diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile index 9230e75..3130692 100644 --- a/Gemfile +++ b/Gemfile @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'devise' -gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~> 3.2.0' +gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~> 3.3.6' #3.2.0 - old version gem 'autoprefixer-rails' gem "font-awesome-rails" @@ -13,6 +13,14 @@ gem 'acts-as-taggable-on', :git => 'https://github.com/mbleigh/acts-as-taggable- gem "mailboxer", github: 'mailboxer/mailboxer' gem 'figaro' +#Needed files for the prerelease of Active admin for Rails5 +gem 'inherited_resources', github: 'activeadmin/inherited_resources' +gem 'ransack', github: 'activerecord-hackery/ransack' +gem 'draper', '> 3.x' +gem 'activeadmin', '~> 1.0.0.pre4' +gem 'active_admin_theme' +gem 'responsive_active_admin' + gem 'chosen-rails' gem 'jquery-turbolinks' diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock index 1d7631c..ef24915 100644 --- a/Gemfile.lock +++ b/Gemfile.lock @@ -1,8 +1,29 @@ +GIT + remote: git://github.com/activeadmin/inherited_resources.git + revision: ba9467db4817944591df35dfe340f4c05a948033 + specs: + inherited_resources (1.6.0) + actionpack (>= 3.2, < 5.1) + has_scope (~> 0.6) + railties (>= 3.2, < 5.1) + responders + +GIT + remote: git://github.com/activerecord-hackery/ransack.git + revision: d02246aa240272bf68d5f5520e142da24327a4b1 + specs: + ransack (1.8.1) + actionpack (>= 3.0) + activerecord (>= 3.0) + activesupport (>= 3.0) + i18n + polyamorous (~> 1.3) + GIT remote: git://github.com/mailboxer/mailboxer.git - revision: 6798be07ece2258f227ac311f0198267af0bdcba + revision: 21637042628f4174d734d63401ed6e2fd1919cc2 specs: - mailboxer (0.13.0) + mailboxer (0.14.0) carrierwave (>= 0.5.8) rails (>= 4.2.0) @@ -39,11 +60,31 @@ GEM erubis (~> 2.7.0) rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0) rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2) + active_admin_theme (1.0.3) + activeadmin (1.0.0.pre4) + arbre (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2) + bourbon + coffee-rails + formtastic (~> 3.1) + formtastic_i18n + inherited_resources (~> 1.6) + jquery-rails + jquery-ui-rails + kaminari (~> 0.15) + rails (>= 3.2, < 5.1) + ransack (~> 1.3) + sass-rails + sprockets (< 4) activejob (5.0.0) activesupport (= 5.0.0) globalid (>= 0.3.6) activemodel (5.0.0) activesupport (= 5.0.0) + activemodel-serializers-xml (1.0.1) + activemodel (> 5.x) + activerecord (> 5.x) + activesupport (> 5.x) + builder (~> 3.1) activerecord (5.0.0) activemodel (= 5.0.0) activesupport (= 5.0.0) @@ -53,14 +94,20 @@ GEM i18n (~> 0.7) minitest (~> 5.1) tzinfo (~> 1.1) - arel (7.1.0) + arbre (1.1.1) + activesupport (>= 3.0.0) + arel (7.1.1) autoprefixer-rails (6.3.7) execjs bcrypt (3.1.11) - bootstrap-sass ( - sass (~> 3.2) + bootstrap-sass (3.3.7) + autoprefixer-rails (>= 5.2.1) + sass (>= 3.3.4) bootstrap-will_paginate (0.0.10) will_paginate + bourbon (4.2.7) + sass (~> 3.4) + thor (~> 0.19) builder (3.2.2) byebug (9.0.5) callsite (0.0.11) @@ -93,6 +140,12 @@ GEM railties (>= 4.1.0, < 5.1) responders warden (~> 1.2.3) + draper (3.0.0.pre1) + actionpack (~> 5.0) + activemodel (~> 5.0) + activemodel-serializers-xml (~> 1.0) + activesupport (~> 5.0) + request_store (~> 1.0) erubis (2.7.0) execjs (2.7.0) ffi (1.9.14) @@ -100,10 +153,16 @@ GEM thor (~> 0.14) font-awesome-rails ( railties (>= 3.2, < 5.1) - globalid (0.3.6) + formtastic (3.1.4) + actionpack (>= 3.2.13) + formtastic_i18n (0.6.0) + globalid (0.3.7) activesupport (>= 4.1.0) + has_scope (0.7.0) + actionpack (>= 4.1, < 5.1) + activesupport (>= 4.1, < 5.1) i18n (0.7.0) - jbuilder (2.5.0) + jbuilder (2.6.0) activesupport (>= 3.0.0, < 5.1) multi_json (~> 1.2) jquery-rails (4.1.1) @@ -113,7 +172,12 @@ GEM jquery-turbolinks (2.1.0) railties (>= 3.1.0) turbolinks + jquery-ui-rails (5.0.5) + railties (>= 3.2.16) json (2.0.2) + kaminari (0.17.0) + actionpack (>= 3.0.0) + activesupport (>= 3.0.0) listen (3.0.8) rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4) rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7) @@ -147,7 +211,9 @@ GEM mime-types mimemagic (~> 0.3.0) pkg-config (1.1.7) - puma (3.5.0) + polyamorous (1.3.1) + activerecord (>= 3.0) + puma (3.6.0) rack (2.0.1) rack-contrib (1.2.0) rack (>= 0.9.1) @@ -180,10 +246,13 @@ GEM rb-fsevent (0.9.7) rb-inotify (0.9.7) ffi (>= 0.5.0) + request_store (1.3.1) responders (2.2.0) railties (>= 4.2.0, < 5.1) + responsive_active_admin (0.0.5) + activeadmin sass (3.4.22) - sass-rails (5.0.5) + sass-rails (5.0.6) railties (>= 4.0.0, < 6) sass (~> 3.1) sprockets (>= 2.8, < 4.0) @@ -193,7 +262,7 @@ GEM spring-watcher-listen (2.0.0) listen (>= 2.7, < 4.0) spring (~> 1.2) - sprockets (3.6.3) + sprockets (3.7.0) concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) rack (> 1, < 3) sprockets-rails (3.1.1) @@ -204,12 +273,12 @@ GEM thor (0.19.1) thread_safe (0.3.5) tilt (2.0.5) - turbolinks (5.0.0) + turbolinks (5.0.1) turbolinks-source (~> 5) turbolinks-source (5.0.0) tzinfo (1.2.2) thread_safe (~> 0.1) - uglifier (3.0.0) + uglifier (3.0.1) execjs (>= 0.3.0, < 3) warden (1.2.6) rack (>= 1.0) @@ -227,16 +296,20 @@ PLATFORMS ruby DEPENDENCIES + active_admin_theme + activeadmin (~> 1.0.0.pre4) acts-as-taggable-on! autoprefixer-rails - bootstrap-sass (~> 3.2.0) + bootstrap-sass (~> 3.3.6) bootstrap-will_paginate byebug chosen-rails coffee-rails (~> 4.2) devise + draper (> 3.x) figaro font-awesome-rails + inherited_resources! jbuilder (~> 2.5) jquery-rails jquery-turbolinks @@ -247,6 +320,8 @@ DEPENDENCIES paperclip (~> 5.0.0) puma (~> 3.0) rails (~> 5.0.0) + ransack! + responsive_active_admin sass-rails (~> 5.0) spring spring-watcher-listen (~> 2.0.0) diff --git a/app/admin/admin_user.rb b/app/admin/admin_user.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..433be5d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/admin/admin_user.rb @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +ActiveAdmin.register AdminUser do + permit_params :email, :password, :password_confirmation + + index do + selectable_column + id_column + column :email + column :current_sign_in_at + column :sign_in_count + column :created_at + actions + end + + filter :email + filter :current_sign_in_at + filter :sign_in_count + filter :created_at + + form do |f| + f.inputs "Admin Details" do + f.input :email + f.input :password + f.input :password_confirmation + end + f.actions + end + +end diff --git a/app/admin/dashboard.rb b/app/admin/dashboard.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a52225f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/admin/dashboard.rb @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +ActiveAdmin.register_page "Dashboard" do + + menu priority: 1, label: proc{ I18n.t("active_admin.dashboard") } + + content title: proc{ I18n.t("active_admin.dashboard") } do + div class: "blank_slate_container", id: "dashboard_default_message" do + # span class: "blank_slate" do + # span I18n.t("active_admin.dashboard_welcome.welcome") + # small I18n.t("active_admin.dashboard_welcome.call_to_action") + # end + end + + # Here is an example of a simple dashboard with columns and panels. + + columns do + column do + panel "Recent Users" do + ul do + table_for User.order("created_at desc").limit(5) do + column :name do |user| + link_to user.name, admin_panel_user_path(user) + end + column :created_at + end + strong { link_to "View All Users", admin_panel_users_path } + end + end + end + + column do + panel "Info" do + para "Welcome to ActiveAdmin." + end + end + end + end +end diff --git a/app/admin/speaker.rb b/app/admin/speaker.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c239a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/admin/speaker.rb @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +ActiveAdmin.register Speaker do + index do + column :name + column :email + column :twitter + column :linkedin + column :github + actions + end +# See permitted parameters documentation: +# https://github.com/activeadmin/activeadmin/blob/master/docs/2-resource-customization.md#setting-up-strong-parameters +# +# permit_params :list, :of, :attributes, :on, :model +# +# or +# +# permit_params do +# permitted = [:permitted, :attributes] +# permitted << :other if params[:action] == 'create' && current_user.admin? +# permitted +# end + + +end diff --git a/app/admin/user.rb b/app/admin/user.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9cd50c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/admin/user.rb @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +ActiveAdmin.register User do + # index do + # column :name + # column :email + # column :summary + # column :twitter + # column :linkedin + # column :github + # end +# See permitted parameters documentation: +# https://github.com/activeadmin/activeadmin/blob/master/docs/2-resource-customization.md#setting-up-strong-parameters +# +# permit_params :list, :of, :attributes, :on, :model +# +# or +# +# permit_params do +# permitted = [:permitted, :attributes] +# permitted << :other if params[:action] == 'create' && current_user.admin? +# permitted +# end +permit_params [:email, :password, :password_confirmation, :type] + + form do |f| + f.inputs "User" do + f.input :email + f.input :password + f.input :password_confirmation + f.radio_button("type", "Speaker") + f.label :type, ' Speaker ' + f.radio_button("type", "Attendee") + f.label :type, ' Attendee' + end + f.actions + end + +end diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js.coffee b/app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js.coffee new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3752dce --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js.coffee @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#= require active_admin/base diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/application.js b/app/assets/javascripts/application.js index a1d1bdd..620ce9c 100644 --- a/app/assets/javascripts/application.js +++ b/app/assets/javascripts/application.js @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ //= require bootstrap-sprockets //= require jquery.touchSwipe + //= require_tree . $(document).ready(function(){ @@ -54,23 +55,6 @@ $(document).ready(function(){ } }); -// style material form - var materialForm; - materialForm = function () { - return $('input').focus(function () { - return $(this).closest('.field').addClass('focused has-value'); - }).focusout(function () { - return $(this).closest('.field').removeClass('focused'); - }).blur(function () { - if (!this.value) { - $(this).closest('.field').removeClass('has-value'); - } - return $(this).closest('.field').removeClass('focused'); - }); - }; - $(function () { - return materialForm(); - }); //call side nav $(".button-collapse").sideNav(); diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06ff6f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +// SASS variable overrides must be declared before loading up Active Admin's styles. +// +// To view the variables that Active Admin provides, take a look at +// `app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin/mixins/_variables.scss` in the +// Active Admin source. +// +// For example, to change the sidebar width: +// $sidebar-width: 242px; + +// Active Admin's got SASS! +@import "active_admin/mixins"; +@import "active_admin/base"; +@import "active_admin_theme"; +@import "responsive_active_admin"; + +form fieldset > ol > li.date_select fieldset ol li, form fieldset > ol > li.time_select fieldset ol li, form fieldset > ol > li.datetime_select fieldset ol li { + float: left; + width: 100%!important; + margin: 0 0.5em 0 0; +} + +form fieldset > ol > li fieldset ol li select{ + margin-top: 6px; + width: 100%; +} + +form fieldset > ol > li fieldset:not(.has_many_fields) ol { + width: 20%; + @media(max-width:684px){ + width: 80%; + } + @media(max-width:480px){ + width:100%; + } +} + +#wrapper #header ul.tabs > li.current > a, #wrapper #header ul.tabs > li:hover > a, #wrapper #header ul.tabs > li > a{ + display:block; +} + +.sidebar_section select { + width: 100%; + padding: 10px; +} + + +// Overriding any non-variable SASS must be done after the fact. +// For example, to change the default status-tag color: +// +// .status_tag { background: #6090DB; } diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin_theme.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin_theme.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ec0caa --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin_theme.scss @@ -0,0 +1,796 @@ +//VAR-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// +$white: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); +$purple: rgba(72, 60, 107, 1); +$turqoise: rgba(78, 255, 239, 1); +$purple-light: rgba(190, 151, 198, 1); +$blue: rgba(1, 25, 54, 1); +$green: rgba(4, 167, 119, 1); +$dark-grey: #666; +$light-grey: #9e9e9e; +$black: #101010; + + +$skinMainFirstColor: $purple!default; +$skinMainSecondColor: $turqoise!default; +$skinBorderRadius: 4px!default; +$skinBorderWindowColor: #e6e9ee!default; +$skinTablePadding: 10px!default; +//HTML----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// + +@mixin rounded($amount) { + -moz-border-radius: $amount; + -webkit-border-radius: $amount; + border-radius: $amount; +} + +a, a:link, a:visited { + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + text-decoration: none; +} + +html { + background: #f7f9fb; +} +body.active_admin { + background: #f7f9fb; +} +#wrapper { + div.tabs { + > ul > li > a { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + margin-bottom: 11px; + border: none; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + margin-right: 5px; + padding: 10px 20px; + + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-topleft: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-topright: $skinBorderRadius; + border-top-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + border-top-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + + -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 0px; + -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 0px; + + -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; + -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 0px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; + } + ul > li.ui-state-active > a { + background-color: #ffffff; + border: 1px solid $skinBorderWindowColor; + border-bottom: 0px; + color: $skinMainSecondColor; + } + div.tab-content { + background-color: #ffffff; + border: 1px solid $skinBorderWindowColor; + border-bottom: 2px solid $skinBorderWindowColor; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + } + } + #header { + background-color: $skinMainFirstColor; + border-bottom: 1px solid lighten( $skinMainFirstColor, 15% )!important; + padding-bottom: 9px; + border: none; + text-shadow: none; + background-image: none; + h1.site_title { + color: $skinMainSecondColor; + font-size: 16px; + } + a, a:link { + color: #ffffff; + } + ul.tabs > li > a { + color: #ffffff; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + padding: 6px 10px 6px 10px; + } + ul.tabs > li.current > a, ul.tabs > li:hover > a { + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + } + ul.tabs { + li.has_nested { + a { + padding-right: 20px; + } + ul { + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + li > a { + padding-left: 15px; + } + li.current > a::before, li:hover > a::before { + content: ''; + display: block; + width: 7px; + height: 4px; + position: absolute; + top: 12px; + left: 4px; + background: transparent image-url('active_admin/nested_menu_arrow_dark.gif') no-repeat 0 0; + transform: rotate(-90deg); + } + } + } + li.has_nested:hover { + a { + border-bottom: 7px solid $skinMainSecondColor; + } + } + } + } + #title_bar { + background-image: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: lighten( $skinMainFirstColor, 8% ); + border: none; + border-bottom: 3px solid $skinMainSecondColor; + #titlebar_left { + span.breadcrumb { + font-size: 12px; + text-shadow: none; + margin-bottom: 8px; + a, span { + color: lighten( $skinMainFirstColor, 30% )!important; ; + } + } + h2 { + color: #ffffff; + text-shadow: none; + } + } + #titlebar_right { + .action_item a { + background-image: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + border: none; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + font-weight: 600; + &:hover { + background-color: lighten( $skinMainSecondColor, 5% )!important; + } + } + div.dropdown_menu { + div.dropdown_menu_list_wrapper { + background-color: $skinMainFirstColor; + border: none; + background-image: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + div.dropdown_menu_nipple, div.dropdown_menu_nipple:after, div.dropdown_menu_nipple:before { + border-color: $skinMainFirstColor transparent; + } + ul.dropdown_menu_list { + box-shadow:none; + li { + a { + background-color: #ffffff; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + border-radius: 0px; + &:hover { + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + color: #ffffff; + } + } + } + } + } + } + div.batch_actions_selector { + a { + background-image: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + border: none; + padding: 10px 20px; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + &:hover { + background-color: lighten( $skinMainSecondColor, 5% ); + } + } + } + } + } + .flashes { + .flash { + color: #ffffff; + background-image: none; + text-shadow: none; + } + + .flash_notice { + background-color: aquamarine; + color:$skinMainFirstColor; + // border-bottom: 2px solid #4C7331; + } + .flash_warning { + background-color: #BDBC45; + // border-bottom: 2px solid #8B8A3D; + } + .flash_error { + background-color: #CD3333; + // border-bottom: 2px solid #962F2F; + } + } + #active_admin_content { + span.blank_slate { + border: 2px solid lighten( $skinMainSecondColor, 30% ); + color: #8494a8; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + } + div.table_tools { + margin-bottom: 35px; + div.dropdown_menu { + div.dropdown_menu_list_wrapper { + background-color: $skinMainFirstColor; + border: none; + background-image: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + div.dropdown_menu_nipple, div.dropdown_menu_nipple:after, div.dropdown_menu_nipple:before { + border-color: $skinMainFirstColor transparent; + } + ul.dropdown_menu_list { + box-shadow:none; + li { + a { + background-color: #ffffff; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + border-radius: 0px; + &:hover { + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + } + } + } + } + } + } + div.batch_actions_selector { + a { + background-image: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + border: none; + padding: 10px 20px; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + &:hover { + background-color: lighten( $skinMainSecondColor, 5% ); + } + } + } + div.dropdown_menu { + div.dropdown_menu_list_wrapper { + background-color: $skinMainFirstColor; + border: none; + background-image: none; + div.dropdown_menu_nipple, div.dropdown_menu_nipple:after, div.dropdown_menu_nipple:before { + border-color: $skinMainFirstColor transparent; + } + ul.dropdown_menu_list { + box-shadow:none; + li { + a { + background-color: #ffffff; + box-shadow: none; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + border-radius: 0px; + text-shadow: none; + &:hover { + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + } + } + } + } + } + } + div.batch_actions_selector { + a { + background-image: none; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + border: none; + padding: 10px 20px; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + &:hover { + background-color: lighten( $skinMainSecondColor, 5% ); + box-shadow: none; + } + } + } + ul.scopes { + li { + a { + background-image: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + padding: 10px 20px; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + text-shadow: none; + border-right: 1px solid #ffffff; + span { + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + font-size: 11px; + font-weight: bold; + } + } + } + li:first-child { + a { + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-topleft: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: $skinBorderRadius; + border-top-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + border-bottom-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + } + } + li:last-child { + a { + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-topright: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-bottomright: $skinBorderRadius; + border-top-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + } + } + li.selected { + a { + background-color: lighten( $skinMainSecondColor, 15% ); + } + } + } + } + } + table.index_table { + background-color: #ffffff; + border: 1px solid $skinBorderWindowColor; + border-bottom: 2px solid $skinBorderWindowColor; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + th { + background-image: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + font-size: 1.0em; + font-weight: bold; + background-color: $skinBorderWindowColor; + padding: $skinTablePadding 12px $skinTablePadding 12px; + border-bottom: 3px solid darken( $skinBorderWindowColor, 5% ); + border-right: 1px solid darken( $skinBorderWindowColor, 5% ); + a { + font-size: 1.0em; + font-weight: bold!important; + } + } + th.col-selectable { + width: 12px; + } + th.sorted-desc { + background-color: $skinBorderWindowColor; + } + td { + padding: $skinTablePadding 12px $skinTablePadding 12px; + } + } + .sidebar_section.panel { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: #ffffff; + border: 1px solid $skinBorderWindowColor; + border-bottom: 2px solid $skinBorderWindowColor; + & > h3 { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + border: none; + padding: 8px 15px; + font-weight: 400; + + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-topleft: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-topright: $skinBorderRadius; + border-top-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + border-top-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + } + .filter_form_field { + label { + color: #8494a8; + } + input { + border: 1px solid #e6e9ee; + background-color: #fdfefe; + } + input:focus { + border-color: lighten( $skinMainSecondColor, 20% ) ; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + } +} +form fieldset > ol > li fieldset.fragments ol { + // margin-left: 20%; +} +form fieldset ol > li.has_many_container h3 { + color: #8494a8; +} +form input[type=submit], a.button, a:link.button, a:visited.button, fieldset.actions > ol > li.button_action > button { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + border: none; + padding: 10px 20px; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + &:hover { + background-image: none!important; + background-color: lighten( $skinMainSecondColor, 5% )!important; + } +} +form fieldset.buttons li.cancel a, form fieldset.actions li.cancel a, form.filter_form a.clear_filters_btn { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: #ffffff; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + padding: 10px 20px; + border-color: #E4E4E4; + &:hover { + background-image: none!important; + background-color: #F4F4F4!important; + } +} +form fieldset.inputs { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: #ffffff; + border: 1px solid #e6e9ee; + border-bottom: 2px solid #e6e9ee; + legend { + span { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + border: none; + padding: 8px 15px; + font-weight: 400; + + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-topleft: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-topright: $skinBorderRadius; + border-top-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + border-top-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + } + } + ol > li { + label { + color: #8494a8; + } + input, textarea { + border: 1px solid #e6e9ee; + background-color: #fdfefe; + } + input:focus, textarea:focus { + border-color: lighten( $skinMainSecondColor, 20% ) ; + box-shadow: none; + } + } +} +#ui-datepicker-div { + background: none; + background-color: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + div.ui-datepicker-header { + background-image: none; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + border-bottom:none; + div.ui-datepicker-title { + span { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + } + div.ui-datepicker-header:before { + border-bottom: 10px solid $skinMainSecondColor; + } + table.ui-datepicker-calendar { + background-color: #ffffff; + border-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + thead { + tr { + th { + background-color:lighten( $skinMainSecondColor, 20% ); + } + } + } + tbody { + tr { + td { + a:hover { + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + } + } + td.ui-datepicker-today > a { + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + } + } + } + } +} +.panel { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: #ffffff; + border: 1px solid $skinBorderWindowColor; + border-bottom: 2px solid $skinBorderWindowColor; + > h3 { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + border: none; + padding: 8px 15px; + font-weight: 400; + + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-topleft: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-topright: $skinBorderRadius; + border-top-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + border-top-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + } + .panel_contents { + font-weight: 400; + } +} +.attributes_table table th, .attributes_table table td { + padding: 10px 0; +} +.attributes_table table th { + color: #8494a8; +} +.comments form.active_admin_comment fieldset.inputs { + border: none +} +.pagination { + span > a { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + background-color: $skinBorderWindowColor; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + padding: 5px 10px; + &:hover { + background-image: none!important; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor!important; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + } + } + span.page.current { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + border: none; + padding: 5px 10px; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + cursor: pointer; + &:hover { + background-image: none!important; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor!important; + } + } +} +body.logged_out #content_wrapper #active_admin_content { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + + background-color: #ffffff; + border: 1px solid $skinBorderWindowColor; + border-bottom: 2px solid $skinBorderWindowColor; + #login { + h2 { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + border: none; + padding: 8px 15px; + font-weight: 400; + + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-topleft: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-topright: $skinBorderRadius; + border-top-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + border-top-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + + } + form { + fieldset { + border: none; + ol { + li { + label { + color: #8494a8; + } + } + } + } + } + } +} +form input[type=text], form input[type=password], form input[type=email], form input[type=number], form input[type=url], form input[type=tel], form textarea { + border: 1px solid #e6e9ee; + background-color: #fdfefe; +} +form fieldset > ol > li fieldset ol li { + clear: both; + select { + margin-top: 6px + } +} +.ui-dialog { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: #ffffff; + border-bottom: 2px solid $skinBorderWindowColor; + .ui-dialog-titlebar { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + border: none; + padding: 8px 15px; + font-weight: 400; + + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-topleft: $skinBorderRadius; + -moz-border-radius-topright: $skinBorderRadius; + border-top-left-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + border-top-right-radius: $skinBorderRadius; + } + form { + ul { + li { + label { + display: block; + margin-bottom: 5px; + } + input[type="text"], input[type="datepicker"], textarea { + padding: 8px 10px 7px; + border: 1px solid #e6e9ee; + background-color: #fdfefe; + outline: none; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + width: 247px; + &:focus { + border-color: lighten( $skinMainSecondColor, 20% ) ; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + } + } + } + .ui-dialog-buttonpane { + .ui-dialog-buttonset { + button:first-child { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + background-color: $skinMainSecondColor; + border: none; + color: $skinMainFirstColor; + font-weight: 400; + padding: 10px 20px; + &:hover { + background-image: none!important; + background-color: lighten( $skinMainSecondColor, 5% )!important; + } + } + button:last-child { + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: #ffffff; + @include rounded($skinBorderRadius); + padding: 10px 20px; + border-color: #E4E4E4; + &:hover { + background-image: none!important; + background-color: #F4F4F4!important; + } + } + } + } +} +.ui-widget-overlay { + background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); +} + +//becouse of sidebar border 2px +form.filter_form .filter_form_field.filter_date_range .seperator { + width: 10px; +} + +//filter select box border radius +.filter_form_field select{ + border-radius: 3px; +} + +//radio button color change +input[type='radio'] { + &:before { + content:''; + display:block; + width:50%; + height:50%; + margin: 20% auto; + border-radius:50%; + } + &:checked:before{ + background: $skinMainSecondColor; + } +} diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss index 18053fc..a622daa 100644 --- a/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss @@ -19,11 +19,10 @@ @import "font-awesome"; @import "chosen"; - // GENERAL // $white: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); -$purple: #483C6B; +$purple: rgba(72, 60, 107, 1); $turqoise: rgba(78, 255, 239, 1); $purple-light: rgba(190, 151, 198, 1); $blue: rgba(1, 25, 54, 1); diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.css b/app/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.css similarity index 100% rename from vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.css rename to app/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.css diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/icons.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/icons.scss similarity index 100% rename from vendor/assets/stylesheets/icons.scss rename to app/assets/stylesheets/icons.scss diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/materialize.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/materialize.scss similarity index 100% rename from vendor/assets/stylesheets/materialize.scss rename to app/assets/stylesheets/materialize.scss diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/normalize.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/normalize.scss similarity index 100% rename from vendor/assets/stylesheets/normalize.scss rename to app/assets/stylesheets/normalize.scss diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5946945 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin.scss @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +@import "responsive_active_admin/responsive"; +@import "responsive_active_admin/blank_slates"; +@import "responsive_active_admin/columns"; +@import "responsive_active_admin/footer"; +@import "responsive_active_admin/forms"; +@import "responsive_active_admin/header"; +@import "responsive_active_admin/main_structure"; +@import "responsive_active_admin/pagination"; +@import "responsive_active_admin/tables"; +@import "responsive_active_admin/title_bar"; +@import "responsive_active_admin/logged_out"; diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_blank_slates.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_blank_slates.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7bbfca --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_blank_slates.scss @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +.with_sidebar .blank_slate_container .blank_slate { + @include responsive { + margin-top: 20px; + } +} diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_columns.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_columns.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ebf6dd --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_columns.scss @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +@include responsive { + .column { + float: none; + // Since columns are sized on the element, we have to be forceful. + width: 100% !important; + } +} diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_footer.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_footer.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c3adf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_footer.scss @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +// Index Footer (Under Table) +#index_footer { + @include responsive { + text-align: left; + } +} diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_forms.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_forms.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c68249a --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_forms.scss @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +form { + fieldset { + ol > li { + label { + @include responsive { + width: 100%; + } + } + } + } + + /* Nested Fieldsets and Legends */ + fieldset > ol > li { + fieldset { + legend { + @include responsive { + position: static; + width: 100%; + } + + &.label label { + @include responsive { + position: static; + float: none; + } + } + } + + &:not(.has_many_fields) ol { + @include responsive { + padding-left: 0; + } + } + } + + p.inline-hints { + @include responsive { + margin-left: 0; + } + } + } + + /* Text Fields */ + input[type=text], input[type=password], input[type=email], input[type=number], input[type=url], input[type=tel], textarea { + @include responsive { + width: calc(100% - #{$text-input-total-padding}); + } + } + + select { + @include responsive { + width: 100%; + } + } +} diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_header.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_header.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98dbb49 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_header.scss @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +#header { + @include responsive { + box-sizing: border-box; + + display: block; + height: auto; + + padding: 10px 22px; + } + + h1 { + @include responsive { + padding-left: 10px; + } + } + + ul.tabs { + @include responsive { + display: block; + } + + & > li { + @include responsive { + display: block; + } + } + } + + #utility_nav { + @include responsive { + display: block; + + margin-top: 5px; + padding-top: 5px; + + border-top: #444 1px solid; + + text-align: left; + } + + li { + @include responsive { + display: block; + } + } + } +} diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_logged_out.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_logged_out.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79b3b38 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_logged_out.scss @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +body.logged_out { + #content_wrapper{ + @include responsive { + width: auto; + margin: 0; + } + } + + h2 { + @include section-header; + @include primary-gradient; + @include text-shadow(#000); + box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); + border: none; + color: #fff; + margin: -13px -30px 20px -30px; + } + + #login { + /* Login Form */ + form { + fieldset { + @include no-shadow; + background: none; + padding: 0; + li { padding: 10px 0; } + + input[type=text], input[type=email], input[type=password] { + width: 70%; + } + &.buttons { margin-left: 20%; } + margin-bottom: 0; + } + } + + a { float: right; margin-top: -32px; } + } + +} diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_main_structure.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_main_structure.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8985c93 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_main_structure.scss @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +.index #wrapper { + @include responsive { + display: block; + } +} + +#active_admin_content { + #main_content_wrapper { + @include responsive { + float: none; + + #main_content { + margin-right: inherit; + } + } + } + + #sidebar { + @include responsive { + float: none; + width: 100%; + + margin-top: 20px; + margin-left: inherit; + } + } +} diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_pagination.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_pagination.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0126806 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_pagination.scss @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +.pagination_information { + @include responsive { + float: none; + } +} + +.download_links { + @include responsive { + float: none; + } +} diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_responsive.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_responsive.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ca7a8a --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_responsive.scss @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +$active-admin-responsive: true !default; +$active-admin-responsive-width: 480px !default; +$active-admin-flip-table: true !default; + +@mixin responsive { + @media only screen and (max-width: $active-admin-responsive-width) { + @content; + } +} diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_tables.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_tables.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f52924f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_tables.scss @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +// Index Tables +table.index_table { + @if $active-admin-flip-table { + // Based around: http://elvery.net/demo/responsive-tables/#flip-scroll + @include responsive { + display: block; + position: relative; + + th, td { + margin: 0; + vertical-align: top; + + border-left: 0; + border-top: solid 1px #e6e6e6; + + height: 1.5em; + padding: 5px 10px 3px 10px; + } + + th { + display: block; + text-align: right; + + & > * { + text-overflow: ellipsis; + overflow: hidden; + } + } + + td { + display: block; + + text-align: left; + border-right: 0; + } + + thead { + display: block; + float: left; + + max-width: 40%; + + tr { + display: block; + } + } + + tbody { + display: block; + + width: auto; + position: relative; + + overflow-x: auto; + overflow-y: hidden; + + white-space: nowrap; + + font-size: 0; /* remove space between rows */ + + tr { + font-size: 11.5px; + + display: inline-block; + vertical-align: top; + } + } + + th:last-child, td:last-child { + border-bottom: 1px solid #d4d4d4; + } + } + } +} diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_title_bar.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_title_bar.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bebacd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/responsive_active_admin/_title_bar.scss @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#title_bar { + #titlebar_left, #titlebar_right, #page_title { + @include responsive { + height: auto; + display: block; + } + } + + #titlebar_right { + @include responsive { + text-align: left; + margin-top: 10px; + } + } +} diff --git a/app/controllers/registrations_controller.rb b/app/controllers/registrations_controller.rb index f58adeb..0629a1d 100644 --- a/app/controllers/registrations_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/registrations_controller.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def update private def sign_up_params - params.require(:user).permit(:avatar, :name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :type, :summary, :twitter, :linkedin, :github) + params.require(:user).permit(:name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :type) end def update_resource(resource, params) resource.update_without_password(params) diff --git a/app/models/admin.rb b/app/models/admin.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f8a91f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/admin.rb @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +class Admin < ApplicationRecord + # Include default devise modules. Others available are: + # :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable and :omniauthable + devise :database_authenticatable, :trackable, :timeoutable, :lockable +end diff --git a/app/models/admin_user.rb b/app/models/admin_user.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..029cf92 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/admin_user.rb @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +class AdminUser < ApplicationRecord + # Include default devise modules. Others available are: + # :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable and :omniauthable + devise :database_authenticatable, + :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable +end diff --git a/app/models/user.rb b/app/models/user.rb index 0d6007a..ee0128c 100644 --- a/app/models/user.rb +++ b/app/models/user.rb @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ class User < ApplicationRecord # Include default devise modules. Others available are: # :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable and :omniauthable - devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, + devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :confirmable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable has_many :projects @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class User < ApplicationRecord def mailboxer_email(object) email end - + def self.types %w(Speaker Attendee) end diff --git a/app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.erb b/app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.erb index a82d8c7..4b97e99 100644 --- a/app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.erb +++ b/app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.erb @@ -1,37 +1,10 @@
- - - <%= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: user_registration_path) do |f| %> - - -
- - -
- +
diff --git a/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb b/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb index a4730d5..6849466 100644 --- a/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb +++ b/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb @@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ <%if user_signed_in?%> menu <%= render 'shared/navigation' %> + <%elsif admin_signed_in?%> + menu + <%= render 'shared/navigation_admin' %> <%end%>
@@ -31,6 +34,6 @@
<%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %> - + diff --git a/app/views/shared/_navigation.html.erb b/app/views/shared/_navigation.html.erb index d56af15..4170e54 100644 --- a/app/views/shared/_navigation.html.erb +++ b/app/views/shared/_navigation.html.erb @@ -15,13 +15,6 @@ <%= current_user.name.capitalize%> <%= current_user.email%> -
- - - close -
  • <%= link_to user_root_path do %>Home <% end %>
  • <%= link_to current_user do%>My profile<%end%>
  • <%= link_to agenda_index_path do%>Agenda<%end%>
  • diff --git a/app/views/shared/_navigation_admin.html.erb b/app/views/shared/_navigation_admin.html.erb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f122382 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/shared/_navigation_admin.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + diff --git a/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb b/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb index 39e57af..a739600 100644 --- a/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb +++ b/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb @@ -4,7 +4,11 @@

    Ok <%= current_user.name.capitalize%>, where should we start?

    + <%if current_user.try(:admin?)%> +

    Welcome admin :)

    + <%else%> +

    Ok <%= current_user.name.capitalize%>, where should we start?

    + <%end%>
    diff --git a/config/application.rb b/config/application.rb index 6d5a51c..c013f38 100644 --- a/config/application.rb +++ b/config/application.rb @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ require_relative 'boot' require 'rails/all' - # Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems # you've limited to :test, :development, or :production. Bundler.require(*Rails.groups) diff --git a/config/initializers/active_admin.rb b/config/initializers/active_admin.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c81783 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/initializers/active_admin.rb @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +ActiveAdmin.setup do |config| + # == Site Title + # + # Set the title that is displayed on the main layout + # for each of the active admin pages. + # + config.site_title = "hax" + + # Set the link url for the title. For example, to take + # users to your main site. Defaults to no link. + # + # config.site_title_link = "/" + + # Set an optional image to be displayed for the header + # instead of a string (overrides :site_title) + # + # Note: Aim for an image that's 21px high so it fits in the header. + # + # config.site_title_image = "logo.png" + + # == Default Namespace + # + # Set the default namespace each administration resource + # will be added to. + # + # eg: + config.default_namespace = :admin_panel + # + # This will create resources in the HelloWorld module and + # will namespace routes to /hello_world/* + # + # To set no namespace by default, use: + # config.default_namespace = false + # + # Default: + # config.default_namespace = :admin + # + # You can customize the settings for each namespace by using + # a namespace block. For example, to change the site title + # within a namespace: + # + # config.namespace :admin do |admin| + # admin.site_title = "Custom Admin Title" + # end + # + # This will ONLY change the title for the admin section. Other + # namespaces will continue to use the main "site_title" configuration. + + # == User Authentication + # + # Active Admin will automatically call an authentication + # method in a before filter of all controller actions to + # ensure that there is a currently logged in admin user. + # + # This setting changes the method which Active Admin calls + # within the application controller. + config.authentication_method = :authenticate_admin_user! + + # == User Authorization + # + # Active Admin will automatically call an authorization + # method in a before filter of all controller actions to + # ensure that there is a user with proper rights. You can use + # CanCanAdapter or make your own. Please refer to documentation. + # config.authorization_adapter = ActiveAdmin::CanCanAdapter + + # In case you prefer Pundit over other solutions you can here pass + # the name of default policy class. This policy will be used in every + # case when Pundit is unable to find suitable policy. + # config.pundit_default_policy = "MyDefaultPunditPolicy" + + # You can customize your CanCan Ability class name here. + # config.cancan_ability_class = "Ability" + + # You can specify a method to be called on unauthorized access. + # This is necessary in order to prevent a redirect loop which happens + # because, by default, user gets redirected to Dashboard. If user + # doesn't have access to Dashboard, he'll end up in a redirect loop. + # Method provided here should be defined in application_controller.rb. + # config.on_unauthorized_access = :access_denied + + # == Current User + # + # Active Admin will associate actions with the current + # user performing them. + # + # This setting changes the method which Active Admin calls + # (within the application controller) to return the currently logged in user. + config.current_user_method = :current_admin_user + + # == Logging Out + # + # Active Admin displays a logout link on each screen. These + # settings configure the location and method used for the link. + # + # This setting changes the path where the link points to. If it's + # a string, the strings is used as the path. If it's a Symbol, we + # will call the method to return the path. + # + # Default: + config.logout_link_path = :destroy_admin_user_session_path + + # This setting changes the http method used when rendering the + # link. For example :get, :delete, :put, etc.. + # + # Default: + # config.logout_link_method = :get + + # == Root + # + # Set the action to call for the root path. You can set different + # roots for each namespace. + # + # Default: + # config.root_to = 'dashboard#index' + + # == Admin Comments + # + # This allows your users to comment on any resource registered with Active Admin. + # + # You can completely disable comments: + # config.comments = false + # + # You can change the name under which comments are registered: + # config.comments_registration_name = 'AdminComment' + # + # You can change the order for the comments and you can change the column + # to be used for ordering: + # config.comments_order = 'created_at ASC' + # + # You can disable the menu item for the comments index page: + # config.comments_menu = false + # + # You can customize the comment menu: + # config.comments_menu = { parent: 'Admin', priority: 1 } + + # == Batch Actions + # + # Enable and disable Batch Actions + # + config.batch_actions = true + + # == Controller Filters + # + # You can add before, after and around filters to all of your + # Active Admin resources and pages from here. + # + # config.before_filter :do_something_awesome + + # == Localize Date/Time Format + # + # Set the localize format to display dates and times. + # To understand how to localize your app with I18n, read more at + # https://github.com/svenfuchs/i18n/blob/master/lib%2Fi18n%2Fbackend%2Fbase.rb#L52 + # + config.localize_format = :long + + # == Setting a Favicon + # + # config.favicon = 'favicon.ico' + + # == Meta Tags + # + # Add additional meta tags to the head element of active admin pages. + # + # Add tags to all pages logged in users see: + # config.meta_tags = { author: 'My Company' } + + # By default, sign up/sign in/recover password pages are excluded + # from showing up in search engine results by adding a robots meta + # tag. You can reset the hash of meta tags included in logged out + # pages: + # config.meta_tags_for_logged_out_pages = {} + + # == Removing Breadcrumbs + # + # Breadcrumbs are enabled by default. You can customize them for individual + # resources or you can disable them globally from here. + # + # config.breadcrumb = false + + # == Register Stylesheets & Javascripts + # + # We recommend using the built in Active Admin layout and loading + # up your own stylesheets / javascripts to customize the look + # and feel. + # + # To load a stylesheet: + # config.register_stylesheet 'my_stylesheet.css' + # + # You can provide an options hash for more control, which is passed along to stylesheet_link_tag(): + # config.register_stylesheet 'my_print_stylesheet.css', media: :print + # + # To load a javascript file: + # config.register_javascript 'my_javascript.js' + + # == CSV options + # + # Set the CSV builder separator + # config.csv_options = { col_sep: ';' } + # + # Force the use of quotes + # config.csv_options = { force_quotes: true } + + # == Menu System + # + # You can add a navigation menu to be used in your application, or configure a provided menu + # + # To change the default utility navigation to show a link to your website & a logout btn + # + # config.namespace :admin do |admin| + # admin.build_menu :utility_navigation do |menu| + # menu.add label: "My Great Website", url: "http://www.mygreatwebsite.com", html_options: { target: :blank } + # admin.add_logout_button_to_menu menu + # end + # end + # + # If you wanted to add a static menu item to the default menu provided: + # + # config.namespace :admin do |admin| + # admin.build_menu :default do |menu| + # menu.add label: "My Great Website", url: "http://www.mygreatwebsite.com", html_options: { target: :blank } + # end + # end + + # == Download Links + # + # You can disable download links on resource listing pages, + # or customize the formats shown per namespace/globally + # + # To disable/customize for the :admin namespace: + # + # config.namespace :admin do |admin| + # + # # Disable the links entirely + # admin.download_links = false + # + # # Only show XML & PDF options + # admin.download_links = [:xml, :pdf] + # + # # Enable/disable the links based on block + # # (for example, with cancan) + # admin.download_links = proc { can?(:view_download_links) } + # + # end + + # == Pagination + # + # Pagination is enabled by default for all resources. + # You can control the default per page count for all resources here. + # + # config.default_per_page = 30 + # + # You can control the max per page count too. + # + # config.max_per_page = 10_000 + + # == Filters + # + # By default the index screen includes a "Filters" sidebar on the right + # hand side with a filter for each attribute of the registered model. + # You can enable or disable them for all resources here. + # + # config.filters = true + # + # By default the filters include associations in a select, which means + # that every record will be loaded for each association. + # You can enabled or disable the inclusion + # of those filters by default here. + # + # config.include_default_association_filters = true +end diff --git a/config/initializers/devise.rb b/config/initializers/devise.rb index 04904df..cbcc352 100644 --- a/config/initializers/devise.rb +++ b/config/initializers/devise.rb @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ # able to access the website for two days without confirming their account, # access will be blocked just in the third day. Default is 0.days, meaning # the user cannot access the website without confirming their account. - # config.allow_unconfirmed_access_for = 2.days + config.allow_unconfirmed_access_for = 2.days # A period that the user is allowed to confirm their account before their # token becomes invalid. For example, if set to 3.days, the user can confirm @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ # initial account confirmation) to be applied. Requires additional unconfirmed_email # db field (see migrations). Until confirmed, new email is stored in # unconfirmed_email column, and copied to email column on successful confirmation. - config.reconfirmable = true + config.reconfirmable = false # Defines which key will be used when confirming an account # config.confirmation_keys = [:email] diff --git a/config/initializers/kaminari.rb b/config/initializers/kaminari.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c416094 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/initializers/kaminari.rb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +Kaminari.configure do |config| + config.page_method_name = :per_page_kaminari +end diff --git a/config/initializers/will_paginate.rb b/config/initializers/will_paginate.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..473c4f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/initializers/will_paginate.rb @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +if defined?(WillPaginate) + module WillPaginate + module ActiveRecord + module RelationMethods + alias_method :per, :per_page + alias_method :num_pages, :total_pages + end + end + end +end diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb index fea6a5d..39129f3 100644 --- a/config/routes.rb +++ b/config/routes.rb @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do + devise_for :admin_users, ActiveAdmin::Devise.config + ActiveAdmin.routes(self) + devise_for :admins devise_for :users, controllers: {registrations: 'registrations'} # For details on the DSL available within this file, see http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html diff --git a/db/migrate/20160730101732_add_confirmable_to_devise.rb b/db/migrate/20160730101732_add_confirmable_to_devise.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6561b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20160730101732_add_confirmable_to_devise.rb @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +class AddConfirmableToDevise < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] + def up + add_column :users, :confirmation_token, :string + add_column :users, :confirmed_at, :datetime + add_column :users, :confirmation_sent_at, :datetime + # add_column :users, :unconfirmed_email, :string # Only if using reconfirmable + add_index :users, :confirmation_token, unique: true + # User.reset_column_information # Need for some types of updates, but not for update_all. + # To avoid a short time window between running the migration and updating all existing + # users as confirmed, do the following + execute("UPDATE users SET confirmed_at = date('now')") + # All existing user accounts should be able to log in after this. + # Remind: Rails using SQLite as default. And SQLite has no such function :NOW. + # Use :date('now') instead of :NOW when using SQLite. + # => execute("UPDATE users SET confirmed_at = date('now')") + # Or => User.all.update_all confirmed_at: Time.now + end + + def down + remove_columns :users, :confirmation_token, :confirmed_at, :confirmation_sent_at + # remove_columns :users, :unconfirmed_email # Only if using reconfirmable + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20160730130626_devise_create_admins.rb b/db/migrate/20160730130626_devise_create_admins.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d4b95f --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20160730130626_devise_create_admins.rb @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +class DeviseCreateAdmins < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] + def self.up + create_table(:admins) do |t| + t.string :email, :null => false, :default => "" + t.string :encrypted_password, :null => false, :default => "" + t.integer :sign_in_count, :default => 0 + t.datetime :current_sign_in_at + t.datetime :last_sign_in_at + t.string :current_sign_in_ip + t.string :last_sign_in_ip + t.integer :failed_attempts, :default => 0 # Only if lock strategy is :failed_attempts + t.string :unlock_token # Only if unlock strategy is :email or :both + t.datetime :locked_at + t.timestamps + end + end + + def self.down + drop_table :admins + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20160730141731_devise_create_admin_users.rb b/db/migrate/20160730141731_devise_create_admin_users.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72f270b --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20160730141731_devise_create_admin_users.rb @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +class DeviseCreateAdminUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] + def change + create_table :admin_users do |t| + ## Database authenticatable + t.string :email, null: false, default: "test@email.com" + t.string :encrypted_password, null: false, default: "test123" + + ## Recoverable + t.string :reset_password_token + t.datetime :reset_password_sent_at + + ## Rememberable + t.datetime :remember_created_at + + ## Trackable + t.integer :sign_in_count, default: 0, null: false + t.datetime :current_sign_in_at + t.datetime :last_sign_in_at + t.string :current_sign_in_ip + t.string :last_sign_in_ip + + ## Confirmable + # t.string :confirmation_token + # t.datetime :confirmed_at + # t.datetime :confirmation_sent_at + # t.string :unconfirmed_email # Only if using reconfirmable + + ## Lockable + # t.integer :failed_attempts, default: 0, null: false # Only if lock strategy is :failed_attempts + # t.string :unlock_token # Only if unlock strategy is :email or :both + # t.datetime :locked_at + + + t.timestamps null: false + end + + add_index :admin_users, :email, unique: true + add_index :admin_users, :reset_password_token, unique: true + # add_index :admin_users, :confirmation_token, unique: true + # add_index :admin_users, :unlock_token, unique: true + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20160730141733_create_active_admin_comments.rb b/db/migrate/20160730141733_create_active_admin_comments.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9efd147 --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20160730141733_create_active_admin_comments.rb @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +class CreateActiveAdminComments < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + create_table :active_admin_comments do |t| + t.string :namespace + t.text :body + t.string :resource_id, null: false + t.string :resource_type, null: false + t.references :author, polymorphic: true + t.timestamps + end + add_index :active_admin_comments, [:namespace] + add_index :active_admin_comments, [:author_type, :author_id] + add_index :active_admin_comments, [:resource_type, :resource_id] + end + + def self.down + drop_table :active_admin_comments + end +end diff --git a/db/schema.rb b/db/schema.rb index 34f9091..fb325c9 100644 --- a/db/schema.rb +++ b/db/schema.rb @@ -10,7 +10,53 @@ # # It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system. -ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20160728155559) do +ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20160730141733) do + + create_table "active_admin_comments", force: :cascade do |t| + t.string "namespace" + t.text "body" + t.string "resource_id", null: false + t.string "resource_type", null: false + t.string "author_type" + t.integer "author_id" + t.datetime "created_at" + t.datetime "updated_at" + t.index ["author_type", "author_id"], name: "index_active_admin_comments_on_author_type_and_author_id" + t.index ["namespace"], name: "index_active_admin_comments_on_namespace" + t.index ["resource_type", "resource_id"], name: "index_active_admin_comments_on_resource_type_and_resource_id" + end + + create_table "admin_users", force: :cascade do |t| + t.string "email", default: "test@email.com", null: false + t.string "encrypted_password", default: "test123", null: false + t.string "reset_password_token" + t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at" + t.datetime "remember_created_at" + t.integer "sign_in_count", default: 0, null: false + t.datetime "current_sign_in_at" + t.datetime "last_sign_in_at" + t.string "current_sign_in_ip" + t.string "last_sign_in_ip" + t.datetime "created_at", null: false + t.datetime "updated_at", null: false + t.index ["email"], name: "index_admin_users_on_email", unique: true + t.index ["reset_password_token"], name: "index_admin_users_on_reset_password_token", unique: true + end + + create_table "admins", force: :cascade do |t| + t.string "email", default: "", null: false + t.string "encrypted_password", default: "", null: false + t.integer "sign_in_count", default: 0 + t.datetime "current_sign_in_at" + t.datetime "last_sign_in_at" + t.string "current_sign_in_ip" + t.string "last_sign_in_ip" + t.integer "failed_attempts", default: 0 + t.string "unlock_token" + t.datetime "locked_at" + t.datetime "created_at", null: false + t.datetime "updated_at", null: false + end create_table "mailboxer_conversation_opt_outs", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "unsubscriber_type" @@ -132,6 +178,10 @@ t.string "twitter" t.string "linkedin" t.string "github" + t.string "confirmation_token" + t.datetime "confirmed_at" + t.datetime "confirmation_sent_at" + t.index ["confirmation_token"], name: "index_users_on_confirmation_token", unique: true t.index ["email"], name: "index_users_on_email", unique: true t.index ["reset_password_token"], name: "index_users_on_reset_password_token", unique: true end diff --git a/db/seeds.rb b/db/seeds.rb index e8b5cf3..af91e5a 100644 --- a/db/seeds.rb +++ b/db/seeds.rb @@ -5,23 +5,5 @@ # # movies = Movie.create([{ name: 'Star Wars' }, { name: 'Lord of the Rings' }]) # Character.create(name: 'Luke', movie: movies.first) - -marjon = Speaker.create(name:"Marjon", email:"marjon@email.com", password:"test123", password_confirmation: "test123") -valentine = Speaker.create(name:"Valentine", email:"valentine@email.com", password:"test123", password_confirmation: "test123") -david = Speaker.create(name:"David", email:"david@email.com", password:"test123", password_confirmation: "test123") -jake = Speaker.create(name:"Jake", email:"jake@email.com", password:"test123", password_confirmation: "test123") -flo = Speaker.create(name:"Flo", email:"flo@email.com", password:"test123", password_confirmation: "test123") - - -att1 = Attendee.create(name:"Attendee 1", email:"att1@email.com", password:"test123", password_confirmation: "test123") -att2 = Attendee.create(name:"Attendee 2", email:"att2@email.com", password:"test123", password_confirmation: "test123") -att3 = Attendee.create(name:"Attendee 3", email:"att3@email.com", password:"test123", password_confirmation: "test123") -att4 = Attendee.create(name:"Attendee 4", email:"att4@email.com", password:"test123", password_confirmation: "test123") -att5 = Attendee.create(name:"Attendee 5", email:"att5@email.com", password:"test123", password_confirmation: "test123") - -proj1 = Project.create(speaker:marjon, name:"First Project", description:"This is Marjon's project and this is a description for it.") -proj2 = Project.create(speaker: valentine, name:"Second Project", description:"This is Marjon's project and this is a description for it.") -proj3 = Project.create(speaker: david, name:"Third Project", description:"This is Marjon's project and this is a description for it.") -proj4 = Project.create(speaker: jake, name:"Fourth Project", description:"This is Marjon's project and this is a description for it.") -proj5 = Project.create(speaker: flo, name:"Fifth Project", description:"This is Marjon's project and this is a description for it.") -# +hax = Admin.create(email: "myhaxapp@gmail.com", password: "test123", password_confirmation: "test123") +AdminUser.create!(email: 'admin@example.com', password: 'password', password_confirmation: 'password') \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/005/medium/gina-torres-from-suits.jpg b/public/system/projects/avatars/000/000/001/medium/gina-torres-from-suits.jpg similarity index 100% rename from public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/005/medium/gina-torres-from-suits.jpg rename to public/system/projects/avatars/000/000/001/medium/gina-torres-from-suits.jpg diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/005/original/gina-torres-from-suits.jpg b/public/system/projects/avatars/000/000/001/original/gina-torres-from-suits.jpg similarity index 100% rename from public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/005/original/gina-torres-from-suits.jpg rename to public/system/projects/avatars/000/000/001/original/gina-torres-from-suits.jpg diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/005/thumb/gina-torres-from-suits.jpg b/public/system/projects/avatars/000/000/001/thumb/gina-torres-from-suits.jpg similarity index 100% rename from public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/005/thumb/gina-torres-from-suits.jpg rename to public/system/projects/avatars/000/000/001/thumb/gina-torres-from-suits.jpg diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/001/medium/profile.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/001/medium/profile.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index ba583fc..0000000 Binary files a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/001/medium/profile.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/001/original/profile.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/001/original/profile.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index 958e9d3..0000000 Binary files a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/001/original/profile.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/001/thumb/profile.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/001/thumb/profile.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index e195573..0000000 Binary files a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/001/thumb/profile.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/medium/harvey.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/medium/harvey.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..907958d Binary files /dev/null and b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/medium/harvey.jpg differ diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/medium/profile.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/medium/profile.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index ba583fc..0000000 Binary files a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/medium/profile.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/original/harvey.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/original/harvey.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d626bc7 Binary files /dev/null and b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/original/harvey.jpg differ diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/original/profile.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/original/profile.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index 958e9d3..0000000 Binary files a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/original/profile.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/thumb/harvey.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/thumb/harvey.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa3949e Binary files /dev/null and b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/thumb/harvey.jpg differ diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/thumb/profile.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/thumb/profile.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index e195573..0000000 Binary files a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/002/thumb/profile.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/003/medium/profile.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/003/medium/profile.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index ba583fc..0000000 Binary files a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/003/medium/profile.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/003/original/profile.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/003/original/profile.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index 958e9d3..0000000 Binary files a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/003/original/profile.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/003/thumb/profile.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/003/thumb/profile.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index e195573..0000000 Binary files a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/003/thumb/profile.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/006/medium/harvey.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/006/medium/harvey.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..907958d Binary files /dev/null and b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/006/medium/harvey.jpg differ diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/006/original/harvey.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/006/original/harvey.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d626bc7 Binary files /dev/null and b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/006/original/harvey.jpg differ diff --git a/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/006/thumb/harvey.jpg b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/006/thumb/harvey.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa3949e Binary files /dev/null and b/public/system/speakers/avatars/000/000/006/thumb/harvey.jpg differ diff --git a/test/fixtures/admin_users.yml b/test/fixtures/admin_users.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80aed36 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/fixtures/admin_users.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# Read about fixtures at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/FixtureSet.html + +# This model initially had no columns defined. If you add columns to the +# model remove the '{}' from the fixture names and add the columns immediately +# below each fixture, per the syntax in the comments below +# +one: {} +# column: value +# +two: {} +# column: value diff --git a/test/fixtures/admins.yml b/test/fixtures/admins.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80aed36 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/fixtures/admins.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# Read about fixtures at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/FixtureSet.html + +# This model initially had no columns defined. If you add columns to the +# model remove the '{}' from the fixture names and add the columns immediately +# below each fixture, per the syntax in the comments below +# +one: {} +# column: value +# +two: {} +# column: value diff --git a/test/models/admin_test.rb b/test/models/admin_test.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab20b8c --- /dev/null +++ b/test/models/admin_test.rb @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +require 'test_helper' + +class AdminTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase + # test "the truth" do + # assert true + # end +end diff --git a/test/models/admin_user_test.rb b/test/models/admin_user_test.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6215c04 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/models/admin_user_test.rb @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +require 'test_helper' + +class AdminUserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase + # test "the truth" do + # assert true + # end +end diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_buttons.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_buttons.scss deleted file mode 100755 index be429bb..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_buttons.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,211 +0,0 @@ -// shared styles -.btn, -.btn-flat { - border: $button-border; - border-radius: $button-radius; - display: inline-block; - height: $button-height; - line-height: $button-height; - outline: 0; - padding: $button-padding; - text-transform: uppercase; - vertical-align: middle; - // Gets rid of tap active state - -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; -} - -// Disabled shared style -.btn.disabled, -.btn-floating.disabled, -.btn-large.disabled, -.btn:disabled, -.btn-large:disabled, -.btn-floating:disabled, -.btn[disabled], -.btn-large[disabled], -.btn-floating[disabled] { - background-color: $button-disabled-background !important; - box-shadow: none; - color: $button-disabled-color !important; - cursor: default; - - * { - pointer-events: none; - } - - &:hover { - background-color: $button-disabled-background !important; - color: $button-disabled-color !important; - } -} - -// Shared icon styles -.btn, -.btn-floating, -.btn-large, -.btn-flat { - i { - font-size: $button-font-size; - line-height: inherit; - } -} - -// Raised Button -.btn { - text-decoration: none; - color: $button-raised-color; - background-color: $button-raised-background; - text-align: center; - letter-spacing: .5px; - @extend .z-depth-1; - transition: .2s ease-out; - cursor: pointer; - - &:hover { - background-color: $button-raised-background-hover; - @extend .z-depth-1-half; - } -} - -// Floating button -.btn-floating { - display: inline-block; - color: $button-floating-color; - position: relative; - overflow: hidden; - z-index: 1; - width: $button-floating-size; - height: $button-floating-size; - line-height: $button-floating-size; - padding: 0; - background-color: $button-floating-background; - border-radius: $button-floating-radius; - @extend .z-depth-1; - transition: .3s; - cursor: pointer; - vertical-align: middle; - - i { - width: inherit; - display: inline-block; - text-align: center; - color: $button-floating-color; - font-size: $button-large-icon-font-size; - line-height: $button-floating-size; - } - - &:hover { - background-color: $button-floating-background-hover; - @extend .z-depth-1-half; - } - - &:before { - border-radius: 0; - } - - &.btn-large { - width: $button-floating-large-size; - height: $button-floating-large-size; - i { - line-height: $button-floating-large-size; - } - } -} - -// button fix -button.btn-floating { - border: $button-border; -} - -// Fixed Action Button -.fixed-action-btn { - &.active { - ul { - visibility: visible; - } - } - - &.horizontal { - padding: 0 0 0 15px; - - ul { - text-align: right; - right: 64px; - top: 50%; - transform: translateY(-50%); - height: 100%; - left: auto; - width: 500px; /*width 100% only goes to width of button container */ - - li { - display: inline-block; - margin: 15px 15px 0 0; - } - } - } - - position: fixed; - right: 23px; - bottom: 23px; - padding-top: 15px; - margin-bottom: 0; - z-index: 998; - - ul { - left: 0; - right: 0; - text-align: center; - position: absolute; - bottom: 64px; - margin: 0; - visibility: hidden; - - li { - margin-bottom: 15px; - } - - a.btn-floating { - opacity: 0; - } - } -} - -// Flat button -.btn-flat { - box-shadow: none; - background-color: transparent; - color: $button-flat-color; - cursor: pointer; - transition: background-color .2s; - - &:focus, - &:active { - background-color: transparent; - } - - &:hover { - background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1); - box-shadow: none; - } - - &.disabled { - color: $button-flat-disabled-color; - cursor: default; - } -} - -// Large button -.btn-large { - @extend .btn; - height: $button-large-height; - line-height: $button-large-height; - - i { - font-size: $button-large-icon-font-size; - } -} - -// Block button -.btn-block { - display: block; -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_cards.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_cards.scss deleted file mode 100644 index e137536..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_cards.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,185 +0,0 @@ - - -.card-panel { - transition: box-shadow .25s; - padding: $card-padding; - margin: $element-top-margin 0 $element-bottom-margin 0; - border-radius: 2px; - @extend .z-depth-1; - background-color: $card-bg-color; -} - -.card { - position: relative; - margin: $element-top-margin 0 $element-bottom-margin 0; - background-color: $card-bg-color; - transition: box-shadow .25s; - border-radius: 2px; - @extend .z-depth-1; - - - .card-title { - font-size: 24px; - font-weight: 300; - &.activator { - cursor: pointer; - } - } - - // Card Sizes - &.small, &.medium, &.large { - position: relative; - - .card-image { - max-height: 60%; - overflow: hidden; - } - .card-image + .card-content { - max-height: 40%; - } - .card-content { - max-height: 100%; - overflow: hidden; - } - .card-action { - position: absolute; - bottom: 0; - left: 0; - right: 0; - } - } - - &.small { - height: 300px; - } - - &.medium { - height: 400px; - } - - &.large { - height: 500px; - } - - // Horizontal Cards - &.horizontal { - &.small, &.medium, &.large { - .card-image { - height: 100%; - max-height: none; - overflow: visible; - - img { - height: 100%; - } - } - } - - display: flex; - - .card-image { - max-width: 50%; - img { - max-width: 100%; - width: auto; - } - } - - .card-stacked { - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - flex: 1; - position: relative; - - .card-content { - flex-grow: 1; - } - } - } - - // Sticky Action Section - &.sticky-action { - .card-action { - z-index: 2; - } - - .card-reveal { - z-index: 1; - padding-bottom: 64px; - } - } - - - - - .card-image { - position: relative; - - // Image background for content - img { - display: block; - border-radius: 2px 2px 0 0; - position: relative; - left: 0; - right: 0; - top: 0; - bottom: 0; - width: 100%; - } - - .card-title { - color: $card-bg-color; - position: absolute; - bottom: 0; - left: 0; - padding: $card-padding; - } - - } - - .card-content { - padding: $card-padding; - border-radius: 0 0 2px 2px; - - p { - margin: 0; - color: inherit; - } - .card-title { - line-height: 48px; - } - } - - .card-action { - position: relative; - background-color: inherit; - border-top: 1px solid rgba(160,160,160,.2); - padding: $card-padding; - - a:not(.btn):not(.btn-large):not(.btn-floating) { - color: $card-link-color; - margin-right: $card-padding; - transition: color .3s ease; - text-transform: uppercase; - - &:hover { color: $card-link-color-light; } - } - } - - .card-reveal { - padding: $card-padding; - position: absolute; - background-color: $card-bg-color; - width: 100%; - overflow-y: auto; - top: 100%; - height: 100%; - z-index: 3; - display: none; - - .card-title { - cursor: pointer; - display: block; - } - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_carousel.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_carousel.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 56e54dd..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_carousel.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -.carousel { - &.carousel-slider { - top: 0; - left: 0; - height: 0; - - .carousel-fixed-item { - &.with-indicators { - bottom: 68px; - } - - position: absolute; - left: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 20px; - z-index: 1; - } - - .carousel-item { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; - min-height: 400px; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - - h2 { - font-size: 24px; - font-weight: 500; - line-height: 32px; - } - - p { - font-size: 15px; - } - } - } - - overflow: hidden; - position: relative; - width: 100%; - height: 400px; - perspective: 500px; - transform-style: preserve-3d; - transform-origin: 0% 50%; - - .carousel-item { - display: none; - width: 200px; - height: 400px; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - - img { - width: 100%; - } - } - - .indicators { - position: absolute; - text-align: center; - left: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - margin: 0; - - .indicator-item { - &.active { - background-color: #fff; - } - - display: inline-block; - position: relative; - cursor: pointer; - height: 8px; - width: 8px; - margin: 24px 4px; - background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.5); - - transition: background-color .3s; - border-radius: 50%; - } - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_chips.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_chips.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 2954411..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_chips.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -.chip { - display: inline-block; - height: 32px; - font-size: 13px; - font-weight: 500; - color: rgba(0,0,0,.6); - line-height: 32px; - padding: 0 12px; - border-radius: 16px; - background-color: $chip-bg-color; - margin-bottom: $chip-margin; - margin-right: $chip-margin; - - img { - float: left; - margin: 0 8px 0 -12px; - height: 32px; - width: 32px; - border-radius: 50%; - } - - .close { - cursor: pointer; - float: right; - font-size: 16px; - line-height: 32px; - padding-left: 8px; - } -} - -.chips { - border: none; - border-bottom: 1px solid $chip-border-color; - box-shadow: none; - margin-bottom: 30px; - min-height: 45px; - outline: none; - padding-bottom: $chip-margin; - transition: all .3s; - - &.focus { - border-bottom: 1px solid $chip-selected-color; - box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 $chip-selected-color; - } - - &:hover { - cursor: text; - } - - .chip.selected { - background-color: $chip-selected-color; - color: #fff; - } - - .input { - background: none; - border: 0; - color: rgba(0,0,0,.6); - display: inline-block; - font-size: 13px; - font-weight: 500; - height: 32px; - margin-right: 20px; - line-height: 32px; - outline: 0; - padding: 0 !important; - width: 120px !important; - } - - .input:focus { - border: 0 !important; - box-shadow: none !important; - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_collapsible.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_collapsible.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 6a2cb21..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_collapsible.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -.collapsible { - border-top: 1px solid $collapsible-border-color; - border-right: 1px solid $collapsible-border-color; - border-left: 1px solid $collapsible-border-color; - margin: $element-top-margin 0 $element-bottom-margin 0; - @extend .z-depth-1; -} - -.collapsible-header { - display: block; - cursor: pointer; - min-height: $collapsible-height; - line-height: $collapsible-height; - padding: 0 1rem; - background-color: $collapsible-header-color; - border-bottom: 1px solid $collapsible-border-color; - - i { - width: 2rem; - font-size: 1.6rem; - line-height: $collapsible-height; - display: block; - float: left; - text-align: center; - margin-right: 1rem; - } -} - -.collapsible-body { - display: none; - border-bottom: 1px solid $collapsible-border-color; - box-sizing: border-box; - - p { - margin: 0; - padding: 2rem; - } -} - -// sideNav collapsible styling -.side-nav, -.side-nav.fixed { - - .collapsible { - border: none; - box-shadow: none; - - li { padding: 0; } - } - - .collapsible-header { - background-color: transparent; - border: none; - line-height: inherit; - height: inherit; - padding: 0 $sidenav-padding; - - &:hover { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.05); } - i { line-height: inherit; } - } - - .collapsible-body { - border: 0; - background-color: $collapsible-header-color; - - li a { - padding: 0 (7.5px + $sidenav-padding) - 0 (15px + $sidenav-padding); - } - } - -} - -// Popout Collapsible - -.collapsible.popout { - border: none; - box-shadow: none; - > li { - box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16), 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); - // transform: scaleX(.92); - margin: 0 24px; - transition: margin .35s cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940); - } - > li.active { - box-shadow: 0 5px 11px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18), 0 4px 15px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); - margin: 16px 0; - // transform: scaleX(1); - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_color.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_color.scss deleted file mode 100644 index ef9d600..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_color.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,412 +0,0 @@ -// Utility Color Classes - -//.success { -// -//} - -// Google Color Palette defined: http://www.google.com/design/spec/style/color.html - - -$materialize-red: ( - "base": #e51c23, - "lighten-5": #fdeaeb, - "lighten-4": #f8c1c3, - "lighten-3": #f3989b, - "lighten-2": #ee6e73, - "lighten-1": #ea454b, - "darken-1": #d0181e, - "darken-2": #b9151b, - "darken-3": #a21318, - "darken-4": #8b1014, -); - -$red: ( - "base": #F44336, - "lighten-5": #FFEBEE, - "lighten-4": #FFCDD2, - "lighten-3": #EF9A9A, - "lighten-2": #E57373, - "lighten-1": #EF5350, - "darken-1": #E53935, - "darken-2": #D32F2F, - "darken-3": #C62828, - "darken-4": #B71C1C, - "accent-1": #FF8A80, - "accent-2": #FF5252, - "accent-3": #FF1744, - "accent-4": #D50000 -); - -$pink: ( - "base": #e91e63, - "lighten-5": #fce4ec, - "lighten-4": #f8bbd0, - "lighten-3": #f48fb1, - "lighten-2": #f06292, - "lighten-1": #ec407a, - "darken-1": #d81b60, - "darken-2": #c2185b, - "darken-3": #ad1457, - "darken-4": #880e4f, - "accent-1": #ff80ab, - "accent-2": #ff4081, - "accent-3": #f50057, - "accent-4": #c51162 -); - -$purple: ( - "base": #9c27b0, - "lighten-5": #f3e5f5, - "lighten-4": #e1bee7, - "lighten-3": #ce93d8, - "lighten-2": #ba68c8, - "lighten-1": #ab47bc, - "darken-1": #8e24aa, - "darken-2": #7b1fa2, - "darken-3": #6a1b9a, - "darken-4": #4a148c, - "accent-1": #ea80fc, - "accent-2": #e040fb, - "accent-3": #d500f9, - "accent-4": #aa00ff -); - -$deep-purple: ( - "base": #673ab7, - "lighten-5": #ede7f6, - "lighten-4": #d1c4e9, - "lighten-3": #b39ddb, - "lighten-2": #9575cd, - "lighten-1": #7e57c2, - "darken-1": #5e35b1, - "darken-2": #512da8, - "darken-3": #4527a0, - "darken-4": #311b92, - "accent-1": #b388ff, - "accent-2": #7c4dff, - "accent-3": #651fff, - "accent-4": #6200ea -); - -$indigo: ( - "base": #3f51b5, - "lighten-5": #e8eaf6, - "lighten-4": #c5cae9, - "lighten-3": #9fa8da, - "lighten-2": #7986cb, - "lighten-1": #5c6bc0, - "darken-1": #3949ab, - "darken-2": #303f9f, - "darken-3": #283593, - "darken-4": #1a237e, - "accent-1": #8c9eff, - "accent-2": #536dfe, - "accent-3": #3d5afe, - "accent-4": #304ffe -); - -$blue: ( - "base": #2196F3, - "lighten-5": #E3F2FD, - "lighten-4": #BBDEFB, - "lighten-3": #90CAF9, - "lighten-2": #64B5F6, - "lighten-1": #42A5F5, - "darken-1": #1E88E5, - "darken-2": #1976D2, - "darken-3": #1565C0, - "darken-4": #0D47A1, - "accent-1": #82B1FF, - "accent-2": #448AFF, - "accent-3": #2979FF, - "accent-4": #2962FF -); - -$light-blue: ( - "base": #03a9f4, - "lighten-5": #e1f5fe, - "lighten-4": #b3e5fc, - "lighten-3": #81d4fa, - "lighten-2": #4fc3f7, - "lighten-1": #29b6f6, - "darken-1": #039be5, - "darken-2": #0288d1, - "darken-3": #0277bd, - "darken-4": #01579b, - "accent-1": #80d8ff, - "accent-2": #40c4ff, - "accent-3": #00b0ff, - "accent-4": #0091ea -); - -$cyan: ( - "base": #00bcd4, - "lighten-5": #e0f7fa, - "lighten-4": #b2ebf2, - "lighten-3": #80deea, - "lighten-2": #4dd0e1, - "lighten-1": #26c6da, - "darken-1": #00acc1, - "darken-2": #0097a7, - "darken-3": #00838f, - "darken-4": #006064, - "accent-1": #84ffff, - "accent-2": #18ffff, - "accent-3": #00e5ff, - "accent-4": #00b8d4 -); - -$teal: ( - "base": #009688, - "lighten-5": #e0f2f1, - "lighten-4": #b2dfdb, - "lighten-3": #80cbc4, - "lighten-2": #4db6ac, - "lighten-1": #26a69a, - "darken-1": #00897b, - "darken-2": #00796b, - "darken-3": #00695c, - "darken-4": #004d40, - "accent-1": #a7ffeb, - "accent-2": #64ffda, - "accent-3": #1de9b6, - "accent-4": #00bfa5 -); - -$green: ( - "base": #4CAF50, - "lighten-5": #E8F5E9, - "lighten-4": #C8E6C9, - "lighten-3": #A5D6A7, - "lighten-2": #81C784, - "lighten-1": #66BB6A, - "darken-1": #43A047, - "darken-2": #388E3C, - "darken-3": #2E7D32, - "darken-4": #1B5E20, - "accent-1": #B9F6CA, - "accent-2": #69F0AE, - "accent-3": #00E676, - "accent-4": #00C853 -); - -$light-green: ( - "base": #8bc34a, - "lighten-5": #f1f8e9, - "lighten-4": #dcedc8, - "lighten-3": #c5e1a5, - "lighten-2": #aed581, - "lighten-1": #9ccc65, - "darken-1": #7cb342, - "darken-2": #689f38, - "darken-3": #558b2f, - "darken-4": #33691e, - "accent-1": #ccff90, - "accent-2": #b2ff59, - "accent-3": #76ff03, - "accent-4": #64dd17 -); - -$lime: ( - "base": #cddc39, - "lighten-5": #f9fbe7, - "lighten-4": #f0f4c3, - "lighten-3": #e6ee9c, - "lighten-2": #dce775, - "lighten-1": #d4e157, - "darken-1": #c0ca33, - "darken-2": #afb42b, - "darken-3": #9e9d24, - "darken-4": #827717, - "accent-1": #f4ff81, - "accent-2": #eeff41, - "accent-3": #c6ff00, - "accent-4": #aeea00 -); - -$yellow: ( - "base": #ffeb3b, - "lighten-5": #fffde7, - "lighten-4": #fff9c4, - "lighten-3": #fff59d, - "lighten-2": #fff176, - "lighten-1": #ffee58, - "darken-1": #fdd835, - "darken-2": #fbc02d, - "darken-3": #f9a825, - "darken-4": #f57f17, - "accent-1": #ffff8d, - "accent-2": #ffff00, - "accent-3": #ffea00, - "accent-4": #ffd600 -); - -$amber: ( - "base": #ffc107, - "lighten-5": #fff8e1, - "lighten-4": #ffecb3, - "lighten-3": #ffe082, - "lighten-2": #ffd54f, - "lighten-1": #ffca28, - "darken-1": #ffb300, - "darken-2": #ffa000, - "darken-3": #ff8f00, - "darken-4": #ff6f00, - "accent-1": #ffe57f, - "accent-2": #ffd740, - "accent-3": #ffc400, - "accent-4": #ffab00 -); - -$orange: ( - "base": #ff9800, - "lighten-5": #fff3e0, - "lighten-4": #ffe0b2, - "lighten-3": #ffcc80, - "lighten-2": #ffb74d, - "lighten-1": #ffa726, - "darken-1": #fb8c00, - "darken-2": #f57c00, - "darken-3": #ef6c00, - "darken-4": #e65100, - "accent-1": #ffd180, - "accent-2": #ffab40, - "accent-3": #ff9100, - "accent-4": #ff6d00 -); - -$deep-orange: ( - "base": #ff5722, - "lighten-5": #fbe9e7, - "lighten-4": #ffccbc, - "lighten-3": #ffab91, - "lighten-2": #ff8a65, - "lighten-1": #ff7043, - "darken-1": #f4511e, - "darken-2": #e64a19, - "darken-3": #d84315, - "darken-4": #bf360c, - "accent-1": #ff9e80, - "accent-2": #ff6e40, - "accent-3": #ff3d00, - "accent-4": #dd2c00 -); - -$brown: ( - "base": #795548, - "lighten-5": #efebe9, - "lighten-4": #d7ccc8, - "lighten-3": #bcaaa4, - "lighten-2": #a1887f, - "lighten-1": #8d6e63, - "darken-1": #6d4c41, - "darken-2": #5d4037, - "darken-3": #4e342e, - "darken-4": #3e2723 -); - -$blue-grey: ( - "base": #607d8b, - "lighten-5": #eceff1, - "lighten-4": #cfd8dc, - "lighten-3": #b0bec5, - "lighten-2": #90a4ae, - "lighten-1": #78909c, - "darken-1": #546e7a, - "darken-2": #455a64, - "darken-3": #37474f, - "darken-4": #263238 -); - -$grey: ( - "base": #9e9e9e, - "lighten-5": #fafafa, - "lighten-4": #f5f5f5, - "lighten-3": #eeeeee, - "lighten-2": #e0e0e0, - "lighten-1": #bdbdbd, - "darken-1": #757575, - "darken-2": #616161, - "darken-3": #424242, - "darken-4": #212121 -); - -$shades: ( - "black": #000000, - "white": #FFFFFF, - "transparent": transparent -); - -$colors: ( - "materialize-red": $materialize-red, - "red": $red, - "pink": $pink, - "purple": $purple, - "deep-purple": $deep-purple, - "indigo": $indigo, - "blue": $blue, - "light-blue": $light-blue, - "cyan": $cyan, - "teal": $teal, - "green": $green, - "light-green": $light-green, - "lime": $lime, - "yellow": $yellow, - "amber": $amber, - "orange": $orange, - "deep-orange": $deep-orange, - "brown": $brown, - "blue-grey": $blue-grey, - "grey": $grey, - "shades": $shades -); - - -// Color Classes - -@each $color_name, $color in $colors { - @each $color_type, $color_value in $color { - @if $color_type == "base" { - .#{$color_name} { - background-color: $color_value !important; - } - .#{$color_name}-text { - color: $color_value !important; - } - } - @else if $color_name != "shades" { - .#{$color_name}.#{$color_type} { - background-color: $color_value !important; - } - .#{$color_name}-text.text-#{$color_type} { - color: $color_value !important; - } - } - } -} - -// Shade classes -@each $color, $color_value in $shades { - .#{$color} { - background-color: $color_value !important; - } - .#{$color}-text { - color: $color_value !important; - } -} - - -// usage: color("name_of_color", "type_of_color") -// to avoid to repeating map-get($colors, ...) - -@function color($color, $type) { - @if map-has-key($colors, $color) { - $curr_color: map-get($colors, $color); - @if map-has-key($curr_color, $type) { - @return map-get($curr_color, $type); - } - } - @warn "Unknown `#{name}` in $colors."; - @return null; -} - diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_dropdown.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_dropdown.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 71ab9f5..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_dropdown.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -.dropdown-content { - @extend .z-depth-1; - background-color: $dropdown-bg-color; - margin: 0; - display: none; - min-width: 100px; - max-height: 650px; - overflow-y: auto; - opacity: 0; - position: absolute; - z-index: 999; - will-change: width, height; - - li { - clear: both; - color: $off-black; - cursor: pointer; - min-height: $dropdown-item-height; - line-height: 1.5rem; - width: 100%; - text-align: left; - text-transform: none; - - &:hover, &.active, &.selected { - background-color: $dropdown-hover-bg-color; - } - - &.active.selected { - background-color: darken($dropdown-hover-bg-color, 5%); - } - - &.divider { - min-height: 0; - height: 1px; - } - - & > a, & > span { - font-size: 16px; - color: $dropdown-color; - display: block; - line-height: 22px; - padding: (($dropdown-item-height - 22) / 2) 16px; - } - - & > span > label { - top: 1px; - left: 3px; - height: 18px; - } - - // Icon alignment override - & > a > i { - height: inherit; - line-height: inherit; - } - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_global.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_global.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 7e7bd2e..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_global.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,781 +0,0 @@ -//Default styles - -html { - box-sizing: border-box; -} -*, *:before, *:after { - box-sizing: inherit; -} - -body { - // display: flex; - // min-height: 100vh; - // flex-direction: column; -} - -main { - // flex: 1 0 auto; -} - -ul { - &.browser-default, - &.browser-default li { - list-style-type: initial; - } - - padding: 0; - list-style-type: none; - - li { - list-style-type: none; - } -} - -a { - color: $link-color; - text-decoration: none; - - // Gets rid of tap active state - -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; -} - - -// Positioning -.valign-wrapper { - display: flex; - align-items: center; - - .valign { - display: block; - } -} - - -// classic clearfix -.clearfix { - clear: both; -} - - -// Z-levels -.z-depth-0 { - box-shadow: none !important; -} -.z-depth-1{ - box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16), 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} -.z-depth-1-half{ - box-shadow: 0 5px 11px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18), 0 4px 15px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); -} -.z-depth-2{ - box-shadow: 0 8px 17px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19); -} -.z-depth-3{ - box-shadow: 0 12px 15px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24), 0 17px 50px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19); -} -.z-depth-4{ - box-shadow: 0 16px 28px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.22), 0 25px 55px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21); -} -.z-depth-5{ - box-shadow: 0 27px 24px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 40px 77px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.22); -} - -.hoverable { - transition: box-shadow .25s; - box-shadow: 0; -} - -.hoverable:hover { - transition: box-shadow .25s; - box-shadow: 0 8px 17px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19); -} - -// Dividers - -.divider { - height: 1px; - overflow: hidden; - background-color: color("grey", "lighten-2"); -} - - -// Blockquote - -blockquote { - margin: 20px 0; - padding-left: 1.5rem; - border-left: 5px solid $primary-color; -} - -// Icon Styles - -i { - line-height: inherit; - - &.left { - float: left; - margin-right: 15px; - } - &.right { - float: right; - margin-left: 15px; - } - &.tiny { - font-size: 1rem; - } - &.small { - font-size: 2rem; - } - &.medium { - font-size: 4rem; - } - &.large { - font-size: 6rem; - } -} - -// Images -img.responsive-img, -video.responsive-video { - max-width: 100%; - height: auto; -} - - -// Pagination - -.pagination { - - li { - display: inline-block; - border-radius: 2px; - text-align: center; - vertical-align: top; - height: 30px; - - a { - color: #444; - display: inline-block; - font-size: 1.2rem; - padding: 0 10px; - line-height: 30px; - } - - &.active a { color: #fff; } - - &.active { background-color: $primary-color; } - - &.disabled a { - cursor: default; - color: #999; - } - - i { - font-size: 2rem; - } - } - - - li.pages ul li { - display: inline-block; - float: none; - } -} -@media #{$medium-and-down} { - .pagination { - width: 100%; - - li.prev, - li.next { - width: 10%; - } - - li.pages { - width: 80%; - overflow: hidden; - white-space: nowrap; - } - } -} - -// Breadcrumbs -.breadcrumb { - font-size: 18px; - color: rgba(255,255,255, .7); - - i, - [class^="mdi-"], [class*="mdi-"], - i.material-icons { - display: inline-block; - float: left; - font-size: 24px; - } - - &:before { - content: '\E5CC'; - color: rgba(255,255,255, .7); - vertical-align: top; - display: inline-block; - font-family: 'Material Icons'; - font-weight: normal; - font-style: normal; - font-size: 25px; - margin: 0 10px 0 8px; - -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; - } - - &:first-child:before { - display: none; - } - - &:last-child { - color: #fff; - } -} - - -// Parallax -.parallax-container { - position: relative; - overflow: hidden; - height: 500px; -} - -.parallax { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - z-index: -1; - - img { - display: none; - position: absolute; - left: 50%; - bottom: 0; - min-width: 100%; - min-height: 100%; - -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); - transform: translate3d(0,0,0); - transform: translateX(-50%); - } -} - -// Pushpin -.pin-top, .pin-bottom { - position: relative; -} -.pinned { - position: fixed !important; -} - -/********************* - Transition Classes -**********************/ - -ul.staggered-list li { - opacity: 0; -} - -.fade-in { - opacity: 0; - transform-origin: 0 50%; -} - - -/********************* - Media Query Classes -**********************/ -.hide-on-small-only, .hide-on-small-and-down { - @media #{$small-and-down} { - display: none !important; - } -} -.hide-on-med-and-down { - @media #{$medium-and-down} { - display: none !important; - } -} -.hide-on-med-and-up { - @media #{$medium-and-up} { - display: none !important; - } -} -.hide-on-med-only { - @media only screen and (min-width: $small-screen) and (max-width: $medium-screen) { - display: none !important; - } -} -.hide-on-large-only { - @media #{$large-and-up} { - display: none !important; - } -} -.show-on-large { - @media #{$large-and-up} { - display: block !important; - } -} -.show-on-medium { - @media only screen and (min-width: $small-screen) and (max-width: $medium-screen) { - display: block !important; - } -} -.show-on-small { - @media #{$small-and-down} { - display: block !important; - } -} -.show-on-medium-and-up { - @media #{$medium-and-up} { - display: block !important; - } -} -.show-on-medium-and-down { - @media #{$medium-and-down} { - display: block !important; - } -} - - -// Center text on mobile -.center-on-small-only { - @media #{$small-and-down} { - text-align: center; - } -} - -// Footer -footer.page-footer { - margin-top: 20px; - padding-top: 20px; - background-color: $footer-bg-color; - - .footer-copyright { - overflow: hidden; - height: 50px; - line-height: 50px; - color: rgba(255,255,255,.8); - background-color: rgba(51,51,51,.08); - @extend .light; - } -} - -// Tables -table, th, td { - border: none; -} - -table { - width:100%; - display: table; - - &.bordered > thead > tr, - &.bordered > tbody > tr { - border-bottom: 1px solid $table-border-color; - } - - &.striped > tbody { - > tr:nth-child(odd) { - background-color: $table-striped-color; - } - - > tr > td { - border-radius: 0; - } - } - - &.highlight > tbody > tr { - transition: background-color .25s ease; - &:hover { - background-color: $table-striped-color; - } - } - - &.centered { - thead tr th, tbody tr td { - text-align: center; - } - } - -} - -thead { - border-bottom: 1px solid $table-border-color; -} - -td, th{ - padding: 15px 5px; - display: table-cell; - text-align: left; - vertical-align: middle; - border-radius: 2px; -} - -// Responsive Table -@media #{$medium-and-down} { - - table.responsive-table { - width: 100%; - border-collapse: collapse; - border-spacing: 0; - display: block; - position: relative; - - td:empty:before { - content: '\00a0'; - } - - th, - td { - margin: 0; - vertical-align: top; - } - - th { text-align: left; } - thead { - display: block; - float: left; - - tr { - display: block; - padding: 0 10px 0 0; - - th::before { - content: "\00a0"; - } - } - } - tbody { - display: block; - width: auto; - position: relative; - overflow-x: auto; - white-space: nowrap; - - tr { - display: inline-block; - vertical-align: top; - } - } - th { - display: block; - text-align: right; - } - td { - display: block; - min-height: 1.25em; - text-align: left; - } - tr { padding: 0 10px; } - - /* sort out borders */ - thead { - border: 0; - border-right: 1px solid $table-border-color; - } - - &.bordered { - th { border-bottom: 0; border-left: 0; } - td { border-left: 0; border-right: 0; border-bottom: 0; } - tr { border: 0; } - tbody tr { border-right: 1px solid $table-border-color; } - } - - } - -} - - -// Collections -.collection { - margin: $element-top-margin 0 $element-bottom-margin 0; - border: 1px solid $collection-border-color; - border-radius: 2px; - overflow: hidden; - position: relative; - - .collection-item { - background-color: $collection-bg-color; - line-height: 1.5rem; - padding: 10px 20px; - margin: 0; - border-bottom: 1px solid $collection-border-color; - - // Avatar Collection - &.avatar { - min-height: 84px; - padding-left: 72px; - position: relative; - - .circle { - position: absolute; - width: 42px; - height: 42px; - overflow: hidden; - left: 15px; - display: inline-block; - vertical-align: middle; - } - i.circle { - font-size: 18px; - line-height: 42px; - color: #fff; - background-color: #999; - text-align: center; - } - - - .title { - font-size: 16px; - } - - p { - margin: 0; - } - - .secondary-content { - position: absolute; - top: 16px; - right: 16px; - } - - } - - - &:last-child { - border-bottom: none; - } - - &.active { - background-color: $collection-active-bg-color; - color: $collection-active-color; - - .secondary-content { - color: #fff; - } - } - } - a.collection-item{ - display: block; - transition: .25s; - color: $collection-link-color; - &:not(.active) { - &:hover { - background-color: $collection-hover-bg-color; - } - } - } - - &.with-header { - .collection-header { - background-color: $collection-bg-color; - border-bottom: 1px solid $collection-border-color; - padding: 10px 20px; - } - .collection-item { - padding-left: 30px; - } - .collection-item.avatar { - padding-left: 72px; - } - } - -} -// Made less specific to allow easier overriding -.secondary-content { - float: right; - color: $secondary-color; -} -.collapsible .collection { - margin: 0; - border: none; -} - - - -// Badges -span.badge { - min-width: 3rem; - padding: 0 6px; - text-align: center; - font-size: 1rem; - line-height: inherit; - color: color('grey', 'darken-1'); - position: absolute; - right: 15px; - box-sizing: border-box; - - &.new { - font-weight: 300; - font-size: 0.8rem; - color: #fff; - background-color: $badge-bg-color; - border-radius: 2px; - } - &.new:after { - content: " new"; - } - - &[data-badge-caption]::after { - content: " " attr(data-badge-caption); - } - - -} -nav ul a span.badge { - position: static; - margin-left: 4px; - line-height: 0; -} - -// Responsive Videos -.video-container { - position: relative; - padding-bottom: 56.25%; - height: 0; - overflow: hidden; - - iframe, object, embed { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - width: 100%; - height: 100%; - } -} - -// Progress Bar -.progress { - position: relative; - height: 4px; - display: block; - width: 100%; - background-color: lighten($progress-bar-color, 40%); - border-radius: 2px; - margin: $element-top-margin 0 $element-bottom-margin 0; - overflow: hidden; - .determinate { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - bottom: 0; - background-color: $progress-bar-color; - transition: width .3s linear; - } - .indeterminate { - background-color: $progress-bar-color; - &:before { - content: ''; - position: absolute; - background-color: inherit; - top: 0; - left:0; - bottom: 0; - will-change: left, right; - // Custom bezier - animation: indeterminate 2.1s cubic-bezier(0.650, 0.815, 0.735, 0.395) infinite; - - } - &:after { - content: ''; - position: absolute; - background-color: inherit; - top: 0; - left:0; - bottom: 0; - will-change: left, right; - // Custom bezier - animation: indeterminate-short 2.1s cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.840, 0.440, 1.000) infinite; - animation-delay: 1.15s; - } - } -} -@keyframes indeterminate { - 0% { - left: -35%; - right:100%; - } - 60% { - left: 100%; - right: -90%; - } - 100% { - left: 100%; - right: -90%; - } -} - -@keyframes indeterminate-short { - 0% { - left: -200%; - right: 100%; - } - 60% { - left: 107%; - right: -8%; - } - 100% { - left: 107%; - right: -8%; - } -} - - -/******************* - Utility Classes -*******************/ - -.hide { - display: none !important; -} - -// Text Align -.left-align { - text-align: left; -} -.right-align { - text-align: right -} -.center, .center-align { - text-align: center; -} - -.left { - float: left !important; -} -.right { - float: right !important; -} - -// No Text Select -.no-select { - -webkit-touch-callout: none; - -webkit-user-select: none; - -khtml-user-select: none; - -moz-user-select: none; - -ms-user-select: none; - user-select: none; -} - -.circle { - border-radius: 50%; -} - -.center-block { - display: block; - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: auto; -} - -.truncate { - display: block; - white-space: nowrap; - overflow: hidden; - text-overflow: ellipsis; -} - -.no-padding { - padding: 0 !important; -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_grid.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_grid.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 4ffc3ed..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_grid.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ -.container { - margin: 0 auto; - max-width: 1280px; - width: 90%; -} -@media #{$medium-and-up} { - .container { - width: 85%; - } -} -@media #{$large-and-up} { - .container { - width: 70%; - } -} -.container .row { - margin-left: (-1 * $gutter-width / 2); - margin-right: (-1 * $gutter-width / 2); -} - -.section { - padding-top: 1rem; - padding-bottom: 1rem; - - &.no-pad { - padding: 0; - } - &.no-pad-bot { - padding-bottom: 0; - } - &.no-pad-top { - padding-top: 0; - } -} - - -.row { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: auto; - margin-bottom: 20px; - - // Clear floating children - &:after { - content: ""; - display: table; - clear: both; - } - - .col { - float: left; - box-sizing: border-box; - padding: 0 $gutter-width / 2; - min-height: 1px; - - &[class*="push-"], - &[class*="pull-"] { - position: relative; - } - - $i: 1; - @while $i <= $num-cols { - $perc: unquote((100 / ($num-cols / $i)) + "%"); - &.s#{$i} { - width: $perc; - margin-left: auto; - left: auto; - right: auto; - } - $i: $i + 1; - } - - $i: 1; - @while $i <= $num-cols { - $perc: unquote((100 / ($num-cols / $i)) + "%"); - &.offset-s#{$i} { - margin-left: $perc; - } - &.pull-s#{$i} { - right: $perc; - } - &.push-s#{$i} { - left: $perc; - } - $i: $i + 1; - } - - @media #{$medium-and-up} { - - $i: 1; - @while $i <= $num-cols { - $perc: unquote((100 / ($num-cols / $i)) + "%"); - &.m#{$i} { - width: $perc; - margin-left: auto; - left: auto; - right: auto; - } - $i: $i + 1 - } - - $i: 1; - @while $i <= $num-cols { - $perc: unquote((100 / ($num-cols / $i)) + "%"); - &.offset-m#{$i} { - margin-left: $perc; - } - &.pull-m#{$i} { - right: $perc; - } - &.push-m#{$i} { - left: $perc; - } - $i: $i + 1; - } - } - - @media #{$large-and-up} { - - $i: 1; - @while $i <= $num-cols { - $perc: unquote((100 / ($num-cols / $i)) + "%"); - &.l#{$i} { - width: $perc; - margin-left: auto; - left: auto; - right: auto; - } - $i: $i + 1; - } - - $i: 1; - @while $i <= $num-cols { - $perc: unquote((100 / ($num-cols / $i)) + "%"); - &.offset-l#{$i} { - margin-left: $perc; - } - &.pull-l#{$i} { - right: $perc; - } - &.push-l#{$i} { - left: $perc; - } - $i: $i + 1; - } - } - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_icons-material-design.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_icons-material-design.scss deleted file mode 100755 index d8d91c1..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_icons-material-design.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -/* This is needed for some mobile phones to display the Google Icon font properly */ -.material-icons { - text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; - font-feature-settings: 'liga'; -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_materialbox.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_materialbox.scss deleted file mode 100644 index ee37426..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_materialbox.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -.materialboxed { - display: block; - cursor: zoom-in; - position: relative; - transition: opacity .4s; - - &:hover { - &:not(.active) { - opacity: .8; - } - will-change: left, top, width, height; - } -} - -.materialboxed.active { - cursor: zoom-out; -} - -#materialbox-overlay { - position:fixed; - top:0; - left:0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - background-color: #292929; - z-index: 1000; - - will-change: opacity; -} -.materialbox-caption { - position: fixed; - display: none; - color: #fff; - line-height: 50px; - bottom: 0; - width: 100%; - text-align: center; - padding: 0% 15%; - height: 50px; - z-index: 1000; - -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_mixins.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_mixins.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 054f8f6..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_mixins.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -// @mixin box-shadow-2($args1, $args2) { -// -webkit-box-shadow: $args1, $args2; -// -moz-box-shadow: $args1, $args2; -// box-shadow: $args1, $args2; -// } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_modal.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_modal.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 0a6dcfb..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_modal.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -.modal { - @extend .z-depth-4; - - display: none; - position: fixed; - left: 0; - right: 0; - background-color: #fafafa; - padding: 0; - max-height: 70%; - width: 55%; - margin: auto; - overflow-y: auto; - - border-radius: 2px; - will-change: top, opacity; - - @media #{$medium-and-down} { - width: 80%; - } - - h1,h2,h3,h4 { - margin-top: 0; - } - - .modal-content { - padding: 24px; - } - .modal-close { - cursor: pointer; - } - - .modal-footer { - border-radius: 0 0 2px 2px; - background-color: #fafafa; - padding: 4px 6px; - height: 56px; - width: 100%; - - .btn, .btn-flat { - float: right; - margin: 6px 0; - } - } -} -.lean-overlay { - position: fixed; - z-index:999; - top: -100px; - left: 0; - bottom: 0; - right: 0; - height: 125%; - width: 100%; - background: #000; - display: none; - - will-change: opacity; -} - -// Modal with fixed action footer -.modal.modal-fixed-footer { - padding: 0; - height: 70%; - - .modal-content { - position: absolute; - height: calc(100% - 56px); - max-height: 100%; - width: 100%; - overflow-y: auto; - } - - .modal-footer { - border-top: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.1); - position: absolute; - bottom: 0; - } -} - -// Modal Bottom Sheet Style -.modal.bottom-sheet { - top: auto; - bottom: -100%; - margin: 0; - width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - border-radius: 0; - will-change: bottom, opacity; -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_navbar.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_navbar.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 8eeb37e..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_navbar.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,182 +0,0 @@ -nav { - color: $navbar-font-color; - @extend .z-depth-1; - background-color: $primary-color; - width: 100%; - height: $navbar-height-mobile; - line-height: $navbar-height-mobile; - - a { color: $navbar-font-color; } - - i, - [class^="mdi-"], [class*="mdi-"], - i.material-icons { - display: block; - font-size: 2rem; - height: $navbar-height-mobile; - line-height: $navbar-height-mobile; - } - - .nav-wrapper { - position: relative; - height: 100%; - } - - @media #{$large-and-up} { - a.button-collapse { display: none; } - } - - - // Collapse button - .button-collapse { - float: left; - position: relative; - z-index: 1; - height: $navbar-height-mobile; - - i { - font-size: 2.7rem; - height: $navbar-height-mobile; - line-height: $navbar-height-mobile; - } - } - - - // Logo - .brand-logo { - position: absolute; - color: $navbar-font-color; - display: inline-block; - font-size: $navbar-brand-font-size; - padding: 0; - white-space: nowrap; - - &.center { - left: 50%; - transform: translateX(-50%); - } - - @media #{$medium-and-down} { - left: 50%; - transform: translateX(-50%); - - &.left, &.right { - padding: 0; - transform: none; - } - - &.left { left: 0.5rem; } - &.right { - right: 0.5rem; - left: auto; - } - } - - &.right { - right: 0.5rem; - padding: 0; - } - - i, - [class^="mdi-"], [class*="mdi-"], - i.material-icons { - float: left; - margin-right: 15px; - } - } - - - // Navbar Links - ul { - margin: 0; - - li { - transition: background-color .3s; - float: left; - padding: 0; - - &.active { - background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1); - } - } - a { - transition: background-color .3s; - font-size: $navbar-font-size; - color: $navbar-font-color; - display: block; - padding: 0 15px; - cursor: pointer; - - &.btn, &.btn-large, &.btn-flat, &.btn-floating { - margin-top: -2px; - margin-left: 15px; - margin-right: 15px; - } - - &:hover { - background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1); - } - } - - &.left { - float: left; - } - } - - // Navbar Search Form - form { - height: 100%; - } - - .input-field { - margin: 0; - height: 100%; - - input { - height: 100%; - font-size: 1.2rem; - border: none; - padding-left: 2rem; - - &:focus, &[type=text]:valid, &[type=password]:valid, - &[type=email]:valid, &[type=url]:valid, &[type=date]:valid { - border: none; - box-shadow: none; - } - } - - label { - top: 0; - left: 0; - - i { - color: rgba(255,255,255,.7); - transition: color .3s; - } - &.active i { color: $navbar-font-color; } - &.active { - transform: translateY(0); - } - } - } -} - -// Fixed Navbar -.navbar-fixed { - position: relative; - height: $navbar-height-mobile; - z-index: 998; - - nav { - position: fixed; - } -} -@media #{$medium-and-up} { - nav, nav .nav-wrapper i, nav a.button-collapse, nav a.button-collapse i { - height: $navbar-height; - line-height: $navbar-height; - } - .navbar-fixed { - height: $navbar-height; - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_normalize.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_normalize.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 5e5e3c8..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_normalize.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,424 +0,0 @@ -/*! normalize.css v3.0.3 | MIT License | github.com/necolas/normalize.css */ - -/** - * 1. Set default font family to sans-serif. - * 2. Prevent iOS and IE text size adjust after device orientation change, - * without disabling user zoom. - */ - -html { - font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */ - -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ - -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * Remove default margin. - */ - -body { - margin: 0; -} - -/* HTML5 display definitions - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * Correct `block` display not defined for any HTML5 element in IE 8/9. - * Correct `block` display not defined for `details` or `summary` in IE 10/11 - * and Firefox. - * Correct `block` display not defined for `main` in IE 11. - */ - -article, -aside, -details, -figcaption, -figure, -footer, -header, -hgroup, -main, -menu, -nav, -section, -summary { - display: block; -} - -/** - * 1. Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9. - * 2. Normalize vertical alignment of `progress` in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. - */ - -audio, -canvas, -progress, -video { - display: inline-block; /* 1 */ - vertical-align: baseline; /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls. - * Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices. - */ - -audio:not([controls]) { - display: none; - height: 0; -} - -/** - * Address `[hidden]` styling not present in IE 8/9/10. - * Hide the `template` element in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Firefox < 22. - */ - -[hidden], -template { - display: none; -} - -/* Links - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * Remove the gray background color from active links in IE 10. - */ - -a { - background-color: transparent; -} - -/** - * Improve readability of focused elements when they are also in an - * active/hover state. - */ - -a:active, -a:hover { - outline: 0; -} - -/* Text-level semantics - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * Address styling not present in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Chrome. - */ - -abbr[title] { - border-bottom: 1px dotted; -} - -/** - * Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome. - */ - -b, -strong { - font-weight: bold; -} - -/** - * Address styling not present in Safari and Chrome. - */ - -dfn { - font-style: italic; -} - -/** - * Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article` - * contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome. - */ - -h1 { - font-size: 2em; - margin: 0.67em 0; -} - -/** - * Address styling not present in IE 8/9. - */ - -mark { - background: #ff0; - color: #000; -} - -/** - * Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers. - */ - -small { - font-size: 80%; -} - -/** - * Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers. - */ - -sub, -sup { - font-size: 75%; - line-height: 0; - position: relative; - vertical-align: baseline; -} - -sup { - top: -0.5em; -} - -sub { - bottom: -0.25em; -} - -/* Embedded content - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9/10. - */ - -img { - border: 0; -} - -/** - * Correct overflow not hidden in IE 9/10/11. - */ - -svg:not(:root) { - overflow: hidden; -} - -/* Grouping content - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari. - */ - -figure { - margin: 1em 40px; -} - -/** - * Address differences between Firefox and other browsers. - */ - -hr { - box-sizing: content-box; - height: 0; -} - -/** - * Contain overflow in all browsers. - */ - -pre { - overflow: auto; -} - -/** - * Address odd `em`-unit font size rendering in all browsers. - */ - -code, -kbd, -pre, -samp { - font-family: monospace, monospace; - font-size: 1em; -} - -/* Forms - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * Known limitation: by default, Chrome and Safari on OS X allow very limited - * styling of `select`, unless a `border` property is set. - */ - -/** - * 1. Correct color not being inherited. - * Known issue: affects color of disabled elements. - * 2. Correct font properties not being inherited. - * 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome. - */ - -button, -input, -optgroup, -select, -textarea { - color: inherit; /* 1 */ - font: inherit; /* 2 */ - margin: 0; /* 3 */ -} - -/** - * Address `overflow` set to `hidden` in IE 8/9/10/11. - */ - -button { - overflow: visible; -} - -/** - * Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`. - * All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values. - * Correct `button` style inheritance in Firefox, IE 8/9/10/11, and Opera. - * Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox. - */ - -button, -select { - text-transform: none; -} - -/** - * 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio` - * and `video` controls. - * 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS. - * 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type - * `input` and others. - */ - -button, -html input[type="button"], /* 1 */ -input[type="reset"], -input[type="submit"] { - -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */ - cursor: pointer; /* 3 */ -} - -/** - * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements. - */ - -button[disabled], -html input[disabled] { - cursor: default; -} - -/** - * Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+. - */ - -button::-moz-focus-inner, -input::-moz-focus-inner { - border: 0; - padding: 0; -} - -/** - * Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in - * the UA stylesheet. - */ - -input { - line-height: normal; -} - -/** - * It's recommended that you don't attempt to style these elements. - * Firefox's implementation doesn't respect box-sizing, padding, or width. - * - * 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9/10. - * 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9/10. - */ - -input[type="checkbox"], -input[type="radio"] { - box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ - padding: 0; /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * Fix the cursor style for Chrome's increment/decrement buttons. For certain - * `font-size` values of the `input`, it causes the cursor style of the - * decrement button to change from `default` to `text`. - */ - -input[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, -input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { - height: auto; -} - -/** - * 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari and Chrome. - * 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari and Chrome. - */ - -input[type="search"] { - -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */ - box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari and Chrome on OS X. - * Safari (but not Chrome) clips the cancel button when the search input has - * padding (and `textfield` appearance). - */ - -input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button, -input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration { - -webkit-appearance: none; -} - -/** - * Define consistent border, margin, and padding. - */ - -fieldset { - border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; - margin: 0 2px; - padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; -} - -/** - * 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9/10/11. - * 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets. - */ - -legend { - border: 0; /* 1 */ - padding: 0; /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9/10/11. - */ - -textarea { - overflow: auto; -} - -/** - * Don't inherit the `font-weight` (applied by a rule above). - * NOTE: the default cannot safely be changed in Chrome and Safari on OS X. - */ - -optgroup { - font-weight: bold; -} - -/* Tables - ========================================================================== */ - -/** - * Remove most spacing between table cells. - */ - -table { - border-collapse: collapse; - border-spacing: 0; -} - -td, -th { - padding: 0; -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_prefixer.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_prefixer.scss deleted file mode 100755 index 13376de..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_prefixer.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,384 +0,0 @@ -//--------------------------------------------------- -// Sass Prefixer -// ------------------------------------------------- -// TABLE OF CONTENTS -// (*) denotes a syntax-sugar helper -// ------------------------------------------------- -// -// animation($args) -// animation-delay($delay) -// animation-direction($direction) -// animation-duration($duration) -// animation-fill-mode($mode) -// animation-iteration-count($count) -// animation-name($name) -// animation-play-state($state) -// animation-timing-function($function) -// background-size($args) -// inner-shadow($args) * -// box-sizing($args) -// border-box() * -// content-box() * -// columns($args) -// column-count($count) -// column-gap($gap) -// column-rule($args) -// column-width($width) -// flexbox() -// flex($args) -// order($args) -// align($args) -// justify-content($args) -// gradient($default,$start,$stop) * -// linear-gradient-top($default,$color1,$stop1,$color2,$stop2,[$color3,$stop3,$color4,$stop4])* -// linear-gradient-left($default,$color1,$stop1,$color2,$stop2,[$color3,$stop3,$color4,$stop4])* -// perspective($pixels) -// transform($args) -// transform-origin($args) -// transform-style($style) -// rotate($deg) -// scale($factor) -// translate($x,$y) -// translate3d($x,$y,$z) -// translateHardware($x,$y) * -// text-shadow($args) -// transition($args) -// transition-delay($delay) -// transition-duration($duration) -// transition-property($property) -// transition-timing-function($function) - - -// Animation - -// @mixin animation($args) { -// -webkit-animation: $args; -// -moz-animation: $args; -// -ms-animation: $args; -// -o-animation: $args; -// animation: $args; -// } -// @mixin animation-delay($delay) { -// -webkit-animation-delay: $delay; -// -moz-animation-delay: $delay; -// -ms-animation-delay: $delay; -// -o-animation-delay: $delay; -// animation-delay: $delay; -// } -// @mixin animation-direction($direction) { -// -webkit-animation-direction: $direction; -// -moz-animation-direction: $direction; -// -ms-animation-direction: $direction; -// -o-animation-direction: $direction; -// } -// @mixin animation-duration($duration) { -// -webkit-animation-duration: $duration; -// -moz-animation-duration: $duration; -// -ms-animation-duration: $duration; -// -o-animation-duration: $duration; -// } -// @mixin animation-fill-mode($mode) { -// -webkit-animation-fill-mode: $mode; -// -moz-animation-fill-mode: $mode; -// -ms-animation-fill-mode: $mode; -// -o-animation-fill-mode: $mode; -// animation-fill-mode: $mode; -// } -// @mixin animation-iteration-count($count) { -// -webkit-animation-iteration-count: $count; -// -moz-animation-iteration-count: $count; -// -ms-animation-iteration-count: $count; -// -o-animation-iteration-count: $count; -// animation-iteration-count: $count; -// } -// @mixin animation-name($name) { -// -webkit-animation-name: $name; -// -moz-animation-name: $name; -// -ms-animation-name: $name; -// -o-animation-name: $name; -// animation-name: $name; -// } -// @mixin animation-play-state($state) { -// -webkit-animation-play-state: $state; -// -moz-animation-play-state: $state; -// -ms-animation-play-state: $state; -// -o-animation-play-state: $state; -// animation-play-state: $state; -// } -// @mixin animation-timing-function($function) { -// -webkit-animation-timing-function: $function; -// -moz-animation-timing-function: $function; -// -ms-animation-timing-function: $function; -// -o-animation-timing-function: $function; -// animation-timing-function: $function; -// } - -// Keyframes -// @mixin keyframes($animation-name) { -// @-webkit-keyframes #{$animation-name} { -// @content; -// } -// @-moz-keyframes #{$animation-name} { -// @content; -// } -// @keyframes #{$animation-name} { -// @content; -// } -// } - -// Backface-visibility - -// @mixin backface-visibility($args) { -// -webkit-backface-visibility: $args; -// -moz-backface-visibility: $args; -// -ms-backface-visibility: $args; -// backface-visibility: $args; -// } - - -// Background Size - -// @mixin background-size($args) { -// -webkit-background-size: $args; -// background-size: $args; -// } - -// Box Sizing - -// @mixin box-sizing($args) { -// -webkit-box-sizing: $args; -// -moz-box-sizing: $args; -// box-sizing: $args; -// } -// @mixin border-box(){ -// @include box-sizing(border-box); -// } -// @mixin content-box(){ -// @include box-sizing(content-box); -// } - - -// Columns - -// @mixin columns($args) { -// -webkit-columns: $args; -// -moz-columns: $args; -// columns: $args; -// } -// @mixin column-count($count) { -// -webkit-column-count: $count; -// -moz-column-count: $count; -// column-count: $count; -// } -// @mixin column-gap($gap) { -// -webkit-column-gap: $gap; -// -moz-column-gap: $gap; -// column-gap: $gap; -// } -// @mixin column-width($width) { -// -webkit-column-width: $width; -// -moz-column-width: $width; -// column-width: $width; -// } -// @mixin column-rule($args) { -// -webkit-column-rule: $args; -// -moz-column-rule: $args; -// column-rule: $args; -// } - -// Filter -// @mixin filter($args) { -// -webkit-filter: $args; -// -moz-filter: $args; -// -o-filter: $args; -// -ms-filter: $args; -// } - -// Flexbox -// @mixin flexbox() { -// display: -webkit-box; -// display: -moz-box; -// display: -ms-flexbox; -// display: -webkit-flex; -// display: flex; -// } - // @mixin flex($values) { - // -webkit-box-flex: $values; - // -moz-box-flex: $values; - // -webkit-flex: $values; - // -ms-flex: $values; - // flex: $values; - // } - // @mixin order($val) { - // -webkit-box-ordinal-group: $val; - // -moz-box-ordinal-group: $val; - // -ms-flex-order: $val; - // -webkit-order: $val; - // order: $val; - // } - // @mixin align($align) { - // -webkit-flex-align: $align; - // -ms-flex-align: $align; - // -webkit-align-items: $align; - // align-items: $align; - // } - // @mixin justify-content($val) { - // -webkit-justify-content: $val; - // justify-content: $val; - // } -// Gradients - -// @mixin gradient($default: #F5F5F5, $start: #EEE, $stop: #FFF) { -// @include linear-gradient-top($default,$start,0%,$stop,100%); -// } -// @mixin linear-gradient-top($default,$color1,$stop1,$color2,$stop2) { -// background-color: $default; -// background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop($stop1, $color1), color-stop($stop2 $color2)); -// background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2); -// background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2); -// background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2); -// background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2); -// background-image: linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2); -// } -// @mixin linear-gradient-top2($default,$color1,$stop1,$color2,$stop2,$color3,$stop3) { -// background-color: $default; -// background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop($stop1, $color1), color-stop($stop2 $color2), color-stop($stop3 $color3)); -// background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3); -// background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3); -// background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3); -// background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3); -// background-image: linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3); -// } -// @mixin linear-gradient-top3($default,$color1,$stop1,$color2,$stop2,$color3,$stop3,$color4,$stop4) { -// background-color: $default; -// background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop($stop1, $color1), color-stop($stop2 $color2), color-stop($stop3 $color3), color-stop($stop4 $color4)); -// background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3, $color4 $stop4); -// background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3, $color4 $stop4); -// background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3, $color4 $stop4); -// background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3, $color4 $stop4); -// background-image: linear-gradient(top, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3, $color4 $stop4); -// } -// @mixin linear-gradient-left($default,$color1,$stop1,$color2,$stop2) { -// background-color: $default; -// background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left top, color-stop($stop1, $color1), color-stop($stop2 $color2)); -// background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2); -// background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2); -// background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2); -// background-image: -o-linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2); -// background-image: linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2); -// } -// @mixin linear-gradient-left2($default,$color1,$stop1,$color2,$stop2,$color3,$stop3) { -// background-color: $default; -// background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left top, color-stop($stop1, $color1), color-stop($stop2 $color2), color-stop($stop3 $color3)); -// background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3); -// background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3); -// background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3); -// background-image: -o-linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3); -// background-image: linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3); -// } -// @mixin linear-gradient-left3($default,$color1,$stop1,$color2,$stop2,$color3,$stop3,$color4,$stop4) { -// background-color: $default; -// background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left top, color-stop($stop1, $color1), color-stop($stop2 $color2), color-stop($stop3 $color3), color-stop($stop4 $color4)); -// background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3, $color4 $stop4); -// background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3, $color4 $stop4); -// background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3, $color4 $stop4); -// background-image: -o-linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3, $color4 $stop4); -// background-image: linear-gradient(left, $color1 $stop1, $color2 $stop2, $color3 $stop3, $color4 $stop4); -// } - -// Perspective -@mixin perspective($pixels) { - perspective: $pixels; - -webkit-perspective: $pixels; -} - - -// Text Shadow - -// @mixin text-shadow($args) { -// text-shadow: $args; -// } - - -// Transforms - -// @mixin transform($args) { -// -webkit-transform: $args; -// -moz-transform: $args; -// -ms-transform: $args; -// -o-transform: $args; -// transform: $args; -// } -// @mixin transform-origin($args) { -// -webkit-transform-origin: $args; -// -moz-transform-origin: $args; -// -ms-transform-origin: $args; -// -o-transform-origin: $args; -// transform-origin: $args; -// } -// @mixin transform-style($style) { -// -webkit-transform-style: $style; -// -moz-transform-style: $style; -// -ms-transform-style: $style; -// -o-transform-style: $style; -// transform-style: $style; -// } -// @mixin rotate($deg:45deg){ -// @include transform(rotate($deg)); -// } -// @mixin scale($factor:.5){ -// @include transform(scale($factor)); -// } -// @mixin translate($x,$y){ -// @include transform(translate($x,$y)); -// } -// @mixin translate3d($x,$y,$z) { -// @include transform(translate3d($x,$y,$z)); -// } -// @mixin translateHardware($x,$y) { -// @include translate($x,$y); -// -webkit-transform: translate3d($x,$y,0); -// -moz-transform: translate3d($x,$y,0); -// -o-transform: translate3d($x,$y,0); -// -ms-transform: translate3d($x,$y,0); -// transform: translate3d($x,$y,0); -// } - - -// Transitions - -// @mixin transition($args:200ms) { -// -webkit-transition: $args; -// -moz-transition: $args; -// -o-transition: $args; -// -ms-transition: $args; -// transition: $args; -// } -// @mixin transition-delay($delay:0) { -// -webkit-transition-delay: $delay; -// -moz-transition-delay: $delay; -// -o-transition-delay: $delay; -// -ms-transition-delay: $delay; -// transition-delay: $delay; -// } -// @mixin transition-duration($duration:200ms) { -// -webkit-transition-duration: $duration; -// -moz-transition-duration: $duration; -// -o-transition-duration: $duration; -// -ms-transition-duration: $duration; -// transition-duration: $duration; -// } -// @mixin transition-property($property:all) { -// -webkit-transition-property: $property; -// -moz-transition-property: $property; -// -o-transition-property: $property; -// -ms-transition-property: $property; -// transition-property: $property; -// } -// @mixin transition-timing-function($function:ease) { -// -webkit-transition-timing-function: $function; -// -moz-transition-timing-function: $function; -// -o-transition-timing-function: $function; -// -ms-transition-timing-function: $function; -// transition-timing-function: $function; -// } diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_preloader.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_preloader.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 31e1600..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_preloader.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,334 +0,0 @@ -/* - @license - Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved. - This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt - The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt - The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt - Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also - subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt - */ - -/**************************/ -/* STYLES FOR THE SPINNER */ -/**************************/ - -/* - * Constants: - * STROKEWIDTH = 3px - * ARCSIZE = 270 degrees (amount of circle the arc takes up) - * ARCTIME = 1333ms (time it takes to expand and contract arc) - * ARCSTARTROT = 216 degrees (how much the start location of the arc - * should rotate each time, 216 gives us a - * 5 pointed star shape (it's 360/5 * 3). - * For a 7 pointed star, we might do - * 360/7 * 3 = 154.286) - * CONTAINERWIDTH = 28px - * SHRINK_TIME = 400ms - */ - - -.preloader-wrapper { - display: inline-block; - position: relative; - width: 48px; - height: 48px; - - &.small { - width: 36px; - height: 36px; - } - - &.big { - width: 64px; - height: 64px; - } - - &.active { - /* duration: 360 * ARCTIME / (ARCSTARTROT + (360-ARCSIZE)) */ - -webkit-animation: container-rotate 1568ms linear infinite; - animation: container-rotate 1568ms linear infinite; - } -} - -@-webkit-keyframes container-rotate { - to { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg) } -} - -@keyframes container-rotate { - to { transform: rotate(360deg) } -} - -.spinner-layer { - position: absolute; - width: 100%; - height: 100%; - opacity: 0; - border-color: $spinner-default-color; -} - -.spinner-blue, -.spinner-blue-only { - border-color: #4285f4; -} - -.spinner-red, -.spinner-red-only { - border-color: #db4437; -} - -.spinner-yellow, -.spinner-yellow-only { - border-color: #f4b400; -} - -.spinner-green, -.spinner-green-only { - border-color: #0f9d58; -} - -/** - * IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT CSS ANIMATION PROPERTIES (keanulee): - * - * iOS Safari (tested on iOS 8.1) does not handle animation-delay very well - it doesn't - * guarantee that the animation will start _exactly_ after that value. So we avoid using - * animation-delay and instead set custom keyframes for each color (as redundant as it - * seems). - * - * We write out each animation in full (instead of separating animation-name, - * animation-duration, etc.) because under the polyfill, Safari does not recognize those - * specific properties properly, treats them as -webkit-animation, and overrides the - * other animation rules. See https://github.com/Polymer/platform/issues/53. - */ -.active .spinner-layer.spinner-blue { - /* durations: 4 * ARCTIME */ - -webkit-animation: fill-unfill-rotate 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both, blue-fade-in-out 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both; - animation: fill-unfill-rotate 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both, blue-fade-in-out 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both; -} - -.active .spinner-layer.spinner-red { - /* durations: 4 * ARCTIME */ - -webkit-animation: fill-unfill-rotate 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both, red-fade-in-out 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both; - animation: fill-unfill-rotate 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both, red-fade-in-out 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both; -} - -.active .spinner-layer.spinner-yellow { - /* durations: 4 * ARCTIME */ - -webkit-animation: fill-unfill-rotate 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both, yellow-fade-in-out 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both; - animation: fill-unfill-rotate 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both, yellow-fade-in-out 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both; -} - -.active .spinner-layer.spinner-green { - /* durations: 4 * ARCTIME */ - -webkit-animation: fill-unfill-rotate 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both, green-fade-in-out 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both; - animation: fill-unfill-rotate 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both, green-fade-in-out 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both; -} - -.active .spinner-layer, -.active .spinner-layer.spinner-blue-only, -.active .spinner-layer.spinner-red-only, -.active .spinner-layer.spinner-yellow-only, -.active .spinner-layer.spinner-green-only { - /* durations: 4 * ARCTIME */ - opacity: 1; - -webkit-animation: fill-unfill-rotate 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both; - animation: fill-unfill-rotate 5332ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both; -} - -@-webkit-keyframes fill-unfill-rotate { - 12.5% { -webkit-transform: rotate(135deg); } /* 0.5 * ARCSIZE */ - 25% { -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg); } /* 1 * ARCSIZE */ - 37.5% { -webkit-transform: rotate(405deg); } /* 1.5 * ARCSIZE */ - 50% { -webkit-transform: rotate(540deg); } /* 2 * ARCSIZE */ - 62.5% { -webkit-transform: rotate(675deg); } /* 2.5 * ARCSIZE */ - 75% { -webkit-transform: rotate(810deg); } /* 3 * ARCSIZE */ - 87.5% { -webkit-transform: rotate(945deg); } /* 3.5 * ARCSIZE */ - to { -webkit-transform: rotate(1080deg); } /* 4 * ARCSIZE */ -} - -@keyframes fill-unfill-rotate { - 12.5% { transform: rotate(135deg); } /* 0.5 * ARCSIZE */ - 25% { transform: rotate(270deg); } /* 1 * ARCSIZE */ - 37.5% { transform: rotate(405deg); } /* 1.5 * ARCSIZE */ - 50% { transform: rotate(540deg); } /* 2 * ARCSIZE */ - 62.5% { transform: rotate(675deg); } /* 2.5 * ARCSIZE */ - 75% { transform: rotate(810deg); } /* 3 * ARCSIZE */ - 87.5% { transform: rotate(945deg); } /* 3.5 * ARCSIZE */ - to { transform: rotate(1080deg); } /* 4 * ARCSIZE */ -} - -@-webkit-keyframes blue-fade-in-out { - from { opacity: 1; } - 25% { opacity: 1; } - 26% { opacity: 0; } - 89% { opacity: 0; } - 90% { opacity: 1; } - 100% { opacity: 1; } -} - -@keyframes blue-fade-in-out { - from { opacity: 1; } - 25% { opacity: 1; } - 26% { opacity: 0; } - 89% { opacity: 0; } - 90% { opacity: 1; } - 100% { opacity: 1; } -} - -@-webkit-keyframes red-fade-in-out { - from { opacity: 0; } - 15% { opacity: 0; } - 25% { opacity: 1; } - 50% { opacity: 1; } - 51% { opacity: 0; } -} - -@keyframes red-fade-in-out { - from { opacity: 0; } - 15% { opacity: 0; } - 25% { opacity: 1; } - 50% { opacity: 1; } - 51% { opacity: 0; } -} - -@-webkit-keyframes yellow-fade-in-out { - from { opacity: 0; } - 40% { opacity: 0; } - 50% { opacity: 1; } - 75% { opacity: 1; } - 76% { opacity: 0; } -} - -@keyframes yellow-fade-in-out { - from { opacity: 0; } - 40% { opacity: 0; } - 50% { opacity: 1; } - 75% { opacity: 1; } - 76% { opacity: 0; } -} - -@-webkit-keyframes green-fade-in-out { - from { opacity: 0; } - 65% { opacity: 0; } - 75% { opacity: 1; } - 90% { opacity: 1; } - 100% { opacity: 0; } -} - -@keyframes green-fade-in-out { - from { opacity: 0; } - 65% { opacity: 0; } - 75% { opacity: 1; } - 90% { opacity: 1; } - 100% { opacity: 0; } -} - -/** - * Patch the gap that appear between the two adjacent div.circle-clipper while the - * spinner is rotating (appears on Chrome 38, Safari 7.1, and IE 11). - */ -.gap-patch { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 45%; - width: 10%; - height: 100%; - overflow: hidden; - border-color: inherit; -} - -.gap-patch .circle { - width: 1000%; - left: -450%; -} - -.circle-clipper { - display: inline-block; - position: relative; - width: 50%; - height: 100%; - overflow: hidden; - border-color: inherit; - - .circle { - width: 200%; - height: 100%; - border-width: 3px; /* STROKEWIDTH */ - border-style: solid; - border-color: inherit; - border-bottom-color: transparent !important; - border-radius: 50%; - -webkit-animation: none; - animation: none; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - } - - &.left .circle { - left: 0; - border-right-color: transparent !important; - -webkit-transform: rotate(129deg); - transform: rotate(129deg); - } - &.right .circle { - left: -100%; - border-left-color: transparent !important; - -webkit-transform: rotate(-129deg); - transform: rotate(-129deg); - } -} - - - -.active .circle-clipper.left .circle { - /* duration: ARCTIME */ - -webkit-animation: left-spin 1333ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both; - animation: left-spin 1333ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both; -} - -.active .circle-clipper.right .circle { - /* duration: ARCTIME */ - -webkit-animation: right-spin 1333ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both; - animation: right-spin 1333ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1) infinite both; -} - -@-webkit-keyframes left-spin { - from { -webkit-transform: rotate(130deg); } - 50% { -webkit-transform: rotate(-5deg); } - to { -webkit-transform: rotate(130deg); } -} - -@keyframes left-spin { - from { transform: rotate(130deg); } - 50% { transform: rotate(-5deg); } - to { transform: rotate(130deg); } -} - -@-webkit-keyframes right-spin { - from { -webkit-transform: rotate(-130deg); } - 50% { -webkit-transform: rotate(5deg); } - to { -webkit-transform: rotate(-130deg); } -} - -@keyframes right-spin { - from { transform: rotate(-130deg); } - 50% { transform: rotate(5deg); } - to { transform: rotate(-130deg); } -} - -#spinnerContainer.cooldown { - /* duration: SHRINK_TIME */ - -webkit-animation: container-rotate 1568ms linear infinite, fade-out 400ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1); - animation: container-rotate 1568ms linear infinite, fade-out 400ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1); -} - -@-webkit-keyframes fade-out { - from { opacity: 1; } - to { opacity: 0; } -} - -@keyframes fade-out { - from { opacity: 1; } - to { opacity: 0; } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_roboto.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_roboto.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 741ab5b..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_roboto.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -@font-face { - font-family: "Roboto"; - src: local(Roboto Thin), url('#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Thin.eot'); - src: url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Thin.eot?#iefix") format('embedded-opentype'), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Thin.woff2") format("woff2"), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Thin.woff") format("woff"), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Thin.ttf") format("truetype"); - - font-weight: 200; -} -@font-face { - font-family: "Roboto"; - src: local(Roboto Light), url('#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Light.eot'); - src: url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Light.eot?#iefix") format('embedded-opentype'), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Light.woff2") format("woff2"), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Light.woff") format("woff"), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Light.ttf") format("truetype"); - font-weight: 300; -} - -@font-face { - font-family: "Roboto"; - src: local(Roboto Regular), url('#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Regular.eot'); - src: url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Regular.eot?#iefix") format('embedded-opentype'), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Regular.woff2") format("woff2"), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Regular.woff") format("woff"), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Regular.ttf") format("truetype"); - font-weight: 400; -} - -@font-face { - font-family: "Roboto"; - src: url('#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Medium.eot'); - src: url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Medium.eot?#iefix") format('embedded-opentype'), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Medium.woff2") format("woff2"), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Medium.woff") format("woff"), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Medium.ttf") format("truetype"); - font-weight: 500; -} - -@font-face { - font-family: "Roboto"; - src: url('#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Bold.eot'); - src: url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Bold.eot?#iefix") format('embedded-opentype'), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Bold.woff2") format("woff2"), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Bold.woff") format("woff"), - url("#{$roboto-font-path}Roboto-Bold.ttf") format("truetype"); - font-weight: 700; -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_sideNav.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_sideNav.scss deleted file mode 100644 index f363e45..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_sideNav.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,218 +0,0 @@ -.side-nav { - position: fixed; - width: 300px; - left: 0; - top: 0; - margin: 0; - transform: translateX(-100%); - height: 100%; - height: calc(100% + 60px); - height: -moz-calc(100%); //Temporary Firefox Fix - padding-bottom: 60px; - background-color: $sidenav-bg-color; - z-index: 999; - backface-visibility: hidden; - overflow-y: auto; - will-change: transform; - backface-visibility: hidden; - transform: translateX(-105%); - - @extend .z-depth-1; - - // Right Align - &.right-aligned { - right: 0; - transform: translateX(105%); - left: auto; - transform: translateX(100%); - } - - .collapsible { - margin: 0; - } - - - li { - float: none; - line-height: $sidenav-item-height; - - &.active { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.05); } - } - - a { - color: $sidenav-font-color; - display: block; - font-size: $sidenav-font-size; - font-weight: 500; - height: $sidenav-item-height; - line-height: $sidenav-item-height; - padding: 0 ($sidenav-padding * 2); - - &:hover { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.05);} - - &.btn, &.btn-large, &.btn-flat, &.btn-floating { - margin: 10px 15px; - } - - &.btn, - &.btn-large, - &.btn-floating { color: $button-raised-color; } - &.btn-flat { color: $button-flat-color; } - - &.btn:hover, - &.btn-large:hover { background-color: lighten($button-raised-background, 5%); } - &.btn-floating:hover { background-color: $button-raised-background; } - } - - li > a > i, - li > a > [class^="mdi-"], li > a > [class*="mdi-"], - li > a > i.material-icons { - float: left; - line-height: $sidenav-item-height; - margin: 0 ($sidenav-padding * 2) 0 0; - width: $sidenav-item-height / 2; - color: rgba(0,0,0,.54); - } - - .divider { - margin: ($sidenav-padding / 2) 0 0 0; - } - - .subheader { - &:hover { - background-color: transparent; - } - - cursor: initial; - pointer-events: none; - color: rgba(0,0,0,.54); - font-size: $sidenav-font-size; - font-weight: 500; - line-height: $sidenav-item-height; - } - - .userView { - overflow: hidden; - position: relative; - padding: ($sidenav-padding * 2) ($sidenav-padding * 2) 0; - margin-bottom: $sidenav-padding / 2; - - a { - &:hover { background-color: transparent; } - height: auto; - padding: 0; - } - - .background { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - left: 0; - z-index: -1; - } - - .circle, .name, .email { - display: block; - } - - .circle { - height: 64px; - width: 64px; - } - - .name, - .email { - font-weight: $sidenav-font-size; - line-height: 24px; - } - - .name { - margin-top: 16px; - font-weight: 500; - } - - .email { - padding-bottom: 16px; - font-weight: 400; - } - } -} - - -// Touch interaction -.drag-target { - height: 100%; - width: 10px; - position: fixed; - top: 0; - z-index: 998; -} - - -// Hidden side-nav for all sizes -.side-nav.fixed { - a { - display: block; - padding: 0 $sidenav-padding; - color: $sidenav-font-color; - } -} - - -// Fixed side-nav shown -.side-nav.fixed { - left: 0; - transform: translateX(0); - position: fixed; - - // Right Align - &.right-aligned { - right: 0; - left: auto; - } -} - -// Fixed sideNav hide on smaller -@media #{$medium-and-down} { - .side-nav { - &.fixed { - transform: translateX(-105%); - - &.right-aligned { - transform: translateX(105%); - } - } - - a { - padding: 0 $sidenav-padding; - } - - .userView { - padding: $sidenav-padding $sidenav-padding 0; - } - } -} - - -.side-nav .collapsible-body li.active, -.side-nav.fixed .collapsible-body li.active { - background-color: $primary-color; - a { - color: $sidenav-bg-color; - } -} - - -#sidenav-overlay { - position: fixed; - top: 0; - left: 0; - right: 0; - - height: 120vh; - background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5); - z-index: 997; - - will-change: opacity; -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_slider.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_slider.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 2265cdb..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_slider.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -.slider { - position: relative; - height: 400px; - width: 100%; - - // Fullscreen slider - &.fullscreen { - height: 100%; - width: 100%; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - - ul.slides { - height: 100%; - } - - ul.indicators { - z-index: 2; - bottom: 30px; - } - } - - .slides { - background-color: $slider-bg-color; - margin: 0; - height: 400px; - - li { - opacity: 0; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - z-index: 1; - width: 100%; - height: inherit; - overflow: hidden; - - img { - height: 100%; - width: 100%; - background-size: cover; - background-position: center; - } - - .caption { - color: #fff; - position: absolute; - top: 15%; - left: 15%; - width: 70%; - opacity: 0; - - p { color: $slider-bg-color-light; } - } - - &.active { - z-index: 2; - } - } - } - - - .indicators { - position: absolute; - text-align: center; - left: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - margin: 0; - - .indicator-item { - display: inline-block; - position: relative; - cursor: pointer; - height: 16px; - width: 16px; - margin: 0 12px; - background-color: $slider-bg-color-light; - - transition: background-color .3s; - border-radius: 50%; - - &.active { - background-color: $slider-indicator-color; - } - } - } - -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_table_of_contents.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_table_of_contents.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 2872bdb..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_table_of_contents.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -/*************** - Nav List -***************/ -.table-of-contents { - &.fixed { - position: fixed; - } - - li { - padding: 2px 0; - } - a { - display: inline-block; - font-weight: 300; - color: #757575; - padding-left: 20px; - height: 1.5rem; - line-height: 1.5rem; - letter-spacing: .4; - display: inline-block; - - &:hover { - color: lighten(#757575, 20%); - padding-left: 19px; - border-left: 1px solid lighten(color("materialize-red", "base"),10%); - } - &.active { - font-weight: 500; - padding-left: 18px; - border-left: 2px solid lighten(color("materialize-red", "base"),10%); - } - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_tabs.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_tabs.scss deleted file mode 100755 index 6380882..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_tabs.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -.tabs { - display: flex; - position: relative; - overflow-x: auto; - overflow-y: hidden; - height: 48px; - background-color: $tabs-bg-color; - margin: 0 auto; - width: 100%; - white-space: nowrap; - - .tab { - -webkit-box-flex: 1; - -webkit-flex-grow: 1; - -ms-flex-positive: 1; - flex-grow: 1; - display: block; - float: left; - text-align: center; - line-height: 48px; - height: 48px; - padding: 0; - margin: 0; - text-transform: uppercase; - text-overflow: ellipsis; - overflow: hidden; - letter-spacing: .8px; - width: 15%; - min-width: 80px; - - a { - color: $tabs-text-color; - display: block; - width: 100%; - height: 100%; - text-overflow: ellipsis; - overflow: hidden; - transition: color .28s ease; - &:hover { - color: lighten($tabs-text-color, 20%); - } - } - - &.disabled a { - color: lighten($tabs-text-color, 20%); - cursor: default; - } - } - .indicator { - position: absolute; - bottom: 0; - height: 2px; - background-color: $tabs-underline-color; - will-change: left, right; - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_toast.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_toast.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 7d4ef90..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_toast.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -#toast-container { - display:block; - position: fixed; - z-index: 10000; - - @media #{$small-and-down} { - min-width: 100%; - bottom: 0%; - } - @media #{$medium-only} { - left: 5%; - bottom: 7%; - max-width: 90%; - } - @media #{$large-and-up} { - top: 10%; - right: 7%; - max-width: 86%; - } -} - -.toast { - @extend .z-depth-1; - border-radius: 2px; - top: 0; - width: auto; - clear: both; - margin-top: 10px; - position: relative; - max-width:100%; - height: auto; - min-height: $toast-height; - line-height: 1.5em; - word-break: break-all; - background-color: $toast-color; - padding: 10px 25px; - font-size: 1.1rem; - font-weight: 300; - color: $toast-text-color; - - display: flex; - align-items: center; - justify-content: space-between; - - .btn, .btn-flat { - margin: 0; - margin-left: 3rem; - } - - &.rounded{ - border-radius: 24px; - } - - @media #{$small-and-down} { - width:100%; - border-radius: 0; - } - @media #{$medium-only} { - float: left; - } - @media #{$large-and-up} { - float: right; - } - -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_tooltip.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_tooltip.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 93d9764..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_tooltip.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -.material-tooltip { - padding: 10px 8px; - font-size: 1rem; - z-index: 2000; - background-color: transparent; - border-radius: 2px; - color: #fff; - min-height: 36px; - line-height: 120%; - opacity: 0; - display: none; - position: absolute; - text-align: center; - max-width: calc(100% - 4px); - overflow: hidden; - left: 0; - top: 0; - pointer-events: none; -} - -.backdrop { - position: absolute; - opacity: 0; - display: none; - height: 7px; - width: 14px; - border-radius: 0 0 50% 50%; - background-color: #323232; - z-index: -1; - transform-origin: 50% 0%; - transform: translate3d(0,0,0); -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_typography.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_typography.scss deleted file mode 100755 index 5301c80..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_typography.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ - -a { - text-decoration: none; -} - -html{ - line-height: 1.5; - - @media only screen and (min-width: 0) { - font-size: 14px; - } - - @media only screen and (min-width: $medium-screen) { - font-size: 14.5px; - } - - @media only screen and (min-width: $large-screen) { - font-size: 15px; - } - - font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif; - font-weight: normal; - color: $off-black; -} -h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { - font-weight: 400; - line-height: 1.1; -} - -// Header Styles -h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, h5 a, h6 a { font-weight: inherit; } -h1 { font-size: $h1-fontsize; line-height: 110%; margin: ($h1-fontsize / 2) 0 ($h1-fontsize / 2.5) 0;} -h2 { font-size: $h2-fontsize; line-height: 110%; margin: ($h2-fontsize / 2) 0 ($h2-fontsize / 2.5) 0;} -h3 { font-size: $h3-fontsize; line-height: 110%; margin: ($h3-fontsize / 2) 0 ($h3-fontsize / 2.5) 0;} -h4 { font-size: $h4-fontsize; line-height: 110%; margin: ($h4-fontsize / 2) 0 ($h4-fontsize / 2.5) 0;} -h5 { font-size: $h5-fontsize; line-height: 110%; margin: ($h5-fontsize / 2) 0 ($h5-fontsize / 2.5) 0;} -h6 { font-size: $h6-fontsize; line-height: 110%; margin: ($h6-fontsize / 2) 0 ($h6-fontsize / 2.5) 0;} - -// Text Styles -em { font-style: italic; } -strong { font-weight: 500; } -small { font-size: 75%; } -.light { font-weight: 300; } -.thin { font-weight: 200; } - - -.flow-text{ - font-weight: 300; - $i: 0; - @while $i <= $intervals { - @media only screen and (min-width : 360 + ($i * $interval-size)) { - font-size: 1.2rem * (1 + (.02 * $i)); - } - $i: $i + 1; - } - - // Handle below 360px screen - @media only screen and (max-width: 360px) { - font-size: 1.2rem; - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_variables.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_variables.scss deleted file mode 100644 index eb2aa65..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_variables.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ -/* ========================================================================== - Materialize variables - ========================================================================== */ -/** - * Table of Contents: - * - * 1. Colors - * 2. Badges - * 3. Buttons - * 4. Cards - * 5. Collapsible - * 6. Chips - * 7. Date Picker - * 8. Dropdown - * 10. Forms - * 11. Global - * 12. Grid - * 13. Navigation Bar - * 14. Side Navigation - * 15. Photo Slider - * 16. Spinners | Loaders - * 17. Tabs - * 18. Tables - * 19. Toasts - * 20. Typography - * 21. Footer - * 22. Flow Text - * 23. Collections - * 24. Progress Bar - */ - - -/* 1. Colors - ========================================================================== */ - -$primary-color: color("materialize-red", "lighten-2") !default; -$primary-color-light: lighten($primary-color, 15%) !default; -$primary-color-dark: darken($primary-color, 15%) !default; - -$secondary-color: color("teal", "lighten-1") !default; -$success-color: color("green", "base") !default; -$error-color: color("red", "base") !default; -$link-color: color("light-blue", "darken-1") !default; - - -/* 2. Badges - ========================================================================== */ - -$badge-bg-color: $secondary-color !default; - - -/* 3. Buttons - ========================================================================== */ - -// Shared styles -$button-border: none !default; -$button-background-focus: lighten($secondary-color, 4%) !default; -$button-font-size: 1.3rem !default; -$button-height: 36px !default; -$button-padding: 0 2rem !default; -$button-radius: 2px !default; - -// Disabled styles -$button-disabled-background: #DFDFDF !default; -$button-disabled-color: #9F9F9F !default; - -// Raised buttons -$button-raised-background: $secondary-color !default; -$button-raised-background-hover: lighten($button-raised-background, 5%) !default; -$button-raised-color: #fff !default; - -// Large buttons -$button-large-icon-font-size: 1.6rem !default; -$button-large-height: $button-height * 1.5 !default; - -// Flat buttons -$button-flat-color: #343434 !default; -$button-flat-disabled-color: lighten(#999, 10%) !default; - -// Floating buttons -$button-floating-background: $secondary-color !default; -$button-floating-background-hover: $button-floating-background !default; -$button-floating-color: #fff !default; -$button-floating-size: 37px !default; -$button-floating-large-size: $button-floating-size * 1.5 !default; -$button-floating-radius: 50% !default; - - -/* 4. Cards - ========================================================================== */ - -$card-padding: 20px !default; -$card-bg-color: #fff !default; -$card-link-color: color("orange", "accent-2") !default; -$card-link-color-light: lighten($card-link-color, 20%) !default; - - -/* 5. Collapsible - ========================================================================== */ - -$collapsible-height: 3rem !default; -$collapsible-header-color: #fff !default; -$collapsible-border-color: #ddd !default; - - -/* 6. Chips - ========================================================================== */ - -$chip-bg-color: #e4e4e4 !default; -$chip-border-color: #9e9e9e !default; -$chip-selected-color: #26a69a !default; -$chip-margin: 5px !default; - - -/* 7. Date Picker - ========================================================================== */ - -$datepicker-weekday-bg: darken($secondary-color, 7%) !default; -$datepicker-date-bg: $secondary-color !default; -$datepicker-year: rgba(255, 255, 255, .4) !default; -$datepicker-focus: rgba(0,0,0, .05) !default; -$datepicker-selected: $secondary-color !default; -$datepicker-selected-outfocus: desaturate(lighten($secondary-color, 35%), 15%) !default; - - -/* 8. Dropdown - ========================================================================== */ - -$dropdown-bg-color: #fff !default; -$dropdown-hover-bg-color: #eee !default; -$dropdown-color: $secondary-color !default; -$dropdown-item-height: 50px !default; - - -/* 9. Fonts - ========================================================================== */ - -$roboto-font-path: "../fonts/roboto/" !default; - - -/* 10. Forms - ========================================================================== */ - -// Text Inputs + Textarea -$input-height: 3rem !default; -$input-border-color: color("grey", "base") !default; -$input-border: 1px solid $input-border-color !default; -$input-background: #fff !default; -$input-error-color: $error-color !default; -$input-success-color: $success-color !default; -$input-focus-color: $secondary-color !default; -$input-font-size: 1rem !default; -$input-margin: 0 0 20px 0 !default; -$input-padding: 0 !default; -$input-transition: all .3s !default; -$label-font-size: .8rem !default; -$input-disabled-color: rgba(0,0,0, .26) !default; -$input-disabled-solid-color: #BDBDBD !default; -$input-disabled-border: 1px dotted $input-disabled-color !default; -$input-invalid-border: 1px solid $input-error-color !default; -$placeholder-text-color: lighten($input-border-color, 20%) !default; - -// Radio Buttons -$radio-fill-color: $secondary-color !default; -$radio-empty-color: #5a5a5a !default; -$radio-border: 2px solid $radio-fill-color !default; - -// Range -$range-height: 14px !default; -$range-width: 14px !default; -$track-height: 3px !default; - -// Select -$select-border: 1px solid #f2f2f2 !default; -$select-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.90) !default; -$select-focus: 1px solid lighten($secondary-color, 47%) !default; -$select-padding: 5px !default; -$select-radius: 2px !default; -$select-disabled-color: rgba(0,0,0,.3) !default; - -// Switches -$switch-bg-color: $secondary-color !default; -$switch-checked-lever-bg: desaturate(lighten($secondary-color, 25%), 25%) !default; -$switch-unchecked-bg: #F1F1F1 !default; -$switch-unchecked-lever-bg: #818181 !default; -$switch-radius: 15px !default; - - -/* 11. Global - ========================================================================== */ - -// Media Query Ranges -$small-screen-up: 601px !default; -$medium-screen-up: 993px !default; -$large-screen-up: 1201px !default; -$small-screen: 600px !default; -$medium-screen: 992px !default; -$large-screen: 1200px !default; - -$medium-and-up: "only screen and (min-width : #{$small-screen-up})" !default; -$large-and-up: "only screen and (min-width : #{$medium-screen-up})" !default; -$small-and-down: "only screen and (max-width : #{$small-screen})" !default; -$medium-and-down: "only screen and (max-width : #{$medium-screen})" !default; -$medium-only: "only screen and (min-width : #{$small-screen-up}) and (max-width : #{$medium-screen})" !default; - - -/* 12. Grid - ========================================================================== */ - -$num-cols: 12 !default; -$gutter-width: 1.5rem !default; -$element-top-margin: $gutter-width/3 !default; -$element-bottom-margin: ($gutter-width*2)/3 !default; - - -/* 13. Navigation Bar - ========================================================================== */ - -$navbar-height: 64px !default; -$navbar-height-mobile: 56px !default; -$navbar-font-size: 1rem !default; -$navbar-font-color: #fff !default; -$navbar-brand-font-size: 2.1rem !default; - -/* 14. Side Navigation - ========================================================================== */ - -$sidenav-font-size: 14px !default; -$sidenav-font-color: rgba(0,0,0,.87) !default; -$sidenav-bg-color: #fff !default; -$sidenav-padding: 16px !default; -$sidenav-item-height: 48px !default; - - -/* 15. Photo Slider - ========================================================================== */ - -$slider-bg-color: color('grey', 'base') !default; -$slider-bg-color-light: color('grey', 'lighten-2') !default; -$slider-indicator-color: color('green', 'base') !default; - - -/* 16. Spinners | Loaders - ========================================================================== */ - -$spinner-default-color: $secondary-color !default; - - -/* 17. Tabs - ========================================================================== */ - -$tabs-underline-color: $primary-color-light !default; -$tabs-text-color: $primary-color !default; -$tabs-bg-color: #fff !default; - - -/* 18. Tables - ========================================================================== */ - -$table-border-color: #d0d0d0 !default; -$table-striped-color: #f2f2f2 !default; - - -/* 19. Toasts - ========================================================================== */ - -$toast-height: 48px !default; -$toast-color: #323232 !default; -$toast-text-color: #fff !default; - - -/* 20. Typography - ========================================================================== */ - -$off-black: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87) !default; -// Header Styles -$h1-fontsize: 4.2rem !default; -$h2-fontsize: 3.56rem !default; -$h3-fontsize: 2.92rem !default; -$h4-fontsize: 2.28rem !default; -$h5-fontsize: 1.64rem !default; -$h6-fontsize: 1rem !default; - - -/* 21. Footer - ========================================================================== */ - -$footer-bg-color: $primary-color !default; - - -/* 22. Flow Text - ========================================================================== */ - -$range : $large-screen - $small-screen !default; -$intervals: 20 !default; -$interval-size: $range / $intervals !default; - - -/* 23. Collections - ========================================================================== */ - -$collection-border-color: #e0e0e0 !default; -$collection-bg-color: #fff !default; -$collection-active-bg-color: $secondary-color !default; -$collection-active-color: lighten($secondary-color, 55%) !default; -$collection-hover-bg-color: #ddd !default; -$collection-link-color: $secondary-color !default; - - -/* 24. Progress Bar - ========================================================================== */ - -$progress-bar-color: $secondary-color !default; diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_waves.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_waves.scss deleted file mode 100644 index ef54a4d..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/_waves.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,177 +0,0 @@ - -/*! - * Waves v0.6.0 - * http://fian.my.id/Waves - * - * Copyright 2014 Alfiana E. Sibuea and other contributors - * Released under the MIT license - * https://github.com/fians/Waves/blob/master/LICENSE - */ - - -.waves-effect { - position: relative; - cursor: pointer; - display: inline-block; - overflow: hidden; - -webkit-user-select: none; - -moz-user-select: none; - -ms-user-select: none; - user-select: none; - -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; - // white-space: nowrap; - // outline: 0; - - vertical-align: middle; - // cursor: pointer; - // border: none; - // outline: none; - // color: inherit; - // background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); - // font-size: 1em; - // line-height:1em; - // text-align: center; - // text-decoration: none; - z-index: 1; - will-change: opacity, transform; - transition: all .3s ease-out; - - .waves-ripple { - position: absolute; - border-radius: 50%; - width: 20px; - height: 20px; - margin-top:-10px; - margin-left:-10px; - opacity: 0; - - background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); - // $gradient: rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0,rgba(0,0,0,.3) 40%,rgba(0,0,0,.4) 50%,rgba(0,0,0,.5) 60%,rgba(255,255,255,0) 70%; - // background: -webkit-radial-gradient($gradient); - // background: -o-radial-gradient($gradient); - // background: -moz-radial-gradient($gradient); - // background: radial-gradient($gradient); - transition: all 0.7s ease-out; - transition-property: transform, opacity; - transform: scale(0); - pointer-events: none; - } - - // Waves Colors - &.waves-light .waves-ripple { - background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.45); - } - - &.waves-red .waves-ripple { - background-color: rgba(244, 67, 54, .70); - } - &.waves-yellow .waves-ripple { - background-color: rgba(255, 235, 59, .70); - } - &.waves-orange .waves-ripple { - background-color: rgba(255, 152, 0, .70); - } - &.waves-purple .waves-ripple { - background-color: rgba(156, 39, 176, 0.70); - } - &.waves-green .waves-ripple { - background-color: rgba(76, 175, 80, 0.70); - } - &.waves-teal .waves-ripple { - background-color: rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.70); - } - - // Style input button bug. - input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"] { - border: 0; - font-style: normal; - font-size: inherit; - text-transform: inherit; - background: none; - } - - img { - position: relative; - z-index: -1; - } -} - -.waves-notransition { - transition: none #{"!important"}; -} - -.waves-circle { - transform: translateZ(0); - -webkit-mask-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(circle, white 100%, black 100%); -} - -// .waves-button, -// .waves-button:hover, -// .waves-button:visited, -// .waves-button-input { -// white-space: nowrap; -// vertical-align: middle; -// cursor: pointer; -// border: none; -// outline: none; -// color: inherit; -// background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); -// font-size: 1em; -// line-height:1em; -// text-align: center; -// text-decoration: none; -// z-index: 1; -// } - -// .waves-button { -// padding: 0.85em 1.1em; -// border-radius: 0.2em; -// } - -// .waves-button-input { -// margin: 0; -// padding: 0.85em 1.1em; -// } - -.waves-input-wrapper { - border-radius: 0.2em; - vertical-align: bottom; - - // &.waves-button { - // padding: 0; - // } - - .waves-button-input { - position: relative; - top: 0; - left: 0; - z-index: 1; - } -} - -.waves-circle { - text-align: center; - width: 2.5em; - height: 2.5em; - line-height: 2.5em; - border-radius: 50%; - -webkit-mask-image: none; -} - -// .waves-float { - // -webkit-mask-image: none; - // @include box-shadow(0px 1px 1.5px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)); - - // &:active { - // @include box-shadow(0px 8px 20px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.30)); -// } -// } - -.waves-block { - display: block; -} - -/* Firefox Bug: link not triggered */ -.waves-effect .waves-ripple { - z-index: -1; -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/date_picker/_default.date.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/date_picker/_default.date.scss deleted file mode 100755 index 84e96b5..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/date_picker/_default.date.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,435 +0,0 @@ -/* ========================================================================== - $BASE-DATE-PICKER - ========================================================================== */ -/** - * The picker box. - */ -.picker__box { - padding: 0 1em; -} -/** - * The header containing the month and year stuff. - */ -.picker__header { - text-align: center; - position: relative; - margin-top: .75em; -} -/** - * The month and year labels. - */ -.picker__month, -.picker__year { -// font-weight: 500; - display: inline-block; - margin-left: .25em; - margin-right: .25em; -} -/** - * The month and year selectors. - */ -.picker__select--month, -.picker__select--year { - - height: 2em; - padding: 0; - margin-left: .25em; - margin-right: .25em; -} - -// Modified -.picker__select--month.browser-default { - display: inline; - background-color: #FFFFFF; - width: 40%; -} -.picker__select--year.browser-default { - display: inline; - background-color: #FFFFFF; - width: 26%; -} -.picker__select--month:focus, -.picker__select--year:focus { - border-color: $datepicker-focus; -} -/** - * The month navigation buttons. - */ -.picker__nav--prev, -.picker__nav--next { - position: absolute; - padding: .5em 1.25em; - width: 1em; - height: 1em; - box-sizing: content-box; - top: -0.25em; -} -//@media (min-width: 24.5em) { -// .picker__nav--prev, -// .picker__nav--next { -// top: -0.33em; -// } -//} -.picker__nav--prev { - left: -1em; - padding-right: 1.25em; -} -//@media (min-width: 24.5em) { -// .picker__nav--prev { -// padding-right: 1.5em; -// } -//} -.picker__nav--next { - right: -1em; - padding-left: 1.25em; -} -//@media (min-width: 24.5em) { -// .picker__nav--next { -// padding-left: 1.5em; -// } -//} - -.picker__nav--disabled, -.picker__nav--disabled:hover, -.picker__nav--disabled:before, -.picker__nav--disabled:before:hover { - cursor: default; - background: none; - border-right-color: #f5f5f5; - border-left-color: #f5f5f5; -} -/** - * The calendar table of dates - */ -.picker__table { - text-align: center; - border-collapse: collapse; - border-spacing: 0; - table-layout: fixed; - font-size: 1rem; - width: 100%; - margin-top: .75em; - margin-bottom: .5em; -} - - - -.picker__table th, .picker__table td { - text-align: center; -} - - - - - - -.picker__table td { - margin: 0; - padding: 0; -} -/** - * The weekday labels - */ -.picker__weekday { - width: 14.285714286%; - font-size: .75em; - padding-bottom: .25em; - color: #999999; - font-weight: 500; - /* Increase the spacing a tad */ -} -@media (min-height: 33.875em) { - .picker__weekday { - padding-bottom: .5em; - } -} -/** - * The days on the calendar - */ - -.picker__day--today { - position: relative; - color: #595959; - letter-spacing: -.3; - padding: .75rem 0; - font-weight: 400; - border: 1px solid transparent; - -} - -//.picker__day--today:before { -// content: " "; -// position: absolute; -// top: 2px; -// right: 2px; -// width: 0; -// height: 0; -// border-top: 0.5em solid #0059bc; -// border-left: .5em solid transparent; -//} -.picker__day--disabled:before { - border-top-color: #aaaaaa; -} - - -.picker__day--infocus:hover{ - cursor: pointer; - color: #000; - font-weight: 500; -} - -.picker__day--outfocus { - display: none; - padding: .75rem 0; - color: #fff; - -} -.picker__day--outfocus:hover { - cursor: pointer; - color: #dddddd; -// background: #b1dcfb; - font-weight: 500; -} - - -.picker__day--highlighted { -// border-color: #0089ec; -} -.picker__day--highlighted:hover, -.picker--focused .picker__day--highlighted { - cursor: pointer; -// color: #000000; -// background: #b1dcfb; -// font-weight: 500; -} -.picker__day--selected, -.picker__day--selected:hover, -.picker--focused .picker__day--selected { - - -// Circle background - border-radius: 50%; - transform: scale(.75); - background: #0089ec; - color: #ffffff; -} -.picker__day--disabled, -.picker__day--disabled:hover, -.picker--focused .picker__day--disabled { - background: #f5f5f5; - border-color: #f5f5f5; - color: #dddddd; - cursor: default; -} -.picker__day--highlighted.picker__day--disabled, -.picker__day--highlighted.picker__day--disabled:hover { - background: #bbbbbb; -} -/** - * The footer containing the "today", "clear", and "close" buttons. - */ -.picker__footer { - text-align: center; - display: flex; - align-items: center; - justify-content: space-between; -} -.picker__button--today, -.picker__button--clear, -.picker__button--close { - border: 1px solid #ffffff; - background: #ffffff; - font-size: .8em; - padding: .66em 0; - font-weight: bold; - width: 33%; - display: inline-block; - vertical-align: bottom; -} -.picker__button--today:hover, -.picker__button--clear:hover, -.picker__button--close:hover { - cursor: pointer; - color: #000000; - background: #b1dcfb; - border-bottom-color: #b1dcfb; -} -.picker__button--today:focus, -.picker__button--clear:focus, -.picker__button--close:focus { - background: #b1dcfb; - border-color: $datepicker-focus; - outline: none; -} -.picker__button--today:before, -.picker__button--clear:before, -.picker__button--close:before { - position: relative; - display: inline-block; - height: 0; -} -.picker__button--today:before, -.picker__button--clear:before { - content: " "; - margin-right: .45em; -} -.picker__button--today:before { - top: -0.05em; - width: 0; - border-top: 0.66em solid #0059bc; - border-left: .66em solid transparent; -} -.picker__button--clear:before { - top: -0.25em; - width: .66em; - border-top: 3px solid #ee2200; -} -.picker__button--close:before { - content: "\D7"; - top: -0.1em; - vertical-align: top; - font-size: 1.1em; - margin-right: .35em; - color: #777777; -} -.picker__button--today[disabled], -.picker__button--today[disabled]:hover { - background: #f5f5f5; - border-color: #f5f5f5; - color: #dddddd; - cursor: default; -} -.picker__button--today[disabled]:before { - border-top-color: #aaaaaa; -} - -/* ========================================================================== - CUSTOM MATERIALIZE STYLES - ========================================================================== */ -.picker__box { - border-radius: 2px; - overflow: hidden; -} - -.picker__date-display { - text-align: center; - background-color: $datepicker-date-bg; - color: #fff; - padding-bottom: 15px; - font-weight: 300; -} - -.picker__nav--prev:hover, -.picker__nav--next:hover { - cursor: pointer; - color: #000000; - background: $datepicker-selected-outfocus; -} - -.picker__weekday-display { - background-color: $datepicker-weekday-bg; - padding: 10px; - font-weight: 200; - letter-spacing: .5; - font-size: 1rem; - margin-bottom: 15px; -} - -.picker__month-display { - text-transform: uppercase; - font-size: 2rem; -} -.picker__day-display { - - font-size: 4.5rem; - font-weight: 400; -} -.picker__year-display { - font-size: 1.8rem; - color: $datepicker-year; -} - -.picker__box { - padding: 0; -} -.picker__calendar-container { - padding: 0 1rem; - - thead { - border: none; - } -} - -// Calendar -.picker__table { - margin-top: 0; - margin-bottom: .5em; -} - -.picker__day--infocus { - color: #595959; - letter-spacing: -.3; - padding: .75rem 0; - font-weight: 400; - border: 1px solid transparent; -} - -//Today style -.picker__day.picker__day--today { - color: $datepicker-selected; -} - -.picker__day.picker__day--today.picker__day--selected { - color: #fff; -} - -// Table Header -.picker__weekday { - font-size: .9rem; -} - - -.picker__day--selected, -.picker__day--selected:hover, -.picker--focused .picker__day--selected { - // Circle background - border-radius: 50%; - transform: scale(.9); - background-color: $datepicker-selected; - &.picker__day--outfocus { - background-color: $datepicker-selected-outfocus; - } - color: #ffffff; -} - -.picker__footer { - text-align: right; - padding: 5px 10px; -} - -// Materialize modified -.picker__close, .picker__today { - font-size: 1.1rem; - padding: 0 1rem; - color: $datepicker-selected; -} - -//month nav buttons -.picker__nav--prev:before, -.picker__nav--next:before { - content: " "; - border-top: .5em solid transparent; - border-bottom: .5em solid transparent; - border-right: 0.75em solid #676767; - width: 0; - height: 0; - display: block; - margin: 0 auto; -} -.picker__nav--next:before { - border-right: 0; - border-left: 0.75em solid #676767; -} -button.picker__today:focus, button.picker__clear:focus, button.picker__close:focus { - background-color: $datepicker-selected-outfocus; -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/date_picker/_default.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/date_picker/_default.scss deleted file mode 100755 index 971fbc7..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/date_picker/_default.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,201 +0,0 @@ -/* ========================================================================== - $BASE-PICKER - ========================================================================== */ -/** - * Note: the root picker element should *NOT* be styled more than what's here. - */ -.picker { - font-size: 16px; - text-align: left; - line-height: 1.2; - color: #000000; - position: absolute; - z-index: 10000; - -webkit-user-select: none; - -moz-user-select: none; - -ms-user-select: none; - user-select: none; -} -/** - * The picker input element. - */ -.picker__input { - cursor: default; -} -/** - * When the picker is opened, the input element is "activated". - */ -.picker__input.picker__input--active { - border-color: #0089ec; -} -/** - * The holder is the only "scrollable" top-level container element. - */ -.picker__holder { - width: 100%; - overflow-y: auto; - -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; -} - -/*! - * Default mobile-first, responsive styling for pickadate.js - * Demo: http://amsul.github.io/pickadate.js - */ -/** - * Note: the root picker element should *NOT* be styled more than what's here. - */ -/** - * Make the holder and frame fullscreen. - */ -.picker__holder, -.picker__frame { - bottom: 0; - left: 0; - right: 0; - top: 100%; -} -/** - * The holder should overlay the entire screen. - */ -.picker__holder { - position: fixed; - -webkit-transition: background 0.15s ease-out, top 0s 0.15s; - -moz-transition: background 0.15s ease-out, top 0s 0.15s; - transition: background 0.15s ease-out, top 0s 0.15s; - -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -} -/** - * The frame that bounds the box contents of the picker. - */ -.picker__frame { - position: absolute; - margin: 0 auto; - min-width: 256px; - -// picker width - width: 300px; - max-height: 350px; - - -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)"; - filter: alpha(opacity=0); - -moz-opacity: 0; - opacity: 0; - -webkit-transition: all 0.15s ease-out; - -moz-transition: all 0.15s ease-out; - transition: all 0.15s ease-out; -} -@media (min-height: 28.875em) { - .picker__frame { - overflow: visible; - top: auto; - bottom: -100%; - max-height: 80%; - } -} -@media (min-height: 40.125em) { - .picker__frame { - margin-bottom: 7.5%; - } -} -/** - * The wrapper sets the stage to vertically align the box contents. - */ -.picker__wrap { - display: table; - width: 100%; - height: 100%; -} -@media (min-height: 28.875em) { - .picker__wrap { - display: block; - } -} -/** - * The box contains all the picker contents. - */ -.picker__box { - background: #ffffff; - display: table-cell; - vertical-align: middle; -} -//@media (min-height: 26.5em) { -// .picker__box { -//// font-size: 1.25em; -// } -//} -@media (min-height: 28.875em) { - .picker__box { - display: block; - -// picker header font-size -// font-size: 1rem; - - border: 1px solid #777777; - border-top-color: #898989; - border-bottom-width: 0; - -webkit-border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; - -moz-border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; - border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; - -webkit-box-shadow: 0 12px 36px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24); - -moz-box-shadow: 0 12px 36px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24); - box-shadow: 0 12px 36px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24); - } -} -//@media (min-height: 40.125em) { -// .picker__box { -// font-size: 1.1rem; -// border-bottom-width: 1px; -// -webkit-border-radius: 5px; -// -moz-border-radius: 5px; -// border-radius: 5px; -// } -//} -/** - * When the picker opens... - */ -.picker--opened .picker__holder { - top: 0; - background: transparent; - -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#1E000000,endColorstr=#1E000000)"; - zoom: 1; - background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.32); - -webkit-transition: background 0.15s ease-out; - -moz-transition: background 0.15s ease-out; - transition: background 0.15s ease-out; -} -.picker--opened .picker__frame { - top: 0; - -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100)"; - filter: alpha(opacity=100); - -moz-opacity: 1; - opacity: 1; -} -@media (min-height: 35.875em) { - .picker--opened .picker__frame { - top: 10%; - bottom: auto; - } -} -/** - * For `large` screens, transform into an inline picker. - */ - -/* ========================================================================== - CUSTOM MATERIALIZE STYLES - ========================================================================== */ - -.picker__input.picker__input--active { - border-color: color("blue", "lighten-5"); -} - -.picker__frame { - margin: 0 auto; - max-width: 325px; -} - -@media (min-height: 38.875em) { - .picker--opened .picker__frame { - top: 10%; - bottom: auto; - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/date_picker/_default.time.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/date_picker/_default.time.scss deleted file mode 100755 index 0b159c8..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/date_picker/_default.time.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -/* ========================================================================== - $BASE-TIME-PICKER - ========================================================================== */ -/** - * The list of times. - */ -.picker__list { - list-style: none; - padding: 0.75em 0 4.2em; - margin: 0; -} -/** - * The times on the clock. - */ -.picker__list-item { - border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; - border-top: 1px solid #dddddd; - margin-bottom: -1px; - position: relative; - background: #ffffff; - padding: .75em 1.25em; -} -@media (min-height: 46.75em) { - .picker__list-item { - padding: .5em 1em; - } -} -/* Hovered time */ -.picker__list-item:hover { - cursor: pointer; - color: #000000; - background: #b1dcfb; - border-color: #0089ec; - z-index: 10; -} -/* Highlighted and hovered/focused time */ -.picker__list-item--highlighted { - border-color: #0089ec; - z-index: 10; -} -.picker__list-item--highlighted:hover, -.picker--focused .picker__list-item--highlighted { - cursor: pointer; - color: #000000; - background: #b1dcfb; -} -/* Selected and hovered/focused time */ -.picker__list-item--selected, -.picker__list-item--selected:hover, -.picker--focused .picker__list-item--selected { - background: #0089ec; - color: #ffffff; - z-index: 10; -} -/* Disabled time */ -.picker__list-item--disabled, -.picker__list-item--disabled:hover, -.picker--focused .picker__list-item--disabled { - background: #f5f5f5; - border-color: #f5f5f5; - color: #dddddd; - cursor: default; - border-color: #dddddd; - z-index: auto; -} -/** - * The clear button - */ -.picker--time .picker__button--clear { - display: block; - width: 80%; - margin: 1em auto 0; - padding: 1em 1.25em; - background: none; - border: 0; - font-weight: 500; - font-size: .67em; - text-align: center; - text-transform: uppercase; - color: #666; -} -.picker--time .picker__button--clear:hover, -.picker--time .picker__button--clear:focus { - color: #000000; - background: #b1dcfb; - background: #ee2200; - border-color: #ee2200; - cursor: pointer; - color: #ffffff; - outline: none; -} -.picker--time .picker__button--clear:before { - top: -0.25em; - color: #666; - font-size: 1.25em; - font-weight: bold; -} -.picker--time .picker__button--clear:hover:before, -.picker--time .picker__button--clear:focus:before { - color: #ffffff; -} - -/* ========================================================================== - $DEFAULT-TIME-PICKER - ========================================================================== */ -/** - * The frame the bounds the time picker. - */ -.picker--time .picker__frame { - min-width: 256px; - max-width: 320px; -} -/** - * The picker box. - */ -.picker--time .picker__box { - font-size: 1em; - background: #f2f2f2; - padding: 0; -} -@media (min-height: 40.125em) { - .picker--time .picker__box { - margin-bottom: 5em; - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_checkboxes.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_checkboxes.scss deleted file mode 100644 index a8743c1..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_checkboxes.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,220 +0,0 @@ -/* Checkboxes - ========================================================================== */ - -/* CUSTOM CSS CHECKBOXES */ -form p { - margin-bottom: 10px; - text-align: left; -} - -form p:last-child { - margin-bottom: 0; -} - -/* Remove default checkbox */ -[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked), -[type="checkbox"]:checked { - position: absolute; - left: -9999px; - opacity: 0; -} - -// Checkbox Styles -[type="checkbox"] { - // Text Label Style - + label { - position: relative; - padding-left: 35px; - cursor: pointer; - display: inline-block; - height: 25px; - line-height: 25px; - font-size: 1rem; - - -webkit-user-select: none; /* webkit (safari, chrome) browsers */ - -moz-user-select: none; /* mozilla browsers */ - -khtml-user-select: none; /* webkit (konqueror) browsers */ - -ms-user-select: none; /* IE10+ */ - } - - /* checkbox aspect */ - + label:before, - &:not(.filled-in) + label:after { - content: ''; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - width: 18px; - height: 18px; - z-index: 0; - border: 2px solid $radio-empty-color; - border-radius: 1px; - margin-top: 2px; - transition: .2s; - } - - &:not(.filled-in) + label:after { - border: 0; - transform: scale(0); - } - - &:not(:checked):disabled + label:before { - border: none; - background-color: $input-disabled-color; - } - - // Focused styles - &.tabbed:focus + label:after { - transform: scale(1); - border: 0; - border-radius: 50%; - box-shadow: 0 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,.1); - background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1); - } -} - -[type="checkbox"]:checked { - + label:before { - top: -4px; - left: -5px; - width: 12px; - height: 22px; - border-top: 2px solid transparent; - border-left: 2px solid transparent; - border-right: $radio-border; - border-bottom: $radio-border; - transform: rotate(40deg); - backface-visibility: hidden; - transform-origin: 100% 100%; - } - - &:disabled + label:before { - border-right: 2px solid $input-disabled-color; - border-bottom: 2px solid $input-disabled-color; - } -} - -/* Indeterminate checkbox */ -[type="checkbox"]:indeterminate { - +label:before { - top: -11px; - left: -12px; - width: 10px; - height: 22px; - border-top: none; - border-left: none; - border-right: $radio-border; - border-bottom: none; - transform: rotate(90deg); - backface-visibility: hidden; - transform-origin: 100% 100%; - } - - // Disabled indeterminate - &:disabled + label:before { - border-right: 2px solid $input-disabled-color; - background-color: transparent; - } -} - -// Filled in Style -[type="checkbox"].filled-in { - // General - + label:after { - border-radius: 2px; - } - - + label:before, - + label:after { - content: ''; - left: 0; - position: absolute; - /* .1s delay is for check animation */ - transition: border .25s, background-color .25s, width .20s .1s, height .20s .1s, top .20s .1s, left .20s .1s; - z-index: 1; - } - - // Unchecked style - &:not(:checked) + label:before { - width: 0; - height: 0; - border: 3px solid transparent; - left: 6px; - top: 10px; - - -webkit-transform: rotateZ(37deg); - transform: rotateZ(37deg); - -webkit-transform-origin: 20% 40%; - transform-origin: 100% 100%; - } - - &:not(:checked) + label:after { - height: 20px; - width: 20px; - background-color: transparent; - border: 2px solid $radio-empty-color; - top: 0px; - z-index: 0; - } - - // Checked style - &:checked { - + label:before { - top: 0; - left: 1px; - width: 8px; - height: 13px; - border-top: 2px solid transparent; - border-left: 2px solid transparent; - border-right: 2px solid $input-background; - border-bottom: 2px solid $input-background; - -webkit-transform: rotateZ(37deg); - transform: rotateZ(37deg); - - -webkit-transform-origin: 100% 100%; - transform-origin: 100% 100%; - } - - + label:after { - top: 0; - width: 20px; - height: 20px; - border: 2px solid $secondary-color; - background-color: $secondary-color; - z-index: 0; - } - } - - // Focused styles - &.tabbed:focus + label:after { - border-radius: 2px; - border-color: $radio-empty-color; - background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1); - } - - &.tabbed:checked:focus + label:after { - border-radius: 2px; - background-color: $secondary-color; - border-color: $secondary-color; - } - - // Disabled style - &:disabled:not(:checked) + label:before { - background-color: transparent; - border: 2px solid transparent; - } - - &:disabled:not(:checked) + label:after { - border-color: transparent; - background-color: $input-disabled-solid-color; - } - - &:disabled:checked + label:before { - background-color: transparent; - } - - &:disabled:checked + label:after { - background-color: $input-disabled-solid-color; - border-color: $input-disabled-solid-color; - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_file-input.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_file-input.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 3b3fe55..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_file-input.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -/* File Input - ========================================================================== */ - -.file-field { - position: relative; - - .file-path-wrapper { - overflow: hidden; - padding-left: 10px; - } - - input.file-path { width: 100%; } - - .btn { - float: left; - height: $input-height; - line-height: $input-height; - } - - span { - cursor: pointer; - } - - input[type=file] { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - right: 0; - left: 0; - bottom: 0; - width: 100%; - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - font-size: 20px; - cursor: pointer; - opacity: 0; - filter: alpha(opacity=0); - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_forms.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_forms.scss deleted file mode 100644 index e9b65b4..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_forms.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -// Remove Focus Boxes -select:focus { - outline: $select-focus; -} - -button:focus { - outline: none; - background-color: $button-background-focus; -} - -label { - font-size: $label-font-size; - color: $input-border-color; -} - -@import 'input-fields'; -@import 'radio-buttons'; -@import 'checkboxes'; -@import 'switches'; -@import 'select'; -@import 'file-input'; -@import 'range'; diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_input-fields.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_input-fields.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 327851d..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_input-fields.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,273 +0,0 @@ -/* Text Inputs + Textarea - ========================================================================== */ - -/* Style Placeholders */ - -::-webkit-input-placeholder { - color: $placeholder-text-color; -} - -:-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 18- */ - color: $placeholder-text-color; -} - -::-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 19+ */ - color: $placeholder-text-color; -} - -:-ms-input-placeholder { - color: $placeholder-text-color; -} - -/* Text inputs */ - -input:not([type]), -input[type=text], -input[type=password], -input[type=email], -input[type=url], -input[type=time], -input[type=date], -input[type=datetime], -input[type=datetime-local], -input[type=tel], -input[type=number], -input[type=search], -textarea.materialize-textarea { - - // General Styles - background-color: transparent; - border: none; - border-bottom: $input-border; - border-radius: 0; - outline: none; - height: $input-height; - width: 100%; - font-size: $input-font-size; - margin: $input-margin; - padding: $input-padding; - box-shadow: none; - box-sizing: content-box; - transition: $input-transition; - - // Disabled input style - &:disabled, - &[readonly="readonly"] { - color: $input-disabled-color; - border-bottom: $input-disabled-border; - } - - // Disabled label style - &:disabled+label, - &[readonly="readonly"]+label { - color: $input-disabled-color; - } - - // Focused input style - &:focus:not([readonly]) { - border-bottom: 1px solid $input-focus-color; - box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 $input-focus-color; - } - - // Focused label style - &:focus:not([readonly])+label { - color: $input-focus-color; - } - - // Valid Input Style - &.valid, - &:focus.valid { - border-bottom: 1px solid $input-success-color; - box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 $input-success-color; - } - - // Custom Success Message - &.valid + label:after, - &:focus.valid + label:after { - content: attr(data-success); - color: $input-success-color; - opacity: 1; - } - - // Invalid Input Style - &.invalid, - &:focus.invalid { - border-bottom: $input-invalid-border; - box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 $input-error-color; - } - - // Custom Error message - &.invalid + label:after, - &:focus.invalid + label:after { - content: attr(data-error); - color: $input-error-color; - opacity: 1; - } - - // Full width label when using validate for error messages - &.validate + label { - width: 100%; - pointer-events: none; - } - - // Form Message Shared Styles - & + label:after { - display: block; - content: ""; - position: absolute; - top: 60px; - opacity: 0; - transition: .2s opacity ease-out, .2s color ease-out; - } -} - -// Styling for input field wrapper -.input-field { - // Gutter spacing - &.col { - label { - left: $gutter-width / 2; - } - - .prefix ~ label, - .prefix ~ .validate ~ label { - width: calc(100% - 3rem - #{$gutter-width}); - } - } - - position: relative; - margin-top: 1rem; - - label { - color: $input-border-color; - position: absolute; - top: 0.8rem; - font-size: 1rem; - cursor: text; - transition: .2s ease-out; - } - - label.active { - font-size: $label-font-size; - transform: translateY(-140%); - } - - // Prefix Icons - .prefix { - position: absolute; - width: $input-height; - font-size: 2rem; - transition: color .2s; - - &.active { color: $input-focus-color; } - } - - .prefix ~ input, - .prefix ~ textarea, - .prefix ~ label, - .prefix ~ .validate ~ label, - .prefix ~ .autocomplete-content { - margin-left: 3rem; - width: 92%; - width: calc(100% - 3rem); - } - - .prefix ~ label { margin-left: 3rem; } - - @media #{$medium-and-down} { - .prefix ~ input { - width: 86%; - width: calc(100% - 3rem); - } - } - - @media #{$small-and-down} { - .prefix ~ input { - width: 80%; - width: calc(100% - 3rem); - } - } -} - - -/* Search Field */ - -.input-field input[type=search] { - display: block; - line-height: inherit; - padding-left: 4rem; - width: calc(100% - 4rem); - - &:focus { - background-color: $input-background; - border: 0; - box-shadow: none; - color: #444; - - & + label i, - & ~ .mdi-navigation-close, - & ~ .material-icons { - color: #444; - } - } - - & + label { - left: 1rem; - } - - & ~ .mdi-navigation-close, - & ~ .material-icons { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - right: 1rem; - color: transparent; - cursor: pointer; - font-size: 2rem; - transition: .3s color; - } -} - - -/* Textarea */ - -// Default textarea -textarea { - width: 100%; - height: $input-height; - background-color: transparent; - - &.materialize-textarea { - overflow-y: hidden; /* prevents scroll bar flash */ - padding: .8rem 0 1.6rem 0; /* prevents text jump on Enter keypress */ - resize: none; - min-height: $input-height; - } -} - -// For textarea autoresize -.hiddendiv { - display: none; - white-space: pre-wrap; - word-wrap: break-word; - overflow-wrap: break-word; /* future version of deprecated 'word-wrap' */ - padding-top: 1.2rem; /* prevents text jump on Enter keypress */ -} - - -/* Autocomplete */ -.autocomplete-content { - margin-top: -15px; - display: block; - opacity: 1; - position: static; - - li { - .highlight { color: #444; } - - img { - height: $dropdown-item-height - 10; - width: $dropdown-item-height - 10; - margin: 5px 15px; - } - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_radio-buttons.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_radio-buttons.scss deleted file mode 100644 index cb1f37d..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_radio-buttons.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -/* Radio Buttons - ========================================================================== */ - -// Remove default Radio Buttons -[type="radio"]:not(:checked), -[type="radio"]:checked { - position: absolute; - left: -9999px; - opacity: 0; -} - -[type="radio"]:not(:checked) + label, -[type="radio"]:checked + label { - position: relative; - padding-left: 35px; - cursor: pointer; - display: inline-block; - height: 25px; - line-height: 25px; - font-size: 1rem; - transition: .28s ease; - - -khtml-user-select: none; /* webkit (konqueror) browsers */ - user-select: none; -} - -[type="radio"] + label:before, -[type="radio"] + label:after { - content: ''; - position: absolute; - left: 0; - top: 0; - margin: 4px; - width: 16px; - height: 16px; - z-index: 0; - transition: .28s ease; -} - -/* Unchecked styles */ -[type="radio"]:not(:checked) + label:before, -[type="radio"]:not(:checked) + label:after, -[type="radio"]:checked + label:before, -[type="radio"]:checked + label:after, -[type="radio"].with-gap:checked + label:before, -[type="radio"].with-gap:checked + label:after { - border-radius: 50%; -} - -[type="radio"]:not(:checked) + label:before, -[type="radio"]:not(:checked) + label:after { - border: 2px solid $radio-empty-color; -} - -[type="radio"]:not(:checked) + label:after { - z-index: -1; - transform: scale(0); -} - -/* Checked styles */ -[type="radio"]:checked + label:before { - border: 2px solid transparent; -} - -[type="radio"]:checked + label:after, -[type="radio"].with-gap:checked + label:before, -[type="radio"].with-gap:checked + label:after { - border: $radio-border; -} - -[type="radio"]:checked + label:after, -[type="radio"].with-gap:checked + label:after { - background-color: $radio-fill-color; - z-index: 0; -} - -[type="radio"]:checked + label:after { - transform: scale(1.02); -} - -/* Radio With gap */ -[type="radio"].with-gap:checked + label:after { - transform: scale(.5); -} - -/* Focused styles */ -[type="radio"].tabbed:focus + label:before { - box-shadow: 0 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,.1); -} - -/* Disabled Radio With gap */ -[type="radio"].with-gap:disabled:checked + label:before { - border: 2px solid $input-disabled-color; -} - -[type="radio"].with-gap:disabled:checked + label:after { - border: none; - background-color: $input-disabled-color; -} - -/* Disabled style */ -[type="radio"]:disabled:not(:checked) + label:before, -[type="radio"]:disabled:checked + label:before { - background-color: transparent; - border-color: $input-disabled-color; -} - -[type="radio"]:disabled + label { - color: $input-disabled-color; -} - -[type="radio"]:disabled:not(:checked) + label:before { - border-color: $input-disabled-color; -} - -[type="radio"]:disabled:checked + label:after { - background-color: $input-disabled-color; - border-color: $input-disabled-solid-color; -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_range.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_range.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 7947375..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_range.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,159 +0,0 @@ -/* Range - ========================================================================== */ - -.range-field { - position: relative; -} - -input[type=range], -input[type=range] + .thumb { - @extend .no-select; - cursor: pointer; -} - -input[type=range] { - position: relative; - background-color: transparent; - border: none; - outline: none; - width: 100%; - margin: 15px 0; - padding: 0; - - &:focus { - outline: none; - } -} - -input[type=range] + .thumb { - position: absolute; - border: none; - height: 0; - width: 0; - border-radius: 50%; - background-color: $radio-fill-color; - top: 10px; - margin-left: -6px; - - transform-origin: 50% 50%; - transform: rotate(-45deg); - - .value { - display: block; - width: 30px; - text-align: center; - color: $radio-fill-color; - font-size: 0; - transform: rotate(45deg); - } - - &.active { - border-radius: 50% 50% 50% 0; - - .value { - color: $input-background; - margin-left: -1px; - margin-top: 8px; - font-size: 10px; - } - } -} - -// WebKit -input[type=range] { - -webkit-appearance: none; -} - -input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track { - height: $track-height; - background: #c2c0c2; - border: none; -} - -input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb { - -webkit-appearance: none; - border: none; - height: $range-height; - width: $range-width; - border-radius: 50%; - background-color: $radio-fill-color; - transform-origin: 50% 50%; - margin: -5px 0 0 0; - transition: .3s; -} - -input[type=range]:focus::-webkit-slider-runnable-track { - background: #ccc; -} - -// FireFox -input[type=range] { - /* fix for FF unable to apply focus style bug */ - border: 1px solid white; - - /*required for proper track sizing in FF*/ -} - -input[type=range]::-moz-range-track { - height: $track-height; - background: #ddd; - border: none; -} - -input[type=range]::-moz-range-thumb { - border: none; - height: $range-height; - width: $range-width; - border-radius: 50%; - background: $radio-fill-color; - margin-top: -5px; -} - -// hide the outline behind the border -input[type=range]:-moz-focusring { - outline: 1px solid #fff; - outline-offset: -1px; -} - -input[type=range]:focus::-moz-range-track { - background: #ccc; -} - -// IE 10+ -input[type=range]::-ms-track { - height: $track-height; - - // remove bg colour from the track, we'll use ms-fill-lower and ms-fill-upper instead - background: transparent; - - // leave room for the larger thumb to overflow with a transparent border */ - border-color: transparent; - border-width: 6px 0; - - /*remove default tick marks*/ - color: transparent; -} - -input[type=range]::-ms-fill-lower { - background: #777; -} - -input[type=range]::-ms-fill-upper { - background: #ddd; -} - -input[type=range]::-ms-thumb { - border: none; - height: $range-height; - width: $range-width; - border-radius: 50%; - background: $radio-fill-color; -} - -input[type=range]:focus::-ms-fill-lower { - background: #888; -} - -input[type=range]:focus::-ms-fill-upper { - background: #ccc; -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_select.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_select.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 884351a..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_select.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -/* Select Field - ========================================================================== */ - -select { display: none; } -select.browser-default { display: block; } - -select { - background-color: $select-background; - width: 100%; - padding: $select-padding; - border: $select-border; - border-radius: $select-radius; - height: $input-height; -} - -.select-label { - position: absolute; -} - -.select-wrapper { - position: relative; - - input.select-dropdown { - position: relative; - cursor: pointer; - background-color: transparent; - border: none; - border-bottom: $input-border; - outline: none; - height: $input-height; - line-height: $input-height; - width: 100%; - font-size: $input-font-size; - margin: $input-margin; - padding: 0; - display: block; - } - - span.caret { - color: initial; - position: absolute; - right: 0; - top: 16px; - font-size: 10px; - &.disabled { - color: $input-disabled-color; - } - } - - & + label { - position: absolute; - top: -14px; - font-size: $label-font-size; - } -} - -// Disabled styles -select:disabled { - color: rgba(0,0,0,.3); -} - -.select-wrapper input.select-dropdown:disabled { - color: rgba(0,0,0,.3); - cursor: default; - -webkit-user-select: none; /* webkit (safari, chrome) browsers */ - -moz-user-select: none; /* mozilla browsers */ - -ms-user-select: none; /* IE10+ */ - border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.3); -} - -.select-wrapper i { - color: $select-disabled-color; -} - -.select-dropdown li.disabled, -.select-dropdown li.disabled > span, -.select-dropdown li.optgroup { - color: $select-disabled-color; - background-color: transparent; -} - -// Prefix Icons -.prefix ~ .select-wrapper { - margin-left: 3rem; - width: 92%; - width: calc(100% - 3rem); -} - -.prefix ~ label { margin-left: 3rem; } - -// Icons -.select-dropdown li { - img { - height: $dropdown-item-height - 10; - width: $dropdown-item-height - 10; - margin: 5px 15px; - float: right; - } -} - -// Optgroup styles -.select-dropdown li.optgroup { - border-top: 1px solid $dropdown-hover-bg-color; - - &.selected > span { - color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .7); - } - - & > span { - color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .4); - } - - & ~ li.optgroup-option { - padding-left: 1rem; - } -} diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_switches.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_switches.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 2c6655a..0000000 --- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/components/forms/_switches.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -/* Switch - ========================================================================== */ - -.switch, -.switch * { - -webkit-user-select: none; - -moz-user-select: none; - -khtml-user-select: none; - -ms-user-select: none; -} - -.switch label { - cursor: pointer; -} - -.switch label input[type=checkbox] { - opacity: 0; - width: 0; - height: 0; - - &:checked + .lever { - background-color: $switch-checked-lever-bg; - - &:after { - background-color: $switch-bg-color; - left: 24px; - } - } -} - -.switch label .lever { - content: ""; - display: inline-block; - position: relative; - width: 40px; - height: 15px; - background-color: $switch-unchecked-lever-bg; - border-radius: $switch-radius; - margin-right: 10px; - transition: background 0.3s ease; - vertical-align: middle; - margin: 0 16px; - - &:after { - content: ""; - position: absolute; - display: inline-block; - width: 21px; - height: 21px; - background-color: $switch-unchecked-bg; - border-radius: 21px; - box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.4); - left: -5px; - top: -3px; - transition: left 0.3s ease, background .3s ease, box-shadow 0.1s ease; - } -} - -// Switch active style -input[type=checkbox]:checked:not(:disabled) ~ .lever:active::after, -input[type=checkbox]:checked:not(:disabled).tabbed:focus ~ .lever::after { - box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.4), 0 0 0 15px transparentize($switch-bg-color, .9); -} - -input[type=checkbox]:not(:disabled) ~ .lever:active:after, -input[type=checkbox]:not(:disabled).tabbed:focus ~ .lever::after { - box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.4), 0 0 0 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, .08); -} - -// Disabled Styles -.switch input[type=checkbox][disabled] + .lever { - cursor: default; -} - -.switch label input[type=checkbox][disabled] + .lever:after, -.switch label input[type=checkbox][disabled]:checked + .lever:after { - background-color: $input-disabled-solid-color; -}