All notable changes to "Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA" will be documented in this file.
- Support upload artifact to ADLS Gen1 storage for Spark on Cosmos Spark Pool
- Detect authentication type automatically when user types cluster name and lost focus when link an HDInsight cluster
- Fetch more Livy logs when submit Spark job to HDInsight cluster failed
- Add background task indicator to improve user experience
- Support virtual file system on ADLS Gen2 storage for HDInsight Spark cluster and Synapse Spark pool
- Seperator for multiple referenced jars and referenced files is changed from semicolon to space in Spark batch job configuration
- "Continue Anyway" is changed to "Cancel submit" in "Change configuration settings" dialog when validation check failed for spark batch job
- The behavior of "Rerun" button action for Spark batch job is changed from re-run with current selected configuration to re-run with previous job configuration
- #3935 Clean up HDInsight clusters from cache when user signs out
- #3887, #4023 Fix uncaught StackOverflowError reported by user
- #4045 Fix uncaught NullPointerException reported by user
- Support Synapse default ADLS Gen2 storage uploading artifacts
- Support Synapse default ADLS Gen2 storage explorer for reference files/jars
- Synapse Spark batch job detail page link after submission
- Support HIB cluster default ADLS Gen2 storage explorer for reference files/jars
- Support Spark Job remote debugging for HIB cluster
- Support Authentication type detection when linking HIB cluster
- Mute warning messages when refreshing HDInsight cluster node in Azure explorer
- #3899 ADLS Gen2 Virtual File System explorer special characters in path issue
- Linked HDInsight cluster persistent issue
- #3802 HIB linked cluster logout issue
- #3887 Stack Overflow issue of SparkBatchJobDebugExecutor
- Support for IntelliJ 2019.3
- Support link an HDInsight HIB cluster for no ARM permission users(Supported by smiles-a-lot girl Yi Zhou @lcadzy)
- List only Synapse workspaces rather than mixed Arcadia and Synapse workspaces
- Remove Storage Accounts explorer
- #3831 Fix ClassCastException when link an SQL Server big data cluster
- #3806 Fix showing two 'scala>' when run Spark local console issue
- #3864, #3869 Fix scala plugin version breaking change
- #3823 Fix uncaught StackOverflowError when calling SparkBatchJobDebugExecutor.equals() issue
- Add shorcut ctrl+shift+alt+F2 for disconnect spark application action
- Integrate with HDInsight Identity Broker (HIB) for HDInsight ESP cluster MFA Authentication, cluster navigation, job submission, and interactive query.
- Rename brand name from Arcadia to Synapse
- Deprecate Storage Accounts(will be removed in v3.31.0)
- Upload path changes to abfs scheme for default ADLS GEN2 storage type
- #2891 Hidden Toolkit directory in user home
- #3765 Fix upload path shows null for spark serverless
- #3676,#3728 Fix job view panel show failure
- #3700,#3710 Fix Spark configuration name shorten issue in 193EAP
- Fix Spark job submission dialog accessibility issues of Eclipse plugin
- Support IntelliJ 2019.3 EAP
- Add support for Windows Java SE web apps
- Improving the accessibility of IntelliJ plugin
- HDInsight emulator function is removed
- Upgrade Azure SDK dependencies to most new versions
- #3534 Fix errors when starting Spark interactive console
- #3552 Fix Spark remote debugging regresion
- #3641 Fix NPE error in customer survey dialog
- #3642 Fix Not Found error when HDInsight refreshing
- #3643 Fix errors when create service principals
- Support spark 2.4 template projects
- Introduce Spark console view message bars
- Refine important message show in the error report
- Provide Spark Submission panel minimum size to help form building
- #3308 Fix Scala plugin 2019.2.15 regression
- #3440 Fix can't open Yarn UI for Aris cluster issue
- #2414 Fix NPE error when open multi IntelliJ window and sign in/out.
- #3058 Remove duplicated error notification when auth with no subscription account
- #3454 Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when pop up customer survey window
- Support IntelliJ 2019.2
- Move customer survey to qualtrics and refactor survey ui.
- #3297 Fix NPE error when submit job to Spark on cosmos cluster
- Support EAP 2019.2
- Support parameter file for Azure Resource Manager
- Integrate intelliJ virtual file system with ADLS Gen2 storage on reference text field in HDI configuration
- Show Yarn log for jobs submitted to Spark on SQL Server cluster
- Change app service deploy method to war/zip deploy.
- Given more cluster detail when refreshing Azure explorer encounters exceptions on report dialog
- Better format JSON text of Spark serverless job detail
- #3230,#3159 Fix related issues for upload path refresh is not ready scenario
- #3223,#3256 Fix main class and cluster info missing on Aris configuration after reopen
- #3190,#3234 Fix Spark on Cosmos node disappear after sign in account of dogfood environment
- #3198 Fix misclassified service exception
- Support Azure Resource Manager, you can deploy and manage azure resource template with toolkit
- Support choosing remote reference jars through folder browser button for HDI cluster with ADLS Gen2 account
- Optimize refreshing HDInsight clusters performance
- Handle access related exceptions for linked reader role cluster
- #3104 Fix linked role reader cluster issue
- #2895 Fix unnecessarily killing finalizing or ended state job for serverless job
- Automaticly fill in Azure Blob account name or ADLS Gen1/Gen2 root path for linked HDInsight Reader role cluster in run configuration dialog
- Improve app service data loading performance
- Restrict upload storage type to cluster default storage type and spark interactive session storage type for linked HDInsight Reader role cluster
- Fix telemetry shares same installation id
- Support Java 11 App Service
- Add failure task debug feature for HDInsight cluster with Spark 2.3.2
- Support linking cluster with ADLS GEN2 storage account
- Add default storage type for cluster with ADLS GEN2 account
- Breaking change: Users with cluster ‘Reader’ only role can no longer submit job to the HDInsight cluster nor access to the cluster storage. Please request the cluster owner or user access administrator to upgrade your role to HDInsight Cluster Operator or Contributor in the Azure Portal. Click here for more information.
- AadProvider.json file is no longer needed for Spark on Cosmos Serverless feature
- #2866 Fix uncaught exception when remote debug in HDI 4.0
- #2958 Fix deleted cluster re-appeared issue for Spark on Cosmos cluster
- #2988 Fix toolkit installation failure with version incompatibility issue
- #2977 Fix "Report to Microsoft" button been disabled issue
- Support Failure Task Local Reproduce for Spark 2.3 on Cosmos
- Support mock file system in Spark local console
- Support ADLS Gen2 storage type to submit job to HDInsight cluster
- Introduce extended properties field when provision a Spark on Cosmos cluster or submit a Spark on Cosmos Serverless job
- Use device login as the default login method.
- Change icons for HDInsight cluster and related configuration
- #2805 Save password with SecureStore.
- #2888, #2894, #2921 Fix Spark on Cosmos Serverless job run failed related issues
- #2912 Check invalid access key for submitting with ADLS Gen2 account
- #2844 Refine WebHDFS and ADLS input path hints
- #2848 Reset background color for not empty ADLS path input
- #2749, #2936 Fix Spark run configuration cast issues and classified exception message factory NPE issues
- Support open browser after Web App deployment.
- Support to link SQL Server Big Data cluster and submit Spark jobs.
- Support WebHDFS storage type to submit job to HDInsight cluster with ADLS Gen 1 storage account.
- Update UI of Web App creation and deployment
- Subscription ID need to be specified for ADLS Gen 1 storage type
- #2840 Submit successfully with invalid path for WebHDFS storage type issue.
- #2747,#2801 Error loadig HDInsight node issue.
- #2714,#2688,#2669,#2728,#2807,#2808,#2811,#2831Spark Run Configuration validation issues.
- #2810,#2760 Spark Run Configuration issues when created from context menu.
- Supports Cosmos Serverless Spark submission and jobs list.
- Accepts SSL certificates automatically if the bypass option is enabled.
- Wording of HDInsight and Spark UX.
- Enhanced Spark Run Configuration validation.
- #2368 Device login will write useless error log.
- #2675 Error message pops up when refresh HDInsight.
- The menu option for default Spark type to create Run Configuration.
- The menu option for bypassing SSL certificate validation for Spark Cluster.
- The progress bar for Spark cluster refreshing.
- The progress bar for Spark interactive consoles.
- SQL Big Data Cluster node of Azure Explorer is changed into a first level root node.
- Link a SQL Big Data Cluster UI is aligned with Azure Data Studio UX.
- Spark for ADL job submission pops up Spark master UI page at the end.
- #2307 Spark Run Configuration storage info for artifacts deployment issues
- #2267 Spark Run Configuration remote run/debug actions overwrite non-spark codes Line Mark actions issue
- #2500,#2492,#2451,#2254 SQL Big Data Cluster link issues
- #2485,#2484,#2483,#2481,#2427,#2423,#2417,#2462 Spark Run Configuration validation issues
- #2418 Spark for ADL provision UX issues
- #2392 Azure Explorer HDInsight Spark cluster refreshing errors
- #2488 Spark remote debugging SSH password saving regression
- Support both dedicated Azure explorer node and run configuration for Aris linked clusters.
- Support Spark local run classpath modules selection.
- Use P1V2 as the default pricing tier for App Service.
- Spark run configuration validate checking is moved from before saving to before running.
- #2468 Spark Livy interactive console regression of IDEA183 win process
- #2424 Spark Livy interactive console blocking UI issue
- #2318, #2283 Cosmos Spark provision dialog AU warning issue
- #2420 Spark cluster name duplicated issue in the run configuration
- #2478 Cosmos Spark submit action can't find the right run configuration issue
- #2419 The user can submit Spark job to unstable Cosmos Spark cluster issue
- #2484, #2316 The uploading storage config issues of Spark run configuration*
- #2341 Authentication regression of
- Support new runtime WildFly 14 for Web App on Linux.
- Support to connect Spark Cosmos resource pool with Spark Interactive Console.
- Support to deploy Spark Application JAR artifacts by WebHDFS service (only support Basic authentication method).
- #2381 Spark local interactive console jline dependence auto-fix dialog always popped up issue.
- #2326 The Spark Run Configuration dialog always popped up issue for correct config.
- #2116 #2345 #2339 User feedback issues.
- Support to show application settings of Deployment Slot.
- Support to delete a Deployment Slot in Azure Explorer.
- Support to config ADLS Gen1 Storage settings for Spark Run Configuration (only for HDInsight ADLS Gen 1 clusters and the interactive sign in mode).
- Support to auto fix Spark local REPL console related dependency.
- Support to classify Spark remotely application running error and provide more clear error messages.
- Support to start a Spark local console without a run configuration.
- Change the Deployment Slot area in "Run on Web App" to be hideable.
- Use Azul Zulu JDK in Dockerfile of Web App for Containers.
- Spark linked cluster storage blob access key is saved to the secure store.
- #2215 The prompt warning message on deleting web app is not correct issue.
- #2310 Discarding of changes on Web App application settings is too slow issue.
- #2286 #2285 #2120 #2119 #2117 Spark Console related issues.
- #2203 Spark Remote Debug SSH password wasn't saved issue.
- #2288 #2287 HDInsight related icons size issue.
- #2296 UI hang issue caused by Spark storage information validation.
- #2295 #2314 Spark Resource Pool issues.
- #2303 #2272 #2200 #2198 #2161 #2151 #2109 #2087 #2058 Spark Job submission issues.
- #2158 #2085 HDInsight 4.0 regression issues.
- Support to deploy an application to Deployment Slot.
- Support to show and operate Deployment Slots of a Web App in Azure Explorer.
- Support to link an independent Livy server for Spark cluster.
- Add Spark Local interactive console.
- Add Spark HDInsight cluster interactive console (Only for 2018.2, Scala plugin is needed).
- Change the Spark Job context menu submission dialog, to unify with IntelliJ Run Configuration Setting dialog.
- Move the storage information of HDInsight/Livy cluster to linked into Run Configuration settings.
- #2143 The element "filter-mapping" is not removed when disabling telemetry with Application Insights.
- Support to deploy applications to Web App (Linux).
- Support to show the Azure Data Lake Spark resource pool provision log outputs.
- List Web Apps on both Windows and Linux in Azure Explorer.
- List all app service plans of the selected subscription when creating a new Web App.
- Always upload the web.config file together with the .jar artifact when deploying to Web App (Windows).
- #1968 Runtime information is not clear enough for Azure Web Apps
- #1779 #1920 The issue of Azure Data Lake Spark resource pool
dialog pop up multi times.
- Added the main class hint when users choose to submit a Spark job using a local artifact file.
- Added Spark cluster GUID for Spark cluster provision failure investigation.
- Added the "AU not enough" warning message in Azure Data Lake Spark resource pool provision.
- Added the job queue query to check AU consumption in Azure Data Lake Spark resource pool provision.
- Fixed cluster total AU by using systemMaxAU instead of maxAU.
- Refresh node automatically when node is clicked in Azure explorer.
- Updated the Azure SDK to 1.14.0.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Supported to fix Spark job configuration in run configuration before Spark job submission.
- Updated Application Insights library to v2.1.2.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Added Spark 2.3 support.
- Spark in Azure Data Lake private preview refresh and bug fix.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Supported to run Spark jobs in Azure Data Lake cluster (in private preview).
- Fixed some bugs.
- Users do not need to login again in interactive login mode, if Azure refresh token is still validated.
- Updated ApplicationInsights version to v2.1.0.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Updated ApplicationInsights version to v2.0.2.
- Added Spark 2.2 templates for HDInsight.
- Added SSH password expiration check.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Added open Azure Storage Explorer for exploring data in HDInsight cluster (blob or ADLS).
- Improved Spark remote debugging.
- Improved Spark job submission correctness check.
- Fixed an login issue.
- Users can use Ambari username/password to submit Spark job to HDInsight cluster, in additional to Azure subscription based authentication. This means users without Azure subscription permission can still use Ambari credentials to submit/debug their Spark jobs in HDInsight clusters.
- The dependency on storage permission is removed and users do not need to provide storage credentials for Spark job submission any more (storage credential is still needed if users want to use storage explorer).
- Added support of Enterprise Security Package HDInsight Spark cluster.
- Support submitting Spark jobs using Ambari username/password instead of the Azure subscription credential.
- Updated ApplicationInsights version to v1.0.10.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Fixed Spark job submission issue when user right click Spark project and submit Spark job in project explorer.
- Fixed HDInsight wasbs access bug when SSL encrypted access is used.
- Added JxBrowser support for new Spark job UI.
- Fixed winutils.exe not setup issue and updated error message.
- Fixed compatibility issue with IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3.
- HDInsight tools UI refactoring: Added toolbar entry and right click context menu entry for Spark job submission and local/in-cluster debugging, which make users submit or debug job easier.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Support submitting the script to HDInsight cluster without modification in Spark local run.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Support view/edit properties of Azure Web App (Windows/Linux).
- Support interactive login mode for Azure China.
- Support running docker locally for multiple modules in current project (simultaneously).
- Users can now use the same code for both Spark local run and cluster run, which means they can test locally and then submit to cluster without modification.
- HDInsight tools for IntelliJ now generate run/debug configuration automatically to make Spark job run/debug easier for both local and cluster run.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Support pushing docker image of the project to Azure Container Registry.
- Support navigating Azure Container Registry in Azure Explorer.
- Support pulling image from Azure Container Registry in Azure Explorer.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Fixed "Unexpected token" error when using Run on Web App (Linux). (#1014)
- Support Spring Boot Project: The Azure Toolkits for IntelliJ now support running your Spring Boot Project (Jar package) on Azure Web App and Azure Web App (Linux).
- Docker Run Locally: You can now docker run your projects locally after adding docker support.
- New Node in Azure Explorer: You can now view the property of your resources in Azure Container Registry.
- Added validation for Spark remote debug SSH authentication.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Support Community Edition: The Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ now supports deploying your Maven projects to Azure App Service from IntelliJ IDEA, both Community and Ultimate Edition.
- Improved Web App Workflow: You can now run your web applications on Azure Web App with One-Click experience using Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ.
- New Container Workflow: You can now dockerize and run your web application on Azure Web App (Linux) via Azure Container Registry.
- Spark remote debugging in IntelliJ now support debugging of both driver and executor code depending on where the breakpoint is set.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Added the Redis Cache Explorer that allows users to scan/get keys and their values.
- Improved Spark job remote debugging support(show log in console, apply and load debugging config).
- Fixed some bugs.