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4394 lines (2795 loc) · 203 KB

Data Hub API 27.0.0 (2020-01-29)


  • Advisers GET /adviser/: The deprecated first_name, first_name__icontains, last_name, last_name__icontains, email and email__icontains query parameters were removed.


  • Companies A utility function datahub.dnb_api.link_company.link_company_with_dnb was added which provides a mechanism for linking a Data Hub company record with a D&B company record. The utility function saves the pertinent D&B data to the Data Hub record.

    This will allow us to firstly provide an admin mechanism for quickly linking companies, followed by an API endpoint.

  • Companies The following criteria were added to the automatic-company-archive Celery task:

    • Do not have any ongoing investment projects
    • Do not have any investor profiles


  • Advisers GET /adviser/: The deprecated first_name, first_name__icontains, last_name, last_name__icontains, email and email__icontains query parameters were removed.
  • Companies A new endpoint, POST /v4/company-referral, was added. This creates a new company referral. Refer to the API documentation for the schema.

Data Hub API 26.6.0 (2020-01-28)


  • Companies The format_dnb_company now includes a check for annual_sales_currency.

    If annual_sales_currency is not US Dollars, we do not propagate annual_sales or is_annual_sales_estimated fields downstream.

    All D&B records that we have encountered until now have annual_sales in US dollars but we would like to monitor this behavior and not ingest bad data in case there is an exception.

  • Companies Added a datahub.dbmaintenance command which enables querying of DNB-matched One List Tier B companies. This was re-instated after removal in a previous commit to enable further rollout of DNB hierarchies to Data Hub company records.

Database schema

  • Companies A new company_referral_companyreferral table was added to hold referrals of companies between DIT advisers.

    The table has the following columns:

    • "id" uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
    • "created_on" timestamp with time zone NULL
    • "modified_on" timestamp with time zone NULL
    • "status" varchar(255) NOT NULL
    • "completed_on" timestamp with time zone NULL
    • "subject" varchar(255) NOT NULL
    • "notes" text NOT NULL
    • "company_id" uuid NOT NULL
    • "completed_by_id" uuid NULL
    • "contact_id" uuid NULL
    • "created_by_id" uuid NULL
    • "modified_by_id" uuid NULL
    • "recipient_id" uuid NOT NULL

Data Hub API 26.5.0 (2020-01-27)


  • Companies The company list view in Django admin now has a filter for dnb_modified_on field.

    This allows us to e.g. filter companies that were updated during today.

  • Endpoints are now sorted by path in the API docs.

Internal changes

  • Swagger UI, used in the API docs, was updated to version 3.25.0.


  • Companies GET /v4/dataset/companies-dataset: 2 new fields were added to the companies dataset response:

    • global_headquarters_id
    • global_ultimate_duns_number
  • Companies GET /v4/company/<pk>: Expose export countries as export_countries from new CompanyExportCountry model within company response. The field has following structure:

       "export_countries": [
           "country": {
               "name": ...,
               "id": ...
           "status": "currently_exporting"
           "country": {
               "name": ...,
               "id": ...
           "status": "not_interested"
           "country": {
               "name": ...,
               "id": ...
           "status": "future_interest"
  • Interactions GET /v4/dataset/interactions-dataset: The field modified_on was added to the interactions dataset endpoint.

Data Hub API 26.4.0 (2020-01-20)


  • Companies A new Celery task called automatic_company_archive was added to Data Hub API.

    This task would run every Saturday at 8pm in simulation mode with an upper limit of a 1000 companies. In simulation mode, this task would log the IDs of the companies that would have been automatically archived using the following criteria:

    • Do not have any OMIS orders
    • Do not have any interactions during the last 8 years
    • Not matched to any D&B records
    • Not created or modified during the last 3 months

Bug fixes

  • The delete_orphaned_versions command was modified to select records to be deleted in a fashion that is more efficient in the environment it will run.


  • Companies POST /v4/search/company: The behaviour of the uk_postcode filter was modified so that spaces are ignored only if a full postcode is searched for.

    This means that AB11 and AB1 1 are now distinct searches (where the former would match e.g. AB11 1AA and the latter would match e.g. AB1 1AA). (Previously, both searches were equivalent and matched both postcodes.)

  • Interactions Interactions API /v3/interaction, export_countries tagged to an interaction are consolidated into CompanyExportCountry model, in order to maintain company export countries list. If a country added to an interaction doesn't already exist in company export countries, it will be added. If in case that country already exists, following business rules apply:

    • Status of InteractionExportCountry added to an interaction with current date overrides the entry within CompanyExportCountry with older date.
    • Whereas Status of InteractionExportCountry added to an interaction with past date can't override the entry within CompanyExportCountry with newer date.
    • An interaction added with future date, will be treated as current date and existing rules apply.

Database schema

  • Companies A new model company_companyexportcountryhistory was created to log all changes made to company_companyexportcountry model. This will maintain all inserts, updates and deletions to that model with appropriate history_type with values insert, update and delete.

Data Hub API 26.3.0 (2020-01-15)


  • The IP restriction functionality provided by django-admin-ip-restrictor was removed as it was not in use as we're using private networking and other mechanisms within GOV.UK PaaS instead.


  • It is now possible to perform queries to search endpoints in the API browser.

Internal changes

  • Investment The squashed investor_profile migration 0001_squashed was transitioned to a normal migration and the migrations it replaced were removed.


  • Investment GET /v4/dataset/investment-projects-dataset: 5 comma joined string fields were changed to return arrays of strings:
    • actual_uk_region_names
    • business_activity_names
    • delivery_partner_names
    • strategic_driver_names
    • uk_region_location_names

Data Hub API 26.2.0 (2020-01-14)

Internal changes

  • Elasticsearch: The new postcode_analyzer and postcode_search_analyzer analyzers were added. Analyzers can be used to enable partial search for area, district, sub-district, sector and a whole postcode.

    The search is case insensitive and any spaces are filtered out before analysis.

  • Uses of the deprecated Django function aliases force_text() and urlquote() were replaced with force_str() and urllib.parse.quote().


  • Companies POST /v4/search/company: A uk_postcode filter was added for the address_postcode and registered_address_postcode fields for UK based companies. The filter accepts a single or a partial postcode as well as an array of postcodes. Multiple postcodes are matched with or query.

  • Interactions GET /v4/dataset/interactions-dataset: 3 new fields were added to the interactions dataset response:

    • policy_area_names
    • policy_feedback_notes
    • policy_issue_type_names
  • Interactions Interactions API /v3/interaction now allows to specify if there was a discussion of countries during the interaction and add one or more export countries along with their status.

    were_countries_discussed is a nullable boolean field.

    export_countries field is of type InteractionExportCountry and takes a list of country and status combinations where country is of type Country and status is a choice of Not interested, Currently exporting to or Future country of interest.

    • Above details are only valid for non-investment themed interactions. Hence were_countries_discussed is mandatory field for both export and other themed interactions.
    • At least one country/status combination is mandatory if were_countries_discussed is set to True

Data Hub API 26.1.0 (2020-01-09)


  • Advisers GET /v4/company-list/<pk>/item: The latest interaction of each list item now includes an array of DIT participants in the dit_participants field. In context, the field has the following structure:

        "results": [
                "latest_interaction": {
                    "dit_participants": [
                           "adviser": {
                               "id": ...,
                               "name": ...
                           "team": {
                               "id": ...,
                               "name": ...

Data Hub API 26.0.0 (2020-01-08)


  • The following deprecated endpoints have been removed from Data Hub API:

    • GET v4/dnb-match/<uuid:company_pk>
    • POST v4/dnb-match/<uuid:company_pk>/select-match
    • POST v4/dnb-match/<uuid:company_pk>/select-no-match
  • The following deprecated tables have been removed from Data Hub API:

    • dnb_match_dnbmatchingcsvrecord
    • dnb_match_dnbmatchingresult


  • Companies The datahub.dnb_api.tasks.get_company_updates task now run with a specific list of fields to update by default.

    This was introduced to not update domain & registered_address fields. This is because the data for these fields does not meet Data Hub standards. D&B have been informed of this and are working on a fix.

  • Python was updated from version 3.7.5 to 3.8.1. This includes updating various indirect dependencies.

Internal changes

  • The following internal query utilities were added:

    • get_array_agg_subquery()
    • JSONBBuildObject


  • Investment GET /v4/dataset/investment-projects-dataset: The allow_blank_possible_uk_regions field was removed and replaced with uk_region_location_names.

Data Hub API 25.0.0 (2020-01-02)


  • Companies The feature flag that enabled the new add-a-company journey was removed.

    This makes the new add-a-company journey the default way to add a new company in Data Hub.

  • Companies The get_dnb_one_list_tier_companies management command was removed from Data Hub.

    This command was put in temporarily to safely run queries required for DNB company hierarchies rollout.


  • The following dnb-match endpoints will be deprecated on or after 5 January 2020:

    • GET v4/dnb-match/<uuid:company_pk>
    • POST v4/dnb-match/<uuid:company_pk>/select-match
    • POST v4/dnb-match/<uuid:company_pk>/select-no-match
  • The following tables will be removed from Data Hub on or after 5 Jan 2020:

    • dnb_match_dnbmatchingcsvrecord
    • dnb_match_dnbmatchingresult

Data Hub API 24.5.0 (2019-12-23)


  • Companies Added integration tests for the rollback_dnb_company_updates management command. This can now be used as it has been fully tested.
  • Companies A management command rollback_dnb_company_updates was added to revert updates applied by either the update_company_dnb_data command or the get_company_updates task. At present, the rollback command calls a stub function which will be fleshed out later - it is not ready for use.

Bug fixes

  • Companies A bugfix was made to ensure that the task id for the overall company updates process is used as an update descriptor in reversion comments. This will allow the use of a rollback tool in the event that D&B updates need to be undone.

Data Hub API 24.4.0 (2019-12-20)


  • Companies A new management command, update_company_uk_region, was added.

    This can update the UK regions of companies using a CSV file stored in Amazon S3.

  • Companies A new management command, update_company_sector, was added.

    This can update the sectors of companies using a CSV file stored in Amazon S3.

Data Hub API 24.3.0 (2019-12-19)


  • Companies The update_company_dnb_data command was adjusted so that an audit log is fired to sentry after a successful run.

Data Hub API 24.2.1 (2019-12-18)

Bug fixes

  • Companies A bug was fixed that resulted in a runtime error in the get_company_updates celery task.

    The error happened when get_company_updates tried to wait on the results of sub-tasks in order to produce an audit log.

Data Hub API 24.2.0 (2019-12-17)


  • Companies A schedule was added for a nightly run of the celery task: datahub.dnb_api.tasks.get_company_updates.

    This task will ingest D&B updates from dnb_service. The number of updates applied in a single run will be controlled by the environment variable called DNB_AUTOMATIC_UPDATE_LIMIT.

Data Hub API 24.1.0 (2019-12-17)


  • Companies Companies updated with the update_company_from_dnb command and the update_companies_from_dnb_service task are now saved with a reversion version which has a meaningful identifier in the comment. This identifier will help provide the groundwork for an "undo tool" which will allow us to reverse these automatic updates in the event of a problem.
  • The CSRF token is now being added to API Docs request header. It is now possible to try POST requests.

Internal changes

  • Companies We are now recording future_interest_countries and export_to_countries with both the Company model and the new model CompanyExportCountry which we're currently integrating.
  • Investment All investor_profile app database migrations were squashed. The old migrations will be removed once the squashed migration has been applied to all environments.
  • The Elasticsearch suggester query parameter contexts is now used instead of the deprecated context parameter.

Data Hub API 24.0.0 (2019-12-10)


  • Investment The following deprecated investor profile tables were removed:

    • investor_profile_investorprofile_asset_classes_of_interest
    • investor_profile_investorprofile_construction_risks
    • investor_profile_investorprofile_deal_ticket_sizes
    • investor_profile_investorprofile_desired_deal_roles
    • investor_profile_investorprofile_investment_types
    • investor_profile_investorprofile_other_countries_being_cons84de
    • investor_profile_investorprofile_restrictions
    • investor_profile_investorprofile_time_horizons
    • investor_profile_investorprofile_uk_region_locations
    • investor_profile_investorprofile
    • investor_profile_profiletype


  • Companies A setting DNB_AUTOMATIC_UPDATE_LIMIT was added which can be used to limit the number of companies updated by the datahub.dnb_api.tasks.get_company_updates task.
  • Companies Info log messages and a sentry-based audit log were added to the DNB company updates tasks to help provide better visibility for task runs.
  • Companies A feature flag was added "dnb-company-updates" which governs whether or not to run the logic within the datahub.dnb_api.tasks.get_company_updates celery task. This affords us the ability to easily switch on/off DNB company updates as needed during the rollout of this feature.

Bug fixes

  • Companies A bug was fixed to ensure that DNB company updates can be ingested over multiple pages from dnb-service. Previously, the cursor value was not being extracted from the URL for the next page correctly.

Internal changes

  • Companies Integration tests were added for the datahub.dnb_api.tasks.get_company_updates task. These were not added as part of the original development as the task and it's dependent task (datahub.dnb_api.tasks.update_company_from_dnb_data) were developed in parallel.

    Additionally, the calls that datahub.dnb_api.tasks.get_company_updates makes to datahub.dnb_api.tasks.update_company_from_dnb_data were fixed to be the correct signature.

  • Python was updated from version 3.7.4 to 3.7.5 in deployed environments.

Database schema

  • Interactions A new table interaction_interactionexportcountry was created. It has foreign key fields interaction_id and country_id with status, value is expressed as:
    • 'currently exporting to'
    • 'future interest'
    • 'not interested'

Data Hub API 23.2.0 (2019-12-02)


  • Companies A celery task was added which takes a dictionary of company data sourced from dnb-service and updates the company record corresponding to it in Data Hub.

  • A celery task called get_company_updates was added.

    This task gets all the available company updates from the dnb-service and spawns downstream tasks to apply these updates to D&B matched company records in Data Hub.

  • The views that will replace stock Django Admin method of authentication with Staff SSO were added.

Bug fixes

  • Companies Merging two companies (via the admin site) now works when both companies are on the same company list.

Internal changes

  • We are now exposing CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE and CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY Django settings via environment variables.
  • The squashed metadata app migration 0001_squashed_0010_auto_20180613_1553 was transitioned to a normal migration and the migrations it replaced were removed.


  • Investment GET /v4/dataset/investment-projects-dataset: The competing_countries field was updated to return country names rather than ids
  • OMIS GET /v4/dataset/omis-dataset: The field quote__accepted_on was added to the omis dataset endpoint

Data Hub API 23.1.0 (2019-11-28)


  • The init_es management command has been removed. Please use migrate_es instead.


  • The migrate_es management command was updated to handle the case when indexes don‘t already exist.

    Hence, the init_es command is no longer required and has been removed.

Internal changes

  • Companies The squashed company app migration 0001_squashed_0096_company_global_ultimate_duns_number was transitioned to a normal migration and the migrations it replaced were removed.
  • Investment The squashed investment app migration 0001_squashed_0068_remove_interaction_location_from_database was transitioned to a normal migration and the migrations it replaced were removed.

Database schema

  • Companies A new table company_companyexportcountry was created to maintain company's export interests. Multiple countries along with a status can be recorded for each company. Status being one of not_interested, future_interest or currently_exporting. This will now allow, for each entry, to record date and adviser that created and modified for audit.

Data Hub API 23.0.0 (2019-11-22)


  • Advisers The company_list_companylist column is_legacy_default has been removed from database.


  • Companies Error handling was added for when a ConnectionError occurs when accessing the DNB company search API endpoint.

Internal changes

  • Companies A temporary management command get_dnb_one_list_tier_companies was added to enable the running of safe queries to facilitate the rollout of DNB company hierarchies.

Database schema

  • Advisers The company_list_companylist column is_legacy_default has been removed from database.

Data Hub API 22.0.0 (2019-11-21)


  • Companies The deprecated model CompaniesHouseCompany was removed.


  • Companies GET /v4/dataset/companies-dataset: 5 new fields were added to the companies dataset response:
    • archived
    • archived_on
    • headquarter_type__name
    • modified_on
    • one_list_account_owner_id
  • Contacts GET /v4/dataset/contacts-dataset: 3 new fields were added to the contacts dataset response:
    • archived
    • archived_on
    • modified_on
  • Interactions GET /v4/dataset/interactions-dataset: The field theme was added to the interactions dataset api response
  • Investment GET /v4/dataset/investment-projects-dataset: 5 new fields were added to the investment projects dataset api response:
    • address_1
    • address_2
    • address_town
    • address_postcode
    • other_business_activity
  • OMIS GET /v4/dataset/omis-dataset: 5 new fields were added to the OMIS dataset api response:
    • quote__created_on
    • refund_created
    • refund_total_amount
    • total_cost
    • vat_cost

Database schema

  • Advisers The company_list_companylist column is_legacy_default has been made nullable and will be removed in the next release.
  • Companies The deprecated company_companieshousecompany table was removed.

Data Hub API 21.1.0 (2019-11-19)


  • Investment A management command update_investment_project_status was added which can update the statuses of a list of investment projects from a CSV file stored in Amazon S3.


  • Companies A field called dnb_modified_on was added to the response of the following endpoints:

    • GET /v4/company
    • GET /v4/company/<company_id>

    This fields tracks the last time a company was updated from D&B.

Database schema

  • Companies A field called dnb_modified_on was added to the company_company table.

    This fields tracks the last time a company was updated from D&B.

Data Hub API 21.0.0 (2019-11-18)


  • The deprecated GET /dashboard/homepage/ endpoint was removed.


  • Companies A command was added which allows us to update the DNB data for a list of company IDs. All Company fields are updated by default, but a subset of fields can be specified if a partial update is preferable.

Internal changes

  • Investment All investment app database migrations were squashed in order to reduce build times. The old migrations will be removed once the squashed migration has been applied to all environments.
  • All metadata app database migrations were squashed in order to reduce build times. The old migrations will be removed once the squashed migration has been applied to all environments.


  • Companies GET /v4/dataset/company-export-to-countries-dataset: An API endpoint for a dataset of export_to_countries was added for consumption by data-flow and data-workspace.

Data Hub API 20.0.0 (2019-11-14)


  • Advisers The company_list_companylistitem column adviser_id has been removed from database.

  • Companies The following deprecated endpoint has been removed:

    • POST /v4/company
  • Investment The deprecated GET /v3/investment/from endpoint was removed.


  • The names of various countries were updated to match DIT reference data.

Internal changes

  • Companies Database migrations up to 0096 were squashed in order to reduce build times. The old migrations will be removed once the squashed migration has been applied to all environments.

Database schema

  • Advisers The company_list_companylistitem column adviser_id has been removed from database.

Data Hub API 19.0.0 (2019-11-11)


  • Companies The following deprecated endpoints have been removed:

    • GET /ch-company
    • GET /ch-company/<ch-company-id>
  • Companies The following deprecated Comapnies House search endpoints have been removed from Data Hub:

    • GET /v3/search/companieshousecompany
    • GET /v4/search/companieshousecompany
  • Companies The uppdate_company_registered_address Django command is no longer available in Data Hub.

    This command was used to sync company registered addresses with Companies House data. We have now moved to D&B as the source for company data.

Internal changes

  • Companies A celery task datahub.dnb_api.tasks.sync_company_from_dnb was added which gives a mechanism for syncing specified fields for a DNB-matched company with the latest DNB data for that company.

Data Hub API 18.0.0 (2019-11-08)


  • Advisers The company_list_companylistitem column adviser_id will be removed in the next release.

  • Advisers The following legacy company list endpoints were removed:

    • GET /v4/user/company-list
    • GET /v4/user/company-list/<company ID>
    • PUT /v4/user/company-list/<company ID>
    • DELETE /v4/user/company-list/<company ID>
  • Companies The Companies House admin view is no longer available in Data Hub.

  • Companies The sync_ch Django command is no longer available in Data Hub.

    This command was used to sync Companies House data to Data Hub. We have now moved to D&B as the source for company data.


  • Advisers A company_list_companylist field "is_legacy_default" boolean NOT NULL will be removed on or after 20th November.

  • Companies The following table will be removed from Data Hub on or after 12 November 2019:

    • company_companieshousecompany
  • Companies The following Company endpoint is deprecated and will be removed on or after 12 November 2019:

    • POST /v4/company

    DataHub has moved to using D&B creating new companies and so instead of the above endpoint, please use:

    • POST /v4/dnb/company-create
  • Investment The GET /v3/investment/from endpoint is deprecated and will be removed on or after 13 November 2019.

    (This was used by the old FDI dashboard which has now been decommissioned.)

  • The GET /dashboard/homepage/ endpoint is deprecated and will be removed on or after 13 November 2019.

    (This was used for the Data Hub home page before the My companies feature.)

Bug fixes

  • Companies The POST /v4/company/<ID>/self-assign-account-manager and POST /v4/company/<ID>/remove-account-manager endpoints now correctly update the modified_by field of the company (instead of leaving it unchanged).

Internal changes

  • Companies A helper function for the "Update from DNB" admin feature was refactored as a utility function datahub.dnb_api.utils.update_company_from_dnb. The function can optionally take an iterable of fields to update so that we can partially update companies from DNB.
  • Interactions The squashed migration 0001_squashed_0068_remove_interaction_location_from_database was transitioned to a normal migration and the migrations it replaced were removed.
  • Elasticsearch mapping type migrations are now automatically run during deployments.


  • Companies GET /v4/dataset/companies-future-interest-countries-dataset: An API endpoint for a dataset of future interest countries was added for consumption by data-flow and data-workspace.
  • Companies POST /v4/search/company: A filter was added for the latest_interaction_date field, in the form of latest_interaction_date_before and latest_interaction_date_after. Both the fields are optional. A company will only be returned if its latest interaction date falls between those dates.
  • Contacts GET /v4/dataset/contacts-dataset: The primary contact flag and contact address details were added to the contacts dataset response
  • Events A new events dataset endpoint (GET /v4/dataset/events-dataset) was added to be consumed by data-flow and used in data-workspace.
  • Investment The following endpoint was added:
    • GET /v4/dataset/investment-projects-dataset: Present agreed partially denormalized data of all investment projects to be consumed by data-flow and used in data-workspace for reporting and analyst access.

Data Hub API 17.1.0 (2019-10-30)


  • Advisers The following legacy company list endpoints are deprecated and will be removed on or after 6 November 2019:

    • GET /v4/user/company-list
    • GET /v4/user/company-list/<company ID>
    • PUT /v4/user/company-list/<company ID>
    • DELETE /v4/user/company-list/<company ID>

    Please use the new multi-list endpoints starting with /v4/company-list instead.

  • Companies The following Comapnies House endpoints are deprecated and will be removed on or after 6 November 2019:

    • GET /v4/ch-company
    • GET /v4/ch-company/<company_number>
  • Companies The following Comapnies House endpoints are deprecated and will be removed on or after 6 November 2019:

    • GET /v3/search/companieshousecompany
    • GET /v4/search/companieshousecompany


  • Companies The update-from-dnb admin tool now shows changes to global_ultimate_duns_number field in the "review changes" table.
  • Investment The proposition documents feature is now always active and is no longer behind a feature flag. (This feature was introduced in September 2018.)

Internal changes

  • Interactions Database migrations up to 0068 were squashed in order to reduce build times. The old migrations will be removed once the squashed migration has been applied to all environments.
  • A correction was made to the deleted object collector (used to delete objects from Elasticsearch in bulk) to make it safe to use in web processes. This change has no current effect as the collector has only been used in management commands to date.
  • The speed of search tests was improved by using more efficient test set-up. The reduction in running time of the search tests is approximately 65%.
  • Various indirect dependencies were updated.


  • Companies POST /v4/search/company: new filter one_list_group_global_account_manager was added.

  • Companies GET /v4/dataset/companies-dataset: The field address_country__name was added to the companies dataset endpoint

  • Companies A new endpoint, POST /v4/company/<ID>/remove-account-manager, was added.

    The endpoint removes the assigned tier and account manager for a One List company on tier 'Tier D - Interaction Trade Adviser Accounts'.

    If the company is on a One List tier other than 'Tier D - Interaction Trade Adviser Accounts', the operation is not allowed.

    The company.change_company and company.change_regional_account_manager permissions are required to use this endpoint.

Data Hub API 17.0.0 (2019-10-24)


  • Companies A new dbmaintenance Django command was added to import data from csv format, with three fields datahub_company_id, is_published_find_a_supplier and has_find_a_supplier_profile provided by Data Science platform, into Data Hub company model's field, great_profile_status.

Bug fixes

  • Companies The dbmaintenance command update_company_export_potential is fixed to disable search signal receivers for company, to avoid queuing huge number of Celery tasks for syncing companies to Elasticsearch.

Internal changes

  • Companies A property is_global_ultimate was added to the Company model - this exposes whether or not a company is the global ultimate.


  • Advisers A new dataset endpoint (GET /v4/dataset/advisers-dataset) was added to be consumed by data-flow and used in data-workspace.

  • Advisers A new teams dataset endpoint (GET /v4/dataset/teams-dataset) was added to be consumed by data-flow and used in data-workspace.

  • Companies The property is_global_ultimate (a boolean) was added as a field to the following company API endpoints as a read-only field:

    • GET /v4/company
    • POST /v4/company - returned in the result
    • GET /v4/company/<pk>
    • POST /v4/dnb/company-create
  • Companies The field global_ultimate_duns_number was added to the DNBCompanySerializer.

    This means that the global_ultimate_duns_number returned in the D&B responses will now be saved to the global_ultimate_duns_number field on the Company model.

  • Companies A new endpoint, POST /v4/company/<ID>/self-assign-account-manager, was added. It:

    • sets the authenticated user as the One List account manager
    • sets the One List tier of the company to 'Tier D - Interaction Trade Adviser Accounts'

    The operation is not allowed if:

    • the company is a subsidiary of a One List company (on any tier)
    • the company is already a One List company on a different tier (i.e. not 'Tier D - Interaction Trade Adviser Accounts')

    The company.change_company and company.change_regional_account_manager permissions are required to use this endpoint.

  • Companies A filter was added to the company collection API to allow callers to filter by global_ultimate_duns_number - e.g. GET /v4/company?global_ultimate_duns_number=123456789.

  • Companies The field global_ultimate_duns_number was added to the response of the following company API endpoints:

    • GET /v4/company
    • GET /v4/company/<pk>
    • POST /v4/dnb/company-create
  • Contacts GET /v4/dataset/contacts-dataset: Company and contact id fields were added to the contacts dataset endpoint GET /v4/dataset/contacts-dataset: Superfluous company detail fields were removed from the contacts dataset endpoint

  • Interactions GET /v4/dataset/interactions-dataset: Interaction id was added to the interaction dataset endpoint

  • OMIS GET /v4/dataset/omis-dataset: Join between order and company was removed from the omis dataset endpoint GET /v4/dataset/omis-dataset: Join between order and contact was removed from the omis dataset endpoint GET /v4/dataset/omis-dataset: Order id, company id and contact id were added to the omis dataset endpoint GET /v4/dataset/omis-dataset: Team name was replaced with team id on the omis dataset endpoint

Database schema

  • Companies The company_company table now contains global_ultimate_duns_number field. This field will be populated by the duns_number for the global ultimate of a company. This data is included in the D&B payload.

Data Hub API 16.0.0 (2019-10-21)


  • The legacy GET /metadata/* endpoints were removed. Please use Hawk authenticated GET /v4/metadata/* endpoints instead.


  • Companies A new dbmaintenance Django command was added to import data from csv format, with two fields datahub_company_id and export_propensity provided by Data Science platform, into Data Hub comapany model.

Bug fixes

  • Unset cursor pagination offset_cutoff on dataset endpoints to fix issue when duplicate created_on dates are encountered.


  • Companies The GET /company/<uuid:pk> endpoint's read-only field one_list_group_global_account_manager now includes the account manager's contact email address under the contact_email field.
  • Companies GET /v4/company/<id>: A new read-only field was added to company model great_profile_status. Values for this field are imported from Data Science platform, as a separate exercise. It can have one of the constant values out of published, unpublished and null.
  • Companies Each adviser object returned by /v4/company/<uuid:pk>/one-list-group-core-team endpoint now includes a contact email address under the contact_email field.

Database schema

  • Companies A nullable great_profile_status varchar(255) column was added to the company_company table with possible values 'published', 'unpublished' and NULL.

Data Hub API 15.9.0 (2019-10-17)

Internal changes

  • Interactions Various search model fields that were not being used in search queries (i.e. searched, filtered or sorted) are no longer indexed. This improves indexing performance.

Data Hub API 15.8.0 (2019-10-14)


  • Companies A new permission, change_regional_account_manager, was added. This permission currently has no effect and will be used as part of upcoming functionality.

    In the test data, this permission is assigned to teams with the International Trade Team role.

  • Companies A tool was added to django admin to allow administrators to pull fresh data from DNB for a company with a duns_number.

    This allows administrators to resolve the unhappy-path for the new add-a-company journey by adding a duns_number to a company record followed by pulling data from DNB for the given company.

Internal changes

  • Migrations for the mi database are now applied automatically during deployments.

Data Hub API 15.7.0 (2019-10-11)


  • Investment The rounding of gross value added now always rounds up rather than using bankers' rounding where it would round to the nearest even number.

Internal changes

  • The IP check that is being used with Hawk authenticated endpoints was enhanced with additional rules to allow traffic originating from an internal network.

Data Hub API 15.6.0 (2019-10-10)


  • Companies A new One List tier was added:

    ID Name
    1929c808-99b4-4abf-a891-45f2e187b410 Tier D - International Trade Adviser Accounts

    This tier currently contains no companies; it will be used as part of upcoming functionality.

  • Companies Various superfluous unused One List tiers were manually removed from all environments.

  • Companies All One List tiers were renamed:

    Old name New name
    Tier A - Strategic Account Tier A - SRM Programme Accounts
    Tier A2 - Global Partners Tier A - SRM Commercial Partner Accounts
    Tier B - Global Accounts Tier B - Sector Team Accounts
    Tier B - Global Accounts (Capital Investment) Tier B - Capital Investment Team Accounts
    Tier C - Local Accounts (UKTI Managed) Tier C - Investment Services Team Accounts
    Tier D - POST Identified/Managed Tier D - Overseas Post Accounts
    Tier D - LEP Managed Branch (not IST) Tier D - Local Enterprise Partnership Accounts


  • Interactions GET /v4/dataset/interactions-dataset: Added interactions dataset endpoint to be consumed by data-flow and used in data-workspace.

Data Hub API 15.5.0 (2019-10-08)


  • Companies New fields for Countries exported to and Countries of interest have been added to the csv file resulting from document download.


  • Companies GET /v4/dataset/companies-dataset: Added companies dataset endpoint to be consumed by data-flow and used in data-workspace.
  • Companies GET /v4/company/<id>: A new read-only field was added to company model export_potential. Values for this field are imported from Data Science platform, as a seperate exercise. It can have one of the constant values out of very_higb, high, medium, low,very_low and null.
  • The POST /v4/dnb/company-create API endpoint will now save registered_address_* fields on Data Hub companies that it creates. Registered address fields will not be saved at all unless a minimum of line_1, town and country fields are provided.

Data Hub API 15.4.0 (2019-10-03)

Internal changes

  • Companies Some intermittently failing company autocomplete tests were corrected so that they now consistently pass.


  • Companies POST /v4/search/company: A filter was added for the export_to_countries field. This accepts a list of country IDs. A company will only be returned if it contains one of the specified countries in this field.
  • Companies POST /v4/search/company: A filter was added for the future_interest_countries field. This accepts a list of country IDs. A company will only be returned if it contains one of the specified countries in this field.

Data Hub API 15.3.0 (2019-10-01)


  • Companies A tool was added to django admin to allow administrators to "unarchive" archived companies.
  • A configurable blacklist was added so that we can specifically prohibit certain email addresses from the email ingestion feature.
  • Email ingestion was adjusted so that emails are deleted after they are ingested. Previously, email ingestion would mark the emails as "seen" but now that we are out of the pilot for meeting invite ingestion we have switched to deletes as this is safer for data retention/protection reasons.
  • The email ingestion whitelist was removed so that email ingestion is open to all DIT advisers.
    The email domain that a DIT adviser uses to send an email to Data Hub must be known to Data Hub through a DIT_EMAIL_DOMAIN_<domain> django setting - there is no longer a default domain authentication value. This ensures that email ingestion is locked down to domains that we know the authentication signature for.

Data Hub API 15.2.0 (2019-09-26)


  • Interactions The location column was removed from the interaction_interaction DB table.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the DNB company save API endpoint which prevented DNB companies with no value for domain being saved as Data Hub companies.

Internal changes

  • Contacts Dataset app is split up into subpackages. i.e. datahub.dataset.views to

  • OMIS Dataset app is split up into subpackages. i.e. datahub.dataset.views to datahub.dataset.order.views

  • The PaaS IP checks have been removed from Hawk authorisation code. A separate authentication class to check the IP has been implemented instead.

    The PaaS IP check can now be disabled using DISABLE_PAAS_IP_CHECK environment variable.

Database schema

  • Companies Composite index (created_on, id) is defined on Contact model for the sake of API endpoints defined under dataset app.
  • Interactions The location column was removed from the interaction_interaction table.

Data Hub API 15.1.0 (2019-09-19)


  • Interactions The location field for interactions was removed following its deprecation period. Please see the API and DB sections for further detail.


  • Companies A feature was added to notify a configurable list of recipients when a company is added to Data Hub which has the pending_dnb_investigation flag set. The intention is for this to be used to send investigation details to DNB directly; though notifications will be monitored with a DIT email address to begin with.


  • Companies Two metdata API endpoints were added for One List Tiers. GET /metadata/one-list-tier/ and GET /v4/metadata/one-list-tier list all One List Tier models in the following format:

            "id": "b91bf800-8d53-e311-aef3-441ea13961e2",
            "name": "Tier A - Strategic Account",
            "disabled_on": null
  • Interactions The location field was removed from the GET /v3/interaction and GET /v3/interaction/<uuid:pk> API endpoints.

    • OMIS The following API endpoint is updated

      • GET /v4/dataset/omis-dataset: The sector__segment field was removed and sector_name was added which is a string of multiple sector names separated by ",".

Database schema

  • Interactions The location field was removed from the django state for the Interaction model.

Data Hub API 15.0.0 (2019-09-17)


  • Contacts POST /v3/search/contact, POST /v3/search/contact/export various deprecated sortby values were removed. See the API section for more details.
  • Investment POST /v3/search/investment_project, POST /v3/search/investment_project/export various deprecated sortby values were removed. See the API section for more details.
  • All /metadata/* endpoints are deprecated and will be removed on or after 17th October 2019. Please use corresponding /v4/metadata endpoints instead.

Internal changes

  • The dnb_api package now has a DNBCompanyInvestigationSerializer.

    This is used to store stub companies in the database when users cannot find a company in the DNB API and want to create a new company subject to DNB review.


  • Companies The GET /v4/company and GET /v4/company/<uuid:pk> endpoints were modified to return the boolean pending_dnb_investigation in responses. The format of the responses are as follows:

    "pending_dnb_investigation": true,
  • Contacts The following endpoint was added:

    • GET /v4/dataset/contacts-dataset: Present required fields data of all contacts to be consumed by data-flow and used in data-workspace for reporting and analyst access.
  • Contacts POST /v3/search/contact, POST /v3/search/contact/export the following deprecated sortby values were removed:

    • accepts_dit_email_marketing
    • address_county
    • address_same_as_company
    • address_town
    • archived
    • archived_on
    • email
    • first_name
    • id
    • job_title
    • name
    • primary
    • telephone_countrycode
    • telephone_number
  • Investment POST /v3/search/investment_project, POST /v3/search/investment_project/export the following deprecated sortby values were removed:

    • actual_land_date
    • approved_commitment_to_invest
    • approved_fdi
    • approved_good_value
    • approved_high_value
    • approved_landed
    • approved_non_fdi
    • archived
    • client_cannot_provide_total_investment
    • export_revenue
    • foreign_equity_investment
    • government_assistance
    • id
    • modified_on
    • new_tech_to_uk
    • non_fdi_r_and_d_budget
    • number_new_jobs
    • project_code
    • r_and_d_budget
    • referral_source_activity_event
    • site_decided
    • total_investment
  • An endpoint POST /v4/dnb/company-create-investigation was added for creating stub companies in DataHub for investigation by DNB.

  • The POST /v4/dnb/company-create endpoint was modified to return the boolean pending_dnb_investigation in responses representing created Data Hub companies.

    The format of the response is as follows:

    "pending_dnb_investigation": true,
  • Following endpoints were added to replace existing /metadata endpoint:

    • GET /v4/metadata/administrative-area
    • GET /v4/metadata/business-type
    • GET /v4/metadata/capital-investment/asset-class-interest
    • GET /v4/metadata/capital-investment/construction-risk
    • GET /v4/metadata/capital-investment/deal-ticket-size
    • GET /v4/metadata/capital-investment/desired-deal-role
    • GET /v4/metadata/capital-investment/equity-percentage
    • GET /v4/metadata/capital-investment/investor-type
    • GET /v4/metadata/capital-investment/large-capital-investment-type
    • GET /v4/metadata/capital-investment/required-checks-conducted
    • GET /v4/metadata/capital-investment/restriction
    • GET /v4/metadata/capital-investment/return-rate
    • GET /v4/metadata/capital-investment/time-horizon
    • GET /v4/metadata/communication-channel
    • GET /v4/metadata/country
    • GET /v4/metadata/employee-range
    • GET /v4/metadata/event-type
    • GET /v4/metadata/evidence-tag
    • GET /v4/metadata/export-experience-category
    • GET /v4/metadata/fdi-type
    • GET /v4/metadata/fdi-value
    • GET /v4/metadata/headquarter-type
    • GET /v4/metadata/investment-activity-type
    • GET /v4/metadata/investment-business-activity
    • GET /v4/metadata/investment-delivery-partner
    • GET /v4/metadata/investment-investor-type
    • GET /v4/metadata/investment-involvement
    • GET /v4/metadata/investment-project-stage
    • GET /v4/metadata/investment-specific-programme
    • GET /v4/metadata/investment-strategic-driver
    • GET /v4/metadata/investment-type
    • GET /v4/metadata/likelihood-to-land
    • GET /v4/metadata/location-type
    • GET /v4/metadata/omis-market
    • GET /v4/metadata/order-cancellation-reason
    • GET /v4/metadata/order-service-type
    • GET /v4/metadata/overseas-region
    • GET /v4/metadata/policy-area
    • GET /v4/metadata/policy-issue-type
    • GET /v4/metadata/programme
    • GET /v4/metadata/project-manager-request-status
    • GET /v4/metadata/referral-source-activity
    • GET /v4/metadata/referral-source-marketing
    • GET /v4/metadata/referral-source-website
    • GET /v4/metadata/salary-range
    • GET /v4/metadata/sector
    • GET /v4/metadata/service-delivery-status
    • GET /v4/metadata/service
    • GET /v4/metadata/team-role
    • GET /v4/metadata/team
    • GET /v4/metadata/title
    • GET /v4/metadata/turnover
    • GET /v4/metadata/uk-region

    The responses are exactly the same as their corresponding /metadata endpoints.

    New endpoints use Hawk authentication.

  • All /metadata/* endpoints are deprecated and will be removed on or after 15th October 2019. Please use corresponding /v4/metadata endpoints instead.

Data Hub API 14.8.0 (2019-09-12)


  • Companies GET /v4/company/<id>>/timeline: This deprecated endpoint was removed. Please use /v4/activity-feed instead.


  • Interactions The field location is deprecated. Please check the API and Database schema categories for more details.


  • OMIS The notification logic in datahub.omis was adjusted to optionally use the datahub.notification app for triggering GOVUK notifications. This functionality can be switched on using a feature flag.

Bug fixes

  • Investment The spellings of Leisure and Commercial in the Asset Class Interest metadata for Investor Profiles were fixed.


  • Advisers The following endpoint was added:

    • GET /v4/company-list/<id>: Gets details of a single company list belonging to the authenticated user.

    Responses are in the following format:

      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "item_count": integer,
      "created_on": "ISO timestamp"
  • Companies GET /v4/company/<id>>/timeline: This deprecated endpoint was removed. Please use /v4/activity-feed instead.

  • Interactions GET,PATCH /v3/interaction/<uuid:pk> and GET,POST /v3/interaction: the field location is deprecated and will be removed on or after 19 September.

  • Interactions The /v3/search/interaction endpoint was modified to return company_one_list_group_tier in search results. This will be in the following format:

    "company_one_list_group_tier": {
        "id": "b91bf800-8d53-e311-aef3-441ea13961e2",
        "name": "Tier A - Strategic Account"

    The value could alternatively be null (if the interaction's company does not have a one list group tier).

    A filter was added to /v3/search/interaction - company_one_list_group_tier -which allows callers to filter interaction searches to companies attributed to a particular one list group tier.

  • A field iso_alpha2_code was added to the GET /metadata/country/ API endpoint.

    This endpoint now returns results of the following format:

        "id": "80756b9a-5d95-e211-a939-e4115bead28a",
        "name": "United Kingdom",
        "disabled_on": null,
        "overseas_region": null,
        "iso_alpha2_code": "GB"
        "id": "81756b9a-5d95-e211-a939-e4115bead28a",
        "name": "United States",
        "disabled_on": null,
        "overseas_region": {
            "name": "North America",
            "id": "fdfbbc8d-0e8a-479a-b10f-4979d582ff87"
        "iso_alpha2_code": "US"

Database schema

  • Companies The company__company table now contains the dnb_investigation_data column.

    This column contains auxiliary data for the company that is required only for the purpose of investigation.

  • Interactions The column interaction_interaction.location is deprecated and will be removed on or after 19 September.

  • Investment Bank and Corporate investor were added to the investor_type metadata for investor_profile.

Data Hub API 14.7.0 (2019-09-05)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions The column was removed from the database.

Internal changes

  • The sync_es management command was updated to use Celery.

    By default, the Celery task runs asynchronously. --foreground can be passed to run the Celery task synchronously (without Celery running).

    The --batch_size argument was removed as it is rarely used and isn't currently supported by the Celery task.


  • Advisers The following endpoint was added:

    PUT /v4/company-list/<company list ID>/item/<company ID>

    This adds a company to the user's own selected list of companies.

    If the operation is successful, a 204 status code will be returned. If there is no company list with specified company list ID or company with the specified company ID, a 404 will be returned.

    If an archived company is specified, a 400 status code will be returned and response body will contain:

        "non_field_errors": "An archived company can't be added to a company list."

    Otherwise, the response body will be empty.

  • Advisers GET /v4/company-list, PATCH /v4/company-list/<id>: An item_count field was added to response items containing the count of items in the list.

  • Advisers The following endpoint was added:

    GET /v4/company-list/<company list ID>/item

    It lists all the companies on the authenticated user's selected list, with responses in the following format:

        "count": <int>,
        "previous": <url>,
        "next": <url>,
        "results": [
                "company": {
                    "id": <string>,
                    "archived": <boolean>,
                    "name": <string>,
                    "trading_names": [<string>, <string>, ...]
                "created_on": <ISO timestamp>,
                "latest_interaction": {
                    "id": <string>,
                    "created_on": <ISO timestamp>,
                    "date": <ISO date>,
                    "subject": <string>

    latest_interaction may be null if the company has no interactions.

    Results are sorted by in reverse chronological order, with null values last.

    The endpoint has pagination in line with other endpoints; to retrieve all results pass a large value for the limit query parameter (e.g. ?limit=1000).

    If selected list does not exist, the endpoint will return 404 status code.

  • Advisers The following endpoint was added:

    DELETE /v4/company-list/<company list ID>/item/<company ID>

    This removes a company from the user's own selected list of companies.

    If the operation is successful, a 204 status code will be returned. If there is no company list with specified company list ID or a list doesn't belong to the user, a 404 will be returned.

  • OMIS The following endpoint was added:

    • GET /v4/dataset/omis-dataset: Present required fields data of all orders to be consumed by data-flow and used in data-workspace for reporting and analyst access.

Database schema

  • Interactions The column was removed from the database.

Data Hub API 14.6.0 (2019-09-03)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies GET /v4/company/<id>>/timeline: This endpoint is deprecated and will be removed on or after 9 September 2019. Please use /v4/activity-feed instead.
  • Contacts POST /v3/search/contact, POST /v3/search/contact/export the following sortby values are deprecated and will be removed on or after 12 September 2019:
    • accepts_dit_email_marketing
    • address_county
    • address_same_as_company
    • address_town
    • archived
    • archived_on
    • email
    • first_name
    • id
    • job_title
    • name
    • primary
    • telephone_countrycode
    • telephone_number
  • Investment POST /v3/search/investment_project, POST /v3/search/investment_project/export the following sortby values are deprecated and will be removed on or after 12 September 2019:
    • actual_land_date
    • approved_commitment_to_invest
    • approved_fdi
    • approved_good_value
    • approved_high_value
    • approved_landed
    • approved_non_fdi
    • archived
    • client_cannot_provide_total_investment
    • export_revenue
    • foreign_equity_investment
    • government_assistance
    • id
    • modified_on
    • new_tech_to_uk
    • non_fdi_r_and_d_budget
    • number_new_jobs
    • project_code
    • r_and_d_budget
    • referral_source_activity_event
    • site_decided
    • total_investment


  • Advisers The following endpoint was added:
    • DELETE /v4/company-list/<list ID>: Delete a company list and all its items.
  • Advisers GET /v4/company-list: The items__company_id query parameter can now be used to get the authenticated user's lists that contain a particular company.
  • Advisers The following endpoint was added:
    • PATCH /v4/company-list/<list ID>: Rename a company list.

      The request body must be in following format:

        "name": "string"

Database schema

  • Companies The pending_dnb_investigation field in the company_company table is now non-nullable.

Data Hub API 14.5.0 (2019-08-29)

Internal changes

  • Advisers An internal constraint preventing multiple company lists per user was removed now that the existing company list functionality is aware of multiple lists.


  • Advisers The following endpoint was added:
    • POST /v4/company-list: Create a company list for the authenticated user.

      The request body must be in following format:

        "name": "string"
  • Advisers The following endpoint was added:
    • GET /v4/company-list: Lists the authenticated user's company lists.

      This is a paginated endpoint. Items are sorted by name, and are in the following format:

        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "created_on": "ISO timestamp"

Database schema

  • Companies The company_company table now has a boolean field called pending_dnb_investigation. This is to record whether a company is under DNB investigation.

Data Hub API 14.4.0 (2019-08-23)

Deprecations and removals

  • Advisers The company_list_companylisttem.adviser_id column is deprecated and will be removed on or after 2 September 2019.


  • The datahub.notification app was adapted so that it can work with multiple GOVUK notify API keys - so that different apps can define their GOVUK notify templates on different notify service instances.

Bug fixes

  • Interactions Meeting invite ingestion was adjusted so that users do not get error notifications when they send a meeting cancellation.

    The notification celery task was modified so that 400/403 level responses do not have automatic retries.

Internal changes

  • Advisers The initial teams fixture (used for tests and new environments) was updated so that only the DIT_staff group has permission to use the company lists feature.
  • Advisers All legacy company list endpoints now fully operate on a default list for each user. This is in preparation for it being possible for users to have multiple company lists.

Database schema

  • Advisers The company_list_companylisttem.adviser_id column was made nullable.

Data Hub API 14.3.0 (2019-08-22)

Internal changes

  • Advisers A data migration was added to associate all existing company list items with a default list for each user. This is in preparation for it being possible for users to have multiple company lists.
  • Celery was configured to send task events by default (for better compatibility with the Flower monitoring tool).
  • The Celery conf inspect command was disabled for security reasons.


Database schema

  • Advisers company_list_companylisttem.list_id was made NOT NULL.

Data Hub API 14.2.0 (2019-08-19)

Deprecations and removals

  • Investment POST /v3/search/investment_project: The sortby value is no longer accepted.

    This sortby value was non-functional and was returning a 500 error if an attempt to use it was made.


  • Interactions It is now possible to upload interactions with service answers using the interaction upload tool in the Django admin.

Internal changes

  • Advisers Items added to company lists are now internally associated with a default list for each user. This is in preparation for it being possible for users to have multiple company lists.
  • All remaining uses of the copy_to mapping parameter were removed from all Elasticsearch mapping types. All search queries were updated to use corresponding sub-fields instead.

Database schema

  • Advisers A company_list_companylist table with the following columns was created:

    • "created_on" timestamp with time zone NULL
    • "modified_on" timestamp with time zone NULL
    • "id" uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
    • "name" varchar(255) NOT NULL
    • "is_legacy_default" boolean NOT NULL
    • "adviser_id" uuid NOT NULL
    • "created_by_id" uuid NULL
    • "modified_by_id" uuid NULL

    This will be used to store the IDs and names of user-created lists of companies.

  • Advisers A "list_id" uuid NULL column was added to the company_list_companylisttem table.

Data Hub API 14.1.0 (2019-08-15)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions interaction_interaction: The deprecated dit_adviser_id and dit_team_id columns were removed. Please use the interaction_interactionditparticipant table instead.

  • The following management commands were removed as they are no longer required:

    • update_investment_project_archived_state
    • update_investment_project_comments
    • update_investment_project_delivery_partners
    • update_investment_project_referral_source_activity_marketing
    • update_investment_project_referral_source_activity_website
    • update_omis_uk_regions
    • update_service_delivery_grant_fields

    These commands were used to make corrections following the initial data migration into Data Hub and no longer in use.

Internal changes

  • Various sub-fields were added to all Elasticsearch mapping types as replacements for the few remaining uses of the copy_to mapping parameter.

Data Hub API 14.0.0 (2019-08-12)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction, GET /v3/interaction/<id>, POST /v3/interaction, PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: The deprecated dit_adviser and dit_team fields were removed from responses. Please use dit_participants instead.
  • Interactions interaction_interaction: The deprecated dit_adviser_id and dit_team_id columns were prepared for removal and will shortly be removed. Please use the interaction_interactionditparticipant table instead.


  • Contacts The search CSV export was updated to handle interactions with multiple teams in the 'Team of latest interaction' column. Multiple team names are separated by commas, and duplicate teams are omitted. The column was accordingly renamed 'Teams of latest interaction'.
  • Interactions It's now possible to edit the advisers and teams associated with an interaction from the admin site.
  • It's now possible to configure Gunicorn to emit monitoring metrics to a StatsD host.

Bug fixes

  • Interactions An out-of-memory crash when trying to import a CSV file with blank contact_email values was fixed.

    (This would only have happened if there were a large number of active contacts in the database with blank email addresses.)


  • Companies POST /v4/dnb/company-search: This endpoint was modified to ensure that DNB results were hydrated with the corresponding Data Hub company, if it is present and can be matched (by duns number).

    The API response returns Data Hub companies alongside DNB data in the following format:

    "datahub_company": {
        "id": "0f5216e0-849f-11e6-ae22-56b6b6499611",
        "latest_interaction": {
            "id": "e8c3534f-4f60-4c93-9880-09c22e4fc011",
            "created_on": "2018-04-08T14:00:00Z",
            "date": "2018-06-06",
            "subject": "Exported to Canada"

Data Hub API 13.14.0 (2019-08-06)


  • Interactions The service metadata data model has been changed from a flat list of services to a tree structure with a help of django-mptt library.

  • Interactions It is now possible to monitor the number of failed and successful calendar invites being ingested in DataHub using StatsD.

  • The API documentation at the URL path /docs was updated to use OpenAPI following the upgrade to Django Rest Framework 3.10.0.

    It is now enabled by default.

    There are currently some missing or incorrect details as we are dependent on the web framework we are using. These should be corrected over time.

Bug fixes

  • Comma- and semicolon-delimited values in CSV exports are now always sorted alphabetically. (Previously, they were in an unspecified order which could change between exports.)

Database schema

  • Interactions The metadata_service table column name is deprecated and will be removed on or after the 5th of September 2019.

    • Interactions The following columns were added to metadata_service table to transform flat services list into a tree structure:

      • segment (character varying(255)) not null
      • level (integer) not null
      • lft (integer) not null
      • parent_id (uuid)
      • rght (integer) not null
      • tree_id (integer) not null
Columns `level`, `lft`, `rght`, `tree_id` are being used by `django-mptt` library to manage the tree structure.

The `parent_id` field points at the parent service.

At present only the leaf nodes are being used as interaction's service foreign keys.

Data Hub API 13.13.2 (2019-08-05)

Bug fixes

  • Advisers PUT /v4/user/company-list/<company ID>: A bug was fixed where multiple companies could not be added to a company list.

Internal changes

  • The Gunicorn log format was updated to include request times in seconds.

Data Hub API 13.13.1 (2019-07-31)

Internal changes

  • Interactions A migration was updated to not create a database index concurrently due to a problem encountered during deployment.

Data Hub API 13.13.0 (2019-07-30)


  • Advisers The following endpoint was added:

    GET /v4/user/company-list

    It lists all the companies on the authenticated user's personal list, with responses in the following format:

        "count": <int>,
        "previous": <url>,
        "next": <url>,
        "results": [
                "company": {
                    "id": <string>,
                    "archived": <boolean>,
                    "name": <string>,
                    "trading_names": [<string>, <string>, ...]
                "created_on": <ISO timestamp>,
                "latest_interaction": {
                    "id": <string>,
                    "created_on": <ISO timestamp>,
                    "date": <ISO date>,
                    "subject": <string>

    latest_interaction may be null if the company has no interactions.

    Results are sorted by in reverse chronological order, with null values last.

    The endpoint has pagination in line with other endpoints; to retrieve all results pass a large value for the limit query parameter (e.g. ?limit=1000).

Data Hub API 13.12.0 (2019-07-25)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions The metadata_service.requires_service_answers_flow_feature_flag column was removed from the database.


  • Companies The admin site company merging tool now updates users' personal company lists if they contain the company being archived.


  • Advisers PUT /v4/user/company-list/<company ID>: A 400 is now returned if an archived company is specified.

    In this case, the response body will contain:

        "non_field_errors": "An archived company can't be added to a company list."

    (Note that it is still possible to remove archived companies from a user's company list.)

  • Advisers The following endpoint was added:

    • GET /v4/user/company-list/<company ID>

    It checks if a company is on the authenticated user's personal list of companies.

    If the company is on the user's list, a 2xx status code will be returned. If it is not, a 404 will be returned.

  • Advisers The following endpoint was added:

    DELETE /v4/user/company-list/<company ID>

    This removes a company from the authenticated user's personal list of companies.

    If the operation is successful, a 2xx status code will be returned. If there is no company with the specified company ID, a 404 will be returned.

    Currently, the response body is unused.

Database schema

  • Interactions The metadata_service.requires_service_answers_flow_feature_flag column was removed from the database.

Data Hub API 13.11.0 (2019-07-22)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions The metadata_service.requires_service_answers_flow_feature_flag column is deprecated will be removed on or after 22 July 2019.


  • Interactions The ability to send received and bounce notifications in case of success and failure of ingesting calendar invite emails respectively has been added to the DataHub.

    This is currently behind the interaction-email-notification feature flag.

  • Interactions The interaction_service_answers_flow feature flag was removed and the related functionality is no longer behind a feature flag.

  • An initial endpoint was added for searching for companies through dnb-service ( This endpoint takes care of auth and proxies requests through to the service - it will return error responses from the proxied DNB service.

    There is further work to be done here in terms of iterating features and hardening the implementation.

Bug fixes

  • Investment The schema in the API documentation was corrected for all investment document upload callback endpoints.

Internal changes

  • Django Rest Framework was updated from version 3.9.4 to version 3.10.1.

Data Hub API 13.10.0 (2019-07-17)

Internal changes

  • Interactions The context of "Export Opportunities" service has been updated to include export interaction.


  • Advisers The following endpoint was added:

    PUT /v4/user/company-list/<company ID>

    This adds a company to the authenticated user's personal list of companies.

    If the operation is successful, a 2xx status code will be returned. If there is no company with the specified company ID, a 404 wil lbe returned.

    Currently, the response body is unused.

Database schema

  • Advisers A company_list_companylistitem table was created with the following columns:

    • "id" uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
    • "adviser_id" uuid NOT NULL
    • "company_id" uuid NOT NULL
    • "created_on" timestamp with time zone NULL
    • "modified_on" timestamp with time zone NULL
    • "created_by_id" uuid NULL
    • "modified_by_id" uuid NULL

    This table will store a list of companies advisers have added to their personal list of companies.

Data Hub API 13.9.0 (2019-07-16)


  • Interactions The service names were changed to enable front-end to display them in hierarchy. Services no longer required have been disabled.

Bug fixes

  • Schemas in the API documentation were corrected for the following endpoints:
    • all archive endpoints
    • all unarchive endpoints
    • the complete OMIS order endpoint
    • the cancel OMIS order endpoint
    • all search endpoints

Internal changes

  • Python was updated from version 3.7.3 to 3.7.4 in deployed environments.


  • Interactions POST /v3/interaction now accepts TAP related fields grant_amount_offered and net_company_receipt for interaction.

  • Investment The following endpoints were corrected to return a 404 when a non-existent investment project or proposition was specified:

    • GET,POST /v3/investment/{project_pk}/proposition/{proposition_pk}/document
    • GET,DELETE /v3/investment/{project_pk}/proposition/{proposition_pk}/document/{entity_document_pk}
    • GET /v3/investment/{project_pk}/proposition/{proposition_pk}/document/{entity_document_pk}/download
    • POST /v3/investment/{project_pk}/proposition/{proposition_pk}/document/{entity_document_pk}/upload-callback

    (Previously, they would only return a 404 in some of the possible cases.)

Database schema

  • An order double precision column was added to the metadata_service table to store the order of services.

Data Hub API 13.8.0 (2019-07-10)


  • The Django Rest Framework built-in documentation was enabled at the URL path /docs.

    This is currently only enabled if the ENABLE_API_DOCUMENTATION environment variable is set to True as the documentation is not fully functional as yet.

    You must also log into Django admin prior to accessing /docs.

  • A new notification django app was added for the purpose of sending notifications to Data Hub advisers and contacts. This is a wrapper around the GOVUK Notify service and will be used initially for sending receipt/bounce notifications to advisers who use the meeting invite email ingestion tool.

    The app has not yet been added to settings.INSTALLED_APPS; this will happen as part of the follow-up work to use the notification app in the meeting invite email ingestion logic.

Bug fixes

Data Hub API 13.7.0 (2019-07-09)

Internal changes

  • Interactions The meeting email invites ingestion parsing logic was adjusted to use a new max_interactions strategy for finding a contact. This ensures that when multiple contacts are found which match the same email address, the contact with the most interactions attributed to it takes precedence. It's an imperfect solution, but acts as a best guess for imperfect data.


  • The activity-stream payload for OMIS and investment projects will now contain startTime.

Data Hub API 13.6.1 (2019-07-08)

Internal changes

  • The /whoami/ endpoint was opted out of atomic requests as it does not require them. This change is intended to help reduce the occurence of a race condition that occurs when two requests perform OAuth2 introspection on the same token.

Data Hub API 13.6.0 (2019-07-02)


  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction, GET /v3/interaction/<id>: A service_answers field was added to responses.

  • Interactions POST /v3/interaction, PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: An optional (depending on selected Service) service_answers field was added to request bodies.

    The service_answers body is expected to be in the following format:

        "<service question ID>": {
            "<service answer option ID>": {
                # body reserved for future use
  • The activity-stream payload will now contain dit:team for all dit:DataHubAdviser.

Database schema

  • Interactions A nullable service_answers jsonb column was added to the interaction_interaction table to store answers to service questions.

Data Hub API 13.5.0 (2019-06-18)


  • Interactions The Django Admin Interaction Service section has been made read only.

Internal changes

  • Events Events in the test data for acceptance tests were corrected to use a DIT service that is valid for events.


  • Interactions GET /metadata/service/: The interaction_questions field was added to responses. It contains a representation of service questions and answer options from ServiceQuestion and ServiceAnswerOption models. It is an array of following format:

    [ # Array of ServiceQuestion
            'id': <uuid>,
            'name: <str>,
            'disabled_on': <datetime>,
            'answer_options': [ # Array of ServiceAnswerOption
                    'id': <uuid>,
                    'name': <str>,
                    'disabled_on': <datetime>
  • The activity-stream payload will now contain dit:jobTitle for all dit:DataHubContact.

  • The activity-stream payload will now contain url for all dit:DataHubContact.

Data Hub API 13.4.0 (2019-06-14)


  • Interactions The services in production were replicated to all other environments in preparation for forthcoming changes to interactions and services.

Bug fixes

  • OMIS When a company or a contact name changes, related OMIS orders are now synced to ElasticSearch.

Internal changes

  • Interactions A feature flag with code interaction_service_answers_flow was added to control whether services with service questions and answer options are returned by the API.
  • The deprecated Raven Sentry client was replaced with the Sentry SDK.

Database schema

  • Interactions A metadata_service.requires_service_answers_flow_feature_flag column was added with type boolean. This is used to hide certain services behind a feature flag while related functionality is being built.

Data Hub API 13.3.0 (2019-06-11)


  • Interactions The admin site import interactions tool is no longer behind a feature flag.


  • Interactions POST /v3/interaction, PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: The API now correctly returns an error if service_delivery is specified for kind when theme is investment.

  • It is now possible to get a list of OMIS orders added in activity-stream format.

    The URL for this is:


Data Hub API 13.2.0 (2019-06-06)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions POST /v3/interaction, PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: The deprecated dit_adviser and dit_team fields were made read-only in preparation for their removal. Please use dit_participants instead.
  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: The deprecated dit_adviser filter was removed. Please use the dit_participants__adviser filter instead.
  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: The deprecated dit_adviser_name filter was removed. There is no replacement for this filter.
  • Interactions GET /v3/search, POST /v3/search/interaction: The deprecated dit_adviser and dit_team interaction fields were removed from interaction objects in responses. Please use dit_participants instead.
  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: The deprecated dit_team filter was removed. Please use the dit_participants__team filter instead.


  • Interactions The theme field was added to the import interactions admin site tool. The tool is currently behind the admin-interaction-csv-importer feature flag as it’s incomplete.

  • Interactions A feature was activated for ingesting meeting invite emails sent to a shared mailbox as draft interactions. This enables DIT advisers to create interactions more easily.

    This is the first instance of a Data Hub app using the framework provided by the datahub.email_ingestion app. There will be subsequent iterations on the CalendarInteractionEmailProcessor class to improve the user experience - most notably sending notifications of bounce/receipt to advisers.


  • GET /v4/activity-feed now returns an empty list if the authenticated user doesn't have permissions to view all interactions, investment projects or OMIS orders.

  • It is now possible to get a list of investment projects created in activity-stream format.

    The URL for this is:


Data Hub API 13.1.0 (2019-06-03)


  • Interactions The ability to download records that could not be matched to contacts was added to the import interactions admin site tool. The tool is currently behind the admin-interaction-csv-importer feature flag as it’s incomplete.

  • Interactions The import interactions admin site tool now rejects files that contain duplicate items. The tool is currently behind the admin-interaction-csv-importer feature flag as it’s incomplete.

  • Interactions The search CSV export was updated to handle interactions with multiple advisers. The previous Adviser and Service provider columns have been merged into a single Advisers column. This column contains the names of all the advisers for each interaction separated by commas. The team of each adviser is in brackets after each name.

    For existing interactions, existing teams associated with each interaction have been preserved. For new interactions, the team included is the team each adviser was in when they were added to the interaction.

Database schema

  • Interactions A GIN index for source was added to the interaction_interaction table.

Data Hub API 13.0.0 (2019-05-29)


  • Interactions The ability to save loaded interactions was added to the import interactions admin site tool. The tool is currently behind the admin-interaction-csv-importer feature flag as it’s incomplete.

Bug fixes

  • Investment A fix was applied to the SPI report generation task so that it restarts if it's interrupted.


  • New endpoint added GET /v4/activity-feed which acts as a proxy for Activity Stream and allows a Data Hub frontend client to read from it.

  • It is now possible to get a list of interactions in activity-stream format.

    The URL for this is:


Database schema

  • Interactions The database table interaction_serviceadditionalquestion has been added with the following columns:
    • id uuid not null
    • disabled_on timestamp with time zone
    • name text not null
    • is_required boolean not null
    • type character varying(255) not null
    • order double precision not null
    • answer_option_id uuid not null
  • Interactions The database table interaction_serviceansweroption has been added with the following columns:
    • id uuid not null
    • disabled_on timestamp with time zone
    • name text not null
    • order double precision not null
    • question_id uuid not null
  • Interactions The database table interaction_servicequestion has been added with the following columns:
    • id uuid not null
    • disabled_on timestamp with time zone
    • name text not null
    • order double precision not null
    • service_id uuid not null

Data Hub API 12.3.0 (2019-05-22)


  • Companies PATCH /v4/company/<uuid:pk>: headquarter_type and global_headquarters can now always be changed. They were previously read-only if a company had a non-empty duns_number set.

Data Hub API 12.2.0 (2019-05-17)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The trading_address fields have now been removed from the company_company table in the database. These include:


  • Companies The /v3/ch-company/* endpoints have been removed. These include:



  • Investment The validation for the endpoint PATCH /v4/investor-profile/ has been updated.

    The field required_checks_conducted_on now needs to be a date that is within the last 12 months.

Database schema

  • Investment The database table used to store large capital investor profiles has been changed from investor_profile_investorprofile to investor_profile_largecapitalinvestorprofile.

    The column profile_type_id was removed.

    The database tables investor_profile_investorprofile and investor_profile_profiletype will be removed on or before 27th May.

Data Hub API 12.1.0 (2019-05-13)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The trading_address fields have now been removed from the codebase. These include:



  • Interactions A preview page was added to the admin site tool for importing interactions. The tool is currently behind the admin-interaction-csv-importer feature flag as it is incomplete.

Data Hub API 12.0.0 (2019-05-09)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies On 16 May 2019, the company_company.trading_address_<xyz> columns will be removed from the database. These include:


  • Companies The /v3/company endpoints have been removed. These include:


  • The /v3/search/company/ endpoints have been removed. These include:



  • Interactions Validation of rows in the input file was added to the admin site tool for importing interactions. The tool is currently behind the admin-interaction-csv-importer feature flag as it is incomplete.

Internal changes

  • Investment The logic to streamline the investment flow by removing the assign pm stage has been removed. The logic was hidden behind a feature flag that was never activated.


  • Companies The endpoint /v4/search/company/autocomplete has been updated to accept an optional parameter of country.

    Company typeahead searches are now filterable by country the filter accepts a single or list of country ids.

Database schema

  • Interactions The interaction_interaction table has been modified such that the following columns are no longer nullable:
    • status - this has an application-enforced default of 'complete'
    • location - this has an application-enforced default of ''
    • archived - this has an application-enforced default of false

Data Hub API 11.12.0 (2019-05-02)

Internal changes

  • The update_company_registered_address Django command is now available for internal use. This copies the registered_address of all CompaniesHouseCompany records to the corresponding Company record with the same company_number. If a CompaniesHouseCompany is not found, it resets the registered_address.


  • Companies New API endpoints were added to aid matching Data Hub companies with D&B companies:

    All endpoints return a response body with the following format:

        "result": {
        "candidates": [
            { ... },
            { ... }
        "company": {
            "id": "81756b9a-5d95-e211-a939-e4115bead28a",
            "name": 'My Corp',
            "trading_names": ["trading name"]

    The value of result depends on the type of match.

    If a match was found and recorded:

        "dnb_match": {
            "duns_number": "111",
            'name': 'NAME OF A COMPANY',
            "country": {
                "id": "81756b9a-5d95-e211-a939-e4115bead28a",
                "name": "United States"
            "global_ultimate_duns_number": "112",
            "global_ultimate_name": "NAME OF A GLOBAL COMPANY",
            "global_ultimate_country": {
                "id": "81756b9a-5d95-e211-a939-e4115bead28a",
                "name": "United States"
        "matched_by": "data-science"

    If matched_by contains adviser value, then additional adviser key will be added to the result response:

        "matched_by": "adviser",
        "adviser": {
            "id": "12777b9a-5d95-2241-a939-fa112be2d22a",
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "name": "John Doe"

    If a match wasn't found because the company isn't listed or the adviser is not confident to make the match:

        "no_match": {
            "reason': "not_listed",  # or "not_confident"
        "matched_by": "adviser",
        "adviser": { ... }

    If a match wasn't found because there were multiple potential matches:

        "no_match": {
            "reason": "more_than_one",
            "candidates": [  # list of duns numbers
        "matched_by": "adviser",
        "adviser": { ... }

    If a match wasn't found because of other reasons:

        "no_match": {
            "reason": "other",
            "description": "explanation..."
        "matched_by": "adviser",
        "adviser": { ... }

    The top level candidates is a list of objects with this format:

        "duns_number": 12345,
        "name": 'test name',
        "global_ultimate_duns_number": 12345,
        "global_ultimate_name": "test name global",
        "global_ultimate_country": {
            "id": "81756b9a-5d95-e211-a939-e4115bead28a",
            "name": "United States"
        "address_1": "1st LTD street",
        "address_2": "",
        "address_town": "London",
        "address_postcode": "SW1A 1AA",
        "address_country": {
            "id": "81756b9a-5d95-e211-a939-e4115bead28a",
            "name": "United States"
        "confidence": 10,
        "source": "cats"


    GET /v4/dnb-match/<company_pk> returns the response above

    POST /v4/dnb-match/<company_pk>/select-match accepts the duns_number of the candidate to be selected as a match from the list of candidates

    POST /v4/dnb-match/<company_pk>/select-no-match accepts reason with value:

    • not_listed: if none of the candidates is a good match
    • not_confident: if the adviser is not confident to make the match
    • more_than_one: if there are multiple potential matches. In this case an extra candidates field is required with the list of valid duns numbers.
    • other: for other reasons. In this case an extra free text description field is required
  • Investment The field actual_land_date is now required to move an investment project from active to verify win.

Data Hub API 11.11.0 (2019-04-30)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies On the 4th of May 2019, all data in the company_company registered address fields will be replaced by the official data from the Companies House record identified by the company_company.company_number field. In cases where company_company.company_number is invalid or blank (e.g. for non-UK companies), the registered address fields will be made blank and the related data lost. List of registered address fields:
    • registered_address_1
    • registered_address_2
    • registered_address_town
    • registered_address_county
    • registered_address_postcode
    • registered_address_country_id

Internal changes

  • Companies The field company.Company.registered_address_country was made blankable so that it becomes optional in the Django admin.
  • The company_field_with_copy_to_name_trigram search field type was removed and uses of it replaced with company_field. The name.keyword, name.trigram and trading_names.trigram sub-fields are now used in search queries. This change also means that the type of the name sub-field has been corrected from keyword to text.
  • Python was updated from version 3.7.2 to 3.7.3 in deployed environments.

Database schema

  • Companies The following columns were made NOT NULL - optional values will be represented by empty strings:
    • company_company.registered_address_2
    • company_company.registered_address_county
    • company_company.registered_address_postcode
    • company_company.address_1
    • company_company.address_2
    • company_company.address_town
    • company_company.address_county
    • company_company.address_postcode
    • company_company.trading_address_1
    • company_company.trading_address_2
    • company_company.trading_address_town
    • company_company.trading_address_county
    • company_company.trading_address_postcode

Data Hub API 11.10.0 (2019-04-25)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions The deprecated interaction_interaction.contact_id column was deleted from the database. Please use the interaction_interaction_contacts many-to-many table instead.

Internal changes

  • Investment The logic has been updated for selecting which financial year's data is used to calculate the GVA for an investment project.
  • The name.keyword and name.trigram sub-fields of the contact_or_adviser_field field type are now used in search queries. Hence, the name_trigram sub-field of contact_or_adviser_field has been removed, and the type of the name sub-field has been changed from keyword to text.


  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction, GET /v3/interaction/<id>: A theme field was added to responses with possible values "export", "investment", "other" and null.
  • Interactions POST /v3/interaction, PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: An optional theme field was added to request bodies with possible values "export", "investment", "other" and null.
  • Investment The endpoint /v4/large-investor-profile has been updated to allow the following fields to be set to empty values.
    • investor_type
    • minimum_return_rate
    • minimum_equity_percentage

Database schema

  • Interactions The deprecated interaction_interaction.contact_id column was deleted from the database. Please use the interaction_interaction_contacts many-to-many table instead.
  • Interactions A nullable theme varchar(255) column was added to the interaction_interaction table with possible values 'export', 'investment', 'other' and NULL. This column is primarily for internal use.

Data Hub API 11.9.0 (2019-04-23)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions The deprecated column is being prepared for removal and will shortly be removed. Please use the interaction_interaction_contacts table instead.


  • Companies POST /v3/company and PATCH /v3/company/<uuid:pk>: None values for address CharFields are now internally converted to empty strings as Django recommends:

  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction and GET /v3/interaction/<uid>: The following fields were added:

    • archived - boolean - whether the interaction has been archived or not, defaults to False
    • archived_on - datetime string, nullable - the datetime at which the interaction was archived
    • archived_by - object, nullable - the Adviser that archived the interaction
    • archived_reason - string, nullable - free-form text explaining the reason for archiving the interaction

    These fields cannot be modified with PATCH or POST requests.

    Two additional API endpoints were added:

    POST /v3/interaction/<uid>/archive - requires a "reason" parameter. This will archive an interaction with the supplied reason.

    POST /v3/interaction/<uid>/unarchive This will 'un-archive' an interaction.

Database schema

  • Interactions Four supporting fields were added to interaction_interaction for the purpose of allowing interactions to be archived:
    • archived (boolean, nullable)
    • archived_on (datetime string, nullable)
    • archived_by_id (uuid, nullable) - foreign key to company_adviser
    • archived_reason (string, nullable)
  • Interactions A supporting field was added to interaction_interaction for the purpose of logging the external source of an interaction:
    • source (JSONB, nullable)

Data Hub API 11.8.0 (2019-04-16)


  • Interactions The first page of admin site tool for importing interactions was added, allowing a CSV file to be selected. This feature is currently behind the admin-interaction-csv-importer feature flag as it is incomplete.
  • Investment Large capital profiles can now be downloaded as a csv file

Internal changes

  • The cleanse_companies_using_worldbase_match command now ignores matches for duns numbers already used in Data Hub as there can be only one Data Hub company record with a given duns number.


  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction and GET /v3/interaction/<uid>: The following fields were added:

    • status - string - one of 'draft' or 'complete', defaults to 'complete'
    • location - string - free text representing the location of a meeting, defaults to ''

    These can both modified with PATCH requests.

    When creating or updating an interaction whose status='draft', both service and communication_channel are no longer required.

  • Investment The following endpoint has been added /v4/search/large-investor-profile/export to allow large capital profiles to be download as a csv file.

    The following data columns are returned per large capital profile in the csv (in this order):

    • Date created
    • Data Hub profile reference
    • Data Hub link
    • Investor company
    • Investor type
    • Investable capital
    • Global assets under management
    • Investor description
    • Required checks conducted
    • Required checks conducted by
    • Required checks conducted on
    • Deal ticket sizes
    • Asset classes of interest
    • Investment types
    • Minimum return rate
    • Time horizons
    • Restrictions
    • Construction risks
    • Minimum equity percentage
    • Desired deal roles
    • UK regions of interest
    • Other countries being considered
    • Notes on locations
    • Date last modified

Database schema

  • Interactions Two supporting fields were added to interaction_interaction for the purpose of recording meetings:
    • status (text, nullable) - one of "draft" or "complete"
    • location (text, nullable) - free text representing the location of a meeting

Data Hub API 11.7.0 (2019-04-11)

Internal changes

  • A Django command was added to data cleanse some Data Hub companies using the D&B Worldbase matches.

Data Hub API 11.6.0 (2019-04-11)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction: The deprecated dit_adviser__first_name and dit_adviser__last_name values for the sortby query parameter were removed.


  • Companies Company match candidates can now be updated with a management command using data from CSV file

  • Investment The following fields have been added to Investment Search:

    • gross_value_added

    To allow gross_value added to be filtered by a range the following filters have been added:

    • gross_value_added_start
    • gross_value_added_end
  • Investment The following fields have been added to the investment csv download:

    • FDI type
    • Foreign equity investment
    • GVA multiplier
    • GVA

Internal changes

  • Investment An investment project with a business activity of sales now uses the GVA Multiplier for retail to calculate Gross Value Added.
  • Investment New Django Admin page to update and add GVA Multipliers.
  • Investment Renamed command populate_gross_value_addded to refresh_gross_value_added_values and updated to include projects with a business activity of sales that do not have a sector.
  • name.keyword, name.trigram and trading_names.trigram sub-fields were added to the company_field_with_copy_to_name_trigram field type in all search models. These will replace the existing name_trigram and trading_names_trigram sub-fields and allow the type of the name sub-field to be changed from keyword to text.
  • Celery was updated to version 4.3.
  • Python was updated from version 3.6.8 to 3.7.2.


  • Investment Investment project search endpoint /v3/search/investment_project now returns gross_value_added for each investment project.

    Search results can now be filtered by gross_value_added using the range filters gross_value_added_start and gross_value_added_end.

Data Hub API 11.5.0 (2019-04-08)


  • Interactions Communication channel is now included in CSV exports of search results.
  • Investment Gross Value Added has been added to investment projects. This is calculated based on the sector, business activity and the projected foreign equity investment amount.

Internal changes

  • name.keyword and name.trigram sub-fields were added to the contact_or_adviser_field field type in all search models. This is in preparation of the removal of the name_trigram sub-field, and also so we can change the type of the name sub-field from keyword to text.
  • Django was updated to version 2.2.


  • Events POST /v3/event, PATCH /v3/event/<id>: The organiser field is now required.
  • Investment The following read only field has been added to /v3/investment/ endpoint.
    • gross_value_added

Database schema

  • Investment The database table investment_investmentproject has been updated with the following columns:

    • gross_value_added (decimal)

    The the following columns in database table investment_gva_multiplier has been updated:

    • multiplier (float) not null changed to multiplier (decimal) not null

Data Hub API 11.4.1 (2019-04-04)

Internal changes

  • Investment Fix for investment admin updated GVA multiplier string.

Data Hub API 11.4.0 (2019-04-04)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions GET /metadata/service/: The following values for the contexts field are deprecated and will be removed on or after 8 April 2019:

    • interaction
    • service_delivery

    Please see the API section for more details.


  • Interactions The following service contexts were added in Django admin:

    • Export interaction
    • Export service delivery
    • Investment interaction
    • Other interaction
    • Other service delivery

    All existing, non-disabled services with the 'Interaction' context have also been given the 'Other interaction' context.

    All existing, non-disabled services with the 'Service delivery' context have also been given the 'Other service delivery' context.

    The 'Interaction' context was renamed 'Interaction (deprecated)' and will be removed at a later date.

    The 'Service delivery' context was renamed 'Service delivery (deprecated)' and will be removed at a later date.

  • Investment A mapping from Sectors to SIC Groupings and GVA Multiplier information has been added. This mapping will be used to help calculate the GVA of an investment project.

  • The service contexts and team tags fields in the admin site were updated to use tick boxes for better usability.

  • A context filter was added to the service list in the admin site.


  • Interactions GET /metadata/service/: The following values for the contexts field were added:

    • export_interaction
    • export_service_delivery
    • investment_interaction
    • other_interaction
    • other_service_delivery

    The following contexts are deprecated and will be removed on or after 8 April 2019:

    • interaction
    • service_delivery

    Please migrate to the new values above.

Database schema

  • Investment The database table investment_fdisicgrouping has been added with the following columns:

    • id (uuid) not null,
    • name (text) not null,
    • disabled_on (datetime),

    The database table investment_gva_multiplier has been added with the following columns:

    • id (uuid) not null,
    • multiplier (float) not null,
    • financial_year (int) not null,
    • fdisicgrouping_id (uuid) not null,

    Where fdi_sicgrouping_id is a foreign key to investment_fdisicgrouping.

    The database table investment_investmentsector has been added with the following columns:

    • sector_id (uuid) not null pk,
    • fdi_sicgrouping_id (uuid) not null,

    Where sector_id is a foreign key to metadata_sector and fdi_sicgrouping_id is a foreign key to investment_fdisicgrouping.

    The database_table investment_investmentproject has been updated and the following column has been added:

    • gva_multiplier_id (uuid),

    Where gva_multiplier_id is a foreign key to investment_gvamultiplier.

Data Hub API 11.3.0 (2019-03-28)


  • Investment The endpoint /v4/large-capital-profile now accepts and returns required_checks_conducted_on (date) and required_checks_conducted_by (adviser id).

    Both become required fields when required_checks_conducted is set to Cleared or Issues identified.

  • Investment New endpoint added POST /v4/search/large-investor-profile to search and retrieve large capital investor profiles.

    Profiles are filterable as follows. The following filters accept and single or list of ids:

    • id
    • asset_classes_of_interest (metadata id)
    • country_of_origin (country id)
    • investor_company (company id)
    • created_by (adviser id)
    • investor_type (metadata id)
    • required_checks_conducted (metadata id)
    • deal_ticket_size (metadata id)
    • investment_type (metadata id)
    • minimum_return_rate (metadata id)
    • time_horizon (metadata id)
    • restriction (metadata id)
    • construction_risk (metadata id)
    • minimum_equity_percentage (metadata id)
    • desired_deal_role (metadata id)
    • uk_region_location (uk region id)
    • other_countries_being_considered (country id)

    The following range filters have been added:

    • created_on_before (date)
    • created_on_after (date)
    • global_assets_under_management_start (int)
    • global_assets_under_management_end (int)
    • investable_capital_start (int)
    • investable_capital_end (int)

    The following text search filter has been added:

    • investor_company_name (text)

Data Hub API 11.2.0 (2019-03-22)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: The dit_adviser filter is deprecated and will be removed on or after 4 April 2019. Please use the dit_participants__adviser filter instead.
  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: The dit_adviser_name filter is deprecated and will be removed on or after 4 April 2019. There is no replacement for this filter.
  • Interactions GET /v3/search, POST /v3/search/interaction: The dit_adviser and dit_team interaction fields are deprecated and will be removed on or after 28 March 2019. Please use dit_participants instead.
  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: The dit_team filter is deprecated and will be removed on or after 4 April 2019. Please use the dit_participants__team filter instead.
  • Investment The column investmentproject.likelihood_of_landing was removed from the database.


  • Interactions A DIT participants section was added to the interaction form in the admin site. This displays all advisers and teams that are associated with an interaction. This section will remain read-only until the old DIT adviser and DIT team fields are removed from the database.
  • Interactions Global search is now aware of multiple interaction advisers and teams. This means that it searches the names of all advisers and teams added to an interaction instead of only one of them.
  • The 'My latest interactions' list on the home page is now aware of multiple interaction advisers. This means that if multiple advisers are added to an interaction, the interaction will show up on all of those advisers' home pages.

Internal changes

  • Investment Large Capital investor profile search index added.
  • Various dependencies were updated.


  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: dit_participants__adviser was added as a filter. This is intended to replace the existing dit_adviser filter.
  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: dit_participants__team was added as a filter. This is intended to replace the existing dit_team filter.

Database schema

  • Investment The column investmentproject.likelhood_of_landing was removed from the database.

Data Hub API 11.1.0 (2019-03-19)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction: The dit_adviser__first_name and dit_adviser__last_name values for the sortby query parameter are deprecated and will be removed on or after 28 March 2019.
  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction, GET /v3/interaction/<id>, POST /v3/interaction, PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: The dit_adviser and dit_team fields are deprecated and will be removed on or after 28 March 2019. Please use dit_participants instead.
  • Interactions The DIT adviser and DIT team fields were temporarily made read-only in the admin site until the transition to allowing multiple advisers in an interaction is complete.
  • Interactions interaction_interaction: The dit_adviser_id and dit_team_id columns are deprecated and will be removed on or after 22 April 2019. Please use the interaction_interactionditparticipant table instead.


  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction, GET /v3/interaction/<id>, POST /v3/interaction, PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>:

    dit_participants was added to responses. This is an array in the following format:

           "adviser": {
               "id": ...,
               "first_name": ...,
               "last_name": ...,
               "name": ...
           "team": {
               "id": ...,
               "name": ...
           "adviser": {
               "id": ...,
               "first_name": ...,
               "last_name": ...,
               "name": ...
           "team": {
               "id": ...,
               "name": ...

    This field is intended to replace the dit_adviser and dit_team fields.

  • Interactions POST /v3/interaction, PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>:

    dit_participants is now a valid field in request bodies. This should be an array in the following format:

           "adviser": {
               "id": ...
           "adviser": {
               "id": ...

    Note that the team for each participant will be set automatically. (If a team is provided it will be ignored.)

    dit_participants is intended to replace the dit_adviser and dit_team fields.

  • Interactions GET /v3/search, POST /v3/search/interaction:

    dit_participants was added to interaction search results in responses. This is an array in the following format:

           "adviser": {
               "id": ...,
               "first_name": ...,
               "last_name": ...,
               "name": ...
           "team": {
               "id": ...,
               "name": ...
           "adviser": {
               "id": ...,
               "first_name": ...,
               "last_name": ...,
               "name": ...
           "team": {
               "id": ...,
               "name": ...

    This field is intended to replace the dit_adviser and dit_team fields.

Data Hub API 11.0.0 (2019-03-15)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions GET,POST /v3/interaction, GET,PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: The deprecated contact field was removed. Please use contacts instead.
  • Interactions GET /v3/search, POST /v3/search/interaction: The deprecated contact field in interaction search results was removed. Please use contacts instead.


  • Investment A new endpoint has been added for creating and maintaining Large capital investor profiles on datahub.

Internal changes

  • Interactions A Celery task was added to create InteractionDITParticipant objects from the dit_adviser and dit_team values for interactions that do not already have a InteractionDITParticipant object. The task must be run manually.


  • Investment GET /v4/large-investor-profile returns a list of all the large capital profiles. The results can be filtered using a parameter of investor_company_id given a company id.

    POST /v4/large-investor-profile creates a large capital profile for a given investor_company.

    GET /v4/large-investor-profile/<uuid:pk> returns the large capital profile for the given id.

    PATCH /v4/large-investor-profile/<uuid:pk> updates the large capital profile for the given id.

    • A large capital profile consists of the following fields:
      id the uuid of the of the investor profile (readonly),

      investor_company a company (uuid and name),

      investor_type the capital investment investor type (uuid and name),

      investable_capital the capital that could be invested in USD (int),

      global_assets_under_management Global assets under management amount in USD (int),

      investor_description a text description of the investor,

      required_checks_conducted a required background checks conducted status (uuid and name),

      deal_ticket_sizes a list of deal ticket sizes (uuid and name),

      investment_types a list of large capital investment types (uuid and name),

      minimum_return_rate a return rate (uuid and name),

      time_horizons a list of time horizons (uuid and name),

      construction_risks a list of construction risks (uuid and name),

      minimum_equity_percentage an equity percentage (uuid and name),

      desired_deal_roles a list of desired deal roles (uuid and name),

      restrictions a list of restrictions (uuid and name),

      asset_classes_of_interest a list of asset class interests (uuid and name),

      uk_region_locations a list of uk regions (uuid and name),

      notes_on_locations a text field,

      other_countries_being_considered a list of countries (uuid and name),

      created_on the time and date the profile was created,

      modified_on the time and date the profile was last modified,

      incomplete_details_fields a list of the detail fields that are yet to have a value set.

      incomplete_requirements_fields a list of the requirements fields that are yet to have a value set.

      incomplete_location_fields a list of the location fields that are yet to have a value set.

    • The detail fields:





    • The requirement fields:









    • The location fields:



  • Investment The following metadata endpoints have been added

    GET /metadata/capital-investment/asset-class-interest/ returns all possible asset_class_interest values. The values also include a field asset-class-interest-sector which returns the id and name of the the associated asset_class_interest_sector.

    GET /metadata/capital-investment/required-checks-conducted/ returns all possible investor_profile_requiredchecksconducted values.

    GET /metadata/capital-investment/construction-risk/ returns all possible investor_profile_constructionrisk values.

    GET /metadata/capital-investment/deal-ticket-size/ returns all possible investor_profile_dealticketsize values.

    GET /metadata/capital-investment/desired-deal-role/ returns all possible investor_profile_desireddealrole values.

    GET /metadata/capital-investment/equity-percentage/ returns all possible investor_profile_equitypercentage values.

    GET /metadata/capital-investment/investor-type/ returns all possible investor_profile_investortype values.

    GET /metadata/capital-investment/large-capital-investment-type/ returns all possible investor_profile_largecapitalinvestmenttype values.

    GET /metadata/capital-investment/restriction/ returns all possible investor_profile_restriction values.

    GET /metadata/capital-investment/return-rate/ returns all possible investor_profile_returnrate values.

    GET /metadata/capital-investment/time-horizon/ returns all possible investor_profile_time_horizon values.

Database schema

  • Interactions The table interaction_interactionditparticipant table was added with the following columns:

    • "id" bigserial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
    • "adviser_id" uuid NULL
    • "interaction_id" uuid NOT NULL
    • "team_id" uuid NULL

    This is a many-to-many relationship table linking interactions with advisers.

    The table had not been fully populated with data yet; continue to use interaction_interaction.dit_adviser_id and interaction_interaction.dit_team_id for the time being.

Data Hub API 10.5.0 (2019-03-11)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction: The deprecated contact__first_name and contact__last_name values for the sortby query parameter were removed.
  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction: The deprecated contact_id query parameter was removed. Please use contacts__id instead.
  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: The deprecated contact and contact_name filters were removed.
  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: The deprecated,, and id values for the sortby query parameter were removed.
  • GET /v3/search: all the values for the sortby query parameter were removed.

Internal changes

  • Investment Fix for generate_spi_report celery task having the incorrect path.

Database schema

    • Investment The database table investor_profile_investorprofile has been added with the following columns:
      id (uuid) not null,

      investor_company_id (uuid) not null,

      profile_type_id (uuid) not null,

      created_on (timestamp),

      modified_on (timestamp),

      created_by_id (uuid),

      modified_by_id (uuid),

      global_assets_under_management (numeric),

      investable_capital (numeric),

      investor_description (text),

      notes_on_locations (text),

      investor_type_id (uuid),

      minimum_equity_percentage_id (uuid),

      minimum_return_rate_id (uuid),

      required_checks_conducted_id (uuid).

    • Investment The following metadata database tables have been added:











    • Each table has the following columns:
      id (uuid) not null,

      name (text) not null,

      order (float) not null.

    • The metadata table investor_profile_assetclassinterest has the columns:
      id (uuid) not null,

      name (text) not null,

      order (float) not null,

      asset_class_interest_sector_id (uuid) not null.

Data Hub API 10.4.0 (2019-03-07)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The contacts field in company search results was removed from the following endpoints:

    • /v3/search
    • /v3/search/company
    • /v4/search/company

    If you require a list of contacts for a company, please use /v3/contacts?company_id=<company ID>


  • Chinese administrative areas were added.

Bug fixes

  • Advisers The adviser autocomplete feature no longer returns an error when certain non-ASCII characters such as é are entered.

Internal changes

  • Companies Previously squashed migrations were removed.
  • Investment The subdirectory project has been added to the investment django application and all investment project related code moved to it and all import paths updated.
  • Various dependencies were updated.


  • Companies GET /v4/public/company/<id> was added as a Hawk-authenticated endpoint for retrieving a single company. This is similar to GET /v4/company/<id> but has a slightly reduced set of fields.
  • Companies POST /v4/public/search/company was added as a Hawk-authenticated company search endpoint. This is similar to POST /v4/search/company but has a reduced set of filters (name, archived and original_query) and slightly reduced set of response fields.

Data Hub API 10.3.0 (2019-02-27)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies POST /v3/search/company, POST /v3/search/company/export the following filters were deleted:
    • description
    • export_to_country
    • future_interest_country
    • global_headquarters
    • sector
    • trading_address_country
  • Companies POST /v3/search/company, POST /v3/search/company/export the following sortby values were deleted:
    • archived
    • archived_by
    • companies_house_data.company_number
    • company_number
    • created_on
    • id
    • registered_address_town
    • trading_address_town
    • uk_based
  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: The, and id values for the sortby query parameter are deprecated and will be removed on or after 28 February 2019.
  • Investment The field InvestmentProject.likelihood_of_landing was removed from django.
  • GET /v3/search: all the values for the sortby query parameter are deprecated and will be removed on or after 28 February 2019.


  • Companies Company merge tool now supports merging companies having OMIS orders.

Internal changes

  • Companies The companieshouse company search endpoints now use the nested registered address object when searching by term.
  • The django app leads was deleted.

Data Hub API 10.2.0 (2019-02-21)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The endpoint /v3/search/companieshousecompany is deprecated and will be removed on or after the 28th of February, please use v4 instead.


  • Companies Company merge tool now supports merging companies having investment projects.
  • Administrative areas of countries were added to the admin site. These cannot be edited and will initially be used by the Market Access service (but are not used within Data Hub CRM at present).

Internal changes

  • Companies The search logic is now using company address and registered address instead of trading address behind the scenes.


  • Companies API V4 of companieshouse company search was introduced with nested object format for addresses. The endpoint /v4/search/companieshousecompany was added with the registered_address_* fields replaced by the nested object registered_address.
  • GET /metadata/administrative-area/ was added to retrieve a list of administrative areas of countries.
  • /metadata/country/: overseas_region was added to each country in responses. For non-UK countries, this is an object containing the the ID and name of the DIT overseas region the country belongs to.

Database schema

  • The metadata_administrative_area table was added with columns ("disabled_on" timestamp with time zone NULL, "id" uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "name" text NOT NULL, "country_id" uuid NOT NULL).

    This contains a list of administrative areas of countries.

Data Hub API 10.1.0 (2019-02-19)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The contacts field in company search results is deprecated and will be removed on or after 28 February 2019 from the following endpoints:
    • /v3/search
    • /v3/search/company
    • /v4/search/company

Internal changes

  • Companies company.address_country_id and company.registered_address_country_id are now indexed in ElasticSearch so that they can be used when filtering down results.
  • Various dependencies were updated.

Data Hub API 10.0.0 (2019-02-18)

Deprecations and removals

  • Advisers GET /adviser/: The first_name, first_name__icontains, last_name, last_name__icontains, email and email__icontains query parameters are deprecated and will be removed on or after 4 March 2019.
  • Companies The following endpoints are deprecated and will be removed on or after the 28th of February, please use v4 instead:
    • /v3/search/company
    • /v3/search/company/autocomplete
    • /v3/search/company/export
  • Companies The field trading_name was removed from the endpoints below, please use the trading_names field instead:
    • /v3/search/company
    • /v3/search/company/autocomplete
    • /v3/search/contact: from the nested company object
    • /v3/search/interaction: from the nested company object
    • /v3/search/order: from the nested company object


  • Interactions Policy issue types, policy areas and policy feedback notes were added to interaction search result CSV exports.


  • Advisers This adds a new autocomplete query parameter to GET /adviser/ intended to replace the previous name-related query parameters.

    The new parameter matches prefixes of words in the first_name, last_name and fields. Each token must match the prefix of at least one word in (at least) one of those fields.

    Results are automatically ordered with advisers with a match on first_name appearing first, last_name second and last.

    As a result, the first_name, first_name__icontains, last_name, last_name__icontains, email and email__icontains query parameters are deprecated and will be removed on or after 4 March 2019.

  • Companies API V4 for company search was introduced with nested object format for addresses. The following endpoints were added:

    • /v4/search/company: see below
    • /v4/search/company/autocomplete: see below
    • /v4/search/company/export: same response body as v3

    /v4/search/company, /v4/search/company/autocomplete:

    • The trading_address_* fields were removed from v4
    • The registered_address_* fields were replaced by the nested object registered_address
    • The nested object address was added. Its data was populated from trading_address fields or registered_address whichever was defined.
  • Companies The field trading_name was removed from the endpoints below, please use the trading_names field instead:

    • /v3/search/company
    • /v3/search/company/autocomplete
    • /v3/search/contact: from the nested company object
    • /v3/search/interaction: from the nested company object
    • /v3/search/order: from the nested company object

Data Hub API 9.10.0 (2019-02-14)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The following endpoints are deprecated and will be removed on or after the 21st of February, please use v4 instead:
    • /v3/ch-company
    • /v3/ch-company/<uuid:pk>
  • Companies The following endpoints are deprecated and will be removed on or after the 21st of February, please use v4 instead:
    • /v3/company
    • /v3/company/<uuid:pk>
    • /v3/company/<uuid:pk>/archive
    • /v3/company/<uuid:pk>/audit
    • /v3/company/<uuid:pk>/one-list-group-core-team
    • /v3/company/<uuid:pk>/timeline
    • /v3/company/<uuid:pk>/unarchive
  • Companies POST /v3/search/company, POST /v3/search/company/export the following filters are deprecated and will be removed on or after the 21st of February:
    • description
    • export_to_country
    • future_interest_country
    • global_headquarters
    • sector
    • trading_address_country
  • Companies POST /v3/search/company, POST /v3/search/company/export the following sortby values are deprecated and will be removed on or after the 21st of February:
    • archived
    • archived_by
    • companies_house_data.company_number
    • company_number
    • created_on
    • id
    • registered_address_town
    • trading_address_town
    • uk_based
  • Companies The following database fields are deprecated and will be removed on or after the 21st of February, please use the address_* fields instead:
    • trading_address_1
    • trading_address_2
    • trading_address_town
    • trading_address_county
    • trading_address_postcode
    • trading_address_country_id
  • Companies The field trading_name was removed from all /v3/company/* and /v4/company/* endpoints, please use the trading_names field instead.


  • Companies Companies now define fields for a mandatory address representing the main location for the business and fields for an optional registered address. Trading address fields are still automatically updated but deprecated. The data was migrated in the following way:
    • address fields: populated from trading address or (as fallback) registered address in this specific order.
    • registered fields: kept untouched for now but will be overridden by the values from Companies House where possible or (as fallback) set to blank values. A deprecation notice will be announced before this happens.
  • Interactions Global search was updated to handle multiple interaction contacts correctly when matching search terms with interactions.
  • Investment A note can now be submitted with any change to an Investment Project.

Bug fixes

  • Interactions A performance problem with the interaction list in the admin site was resolved.

Internal changes

  • The permissions and content type for the previously deleted businesslead model/table were also deleted.
  • Django was updated from 2.1.5 to 2.1.7.


  • Advisers GET /adviser/: is_active was added as a query parameter. This is a boolean filter that filters advisers by whether they are active or not.

  • Companies API V4 for companies house companies was introduced with nested object format for registered address. The registered_address_* fields were replaced by the nested object registered_address for the following endpoints:

    • /v4/ch-company
    • /v4/ch-company/<uuid:pk>

    The nested object has the following contract:

    'line_1': '2',
    'line_2': 'Main Road',
    'town': 'London',
    'county': 'Greenwich',
    'postcode': 'SE10 9NN',
    'country': {
        'id': '80756b9a-5d95-e211-a939-e4115bead28a',
        'name': 'United Kingdom',
  • Companies /v4/company, /v4/company/<uuid:pk>, /v4/company/<uuid:pk>/archive, /v4/company/<uuid:pk>/unarchive:

    • The trading_address_* fields were removed from v4
    • The registered_address_* fields were replaced by the nested object registered_address and made optional
    • The nested object address was added and is mandatory when creating a company. Its data was populated from trading_address fields or registered_address whichever was defined.
    • The nested companies_house_data object was removed from v4
  • Companies API V4 for companies was introduced with nested object format for addresses. A new prefix v4 was introduced along with the following endpoints:

    • /v4/company: see the related news fragment
    • /v4/company/<uuid:pk>: see the related news fragment
    • /v4/company/<uuid:pk>/archive:see the related news fragment
    • /v4/company/<uuid:pk>/unarchive: see the related news fragment
    • /v4/company/<uuid:pk>/audit: same response body as v3
    • /v4/company/<uuid:pk>/one-list-group-core-team: same response body as v3
    • /v4/company/<uuid:pk>/timeline: same response body as v3

    The nested object has the following contract:

    'line_1': '2',
    'line_2': 'Main Road',
    'town': 'London',
    'county': 'Greenwich',
    'postcode': 'SE10 9NN',
    'country': {
        'id': '80756b9a-5d95-e211-a939-e4115bead28a',
        'name': 'United Kingdom',
  • Companies GET /v3/search/company/autocomplete: the query param term is now required.

  • Companies The field trading_name was removed from all /v3/company/* and /v4/company/* endpoints, please use the trading_names field instead.

  • Investment POST /v3/investment endpoint now accepts note as an optional property that can be set whilst creating an investment project. The property expects a dictionary with a mandatory field of text and an optional field of activity_type. activity_type expects a investment_activity_type id.

    PATCH /v3/investment/<uuid:pk> endpoint now accepts note as an optional property that can be set whilst updating an investment project. The property expects a dictionary with a mandatory field of text and an optional field of activity_type. activity_type expects a investment_activity_type id.

    GET /v3/investment/<uuid:pk>/audit endpoint now returns a property note within each audit change entry.

    New endpoint GET /metadata/investment-activity-type/ added that returns all possible investment_activity_type options.

Database schema

  • Companies The following columns in the company_companieshousecompany table were made NOT NULL:

    • registered_address_2
    • registered_address_county
    • registered_address_country_id
    • registered_address_postcode
  • Companies The following database fields are deprecated and will be removed on or after the 21st of February, please use the address_* fields instead:

    • trading_address_1
    • trading_address_2
    • trading_address_town
    • trading_address_county
    • trading_address_postcode
    • trading_address_country_id
  • Investment The table investment_investmentactivitytype has been added. The values of the column name will initial be change, risk, issue, SPI Interaction and Internal Interaction.

    The table investment_investmentactivity has been added. The columns are id, investment_project_id, revision_id, activity_type_id and text. Where revision_id is a link to a copy of the investment projects data at the time of adding the row. Where text can be used as a note to be associated with a change to a project or as a way to detail an activity on the project.

Data Hub API 9.9.0 (2019-02-07)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: The contact and contact_name filters in request bodies are deprecated and will be removed on or after 28 February 2019.
  • Interactions GET /v3/search, POST /v3/search/interaction: The contact field in responses is deprecated and will be removed on or after 28 February 2019. Please use contacts instead.
  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: The value for the sortby query parameter is deprecated and will be removed on or after 28 February 2019.
  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction: The contact__first_name and contact__last_name values for the sortby query parameter are deprecated and will be removed on or after 28 February 2019. Please use first_name_of_first_contact and last_name_of_first_contact instead for event service deliveries only.


  • Contacts The contact search CSV export was updated to handle interactions with multiple contacts for the 'Date of latest interaction' and 'Team of latest interaction' fields.
  • Contacts Contacts can now be sorted by name in the admin site.
  • Interactions The admin site now uses an autocomplete widget for the contacts field when editing or adding an interaction.
  • Interactions The search CSV export was updated to handle interactions with multiple contacts. The previous Contact and Job title columns have been merged into a single Contacts column. This column contains the names of all the contacts for each interaction with the job title in brackets after each name and a comma between contacts.

Internal changes

  • Companies The system is now using the address and registered address for internal business logic instead of the trading and registered address.
  • A management command to delete all Elasticsearch indices matching the configured index name prefix was added. This is intended for use on GOV.UK PaaS when required as GOV.UK PaaS Elasticsearch does not allow deletions using wildcards.
  • A management command to run MI Dashboard pipeline if changes to the relevant models have been made was added.
  • Updated various dependencies.


  • Interactions GET /v3/search, POST /v3/search/interaction: contacts was added as an array field in search results. This field is intended to replace the contact field. The contact field is deprecated and will be removed on or after 28 February 2019.

  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction: first_name_of_first_contact and last_name_of_first_contact were added as sortby query parameter values for sorting event service deliveries by the first or last name of the contact. These sorting options aren't intended to be used for other types of interaction which may have multiple contacts.

    The contact__first_name and contact__last_name sorting options are deprecated and will be removed on or after 28 February 2019.

Data Hub API 9.8.0 (2019-02-04)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions GET,POST /v3/interaction, GET,PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: The contact field is deprecated and will be removed on or after 24 February 2019. Please use contacts instead.
  • Interactions The interaction_interaction.contact_id column is deprecated and will be removed on or after 4 March 2019. Please use the interaction_interaction_contacts many-to-many table instead.
  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction: The contact_id query parameter is deprecated and will be removed on or after 24 February 2019. Please use contacts__id instead.


  • Interactions The admin site now displays multiple contacts for interactions.


  • Interactions POST /v3/interaction, PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: Additional validation was added to make sure that all contacts belong to the specified company. This validation only occurs when an interaction is created, or the contacts or company field is updated.
  • Interactions GET,POST /v3/interaction, GET,PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: contacts was added as an array field to replace the contact field. The contact and contacts field will mirror each other (except that contact will only return a single contact). The contact field is deprecated and will be removed on or after 24 February 2019.
  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction: contacts__id was added as a query parameter to support filtering by contact ID for interactions with multiple contacts. The previous contact_id filter is deprecated and will be removed on or after 24 February 2019.

Database schema

  • Interactions The interaction_interaction.contact_id column is deprecated and will be removed on or after 4 March 2019. Please use the interaction_interaction_contacts many-to-many table instead.

Data Hub API 9.7.0 (2019-01-29)


  • The MI dashboard pipeline task now loads all investment projects instead of only for current financial year.

Internal changes

  • Companies A celery task to populate company address fields from trading and registered address fields was added to allow data to be migrated.
  • The MI dashboard pipeline was rescheduled to run at around 1 AM each night.
  • Various dependencies were updated.

Data Hub API 9.6.0 (2019-01-24)

Database schema

  • Companies The following fields were added:

    "address_1" varchar(255)

    "address_2" varchar(255)

    "address_country_id" uuid

    "address_county" varchar(255)

    "address_postcode" varchar(255)

    "address_town" varchar(255)

    The system will be migrated from using the registered_address_* and trading_address_* fields to address_* (main location for the business) and registered_address_* (official address) fields instead. However, you should not use the new address fields yet and migration steps will be communicated in future release notes.

  • Interactions The table interaction_interaction_contacts table with columns ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "interaction_id" uuid NOT NULL, "contact_id" uuid NOT NULL) was added.

    This is a many-to-many table linking interactions with contacts.

    The table had not been fully populated with data yet; continue to use interaction_interaction.contact_id for the time being.

Data Hub API 9.5.0 (2019-01-22)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The column company_company.alias was deleted from the database.


  • OMIS Search response for OMIS orders now contains total subtotal cost for given query.

Bug fixes

  • The MI dashboard pipeline now correctly selects the investment projects for given fiscal year.
  • Country URL in the MI dashboard is now assembled correctly.


  • OMIS POST /v3/search/order: The response now contains summary property that includes a total value of filtered orders' subtotal cost (total_subtotal_cost)`.

Database schema

  • Companies The column company_company.alias was deleted from the database.

Data Hub API 9.4.0 (2019-01-21)

Internal changes

  • country_url in the MI dashboard pipeline is now formatted correctly.


  • Interactions POST /v3/interaction: was_policy_feedback_provided can no longer be omitted when creating interactions.

Database schema

  • Companies The column company_company.trading_names was made NOT NULL.
  • Interactions The interaction_interaction.policy_feedback_notes column is now non-nullable. (An empty string is used for blank values.)
  • Interactions The interaction_interaction.was_policy_feedback_provided column is now non-nullable.

Data Hub API 9.3.0 (2019-01-17)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The field Company.alias was removed from django.
  • Companies PATCH /v3/company/<uuid:pk>: the PATCH string field trading_name is deprecated and will be removed on or after January 24. Please use the array field trading_names instead.
  • Interactions The interaction_interaction.policy_issue_type_id column was deleted from the database.
  • Investment POST /v3/search/investment_project: The aggregations property of responses was removed.
  • The table metadata_companyclassification was deleted.


  • Companies PATCH /v3/company/<uuid:pk>: when updating trading names, the PATCH array field trading_names should be used instead of the deprecated string field trading_name.
  • Interactions GET /v3/search, POST /v3/search/interaction: policy_areas was added to interaction search results.
  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: policy_areas was added as a filter, accepting one or more policy area IDs that results should match one of.
  • Interactions GET /v3/search, POST /v3/search/interaction: policy_issue_types was added to interaction search results.
  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: policy_issue_types was added as a filter, accepting one or more policy issue type IDs that results should match one of.
  • Investment POST /v3/search/investment_project: The aggregations property of responses was removed.

Database schema

  • Interactions The interaction_interaction.policy_issue_type_id column was deleted from the database.
  • The table metadata_companyclassification was deleted.

Data Hub API 9.2.0 (2019-01-15)

Internal changes

  • It is now possible to specify the location of SSL CA certificates for Django Redis cache client. Environment variable REDIS_SSL_CA_CERTS_PATH defaults to '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'.


  • Investment POST /v3/investment endpoint now accepts project_manager_request_status as an optional property that can be set whilst creating an investment project. The property expects a investment_projectmanagerrequeststatus id.

    GET /v3/investment/<uuid:pk> endpoint now includes project_manager_request_status and read-only field project_manager_requested_on in the response.

    PATCH /v3/investment/<uuid:pk> endpoint now accepts project_manager_request_status as an optional property that can be set whilst updating an investment project. The property expects a investment_projectmanagerrequeststatus id.

    New endpoint GET /metadata/project-manager-request-status/ added that returns all possible project_manager_request_status options.

Database schema

  • Investment The columns project_manager_request_status (uuid NULL) and project_manager_requested_on (timestamp NULL) were added to the table investment_investmentproject.

    The table investment_projectmanagerrequeststatus has been added.

Data Hub API 9.1.0 (2019-01-14)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions The 'Policy feedback' service is no longer created in new environments.
  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction, GET /v3/interaction/<id>: policy_issue_type was removed from responses.

Internal changes

  • Python was updated from version 3.6.7 to 3.6.8 in deployed environments.


  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction, GET /v3/interaction/<id>: policy_issue_type was removed from responses.

Data Hub API 9.0.1 (2019-01-10)

Bug fixes

  • A bug for audit history where a related entity has a null value and cannot be iterated over was fixed.

Data Hub API 9.0.0 (2019-01-10)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The column company_company.classification_id was removed from the database.
  • Interactions Policy feedback permissions relating to the legacy version of the policy feedback feature were removed.
  • Interactions POST /v3/interaction: "policy_feedback" is no longer accepted as a value for the kind field.
  • Investment POST /v3/search/investment_project: The aggregations property of responses is deprecated and will be removed on or after 17 January 2019.
  • The model metadata.CompanyClassification was removed from the django definition and the django admin. The related database table will be deleted with the next release.
  • GET /v3/search: companieshousecompany is now correctly not accepted in the entity parameter, and not included in the returned aggregations array. (Previously, specifying companieshousecompany in the entity parameter caused all search models to be searched.) If you want to search Companies House companies, please use /v3/search/companieshousecompany instead.


  • OMIS Less than or equal to and greater than or equal to filters were added for the completed on field to OMIS order search.
  • OMIS Less than or equal to and greater than or equal to filters were added for the delivery date field to OMIS order search.

Internal changes

  • Companies The value of the model field alias is now ignored and the trading_name API field now gets and saves its value from/into the model field trading_names instead.
  • Investment All nested fields were replaced with object fields in the investment project search model for improved maintainability and performance.
  • The app dnb_match and the tables dnb_match_dnbmatchingresult, dnb_match_dnbmatchingcsvrecord were created to support the D&B matching pieces of work. At this stage, they are to be considered private and not to be used as they may be temporary and can change without notice.
  • All nested fields were replaced with object fields in the Companies House company search model for improved maintainability and performance.
  • The option to synchronise single objects to Elasticsearch using the thread pool was removed. Celery is now used in all cases.
  • Various dependencies were updated.
  • Optimisations were made to the search models so improve performance when sorting by text fields and make the sorting order more logical in some cases.


  • Companies GET /v3/company/<uuid:pk>/audit now returns string representation of any changes made to related objects rather than ids.
  • Contacts GET /v3/contact/<uuid:pk>/audit now returns string representation of any changes made to related objects rather than ids.
  • Interactions POST: /v3/interaction: "policy_feedback" is no longer accepted as a value for the kind field.
  • Investment POST /v3/search/investment_project: The aggregations property of responses is deprecated and will be removed on or after 17 January 2019.
  • Investment GET /v3/investment/<uuid:pk>/audit now returns string representation of any changes made to related objects rather than ids.
  • OMIS POST /v3/search/order: completed_on_before and completed_on_after filters were added. These only accept dates without a time component. Timestamps on the dates specified will be included in the results.
  • OMIS POST /v3/search/order: delivery_date_before and delivery_date_after filters were added.
  • GET /v3/search: companieshousecompany is now correctly not accepted in the entity parameter, and not included in the returned aggregations array. (Previously, specifying companieshousecompany in the entity parameter caused all search models to be searched.) If you want to search Companies House companies, please use /v3/search/companieshousecompany instead.

Database schema

  • Companies The column company_company.classification_id was removed from the database.

Data Hub API 8.7.0 (2019-01-03)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The field classification was removed from the django definition and the related database column will be deleted with the next release.


  • OMIS Lead adviser is now available in the OMIS CSV extract.

Internal changes

  • Companies All nested fields were replaced with object fields in the company search model for improved maintainability and performance.
  • Contacts All nested fields were replaced with object fields in the contact search model for improved maintainability and performance.
  • Events All nested fields were replaced with object fields in the event search model for improved maintainability and performance.
  • OMIS OMIS order invoices can now be viewed and searched for by invoice number and order reference in the admin site.
  • OMIS All nested fields were replaced with object fields in the OMIS order search model for improved maintainability and performance.
  • OMIS OMIS orders can now be searched for by the current invoice number for the order in the admin site.

Data Hub API 8.6.0 (2018-12-31)

Internal changes

  • The performance of the migrate_es and sync_es management commands was improved in some cases by the use of prefetching for to-many fields.
  • The migrate_es and sync_es management commands were modified to avoid the use of stale data when copying data to Elasticsearch.

Data Hub API 8.5.0 (2018-12-27)

Deprecations and removals

  • All sorting options and filters in Companies House company search were removed as these were not being used by any client.


  • Investment Following fields in mi database have got their default values changed:
    • sector_name now has No Sector assigned default when source field has no value
    • possible_uk_region_names now has No UK region assigned default when source field has no value
    • actual_uk_region_names now has No UK region assigned default when source field has no value
    • uk_region_name now has No UK region assigned default when source fields have no value
    • investor_company_country now has an empty string as default when source field has no value
    • country_url now has an empty string as default when source field has no value


  • POST /v3/search/companieshousecompany: All sortby options and filters were removed as these were not being used by any client.

Database schema

  • Investment The columns number_new_jobs_with_zero (int NULL), number_safeguarded_jobs_with_zero (int NULL) and total_investment_with_zero (decimal NULL) were added to mi database. These column contain the same values as their counterparts without _with_zero suffix except instead of NULL a zero should be given.
  • Investment The table datahub.mi_dashboard_miinvestmentproject has been renamed to mi_dashboard_miinvestmentproject as the dashboard software doesn't support dots in the table names.

Data Hub API 8.4.1 (2018-12-20)

Internal changes

  • The database connection configuration was updated to prevent unnecessary MI database transactions during API requests.

Data Hub API 8.4.0 (2018-12-20)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The column company_company.alias is deprecated and it will be deleted on or after January, 7. Please use company_company.trading_names instead.

  • Companies The endpont /company/<uuid:pk>/core-team was deleted, please use /company/<uuid:pk>/one-list-group-core-team instead.

  • Companies The field trading_name is deprecated from all GET company endpoints and GET/POST search endpoints and will be removed on or after January, 7. Please use the array field trading_names instead. However, trading_name is not deprecated when adding/editing a trading name using POST/PATCH as the new trading_names field is currently read-only.

  • Interactions GET /v3/search, POST /v3/search/interaction: the net_company_receipt field is deprecated for interaction search responses and will be removed on or after 27 December.

    GET /v3/search, POST /v3/search/interaction: the grant_amount_offered field is deprecated for interaction search responses and will be removed on or after 27 December.


  • Companies Companies now have a trading names field defined as a list of strings. It will eventually replace alias/trading_name.
  • Interactions It's now possible to filter interactions by whether they contain policy feedback when searching for interactions.
  • OMIS The UK region and sector of an OMIS order can now be edited from the admin site.

Bug fixes

  • OMIS Viewing OMIS order assignees (advisers in the market) now requires the order.view_orderassignee permission.

    Changing OMIS order assignees (advisers in the market) now requires the order.change_orderassignee permission.

    Viewing OMIS order subscribers (advisers in the UK) now requires the order.view_ordersubscriber permission.

    Changing OMIS order subscribers (advisers in the UK) now requires the order.change_ordersubscriber permission.

Internal changes

  • Interactions Nightly MI dashboard pipeline was added. It loads the anonymised Investment Project data to a separate database that powers MI Dashboards.
  • Interactions The interaction Elasticsearch mapping was cleaned up substantially by replacing unnecessary nested fields with object fields and not indexing is_event. The removal of nested fields means each interaction is now represented by a single document, instead of 14 documents (as was the case previously).


  • Companies The endpont /company/<uuid:pk>/core-team was deleted, please use /company/<uuid:pk>/one-list-group-core-team instead.

  • Companies GET /v3/company and GET /v3/company/<uuid:pk>: The read-only fields number_of_employees and is_number_of_employees_estimated were added and will only be set when duns_number is not empty.

  • Companies GET /v3/company/<uuid:pk> now returns the read-only field trading_names which replaces trading_name.

  • Companies GET /v3/search now also searches for a company's trading_names when using the term param.

    POST /v3/search/company now also returns and searches for a company's trading_names when using the name param.

    GET /v3/search/company/autocomplete now also returns and searches for a company's trading_names

    POST /v3/search/contact now also searches for a company's trading_names when using the company_name param.

    POST /v3/search/interaction now also searches for a company's trading_names when using the company_name param.

    POST /v3/search/order now also searches for a company's trading_names when using the company_name param.

  • Companies GET /v3/company and GET /v3/company/<uuid:pk>: The read-only fields turnover and is_turnover_estimated were added and will only be set when duns_number is not empty. The value of turnover is in USD.

  • Interactions GET /v3/search, POST /v3/search/interaction: the net_company_receipt field is deprecated for interaction search responses and will be removed on or after 27 December.

    GET /v3/search, POST /v3/search/interaction: the grant_amount_offered field is deprecated for interaction search responses and will be removed on or after 27 December.

  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction: A new boolean filter, was_policy_feedback_provided, was added.

  • Investment The field likelihood_of_landing is deprecated and has been removed from all investment projects APIs, please use likelihood_to_land instead.

  • OMIS GET /v3/omis/order/<id>/assignee now requires the order.view_orderassignee permission.

    PATCH /v3/omis/order/<id>/assignee now requires the order.change_orderassignee permission.

    GET /v3/omis/order/<id>/subscriber-list now requires the order.view_ordersubscriber permission.

    PUT /v3/omis/order/<id>/subscriber-list now requires the order.change_ordersubscriber permission.

Database schema

  • Companies The column company_company.alias is deprecated and it will be deleted on or after January, 7. Please use company_company.trading_names instead.
  • Companies The columns number_of_employees (int NULL) and is_number_of_employees_estimated (bool NULL) were added to the table company_company. They should only be used as replacement for employee_range when the field duns_number is set.
  • Companies The column company_company.trading_names was added as nullable varchar[]. It will eventually replace company_company.alias.
  • Companies The columns turnover (bigint NULL) and is_turnover_estimated (bool NULL) were added to the table company_company. They should only be used as replacement for turnover_range when the field duns_number is set.

Data Hub API 8.3.0 (2018-12-17)

Deprecations and removals

  • Interactions POST /v3/interaction: omitting the was_policy_feedback_provided field is deprecated and it will become a mandatory field on or after 27 December 2018.

    GET,POST /v3/interaction, GET,PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: the policy_issue_type field is deprecated and will become read-only on or after 27 December 2018, and removed on or after 7 January 2019.

    GET,POST /v3/interaction, GET,PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: the value policy_feedback for the kind field is deprecated and will be not be accepted on or after 27 December 2018.

    interaction_interaction: the policy_issue_type column is deprecated and will be removed on or after 7 January 2019.

    interaction_interaction: the value policy_feedback for the kind column is deprecated and was_policy_feedback_provided should be used to identify policy feedback instead.


  • Interactions It's now possible to record policy feedback within a service delivery or standard interaction, with one or more policy issue types, one or more policy areas and free text policy feedback notes. This is intended to replace the existing policy feedback functionality (where policy feedback is a separate type of interaction).


  • Interactions GET,POST /v3/interaction, GET,PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: was_policy_feedback_provided was added as a boolean field.

    GET,POST /v3/interaction, GET,PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: policy_issue_types was added as an array field.

    GET,POST /v3/interaction, GET,PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: policy_feedback_notes was added as a text field.

    POST /v3/interaction: omitting the was_policy_feedback_provided field is deprecated and it will become a mandatory field on or after 27 December 2018.

    GET,POST /v3/interaction, GET,PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: the policy_issue_type field is deprecated and will become read-only on or after 27 December 2018, and removed on or after 7 January 2019.

    GET,POST /v3/interaction, GET,PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: the value policy_feedback for the kind field is deprecated and will be not be accepted on or after 27 December 2018.

Database schema

  • Interactions interaction_interaction: was_policy_feedback_provided was added as a nullable boolean column.

    interaction_interaction: policy_feedback_notes was added as a nullable text column.

    interaction_interaction_policy_issue_types was added as a new many-to-many table linking interaction_interaction and metadata_policyissuetype.

    interaction_interaction: the policy_issue_type column is deprecated and will be removed on or after 7 January 2019.

    interaction_interaction: the value policy_feedback for the kind column is deprecated and was_policy_feedback_provided should be used to identify policy feedback instead.

Data Hub API 8.2.0 (2018-12-13)

Deprecations and removals

  • Investment The column investment_investmentproject.likelihood_of_landing is deprecated and will be deleted on or after December, 20. Please use investment_investmentproject.likelihood_to_land with a foreign key to investment_likelihoodtoland instead of an integer value.

    The field likelihood_of_landing is deprecated and will be removed from all investment projects APIs on or before December 20, please use likelihood_to_land instead.


  • Companies Company autocomplete support has been added to be utilised on search pages and forms when there is a need to add a company to another entity such as an investment project or interaction.
  • Interactions The notes field is now optional for standard interactions and for service deliveries.


  • Companies New endpoint GET /v3/search/company/autocomplete which supports a query argument of term that will return the id, name and trading_name of any company matching the search query.

  • Companies PATCH /v3/company/<uuid:pk>: the following fields are now read-only if the company has a non-blank duns_number field:

    • name
    • trading_name
    • company_number
    • vat_number
    • registered_address_1
    • registered_address_2
    • registered_address_town
    • registered_address_county
    • registered_address_postcode
    • registered_address_country
    • website
    • trading_address_1
    • trading_address_2
    • trading_address_town
    • trading_address_county
    • trading_address_postcode
    • trading_address_country
    • business_type
    • employee_range
    • turnover_range
    • headquarter_type
    • global_headquarters
  • Interactions GET,POST /v3/interaction, GET,PATCH /v3/interaction/<id>: The notes field can now be left blank (as an empty string) for standard interactions and for service deliveries.

  • Investment The field likelihood_of_landing is deprecated and will be removed from all investment projects APIs on or before December 20, please use likelihood_to_land instead.

  • Investment POST /v3/investment endpoint now accepts likelihood_to_land as an optional property that can be set whilst creating an investment project. The property expects a investment_likelihoodtoland id.

    GET /v3/investment/<uuid:pk> endpoint now includes likelihood_to_land field in the response.

    PATCH /v3/investment/<uuid:pk> endpoint now accepts likelihood_to_land as an optional property that can be set whilst updating an investment project. The property expects a metadata_likelihoodtoland id.

    New endpoint GET /metadata/likelihood-to-land/ added that returns all possible likelihood_to_land options.

    POST /v3/search/investment_project/export response body now includes likelihood_to_land.

Database schema

  • Companies The field company_company.duns_number was made unique.
  • Investment Column likelihood_to_land has been added to investment_investmentproject table and is nullable.

Data Hub API 8.1.0 (2018-12-10)


  • Companies Companies that have not been updated in the last ten years can now be deleted using the delete_old_records management command.
  • Contacts Contacts that have not been updated in the last ten years can now be deleted using the delete_old_records management command.

Internal changes

  • Various dependencies were updated.

Data Hub API 8.0.0 (2018-12-06)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The field classification was removed from all company API endpoints.
  • Companies The column company_company.classification_id is deprecated and will be deleted on or after December 13. Please use company_company.one_list_tier_id with foreign keys to company_onelisttier instead of metadata_companyclassification. The IDs were preserved so the records in the company_onelisttier table match the records in the deprecated metadata_companyclassification.
  • Companies The field one_list_account_owner was removed from all company API endpoints, please use one_list_group_global_account_manager instead.
  • The API endpoint /metadata/company-classification was removed.
  • The table metadata_companyclassification is deprecated and will be deleted on or after December 13. Please use company_onelisttier instead.


  • Companies The field Company.classification was made read-only in the Django Admin and is now populated automatically from Company.one_list_tier.
  • Investment Investment projects that have not been updated in the last ten years can now be deleted using the delete_old_records management command.
  • OMIS OMIS orders that have not been updated in the last seven years can now be deleted using the delete_old_records management command.

Internal changes

  • Investment It is now possible to delete investment projects using added management command delete_investment_project.
  • Investment It is now possible to unarchive and update status of investment projects using added management command update_investment_project_archive_state.


  • Companies The field classification was removed from all company API endpoints.
  • Companies The field one_list_account_owner was removed from all company API endpoints, please use one_list_group_global_account_manager instead.
  • Investment The global account manager field in the POST /v3/search/investment_project/export response body now inherits the value from the investor company's Global Headquarters in case of subsidiaries.
  • The API endpoint /metadata/company-classification was removed.

Database schema

  • Companies The column company_company.classification_id is deprecated, please check the Deprecations section for more details.
  • Companies Blank values in the company_company.duns_number field are now NULLs instead of empty strings.
  • Companies The column company_company.one_list_tier_id was added and replaces the column company_company.classification_id.
  • The table metadata_companyclassification is deprecated, please check the Deprecations section for more details.

Data Hub API 7.11.0 (2018-11-29)


  • Companies Editing CompanyClassification using the Django Admin is temporaneously suspended to allow it to be migrated into the newly created OneListTier.
  • Companies The field duns_number representing the nine-digit D&B unique identifier was added to the Company model and can be updated using the Django Admin.
  • Investment New read-only field level_of_involvement_simplified has been added that contains simplified information about the level of involvement. It has one of three values: unspecified, not_involved and involved derived from level_of_involvement field. This field can be filtered by using the search endpoint.
  • Investment Involvements section in Django admin is now view only as values for level of involvement are not meant to be changed.


  • Companies GET /v3/company/<uuid:pk>, GET /v3/company and POST /v3/search/company now return the read-only field duns_number representing the nine-digit D&B unique identifier.

  • Investment GET /v3/investment/<uuid:pk>/ endpoint now includes level_of_involvement_simplified field in the response.

    POST /v3/search/investment_project/: new filter level_of_involvement_simplified was added.

Database schema

  • Companies The column company_company.duns_number representing the nine-digit D&B unique identifier was added.
  • Companies The table company_onelisttier was added with the intention of replacing metadata_companyclassification in the near future.

Data Hub API 7.10.0 (2018-11-26)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies (Correction) The API field one_list_account_owner is deprecated and will be removed on or after November, 29. The recommended and most efficient way to upgrade is to use the field one_list_group_global_account_manager instead.

Bug fixes

  • The delete_old_records and delete_orphans management commands were optimised to use less memory and be faster when run without the --simulate or --only-print-queries arguments.

Internal changes

  • Various dependencies were updated.


  • Companies (Correction) The API field one_list_account_owner is deprecated and will be removed on or after November, 29. The recommended and most efficient way to upgrade is to use the field one_list_group_global_account_manager instead.
  • Companies GET /company/<uuid:pk> and the other company endpoints now return the read-only field one_list_group_global_account_manager with details of the One List Global Account Manager for the group that the company is part of. This value is inherited from the Global Headquarters.

Data Hub API 7.9.0 (2018-11-23)

Database schema

  • Companies The table company_companycoreteammember was renamed to company_onelistcoreteammember.

Data Hub API 7.8.0 (2018-11-22)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The API field classification is deprecated and will be removed on or after November, 29. Please use one_list_group_tier instead.
  • Companies The API field one_list_account_owner is deprecated and will be removed on or after November, 29. Please use GET /company/<uuid:pk>/one-list-group-core-team and get the item in the list with is_global_account_manager = True instead.
  • Companies The endpoint GET /company/<uuid:pk>/core-team is deprecated and will be removed on or after November, 29. Please use GET /company/<uuid:pk>/one-list-group-core-team instead.
  • The API endpoint /metadata/company-classification is deprecated as not currently necessary. It will be completely removed on or after November, 29.

Internal changes

  • Investment The permission Can change SPI report (change_spireport) was renamed to Can view SPI report (view_spireport) as Django 2.1 supports view permission and SPI report is read only.


  • Companies The field classification is deprecated and will be removed on or after November, 29. Please use one_list_group_tier instead.

  • Companies The field one_list_account_owner is deprecated and will be removed on or after November, 29. Please use GET /company/<uuid:pk>/one-list-group-core-team and get the item in the list with is_global_account_manager = True instead.

  • Companies The One List Core Team endpoint was changed:

    GET /company/<uuid:pk>/core-team was renamed to GET /company/<uuid:pk>/one-list-group-core-team. The old /core-team endpoint still exists but will be completely removed on or after November, 29.

    GET /company/<uuid:pk>/one-list-group-core-team now returns the Core Team for the group that the company is part of. All companies in the group inherit that team from their Global Headquarters.

  • Companies GET /v3/company/<uuid:pk> and GET /v3/company now include the read-only field one_list_group_tier which is the One List Tier for the group, inherited from the Global Headquarters.

  • Companies The field classification is now read-only in all company endpoints.

  • Investment POST /v3/investment/ endpoint now accepts country_investment_originates_from as an optional property that can be set whilst creating an investment project. The property expects an id of a country.

    GET /v3/investment/<uuid:pk>/ endpoint now includes country_investment_originates_from field in the response.

    PATCH /v3/investment/<uuid:pk>/ endpoint now accepts country_investment_originates_from as an optional property that can be set whilst updating an investment project. The property expects an id of a country.

  • The endpoint /metadata/company-classification is deprecated as not currently necessary. It will be completely removed on or after November, 29.

Database schema

  • Investment Column country_investment_originates_from has been added to investment_investmentproject table and is nullable.

Data Hub API 7.7.0 (2018-11-15)


  • Investment Exports of search results now include the town or city of the investor company.

Internal changes

  • Countries now have defined ISO codes.
  • Django Rest Framework was updated to version 3.9.0.


  • Investment POST /v3/search/investment_project/export: the field 'Investor company town or city' was added to the CSV output.

Data Hub API 7.6.0 (2018-11-12)


  • Companies A tool for merging duplicate companies was added to the admin site. This tool moves contacts and interactions from one company to another, and archives the company that the contacts and interactions were moved from. The tool is accessed via a link displayed when viewing a single company (in the admin site). Some limitations exist (for example, companies with investment projects or OMIS orders cannot be merged into another company).

Internal changes

  • Various dependencies were updated.

Data Hub API 7.5.0 (2018-11-08)

Deprecations and removals

  • Advisers The column company_advisor.use_cdms_auth was deleted from the database.


  • Investment First part of the streamlined investment flow. Feature flag streamlined-investment-flow introduced to control when the project manager information is required and to allow the assign pm stage to be deprecated.

Internal changes

  • Investment A command activate_streamlined_investment_flow has been added to active the streamlined_investment_flow feature and update any project at the Assign PM stage to Prospect.
  • The countries.yaml fixture was updated to reflect the current production data.
  • It's not possible to change Countries and OverseasRegions from the django admin anymore. They will need to be updated using data migrations instead.
  • The Elasticsearch Python client libraries were updated to 6.x versions, as was the Docker image used during development.
  • A setting to sync updates to records to Elasticsearch using Celery (rather than the thread pool) was adding. This will improve performance when many records are updated at once, and increase reliability as failed synchronisation attempts are automatically retried. When the setting is enabled, Redis and Celery must be configured and running to use endpoints that create or update records.


  • Investment GET /metadata/investment-project-stage/<uuid:pk>/ endpoint no longer returns null values for field exclude_from_investment_flow. All existing records now return false with the exception of 'Assign PM' which returns true.

Database schema

  • Advisers The column company_advisor.use_cdms_auth was deleted from the database.
  • Investment Column exclude_from_investment_flow on metadata_investmentprojectstage table is no longer nullable and the default value has been set to False. Existing entries have all been updated to False with the exception of 'Assign PM' which has been set to True.
  • A new field iso_alpha2_code was added to the metadata_country table. It has not been populated yet.

Data Hub API 7.4.0 (2018-11-01)


  • Companies Company timeline now includes data_source_label field that contains human-readable data source description.
  • Companies New fields named transferred_to and transfer_reason have been added to indicate if a company has had its data transferred to another record and should no longer be used. The field contains a reference to the company that should be used instead. The field cannot be directly changed; it will be set by an upcoming admin tool for merging duplicate companies.
  • Investment A new field exclude_from_investment_flow has been added to the InvestmentProjectStage metadata to indicate if a stage should be excluded from the investment flow. The field will be used to aid with deprecating and adding new stages.

Internal changes

  • Python was updated from version 3.6.6 to 3.6.7 in deployed environments.


  • Companies GET /v3/company/<uuid:pk>/timeline endpoint now includes data_source_label field in the response. This field contains human-readable data source description.

  • Companies GET,POST /v3/company, GET,POST /v3/company/<id>: New, optional read-only fields named transferred_to and transfer_reason have been added to indicate if a company has had its data transferred to another record and should no longer be used. When set, this field contains two sub-fields (id and name) which give details of the company that should be used instead. The only possible value for transfer_reason at present is duplicate, which indicates that it was a duplicate record.

    GET,POST /v3/company/unarchive: It is not possible to unarchive a company that has a value in the transferred_to field.

  • Investment GET /metadata/investment-project-stage/<uuid:pk>/ endpoint now includes exclude_from_investment_flow field in the response.

Database schema

  • Companies A new nullable column transferred_to has been added to the company_company table as a foreign key to another company record. The column indicates that data about the company has been transferred to another record, and the referenced company is the one that should be used instead.

    A new column transfer_reason has been added to the company_company table. This indicates the reason that data about the company was transferred. The current possible values are an empty string, or 'duplicate'.

  • Investment A new column exclude_from_investment_flow has been added to the metadata_investmentprojectstage table. The column indicates if the stage should be excluded from the investment flow timeline.

Data Hub API 7.3.0 (2018-10-25)

Deprecations and removals

  • Advisers The field use_cdms_auth is deprecated and will be removed on or after 1 November.
  • The table leads_businesslead was deleted.


  • Interactions Policy feedback interactions are now always excluded from interaction exports (regardless of the current user's permissions).
  • Investment SPI report now shows "Project manager first assigned by" (who first time assigned a project manager) column.

Internal changes

  • Various dependencies were updated.


  • Interactions POST /v3/search/interaction/export now always excludes policy feedback interactions (regardless of the current user's permissions).

Database schema

  • Advisers The column company_advisor.use_cdms_auth is deprecated and will be removed on or after 1 November.
  • Investment The column investment_investmentproject.project_manager_first_assigned_by has been added. It is nullable and contains a foreign key to the adviser who first time assigned a project manager.
  • The table leads_businesslead was deleted.

Data Hub API 7.2.0 (2018-10-18)

Deprecations and removals

  • All business leads endpoints were removed from the API.


  • Investment SPI report now shows "Enquiry type" (the type of interaction that triggered the end of SPI1) and "Enquiry processed by" (who has created the interaction) columns.
  • When viewing a record in the admin site, a link to the page for the record in the main application is now displayed (when applicable).

Bug fixes

  • Contacts The speed of the admin site tool for loading marketing email opt-outs was improved via the creation of an additional database index.
  • Investment Estimated land date is now validated when other required fields are missing.


  • The following endpoints were removed:

    GET,POST /v3/business-leads

    GET,PATCH /v3/business-leads/<uuid:pk>

    POST /v3/business-leads/<uuid:pk>/archive

    POST /v3/business-leads/<uuid:pk>/unarchive

Data Hub API 7.1.0 (2018-10-11)

Deprecations and removals

  • Contacts The column company_contact.contactable_by_dit has been deleted from the database.

    The column company_contact.contactable_by_uk_dit_partners has been deleted from the database.

    The column company_contact.contactable_by_overseas_dit_partners has been deleted from the database.

    The column company_contact.contactable_by_email has been deleted from the database.

    The column company_contact.contactable_by_phone has been deleted from the database.

  • GET /whoami/ no longer returns the read_* permissions that were being returned for backwards compatibility following the introduction of view_* permissions.

Internal changes

  • Various dependencies were updated.


  • GET /whoami/ no longer returns the read_* permissions that were being returned for backwards compatibility following the introduction of view_* permissions.

Database schema

  • Contacts The column company_contact.contactable_by_dit has been deleted from the database.

    The column company_contact.contactable_by_uk_dit_partners has been deleted from the database.

    The column company_contact.contactable_by_overseas_dit_partners has been deleted from the database.

    The column company_contact.contactable_by_email has been deleted from the database.

    The column company_contact.contactable_by_phone has been deleted from the database.

Data Hub API 7.0.0 (2018-10-04)

Deprecations and removals

  • Contacts The field contactable_by_dit was removed from the API. The database column will be deleted with the next release.

    The field contactable_by_uk_dit_partners was removed from the API. The database column will be deleted with the next release.

    The field contactable_by_overseas_dit_partners was removed from the API. The database column will be deleted with the next release.

    The field contactable_by_email was removed from the API. The database column will be deleted with the next release.

    The field contactable_by_phone was removed from the API. The database column will be deleted with the next release.

  • Business leads table and endpoints are deprecated. Please check the API and Database schema categories for more details.


  • Interactions The character limit for the notes field was increased from 4000 to 10,000.

Internal changes

  • The index.mapping.single_type Elasticsearch setting is no longer set to improve compatibility with Elasticsearch 6.x.
  • Various dependencies were updated.


  • Contacts The field contactable_by_dit was removed from all contact endpoints.

    The field contactable_by_uk_dit_partners was removed from all contact endpoints.

    The field contactable_by_overseas_dit_partners was removed from all contact endpoints.

    The field contactable_by_email was removed from all contact endpoints.

    The field contactable_by_phone was removed from all contact endpoints.

  • Interactions The character limit for the notes field was increased from 4000 to 10000 for the following endpoints:

    GET,POST /v3/interaction

    GET,PATCH /v3/interaction/<uuid:pk>

  • The following endpoints are deprecated and will be removed on or after October 11:

    GET,POST /v3/business-leads

    GET,PATCH /v3/business-leads/<uuid:pk>

    POST /v3/business-leads/<uuid:pk>/archive

    POST /v3/business-leads/<uuid:pk>/unarchive

Database schema

  • Contacts The column company_contact.contactable_by_dit was made nullable in preparation for its removal.

    The column company_contact.contactable_by_uk_dit_partners was made nullable in preparation for its removal.

    The column company_contact.contactable_by_overseas_dit_partners was made nullable in preparation for its removal.

    The column company_contact.contactable_by_email was made nullable in preparation for its removal.

    The column company_contact.contactable_by_phone was made nullable in preparation for its removal.

  • The table leads_businesslead is deprecated and will be removed on or after October 11.

Data Hub API 6.4.0 (2018-09-27)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The column company_company.account_manager_id was deleted from the database.


  • Contacts A list of email addresses to opt out of marketing emails can now be loaded via the admin site.
  • URLs in CSV exports and reports are no longer clickable when the CSV file is opened in Excel. This is because the links do not behave correctly when clicked on in Excel (see for further information on why).

Bug fixes

  • Companies The link in the admin site to export the One List was removed from the adviser, Companies House company, contact and export experience category lists. (It still appears on the company list as originally intended.)
  • Investment Restricted users can now list proposition documents associated to their team's investment projects.

Internal changes

  • Investment Deletion of proposition or evidence document is now logged in UserEvent model. UserEvent records can be viewed from the admin site.
  • Various dependencies were updated.

Database schema

  • Companies The column company_company.account_manager_id was deleted from the database.

Data Hub API 6.3.0 (2018-09-12)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The field account_manager was removed from the API, from the Django admin and from the model definition. The database column will be deleted with the next release.

  • Contacts The field contactable_by_dit is deprecated. Please check the API and Database schema categories for more details.

    The field contactable_by_uk_dit_partners is deprecated. Please check the API and Database schema categories

    The field contactable_by_overseas_dit_partners is deprecated. Please check the API and Database schema categories for more details.

    The field contactable_by_email is deprecated. Please check the API and Database schema categories for more details.

    The field contactable_by_phone is deprecated. Please check the API and Database schema categories for more details.


  • Companies It's now possible to export company search results as a CSV file (up to a maximum of 5000 results).
  • Contacts It's now possible to export contact search results as a CSV file (up to a maximum of 5000 results).
  • Investment It is now possible to upload evidence documents for a given investment project.
  • OMIS It's now possible to export OMIS order search results as a CSV file (up to a maximum of 5000 results).
  • URLs in all CSV exports and reports were made clickable when the CSV file is opened in Excel. This was achieved by using the Excel HYPERLINK() function.
  • Existing read-only model views in the admin site were updated to disable the change button that previously had no purpose.
  • Performed exports of search results are now logged in a new model called UserEvent. UserEvent records can be viewed from the admin site.

Bug fixes

  • Investment Proposition now needs to have at least one document uploaded in order to be completed. It is now optional to provide details when completing a proposition. This functionality is behind proposition-documents feature flag, that needs to be active in order for the new behaviour to work.


  • Companies The field account_manager was removed from all company endpoints.

  • Companies POST /v3/search/company/export was added for exporting company search results as a CSV file with up to 5000 rows. The company.export_company permission was also added and is required to use this endpoint.

  • Contacts POST /v3/search/contact/export was added for exporting contact search results as a CSV file with up to 5000 rows. The company.export_contact permission was also added and is required to use this endpoint.

  • Contacts `GET,POST /v3/contact and GET,POST /v3/contact/<uuid:pk>` the fields contactable_by_dit, contactable_by_uk_dit_partners, contactable_by_overseas_dit_partners, contactable_by_email, contactable_by_phone are deprecated and will be removed on or after September 11

  • Investment GET /v3/investment/<investment project pk>/evidence gets list of evidence documents.

    POST /v3/investment/<investment project pk>/evidence creates new evidence document upload.

    GET /v3/investment/<investment project pk>/evidence/<evidence document pk> gets details of evidence document

    DELETE /v3/investment/<investment project pk>/evidence/<evidence document pk> deletes given evidence document.

    POST /v3/investment/<investment project pk>/evidence/<evidence document pk>/upload_callback notifies that file upload has been completed and initiates virus scanning.

    GET /v3/investment/<investment project pk>/evidence/<evidence document pk>/download returns a signed URL to the document file object.

    Following permissions are required to use the endpoints:





    For DA and LEP:





  • OMIS POST /v3/search/order/export was added for exporting OMIS order search results as a CSV file with up to 5000 rows. The order.export_order permission was also added and is required to use this endpoint.

Database schema

  • Contacts The column `contact.contactable_by_dit` is deprecated and may be removed on or after 11 September.

    The column `contact.contactable_by_uk_dit_partners` is deprecated and may be removed on or after 11 September.

    The column `contact.contactable_by_overseas_dit_partners` is deprecated and may be removed on or after 11 September.

    The column `contact.contactable_by_email` is deprecated and may be removed on or after 11 September.

    The column `contact.contactable_by_phone` is deprecated and may be removed on or after 11 September.

  • Investment New tables evidence_evidencedocuments, evidence_evidence_tag and evidence_evidencedocument_tags have been added to enable evidence document upload.

  • Investment The details field in proposition_proposition table can now be blank.

  • Investment The add_associated_investmentproject_proposition permission has been renamed to add_associated_proposition to be consistent with other entities.

  • Investment The change_associated_investmentproject_proposition permission has been renamed to change_associated_proposition to be consistent with other entities.

  • Investment The view_associated_investmentproject_proposition permission has been renamed to view_associated_proposition to be consistent with other entities.

  • Investment The delete_propositiondocument permission has been renamed to delete_all_propositiondocument to be consistent with other entities.

  • Investment The deleted_associated_propositiondocument permission has been renamed to delete_associated_propositiondocument.

Data Hub API 6.2.0 (2018-08-23)

Deprecations and removals

  • Companies The field account_manager has been deprecated. Please check the API and Database schema categories for more details.
  • Companies The column company_company.parent_id has been deleted from the database.
  • GET /whoami/ endpoint: read_* permissions have been renamed to view_*. This endpoint will return both view_* and read_* permissions for now but read_* permissions are deprecated and will soon be removed.


  • Companies It's now possible to export the one list via the django admin from the company changelist.
  • Interactions The CSV export of search results has been amended to return various additional columns.
  • Investment It's now possible to export investment project search results as a CSV file (up to a maximum of 5000 results).
  • The format of timestamps in CSV exports and reports was changed to YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS for better compatibility with Microsoft Excel.
  • Document upload now uses V2 API of AV service.

Bug fixes

  • Document upload streaming to AV service now uses a StreamWrapper to encode the file as multipart/form-data in order to send it to AV service. This fixes the problem when the file has been sent incorrectly.

Internal changes

  • Django was updated to version 2.1.


  • Companies GET,POST /v3/company/<uuid:pk> and GET /v3/search/company: the field account_manager has been deprecated and will be removed on or after August 30. Please use one_list_account_owner instead.
  • Interactions GET /v3/interaction can now be sorted by dit_adviser__first_name, dit_adviser__last_name, and subject.
  • Investment POST /v3/search/investment_project/export was added for exporting investment project search results as a CSV file with up to 5000 rows. The investment.export_investmentproject permission was also added and is required to use this endpoint.
  • GET /whoami/ endpoint: read_* permissions have been renamed to view_*. This endpoint will return both view_* and read_* permissions for now but read_* permissions are deprecated and will soon be removed.

Database schema

  • Companies The column company_company.account_manager_id has been deprecated and will be removed on or after August 30. Please use company_company.one_list_account_owner_id instead.
  • Companies The column company_company.parent_id has been deleted from the database.

Data Hub 6.1.0 (2018-08-15)

Investment projects

  • Added models for evidence documents (endpoints to follow in a future release)
  • Fixed a bug in the Celery task for SPI report creation that caused the task to fail. (As a result, S3 keys for future reports will no longer include the bucket name.)


  • Rewrote the mechanism for exporting results to run the search against Elasticsearch but extract data from PostgreSQL, and limited the number of rows exported to 5000
  • Removed all data exports expect for the interactions one (further changes to follow in a future release)

Data Hub 6.0.0 (2018-08-14)


  • Removed unused parent field from the model definition. The database column will be deleted from the schema on or after August 21


  • Added a management command to update the email marketing status of contacts using a CSV file

Investment projects

  • Added the ability to upload documents to propositions
  • Removed old document functionality

Internal changes

  • Stopped using nested Elasticsearch queries
  • Removed the migration path from legacy Elasticsearch single-index set-ups
  • Updated various dependencies
  • Updated the test data

Data Hub 5.1.0 (2018-08-02)


  • Added a core team member model to hold the advisers in the core team for a company
  • Updated the core team endpoint to return advisers from the core team member model
  • Improved the layout of the admin page for a company


  • Updated the admin site to display the created on and by and modified on and by fields more consistently, and to correctly update those fields when changes are made via the admin site

Internal changes

  • Removed (unused) Elasticsearch alias-related management commands
  • Improved timeout handling during Elasticsearch queries
  • Updated various dependencies

Data Hub 5.0.0 (2018-07-31)


  • Added a company core team endpoint at /v3/company/<company-pk>/core-team (currently only returning the global account manager)

Internal changes

  • Moved to one Elasticsearch index per mapping type, and added a command (./ migrate_es) to migrate Elasticsearch index mappings. See docs/Elasticsearch for more detail. (After upgrading, ./ init_es must be run to update index aliases.)
  • Fixed a random failure in the TestListCompanies.test_sort_by_name test
  • Added a contact for an archived company to the test data
  • Updated various dependencies

Data Hub < 5.0.0

Please check the previous releases on GitHub.