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File metadata and controls

231 lines (171 loc) · 7.04 KB

Wagtail to ION API adapter


  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Settings
  4. Available hooks

1. Requirements

  • Wagtail >= 2.12 and WagtailMedia
  • Django > 2.2
  • Celery
  • RestFramework
  • BeautifulSoup
  • python-magic
  • ffmpeg and ffprobe for Media conversion

2. Installation

  1. Add it (and wagtail media) to INSTALLED_APPS
  1. Add ION_VIDEO_RENDITIONS (see below) to
  2. Add overridden URLs into your
    path('cms/', include('wagtail_to_ion.urls.wagtail_override_urls')),  # overridden urls by the api adapter
    path('cms/', include('wagtail.admin.urls')),                         # default wagtail admin urls
  1. Add new API URLs
    path('api/v1/', include(('wagtail_to_ion.urls.api_urls', 'wagtail_to_ion'), namespace='v1')),
  1. Create required models in your project inheriting from the abstract models provided by wagtail_to_ion:
from wagtail_to_ion.models.abstract import AbstractIonCollection, AbstractIonPage
from wagtail_to_ion.models.content_type_description import AbstractContentTypeDescription
from wagtail_to_ion.models.file_based_models import AbstractIonDocument, AbstractIonImage, AbstractIonMedia, \
    AbstractIonMediaRendition, AbstractIonRendition
from wagtail_to_ion.models.page_models import AbstractIonLanguage

class ContentTypeDescription(AbstractContentTypeDescription):

class IonCollection(AbstractIonCollection):

class IonLanguage(AbstractIonLanguage):

class IonDocument(AbstractIonDocument):

class IonImage(AbstractIonImage):

class IonRendition(AbstractIonRendition):

class IonMedia(AbstractIonMedia):

class IonMediaRendition(AbstractIonMediaRendition):
  1. Add the models to

ION_COLLECTION_MODEL = 'my_app.IonCollection'
ION_LANGUAGE_MODEL = 'my_app.IonLanguage'
ION_IMAGE_RENDITION_MODEL = 'my_app.IonRendition'
ION_MEDIA_RENDITION_MODEL = 'my_app.IonMediaRendition'
ION_CONTENT_TYPE_DESCRIPTION_MODEL = 'my_app.ContentTypeDescription'
  1. (Optional) Create models for custom page types inheriting from AbstractIonPage

  2. Create and apply migrations

Make sure you run a celery worker in addition to the django backend for the video conversion to work.

3. Settings


Set to true if the pages in the API are differently scoped for unique users. Defaults to false


If set to True the serializer allows missing media files and will just skip them, if set to False (the default) the renderer will throw an exception when a file is missing.


Defines the renditions that are generated when a user uploads a new video file.

Sane defaults would be something like this:

    "720p": {
        "video": {
            "codec": "libx264",
            "size": [-1, 720],
            "method": "crf",
            "method_parameter": 28,
            "preset": "slow"
        "audio": {
            "codec": "aac",
            "bitrate": 96
        "container": "mp4"
    "1080p": {
        "video": {
            "codec": "libx264",
            "size": [-1, 1080],
            "method": "crf",
            "method_parameter": 28,
            "preset": "slow"
        "audio": {
            "codec": "aac",
            "bitrate": 128
        "container": "mp4"

4. Available hooks

page_created signal

The wagtail_to_ion.signals.page_created signal is fired after creating a new page to allow for permission management outside the scope of this API adapter. You will get two keyword arguments: request and page which contain the request object that created the page and the new page instance. The signal is sent after inserting the page into the tree and before publishing. So you'll have to call if you want your changes to be permanent.

Overriding Views

To override a view, just create a Subclass of the original view and include it in your before the original api urls.

The following Views are available:

Collection related views

  • CollectionListView, list of collection content
    • Override the serializer with serializer_class
    • Override get_queryset to add additional filtering
  • CollectionDetailView, detail of collection
    • Override the serializer with serializer_class
    • Override get_queryset to add additional filtering
  • CollectionArchiveView, tar archive for collection
    • Override page serializer with content_serializer_class
    • Override get_queryset to implement custom by-user filtering, the default will only use the PageViewRestriction of Wagtail
    • Override get to allow for custom lastUpdated handling

Locale related views

  • LocaleListView, list of available locales for a collection
    • Override the serializer with serializer_class

Page related views

  • DynamicPageDetailView, fetch page details
    • Override page serializer with serializer_class
    • Override get_queryset to allow for extra filtering
  • PageArchiveView, fetch a page archive tar file
    • Override page serializer with serializer_class
    • Override get_queryset to allow for extra filtering

Overriding Serializers

Collection related serializers

  • CollectionSerializer
    • Override get_identifier or get_name to modify collection info
  • CollectionDetailSerializer
    • Override content_serializer_class to modify page serialization

Attention: When you override CollectionSerializer you have to override the CollectionDetailSerializer too since it inherits from it. Like this:

class CollectionDetailSerializerOverride(CollectionDetailSerializer, CollectionSerializerOverride):

Locale related serializers

  • LocaleSerializer, serializes locale data, standard rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer

Page related serializers

  • DynamicPageSerializer, serializes only page meta data
    • Override get_last_changed if you want to implement per user dynamic pages that change more often than they are actually published.
  • DynamicPageDetailSerializer, serializes page meta data and content, inherits from DynamicPageSerializer
    • Override build_tree to implement per user dynamic pages that render completely custom data
    • Override get_children for additional filtering.

Attention: When you override DynamicPageSerializer you have to override the DynamicPageDetailSerializer too since it inherits from it. Example:

class DynamicPageDetailSerializerOverride(DynamicPageDetailSerializer, DynamicPageSerializerOverride):