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359 lines (214 loc) · 15.5 KB

File metadata and controls

359 lines (214 loc) · 15.5 KB

2.2.9 / 30.09.2018

  • Added .react-phone-number-input--focus CSS class. Issue.

2.2.0 / 03.08.2018

  • Changed the output of AsYouType formatter. E.g. before for US and input 21 it was outputting (21 ) which is not good for phone number input (not intuitive and is confusing). Now it will not add closing braces which haven't been reached yet by the input cursor and it will also strip the corresponding opening braces, so for US and input 21 it now is just 21, and for 213 it is (213).

2.1.8 / 27.07.2018

  • Lowered React requirements back to 0.14 (same as for version 1.x of this library).

2.0.0 / 17.07.2018

  • (breaking change) /native is now the default export. react-responsive-ui select is now exported as react-phone-number-input/react-responsive-ui.

  • (breaking change) Migrated react-responsive-ui country select from 0.10 to 0.13. It no longer has text input functionality (like "autocomplete") — it's just a <select/> now, without any text input field. Removed rrui.css file (use react-responsive-ui/style.css bundle instead, or import styles individually from react-responsive-ui/styles). Renamed maxItems property to scrollMaxItems. Removed countrySelectToggleClassName property (unused).

  • (breaking change) smartCaret is now false by default (previously was true). This was done because some Samsung Android phones were having issues with smartCaret={true} (which was the default in version 1.x). smartCaret has been removed for now, so that it doesn't include input-format library code.

  • (breaking change) international property is now true by default meaning that by default there will always be the "International" option in the country <select/>.

  • (breaking change) CSS changes: renamed .react-phone-number-input__phone--native CSS class to .react-phone-number-input__phone, added new .react-phone-number-input__input CSS class (the phone input).

  • (breaking change) Removed undocumented exports.

  • (breaking change) For /custom component labels and internationalIcon properties are now required (previously were react-phone-number-input/locales/default.json and react-phone-number-input/commonjs/InternationalIcon by default).

  • (breaking change) Removed /resources directory (due to not being used).

1.1.13 / 12.07.2018

  • Added react-phone-number-input/basic-input component.

1.1.3 / 29.05.2018

  • Some CSS tweaks and code refactoring.

1.1.2 / 29.05.2018

  • Added an isolated react-phone-number-input/native export (so that it doesn't include react-responsive-ui package in the resulting bundle).

  • Some CSS tweaks.

  • countrySelectComponent onToggle property renamed to hidePhoneInputField.

1.1.0 / 28.05.2018

  • Added PhoneInputNative exported component which deprecateds the old nativeCountrySelect={true/false} property. PhoneInputNative component doesn't require rrui.css. It will be the default exported component in version 2.x.

  • Fixed a minor bug appering in React 16.4 which caused the currently selected country flag to be reset while typing.

1.0.10 / 19.04.2018

1.0.8 / 19.04.2018

  • (breaking change) Changed the properties passed to a custom inputComponent, see Input.js propTypes for more info.

  • Added BasicInput: an alternative inputComponent for working around the Samsung Galaxy caret positioning bug.

1.0.0 / 21.03.2018

  • (breaking change) Rewrote Input.js — there is a possibility that something could potentially break for users coming from previous versions.

  • (breaking change) No longer exporting libphonenumber-js functions.

  • (breaking change) dictionary's "International" key renamed to "ZZ".

  • (breaking change) dictionary property renamed to labels.

  • (breaking change) nativeExpanded property renamed to nativeCountrySelect.

  • (breaking change) selectTabIndex property renamed to countrySelectTabIndex.

  • (breaking change) selectMaxItems property renamed to countrySelectMaxItems.

  • (breaking change) selectAriaLabel property renamed to countrySelectAriaLabel.

  • (breaking change) selectCloseAriaLabel property renamed to countrySelectCloseAriaLabel.

  • (breaking change) selectComponent property renamed to countrySelectComponent

  • (breaking change) flagComponent's countryCode property was renamed to just country.

  • (breaking change) Renamed countries with flags.js to flags.js and put them in the root folder.

  • (breaking change) flags property changed: it can no longer be a boolean and can only be an object of flag React.Components.

  • (breaking change) selectStyle and inputStyle properties removed (due to not being used).

  • (breaking change) inputTabIndex property removed (use tabIndex instead).

  • (breaking change) onCountryChange property removed (no one actually used it).

  • (breaking change) convertToNational property renamed to displayInitialValueAsLocalNumber.

  • (breaking change) style.css changed a bit (to accomodate phone number extension field).

  • (breaking change) If someone did override .rrui__input:not(.rrui__input--multiline) CSS rule then now it has been split into two CSS rules: .rrui__input and .rrui__input--multiline.

  • Added locales for the labels property (ru and en).

  • Added ext property for phone number extension input.

0.17.0 / 24.02.2018

  • (breaking change) Fixed SVG flag icons for IE. This alters the markup a bit: <img/> is now wrapped in a <div/> and the CSS class of the image becomes the CSS class of the div and also a new CSS class for the image is added. This could hypothetically be a breaking change in some advanced use cases hence the major version bump.

  • Fixed <Select/> scrolling to the top of the page in IE <= 11.

  • Fixed validation error margin left.

0.16.0 / 22.02.2018

  • Updated libphonenumber-js to 1.0.x.
  • parsePhoneNumber(), isValidPhoneNumber() and formatPhoneNumber() no longer accept undefined phone number argument: it must be either a string or a parsed number object having a string phone property.

0.15.0 / 10.10.2017

  • Added error and indicateInvalid properties for displaying error label.

  • (CSS breaking change) react-phone-number-input <div/> is now wrapped by another <div/> and its CSS class name changed to react-phone-number-input__row and react-phone-number-input CSS class name goes to the wrapper.

0.14.0 / 04.10.2017

  • Returning <input/> type back to tel. There used to be reports previously that input="tel" <input/>s on some non-stock Android devices with non-stock keyboards had issues with proper caret positioning during input. Well, those are non-stock Android bugs and therefore they should fix those there. type="tel" is better in terms of the digital input keyboard so it's now a default. Still can be overridden by passing type="text" property.

0.13.0 / 20.09.2017

This release contains some minor CSS class names refactoring which most likely won't introduce any issues in almost but all use cases.

(CSS breaking change) Refactored <Select/> CSS class names in react-responsive-ui:

  • .rrui__select__selected--autocomplete -> .rrui__select__autocomplete

  • .rrui__select__selected -> .rrui__select__button

  • .rrui__select__selected--nothing -> .rrui__select__button--empty

  • .rrui__select__selected--expanded -> .rrui__select__button--expanded

  • .rrui__select__selected--disabled -> .rrui__select__button--disabled

(CSS breaking change) Added .rrui__text-input__input CSS class to the phone number <input/>.

(CSS breaking change) Added global .rrui__text-input__input styles to style.css

0.12.1 / 27.07.2017

  • Due to the reports stating that type="tel" caret positioning doesn't work on Samsung devices the component had to revert back to type="text" by default (one can pass type="tel" property directly though).

0.12.0 / 25.07.2017

  • (breaking change) The default value of convertToNational property changed from true to false. The reason is that the newer generation grows up when there are no stationary phones and therefore everyone inputs phone numbers with a + in their smartphones so local phone numbers should now be considered obsolete.

0.11.3 / 16.05.2017

  • Now alphabetically sorting the supplied custom country names

0.11.2 / 12.05.2017

  • Fixed a bug when value was not set to undefined when the <input/> value was empty
  • Added selectMaxItems property for customizing the country select height

0.11.0 / 03.05.2017

  • (CSS breaking change) Removed vertical padding from the first and the last <Select/> <li/> options and moved it to .rrui__select__options <ul/> itself. So if someone customized .rrui__select__options-list-item:first-child and .rrui__select__options-list-item:last-child vertical padding then those padding customizations should be moved to .rrui__select__options itself.
  • (CSS breaking change) Added .rrui__select__option:hover and .rrui__select__option--focused:hover background color for better UX.

0.10.0 / 18.04.2017

  • (might be a breaking change) Slightly refactored the component CSS improving it in a couple of places along with adding comments to it (see style.css).
  • Added country code validation.

0.9.1 / 16.04.2017

  • (breaking change) Moved the .css file to the root folder of the package and split it into two files (the rrui one is not required when already using react-responsive-ui). importing the CSS file via Webpack is the recommended way to go now.
  • (breaking change) Vendor prefixes dropped in favour of manually using autoprefixers.

0.8.10 / 15.04.2017

  • Added support for externally changing value property

0.8.5 / 06.04.2017

  • Added inputTabIndex and selectTabIndex settings

0.8.5 / 05.04.2017

  • Added nativeExpanded setting for native country <select/>

0.8.1 / 27.03.2017

  • The .valid property has been removed from "as you type" formatter, therefore dropping the .react-phone-number-input__phone--valid CSS class. This doesn't affect functionality in any way nor does it break existing code therefore it's a "patch" version upgrade.

0.8.0 / 17.03.2017

  • (could be a breaking change) Moving CSS positioning properties from inline styles to the CSS file therefore if using an edited CSS file from older versions (when not doing it via Webpack require(...)) update styles for .rrui__select and .rrui__select__options. As well as .rrui__expandable and .rrui__shadow have been added. Maybe (and most likely) something else, so better re-copy the entire CSS file.

0.7.11 / 16.03.2017

  • Fixed a small bug when an initially passed phone number value wasn't checked for country autodetection
  • A small enhancement: when an international phone number is erased to a single + then the currently selected country is reset. And, analogous, when a country is selected, and the input is empty, and then the user enters a single + sign — the country is reset too.

0.7.9 / 12.03.2017

  • Fixed a small bug when the country property was set after page load programmatically and that caused the input taking focus (which displayed a keyboard on mobile devices)

0.7.5 / 22.02.2017

  • @JeandeCampredon fixed Const declarations are not supported in strict mode in module exports

0.7.1 / 28.01.2017

  • Added custom metadata feature (now developers have a way to reduce the resulting bundle size in case they decide they need that)
  • lockCountry property removed (use countries={[country]} instead)
  • Added international boolean property to explicitly indicate whether to show the "International" option in the list of countries
  • Not showing country <Select/> when countries.length === 1 or countries.length === 0
  • countries property can now only be an array of country codes

0.6.13 / 28.01.2017

  • Fixed the flags bug introduced by adding flags={ false } option

0.6.12 / 27.01.2017

  • Added flags={ false } option

0.6.11 / 26.01.2017

  • Added lockCountry option
  • Added a possibility to specify countries as an array of country codes
  • Fixed country selection on country property update

0.6.8 / 03.01.2017

  • Optimized performance on mobile devices

0.6.6 / 30.12.2016

  • Added a bunch of CSS classes: react-phone-number-input, react-phone-number-input--valid, react-phone-number-input__country, react-phone-number-input__phone, react-phone-number-input__phone--valid

0.6.5 / 28.12.2016

  • Now hiding the phone input while the country select is open

0.6.1 / 24.12.2016

  • Fixed collapsed select options being interactive in iOS 8 Safari

0.6.0 / 23.12.2016

  • A complete rewrite. Now supports all countries, all formats are hard-coded from Google Android's libphonenumber library.

0.5.4 / 11.12.2016

  • Hong Kong phone numbers fix by @nchan0154

0.5.3 / 15.11.2016

  • Added some popular country formats (and stubs for other countries)
  • Small bug fix for trunk prefixed phone numbers

0.5.0 / 14.11.2016

  • format prop is now not required for the React component. If format is not specified then the input switches itself into "auto" (iPhone style) mode.
  • input code rewrite

0.4.0 / 15.09.2016

  • (breaking change) digits passed to the template() function don't include trunk prefix anymore
  • Introduced custom valid(digits) phone number validation function for phone number format

0.3.0 / 07.09.2016

  • format_phone_number (aka formatPhoneNumber) function now formats phone number internationally (with country code) if no format argument was supplied (it tries to autodetect the correct phone number format from the phone number itself)

  • Added country(phone) function

  • Added country_from_locale(locale) (aka countryFromLocale(locale)) function

0.2.11 / 06.09.2016

  • Added parse_phone_number (aka parsePhoneNumber) function

0.2.10 / 04.09.2016

  • Added plaintext_local (aka plaintextLocal) and plaintext_international (aka plaintextInternational) methods

0.2.0 / 03.09.2016

  • Added custom phone formats
  • Refactoring
  • Removed format_phone_number_international (aka formatPhoneNumberInternational)

0.1.20 / 19.08.2016

  • Added disabled property

0.1.18 / 11.08.2016

  • Added name property (for javascriptless websites)

0.1.0 / 15.07.2016

  • Initial release