Software Carpentry is an open source project, and we welcome contributions of all kinds: new and improved lessons, bug reports, and small fixes to existing material are all useful.
By contributing, you are agreeing that Software Carpentry may redistribute your work under these licenses.
Before beginning anything major,
read the file in this directory.
It explains how this repository is used to create websites for bootcamps.
We also recommend that you open an issue in the swcarpentry/bc
Issue Tracker
to get feedback on your ideas and coordinate with other developers.
Table of Contents
In general, we are using Git and GitHub for almost everything. But if it is easier for you to send your contributions to us some other way, please mail us at [email protected]. Given a choice between you creating content or wrestling with Git, we'd rather have you doing the former.
The GitHub workflow looks like this:
Fork the
repository on GitHub. -
Clone that repository to your own machine.
Create a branch from
for your changes. Give your branch a meaningful name, such asfixing-typos-in-novice-shell-lesson
. -
Make your changes, commit them, and push them to your repository on GitHub.
Send a pull request to the
branch of[swcarpentry/bc](
Every subject has a sub-directory of its own,
while individual topics are files in that directory.
For example,
the novice/git
directory holding our introduction to Git for newcomers
contains the files
and so on.
(We use two digits followed by a one-word topic key
to ensure files appear in the right order when listed.)
We are using Jekyll to convert lessons in Markdown to HTML. Therefore, we require every lesson to be available in Markdown. But this does not mean that you have to write it in Markdown as well.
The following list contains more detailed instructions for different formats:
- Markdown: Nothing to do.
- IPython Notebook: Generate and provide a Markdown version in addition to the IPython Notebook. Look at our existing files to get an idea how the IPython Notebook should look like.
- Other formats: Generate and provide a Markdown version in addition
to the file in the original format.
In order to be able to recreate the Markdown from source,
include the conversion from this other format to Markdown
in the
as well. This ensures that people who aren't familiar with some format don't have to install the tools needed to work with it (e.g., R programmers don't have to install the IPython Notebook). Please check with us if you plan to do this.
The directory misc
contains files that can be used as starting points for lessons.
These files explain how to format titles,
key points,
and code fragments.
In addition,
the IPython Notebook file has metadata in various cells
to ensure that the generated HTML pages have the right style.
If you are creating a new lesson,
please copy one of these files to use as a starting point.
To preview changes before committing,
run the command make site
This runs Jekyll with the same flags that GitHub uses when things are committed to the gh-pages
Jekyll's output is stored in a directory called _site
Other useful commands in the main Makefile
make commands
(or justmake
on its own): list available commands.make check
: check that the repository'sindex.html
file is properly formatted.make clean
: remove editor backup files and the_site
directory.make fixme
: list uses of the wordFIXME
in source files.
The commands to convert IPython Notebooks to Markdown
are stored in a separate Makefile
to simplify maintenance
and ensure that the main Makefile
only does what Jekyll on GitHub will do.
To re-do conversion of notebooks to Markdown files,
use make ipynb
- Where can I get help? Mail us at [email protected], come chat with us on our IRC channel, or join our discussion list and ask for help there.
- Is there a list of open issues to tackle? The open issues for the bc repository and also the related projects listed on the create page are a good starting point.