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Migration angular 11 -> 12 causing Unknown error from PostCSS plugin #20967
Look like you might need to delete the lock file.
I use yarn. I do not have package-lock.json. Removing yarn.lock breaks yarn. |
How does it break From the errors is looks like the |
I completely rebuild package.json and yarn.lock from scratch. |
Hi, how did you manage to resolve this? I tried everything. Deleted yarn.lack and node_modules. Nothing works. I even made a dependency on postcss@7 but, guess what - same error!!! Please, help. |
I generated a new angular project and copied the package.json and yarn.lock into my existing project. |
Hi, are you able to provide the delta here? |
We're getting this as well. I've tried deleting node_models and package.lock to no avail. It's also only failing for one of our apps in a multi app build. the I can't find any dependencies out side of angular.
The start of the build shows this:
And then later fails with this.
This is what helped me: 1st repo - deleted 2nd repo - as above, + had to point |
Hi, Migrated from angular 11 to 12 recently. Fixed few of the broken css files. But then got caught with this same error. Tried everything suggested here(Deleted package-lock.json, node_modules) , Nothing worked. Can anyone help? |
I have a bit similar issue, i got
on each of my scss files, after updating to angular 12 |
@yehorlitsov me too |
Same issue for me. Tried deleting package-lock.json and node_modules, also tried forcibly installing |
The issue seems to be related to the file .browserslistrc, renamed from browserlist during the upgrade migration. |
I have the same issue as @pietschy and .browserslistrc has nothing to do with it. EDIT: Fixed it for me! |
Hi @alexhelsana, my issue was also a scss compile problem, one of the material functions was returning null in some cases (but I never got to the bottom of it) but was able to work around it. I did raise another issue for it here: #21055 |
I was able to fix this issue by downgrading autoprefixer version to 9.0.0
This worked for me. I had a similiar erorr where I'd get an error due to Kendo themes crashing the build with syntax error. |
Yep, I can confirm the .browserlistrc fix from @phillwatson corrects the problem in my case to. Thanks @phillwatson! |
Same for me: Updating the .browserlistrc file solved the problem. I had tried a bunch of other things, some of which are talked about here, before finding this discussion. Thanks @phillwatson! |
While creating a .browserlistrc file solved the issue during runtime, building still fails for me. I didn't have autoprefixer as a dependency before, and adding it didn't make a difference. I removed both node_modules and my yarn.lock file as well. |
Updating the > npm ls autoprefixer
+-- @angular-devkit/[email protected]
| `-- [email protected]
| `-- [email protected] |
Adding .browserslistrc also worked for me. I also had to rename browserslist so it wouldn't get picked up during ng serve. |
This solved my problem, thanks @phillwatson @chaintip |
npm i browserslist@latest |
This solved my problem, |
Worked for me also. This is the default
This solution worked for me. Thanks @freshekt |
This issue has been automatically locked due to inactivity. Read more about our automatic conversation locking policy. This action has been performed automatically by a bot. |
I have migrated from Angular 11 to Angular 12.
I use Angular Material.
After the migration a 'ng serve' generates many errors:
Secondly additional errors are reported:
I see in yarn.lock that
"@angular-devkit/[email protected]": has dependencies:
postcss "8.3.0"
postcss-import "14.0.1"
postcss-loader "5.2.0"
postcss-preset-env "6.7.0"
I have installed the latest node: v14.17.0 (mentioned in #20903)
I have deleted the node_modules and downloaded all package.
I have no clue what is wrong.
Anyone any idea?
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The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: