This is meant to be a quick reference for how we use Markdown. This cheat sheet is mostly cribbed from the excellent markdown documentation at
You can make italics this way or bold it this way.
Links can be made to the absolute path of a page like this: text for link
Links to the userguide and tutorial are made more convenient via:
text for link or
text for link or
text for link
note that in _config.yml these variables are defined as:
userguide_url :
tutorial_url :
api_url :
So, for example, instead of Managing Data you could write Managing Data
Code should by highlighted using the following template: {% highlight lang_name %} code goes here {% endhighlight %} Where lang_name is java, bash, xml or any other valid language from this list.
We prefer this style of marking headers: # Header 1
## Header 2
###### Header 6
Ordered, without paragraphs: 1. Foo 2. Bar Unordered, with paragraphs: * A list item. With multiple paragraphs. * Bar You can nest them: * Abacus * answer * Bubbles 1. bunk 2. bupkis * BELITTLER 3. burper * Cunning
Email-style angle brackets are used for blockquotes.
And, they can be nested.
- You can quote a list.
- Etc.