diff --git a/cmd/goal/messages.go b/cmd/goal/messages.go index 54e516bfcd..8e4dcebf89 100644 --- a/cmd/goal/messages.go +++ b/cmd/goal/messages.go @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ const ( infoTryingToStopNode = "Trying to stop the node..." infoNodeShuttingDown = "Algorand node is shutting down..." infoNodeSuccessfullyStopped = "The node was successfully stopped." - infoNodeStatus = "***Last committed block: %d\nTime since last block: %s\nSync Time: %s\nLast consensus protocol: %s\nNext consensus protocol: %s\nRound for next consensus protocol: %d\nNext consensus protocol supported: %v" + infoNodeStatus = "Last committed block: %d\nTime since last block: %s\nSync Time: %s\nLast consensus protocol: %s\nNext consensus protocol: %s\nRound for next consensus protocol: %d\nNext consensus protocol supported: %v" infoNodeStatusConsensusUpgradeVoting = "Consensus upgrate state: Voting\nYes votes: %d\nNo votes: %d\nVotes remaining: %d\nYes votes required: %d\nVote window close round: %d" infoNodeStatusConsensusUpgradeScheduled = "Consensus upgrade state: Scheduled" catchupStoppedOnUnsupported = "Last supported block (%d) is committed. The next block consensus protocol is not supported. Catchup service is stopped."