Simple example showcasing an option for a local development setup for python apps in kubernetes.
You need these tools to set this up and try it for yourself:
- docker: this is where the local cluster will be hosted
- k3d: installs a k3s cluster in you docker
- kubectl: the means of interacting with the kubernetes cluster
- helm: package manager for kubernetes
- tilt: smart rebuilds and live updates making your live easier. Tilt define your dev environment as code. Very usable for microservice apps on Kubernetes, and better than Skaffold ).
Create a local k3d cluster with docker registry using:
make up
tilt up
Example Outout: (s) to stream logs
$ tilt up
Tilt started on http://localhost:10350/
v0.33.1, built 2023-06-28
(space) to open the browser
(s) to stream logs (--stream=true)
(t) to open legacy terminal mode (--legacy=true)
(ctrl-c) to exit
Tilt started on http://localhost:10350/
v0.33.1, built 2023-06-28
I0706 21:51:39.818031 44303 handler.go:232] Adding GroupVersion v1alpha1 to ResourceManager
Initial Build
Loading Tiltfile at: /home/davar/TILT/k3d-tilt-development/Tiltfile
📦 Building
Building docker image: fastapi-example:latest
🚀 Deploying
Running: helm template fastapi-example /home/davar/TILT/k3d-tilt-development/charts --include-crds --values ./charts/values.yaml
🔧 Configuring
mounting local path: /projects/app
Successfully loaded Tiltfile (127.423741ms)
Auto-detected local registry from environment: &RegistryHosting{Host:,HostFromClusterNetwork:registry.localhost:5000,HostFromContainerRuntime:registry.localhost:5000,Help:,SingleName:,}
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │ Initial Build
fastapi-exam… │ STEP 1/1 — Deploying
fastapi-exam… │ Applying YAML to cluster
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │ Initial Build
fastapi-exam… │ STEP 1/3 — Building Dockerfile: [fastapi-example:latest]
fastapi-exam… │ Building Dockerfile for platform linux/amd64:
fastapi-exam… │ FROM python:3.10.5-alpine3.16
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │ COPY ./scripts/ /
fastapi-exam… │ RUN chmod +x /
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │ RUN mkdir -p /app
fastapi-exam… │ WORKDIR /app
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │ COPY ./requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt
fastapi-exam… │ RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │ COPY ./app /app
fastapi-exam… │ ENV PYTHONPATH=/app
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │ ENTRYPOINT /
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │ Building image
fastapi-exam… │ Objects applied to cluster:
fastapi-exam… │ → fastapi-example-local-sc:storageclass
fastapi-exam… │ → fastapi-example-local-pv:persistentvolume
fastapi-exam… │ → fastapi-example-local-pvc:persistentvolumeclaim
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │ Step 1 - 0.20s (Deploying)
fastapi-exam… │ DONE IN: 0.20s
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │ [1/8] FROM
fastapi-exam… │ [background] read source files
fastapi-exam… │ [background] read source files 1.62kB [done: 857ms]
fastapi-exam… │ [2/8] COPY ./scripts/ / [cached]
fastapi-exam… │ [3/8] RUN chmod +x / [cached]
fastapi-exam… │ [4/8] RUN mkdir -p /app [cached]
fastapi-exam… │ [5/8] WORKDIR /app [cached]
fastapi-exam… │ [6/8] COPY ./requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt [cached]
fastapi-exam… │ [7/8] RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt [cached]
fastapi-exam… │ [8/8] COPY ./app /app [cached]
fastapi-exam… │ exporting to image
fastapi-exam… │ exporting to image [done: 1.084s]
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │ STEP 2/3 — Pushing
fastapi-exam… │ Pushing with Docker client
fastapi-exam… │ Authenticating to image repo:
fastapi-exam… │ Sending image data
fastapi-exam… │ 652f99b6b251: Pushing [==================================================>] 512B
fastapi-exam… │ 38160c005ddb: Pushing [=================================================> ] 512B/520B
fastapi-exam… │ e95c491085d9: Pushing 2.56kB
fastapi-exam… │ 5f70bf18a086: Pushing 1.024kB
fastapi-exam… │ 00c1b8396424: Pushing [> ] 215.6kB/21.19MB
fastapi-exam… │ 652f99b6b251: Pushed
fastapi-exam… │ 5f70bf18a086: Pushed
fastapi-exam… │ e95c491085d9: Pushed
fastapi-exam… │ 00c1b8396424: Pushed
fastapi-exam… │ 38160c005ddb: Pushed
fastapi-exam… │ be7d38079d7c: Pushing [=============================> ] 512B/870B
fastapi-exam… │ 152bb10de66f: Pushing [=============================> ] 512B/870B
fastapi-exam… │ 75e73dee76a3: Pushing [> ] 132.1kB/10.18MB
fastapi-exam… │ 152bb10de66f: Pushed
fastapi-exam… │ be7d38079d7c: Pushed
fastapi-exam… │ 0d510656312d: Pushing [==================================================>] 512B
fastapi-exam… │ 61046873a9a1: Pushing [> ] 303.4kB/30.15MB
fastapi-exam… │ 75e73dee76a3: Pushed
fastapi-exam… │ 0d510656312d: Pushed
fastapi-exam… │ dc6b8d77e79b: Pushing [> ] 18.43kB/1.797MB
fastapi-exam… │ ec34fcc1d526: Pushing [> ] 68.61kB/5.529MB
fastapi-exam… │ dc6b8d77e79b: Pushed
fastapi-exam… │ ec34fcc1d526: Pushed
fastapi-exam… │ 61046873a9a1: Pushed
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │ STEP 3/3 — Deploying
fastapi-exam… │ Applying YAML to cluster
fastapi-exam… │ Objects applied to cluster:
fastapi-exam… │ → fastapi-example:serviceaccount
fastapi-exam… │ → fastapi-example-configmap:configmap
fastapi-exam… │ → fastapi-example:service
fastapi-exam… │ → fastapi-example:deployment
fastapi-exam… │ → fastapi-example:ingress
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │ Step 1 - 5.72s (Building Dockerfile: [fastapi-example:latest])
fastapi-exam… │ Step 2 - 10.26s (Pushing
fastapi-exam… │ Step 3 - 0.09s (Deploying)
fastapi-exam… │ DONE IN: 16.06s
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │
fastapi-exam… │ Tracking new pod rollout (fastapi-example-f8977bd8c-4qbhk):
fastapi-exam… │ ┊ Scheduled - <1s
fastapi-exam… │ ┊ Initialized - (…) Pending
fastapi-exam… │ ┊ Ready - (…) Pending
fastapi-exam… │ [event: pod fastapi-example-f8977bd8c-4qbhk] Pulling image "registry.localhost:5000/fastapi-example:tilt-e1eda2f51c578eea"
fastapi-exam… │ [event: pod fastapi-example-f8977bd8c-4qbhk] Successfully pulled image "registry.localhost:5000/fastapi-example:tilt-e1eda2f51c578eea" in 18.904196478s
fastapi-exam… │ ┊ Scheduled - <1s
fastapi-exam… │ ┊ Initialized - <1s
fastapi-exam… │ ┊ Ready - 21s
fastapi-exam… │ *** running in development mode!!! ***
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: Will watch for changes in these directories: ['/app']
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: Started reloader process [8] using statreload
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: Started server process [10]
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: Waiting for application startup.
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: Application startup complete.
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: - "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: - "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: - "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: - "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: - "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
This will build and install everything. It will watch your files for changes and updates the necessary parts where needed.
$ curl localhost
make down