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File metadata and controls

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Processes of redc-nf


For genome download, redc-nf uses the field genome of project.yml file.

  • genome.assembly_name, "genome" by default. Sets the name of genome files.
  • genome.auto_download, true by default. Sets whether the genome will be downloaded automatically from UCSC.

This will also force the creation of new index for hisat2 (time-consuming step). - genome.fasta, genome.chromsizes and genome.index_prefix can be optionally provided as the paths if genome.auto_download is false. Note that genome.fasta and genome.chromsizes can be ftp/http/https links instead. New index will be built if no value is provided or fasta file is a remote file.


redc-nf will annotate the restriction recognition sites for all the enzymes provided in protocol.renz field. Throughout the pipeline, the keys of renz will be used instead of full names. These keys will be used for the creation of restriction filters.

redc-nf uses BioPython for the recognition of restriction sites, annotates for forward and reverse strands of the genome and provides the tart of the recognition site as well as its strand. End of restriction site is formal (same as start). See bin/ for more details.


redc-nf requires the annotation of splicing sites for appropriate run of hisat2 for RNA segments. The RNA annotation can be specified as rna_annotation.genes_gtf with rna_annotation.rna_annotation_name. rna_annotation.genes_gtf can be local or remote file. Note that if file is compressed, its extension should be .gz.


Input .fastq file will be split into chunks of the size provided in run.chunksize field. Each chunk will have its index (starting from 001 and so on) and will be processed independently. Each chunk will be stored as compressed fastq file in the folder named as specified in output.dirs.fastq.


redc-nf requires information of each read sequence and id in "one line-one entry" format. This step will create table with reads in the folder names as specified in output.dirs.table


Detection of PCR duplicates. Note that his step is done for the complete fastq input file, not the chunks. Prior to fastuniq, the reads will be cropped to the equal length (5'-end retained), as specified in run.fastuniq_crop.

run_trimmomatic and get_trim_output

Trimming of the input fastq files with trimmomatic. Parameters of trimmomatic can be specified in run.params_trimmomatic.

index_oligos and index_fastq

Custom alignment procedure of redc-nf requires indexing of fasta files with input oligos and fastq files with reads. Very important parameters for these processes are: run.read_length, run.bridge_length and all the input field.


Custom alignment of oligos to the reads with C implementation of Karp–Rabin algorithm. If you see poor alignment of oligos, check whether run.read_length field corresponds to real read lengths in the file.


Additional step of search of GA in the bridge. This check can be switched off by setting run.check_GA to false.


Forward and reverse reads can contain the remnants of the bridge/adaptors at the ends, which are not detected by the algorithm (because they are too short). Thus we search for complementary regions of RNAs in forward and reverse and select the positions of RNA1 and RNA2 segments more precise.

You can vary the length of complementary regions by run.rna_complementary_length.

get_dna_substrings, get_rna1_substrings, get_rna2_substrings

Cuts DNA, RNA1 and RNA2 segments out of initial reads, and creates fastq files for them.

If you set run.dna_extension, then the extension will be added to DNA. By default, no extension is added.

If the segment length is shorter than run.min_substring_size (in basepairs), then it will be omitted. 14 bp is selected for human genome as the size when expect at least two mappings in the genome of this size.

map_dna_nonextended, map_dna_extended, map_rna1, map_rna2

Mapping of DNA, RNA1 and RNA2 segments with hisat2.


Conversion of sam files into bed.


Annotation of recognition sites of the restriction enzymes.


Collect all the relevant data into a single hdf5 file (for each chunk independently).


Calculate all the filters that are present in filters fields and write hdf5 file with filters (for each chunk independently).

write_stats and merge_stats

Calculate stats specified in report_stats field and report for each chunk and merged library.

write_table and merge_table

Write tables as specified in final_table.tables, for each chunk and merged library. You may switch off this step by setting final_table.create_final_table to false.