Adopt have setup their build scripts so that you can plug in configuration files and scripts you have changed while not having to duplicate and maintain Adopt's entire codebase separately. This may seem complicated at first but it's pretty simple once you get the hang of the process.
This file contains the default constants and paths used in the build scripts for whichever repository it is located in. As an example, Adopt's defaults.json
file is located here. If you're unsure of any of the fields, see Adopt's example map below:
// Git repository details
"repository" : {
// Git Url of the temurin-build repository.
"build_url" : "",
// Git branch you wish to use when running the shell scripts inside the build_url
"build_branch" : "master",
// Smoke tests directory under the build repo
"test_dirs" : "/test/functional",
// Git Url of the current repository.
"pipeline_url" : "",
// Git branch you wish to use when running the groovy scripts inside the pipeline_url
"pipeline_branch" : "master",
// Git branch name from the repo. This can only be as branch or tag, not SHA1
"helper_ref" : "master"
// Jenkins server details
"jenkinsDetails" : {
// The base URL of the server, usually this is where you would end up if you opened your server from a webpage
"rootUrl" : "",
// Jenkins directory where jobs will be generated and run
"rootDirectory" : "build-scripts"
// Jenkins job dsl template paths (relative to this repository root)
"templateDirectories" : {
// Downstream job template (e.g. jdk8u-linux-x64-hotspot)
"downstream" : "pipelines/build/common/create_job_from_template.groovy",
// Upstream job template (e.g. openjdk8-pipeline)
"upstream" : "pipelines/jobs/pipeline_job_template.groovy",
// Weekly job template (e.g. weekly-openjdk8-pipeline & weekly-evaluation-openjdk17-pipeline)
"weekly" : "pipelines/jobs/weekly_release_pipeline_job_template.groovy",
// Release job template (e.g release-opendjk11-pipeline)
"release" : "pipelines/jobs/release_pipeline_job_template.groovy"
// Job configuration file paths (relative to this repository root)
"configDirectories" : {
// Build configs directory containing node details, os, arch, testlists, etc
"build" : "pipelines/jobs/configurations",
// Nightly configs directory containing execution frequency, weekly tags, platforms to build.
"nightly" : "pipelines/jobs/configurations",
// Release configs directory containing platforms to build.
"release" : "pipelines/jobs/configurations",
// Evaluation configs directory containing execution frequency, weekly tags, platforms to build.
"evaluation" : "pipelines/jobs/configurations",
// Bash platform script directory inside build_url containing jdk downloading and toolchain setups.
"platform" : "build-farm/platform-specific-configurations"
// Job script paths (relative to this repository root)
"scriptDirectories" : {
// Upstream scripts directory containing the 1st files that are executed by the openjdkx-pipeline jobs.
"upstream" : "pipelines/build",
// Upstream script file containing the 1st script that is executed by the weekly-openjdk8-pipeline jobs.
"weekly" : "pipelines/build/common/weekly_release_pipeline.groovy",
// Downstream script file containing the 1st script that is executed by the jdkx-platform-arch-variant jobs.
"downstream" : "pipelines/build/common/kick_off_build.groovy",
// Base script file containing the 2nd script that is executed by the pipeline_jobs_generator_jdkxx jobs
"regeneration" : "pipelines/build/common/config_regeneration.groovy",
// Base PR tester file script file containing the 2nd script that is executed by the pipeline_jobs_generator_jdkxx jobs
"tester" : "pipelines/build/prTester/pr_test_pipeline.groovy",
// Shell script that builds machine farm, pulling in platform configs and setting Boot JDK roots. Executed by the openjdk_build_pipeline.groovy
"buildfarm" : "build-farm/"
// Job base file (the main file which is called after the 1st setup script file) paths (relative to this repository root)
"baseFileDirectories" : {
// Upstream pipeline file script containing the 2nd script that is executed by the openjdkx-pipeline jobs
"upstream" : "pipelines/build/common/build_base_file.groovy",
// Upstream pipeline file script containing the 2nd script that is executed by the jdkx-platform-arch-variant jobs
"downstream" : "pipelines/build/common/openjdk_build_pipeline.groovy"
// Test suite and inclusion details
"testDetails" : {
// Boolean denoting whether the reproducible compare is needed
"enableReproducibleCompare" : false,
// Boolean denoting whether pipeline tests will be enabled or disabled by default
"enableTests" : true,
Test targets triggered in 'nightly' build pipelines running 6 days per week
'weekly' to be run on the weekend and 'release' from a release pipeline
"nightlyDefault" : [
Test targets triggered in 'weekly' build pipelines running once per week
weekly + jck to be run during a 'weekly' pipeline
weekly to be run during 'evaluation weekly' pipeline
"weeklyDefault" : [
Test targets triggered in 'release' build pipelines
release + jck to be run during a 'release' pipeline
"releaseDefault" : [
// Raw content URL of this (defaults.json) file. This is so the openjdk_build_pipeline.groovy script can set user default configs when checking out to the shell script repo
"defaultsUrl" : ""
The scripts have been designed with a set hierarchy in mind when choosing which parameter to use:
1. JENKINS PARAMETERS (highest priority, args entered here will be what the build scripts use over everything else)
2. USER JSON (medium priority, args entered here will be used when a jenkins parameter isn't entered)
3. ADOPT JSON (final priority, when jenkins parameters AND a user json arg can't be validated, the script will checkout to this repository and use Adopt's defaults json (linked above))
level is only used for files and directories. Other parameters (JOB_ROOT
, etc) only use the first two levels.
As an example, take a look at the build-pipeline-generator SCRIPT_FOLDER_PATH
The script will use whatever has been entered into the parameter field unless it has been left empty, in which case it will use whatever is in the user's
It will then evaluate the existence of that directory in the user's repository and, if it fails to find one, will checkout to adoptium/ci-jenkins-pipelines and use Adopt's defaults.json
(the console log will warn the user of this occurring):
[WARNING] pipelines/build/common/weekly_release_pipeline.groovy does not exist in your chosen repository. Updating it to use Adopt's instead
NOTE: For the defaults that are paths to directories, the scripts will search for files of the same name as Adopt's.
Custom named files are not currently supported (so for defaults.json['configDirectories']['platform']
, all of the filenames in the specified folder need to be the same as Adopt's or the script will fail to pick up the user's config's and will use Adopt's instead).
Create a temurin-build PR that adds the new defaults in for what they would be for Adopt. Don't forget to update Adopt's RepoHandlerTest.groovy and fakeDefaults.json, as well as any jenkins jobs if needs be (if you don't have configuration access, ask in Slack#build for assistance).
You may find that the RepoHandlerTest.groovy:adoptDefaultsGetterReturns()
will fail when you add new values. This is expected as the test is pulling in Adopt's master branch defaults.json
which does not yet contain the new values. Please inform any reviewers of this in the pull request.
Finally, update any scripts that will need to handle the new default, you will likely need to do a bit of searching through the objects mentioned in Adopt's defaults.json
to find where Adopt's scripts will need changing.
Once it has been approved and merged, update your scripts and/or jenkins jobs to handle the new default and you're done!
- Create a (preferably) public repository with whatever scripts/configs you have altered. You don't need to place them in the same place as where Adopt's ones are, but they should have the same name. Currently, the list of supported files (replacing
with the JDK version number you want to alter,(u)
is optional) you can modify are:- pipelines/build/regeneration/build_pipeline_generator.groovy - Main upstream generator files. This is what the build-pipeline-generator jenkins job executes on build, generating the upstream jobs.
- pipelines/jobs/pipeline_job_template.groovy - Upstream jobs dsl. This is the dsl job framework of the openjdkxx-pipeline downstream jobs.
- pipelines/jobs/weekly_release_pipeline_job_template.groovy - Upstream jobs dsl. This is the dsl job framework of the weekly-openjdkxx-pipeline downstream jobs.
- pipelines/build/openjdkx_pipeline.groovy - Main upstream script files. These are what the openjdkx-pipeline jenkins jobs execute on build.
- pipelines/build/common/build_base_file.groovy - Base upstream script file that's called from
, setting up the downstream build JSON for each downstream job and executing them. - pipelines/jobs/configurations/jdkx(u).groovy - Upstream nightly config files. These define the job schedules, what platforms are instantiated on a nightly build and what tags are used on the weekend releases.
- pipelines/jobs/configurations/jdkx(u)_pipeline_config.groovy - Downstream build config files, docs for this are in progress.
- pipelines/build/common/kick_off_build.groovy - Main downstream scripts file. These are what the jdkx(u)-os-arch-variant jenkins jobs execute on build.
- pipelines/build/common/openjdk_build_pipeline.groovy - Base downstream script file. This contains most of the functionality for Adopt's downstream jobs (tests, installers, bash scripts, etc).
- pipelines/build/regeneration/jdkx_regeneration_pipeline.groovy - Main downstream generator files.
These are what the pipeline_jobs_generator_jdk8u jenkins jobs execute on build, generating the downstream jobs via
(see below). - pipelines/build/common/config_regeneration.groovy - Base downstream script file. These are what the pipeline_jobs_generator_jdk8u jenkins jobs execute after
, calling the dsl templatepipelines/build/common/create_job_from_template.groovy
. - pipelines/build/common/create_job_from_template.groovy - Downstream jobs dsl. This is the dsl job framework of the downstream jobs.
- Create a User JSON file containing your default constants that the build scripts will use (see #the defaults.json)
- Copy the build-pipeline-generator and pipeline_jobs_generator_jdk8u jobs to your Jenkins instance (replace
with whichever version you intend to build, there should be one job for each jdk version). - Execute the copied
. Make sure you have filled in the parameters that are not covered by yourdefaults.json
). You should now see that the nightly and weekly pipeline jobs have been successfully created in whatever folder was entered intoJOB_ROOT
- Execute the copied
jobs. Again, make sure you have filled in the parameters that are not covered by yourdefaults.json
. You should now see that thejobs/jdkxx-platform-arch-variant
jobs have been successfully created in whatever folder was entered intoJOB_ROOT
Congratulations! You should now be able to run Adopt's scripts inside your own Jenkins instance.