- Adding Column metadata so we can use with SqlBulkCopy.
- Fixed bug with missing field handling.
- Converted solution to VS 2010 (still targets .NET 2.0).
- Empty header names in CSV files are now replaced by a default name that can be customized via the new DefaultHeaderName property (by default, it is "Column" + column index).
- Fixed a bug when handling missing fields.
- Strongly named the main assembly.
- Fixed a bug when handling whitespaces at the end of a file.
- Breaking: Added more field value trimming options.
- Fixed a bug when calling MoveTo in a particular action sequence;
- Fixed a bug when extra fields are present in a multiline record;
- Fixed a bug when there is a parse error while initializing.
- Fixed a bug with RecordEnumerator caused by reusing the same array over each iteration.
- Added a web demo project;
- Fixed a bug when loading CachedCsvReader into a DataTable and the CSV has no header.
- Fixed a bug when initializing CachedCsvReader without having read a record first.
- Fixed a bug with the IDataRecord implementation where GetValue/GetValues should return DBNull.Value when the field value is empty or null;
- Fixed a bug where no exception is raised if a delimiter is not present after a non final quoted field;
- Fixed a bug when trimming unquoted fields and whitespaces span over two buffers.
- Added the option to turn off skipping empty lines via the property SkipEmptyLines (on by default);
- Fixed a bug with the handling of a delimiter at the end of a record preceded by a quoted field.
- Slightly modified the way missing fields are handled;
- Fixed a bug where the call to CsvReader.ReadNextRecord() would return false for a CSV file containing only one line ending with a new line character and no header.
- Updated dispose pattern;
- Fixed a bug when SupportsMultiline is false;
- Fixed a bug where the IDataReader schema column "DataType" returned DbType.String instead of typeof(string).
- Added a SupportsMultiline property to help boost performance when multi-line support is not needed;
- Added two new constructors to support common scenarios;
- Added support for when the base stream returns a length of 0;
- Fixed a bug when the FieldCount property is accessed before having read any record;
- Fixed a bug when the delimiter is a whitespace;
- Fixed a bug in ReadNextRecord(...) by eliminating its recursive behavior when initializing headers;
- Fixed a bug when EOF is reached when reading the first record;
- Fixed a bug where no exception would be thrown if the reader has reached EOF and a field is missing.
- Introduced equal support for .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0;
- Added extensive support for malformed CSV files;
- Added complete support for data-binding;
- Made available the current raw data;
- Field headers are now accessed via an array (breaking change);
- Made field headers case insensitive (thanks to Marco Dissel for the suggestion);
- Relaxed restrictions when the reader has been disposed;
- CsvReader supports 2^63 records;
- Added more test coverage;
- Upgraded to .NET 2.0 release version;
- Fixed an issue when accessing certain properties without having read any data (notably FieldHeaders).
- Ported code to .NET 2.0 (July 2005 CTP);
- Thoroughly debugged via extensive unit testing (special thanks to shriop);
- Improved speed (now 15 times faster than OLEDB);
- Consumes half the memory than version 1.0;
- Can specify a custom buffer size;
- Full Unicode support;
- Auto-detects line ending, be it \r, \n, or \r\n;
- Better exception handling;
- Supports the "field1\rfield2\rfield3\n" pattern (used by Unix);
- Parsing code completely refactored, resulting in much cleaner code.
- 1.1: Added support for multi-line fields.
- 1.0: First release.