function ds = cosmo_fmri_dataset(filename, varargin) % FMRI_DATASET load an fmri dataset to facilitate MVPA analyses. Fashioned after % the logic and semantics of PyMVPA. % % DS = COSMO_FMRI_DATASET(nifti_filename) % % returns struct (ds) that has the data % in 2-D matrix format. N-rows hold N-volumes (e.g., samples, observations, timepoints) % and M columns for M features (e.g., voxels). % % OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS: % 'mask' -- nifti filename for volume mask % 'targets' -- a 1 x N array of numeric labels to be used as sample attributes % 'chunks' -- a 1 x M array of numeric labels to be used as feature attributes % % RETURNS: DATASET 'DS': % ds is a struct with the following fields: % 'samples' -- 2-D matrix containing the data loaded from nifti_filename % If the original nifti file contained data with X,Y,Z,T % dimensions, and no mask was applied, then 'data' will have % dimensions N x M, where N = T, and M = X*Y*Z. If a mask was % applied then M = the number of non-zero voxels in the mask % input dataset. % 'a' -- Dataset attributes. A struct containing Dataset relevent data. % % 'a.imghdr' -- A struct that contains all of the information in the nifti % header. This struct is nearly the same as the output from % load_nii, with the exception that hdr.img is not kept (to % save memory). % load_nii comes from: % % 'a.mapper' -- An array of indices into the original flattened volume % before masking, for use in mapping data back into original space. % 'sa' -- A struct for holding Sample Attributes (e.g.,sa.targets,sa.chunks) % 'fa' -- Feature attributes % 'fa.voxel_indices' -- M * 3 indices of voxels % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Input parsing stuff parser = inputParser; addRequired(parser,'filename'); addOptional(parser,'mask',[]); addOptional(parser,'targets',[]); addOptional(parser,'chunks',[]); parse(parser,filename,varargin{:}) p = parser.Results; % End input parsing stuff %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% extensions={'.nii','.nii.gz'}; fn=find_file(p.filename, extensions); ni = load_nii(fn); dims = size(ni.img); if numel(dims)>4, error('Found more than 4 dimensions'); end x = dims(1); y = dims(2); z = dims(3); t = dims(4); % if a mask was supplied, load it if ~isempty(p.mask) if ischar(p.mask) m = load_nii(p.mask); m = m.img; else m = p.mask; end mdim = size(m); switch length(mdim) case 3 case 4 m=m(:,:,:,1); otherwise error('illegal mask'); end if ~isequal(dims(1:3), mdim(1:3)) error('mask size is different from data size'); end ds.a.mapper = find(m); else ds.a.mapper = [1:(x*y*z)]; end % compute the voxel indices [ix, iy, iz] = ind2sub([x,y,z], ds.a.mapper); ds.fa.voxel_indices=[ix iy iz]'; % store the volume data nfeatures=numel(ds.a.mapper); ds.samples = zeros(t, nfeatures); for v=1:t vol = ni.img(:,:,:,v); ds.samples(v,:)=vol(ds.a.mapper); end ni=rmfield(ni,'img'); % remove data from header ds.a.imghdr = ni; % store header ds=set_sa_vec(ds,p,'targets'); ds=set_sa_vec(ds,p,'chunks'); end function ds=set_sa_vec(ds,p,fieldname) nsamples=size(ds.samples,1); v=p.(fieldname); n=numel(v); if not (n==0 || n==nsamples) error('size mismatch for %s: expected %d values, found %d', fieldname, nsamples, n); end; end function fn=find_file(fn, exts) if exist(fn,'file') return; end nf=numel(fn); n=numel(exts); for k=1:n ext=exts{k}; ne=numel(ext); d=nf-ne+1; if isempty(findstr(fn,ext)) || ~strcmp(fn(d:end), ext) continue end for j=1:n fne=[fn(1:(d-1)) exts{j}]; if exist(fne,'file') fn=fne; disp('found') return end end end end