From 71245e0600c1b2eea50ebd15d9e4dcd4a4fd5218 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scott Fryer <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2024 17:06:25 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add windows reproducible co

Add initial version of win repro script
Make reproducible scripts less noisy
Add reproducible patch functions to main scripts
Add Win SDK Version To SBOM
Restructure tooling scripts for clarity
 sbin/                                 |  14 +-
 .../{ => reproducible}/  |   0
 .../{ => reproducible}/    |   0
 .../              |   0
 tooling/{ => reproducible}/    | 144 ++-
 tooling/{ => reproducible}/   |   4 +-
 tooling/{ => reproducible}/   |   0
 .../               |   0
 .../            | 817 ++++++++++++++++++
 9 files changed, 971 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
 rename tooling/{ => reproducible}/ (100%)
 rename tooling/{ => reproducible}/ (100%)
 rename tooling/{ => reproducible}/ (100%)
 rename tooling/{ => reproducible}/ (65%)
 rename tooling/{ => reproducible}/ (97%)
 rename tooling/{ => reproducible}/ (100%)
 rename tooling/{ => reproducible}/ (100%)
 create mode 100644 tooling/reproducible/

diff --git a/sbin/ b/sbin/
index 467514b3c..3a07222b2 100755
--- a/sbin/
+++ b/sbin/
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ generateSBoM() {
   # Below add property to metadata
   # Add OS full version (Kernel is covered in the first field)
   addSBOMMetadataProperty "${javaHome}" "${classpath}" "${sbomJson}" "OS version" "${BUILD_CONFIG[OS_FULL_VERSION]^}"
-  # TODO: Replace this "if" with its predecessor (commented out below) once 
+  # TODO: Replace this "if" with its predecessor (commented out below) once
   # OS_ARCHITECTURE has been replaced by the new target architecture variable.
   # This is because OS_ARCHITECTURE is currently the build arch, not the target arch,
   # and that confuses things when cross-compiling an x64 mac build on arm mac.
@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ addFreeTypeVersionInfo() {
    elif [ "${FREETYPE_TO_USE}" == "bundled" ]; then
       # jdk-11+ supports "bundled"
       # freetype.h location for jdk-11+
-      local include="src/java.desktop/share/native/libfreetype/include/freetype/freetype.h"
+      local include="${BUILD_CONFIG[WORKSPACE_DIR]}/${BUILD_CONFIG[WORKING_DIR]}/${BUILD_CONFIG[OPENJDK_SOURCE_DIR]}/src/java.desktop/share/native/libfreetype/include/freetype/freetype.h"
       echo "Checking for FreeType include ${include}"
       if [[ -f "${include}" ]]; then
           echo "Found ${include}"
@@ -1133,6 +1133,14 @@ addGCC() {
 addCompilerWindows() {
   local inputConfigFile="${BUILD_CONFIG[WORKSPACE_DIR]}/${BUILD_CONFIG[TARGET_DIR]}/metadata/configure.txt"
+  local inputSdkFile="${BUILD_CONFIG[TARGET_FILE_NAME]}"
+  # Derive Windows SDK Version From Built JDK
+  local ucrt_file=$(cygpath -m ${BUILD_CONFIG[WORKSPACE_DIR]}/${BUILD_CONFIG[TARGET_DIR]}/temp/ucrtbase.dll)
+  local ucrt_version=$(powershell.exe "(Get-Command $ucrt_file).FileVersionInfo.FileVersion")
   ## Extract Windows Compiler Versions
   local msvs_version="$(grep -o -P '\* Toolchain:\s+\K[^"]+' "${inputConfigFile}")"
@@ -1145,6 +1153,8 @@ addCompilerWindows() {
   addSBOMMetadataTools "${javaHome}" "${classpath}" "${sbomJson}" "MSVS C Compiler Version" "${msvs_c_version}"
   echo "Adding Windows C++ Compiler version to SBOM: ${msvs_cpp_version}"
   addSBOMMetadataTools "${javaHome}" "${classpath}" "${sbomJson}" "MSVS C++ Compiler Version" "${msvs_cpp_version}"
+  echo "Adding Windows SDK version to SBOM: ${ucrt_version}"
+  addSBOMMetadataTools "${javaHome}" "${classpath}" "${sbomJson}" "MS Windows SDK Version" "${ucrt_version}"
 addCompilerMacOS() {
diff --git a/tooling/ b/tooling/reproducible/
similarity index 100%
rename from tooling/
rename to tooling/reproducible/
diff --git a/tooling/ b/tooling/reproducible/
similarity index 100%
rename from tooling/
rename to tooling/reproducible/
diff --git a/tooling/ b/tooling/reproducible/
similarity index 100%
rename from tooling/
rename to tooling/reproducible/
diff --git a/tooling/ b/tooling/reproducible/
similarity index 65%
rename from tooling/
rename to tooling/reproducible/
index 0a4f33db9..3acdec26d 100755
--- a/tooling/
+++ b/tooling/reproducible/
@@ -68,6 +68,140 @@ function expandJDK() {
   rm -rf "${JDK_ROOT}_CP"
+# Process SystemModules classes to remove ModuleHashes$Builder differences due to Signatures
+#   1. javap
+#   2. search for line: // Method jdk/internal/module/ModuleHashes$Builder.hashForModule:(Ljava/lang/String;[B)Ljdk/internal/module/ModuleHashes$Builder;
+#   3. followed 3 lines later by: // String <module>
+#   4. then remove all lines until next: invokevirtual
+#   5. remove Last modified, Classfile and SHA-256 checksum javap artefact statements
+function removeSystemModulesHashBuilderParams() {
+  # Key strings
+  moduleHashesFunction="// Method jdk/internal/module/ModuleHashes\$Builder.hashForModule:(Ljava/lang/String;[B)Ljdk/internal/module/ModuleHashes\$Builder;"
+  moduleString="// String "
+  virtualFunction="invokevirtual"
+  systemModules="SystemModules\$0.class SystemModules\$all.class SystemModules\$default.class"
+  for systemModule in $systemModules
+    do
+      FILES=$(find "${JDK_DIR}" -type f -name "$systemModule")
+      for f in $FILES
+        do
+          javap -v -sysinfo -l -p -c -s -constants "$f" > "$f.javap.tmp"
+          rm "$f"
+          # Remove "instruction number:" prefix, so we can just match code
+          sed -i -E "s/^[[:space:]]+[0-9]+:(.*)/\1/" "$f.javap.tmp"
+          cc=99
+          found=false
+          while IFS= read -r line
+          do
+            cc=$((cc+1))
+            # Detect hashForModule function
+            if [[ "$line" =~ .*"$moduleHashesFunction".* ]]; then
+              cc=0
+            fi
+            # 3rd instruction line is the Module string to confirm entry
+            if [[ "$cc" -eq 3 ]] && [[ "$line" =~ .*"$moduleString"[a-z\.]+.* ]]; then
+              found=true
+              module=$(echo "$line" | tr -s ' ' | tr -d '\r' | cut -d' ' -f6)
+              export module
+            fi
+            # hasForModule function section finishes upon finding invokevirtual
+            if [[ "$found" = true ]] && [[ "$line" =~ .*"$virtualFunction".* ]]; then
+              found=false
+            fi
+            if [[ "$found" = false ]]; then
+              echo "$line" >> "$f.javap.tmp2"
+            fi
+          done < "$f.javap.tmp"
+          rm "$f.javap.tmp"
+          grep -v "Last modified\|Classfile\|SHA-256 checksum" "$f.javap.tmp2" > "$f.javap"
+          rm "$f.javap.tmp2"
+        done
+    done
+  echo "Successfully removed all SystemModules jdk.jpackage hash differences from ${JDK_DIR}"
+# Normalize the following ModuleAttributes that can be ordered differently
+# depending on how the vendor has signed and re-packed the JMODs
+#   - ModuleResolution:
+#   - ModuleTarget:
+# java.base also requires the dependent module "hash:" values to be excluded
+# as they differ due to the Signatures
+function processModuleInfo() {
+  if [[ "$OS" =~ CYGWIN* ]] || [[ "$OS" =~ Darwin* ]]; then
+    echo "Normalizing ModuleAttributes order in module-info.class, converting to javap"
+    moduleAttr="ModuleResolution ModuleTarget"
+    FILES=$(find "${JDK_DIR}" -type f -name "module-info.class")
+    for f in $FILES
+    do
+      javap -v -sysinfo -l -p -c -s -constants "$f" > "$f.javap.tmp"
+      rm "$f"
+      cc=99
+      foundAttr=false
+      attrName=""
+      # Clear any attr tmp files
+      for attr in $moduleAttr
+      do
+        rm -f "$f.javap.$attr"
+      done
+      while IFS= read -r line
+      do
+        cc=$((cc+1))
+        # Module attr have only 1 line definition
+        if [[ "$foundAttr" = true ]] && [[ "$cc" -gt 1 ]]; then
+          foundAttr=false
+          attrName=""
+        fi
+        # If not processing an attr then check for attr
+        if [[ "$foundAttr" = false ]]; then
+          for attr in $moduleAttr
+          do
+            if [[ "$line" =~ .*"$attr:".* ]]; then
+              cc=0
+              foundAttr=true
+              attrName="$attr"
+            fi
+          done
+        fi
+        # Echo attr to attr tmp file, otherwise to tmp2
+        if [[ "$foundAttr" = true ]]; then
+          echo "$line" >> "$f.javap.$attrName"
+        else
+          echo "$line" >> "$f.javap.tmp2"
+        fi
+      done < "$f.javap.tmp"
+      rm "$f.javap.tmp"
+      # Remove javap Classfile and timestamp and SHA-256 hash
+      if [[ "$f" =~ .*"java.base".* ]]; then
+        grep -v "Last modified\|Classfile\|SHA-256 checksum\|hash:" "$f.javap.tmp2" > "$f.javap"
+      else
+        grep -v "Last modified\|Classfile\|SHA-256 checksum" "$f.javap.tmp2" > "$f.javap"
+      fi
+      rm "$f.javap.tmp2"
+      # Append any ModuleAttr tmp files
+      for attr in $moduleAttr
+      do
+        if [[ -f "$f.javap.$attr" ]]; then
+          cat "$f.javap.$attr" >> "$f.javap"
+        fi
+        rm -f "$f.javap.$attr"
+      done
+    done
+  fi
 # Remove all Signatures
 function removeSignatures() {
   local JDK_DIR="$1"
@@ -82,10 +216,11 @@ function removeSignatures() {
       f=$(cygpath -w $f)
-      "$signToolPath" remove /s "$f" 1> /dev/null || rc=$?
-      if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
-        echo "Removing signature from $f failed"
-      fi
+      "$signToolPath" remove /s "$f" 1> /dev/null 2>&1 || rc=$?
+      # if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
+      #   echo "Removing signature from $f failed"
+      # fi
   elif [[ "$OS" =~ Darwin* ]]; then
@@ -227,4 +362,3 @@ function patchManifests() {
     sed -i '/^Created-By:.*$/d' "${JDK_DIR}/jmods/expanded_java.base.jmod/lib/jrt-fs-expanded/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
diff --git a/tooling/ b/tooling/reproducible/
similarity index 97%
rename from tooling/
rename to tooling/reproducible/
index 26259584b..42484ca05 100755
--- a/tooling/
+++ b/tooling/reproducible/
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ do
   # release file build machine OS level and builds-scripts SHA can/will be different
   cleanTemurinBuildInfo "${JDK_DIR}"
+  removeSystemModulesHashBuilderParams
+  processModuleInfo
@@ -69,4 +72,3 @@ fi
 echo "ReproduciblePercent = ${repro_pc} %"
 exit $rc
diff --git a/tooling/ b/tooling/reproducible/
similarity index 100%
rename from tooling/
rename to tooling/reproducible/
diff --git a/tooling/ b/tooling/reproducible/
similarity index 100%
rename from tooling/
rename to tooling/reproducible/
diff --git a/tooling/reproducible/ b/tooling/reproducible/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f538db54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tooling/reproducible/
@@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This script examines the given SBOM metadata file, and then builds the exact same binary
+# and then compares with the Temurin JDK for the same build version, or the optionally supplied TARBALL_URL.
+# Requires Cygwin & Powershell Installed On Windows To Run
+set -e
+# Check All 3 Params Are Supplied
+if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
+  echo ""
+  echo "1. SBOM_URL/SBOM_PATH - should be the FULL path OR a URL to a Temurin JDK SBOM JSON file in CycloneDX Format"
+  echo "    eg."
+  echo ""
+  echo "2. JDKZIP_URL/JDKZIP_PATH - should be the FULL path OR a URL to a Temurin Windows JDK Zip file"
+  echo "    eg."
+  echo ""
+  exit 1
+# Read Parameters
+# Constants Required By This Script
+# These Values Should Be Updated To Reflect The Build Environment
+# The Defaults Below Are Suitable For An Adoptium Windows Build Environment
+# Which Has Been Created Via The Ansible Infrastructure Playbooks
+WORK_DIR="/cmp$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)"
+CW_VS_BASE_PATH64="/cygdrive/$CW_VS_BASE_DRV/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio"
+CW_VS_BASE_PATH32="/cygdrive/$CW_VS_BASE_DRV/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio"
+# The Below Path Is The Default & Should Be Updated
+# If the windows SDKs are not installed in default paths
+WIN_URCT_BASE="C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Redist"
+SIGNTOOL_BASE="C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10"
+# Define What Are Configure Args & Redundant Args
+# This MAY Need Updating If Additional Configure Args Are Passed
+CONFIG_ARGS=("--disable-warnings-as-errors" "--disable-ccache" "--with-toolchain-version" "--with-ucrt-dll-dir")
+NOTUSE_ARGS=("--assemble-exploded-image" "--configure-args")
+# Addiitonal Working Variables Defined For Use By This Script
+# Function to check if a string is a valid URL
+is_url() {
+  local url=$1
+  if [[ $url =~ ^https?:// ]]; then
+    return 0  # URL
+  else
+    return 1  # Not a URL
+  fi
+# Function to check if a value is in the array
+containsElement () {
+  local e
+  for e in "${@:2}"; do
+    if [ "$e" == "$1" ]; then
+      return 0  # Match found
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1  # No match found
+Create_WorkDir() {
+  # Check if the folder exists & remove if it does
+  echo "Checking If Working Directory: $WORK_DIR Exists"
+  if [ -d "$WORK_DIR" ]; then
+    # Folder exists, delete it
+    rm -rf "$WORK_DIR"
+    echo "Folder Exists - Removing '$WORK_DIR'"
+  fi
+  echo "Creating $WORK_DIR"
+  mkdir "$WORK_DIR"
+# Function To Check The SBOM
+Check_Parameters() {
+  # Check If SBOM Is URL OR LOCAL
+  if is_url "$SBOM_URL" ; then
+    echo "SBOM Is URL - Downloading"
+    if wget --spider --server-response "$SBOM_URL" 2>&1 | grep -q "404 Not Found"; then
+      echo "Error: SBOM URL Not Found"
+      exit 1
+    else
+      # Download File As It Exists
+      wget -q -O "$SBOMLocalPath" "$SBOM_URL"
+    fi
+  else
+    echo "SBOM is Local"
+    if [ -e "$SBOM_URL" ] ; then
+      cp "$SBOM_URL" "$SBOMLocalPath"
+    else
+      echo "ERROR - The Supplied Path To The SBOM Does Not Exist"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+  if is_url "$TARBALL_URL" ; then
+    echo "JDK ZIP Is URL - Downloading"
+    if wget --spider --server-response "$TARBALL_URL" 2>&1 | grep -q "404 Not Found"; then
+      echo "Error: JDK ZIPFILE URL Not Found"
+      exit 1
+    else
+      # Download File As It Exists
+      wget -q -O "$DISTLocalPath" "$TARBALL_URL"
+    fi
+  else
+    echo "JDK is Local"
+    if [ -e "$TARBALL_URL" ] ; then
+      cp "$TARBALL_URL" "$DISTLocalPath"
+    else
+      echo "ERROR - The Supplied Path To The JDK Zipfile Does Not Exist"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+Install_PreReqs() {
+  # Install Cygwin Package Manager If Not Present
+  echo "Checking If Apt-Cyg Is Already Installed"
+  if [ -f /usr/local/bin/apt-cyg ]; then
+    echo "Skipping apt-cyg Install"
+  else
+    echo "Installing apt-cyg"
+    wget -q -O "./apt-cyg" ""
+    ACTSHASUM=$(sha256sum "apt-cyg" | awk '{print $1}')
+    EXPSHASUM="d020050e2cb56fec990f16fd10695e153afd064cb0839ba935247b5a9e4c29a0"
+    if [ "$ACTSHASUM" == "$EXPSHASUM" ]; then
+      chmod +x apt-cyg
+      mv apt-cyg /usr/local/bin
+    else
+      echo "Checksum Is Not OK - Exiting"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+  # Install JQ Where Not Already Installed
+  echo "Checking If JQ Is Already Installed"
+  if [ -f /usr/local/bin/jq ]; then
+    echo "Skipping JQ Install"
+  else
+    echo "Installing JQ via APTCYG"
+    apt-cyg install jq libjq1 libonig5
+  fi
+Get_SBOM_Values() {
+  # Read the content of the SBOM file
+  echo "Reading The SBOM Content & Validating The Structure.."
+  echo ""
+  export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin
+  sbomContent=$(jq -c '.' "$SBOMLocalPath" 2> /dev/null )
+  rc=$?
+  if [ "$rc" -ne 0 ] ; then
+    echo "Error Reading SBOM - Exiting"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  # Check if the SBOM has the expected structure
+  if [ -z "$sbomContent" ] || [ "$(echo "$sbomContent" | jq -r '')" == "null" ]; then
+    echo "Invalid SBOM format. Unable to extract Data."
+    exit 1
+  else
+    echo "SBOM Is Structurally Sound.. Extracting Values:"
+    echo ""
+  fi
+  # Extract All Required Fields From The SBOM Content
+  msvsWindowsCompiler=$(echo "$sbomContent" | jq -r '[] | select(.name == "MSVS Windows Compiler Version").version')
+  msvsCCompiler=$(echo "$sbomContent" | jq -r '[] | select(.name == "MSVS C Compiler Version").version')
+  msvsCppCompiler=$(echo "$sbomContent" | jq -r '[] | select(.name == "MSVS C++ Compiler Version").version')
+  msvsSDKver=$(echo "$sbomContent" | jq -r '[] | select(.name == "MS Windows SDK Version").version')
+  bootJDK=$(echo "$sbomContent" | jq -r '[] | select(.name == "BOOTJDK").version')
+  buildArch=$(echo "$sbomContent" | jq -r '[] | select(.name == "OS architecture").value')
+  buildSHA=$(echo "$sbomContent" | jq -r '.components[0].properties[] | select(.name == "Temurin Build Ref").value' | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}')
+  buildStamp=$(echo "$sbomContent" | jq -r '.components[0].properties[] | select(.name == "Build Timestamp").value')
+  buildVersion=$(echo "$sbomContent" | jq -r '.metadata.component.version')
+  buildArgs=$(echo "$sbomContent" | jq -r '.components[0].properties[] | select(.name == "makejdk_any_platform_args").value')
+  # Check if the tool was found
+  if [ -n "$msvsWindowsCompiler" ]; then
+      echo "MSVS Windows Compiler Version: $msvsWindowsCompiler"
+      export msvsWindowsCompiler
+  else
+      echo "ERROR: MSVS Windows Compiler Version not found in the SBOM."
+      echo "This Is A Mandatory Element"
+      exit 1
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$msvsCCompiler" ]; then
+      echo "MSVS C Compiler Version: $msvsCCompiler"
+      export msvsCCompiler
+  else
+      echo "ERROR: MSVS C Compiler Version not found in the SBOM."
+      echo "This Is A Mandatory Element"
+      exit 1
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$msvsCppCompiler" ]; then
+      echo "MSVS C++ Compiler Version: $msvsCppCompiler"
+      export msvsCppCompiler
+  else
+      echo "ERROR: MSVS C++ Compiler Version not found in the SBOM."
+      echo "This Is A Mandatory Element"
+      exit 1
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$msvsSDKver" ]; then
+      echo "MS Windows SDK Version: $msvsSDKver"
+      export msvsSDKver
+  else
+      echo "WARNING: MS Windows SDK Version not found in the SBOM. - Will Derive From Source JDK"
+      msvsSDKver=0
+      export msvsSDKver
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$bootJDK" ]; then
+      echo "Boot JDK Version: $bootJDK"
+      export bootJDK
+  else
+      echo "ERROR: BOOTJDK Version not found in the SBOM."
+      echo "This Is A Mandatory Element"
+      exit 1
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$buildArch" ]; then
+      echo "Build Arch: $buildArch"
+      export msvsbuildArch
+  else
+      echo "ERROR: OS Architecture Information not found in the SBOM."
+      echo "This Is A Mandatory Element"
+      exit 1
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$buildSHA" ]; then
+      echo "Temurin Build SHA: $buildSHA"
+      export buildSHA
+  else
+      echo "ERROR: Temurin Build SHA not found in the SBOM."
+      echo "This Is A Mandatory Element"
+      exit 1
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$buildStamp" ]; then
+      echo "Temurin Build Stamp: $buildStamp"
+      export buildStamp
+  else
+      echo "ERROR: Temurin Timestamp not found in the SBOM."
+      echo "This Is A Mandatory Element"
+      exit 1
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$buildVersion" ]; then
+      echo "Temurin Build Version: $buildVersion"
+      export buildVersion
+  else
+      echo "ERROR: Temurin Build Version not found in the SBOM."
+      echo "This Is A Mandatory Element"
+      exit 1
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$buildArgs" ]; then
+      echo "Temurin Build Arguments: $buildArgs"
+      export buildArgs
+  else
+      echo "ERROR: Temurin Build Version not found in the SBOM."
+      echo "This Is A Mandatory Element"
+      exit 1
+  fi
+  echo ""
+Check_Architecture() {
+  # Get system information
+  # This function may need improvements on systems that can cross compile
+  systemArchitecture=$(uname -m)
+  # Check if the system architecture contains "64" to determine if it's 64-bit
+  if [[ $systemArchitecture == *64* ]]; then
+    echo "System Architecture: 64-bit (Intel)"
+    sysArch="x64"
+    msvsArch="x64"
+  elif [[ $systemArchitecture == *86* ]]; then
+    echo "System Architecture: 32-bit (Intel)"
+    sysArch="x86"
+    msvsArch="x86"
+  elif [[ $systemArchitecture == *arm64* ]]; then
+    echo "System Architecture: 64-bit (ARM)"
+    sysArch="Arm64"
+    msvsArch="arm64"
+  else
+    echo "System Architecture: Other - Not Supported"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  if [[ "$sysArch" == "$msvsArch" ]]; then
+    echo "SBOM & SYSTEM Architectures Match - All OK"
+  else
+    echo "ERROR - SBOM & SYSTEM Architectures DO NOT Match - Exiting"
+    echo "System Arch : $sysArch"
+    echo "Build Arch : $msvsArch"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+Check_VS_Versions() {
+  echo "Checking Visual Studio Version Retrieved From SBOM : $msvsWindowsCompiler"
+  if [[ $msvsWindowsCompiler =~ ([0-9]{4}) ]]; then
+    # The matched value will be stored in the BASH_REMATCH array
+    visualStudioVersion=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
+    # Display the result
+    echo "Visual Studio Version: $visualStudioVersion"
+  else
+    echo "No version information found in the string."
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  if [[ $visualStudioVersion =~ "2022" ]]; then
+  elif [[ $visualStudioVersion =~ "2019" ]]; then
+  elif [[ $visualStudioVersion =~ "2017" ]]; then
+  else
+    echo "ERROR - Unsupported Visual Studio Version"
+    echo "This Script Only Supports versions 2017, 2019 & 2022"
+    echo "Exiting"
+    echo ""
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  echo "Visual Studio Base Path = $MSVS_SEARCH_PATH"
+  # Add Host Architecture To Exe name
+  C_COMPILER_PATH="Host$msvsArch/$msvsArch"
+  CPP_COMPILER_PATH="Host$msvsArch/$msvsArch"
+  # Define Search Path For C Compilers
+  echo ""
+  echo "Checking For C & C++ VS Compilers In : $MSVS_SEARCH_PATH/"
+  C_CL_PATHS=$(find "$MSVS_SEARCH_PATH" -type f -name "$C_COMPILER_EXE" | grep $C_COMPILER_PATH)
+  if [ -z "$C_CL_PATHS" ] ; then
+    echo "ERROR - No MSVS C Compilers Found - Exiting"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  if [ -z "$CPP_CL_PATHS" ] ; then
+    echo "ERROR - No MSVS C++ Compilers Found - Exiting"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  # Set File Seperator For Handling Windows Paths
+  IFS=$'\n'
+  # Search For C Compilers & Check Version Against SBOM
+  c_comp_count=0
+    C_COMPILER_VERSION_OUTPUT=$("$C_COMPILER_FOUND" 2>&1 1>/dev/null | head -n 1 | tr -d '\r' | awk '{print $7}')
+    echo "Found C Compiler : $C_COMPILER_FOUND : Version : $C_COMPILER_VERSION_OUTPUT"
+    if [ "$msvsCCompiler" = "$C_COMPILER_VERSION_OUTPUT" ] ; then
+      c_comp_count=$((c_comp_count + 1))
+      found_c_compiler="$C_COMPILER_FOUND"
+    fi
+  done
+  # Search For C++ Compilers
+  cpp_comp_count=0
+    CPP_COMPILER_VERSION_OUTPUT=$("$CPP_COMPILER_FOUND" 2>&1 1>/dev/null | head -n 1 | tr -d '\r' | awk '{print $7}')
+    echo "Found C++ Compiler : $CPP_COMPILER_FOUND : Version : $CPP_COMPILER_VERSION_OUTPUT"
+    if [ "$msvsCppCompiler" = "$CPP_COMPILER_VERSION_OUTPUT" ] ; then
+      cpp_comp_count=$((cpp_comp_count + 1))
+      found_cpp_compiler="$CPP_COMPILER_FOUND"
+    fi
+  done
+  if [ $c_comp_count -eq 1 ] ; then
+    single_c_compiler=$found_c_compiler
+    export single_c_compiler
+  fi
+  if [ $cpp_comp_count -eq 1 ] ; then
+    single_cpp_compiler=$found_cpp_compiler
+    export single_cpp_compiler
+  fi
+  # Exit If Either Compiler Is At The Wrong Versions Or Multiple Compilers Are Detected As That Shouldnt Happen!
+  if [ $c_comp_count -eq 0 ] || [ $cpp_comp_count -eq 0 ] ; then
+    "ERROR - A C or C++ Compiler Matching The Version In The SBOM Could Not Be Found - Exiting"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  if [ $c_comp_count -gt 1 ] || [ $cpp_comp_count -gt 1 ] ; then
+    "ERROR - Multiple C or C++ Compilers Matching The Version In The SBOM Were Found - Exiting"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+Get_SRC_UCRT_Version() {
+# Extract The ucrtbase.dll from the SRC JDK Zip File
+# Requires A Jump Out To Powershell To Extract File Version From DLL
+mkdir "$WORK_DIR/temp"
+unzip -j -o -q "$DISTLocalPath" -d "$WORK_DIR/temp"
+UCRT_FILE=$(cygpath -m "$WORK_DIR/temp/ucrtbase.dll")
+SRC_UCRT_VERSION=$(powershell.exe "(Get-Command $UCRT_FILE).FileVersionInfo.FileVersion")
+rm -rf "$WORK_DIR/temp"
+Check_UCRT_Location() {
+  # Check SBOM Against Version Derived From JDK
+  if [ "$SRC_UCRT_VERSION" = "$msvsSDKver" ] ; then
+    echo "JDK & SBOM Match"
+    REQ_UCRT_VERSION="$msvsSDKver"
+  else
+    echo "No Match - Set To Derived Version"
+  fi
+  if [ -z "$REQ_UCRT_VERSION" ] && [ ! -v "$REQ_UCRT_VERSION" ]; then
+    echo "ERROR - No UCRT DLL Information Could Be Obtained"
+    exit 1
+  else
+  fi
+  echo "Check For UCRT DLL In : $WIN_URCT_BASE"
+  URCT_CYGPATH=$(cygpath -u "$WIN_URCT_BASE")
+  # Only Search For DLLs for the correct architecture
+  UCRTCOUNT=$(find "$WIN_URCT_PATH" | grep $msvsArch | grep -ic ucrtbase.dll)
+  if [ "$UCRTCOUNT" -eq 0 ] ; then
+    echo "ERROR - NO ucrtbase.dll Could Be Found For The Base Path Specified - Exiting"
+    exit 1
+  else
+    dll_paths=$(find "$WIN_URCT_PATH" -name 'ucrtbase.dll' | grep $msvsArch 2>/dev/null)
+    for dll in $dll_paths ; do
+      dllpath=$(cygpath -s -m "$dll")
+      # Check The Version Of Each
+      FND_UCRT_VERSION=$(powershell.exe "(Get-Command $dllpath).FileVersionInfo.FileVersion")
+      # If A Version Matches Required - Set Permanently
+        if [ "$FND_UCRT_VERSION" = "$REQ_UCRT_VERSION" ] ; then
+          UCRT_FOUND=1
+          UCRT_PATH=$dllpath
+        fi
+      done
+      if [ $UCRT_FOUND -ne 1 ] ; then
+        echo "ERROR - A Version Of ucrtbase.dll matching $REQ_UCRT_VERSION was not found on this system - Exiting"
+        exit 1
+      fi
+    fi
+  # Convert The Location Of The UCRT DLL To Be A Path Parameter
+  UCRT_PARAM_PATH=$(dirname "$UCRT_PATH")
+  echo ""
+  echo "UCRT_PATH To Be Used For Build = $UCRT_PARAM_PATH"
+Check_And_Install_Ant() {
+  # Check For Existence Of Required Version Of Ant
+  echo "Checking For Installation Of Ant Version $ANT_VERSION "
+  if [ ! -r ${ANT_BASE_PATH}/apache-ant-${ANT_VERSION}/bin/ant ]; then
+    echo "Ant Doesnt Exist At The Correct Version - Installing"
+    # Ant Version Not Found... Check And Create Paths
+    echo Downloading ant for SBOM creation:
+    curl${ANT_VERSION} > /tmp/apache-ant-${ANT_VERSION}
+    (cd /usr/local && unzip -qn /tmp/apache-ant-${ANT_VERSION}
+    rm /tmp/apache-ant-${ANT_VERSION}
+    echo Downloading ant-contrib-${ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION}:
+    curl -L${ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION}/ant-contrib-${ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION} > /tmp/ant-contrib-${ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION}
+    (unzip -qnj /tmp/ant-contrib-${ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION} ant-contrib/ant-contrib-${ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION}.jar -d /usr/local/apache-ant-${ANT_VERSION}/lib)
+    rm /tmp/ant-contrib-${ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION}
+  else
+    echo "Ant Version: $ANT_VERSION Is Already Installed"
+  fi
+  echo ""
+  # Check For Existence Of Required Version Of Ant-Contrib For Existing Ant
+  echo "Checking For Installation Of Ant Contrib Version $ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION "
+  if [ -r ${ANT_BASE_PATH}/apache-ant-${ANT_VERSION}/bin/ant ] && [ ! -r $ANT_BASE_PATH/apache-ant-${ANT_VERSION}/lib/ant-contrib.jar ]; then
+    echo "But Ant-Contrib Is Missing - Installing"
+    # Ant Version Not Found... Check And Create Paths
+    echo Downloading ant-contrib-${ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION}:
+    curl -L${ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION}/ant-contrib-${ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION} > /tmp/ant-contrib-${ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION}
+    (unzip -qnj /tmp/ant-contrib-${ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION} ant-contrib/ant-contrib-${ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION}.jar -d ${ANT_BASE_PATH}/apache-ant-${ANT_VERSION}/lib)
+    rm /tmp/ant-contrib-${ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION}
+  else
+    echo "Ant Contrib Version: $ANT_CONTRIB_VERSION Is Already Installed"
+  fi
+Check_And_Install_BootJDK() {
+  # Regardless Of Whats On The Machine, Install The Boot JDK Into A Working Directory
+  echo "Checking The Boot JDK Version From The SBOM Exists : $bootJDK"
+  if [ -d "${WORK_DIR}/jdk-${bootJDK}" ] ; then
+    echo "Error - ${WORK_DIR}/jdk-${bootJDK} Exists - When It Shouldnt...Exiting"
+    exit 1
+  else
+    echo "${WORK_DIR}/jdk-${bootJDK} Doesnt Exist - Installing"
+    echo "Retrieving boot JDK $bootJDK"
+    # Adjust Sys Arch For API
+    if [ $msvsArch = "arm64" ] ; then NATIVE_API_ARCH="aarch64" ; fi
+    if [ $msvsArch = "x64" ] ; then NATIVE_API_ARCH="x64" ; fi
+    if [ $msvsArch = "x86" ] ; then NATIVE_API_ARCH="x86" ; fi
+    echo "${bootJDK}/windows/${NATIVE_API_ARCH}/jdk/hotspot/normal/eclipse?project=jdk"
+    echo "Downloading & Extracting.. Boot JDK Version : $bootJDK"
+    curl -s -L "${bootJDK}/windows/${NATIVE_API_ARCH}/jdk/hotspot/normal/eclipse?project=jdk" --output "$WORK_DIR/"
+    unzip -q "$WORK_DIR/" -d "$WORK_DIR"
+    rm -rf "$WORK_DIR/"
+  fi
+Clone_Build_Repo() {
+  # Check if git is installed
+  if ! command -v git &> /dev/null; then
+    echo "Error: Git is not installed. Please install Git before proceeding."
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  echo "Git is installed. Proceeding with the script."
+  if [ ! -r "$WORK_DIR/temurin-build" ] ; then
+    echo "Cloning Temurin Build Repository"
+    echo ""
+    git clone -q "$WORK_DIR/temurin-build" || exit 1
+    echo "Switching To Build SHA From SBOM : $buildSHA"
+    (cd "$WORK_DIR/temurin-build" && git checkout -q "$buildSHA")
+    echo "Completed"
+  fi
+Prepare_Env_For_Build() {
+  echo "Setting Variables"
+  export BOOTJDK_HOME=$WORK_DIR/jdk-${bootJDK}
+  echo "Parsing Make JDK Any Platform ARGS For Build"
+  # Split the string into an array of words
+  IFS=' ' read -ra words <<< "$buildArgs"
+  # Add The Build Time Stamp In Case It Wasnt In The SBOM ARGS
+  words+=( "--build-reproducible-date \"$buildStamp\"" )
+  # Initialize variables
+  param=""
+  value=""
+  params=()
+  # Loop through the words
+  for word in "${words[@]}"; do
+    # Check if the word starts with '--'
+    if [[ $word == --* ]]; then
+      # If a parameter already exists, store it in the params array
+      if [[ -n $param ]]; then
+        params+=("$param=$value")
+      fi
+      # Reset variables for the new parameter
+      param="$word"
+      value=""
+    else
+      value+=" $word"
+    fi
+  done
+  # Add the last parameter to the array
+  params+=("$param = $value")
+  # Read the separated parameters and values into a new array
+  export fixed_param=""
+  export fixed_value=""
+  export fixed_params=()
+  export new_params=""
+  for p in "${params[@]}"; do
+    IFS='=' read -ra parts <<< "$p"
+    prefixed_param=${parts[0]}
+    fixed_param="${prefixed_param%%[[:space:]]}"
+    prepped_value=${parts[1]}
+    fixed_value=$(echo "$prepped_value" | awk '{$1=$1};1')
+    # Handle Special parameters
+    if [ "$fixed_param" == "--jdk-boot-dir" ]; then fixed_value="$BOOTJDK_HOME " ; fi
+    if [ "$fixed_param" == "--freetype-dir" ]; then fixed_value="$fixed_value " ; fi
+    if [ "$fixed_param" == "--with-toolchain-version" ]; then fixed_value="$visualStudioVersion " ; fi
+    if [ "$fixed_param" == "--with-ucrt-dll-dir" ]; then fixed_value="temporary_speech_mark_placeholder${UCRT_PARAM_PATH}temporary_speech_mark_placeholder" ; fi
+    if [ "$fixed_param" == "--target-file-name" ]; then target_file="$fixed_value" ; fixed_value="$fixed_value " ; fi
+    if [ "$fixed_param" == "--tag" ]; then fixed_value="$fixed_value " ; fi
+    # Fix Build Variant Parameter To Strip JDK Version
+    if [ "$fixed_param" == "--build-variant" ] ; then
+      # Remove Leading White Space
+      trimmed_value=$(echo "$prepped_value" | awk '{$1=$1};1')
+      IFS=' ' read -r variant jdk <<< "$trimmed_value"
+      if [[ $jdk == jdk* ]]; then
+        variant="$variant "
+      else
+        temp="$variant "
+        variant="$jdk"
+        jdk="$temp"
+      fi
+      fixed_value=$variant
+    fi
+    # Check if fixed_param is in CONFIG_ARGS
+    if containsElement "$fixed_param" "${CONFIG_ARGS[@]}"; then
+      # Add Config Arg To New Array
+      # Handle Windows Param Names In Config Args (Replace Space with =)
+      if [ "$fixed_param" == "--with-toolchain-version" ] || [ "$fixed_param" == "--with-ucrt-dll-dir" ] ; then
+        STRINGTOADD="$fixed_param=$fixed_value"
+      else
+        STRINGTOADD="$fixed_param $fixed_value"
+      fi
+    elif containsElement "$fixed_param" "${NOTUSE_ARGS[@]}"; then
+      # Strip Parameters To Be Ignored
+      STRINGTOADD="$fixed_param $fixed_value"
+    else
+      # Not A Config Param Nor Should Be Ignored, So Add To Build Array
+      STRINGTOADD="$fixed_param $fixed_value"
+    fi
+  done
+  for element in "${BUILD_ARRAY[@]}"; do
+    build_string+="$element"
+  done
+  for element in "${CONFIG_ARRAY[@]}"; do
+    config_string+="$element"
+  done
+  final_params="$build_string--configure-args \"$config_string\" $jdk"
+  echo "Make JDK Any Platform Argument List = "
+  echo "$final_params"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Parameters Parsed Successfully"
+Build_JDK() {
+  echo "Building JDK..."
+  # Trigger Build
+  cd "$WORK_DIR"
+  echo "cd temurin-build && ./ $final_params 2>&1 | tee build.$$.log" | sh
+  # Copy The Built JDK To The Working Directory
+  cp "$WORK_DIR/temurin-build/workspace/target/$target_file" "$WORK_DIR/"
+Compare_JDK() {
+  echo "Comparing JDKs"
+  echo ""
+  cd "$WORK_DIR"
+  mkdir "$WORK_DIR/compare"
+  cp "$WORK_DIR/" "$WORK_DIR/compare"
+  cp "$WORK_DIR/" "$WORK_DIR/compare"
+  # Get The Current Versions Of The Reproducible Build Scripts
+  wget -o "$WORK_DIR/compare/" ""
+  wget -o "$WORK_DIR/compare/" ""
+  wget -o "$WORK_DIR/compare/" ""
+  # Set Permissions
+  chmod +x "$WORK_DIR/compare/"*sh
+  cd "$WORK_DIR/compare"
+  # Unzip And Rename The Source JDK
+  echo "Unzip Source"
+  unzip -q -o
+  original_directory_name=$(ls -td -- */ | head -n 1)
+  mv "$original_directory_name" src_jdk
+  #Unzip And Rename The Target JDK
+  echo "Unzip Target"
+  unzip -q -o
+  original_directory_name=$(ls -td -- */ | head -n 1)
+  mv "$original_directory_name" tar_jdk
+  # These Two Files Are Generate Classes And Should Be Removed Prior To Running The Comparison
+  # jdk/bin/server/classes.jsa & jdk/bin/server/classes_nocoops.jsa
+  if [ -f "$WORK_DIR/compare/src_jdk/bin/server/classes.jsa" ] ; then
+    rm -rf "$WORK_DIR/compare/src_jdk/bin/server/classes.jsa"
+  fi
+  if [ -f "$WORK_DIR/compare/tar_jdk/bin/server/classes.jsa" ] ; then
+    rm -rf "$WORK_DIR/compare/tar_jdk/bin/server/classes.jsa"
+  fi
+  if [ -f "$WORK_DIR/compare/src_jdk/bin/server/classes_nocoops.jsa" ] ; then
+    rm -rf "$WORK_DIR/compare/src_jdk/bin/server/classes_nocoops.jsa"
+  fi
+  if [ -f "$WORK_DIR/compare/tar_jdk/bin/server/classes_nocoops.jsa" ] ; then
+    rm -rf "$WORK_DIR/compare/tar_jdk/bin/server/classes_nocoops.jsa"
+  fi
+  # Ensure Signtool Is In The Path
+  TOOLCOUNT=$(find "$SIGNTOOL_BASE" | grep $msvsArch | grep -ic "signtool.exe$")
+  if [ "$TOOLCOUNT" -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo "Error - Signtool Could Not Be Found In The Base Path: $SIGNTOOL_BASE - Exiting"
+    exit 1
+  elif [ "$TOOLCOUNT" -eq 1 ]; then
+    SIGNTOOL=$(find "$SIGNTOOL_BASE" | grep $msvsArch | grep -i "signtool.exe$")
+    SIGNPATHWIN=$(dirname "$SIGNTOOL")
+  else
+    SIGNVER=$(echo "$REQ_UCRT_VERSION" | awk -F'[ .]' '{print $3}')
+    TOOLVERCOUNT=$(find "$SIGNTOOL_BASE" | grep "$msvsArch" | grep "$SIGNVER" | grep -ic "signtool.exe$")
+    if [ "$TOOLVERCOUNT" -eq 0 ]; then
+      echo "Error - Signtool Could Not Be Found In The Base Path: $SIGNTOOL_BASE - Exiting"
+      exit 1
+    elif [ "$TOOLVERCOUNT" -eq 1 ]; then
+      SIGNTOOL=$(find "$SIGNTOOL_BASE" | grep "$msvsArch" | grep "$SIGNVER" | grep -i "signtool.exe$")
+      SIGNPATHWIN=$(dirname "$SIGNTOOL")
+    else
+      # Choose The First
+      SIGNTOOL=$(find "$SIGNTOOL_BASE" | grep "$msvsArch" | grep "$SIGNVER" | grep -i "signtool.exe$" | head -1)
+      SIGNPATHWIN=$(dirname "$SIGNTOOL")
+    fi
+  fi
+  echo "SPW = $SIGNPATHWIN"
+  # Ensure Java Home Is Set
+  export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
+  # Run Comparison Script
+  cd "$WORK_DIR/compare"
+  CPW=$(cygpath -u "$SIGNPATHWIN")
+  export PATH="$PATH:$CPW"
+  echo PATH = "$PATH"
+  # Run Comparison Script
+  cd "$WORK_DIR/compare"
+  ./ temurin src_jdk temurin tar_jdk CYGWIN
+Clean_Up_Everything() {
+  if [ "$APTJQ_INSTALLED" == "False" ];
+  then
+    if [ -f /usr/bin/jq ]; then apt-cyg remove jq libjq1 libonig5 ; fi
+  fi
+  if [ "$APTCYG_INSTALLED" == "False" ];
+  then
+    if [ -f /usr/local/bin/apt-cyg ]; then rm -f /usr/local/bin/apt-cyg ; fi
+  fi
+# Begin Main Script Here
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "Begining Reproducible Windows Build From SBOM"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "Checking Environment And Parameters"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "All Validation Checks Passed - Proceeding To Build"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"