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K8S setup

Network bridge setup

For the cluster to be able to access the network you will have to setup a network bridge to a network that can access the internet. Here's an example if you're running NetworkManager (which most distributions do).

Reboot or restart NetworkManager after creating the following files. You should see a new br0 interface when running ip addr and the original network interface should have no IP address anymore:

3: enp6s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master br0 state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether b4:2e:99:32:99:9b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
7: br0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 76:23:c1:a9:29:cb brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute br0
       valid_lft 36526sec preferred_lft 36526sec


This creates a new Network Bridge named br0







This sets the network interface enp6s0 to be a slave of the bridge. Change enp6s0 to the interface you use to connect to the Internet.




Vagrant/KVM and Ansible setup to run the cluster

You'll have to edit some files to be able to access the cluster later on, this is mainly hostnames and IP addresses.

All files referenced hereafter are relative to the k8s-kvm directory.


# Net work prefix in which a single digit is appended
# ex will have a master at and workers starting
# from

# base image to use for the cluster
IMAGE_NAME = "generic/ubuntu2004"

Attention: The network prefix is not an IP address, the scripts concatenate a number to that prefix (0 for the master, 1-n for the cluster workers). Make sure this will not collide with your DHCP range if your router dynamically allocates IP addresses in your network.

You can set for the base image what you want to use to run the containers on, this is not a container base image, but the image that the container daemon runs on. Best is to stick to Ubuntu LTS.

If you want more or less than 3 worker nodes you can set NUM_NODES, be sure to not create more than 9 as the concatenation from above will fail.

You can change the CPU cores assigned to the nodes and the amount of RAM to expend per node. Make sure to not overallocate the RAM. If you overallocate the CPU cores of your machine you will get a similar effect to badly behaving neighbors on AWS EC2 instances with VCPUs.

   config.vm.provider :libvirt do |libvirt|
    libvirt.cpus = 2
    libvirt.memory = 4096


master1.kube.local ansible_host=

worker1.kube.local ansible_host=
worker2.kube.local ansible_host=
worker3.kube.local ansible_host=


Here we have to setup hostnames and the corresponding IP addresses. These are the same IPs as we set up with the prefix in the Vagrantfile. The master gets the 0, the workers are numbered from 1.


We have one change in the cube master tasks file to allow a kubectl from outside the master VM to control the kubernetes cluster:

  command: kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --apiserver-cert-extra-sans

Replace the IP address with the IP you used for the master. This will ensure the self-signed certificate generated while running the setup procedure will include the external IP address that is visible to the network.

Setting up libvirt

Make sure to have libvirtd configured and running:

  1. Change the config files to contain the values of the two sections below
  2. Make sure libvirtd is run with the --listen parameter or you run the socket activated systemd version.
  • If your system has it start and enable libvirtd-tcp.socket
  • If you do not run in socket activation mode edit the systemd unit file via systemctl edit libvirtd
  • If you distribution has an external config file (e.g. /etc/conf.d/libvirtd) preferrably use that one.
  1. (Re-)start libvirtd: systemctl restart libvirtd
  2. Create a sasl user to access the virtualization daemon remotely:
saslpasswd2 -a libvirt <user>
  1. Now you can use virt-manager or virsh to connect to the VM cluster to monitor everything, use the connection URL qemu+tcp://<hostname>:16509/system or if you have ssh working qemu+ssh://<user>@<hostname>/system and install your ssh pubkey on <hostname>

To verify running VMs run virsh -c <connection_url> list, you will be prompted for your username and password (the one from the sasl database)

To avoid specifying the URL all the time use this:

export VIRSH_DEFAULT_CONNECT_URI="<connection_url>"


listen_tcp = 1
tcp_port = 16509
listen_addr = ""

unix_sock_group = "libvirt"
unix_sock_ro_perms = "0777"
unix_sock_rw_perms = "0770"
unix_sock_admin_perms = "0700"
unix_sock_dir = "/run/libvirt"

auth_unix_ro = "none"
auth_unix_rw = "none"
auth_tcp = "sasl"

and put yourself in the libvirt group or connect via TCP, see config below.


mech_list: digest-md5

Attention: DIGEST-MD5 is not secure for production systems, only use this on testing systems! On newer Systems you can also use scram-sha-1 which is secure.

Creating the VM Cluster

To start the VM cluster just issue a vagrant up command, now vagrant will configure the worker and master VMs.

Deploying k8s

Attention: Make sure that you have the current version of kubeadm and kubelet defined in roles/kube-dependencies/tasks/main.yml. Find the latest supported version in

To deploy kubernetes to the cluster run the corresponding ansible scripts.

ansible-playbook -i hosts bootstrap.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts kube-masters.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts kube-workers.yml
  • bootstrap disables any automatic apt upgrades, disabled swap and creates a kube user in all VMs
  • kube-masters sets up the k8s master node
  • kube-workers sets up the k8s worker nodes

Attention: while running bootstrap you'll have to accept the ssh-keys of the VM installations, so you have to type yes<enter> for each of the VMs

If the three playbooks did run without an error we have to tell the master node how to find the worker nodes, for that we ssh into the master node:

ssh kube@<master_ip>

The password is kubernetes If you run kubectl get nodes now, all nodes should display as not ready, so let's tell kubernetes how to find the workers by installing a plugin:

kubectl apply -f

Creating a comfortable interface from your local machine

SSHing into the master node is a bit inconvenient so we can copy the kubectl config of the master to our local machine and run kubectl from there:

cd $HOME
mkdir -p .kube
scp kube@<master_ip>:.kube/config .kube/config
chmod 600 .kube/config
kubectl get nodes

Installing helm

Get it from your package repository or install it via the installer:

curl >
chmod 700

On OSX it seems to be in homebrew, so just run brew install helm

Running your first app

A good example is the kube visualizer which displays what is going on in your cluster:

helm repo add kubeview
helm install kubeview kubeview/kubeview

Ignore the last line where the app is available under, we need a loadbalancer to be deployed to make this actually accessible

You can verify that the app is running with kubectl get pods and see service info with kubectl get svc which should display the kubernetes service and the new kubeview service.

Deploying a loadbalancer

Usually you will use the loadbalancer of your cloud provider for this, as we are our own cloud provider here we need to install one ourselves. Everyone seems to use metalLB for this, so we get us that one too:

We need a configuration for the service first:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  namespace: metallb-system
  name: config
  config: |
    - name: default
      protocol: layer2

If you want the service to be accessible from outside the local machine set the address range to something you can actually route in your network. You can use CIDR notation (e.g. for the complete 10.0.6.x subnet) or define a range of addresses to use (e.g.

Now install metalLB:

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl create secret generic -n metallb-system memberlist --from-literal=secretkey="$(openssl rand -base64 128)"

And install the config:

kubectl apply -f <configfile>

If you check the service list now with kubectl get svc you will see the external IP of your kubeview to be populated.

Further information:

With loadbalancer only

Deploying an ingress (proxy frontend)

Sometimes we want to deploy microservices that run single endpoints that should be routed under the same domain name, usually you'd use a reverse proxy like nginx to route the URLs to the microservices. In k8s world this is called an Ingress and typically actually uses nginx.

At first we have to install the ingress pod:

helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm install nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx

You'll need an ingress definition to be able to tell the router where to route:

kind: Ingress
  name: kubeview-ingress
  annotations: nginx
  - http:
      - pathType: Prefix
        path: "/"
            name: kubeview
              number: 80

Save that to a YAML file and run kubectl create -f <filename> to create the ingress.

Attention: Even when using an ingress you still need a loadbalancer, else the EXTERNAL-IP field of the ingress service will be <pending>

To try this with kubeview:

  1. remove the service with helm del kubeview
  2. re-install with helm install kubeview kubeview/kubeview --set ingress.enabled=true

Further documentation:

With ingress