Procedural wallpapers are the dynamic, animated wallpapers for iOS 7. This sample code contains two different wallpapers. One that displays fireworks, and the other the output from the camera (with an optional, automatic QR-reader).
A procedural wallpaper on iOS 7 consists of an instance conforming to the SBFProceduralWallpaper protocol, and a UIView to be presented on screen (they can be the same).
The required methods are:
(if you subclass SBFProceduralWallpaper, it returns itself for you)-delegate
All classes available in a bundle are specified in an array with the key SBProceduralWallpaperClassNames
in the bundle's Info.plist file.
should return an array of dictionaries, each representing one variant of the wallpaper. Each dictionary must, at least, contain an image name for the key kSBUIMagicWallpaperThumbnailNameKey
will be called after the procedural wallpaper has been created, and will contain the selected option dictionary from the +presetWallpaperOptions
You need to have a jailbroken iPhone to install and run this wallpaper. The bundle should be copied to /System/Library/ProceduralWallpapers and can then be selected from the wallpaper settings sections in Changes require SpringBoard to be restarted using killall SpringBoard