source path/to/your/venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install nltk
python -m nltk.downloader punkt stopwords
For the WEAT analysis, you'll need to provide a path to pre-trained word vectors. You can download GloVe vectors from Stanford NLP or use any other suitable word embedding model. Download GloVe vectors for WEAT analysis. We'll use the 50-dimensional vectors for this example:
mkdir -p data/word_vectors
cd data/word_vectors
cd ../..
Convert the GloVe vectors to word2vec format (which is required by gensim):
python -c "from gensim.scripts.glove2word2vec import glove2word2vec; glove2word2vec('data/word_vectors/glove.6B.50d.txt', 'data/word_vectors/glove.6B.50d.w2v.txt')"
Adjust the word sets in @metrics/ to your needs.
# The default word set won't be that useful for you, so adjust it to your needs.
male_terms = ['he', 'him', 'man', 'boy', 'father']
female_terms = ['she', 'her', 'woman', 'girl', 'mother']
career_terms = ['career', 'corporate', 'salary', 'office']
family_terms = ['home', 'family', 'children', 'parents']
- there's some congig in like NUM_ROWS_TO_PROCESS, USE_LARGE_DATASET, etc.
To generate the report, simply run the script as before. The report and figures will be saved in the analysis_output folder. If you want to convert the Markdown report to PDF, you can use a tool like pandoc or a Python library like mdpdf. Here's how you can do it with pandoc:
- Install pandoc and wkhtmltopdf (required for PDF conversion)
- Run the following command:
pandoc analysis_output/ -o analysis_output/llm_analysis_report.pdf --pdf-engine=wkhtmltopdf
This will create a PDF version of the report alongside the Markdown version.
- the prompts for the LLM analysis are in
- you might want to adjust the prompts, they're first pass.