For algorithmic changes related to the photogrammetric pipeline, please refer to AliceVision changelog.
Based on AliceVision 2.4.0.
- [panorama] PanoramaCompositing: new algorithm with tiles to deal with large panoramas PR
- [feature] Improve robustness of sift features extraction on challenging images: update default values, add new filtering and add dsp-sift variation PR
- [ui] Improve Graph Editor UX with better visualization of nodes connections, the ability to accumulate nodes to compute locally or the ability to compute multiple branches in parallel on renderfarm with a new locking system per node, etc. PR
- [nodes] Meshing: improve mesh quality with a new post-processing. Cells empty/full status are filtered by solid angle ratio to favor smoothness. PR
- [nodes] MeshFiltering: smoothing & filtering on subset of the geometry PR
- [ui] Viewer: fix gain/gamma behavior and use non-linear sliders PR
- [core] taskManager: downgrade status per chunk PR
- [core] Improve graph dependencies: dependencies to an input parameter is not a real dependency PR
- [nodes] Meshing: Add
option PR - [nodes] Meshing: More control on graph cut post processing PR
- [nodes] Meshing: new cells filtering by solid angle ratio PR
- [nodes] Meshing: add seed and voteFilteringForWeaklySupportedSurfaces PR
- [nodes] Add some mesh utilities nodes PR
- [nodes] SfmTransform: new from_center_camera PR
- [nodes] Panorama: new options to init with known poses PR
- [nodes] FeatureMatching: add cross verification PR
- [nodes] ExportAnimatedCamera: New option to export undistort maps in EXR format PR
- [nodes] new wip node
to estimate spherical harmonics from normal map and albedo PR - [nodes] CameraInit: add a boolean for white balance use PR
- [ui] fix error on live reconstruction PR
- [ui] init saveAs folder PR
- [ui] add link to online documentation in 'Help' menu PR
- [ui] New node menu categories PR
Based on AliceVision 2.3.1.
- [core] Fix crashes on process statistics (windows-only) PR
Based on AliceVision 2.3.0.
- [nodes] New Panorama Stitching nodes with support for fisheye lenses PR PR
- [nodes] HDR: Largely improved HDR calibration, including new LdrToHdrSampling for optimal sample selection PR PR PR
- [ui] Viewer3D: Input bounding box (Meshing) & manual transformation (SfMTransform) thanks to a new 3D Gizmo PR
- [ui] Sync 3D camera with image selection PR
- [ui] New HDR (floating point) Image Viewer PR
- [ui] Ability to load depth maps into 2D and 3D Viewers PR PR
- [ui] New features overlay in Viewer2D allows to display tracks and landmarks PR PR
- [ui] Add SfM statistics PR
- [ui] Visual interface for node resources usage PR
- [nodes] Coordinate system alignment to specific markers or between scenes PR
- [nodes] New Sketchfab upload node PR
- [ui] Dynamic Parameters: add a new 'enabled' property to node's attributes PR PR
- [ui] Viewer: add Camera Response Function display PR PR
- [ui] UI improvements in the Viewer2D and ImageGallery PR
- [bin] Improve Meshroom command line PR PR
- [nodes] New ImageProcessing node PR PR PR
- [nodes]
option PR - [multiview] Declare more recognized image file extensions PR
- [multiview] More generic metadata support PR
- [nodes] CameraInit: New viewId generation and selection of allowed intrinsics PR
- [core] Avoid error during project load on border cases PR
- [core] Compatibility : Improve list of groups update PR
- [core] Invalidation hooks PR
- [core] Log manager for Python based nodes PR
- [core] new Node Update Hooks mechanism PR
- [core] Option to make chunks optional PR
- [nodes] Add methods in ImageMatching and features in StructureFromMotion and FeatureMatching PR
- [nodes] FeatureExtraction: add maxThreads argument PR
- [nodes] Fix python nodes being blocked by log PR
- [nodes] ImageProcessing: add new option to fix non finite pixels PR
- [nodes] Meshing: simplify input depth map folders PR
- [nodes] PanoramaCompositing: add a new graphcut option to improve seams PR
- [nodes] PanoramaCompositing: option to select the percentage of upscaled pixels PR
- [nodes] PanoramaInit: add debug circle detection option PR
- [nodes] PanoramaInit: New parameter to set an extra image rotation to each camera declared the input xml PR
- [nodes] SfmTransfer: New option to transfer intrinsics parameters PR
- [nodes] StructureFromMotion: Add features’s scale as an option PR PR
- [nodes] Texturing: add options for retopoMesh & reorganise options PR
- [nodes] Texturing: put downscale to 2 by default PR
- [sfm] Add option to include 'unknown' feature types in ConvertSfMFormat, needed to be used on dense point cloud from the Meshing node PR
- [ui] Automatically update layout when needed PR
- [ui] Avoid crash in 3D with large panoramas PR
- [ui] Fix graph axes naming for ram statistics PR
- [ui] NodeEditor: minor improvements with single tab group and status table PR
- [ui] Viewer3D: Display equirectangular images as environment maps PR
- [windows] Fix open recent broken on windows and remove unnecessary warnings PR
- [build] Fix cxFreeze version for Python 2.7 compatibility PR
- [ci] Add github Actions PR
- [ci] AppVeyor: Update build environment and save artifacts PR
- [ci] Travis: Update environment, remove Python 2.7 & add 3.8 PR
- [docker] Clean Dockerfiles PR
- [docker] Move to PySide2 / Qt 5.14.1
- [docker] Fix some packaging issues of the release 2019.2.0 PR
- [github] Add exemptLabels PR
- [github] Add issue templates PR
- [github] Add template for questions / help only PR
- [github] Added automatic stale detection and closing for issues PR
- [python] Import ABC from PR
For more details see all PR merged:
See AliceVision 2.3.0 Release Notes for more details about algorithmic changes.
Based on AliceVision 2.2.0.
Release Notes Summary:
- Visualisation: New visualization module of the features extraction. PR, New QtAliceVision
- Support for RAW image files.
- Texturing: Largely improve the Texturing quality.
- Texturing: Speed improvements.
- Texturing: Add support for UDIM.
- Meshing: Export the dense point cloud in Alembic.
- Meshing: New option to export the full raw dense point cloud (with all 3D points candidates before cut and filtering).
- Meshing: Adds an option to export color data per vertex and MeshFiltering correctly preserves colors.
Full Release Notes:
- Move to PySide2 / Qt 5.13
- SfMDataIO: Change root nodes (XForms instead of untyped objects) of Alembic SfMData for better interoperability with other 3D graphics applications (in particular Blender and Houdini).
- Improve performance of log display and node status update. PR PR
- Viewer3D: Add support for vertex-colored meshes. PR
- New pipeline input for meshroom_photogrammetry command line and minor fixes to the input arguments. PR PR
- New arguments to meshroom. PR
- HDR: New HDR module for the fusion of multiple LDR images.
- PrepareDenseScene: Add experimental option to correct Exposure Values (EV) of input images to uniformize dataset exposures.
- FeatureExtraction: Include CCTag in the release binaries both on Linux and Windows.
- ConvertSfMFormat: Enable to use simple regular expressions in the image white list of the ConvertSfMFormat. This enables to filter out cameras based on their filename.
For more details see all PR merged: See AliceVision 2.2.0 Release Notes for more details about algorithmic changes.
Based on AliceVision 2.1.0.
Release Notes Summary:
- 3D Viewer: Load and compare multiple assets with cache mechanism and improved navigation
- Display camera intrinsic information extracted from metadata analysis
- Easier access to a more complete sensor database with a more reliable camera model matching algorithm.
- Attribute Editor: Hide advanced/experimental parameters by default to improve readability and simplify access to the most useful, high-level settings. Advanced users can still enable them to have full access to internal thresholds.
- Graph Editor: Improved set of contextual tools with
/delete data
actions withFrom Here
option. - Nodes: Homogenization of inputs / outputs parameters
- Meshing: Better, faster and configurable estimation of the space to reconstruct based on the sparse point cloud (new option
). Favors high-density areas and helps removing badly defined ones. - Draft Meshing (no CUDA required): the result of the sparse reconstruction can now be directly meshed to get a 3D model preview without computing the depth maps.
- MeshFiltering: Now keeps all reconstructed parts by default.
- StructureFromMotion: Add support for rig of cameras
- Support for reconstruction with projected light patterns and texturing with another set of images
Full Release Notes:
- Viewer3D: New Trackball camera manipulator for improved navigation in the scene
- Viewer3D: New library system to load multiple 3D objects of the same type simultaneously, simplifying results comparisons
- Viewer3D: Add media loading overlay with BusyIndicator
- Viewer3D: Points and cameras size are now configurable via dedicated sliders.
- CameraInit: Add option to lock specific cameras intrinsics (if you have high-quality internal calibration information)
- StructureFromMotion: Triangulate points if the input scene contains valid camera poses and intrinsics without landmarks
- PrepareDenseScene: New
option to override input images. This enables to use images with light patterns projected for SfM and MVS parts and do the Texturing with another set of images. - NodeLog: Cross-platform monospace display
- Remove
nodes - Multi-machine parallelization of
- Meshing: Add option
and observation angles check to better estimate the bounding box of the reconstruction and avoid useless reconstruction of the environment - Console: Filter non silenced, inoffensive warnings from QML + log Qt messages via Python logging
- Command line (meshroom_photogrammetry): Add --pipeline parameter to use a pre-configured pipeline graph
- Command line (meshroom_photogrammetry): Add possibility to provide pre-calibrated intrinsics.
- Command line (meshroom_compute): Provide
executable in packaged release. - Image Gallery: Display Camera Intrinsics initialization status with detailed explanation, edit Sensor Database dialog, advanced menu to display view UIDs
- StructureFromMotion: Expose advanced estimator parameters
- FeatureMatching: Expose advanced estimator parameters
- DepthMap: New option
disabled by default, so less data storage by default than before. - DepthMap: Use multiple GPUs by default if available and add
param to limit it - Meshing: Add option
- SfMTransform: New option to align on one specific camera
- Graph Editor: Consistent read-only mode when computing, that can be unlocked in advanced settings
- Graph Editor: Improved Node Menu: "duplicate"/"remove"/"delete data" with "From Here" accessible on the same entry via an additional button
- Graph Editor: Confirmation popup before deleting node data
- Graph Editor: Add "Clear Pending Status" action at Graph level
- Graph Editor: Solo media in 3D viewer with Ctrl + double click on node/attribute
- Param Editor: Fix several bugs related to attributes edition
- Scene Compatibility: Improves detection of deeper compatibility issues, by adding an additional recursive (taking List/GroupAttributes children into account) exact description matching test when de-serializing a Node.
See AliceVision 2.1.0 Release Notes for more details about algorithmic changes.
First release of Meshroom.
Based on AliceVision 2.0.0.