For information about how we use RabbitMQ, see here.
After an edition is changed, a message is published to RabbitMQ. It will be
published to the published_documents
topic exchange with the routing_key
. Interested parties can subscribe to
this exchange to perform post-publishing actions. For example, a search
indexing service would be able to add/update the search index based on these
messages. Or an email notification service would be able to send email updates
: Used when an edition is published with anupdate_type
of major.minor
: Used when an edition is published with anupdate_type
of minor.republish
: Used when an edition is published with anupdate_type
of republish.links
: Used whenever links related to an edition have changed.unpublish
: Used when an edition is unpublished.
After content is updated, a message is generated and published to the RabbitMQ exchange. Each message has a shared format, however the contents of the message is affected by the publishing app and what data it sends over.
As messages for different formats can vary, we have created a rake task to allow us to easily generate example messages. The example message is generated from the most recently published message (based off of last public_updated_at) for the entered document type:
$ bundle exec rake queue:preview_recent_message[<document_type>]