM file

openssl.exe pkcs12 -in publicAndprivate.pfx -nocerts -out privateKey.pem

If you want to extract the certificate file (the signed public key) from the pfx file

openssl.exe pkcs12 -in publicAndprivate.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out publicCert.pem

If you want to base64encode a file, i.e., like the PEMs above:

cd <Root of MyGovBC-MSP-Service>
node ./base64encode.js <filename> 

Add these to the OpenShift env vars, do NOT save any certificates to GitHub.

To ensure the target's mutual SSL/TLS is configured correctly, try this command:

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <servername>:<port> -servername <servername>

Production Setup

See Deploy to OpenShift docs.