subroutine params c****************************************************************************** c This subroutine reads in the commands from the parameter file c****************************************************************************** implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' real*8 deltalogab(5) character keyword*20 character arrayz*80 integer kk data newcount, linecount /0, 0/ if (linecount .eq. 0) oldcount = 0 c IF DOING MULTIPLE RUNS: if this is not the first reading of the c parameter file, then read down to correct place in parameter file, c using "linecount", and then skip the re-initialization of the c various variables rewind nfparam read (nfparam,1001,end=100) arrayz if (linecount .ne. 0) then do i=1,linecount read (nfparam,1001,end=100) arrayz enddo go to 4 endif c INITIALIZE SOME VARIABLES: output file names and output file numbers c f1out, nf1out: verbose standard output c f2out, nf2out: raw synthetic spectra, or summary abundances, or c summary curves-of-growth c f3out, nf3out: smoothed synthetic spectra c f4out, nf4out: IRAF-text-style synthetic spectra output c f5out, nf5out: postscript plot output c f6out, nf6out: synthetic/observed comparison text output (gridsyn) c f7out, nf7out: raw synthetic spectrum of primary of a binary, c output summary run table, or c to be used for some other purpose as needed; at c present not given keyword input c f8out, nf8out: raw synthetic spectrum of secondary of a binary, c or the kept lines in a line weedout, or for c some other purpose as needed c f9out, nf9out: combined smoothed synthetic spectrum of a binary star, c or the discarded lines in a line weedout, or the c mean raw synthesis for a population of stars, or c some other purpose as needed c to be used for some other purpose as needed` c f10out, nf10out: combined smoothed synthetic spectrum of a binary star, c to be used for some other purpose as needed` f1out = 'no_filename_given' f2out = 'no_filename_given' f3out = 'no_filename_given' f4out = 'no_filename_given' f5out = 'optional_output_file' f6out = 'optional_output_file' f7out = 'no_filename_given' f8out = 'no_filename_given' f9out = 'no_filename_given' f10out = 'no_filename_given' nf1out = 0 nf2out = 0 nf3out = 0 nf4out = 0 nf5out = 0 nf6out = 0 nf7out = 0 nf8out = 0 nf9out = 0 nf10out = 0 modelnum = 0 c INITIALIZE SOME VARIABLES: input file names and input file numbers fmodel = 'no_filename_given' flines = 'no_filename_given' fslines = 'no_filename_given' fobs = 'no_filename_given' ftable = 'no_filename_given' nfmodel = 0 nflines = 0 nfslines = 0 nfobs = 0 nftable = 0 c INITIALIZE SOME VARIABLES: terminal type; c set smterm = ' ' for the plotting package 'sm' smterm = 'x11' c INITIALIZE SOME VARIABLES: c atmosphere data printing: modprintopt [old ipr(1)] c molecular equilibrium: molopt [old ipr(2)] c line data: linprintopt [old ipr(3)] c flux/intensity fluxintopt [old ipr(4)] c synthesis/single line computations: [deleted] [old ipr(5)] c line formation level [deleted] [old ipr(6)] c plotting: plotopt [old ipr(7)] c damping dampingopt [old ipr(8)] c observed spectrum file type specfileopt [old ipr(9)] c format of linelist (formatted/not) linfileopt c source function with scat+abs scatopt modprintopt = 1 molopt = 1 linprintopt = 1 fluxintopt = 0 plotopt = 0 dampingopt = 0 specfileopt = 0 linfileopt = 0 iunits = 0 itru = 0 iscale = 0 nlines = 0 iraf = 0 histoyes = 0 byteswap = 0 deviations = 0 scatopt = 0 gfstyle = 0 maxshift = 0 dostrong = 0 molset = 0 c INITIALIZE SOME VARIABLES: c if fudge is less than or equal to 0 then it does not scale it...make it c -1.0 just to be sure we dont have floating point problems with 0.0 fudge = -1.0 c INITIALIZE SOME VARIABLES: spectrum run parameters oldstart = 0. start = 0. sstop = 0. step = 0. delta = 0. cogatom = 0. contnorm = 1.0 c INITIALIZE SOME VARIABLES: line limit parameters ncurve = 0 lim1line = 0 lim2line = 0 lim1obs = 0 lim2obs = 0 lim1 = 0 lim2 = 0 c INITIALIZE SOME VARIABLES: spectroscopic binary parameters deltaradvel = 0. lumratio = 1. c INITIALIZE SOME VARIABLES: elements with special abundance data; for c practical reasons, keyword "abundances" and "isotopes" must be specified c in each RUN; they must be reset each time. 4 neq = 0 numpecatom = 0 numatomsyn = 0 newnumpecatom = 0 newnumatomsyn = 0 ninetynineflag = 0 do i=1,95 pec(i) = 0 newpec(i) = 0 do j=1,5 abfactor(j) = 0. pecabund(i,j) = 0. newpecabund(i,j) = 0. enddo enddo numiso = 0 numisosyn = 0 newnumiso = 0 newnumisosyn = 0 do i=1,200 isotope(i) = 0. newisotope(i) = 0. do j=1,5 isoabund(i,j) = 0. newisoabund(i,j) = 0. enddo enddo c read a line of the parameter file into "arrayz"; decode it to get the c key word, which is always within the first 20 characters; dump the c rest of arrayz into "array" 5 write (array,1007) read (nfparam,1001,end=98) arrayz linecount = linecount + 1 i=index(arrayz,' ') keyword = arrayz(1:i-1) array = arrayz(i:) c keyword 'RUN' signals that there are either multiple syntheses being c done or multiple comparisons with observed spectra if (keyword .eq. 'RUN') then read (array,*) newcount if (newcount .gt. oldcount+1) then linecount = linecount - 1 oldcount = syncount go to 100 else syncount = newcount go to 5 endif endif c keyword 'freeform' indicates whether or not the linelist will be read c in under format control (7e10.3) or will be free-form. If freeform = 0, c the default value, then the old-style formatted input will be used; c If freeform = 1, unformatted read will be used, BUT the user must then c give values for all quantities (that is, explicit zeros will need to c be put instead of blank spaces. if (keyword .eq. 'freeform') then read (array,*) linfileopt c keyword 'standard_out' controls the name of the verbose standard output elseif (keyword .eq. 'standard_out') then read (array,*) f1out c keyword 'summary_out' controls the name of either the EW summary or c the raw synthesis output elseif (keyword .eq. 'summary_out') then read (array,*) f2out c keyword 'hardpost_out' controls the name of a postscript plot output elseif (keyword .eq. 'hardpost_out') then read (array,*) f5out c keyword 'speccomp_out' controls the name of a text file containing the c comparisons (wavelength shifts, sigmas, etc.) between observed and c synthetic spectra elseif (keyword .eq. 'speccomp_out') then read (array,*) f6out c keyword 'bin_raw_out' controls the name of a file containing the c raw synthesis of a spectroscopic binary, with an appropriate velocity c difference and luminosity ratio dialed in elseif (keyword .eq. 'bin_raw_out') then read (array,*) f9out c keyword 'bin_smo_out' controls the name of a file containing the c smoothed synthesis of a spectroscopic binary elseif (keyword .eq. 'bin_smo_out') then read (array,*) f10out c keyword 'summary_in' controls the name of the raw synthesis file, c created previously, that will be read in for plotting purposes elseif (keyword .eq. 'summary_in') then read (array,*) f2out c keyword 'smoothed_out' controls the name of the smoothed synthesis output elseif (keyword .eq. 'smoothed_out') then read (array,*) f3out c keyword 'keeplines_out' controls the name of the list of kept lines c for future synthetic spectrum runs elseif (keyword .eq. 'keeplines_out') then read (array,*) f8out c keyword 'tosslines_out' controls the name of the list of discarded lines c that are too weak to keep in future synthetic spectrum runs elseif (keyword .eq. 'tosslines_out') then read (array,*) f9out c keyword 'iraf_out' controls the name of the optional IRAF output elseif (keyword .eq. 'iraf_out') then read (array,*) f4out c keyword 'model_in' controls the name of input model atmosphere file elseif (keyword .eq. 'model_in') then read (array,*) fmodel c keyword 'lines_in' controls the name of the input line list elseif (keyword .eq. 'lines_in') then read (array,*) flines c keyword 'stronglines_in' controls the name of the input strong line list elseif (keyword .eq. 'stronglines_in') then read (array,*) fslines c keyword 'observed_in' controls the name of the input observed spectrum elseif (keyword .eq. 'observed_in') then read (array,*) fobs c keyword 'table_in' controls the name of the extra input instruction file elseif (keyword .eq. 'table_in ') then read (array,*) ftable c keyword 'table_out' controls the name of the extra input instruction file elseif (keyword .eq. 'table_out ') then read (array,*) f7out c keyword 'popsyn_out' controls the name of the extra input instruction file elseif (keyword .eq. 'popsyn_out ') then read (array,*) f9out c keyword 'rawbin_out ' controls the name of the input observed spectrum elseif (keyword .eq. 'rawbin_out ') then read (array,*) f9out c keyword 'smoobin_out' controls the name of the input observed spectrum elseif (keyword .eq. 'smoobin_out') then read (array,*) f10out c keyword 'atmosphere' controls the output of atmosphere quantities c 0 = do not print out the atmosphere c 1 = print out the standard things about an atmsophere c 2 = print standard things and additional stuff like continuous c opacities, etc. elseif (keyword .eq. 'atmosphere') then read (array,*) modprintopt c keyword 'molecules ' controls the molecular equilibrium calculations c 0 = do not do molecular equilibrium c 1 = do molecular equilibrium but do not print results c 2 = do molecular equilibrium and print results elseif (keyword .eq. 'molecules') then read (array,*) molopt if (molopt .eq. 0) then nchars = 64 write (array,1009) call getasci (nchars,l0) if (chinfo(1:1) .eq. 'n') then stop else molopt = 1 endif endif c keyword 'molset' controls the choice of which set of molecules will be c used in molecular equilibrium calculations. c 1 = the small set involving H, C, N, O, Mg, Ti (DEFAULT) c 2 = the large set more useful for very cool stars elseif (keyword .eq. 'molset') then read (array,*) molset c keyword 'deviations' controls whether, for synthetic spectrum computations, c an 'obs-comp' plot will be made in addition to the normal spectrum plot c 0 = do not plot the obs-comp plot c 1 = plot the obs-comp plot elseif (keyword .eq. 'deviations') then read (array,*) deviations c keyword 'lines ' controls the output of line data c 0 = print out nothing about the input lines c 1 = print out standard information about the input line list c 2 = gory line data print (usually for diagnostic purposes) elseif (keyword .eq. 'lines') then read (array,*) linprintopt linprintalt = linprintopt c keyword 'gfstyle ' controls the output of line data c 0 = base-10 logarithms of the gf values (DEFAULT) c 1 = straight gf values elseif (keyword .eq. 'gfstyle') then read (array,*) gfstyle c keyword 'contnorm ' allows multiplicative adjustment of the c continuum; useful probably only for batch syntheses c the numbers employed should be around 1.0; c default is 1.000000 elseif (keyword .eq. 'contnorm') then read (array,*) contnorm c keyword 'plotpars ' allows you to set all of the plotting c parameters if you know them in advance c 0 = none set (default); user can change in plotting routine c 1 = given in following lines as follows c xlow xhi ylo yhi c vshift lamshift obsadd obsmult c smooth-type FWHM-Gauss vsini L.D.C. FWHM-Macro FWHM-Loren elseif (keyword .eq. 'plotpars') then read (array,*) iscale if (iscale .ne. 0) then read (nfparam,*) xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi linecount = linecount + 1 read (nfparam,*) veladd, xadd, yadd, ymult if (xadd .ne. 0.) then veladd = 3.0d5*xadd/((xlo+xhi)/2.) xadd = 0. endif linecount = linecount + 1 read (nfparam,*) smtype, fwhmgauss, vsini, limbdark, vmac, . fwhmloren linecount = linecount + 1 endif c keyword 'trudamp ' should moog use the detailed line damping for c those transitions that have information stored in c subroutine trudamp? (Default is *no*) elseif (keyword .eq. 'trudamp') then read (array,*) itru c keyword 'veladjust ' shoud moog try to do a cross-correlation between c observed and synthetic spectra and use that to c align the spectra better in wavelength c (Default is *no*) elseif (keyword .eq. 'veladjust') then read (array,*) maxshift c keyword 'units ' controls the units in which moog c outputs the final spectrum c 0 = angs c 1 = microns c 2 = 1/cm elseif (keyword .eq. 'units') then read (array,*) iunits if (iunits .ne. 0) then write (*,1010) stop endif c keyword 'iraf ' allows the user to output a raw spectrum in c a form suitable for IRAF's rtext input command c 0 = don't do this, make output the normal way. c 1 = make an IRAF-compatible output elseif (keyword .eq. 'iraf') then read (array,*) iraf c keyword 'scat 'allows the user to employ a source function c which has both scattering and absorption components c 0 = NO scattering c 1 = scattering elseif (keyword .eq. 'scat') then read (array,*) scatopt c keyword 'flux/int ' choses integrated flux or central intensity c 0 = integrated flux calculations c 1 = central intensity calculations elseif (keyword .eq. 'flux/int') then read (array,*) fluxintopt c*****here are the calculations to set up the damping; for atomic lines c there are several options: c dampingopt = 0 and dampnum < 0 ---> c gammav = 10^{dampnum(i)}*(T/10000K)^0.3*n_HI c dampingopt = 0 and dampnum = 0 ---> c c6 = Unsold formula c dampingopt = 0 and dampnum > 10^(-10) ---> c c6 = (Unsold formula)*dampnum(i) c dampingopt = 0 and dampnum(i) < 10^(-10) ---> c c6 = dampnum(i) c dampingopt = 1 ---> c gammav = gamma_Barklem if possible, c otherwise use dampingopt=0 options c dampingopt = 2 ---> c c6 = c6_Blackwell-group c dampingopt = 3 and dampnum <= 10^(-10) ---> c c6 = c6_NEXTGEN for H I, He I, H2 c dampingopt = 3 and dampnum > 10^(-10) ---> c c6 = (c6_NEXTGEN for H I, He I, H2)*dampnum c for molecular lines (lacking a better idea) ---> c c6 done as in dampingopt = 0 elseif (keyword .eq. 'damping') then read (array,*) dampingopt c keyword 'obspectrum' controls the file type of the observed spectrum c 0 = no observed spectrum is to be input c 1 = read a true FITS file with internal read statements c -1 = as if obspectrum = 1, but on a byte-swapping machine c 2 = (not implemented yet) c 3 = read a true Fits file with the FITSIO package c 4 = (not implemented yet) c 5 = read a special MONGO style (wavelength, flux pair) file elseif (keyword .eq. 'obspectrum') then read (array,*) specfileopt if (specfileopt .lt. 0) then byteswap = 1 specfileopt = iabs(specfileopt) endif c keyword 'histogram' makes histogram plots of observed spectra if c histoyes = 1 elseif (keyword .eq. 'histogram') then read (array,*) histoyes c keyword 'terminal ' gives the sm plotting window type c smterm = a character string of the sm window type (see the c appropriate sm manual for a list) elseif (keyword .eq. 'terminal') then read (array,*) smterm c keyword 'plot ' decides whether or not to make a plot of results c 0 = do not make a plot c For syntheses: 1 = plot only synthetic spectra c 2 = plot synthetic and observed spectra c 3 = smooth the syntheses but don't plot c For line analyses: # = the minimum number of lines of a c species necessary to trigger a plot c For curves-of-growth: 1 = make plots c For flux curves: 1 = make plots elseif (keyword .eq. 'plot') then read (array,*) plotopt c keyword 'abundances' gives the changes to be applied to the abundances c # = the number of different syntheses to run c (the next line gives the different abundance factors c to use) c minimum error check: numatomsyn must equal numisosyn or code will stop elseif (keyword .eq. 'abundances') then neq = 0 numpecatom = 0 numatomsyn = 0 newnumpecatom = 0 newnumatomsyn = 0 ninetynineflag = 0 do i=1,95 pec(i) = 0 newpec(i) = 0 do j=1,5 abfactor(j) = 0. pecabund(i,j) = 0. newpecabund(i,j) = 0. enddo enddo read (array,*) numpecatom,numatomsyn if (numisosyn .ne. 0) then if (numatomsyn .ne. numisosyn) then write (array,1002) numatomsyn, numisosyn call putasci (77,6) stop endif endif do l=1,numpecatom read (nfparam,*) jatom,(deltalogab(kk),kk=1,numatomsyn) linecount = linecount + 1 if (jatom .eq. 99) then do kk=1,numatomsyn abfactor (kk) = deltalogab(kk) enddo else do kk=1,numatomsyn pecabund(jatom,kk) = deltalogab(kk) enddo pec(jatom) = 1 endif enddo if (numpecatom.eq.1 .and. jatom.eq.99) ninetynineflag = 1 c keyword 'isotopes ' gives the isotopes used in the line list and their c abundance relative to the parent spiecies c minimum error check: numatomsyn must equal numisosyn or code will stop elseif (keyword .eq. 'isotopes') then numiso = 0 numisosyn = 0 newnumiso = 0 newnumisosyn = 0 do i=1,200 isotope(i) = 0. newisotope(i) = 0. do j=1,5 isoabund(i,j) = 0. newisoabund(i,j) = 0. enddo enddo read (array,*) numiso,numisosyn if (numatomsyn .ne. 0) then if (numatomsyn .ne. numisosyn) then write (array,1002) numatomsyn, numisosyn call putasci (77,6) stop endif endif do j=1,numiso read (nfparam,*) isotope(j),(isoabund(j,kk),kk=1,numisosyn) linecount = linecount + 1 enddo c keyword 'lumratio' gives the ratio of the luminosity of two stars at a c specific wavelength in a binary star system (used c only with driver "binary") elseif (keyword .eq. 'lumratio') then read (array,*) lumratio c keyword 'deltaradvel' gives the velocity difference between the stars c binary star system (used only with driver "binary") elseif (keyword .eq. 'deltaradvel') then read (array,*) deltaradvel c keyword 'synlimits ' gives the wavelength parameters for syntheses; c start and sstop are beginning and ending c wavelengths, step is the step size in the c syntheses, and delta is the wavelength range c to either side of a synthesis point to consider c for line opacity calculations elseif (keyword .eq. 'synlimits') then read (nfparam,*) start, sstop, step, delta oldstart = start oldstop = sstop oldstep = step olddelta = delta step1000 = 1000.*step if (dble(idnint(step1000))-step1000 .ne. 0.) then write (*,1008) step stop endif linecount = linecount + 1 c keyword 'fluxlimits' gives the wavelength parameters for flux curves; c start and sstop are beginning and ending c wavelengths, and step is the step size in the c flux curve elseif (keyword .eq. 'fluxlimits') then read (nfparam,*) start, sstop, step linecount = linecount + 1 c keyword 'blenlimits' gives the parameters for blended line abundance c matches. delwave is the wavelength offset c to the blue of first and to the red of the c last line in the blend to extend the syntheses; c step is the wavelength step size in the c computations; cogatom is the name of the c element whose abundance should be varied c to achieve an EW match with observations. elseif (keyword .eq. 'blenlimits') then read (nfparam,*) delwave, step, cogatom linecount = linecount + 1 c keyword 'coglimits ' gives the log(W/lambda) limits for curves-of-growth c rwlow and rwhigh are the beginning c and ending points of the log(red.width) values, c rwstep is the step in log(red.width), c cogatom is the declaration of which element c will have its abundance varied (necessary only c for spectrum synthesis curves-of-growth, c and wavestep is a forced (if desired) step size c in wavelength along the line (this applies to c single line computations only elseif (keyword .eq. 'coglimits') then read (nfparam,*) rwlow, rwhigh, rwstep, wavestep, cogatom linecount = linecount + 1 c keyword 'limits ' old limits format...tell the user to change the c keyword and quit. elseif (keyword .eq. 'limits') then write(*,*) 'Warning: keyword changed to *synlimits*, *coglimits*' write(*,*) 'for Syntesis and COG calculations.' write(*,*) 'Here are the proper formats:' write(*,*) write(*,*) 'synlimits <start> <stop> <step> <delta>' write(*,*) 'coglimits <rwlow> <rwhigh> <rwstep> <wavestep> ', . '<cogatom>' stop c keyword of strong for lines which are to be considered for all of the c synthesis elseif (keyword .eq. 'strong') then read (array,*) dostrong c keyword word of opacit which takes the continuus opacity and scales it c with the form of kaplam(i)= kaplam(i)*((factor*10000)/t(i)) c in Opacit.f after it calulates the normal kaplam c if value is <= 0 then it does not do it elseif (keyword .eq. 'opacit') then read (array,*) fudge c any other keyword causes great grudge else write (array,1006) keyword call prinfo (5) stop endif c loop back to get another parameter go to 5 c wrap things up with a few assignments 98 if (control.eq.'gridsyn' .or. control.eq.'gridplo' .or. . control.eq.'binary ' .or. control.eq.'abandy ') then control = 'gridend' endif c assign plotting window type; if no type has been given in the c parameter file, then ask for it 100 if (smterm .eq. ' ') then array = 'GIVE THE SM TERMINAL NAME : ' nchar = 28 call getasci (nchar,12) smterm = chinfo(1:nchar) ivstat = ivcleof(12,1) endif if (smterm.eq.'x11' .or. smterm.eq.'X11') then if (control .eq. 'synth ' .or. . control .eq. 'synpop ' .or. . control .eq. 'synplot' .or. . control .eq. 'isoplot' .or. . control .eq. 'gridsyn' .or. . control .eq. 'gridplo' .or. . control .eq. 'doflux ' .or. . control .eq. 'cogsyn ' .or. . control .eq. 'cog ' .or. . control .eq. 'isotop ' .or. . control .eq. 'binary ') then smterm = smt1 else smterm = smt2 endif endif c for syntheses, store the plotting parameters if (control.eq.'synth ' .or. control.eq.'synplot' .or. . control.eq.'gridsyn' .or. control.eq.'gridplo' .or. . control.eq.'binary ' .or. control.eq.'synpop ') then if (oldstart .eq. 0) then write (*,1011) stop endif if (iscale .eq. 0) call plotremember (0) call plotremember (1) endif c*****exit normally return c*****format statements 1001 format (a80) 1002 format ('# OF ABUNDANCE (',i1,') AND ISOTOPIC (',i1,')', . ' SYNTHESES DO NOT AGREE! I QUIT! ') 1006 format ('THIS OPTION IS UNKNOWN TO MOOG: ', a10, ' I QUIT!') 1007 format (79(' ')) 1008 format ('step =', f10.5, 'A but it cannot be more precise than ', . 'the nearest 0.001A; I QUIT!') 1009 format ('WARNING: molecular eq. always done if ', . 'Teff < 8000K; OK (y/n)???') 1010 format ('the units=1 option is fragile; rerun with only ', . 'Angstroms and units=0') 1011 format ('SYNTHESIS START NOT SET; I QUIT!') end