diff --git a/tests/rules/test_anchors.py b/tests/rules/test_anchors.py
index d8fa5bd3..7d7cbb76 100644
--- a/tests/rules/test_anchors.py
+++ b/tests/rules/test_anchors.py
@@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ def test_disabled(self):
     def test_forbid_undeclared_aliases(self):
         conf = ('anchors:\n'
                 '  forbid-undeclared-aliases: true\n'
-                '  forbid-duplicated-anchors: false\n')
+                '  forbid-duplicated-anchors: false\n'
+                '  forbid-unused-anchors: false\n')
                    '- &b true\n'
                    '- &i 42\n'
@@ -122,6 +123,7 @@ def test_forbid_undeclared_aliases(self):
                    '- *f_m\n'
                    '- *f_s\n'  # declared after
                    '- &f_s [1, 2]\n'
+                   '...\n'
                    'block mapping: &b_m\n'
                    '  key: value\n'
@@ -141,13 +143,14 @@ def test_forbid_undeclared_aliases(self):
                    problem3=(11, 3),
                    problem4=(12, 3),
                    problem5=(13, 3),
-                   problem6=(24, 7),
-                   problem7=(27, 37))
+                   problem6=(25, 7),
+                   problem7=(28, 37))
     def test_forbid_duplicated_anchors(self):
         conf = ('anchors:\n'
                 '  forbid-undeclared-aliases: false\n'
-                '  forbid-duplicated-anchors: true\n')
+                '  forbid-duplicated-anchors: true\n'
+                '  forbid-unused-anchors: false\n')
                    '- &b true\n'
                    '- &i 42\n'
@@ -189,6 +192,7 @@ def test_forbid_duplicated_anchors(self):
                    '- *f_m\n'
                    '- *f_s\n'  # declared after
                    '- &f_s [1, 2]\n'
+                   '...\n'
                    'block mapping: &b_m\n'
                    '  key: value\n'
@@ -205,5 +209,73 @@ def test_forbid_duplicated_anchors(self):
                    '...\n', conf,
                    problem1=(5, 3),
                    problem2=(6, 3),
-                   problem3=(21, 18),
-                   problem4=(27, 20))
+                   problem3=(22, 18),
+                   problem4=(28, 20))
+    def test_forbid_unused_anchors(self):
+        conf = ('anchors:\n'
+                '  forbid-undeclared-aliases: false\n'
+                '  forbid-duplicated-anchors: false\n'
+                '  forbid-unused-anchors: true\n')
+        self.check('---\n'
+                   '- &b true\n'
+                   '- &i 42\n'
+                   '- &s hello\n'
+                   '- &f_m {k: v}\n'
+                   '- &f_s [1, 2]\n'
+                   '- *b\n'
+                   '- *i\n'
+                   '- *s\n'
+                   '- *f_m\n'
+                   '- *f_s\n'
+                   '---\n'  # redeclare anchors in a new document
+                   '- &b true\n'
+                   '- &i 42\n'
+                   '- &s hello\n'
+                   '- *b\n'
+                   '- *i\n'
+                   '- *s\n'
+                   '---\n'
+                   'block mapping: &b_m\n'
+                   '  key: value\n'
+                   'extended:\n'
+                   '  <<: *b_m\n'
+                   '  foo: bar\n'
+                   '---\n'
+                   '{a: 1, &x b: 2, c: &y 3, *x : 4, e: *y}\n'
+                   '...\n', conf)
+        self.check('---\n'
+                   '- &i 42\n'
+                   '---\n'
+                   '- &b true\n'
+                   '- &b true\n'
+                   '- &b true\n'
+                   '- &s hello\n'
+                   '- *b\n'
+                   '- *i\n'    # declared in a previous document
+                   '- *f_m\n'  # never declared
+                   '- *f_m\n'
+                   '- *f_m\n'
+                   '- *f_s\n'  # declared after
+                   '- &f_s [1, 2]\n'
+                   '...\n'
+                   '---\n'
+                   'block mapping: &b_m\n'
+                   '  key: value\n'
+                   '---\n'
+                   'block mapping 1: &b_m_bis\n'
+                   '  key: value\n'
+                   'block mapping 2: &b_m_bis\n'
+                   '  key: value\n'
+                   'extended:\n'
+                   '  <<: *b_m\n'
+                   '  foo: bar\n'
+                   '---\n'
+                   '{a: 1, &x b: 2, c: &x 3, *x : 4, e: *y}\n'
+                   '...\n', conf,
+                   problem1=(2, 3),
+                   problem2=(7, 3),
+                   problem3=(14, 3),
+                   problem4=(17, 16),
+                   problem5=(22, 18))
diff --git a/yamllint/rules/anchors.py b/yamllint/rules/anchors.py
index 6d0b1e60..befb8b43 100644
--- a/yamllint/rules/anchors.py
+++ b/yamllint/rules/anchors.py
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
   later in the document).
 * Set ``forbid-duplicated-anchors`` to ``true`` to avoid duplications of a same
+* Set ``forbid-unused-anchors`` to ``true`` to avoid anchors being declared but
+  not used anywhere in the YAML document via alias.
 .. rubric:: Default values (when enabled)
@@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
      forbid-undeclared-aliases: true
      forbid-duplicated-anchors: false
+     forbid-unused-anchors: false
 .. rubric:: Examples
@@ -78,6 +81,26 @@
     - &anchor Foo Bar
     - &anchor [item 1, item 2]
+#. With ``anchors: {forbid-unused-anchors: true}``
+   the following code snippet would **PASS**:
+   ::
+    ---
+    - &anchor
+      foo: bar
+    - *anchor
+   the following code snippet would **FAIL**:
+   ::
+    ---
+    - &anchor
+      foo: bar
+    - items:
+      - item1
+      - item2
@@ -89,15 +112,22 @@
 ID = 'anchors'
 TYPE = 'token'
 CONF = {'forbid-undeclared-aliases': bool,
-        'forbid-duplicated-anchors': bool}
+        'forbid-duplicated-anchors': bool,
+        'forbid-unused-anchors': bool}
 DEFAULT = {'forbid-undeclared-aliases': True,
-           'forbid-duplicated-anchors': False}
+           'forbid-duplicated-anchors': False,
+           'forbid-unused-anchors': False}
 def check(conf, token, prev, next, nextnext, context):
-    if conf['forbid-undeclared-aliases'] or conf['forbid-duplicated-anchors']:
-        if isinstance(token, (yaml.StreamStartToken, yaml.DocumentStartToken)):
-            context['anchors'] = set()
+    if (conf['forbid-undeclared-aliases'] or
+            conf['forbid-duplicated-anchors'] or
+            conf['forbid-unused-anchors']):
+        if isinstance(token, (
+                yaml.StreamStartToken,
+                yaml.DocumentStartToken,
+                yaml.DocumentEndToken)):
+            context['anchors'] = {}
     if (conf['forbid-undeclared-aliases'] and
             isinstance(token, yaml.AliasToken) and
@@ -113,6 +143,32 @@ def check(conf, token, prev, next, nextnext, context):
             token.start_mark.line + 1, token.start_mark.column + 1,
             f'found duplicated anchor "{token.value}"')
-    if conf['forbid-undeclared-aliases'] or conf['forbid-duplicated-anchors']:
+    if conf['forbid-unused-anchors']:
+        # Unused anchors can only be detected at the end of Document.
+        # End of document can be either
+        #   - end of stream
+        #   - end of document sign '...'
+        #   - start of a new document sign '---'
+        # If next token indicates end of document,
+        # check if the anchors have been used or not.
+        # If they haven't been used, report problem on those anchors.
+        if isinstance(next, (yaml.StreamEndToken,
+                             yaml.DocumentStartToken,
+                             yaml.DocumentEndToken)):
+            for anchor, info in context['anchors'].items():
+                if not info['used']:
+                    yield LintProblem(info['line'] + 1,
+                                      info['column'] + 1,
+                                      f"found unused anchor {anchor}")
+        elif isinstance(token, yaml.AliasToken):
+            context['anchors'].get(token.value, {})['used'] = True
+    if (conf['forbid-undeclared-aliases'] or
+            conf['forbid-duplicated-anchors'] or
+            conf['forbid-unused-anchors']):
         if isinstance(token, yaml.AnchorToken):
-            context['anchors'].add(token.value)
+            context['anchors'][token.value] = {
+                "line": token.start_mark.line,
+                "column": token.start_mark.column,
+                "used": False
+            }