This repo contains an example blog website that is built with Gatsby, and Cosmic.
Uses the Cosmic Gatsby Source Plugin
- Node (I recommend using v8.2.0 or higher)
- Gatsby CLI
# Make sure that you have the Gatsby CLI program installed
npm install --global gatsby-cli
# run from your CLI
gatsby new gatsby-example-blog
In gatsby-config.js
you need to add configuration for your Cosmic Bucket
resolve: 'gatsby-source-cosmicjs',
options: {
bucketSlug: '', /* Find this in Your Bucket > Settings > Basic Settings after logging in at */
objectTypes: ['posts', 'settings'], /* Object types to fetch */
apiAccess: {
read_key: '', /* Find this in Your Bucket > Settings > API Access after logging in at */
localMedia: true /* Optional. If you want to enable local image for Gatsby Image */
# Then you can run it by
cd gatsby-example-blog
npm run develop
To enable content auto refresh, open another terminal window and run the following command:
npm run poll-content
This will poll the content in your Bucket for any updates and automatically refresh it in your blog during development. Learn more about refreshing content in the Gatsby docs.
You can deploy to Netlify in a few steps using their CLI. Run the following commands from the root folder.
npm i -g netlify-cli
netlify deploy
In the Netlify dashboard, set your environment variables located in Site Settings > Build and Deploy > Environment. Find your Cosmic Bucket keys located in Bucket > Basic Settings after logging in.