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Airwallex Flutter Plugin

The Airwallex Flutter Plugin is a flexible tool that allows you to integrate payment functions into your Flutter application. It also includes a pre-built UI, giving you the flexibility to use any part of it while replacing the rest with your own UI.

This section will guide you through the process of integrating the Airwallex Flutter Plugin. We assume that you are a Flutter developer familiar with the integration and use of Flutter plugins.

Our sample app is open source on Github, which can help you better understand how to integrate the Airwallex Flutter Plugin into your Flutter project.



To install the Plugin, in your pubspec.yaml, add the following:

  airwallex_payment_flutter: 0.0.2


We've noticed that with some versions of Gradle, building a release package can lead to these obfuscation issues.

E/AndroidRuntime(26598): Caused by: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Class 'android.content.res.XmlBlock$Parser' does not implement interface 'q7.a' in call to 'int' (declaration of 'k0.c' appears in /data/app/~~Ed8ejoXekHz3e7T6xxikvA==/com.example.airwallex_payment_flutter_example-bolBxWvE6SI_ArHfsB-Aow==/base.apk)
E/AndroidRuntime(26598): 	at k0.c.a(SourceFile:1)
E/AndroidRuntime(26598): 	at k0.h.k(SourceFile:1)
E/AndroidRuntime(26598): 	at k0.h.d(SourceFile:1)
E/AndroidRuntime(26598): 	at i0.a.c(SourceFile:1)
E/AndroidRuntime(26598): 	at j.a.a(SourceFile:1)
E/AndroidRuntime(26598): 	at androidx.appcompat.widget.g1.c(SourceFile:1)
E/AndroidRuntime(26598): 	at androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar.<init>(SourceFile:2)
E/AndroidRuntime(26598): 	at androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar.<init>(SourceFile:1)

A common solution is to add the following code to android/app/, but this will weaken R8's obfuscation capability.


We recommend adding the following code to android/app/ to resolve the obfuscation issues.

-keep class org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser { *; }
-keep interface org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser { *; }

You can also follow the relevant issues on the Flutter official page to get the best solution.issues/146266


Call the initialize method of the Airwallex Flutter Plugin to initialize the plugin.

import 'package:airwallex_payment_flutter/airwallex_payment_flutter.dart';
Airwallex.initialize(environment: 'demo');

parameter environment specifies the environment options for the Airwallex Flutter Plugin, which include staging, demo, and production. If you are in the testing phase, it is recommended to set the environment to staging or demo for feature debugging. If you are in the production phase, it must be set to production.

Create Payment Intent

Before confirming the PaymentIntent, You must create a PaymentIntent on the server and pass it to the client.

Follow these steps to create a PaymentIntent on the Merchant’s server

  1. To begin you will need to obtain an access token to allow you to reach Airwallex API endpoints. Using your unique Client ID and API key (these can be generated within Account settings > API keys) you can call the Authentication API endpoint. On success, an access token will be granted.

  2. Create customer(optional) allows you to save your customers’ details, attach payment methods so you can quickly retrieve the supported payment methods as your customer checks out on your shopping site. /api/v1/pa/customers/create

  3. Finally, you need to create a PaymentIntent object on the Merchant’s server via /api/v1/pa/payment_intents/create and pass it to the client.

  4. In the response of each payment intent, you will be returned with client_secret, which you will need to store for later uses.

After creating the payment intent, you need to pass some of the data from the PaymentIntent to the Airwallex Flutter Plugin and enable the shopper to complete the payment using the selected payment method.

Create Payment Session

Whether you choose to call our UI components or use the lower-level API, you need to create a PaymentSession object before making the call. This object contains all the necessary information about the payment.

Create One Off Session

GooglePayOptions and Shipping are optional, and you can choose whether to pass these parameters based on your needs.

import 'package:airwallex_payment_flutter/types/payment_session.dart';
import 'package:airwallex_payment_flutter/types/shipping.dart';
import 'package:airwallex_payment_flutter/types/google_pay_options.dart';

static BaseSession createOneOffSession(Map<String, dynamic> paymentIntent) {
  //get paymentIntent from your server, or you can only get paymentIntentId, clientSecret, amount, currency from your server
  final String paymentIntentId = paymentIntent['id'];
  final String clientSecret = paymentIntent['client_secret'];
  final int amount = paymentIntent['amount'];
  final String currency = paymentIntent['currency'];

  return OneOffSession(
    paymentIntentId: paymentIntentId,
    clientSecret: clientSecret,
    amount: amount,
    currency: currency,
    customerId: '',
    // shipping: createShipping(),
    isBillingRequired: true,
    isEmailRequired: false,
    countryCode: 'UK',
    returnUrl: 'airwallexcheckout://com.example.airwallex_payment_flutter_example',
    googlePayOptions: GooglePayOptions(
    billingAddressRequired: true,
    billingAddressParameters: BillingAddressParameters(format: Format.FULL),
    autoCapture: true,
    hidePaymentConsents: false,

Set up GooglePayOptions/ApplePayOptions

The Airwallex Flutter Plugin allows merchants to provide Google Pay and Apple Pay as a payment method to their customers by the following steps:

  • Make sure Apple Pay is set up correctly in the app. For more information, refer to Apple's official doc.
  • Make sure Google/Apple Pay is enabled on your Airwallex account.
  • You can customize the Google/Apple Pay options to restrict as well as provide extra context. For more information, please refer to GooglePayOptions/ApplePayOptions class.
final googlePayOptions = GooglePayOptions(
  billingAddressRequired: true,
  billingAddressParameters: BillingAddressParameters(format: Format.FULL),

final applePayOptions = ApplePayOptions(
  merchantIdentifier: '',
  supportedNetworks: [, ApplePaySupportedNetwork.masterCard, ApplePaySupportedNetwork.unionPay],
  additionalPaymentSummaryItems: [CartSummaryItem(label: "goods", amount: 2, type: CartSummaryItemType.pendingType), CartSummaryItem(label: "tax", amount: 1)],
  merchantCapabilities: [ApplePayMerchantCapability.supports3DS, ApplePayMerchantCapability.supportsCredit, ApplePayMerchantCapability.supportsDebit],
  requiredBillingContactFields: [, ContactField.postalAddress, ContactField.emailAddress],
  supportedCountries: ['HK', 'US', 'AU'],
  totalPriceLabel: "COMPANY, INC."
  • We currently only support AMEX, DISCOVER, JCB, Visa, and MasterCard (plus UnionPay, Maestro for Apple Pay) for Google/Apple Pay, customers will only be able to select the cards of these payment networks during Google/Apple Pay.

Please note that our Google/Apple Pay module only supports OneOffSession at the moment. We'll add support for recurring payment sessions in the future.

Set up returnUrl

Note that if you wish to use redirection to invoke third-party payments, you must provide a returnUrl to determine the page to redirect to after the payment is completed.

            android:scheme="airwallexcheckout" />

You need to configure your custom url scheme.

Create Recurring Session

import 'package:airwallex_payment_flutter/types/payment_session.dart';
import 'package:airwallex_payment_flutter/types/shipping.dart';

//get clientSecret and customerId from your server
static BaseSession createRecurringSession(
      String clientSecret, String customerId) {
    return RecurringSession(
      customerId: customerId,
      clientSecret: clientSecret,
      //shipping: createShipping(),
      isBillingRequired: true,
      isEmailRequired: false,
      amount: 1.00,
      currency: 'HKD',
      countryCode: 'HK',
      nextTriggeredBy: NextTriggeredBy.Merchant,
      merchantTriggerReason: MerchantTriggerReason.Scheduled,

Create Recurring With Intent Session

import 'package:airwallex_payment_flutter/types/payment_session.dart';
import 'package:airwallex_payment_flutter/types/shipping.dart';

//get customerId and paymentIntent from your server
static BaseSession createRecurringWithIntentSession(
      Map<String, dynamic> paymentIntent, String customerId) {
    final String paymentIntentId = paymentIntent['id'];
    final String clientSecret = paymentIntent['client_secret'];
    final double amount = (paymentIntent['amount'] as int).toDouble();
    final String currency = paymentIntent['currency'];

    return RecurringWithIntentSession(
      customerId: customerId,
      clientSecret: clientSecret,
      currency: currency,
      countryCode: 'HK',
      amount: amount,
      paymentIntentId: paymentIntentId,
      // shipping: createShipping(),
      isBillingRequired: true,
      isEmailRequired: false,
      nextTriggeredBy: NextTriggeredBy.Merchant,
      merchantTriggerReason: MerchantTriggerReason.Scheduled,

Airwallex Native UI integration

Launch payment list page

  • Use presentEntirePaymentFlow to launch the payment list page and complete the entire payment process
  final result = await airwallex.presentEntirePaymentFlow(paymentSession);

Launch card payment page

  • Use presentCardPaymentFlow to launch the card payment page and complete the entire payment process.
   final result = await airwallex.presentCardPaymentFlow(paymentSession);

Custom Theme


You can overwrite these color values in your app. Add the following color values in res/values/colors.xml.

    <color name="airwallex_tint_color">@color/airwallex_color_red</color>



Low-level API Integration

Confirm payment with card details

Create a Card, and then call the payWithCardDetails method to complete the payment.

import 'package:airwallex_payment_flutter/types/card.dart';

// this card number is for demo environment only
final card = Card(
  number: "4012000300001003",
  name: "John Citizen",
  expiryMonth: "12",
  expiryYear: "2029",
  cvc: "737"
final result = await airwallex.payWithCardDetails(paymentSession, card);

Google Pay

final result = await airwallex.startGooglePay(paymentSession);

Apple Pay

final result = await airwallex.startApplePay(paymentSession);

Plugin Example

This sample app demonstrates integrating with the Airwallex Flutter Plugin using its prebuilt UI components to manage the checkout flow, including specifying a shipping address and selecting a Payment Method.

Test Card Numbers


We welcome contributions of any kind including new features, bug fixes, and documentation