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FH Burgenland Master Thesis LaTeX template


This template is based on the original work from Dominik Thiede (

The GitHub Workflow for automation with Actions is based on the LaTeX-builder repository.


For information on the usage of the LaTeX template see here.

GitHub Action Workflow

  • Building: Automatically compiles all *.tex files located in the repository root.
  • Accessing Outputs: Post-compilation, the resulting PDF files can be accessed from the build artifacts.
  • Triggers: The workflow is activated after commits to the main branch, any release/* branches, or upon pull requests to these branches.
  • Releases: On creating and publishing a release, the PDF file will be appended to the release. Just one resulting PDF is allowed, it will be added in the form of <base_name>_<tagname>.pdf (e.g., your_lastname, Insert final title here_v0.0.1.pdf).


To ensure the release workflow functions optimally, grant the necessary read/write permissions by navigating to: Repo-Settings -> Actions -> General -> Workflow permissions.

Set the base name of the PDF

In the file .github\workflows\compileLaTeX.yml find the line:

            base_name='your_lastname, Insert final title here'

Adapt it to your needs and the resulting PDF will get the defined name.

Local Compilation with VS Code

  1. Installation:

    • Download and install VS Code.
    • Ensure a LaTeX distribution is in place. For Windows:
      • Download TinyTex or TinyTex-2 from here.
      • Extract the downloaded package.
      • Add <extracted-path>\bin\windows to your system or user PATH variable.
  2. Configuration:

    • On launching VS Code, you might be prompted to install recommended extensions, such as LaTeX Workshop.
    • If the PATH variable is set correctly, VS Code will automatically detect the LaTeX distribution and compile LaTeX projects.
    • For Linux Users: Consider using a Docker image as your LaTeX distribution. In the LaTeX Workshop extension settings within VS Code:
      • Enable latex-workshop.docker.enabled.
      • Set latex-workshop.docker.image.latex to


The 01_data/versinfo.tex file contains version details. To incorporate it in another .tex file, use:

% package required to get current date/time
% import the required file
% command which actually writes the version information

During local builds, the text will be set to DRAFT followed by the date and time (e.g., DRAFT; 2023-03-06 13:32:10).

Builds via GitHub Action will set the text to the git SHA1 or the Pull-Request number instead of DRAFT.

For release builds, the tag name will be set as text (e.g., v0.0.1).


Your contributions play a pivotal role in enhancing the open-source community, making it a hub for learning, inspiration, and innovation. Every contribution, big or small, is deeply appreciated.

Steps to Contribute:

  1. Fork the Project.
  2. Create your Feature Branch: git checkout -b feature/YourFeatureName.
  3. Commit your Changes: git commit -m 'Describe your change'.
  4. Push to the Branch: git push origin feature/YourFeatureName.
  5. Open a Pull Request.

For suggestions or enhancements, either submit a pull request or open an issue with the "enhancement" tag. If you find value in this project, kindly star it. Your support means a lot to me!